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Showing posts with label hormone imbalance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hormone imbalance. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is the Best way to Treat Hormone Imbalance?

Could You Have Hormone Imbalance? Some health issues are easy to diagnose and fix. If you fall and break a bone, the treatment is clear-cut. The same is true for most infections. Even diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be discovered through symptoms and tests. Hormones are a different story. Many people don’t realize just how much hormones affect the way we feel and how our bodies function.

Click HERE to Learn about this All-Natural Way to a Healthy Life by Controlling and Managing Your Hormones

Could You Have Hormone Imbalance?

Some health issues are easy to diagnose and fix. If you fall and break a bone, the treatment is clear-cut. The same is true for most infections. Even diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be discovered through symptoms and tests.

Hormones are a different story.

Many people don’t realize just how much hormones affect the way we feel and how our bodies function. Hormones control so many functions! You’re probably heard of cortisol, the stress hormone. Hormones also control how quickly we burn calories, our libido, acne, hair loss, weight, moods, and much more.

If your hormones are off, you might experience a multitude of symptoms that can be misdiagnosed. We don’t have a clear “hormone level” the way we have a safe blood sugar range. A hormone imbalance can lead to symptoms that feel like depression (or is depression), iron or other deficiency, exhaustion, and poor health.

We need the right balance to function properly.

So, what are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals in our bodies that enact changes.
They’re messengers, created in our endocrine glands, that travel through our bloodstream and send messages to other cells.

Those messages control many of our most basic functions. This includes hunger to our more intricate and delicate systems like reproduction, as well as our emotions and moods.

What are Symptoms of a Hormone Imbalance?

There are many different types of hormones and therefore many ways for them to become imbalanced.

If you feel that something is off or not right, it’s a good idea to check if you’re experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.

Let’s look at 3 types of hormonal imbalances you may not be aware of

Thyroid Symptoms

The thyroid regulates metabolism, which is the process of your body breaking down food and converting it into energy.

Your thyroid controls the rate in which this process happens.

A slower metabolism means your body may not be able to break down all the food you eat in a day and convert it to energy – it stores it as fat instead.

Your thyroid can be under or over active. Here’s a few symptoms for each.

Hypothyroid (Underactive)

·         Hair loss including outer 3rd  of eyebrows
·         Dry skin/hair
·         Brittle fingernails
·         Weight gain/difficulty losing weight
·         Muscle/joint aches
·         Fatigue
·         High cholesterol
·         Constipation Heavy periods
·         Depression or moody

Hyperthyroid (Overactive) Weight Loss

·         Fatigue
·         Muscle weakness
·         Hand tremors
·         Mood swings
·         Nervousness
·         Anxiety
·         Rapid heartbeat – tachycardia
·         Diarrhoea
·         Vision Changes
·         Light periods or missed periods

A doctor can run a blood test to check your thyroid function, and there is medication to correct the problem.
However, there is also a natural way to correct the imbalance and feel good again, without being dependent on medication.

You can do a few things to help your thyroid function properly, such as:

Banish the sugar in your diet.

Eat a thyroid friendly diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

Cut down on caffeine and drink more water.

And lastly, check how much soy you’re consuming.

Many people don’t realize that having too much soy in your diet can give you symptoms that mimic a thyroid problem, but it won’t show up on a test.

Soy is in soy milk, but it’s also in many packaged foods. Read the labels of the food in your home and you might be surprised how much soy you’re ingesting without realizing it.

Diet greatly affects our hormones, so we have a natural way to manage them.

Adrenal Imbalance

We have two adrenal glands. The adrenal cortex releases hormones that are necessary for us to live. The adrenal medulla releases hormones that aren’t essential, but they’re still important and affect our health.
Following are symptoms for both an insufficiency and excess of hormone.

If you find you have five or more of the symptoms on either list, it’s possible that your adrenal glands are not functioning as they should.

Adrenal Hormone Insufficiency

·         Exhausted no matter how much sleep you get
·         Burn Out
·         You use stimulants to stay awake
·         You feel negative most of the time
·         You feel irrational
·         You have bouts of crying over things you wouldn’t normally cry over
·         You feel emotionally fragile
·         Low blood pressure
·         You feel dizzy if you stand up from lying down
·         Frequent infections or illness
·         Low blood sugar
·         Crave salty foods
·         Nausea
·         Diarrhoea, constipation or alternate between both
·         Insomnia and have trouble staying asleep
·         Awake in the early hours of the morning

Adrenal Hormone Excess

·         Struggle to get to sleep even though you’re tired
·         Crave sugar particularly after a meal
·         Carry extra weight around your midsection/abdominal
·         Feel bloated
·         Eczema, thin skin or other skin conditions
·         Feel like your heart is racing
·         High blood pressure
·         Shakiness between meals
·         Reflux
·         Pink or purple stretch marks on your belly or back
·         Irregular menstrual cycles
·         Often anxious
·         Irritability or just don’t feel like yourself
·         Have trouble falling pregnant
·         Crave carbohydrates

As you can see, hormones can completely change how you feel!

Sex Hormone Imbalance

“Sex” hormone might not be what you first think about.

The side effects of this kind of imbalance include acne persisting long after puberty, mood swings, facial hair and a swollen tummy!

The symptoms are more physical and visual with this imbalance, and they affect your fertility.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance are:

·         Abdominal bloating
·         Swollen and/or tender breasts
·         Low libido
·         Irregular menstrual periods
·         Headaches
·         Mood swings
·         Fibrocystic breasts (lumpy breasts)
·         Weight gain
·         Hair loss
·         Cold hands or feet
·         Fatigue
·         Trouble sleeping or insomnia
·         Forgetful
·         Anxiety or irritability
·         Difficulty falling pregnant

Watch these 3 Videos Below:

If you find that you’re experiencing a number of these symptoms, it’s time to look closer.
Luckily, there are natural ways to control and manage your hormones, so you feel healthy again.

By Angela Bryne, author of Power of Hormones (Your Guide to Optimal Hormone Health) which is a step by step system that effortlessly helps you to take control of your own hormone health and start your journey to wellness. It has step-by-step instructions that guide the reader through diagnosis and treatment of a variety of hormone imbalance conditions, such as Adrenal Fatigue, Estrogen Dominance & Thyroid Disorders.

To find out more about this book, click on How to Treat Hormone Imbalance

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hormone Problem? Here’s Your Hormone Imbalance Checklist

One thing’s for sure, hormones have a powerful effect on your physical and emotional well-being. Consequently, when you have a hormone imbalance it leads to a wide range of symptoms. Here you will find a hormone imbalance checklist which lists the most common symptoms, and most importantly this article discusses some important steps you can take if you suspect your hormones are out of whack.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Achieve Thyroid Levels within a Short Period of Time

One thing’s for sure, hormones have a powerful effect on your physical and emotional well-being. Consequently, when you have a hormone imbalance it leads to a wide range of symptoms.

Here you will find a hormone imbalance checklist which lists the most common symptoms, and most importantly this article discusses some important steps you can take if you suspect your hormones are out of whack.

Firstly, Here Are Some Endocrine System Facts

The endocrine system is a group of glands that produce a wide array of hormones to help your body function at its best. In essence, your hormones are powerful chemical messengers that continuously zip around your body to help ensure all organs and body systems are functioning properly.

The major glands of the endocrine system include the hypothalamus, pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, and the reproductive organs such as the ovaries and testes.

These endocrine glands produce different quantities of hormones depending on your life stage, and individual needs. That said, ageing is usually associated with a decline in the production of most hormones.

When all is going well, your hormones are part of a finely tuned communication network.

Healthy hormone balance is necessary to maintain your overall health and vitality. For this reason the right balance of hormones is critical to help regulate your metabolism, sleep, sexual function, mood, reproduction, growth and development.

Your Hormone Imbalance Symptoms Checklist

My hormone imbalance checklist will help establish if you are struggling with a hormone problem.

Take a few moments to review this checklist, keep in mind the more of these common symptoms you mark off the more likely your hormones are out of balance.

Acne and skin breakouts
Anxiety, irritability and depression
Fertility problems
Frequent migraines
Hair thinning, or pronounced hair loss
Hot flushes
Insomnia, and disturbed sleep patterns
Low sex drive
Lowered immunity
Persistent weight gain
Poor memory and concentration

Hormone Imbalance Checklist For women:

Excessive facial hair
Fluid retention
Menopause symptoms
Painful, or lumpy breasts

Hormone Imbalance Checklist For men:

Male pattern balding
Muscle loss
Prostate problems
Weight gain, especially belly fat

The Next Step to Help You Restore Healthy Hormone Balance

Making sense of your hormone balance may finally help you take control of your health, and vitality.

Generally speaking, the first step in treatment is to get accurate testing. From there, your test results should be carefully considered along with your hormone imbalance symptoms, and health history.

+ If you suspect you have a thyroid problem I suggest you speak to your healthcare practitioner about comprehensive thyroid testing.

It’s a good idea to discuss the five basic thyroid tests with your healthcare practitioner. This will help provide clues as to how your thyroid is functioning.

+ If you think your male or female hormones are out of balance I suggest you speak to your healthcare practitioner about a comprehensive saliva hormone profile.

Measuring your salivary hormones is the most accurate way to assess circulating levels of oestrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and the main hormones that regulate the stress response such as DHEA and cortisol.

+ If you experience difficulty going to sleep, and poor sleep quality I suggest you speak to your healthcare practitioner about a saliva sleep hormone profile.

This is an accurate way to assess circulating levels of melatonin, and cortisol. These hormones are especially relevant as they regulate your sleep patterns.

Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of TheNatural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

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