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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is the Best way to Treat Hormone Imbalance?

Could You Have Hormone Imbalance? Some health issues are easy to diagnose and fix. If you fall and break a bone, the treatment is clear-cut. The same is true for most infections. Even diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be discovered through symptoms and tests. Hormones are a different story. Many people don’t realize just how much hormones affect the way we feel and how our bodies function.

Click HERE to Learn about this All-Natural Way to a Healthy Life by Controlling and Managing Your Hormones

Could You Have Hormone Imbalance?

Some health issues are easy to diagnose and fix. If you fall and break a bone, the treatment is clear-cut. The same is true for most infections. Even diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be discovered through symptoms and tests.

Hormones are a different story.

Many people don’t realize just how much hormones affect the way we feel and how our bodies function. Hormones control so many functions! You’re probably heard of cortisol, the stress hormone. Hormones also control how quickly we burn calories, our libido, acne, hair loss, weight, moods, and much more.

If your hormones are off, you might experience a multitude of symptoms that can be misdiagnosed. We don’t have a clear “hormone level” the way we have a safe blood sugar range. A hormone imbalance can lead to symptoms that feel like depression (or is depression), iron or other deficiency, exhaustion, and poor health.

We need the right balance to function properly.

So, what are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals in our bodies that enact changes.
They’re messengers, created in our endocrine glands, that travel through our bloodstream and send messages to other cells.

Those messages control many of our most basic functions. This includes hunger to our more intricate and delicate systems like reproduction, as well as our emotions and moods.

What are Symptoms of a Hormone Imbalance?

There are many different types of hormones and therefore many ways for them to become imbalanced.

If you feel that something is off or not right, it’s a good idea to check if you’re experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.

Let’s look at 3 types of hormonal imbalances you may not be aware of

Thyroid Symptoms

The thyroid regulates metabolism, which is the process of your body breaking down food and converting it into energy.

Your thyroid controls the rate in which this process happens.

A slower metabolism means your body may not be able to break down all the food you eat in a day and convert it to energy – it stores it as fat instead.

Your thyroid can be under or over active. Here’s a few symptoms for each.

Hypothyroid (Underactive)

·         Hair loss including outer 3rd  of eyebrows
·         Dry skin/hair
·         Brittle fingernails
·         Weight gain/difficulty losing weight
·         Muscle/joint aches
·         Fatigue
·         High cholesterol
·         Constipation Heavy periods
·         Depression or moody

Hyperthyroid (Overactive) Weight Loss

·         Fatigue
·         Muscle weakness
·         Hand tremors
·         Mood swings
·         Nervousness
·         Anxiety
·         Rapid heartbeat – tachycardia
·         Diarrhoea
·         Vision Changes
·         Light periods or missed periods

A doctor can run a blood test to check your thyroid function, and there is medication to correct the problem.
However, there is also a natural way to correct the imbalance and feel good again, without being dependent on medication.

You can do a few things to help your thyroid function properly, such as:

Banish the sugar in your diet.

Eat a thyroid friendly diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

Cut down on caffeine and drink more water.

And lastly, check how much soy you’re consuming.

Many people don’t realize that having too much soy in your diet can give you symptoms that mimic a thyroid problem, but it won’t show up on a test.

Soy is in soy milk, but it’s also in many packaged foods. Read the labels of the food in your home and you might be surprised how much soy you’re ingesting without realizing it.

Diet greatly affects our hormones, so we have a natural way to manage them.

Adrenal Imbalance

We have two adrenal glands. The adrenal cortex releases hormones that are necessary for us to live. The adrenal medulla releases hormones that aren’t essential, but they’re still important and affect our health.
Following are symptoms for both an insufficiency and excess of hormone.

If you find you have five or more of the symptoms on either list, it’s possible that your adrenal glands are not functioning as they should.

Adrenal Hormone Insufficiency

·         Exhausted no matter how much sleep you get
·         Burn Out
·         You use stimulants to stay awake
·         You feel negative most of the time
·         You feel irrational
·         You have bouts of crying over things you wouldn’t normally cry over
·         You feel emotionally fragile
·         Low blood pressure
·         You feel dizzy if you stand up from lying down
·         Frequent infections or illness
·         Low blood sugar
·         Crave salty foods
·         Nausea
·         Diarrhoea, constipation or alternate between both
·         Insomnia and have trouble staying asleep
·         Awake in the early hours of the morning

Adrenal Hormone Excess

·         Struggle to get to sleep even though you’re tired
·         Crave sugar particularly after a meal
·         Carry extra weight around your midsection/abdominal
·         Feel bloated
·         Eczema, thin skin or other skin conditions
·         Feel like your heart is racing
·         High blood pressure
·         Shakiness between meals
·         Reflux
·         Pink or purple stretch marks on your belly or back
·         Irregular menstrual cycles
·         Often anxious
·         Irritability or just don’t feel like yourself
·         Have trouble falling pregnant
·         Crave carbohydrates

As you can see, hormones can completely change how you feel!

Sex Hormone Imbalance

“Sex” hormone might not be what you first think about.

The side effects of this kind of imbalance include acne persisting long after puberty, mood swings, facial hair and a swollen tummy!

The symptoms are more physical and visual with this imbalance, and they affect your fertility.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance are:

·         Abdominal bloating
·         Swollen and/or tender breasts
·         Low libido
·         Irregular menstrual periods
·         Headaches
·         Mood swings
·         Fibrocystic breasts (lumpy breasts)
·         Weight gain
·         Hair loss
·         Cold hands or feet
·         Fatigue
·         Trouble sleeping or insomnia
·         Forgetful
·         Anxiety or irritability
·         Difficulty falling pregnant

Watch these 3 Videos Below:

If you find that you’re experiencing a number of these symptoms, it’s time to look closer.
Luckily, there are natural ways to control and manage your hormones, so you feel healthy again.

By Angela Bryne, author of Power of Hormones (Your Guide to Optimal Hormone Health) which is a step by step system that effortlessly helps you to take control of your own hormone health and start your journey to wellness. It has step-by-step instructions that guide the reader through diagnosis and treatment of a variety of hormone imbalance conditions, such as Adrenal Fatigue, Estrogen Dominance & Thyroid Disorders.

To find out more about this book, click on How to Treat Hormone Imbalance

Friday, May 17, 2019

What is the Best Way for Treating Neuropathy?

SURGERY OR NO SURGERY - Going to the Extreme in Treating Neuropathy - As a patient, it is a commonly made mistake to want to give your health problem over to the doctor and just have him or her take care of it. For this reason, patients all too often readily agree to a surgical approach as the solution for their problem. Is surgery the best way for treating peripheral neuropathy? Read on to find out more.

Click on Here to Discover the #1 Safe & Simple Treatment Program for Ending Pain

Going to the Extreme in Treating Neuropathy

     As a patient, it is a commonly made mistake to want to give your health problem over to the doctor and just have him or her take care of it. For this reason, patients all too often readily agree to a surgical approach as the solution for their problem.

Surgeons want to do surgery. They have been well trained to do surgery and are indeed good at what they do. Despite this fact, you must not overlook your part in the equation; which is to take the responsibility for your case and not be misled into thinking that surgery is a cure-all for your problem.

In terms of peripheral neuropathy, oftentimes the patient is far worse off after surgery has been done. Once a person has had surgery performed however, there is no option of going back to where they were before.

This explained, there is indeed a surgical procedure which may be helpful for treating neuropathy. You must however understand the information that follows before making any decisions that include surgery for treating neuropathy, as surgery in my experience is the most extreme form of treatment for the neuropathy condition.

The surgical procedure being referenced for treating neuropathy is known as Tarsal Tunnel surgery for nerve decompression. Foot surgeons will often promote this approach in good faith, not knowing what else to do for the case.

To be clear, as a first line approach to neuropathy, surgery is a very UNWISE decision.

Even in the rare cases where the posterior tibial nerve and its plantar branches may be suffering from hard tissue compression in the tarsal tunnel near the ankle, the expected relief will probably not be forthcoming after surgery.

The causes for neuropathy, as outlined in the guide Peripheral Neuropathy: The Mystery Unlocked, which is part of my Neuropathy Solution Program, are probably also present with the person who has posterior tibial nerve compression.

Surgery in and of itself will not correct these issues. The patient must correct them him or herself first. The treatment and management procedures presented in The Neuropathy Solution Program must be implemented FIRST, for the nerves to regain a reasonable amount of cellular tissue health before the surgery is performed.

If this order of priority is indeed followed, the nerves will be healthier and consequently respond much more quickly and completely after the decompression surgery is performed, although in most cases, the surgery will become altogether unnecessary.

It should be remembered that foot surgery -- or its equivalent in the hands -- for the treatment of neuropathy symptoms is a high-risk procedure that must not be taken lightly, or unconditionally simply on the advice of a surgeon. A second opinion should always be sought before a patient consents to surgery. Remember, the responsibly for this decision is the patient’s.

It should also be noted that the recovery period after such surgery is usually at least one year, and is very often accompanied by poor healing, infection, and other serious complications. Whats more, as mentioned earlier, if this surgical approach is done before the nerves have been put into a healthy environment as outlined in The Neuropathy Solution Program, a very poor and unsatisfying outcome is almost certain to result.

My recommendation is to attempt bringing the unhealthy nerves back into a healthy environment FIRST, by strictly following the procedures and methods taught in The Neuropathy Solution Program. If, after six months, the neuropathy symptoms persist at an unacceptable level, which is unlikely, then a patient should begin a diligent process of research in consideration of the Tarsal Tunnel decompression surgery, or equivalent hand surgery, under the direction of a good surgeon.

By Dr. Randall C. Labrum

Dr. Randall C. Labrum is a clinician, researcher and one of Americas top neuropathy educators, as well as the author and creator of The Neuropathy Solution Program. After having his life brought to a standstill by the debilitating pain of peripheral neuropathy, which struck out of the blue and seemingly without reason right as he was "contemplating retirement", Dr. Labrum set off on a quest that would eventually lead him to the development of the hugely successful The Neuropathy Solution Program.

This simple, six-step program is the same program that Dr. Labrum used to quickly and conclusively treat his own case of neuropathy. To this day, Dr. Labrum has no symptoms whatsoever of the disease, which now afflicts an estimated 20-30 million Americans alone.

To find out more about this program, go to The Neuropathy Solution Program

Thursday, May 16, 2019

5 Neuropathy Myths Your Doctor May Have Told You

Today, I want to address some of the most commonly held neuropathy myths that suffering neuropathy patients have been told, or come to understand, due to the lack of patient education by the medical community. Read on to find out more.

Click on Here to Discover the #1 Safe & Simple Treatment Program for Ending Pain

And Why What Your Doctor Has Told You Is Probably Wrong

     As I go from place to place giving lectures, classes and seminars, an unfortunate situation continues to amaze me, and cause me great concern.  With NO exception, my seminar attendees think and believe that their condition of neuropathy has no cure.

     The medical community is largely responsible for this misinformation being passed on to the suffering patient.  In my view, it is the job and responsibility of the family doctor to teach the patient about their neuropathy problem.  It is also the doctor
s job to train the patient in what they can do to improve and manage their neuropathy case successfully. 

Given the misconceptions of my seminar attendees however, this teaching and training obviously isn't being done.  That this discouraging situation be allowed to continue year after year, in a world where medicine has otherwise come to offer so many outstanding solutions and even "miracles", is a real shame.

     Many neuropathy patients, suffering with foot pain, tingling, numbness, burning, and all of the other evasive and hard to describe symptoms, don
t even know the name of their condition!  And while others do, that is essentially all that they know. 

With this in mind, I want to address some of the most commonly INCORRECT "facts" that suffering neuropathy patients have been told, or come to understand, due to the lack of patient education by the medical community.

Neuropathy Myths #1 - Neuropathy comes with age, and there is nothing you can do about it.

     This statement is only partially correct, inasmuch as aging changes do contribute to the increased onset and intensity of the condition.  There are however, many simple techniques and procedures that any person can learn which will offset many of the effects of aging. 

One example of the many easy things that can be done is to simply recline on the sofa for a fifteen-minute nap with the feet propped up on the back of the sofa above the level of the body. 

This simple "exercise" allows the stagnated blood in the feet and lower legs to move more rapidly back to the heart and lungs with the assistance of gravity, where it will be oxygenated and cleansed.

Neuropathy Myths #2 - We do not know what causes neuropathy.

     This is absolutely incorrect!  Most of the causes of neuropathy are indeed known and not difficult to understand.  For example, people who have been treated for cancer with chemotherapy are at very high risk for developing neuropathy.  The poisonous effects of these powerful drugs damage the sensory nerves in the feet, hands and other peripheral areas. 

Since neither surgery nor prescription drugs are effective curing this disease, most physicians are not willing to take the time to educate and manage these types of cases and just tell the patient that there is no known cause or cure, and that the best that can be offered are powerful, painkilling drugs.  This is truly an unfortunate and incorrect approach to a very treatable condition.

     There are also many other causes for this condition other than diabetes. Another example is the sudden reduction of blood pressure due to anti-hypertensive prescriptions.  This situation can, however, be offset with simple circulation enhancing techniques.

Neuropathy Myths #3 - There are no treatment procedures for neuropathy.

     The treatment procedures which work so well do not need to be administered by a doctor.  Therefore, the doctor is not motivated to teach the simple procedures to the patient.

Experience has proven that most family doctors are not even aware of these easy methods and are not motivated to get involved with this type of patient management, simply because it's too time intensive and not worthwhile financially. 

Patients therefore must assume the responsibility of learning and implementing the methods of self-treatment.  This is actually a good and positive thing!  Significant amounts of money will be saved by the patient taking over their own case and not paying the high professional fees. 

By reducing these costs, most any person is able to correct their neuropathy problem without the financial burdens which eliminate many individuals from getting the care which they otherwise need and deserve.

Neuropathy Myths #4 - It just gets worse with time, and you have to accept that you are stuck with it.

     This statement is only true if the neuropathy patient ignores their condition and takes no remedial action.  If corrective, self-treatment procedures are implemented by the patient, the miserable symptoms of neuropathy can be greatly improved. 

Instead of the condition worsening and an individual finding herself stuck with it, life gets much better as the pain, numbness, and tingling sensations get better and normal life returns.  This is made possible as the sufferer begins taking easy and proven steps for improving the circulation in the legs and feet.

Neuropathy Myths #5 - Since you are diabetic, there is no help available for you.

     This very incorrect, but common statement is so unfortunate and untrue.  Although the condition of diabetes does indeed complicate the condition of neuropathy, it does not eliminate the diabetic patient from significant help with their neuropathy condition. 

Most persons with diabetic neuropathy would be very satisfied with 30-70% improvement of their condition.  This is what we have experienced by teaching diabetic individuals how to increase circulation and regenerate the health of their sensory nerves in the legs, feet, and hands.

     In terms of all of the misconceptions I've just addressed, it is ultimately the responsibility of the neuropathy sufferer to prove them incorrect for himself, by acquiring the information and education necessary to start the healing process on his own. 

A doctor likely won't hold your hand through this process, nor even point you in the right general direction.  Unfortunately, that's just not the way the system as it's set up today works.

     Please do not fail yourself with prejudice, doubt, indecision, or lack of action.  Recovery is waiting for you, but you alone must take the responsibility and fulfil the simple, easy to learn steps which lead to dramatic improvement of this frustrating condition.

  For more information on how you can begin as soon as today, taking charge of your neuropathy condition, please look over The Neuropathy Solution program which I created uniquely for peripheral neuropathy sufferers. 
Click here to go there now.

By Dr. Randall C. Labrum

Dr. Randall C. Labrum is a clinician, researcher and one of America’s top neuropathy educators, as well as the author and creator of The Neuropathy Solution Program. After having his life brought to a standstill by the debilitating pain of peripheral neuropathy, which struck out of the blue and seemingly without reason right as he was "contemplating retirement", Dr. Labrum set off on a quest that would eventually lead him to the development of the hugely successful The Neuropathy Solution Program.

This simple, six-step program is the same program that Dr. Labrum used to quickly and conclusively treat his own case of neuropathy. To this day, Dr. Labrum has no symptoms whatsoever of the disease, which now afflicts an estimated 20-30 million Americans alone.

To find out more about this program, go to The Neuropathy Solution Program

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Neuropathy Solution - What is the Best Way to Treat Peripheral Neuropathy?

     If you, or someone near and dear to you is currently a neuropathy sufferer, you truly owe it to yourself to explore the vital information and proven recommendations that Dr. Randall C. Labrum has prepared for you in The Neuropathy Solution program.

Click on Here to Discover the #1 Safe & Simple Treatment Program for Ending Pain

The New American Epidemic

     Numbness. Prickling. Tingling. Burning. Debilitating pain in the feet, toes, and lower legs. Or in the hands, fingers and lower arms. Perhaps even in both locations. These are the most common symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy, a vexing disorder brought on by damage to the peripheral nervous system which today affects tens of millions of Americans, and many more millions of people around the globe.

These numbers only reflect the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, in years to come, peripheral neuropathy, which is right now increasing in prevalence at a mind-blowing rate, has the potential to become one of the most widespread scourges humanity has yet known.

     Why be alarmed? Because peripheral neuropathy strikes individuals without pity. It strikes for a vast variety of reasons, both exotic and distressingly common-place (diabetes, aging, and high-blood pressure, for example). And, if you only put your trust in contemporary medicine, you will be rather unapologetically told that neuropathy is virtually without cure or treatment.

     As a result, neuropathy sufferers are usually desperate. Nothing has worked for them. The painkilling medicines generally given as the only course of action by most doctors cause awful side effects. They are prescribed with the caveat that there is nothing else we can do. Indeed, in all my years of experience I have yet to meet a neuropathy patient who was completely satisfied with their progress or how the doctor was handling their case.

     Virtually all neuropathy patients feel like orphans. As though they have nobody to turn to, nobody who truly knows how to help them, and nowhere to go with their problem. Meanwhile, the painful and frustrating symptoms continue to intensify and the feelings of being abandoned and left alone with no help grow more acute.

This unpleasant situation often contributes to depression and despondency, with the neuropathy sufferer finally just giving up, and doing nothing more to help his or her problem. Suffering for the remainder of their days, with an almost complete abandonment of a desired lifestyle, seems to be the only possible outcome.

     This is, of course, no way to live.

     Fortunately, as a friend and neuropathy treatment coach, my message to these neuropathy sufferers is simply this: Be of good cheer! There is a solution.

     As a previous neuropathy patient myself, I have recently published a simple, proven, step-by-step neuropathy treatment program based on my successes in resolving the peripheral neuropathy condition. In my own case, my perplexing and painful neuropathy symptoms are totally gone, and my life is back on track again.

     Many, if not most of my patients have had the same experience. It is at their request, and in their honour, that I have created The Neuropathy Solution program, with the intent of helping as many of the frustrated victims of the emerging neuropathy epidemic as possible. Those who have followed The Neuropathy Solution program as outlined have, without exception, achieved a measurable amount of satisfaction and improvement.

     The amount of this correction and improvement is of course different in each individual case, and depends on obvious variables such as patient compliance and motivation, and on clinical factors such as general health and the severity and complexity of the underlying causes.

Nevertheless, it is critically important for every neuropathy sufferer to understand that all cases of neuropathy will do better if the damaged peripheral sensory nerves in the lower legs, feet, and hands, and the environment in which they are found, can be made healthier, less toxic, and more whole.

These goals are precisely what The Neuropathy Solution is designed to help the neuropathy sufferer accomplish. Indeed, The Neuropathy Solution is designed to help the neuropathy sufferer finally gain the upper hand in the fight against this devastating epidemic.

     Medical schools, researchers, and neuropathy organizations estimate that between 20-30 million cases of peripheral neuropathy exist within the borders of the United States, with millions more being diagnosed each year.

Already, a full 8% of the millions of Medicare patients have peripheral neuropathy as a secondary diagnosis in their doctor provided diagnostic record. And yet these figures do not even speculate about the untold number of undiagnosed cases (peripheral neuropathy is still largely under the radar of many physicians and the media in general), or the millions of new developing cases whose symptoms are just beginning to manifest themselves, nor do they take into account the additional millions upon millions of peripheral neuropathy patients who live in other developed countries around the world.

     By way of comparison with other so-called health epidemics, there are 400,000 people in the US with Multiple Sclerosis, 5,000,000 Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, and roughly 250,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. As already mentioned, peripheral neuropathy is, right now, afflicting from 20 to 30 million Americans.

     With that in mind, even if you do not presently have peripheral neuropathy, chances are very high that at some point down the road it will affect your life either directly or indirectly.

     If you, or someone near and dear to you is currently a neuropathy sufferer, you truly owe it to yourself to explore the vital information and proven recommendations I have prepared for you in The Neuropathy Solution program.

Outlined within the pages of the program, and in the accompanying media, you will find clear answers to perplexing questions about what exactly Peripheral Neuropathy is; why you (or someone you care for), in particular, have it, or why you may or may not expect to be afflicted with it in the future; and what exactly can be done to both prevent it and treat it.

     The Neuropathy Solution program is presented in six simple steps which anyone can easily do. Each step is explained in plain English and illustrated in clear, step-by-step detail. By employing these steps, the neuropathy sufferer will enhance the health of their peripheral sensory nerves and the surrounding environment, thereby reducing the pain, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms characteristic of the condition. Measurable, and usually dramatic, improvement is reasonable to expect in just a short time upon following The Neuropathy Solution.

     Please do not fail yourself with prejudice, doubt, indecision, or lack of action.  Recovery is waiting for you, but you alone must take the responsibility and fulfil the simple, easy to learn steps which lead to dramatic improvement of this frustrating condition.

  For more information on how you can begin as soon as today, taking charge of your neuropathy condition, please look over 
The Neuropathy Solution program which I created uniquely for peripheral neuropathy sufferers.  Click here to go there now.

By Dr. Randall C. Labrum

Dr. Randall C. Labrum is a clinician, researcher and one of America’s top neuropathy educators, as well as the author and creator of The Neuropathy Solution Program. After having his life brought to a standstill by the debilitating pain of peripheral neuropathy, which struck out of the blue and seemingly without reason right as he was "contemplating retirement", Dr. Labrum set off on a quest that would eventually lead him to the development of the hugely successful The Neuropathy Solution Program.

This simple, six-step program is the same program that Dr. Labrum used to quickly and conclusively treat his own case of neuropathy. To this day, Dr. Labrum has no symptoms whatsoever of the disease, which now afflicts an estimated 20-30 million Americans alone.

To find out more about this program, go to The Neuropathy Solution Program

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Revealing Here the Top 3 Uses of Aloe Vera

Uses of Aloe Vera in Healing - Aloe has such unique healing abilities, proven scientifically, like no other plant. There have been many studies on aloe. The key ingredient in aloe vera is mucopolysaccharides [MPS] (long-chain sugars) that have very strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor and immunomodulatory properties proven scientifically. Many articles on aloe's remarkable healing abilities were published in the most prestigious medicinal magazines.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

The healing benefits of aloe vera have been recorded throughout the world's history for thousands of years, but only recently has modern medicine placed the "miracle plant" under laboratory investigation and began to unlock the deep secrets of aloe's amazing chemical composition.

Aloe has such unique healing abilities, proven scientifically, like no other plant. There have been many studies on aloe. The key ingredient in aloe vera is mucopolysaccharides [MPS] (long-chain sugars) that have very strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor and immunomodulatory properties proven scientifically. Many articles on aloe's remarkable healing abilities were published in the most prestigious medicinal magazines.

Even if you think it is easier just to buy a commercial aloe product, like gel or juice, it is still not going to be the same as aloe gel squeezed from a fresh aloe leaf because many aloe products on the market are either diluted or improperly processed.

Uses of Aloe Vera in Traditional Medicines

While traditional medicine has been using aloe as part of some drugs or cosmetic products for decades, folk medicine has been using aloe for a few thousand years and has built up an impressive collection of home remedies for many ailments.

There are two ways to prepare aloe gel at home: a regular method and a
biogenic stimulation method. The biogenic stimulation method is very easy to do at home. It is a powerful weapon against tumors and serious illnesses, like stomach cancer, tuberculosis, radiation burns and mastopathy. This method was proven scientifically in 1930s and has already been successfully used by traditional and folk medicines in treating various diseases in the last 70 years.

Uses of Aloe Vera – Internal and External

Aloe vera can be used externally and internally.

Aloe vera gel used externally helps with acne, sunburns, thermal and radiation burns, boils, dandruff, gum sores, dermatitis, edemas, hemorrhoids, inflammation in the eyes, insect bites and stings, psoriasis, skin rashes and irritations, ulcers, varicose veins, warts, wounds and wrinkles.

When you apply
 freshly squeezed aloe vera gel on the affected area of the skin, it creates a protective coating which speeds up the healing process, decreases swelling and redness, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promotes synthesis of collagen in tissue and prevents blisters in case of burns.

Taken internally, it reduces inflammation which is involved in such diseases as
ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and gastritis, helps with the reduction of blood sugar with both type I and II diabetes and has a powerful healing effect on AIDS, cancer, tumors and many different immune system disorders. Mucopolysaccharides found in aloe vera are very effective intracellular antioxidants which is very important in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disorders and Parkinson's disease.

Today home remedies have become more and more popular because people have become aware of the harmful side effects of synthetic drugs.

If you are interested in the uses of aloe vera in treating your health problems naturally, with home remedies that cost just pennies, download today the report 
Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor, which is filled with over 150 tested home remedies.

To discover more about the uses of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Get the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

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