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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Acne Naturally?

ALOE VERA AND ACNE - IS THERE A RELATIONSHIP? Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in helping to treat acne naturally. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in helping to treat acne naturally. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time.

It is used to treat burns, wounds and infections to regenerate skin and provide the building blocks needed to rebuild scarred or damaged skin areas. In addition, it aids in treating acne by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune booster.

Aloe Vera Solutions to Treat Acne Naturally

You can treat acne naturally by either using soaps that contain aloe vera or aloe vera gel. Soaps should be used at least twice a day and the skin should be patted dry following the wash.

A topical gel or cream application of aloe vera can then be applied to the inflamed or infected areas.

Acne is not cured by aloe vera but the symptoms of redness, flaky skin, and swelling will be rapidly decreased with consistent use.

Aloe vera, in liquid form, can be applied to the facial area to remove excess oil. The face should then be washed with a soap containing aloe vera and then a commercially prepared aloe vera cream can be applied.

This treatment uses all the medicinal components of the aloe vera to help keep skin looking soft and breakout free. The mild astringent qualities of the allow vera will prevent future acne outbreaks and help reduce redness and swelling.

Medical Findings

As far back as 1750 B.C clay tablets were written addressing the medicinal properties of aloe vera. A Greek physician wrote in 74 B.C about using aloe vera to cure infections of the skin, burns and to decrease hair loss.

In 1935 the first medical report was published describing the medical use of aloe vera in burn patients. It has since been the focus of many studies addressing the healing properties of aloe vera for all skin conditions, including acne.

As with all herbal and medical treatments individual responses will vary with most users indicating a decrease in the redness and flaky skin around the acne blemishes.

There are no known side effects to using aloe vera externally. If any irritation occurs simply discontinue use.

by Mike Singh

To discover more about the healing benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Treat AcneNaturally Using Aloe Vera

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera?

The healing benefits of aloe vera are applicable to burns, minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and other skin irritations. Aloe vera is easy to care for if you want to plant it in your garden and only needs water once a month or when the stalks become shrivelled. Planted in the ground, it can tolerate more drought and will grow slightly larger. Aloes are cold hardy to about 45 degrees.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera, known as the healing plant, is easy to care for indoors or in the garden. It is a drought tolerant succulent which grows well in dry shade to part sun. Its bright green stalks grow up to 1-foot long and up to 2 inches thick They usually have creamy white stripes or dots along the leaves.

Aloe plants grow upright and spread with time by creating clumping offsets. Perennial aloe produces dramatic, bright orange flowers on long stalks in the spring and summer.

Used medicinally aloe vera gel is beneficial for burns, minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and other skin irritations.

Water-wise aloe is great for xeriscaping in dry gardens with other succulents and cacti. They don't mind heat as long as they don't get too much sun.

Aloe does best in light or dappled shade on the porch or on the windowsill. It is even reliable in dry shade. One to two hours of direct sun is plenty. Dark brown or orange spots on the leaves is a sign of sunburn.

Aloe vera is easy to care for and only needs water once a month or when the stalks become shrivelled. Planted in the ground, it can tolerate more drought and will grow slightly larger. Aloes are cold hardy to about 45 degrees.

Mine have survived a light dusting of frost, but they have overhead protection. I wouldn't leave them outdoor in the open if Jack Frost visits your area frequently. Frost damage usually shows up as brown tips or shriveled, brown stalks.

Indoors, they are suited to the hot dry conditions of the average home. They will tolerate a few hours of sun a day, but should be fine anywhere with lots of bright, indirect sunlight.

Aloe vera plants form offset pups and will eventually become a clump. Mine started out in a small 4" pot from the nursery. Normally, you should repot plants in a slightly larger pot.

But I planted my aloe in a huge 12" pot, knowing it would fill in. Who has time to re-pot their plants all the time? To keep the pot from looking empty, I planted a small trailing succulent around the edges.

They have similar cultivation needs, so they get along great and look terrific. You can see an aloe vera picture and even download the wallpaper on my succulent webpage at

After the first year, my aloe created lots of offsets and filled in the pot nicely. The new shoots are easy to tease out from the main plant so I can repot them or give them to friends.

Aloe vera is famous for its healing benefits and is commonly grown in kitchen gardens to help with minor burns and other skin problems.

To get the healing benefits of aloe vera, work with one inch chunks cut from the tips of the leaves. Peel off the spines and cut open the chunk. Squeeze out the aloe juice and pulp onto sunburns or other skin irritations.

Spread it around with your fingers or the aloe peel. It will feel cold on burns. The juice may feel sticky at first, but will eventually dry out, leaving a slight green tint.

Apply 1 - 2 times a day to cool off burns and help heal skin. I was amazed at how well it worked on my baby's diaper rash when nothing else helped.

First, I'd slather the skin with aloe gel, then put the remaining pulp into his diaper and wrap it all up like a little burrito. Usually the rash was cleared up in a few hours. Fresh is best, studies suggest aloe starts to lose its properties within an hour of picking.

Healing aloe vera plants are easy to grow indoors or out, with outstanding health benefits and makes a great addition to any garden.

by Laura Zinkan

To discover more about the healing benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Get the Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Friday, April 5, 2019

What is the Best Way to Control Blood Sugar Levels?

Aloe has been used in studies of blood sugar and has yet again come out with good responses. Studies have been run and research has been done, aloe vera can help with blood sugar levels.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Inside of every one’s blood there are sugar levels that need to be at certain amounts each day and all day. When the amount of blood sugar is low in someone they can experience irritability, weakness, fatigue, headaches, shakes, jitters, and uncontrollable hunger.

When blood sugar levels get too high our body makes insulin. Blood sugar is not something you can play around with, it can affect your entire body, and if it gets low enough you could have a real problem on your hands.

Aloe has been used in studies of blood sugar and has yet again come out with good responses. Studies have been run and research has been done, aloe vera can help with blood sugar levels.

Today over half of our population is over-weight. There are also more cases of diabetics. These two problems are caused by blood sugar levels, and are also some of our most dangerous problems. When blood sugar levels are balanced, we have more energy to exercise.

We also find that we don't feel as sluggish and lazy feeling when our blood sugar levels are up. Keeping a balanced blood sugar level is important for our health, and aloe is capable of doing so. The minerals and trace elements in aloe are being used more and more for problems in the body.

Aloe contains the right minerals, trace elements, and vitamins to help control blood sugar levels. What one study did, was when a diabetic took their medicine, they also took a spoon full of aloe juice with it, while this diabetic did this, another one took nothing but his medicine.

The diabetic who had taken the spoon full of aloe juice had a balanced blood sugar level, while the person who took nothing but the medicine experienced lower blood sugar.

Some Information on Aloe Vera

Aloe has a long history as a remedy for many different ailments. Commonly known as Aloe Vera, the plant can be separated into two basic products: gel and latex. Aloe Vera gel is the leaf pulp or juice, a thin clear jelly-like substance obtained from the leaf that makes up the inner portion of the leaves.

The gel contains carbohydrate polymers, plus various other organic and inorganic compounds. Aloe latex, commonly referred to as "aloe juice," is a yellow extract from the pericyclic tubules just beneath the outer skin of the leaves. For use as a laxative, the juice is often dried to produce aloe granules that are dark brown from exposure to the air.

The separation process is not always complete, so aloe latex can be found in some aloe gels. It is better to make the gel as pure as possible, because aloe latex contains some things that are used for strong laxatives.

The processed Aloe is difficult to keep stable, a problem that can cause differences in potency. The best source of aloe gel would be right from a broken leaf of the plant.

Aloe gel has been used for treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations. Most consumers are familiar with aloe's use in skin-care products, but aloe can also be used as a drink.

Aloe products for internal use have been used for constipation, coughs, wounds, ulcers, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, and many other conditions.

Aloe has been used for all different types of things throughout the years, and is now sold openly on the market. People who buy Aloe normally know exactly what they are going to use it for, and some just buy it to be safe.

Aloe is now one of the few plants that can cure so many different ailments that can be found on the surface of the earth.

Watch these 3 Videos about Aloe and Blood Sugar Levels

To discover more about the health benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

By Steven Godlewski

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Thursday, April 4, 2019

How to Harness the Benefits of Aloe Vera?

Benefits of Aloe Vera - HERBAL REMEDIES USING ALOE VERA - Here are several practical applications for different parts of the Aloe Vera plant. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


The Aloe plant (scientific name Aloe vera) is a succulent originally from Africa. In the 16th century, Aloe Vera reached the West Indies, where farmers began the job of massive propagation.

In modern times, it is one of the most available herbal remedies. It can easily be grown as an indoor plant, thus giving you the joy of its presence along with its curative properties.

The character of Aloe Vera plant parts has been described in many ways. Its leaves are often described as hot, bitter and moist. Its gel is described as salty, bitter, cool and moist. Some products made from Aloe may not be suitable for pregnant or nursing women. 

Because of its usefulness in treating many conditions, Aloe Vera is now propagated and used worldwide. Many herbal remedies contain extracts as an ingredient. Extracts and synthetic chemicals based on those found naturally in this plant are also included in many conventional lotions, shampoos, and soaps.

The benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to promote bile flow, heal wounds, stop bleeding, expel worms, and reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This succulent has also been known for its purgative, laxative, rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. 

Testament of the benefits of Aloe Vera comes to us across time and from all points on the globe. It is believed that related species of the Aloe Vera were used by tribal people as an antidote to the poisons used in arrows, and also to help the wound heal itself.

We know that the Greeks and Romans made a gel from this plant to treat battle wounds. This succulent is also widely used in traditional Chinese medicine.

In India, the gel from this plant has a longstanding reputation for its use as a cooling tonic. In traditional Indian Ayruveda medicine, Aloe Vera gel is used as a tonic for excess pitta (fire element). 

The most common way to prepare the Aloe Vera plant is to use the gel. The gel is thick and mucilaginous. Many herbalists recommend that it be used as a first-aid cure for wounds, burns, and sunburn. This gel can help heal extremely dry skin, and is used in many commercial lotions.

It can also be used to treat fungal infections such as ringworm. Gel extracts of the Aloe Vera plant have been successfully used to treat mouth ulcers.

Steam inhalation of the gel has also been known to treat bronchial congestion. Recent research has also shown that Aloe Vera gel may be helpful in treating breast and liver cancers, as well as HIV. 

The leaves of Aloe Vera, although much less commonly used, can also be helpful for several conditions. The purgative properties of the leaves have been taken advantage of for centuries.

Yellow juice collected from the bottom of the leaves can also be prepared and used to treat chronic and stubborn constipation. It is also believed that the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant can be used to stimulate bile flow and to aid digestion. A tincture made from this succulent's leaves can be taken as an appetite stimulant. 

Here are several practical applications for different parts of the Aloe Vera plant. The gel can be applied directly to burns, wounds, fungal infections, insect bites, and areas of dry skin.

Watch these 2 Videos on the Benefits of Aloe Vera –

If you decide to grow Aloe Vera, you will have it on hand whenever you need to use it. You can simply split a leaf open and apply the gel directly. You can also collect the gel from several split leaves to make an ointment.

To discover more about the health benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What is the Best Way to Relieve TMJ Pain?

Relieve TMJ Pain - Are Your Headaches Actually TMJ? (surprise, surprise) - Headaches can run the gamut from a minor nuisance to debilitating and disabling. Getting at the source of the headache can be no small task. But knowing that pain is always an indicator of a cause-effect relationship is a good place to start. So what might be the cause-effect relationship of many of the headaches that people suffer? It’s called TMJ! The good news is that TMJ can easily be cured without drugs or devices.

Click on Here to Learn About this All-Natural Way to Relieve Your TMJ Pain

Relieve TMJ Pain - What’s Your TMJ Pain Threshold? (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)

Because TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is so painful, many people suffering TMJ end up being diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Sometimes Fibromyalgia does coexist with TMJ, but sometimes it’s a misdiagnosis.

In response to the overlap of these conditions, a team of American researchers decided to find out whether fibromyalgia increases the vulnerability of TMJ sufferers to pain and whether it changes the way their brains process pain.

They were also wondering whether those who ended up developing fibromyalgia had more sensitivity to pain than other TMJ patients.

In their study, they measured their pain sensitivity after repeated applications of heat, and the duration of the pain they experienced after applications of heat.

Contrary to what they expected, all participants showed approximately the same pain threshold, suggesting that TMJ and fibromyalgia did not increase their participant’s sensitivity to pain.

However, all TMJ patients, those with and without fibromyalgia, said that the pain persisted for a long time after the application, something the healthy volunteers did not experience.

To the researchers, the suggested that that the pain processing mechanisms in the brains of both TMJ and fibromyalgia sufferers had been altered, which is a condition called central pain sensitization.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to cure TMJ permanently. All it takes is a set of simple exercises that loosen up and strengthen the muscles around the jaw…

And fibromyalgia is not a life sentence. It’s actually all about one free ingredient your body is lacking.Learn the details here…

Relieve TMJ Pain - Are Your Headaches Actually TMJ? (surprise, surprise)

Headaches can run the gamut from a minor nuisance to debilitating and disabling. Getting at the source of the headache can be no small task. But knowing that pain is always an indicator of a cause-effect relationship is a good place to start.

So what might be the cause-effect relationship of many of the headaches that people suffer? It’s called TMJ!

The good news is that TMJ can easily be cured without drugs or devices.

The source of many events in the body- good or bad- comes from the head and neck. And anything that interferes with how the head and neck function will likely cause some frustrating, or even debilitating, problems over time.

Chronic headache is one of those problems that can be caused by simple body mechanics- and not necessarily a chemical thing inside the brain.

According to some health experts, the source of what is likely a huge percentage of most headache pain is actually a misalignment of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ.

The acronym TMJ doesn’t just refer to the actual joint. It more commonly refers to the misalignment itself, and the collection of symptoms that result from it.

The joint connects the lower jaw, or mandible, to the skull with muscles and connective tissue running up to the temples. These are the muscles you can see moving over the temples when you are chewing your food – and sometimes massage in an effort to stop a headache.

If a person’s joint is not properly aligned, it puts undue strain on the muscles, nerves, vessels, and other tissues running through the head and neck.

What causes the misalignment? Many things. If you notice any of these problems and you also suffer from headache, you might need to take steps to correct your TMJ.

The most easily spotted is having poor posture. If your head spends more time hung over a computer or other device (cell phone, anyone?) than it does centered between and over the shoulders, you are creating a misalignment of the TMJ.

Sometimes anatomy causes it for us, as with people who have bite problems. Your dentist or orthodontist will usually be able to spot this anatomical cause of TMJ.

Another issue is daytime or night time grinding. There are a variety of reasons this happens, but it contributes to TMJ problems, so stopping this reflexive habit will be critical if you suffer headaches.

Many times a person’s first indication of TMJ misalignment is a popping or catching of the jaw. You may feel it or even hear it happening.

The best part of the problem with TMJ headaches is that they can actually be corrected using simple exercises. These exercises loosen up the muscles around the jaw, leading the joint into the right position.

Learn more about the easy TMJ exercises here and try them out for yourself…

If your headaches are however not caused by TMJ, don’t despair. All headaches can actually be permanently prevented by loading up on this free ingredient…

Relieve TMJ Pain - This Headband Improves TMJ-Pain and Teeth Clenching

People who suffer from TMJ or have problems with day- and night time clenching are often faced with limited choices for solutions to their problems.

Watch this Video –TMJ Locked Jaw Rehab Self Care

Frequently, dentists will immediately go to the mouth guard as the go-to solution to the problem.

However, guards can be expensive and only treat the symptoms of TMJ and clenching. But a new device aims at treating the problems at their source and might even replace the use of guards down the road.

Makers of a new biofeedback unit worn on the forehead believe they may have found an alternative to expensive, custom-fit guards for treating TMJ and also for clenchers.

The device senses movement in the temporalis muscles in the temples, and can emit a signal when this happens. The signal is designed to cause the person wearing the headband to stop clenching and moving the jaw.

Proponents of the biofeedback device say that it is effective for more than 50% of users and unlike mouth guards, come with an actual guarantee.

Mouth guards can be frustrating for people since they can be very expensive and don’t last very long. People with serious clenching issues or severe TMJ can go through a guard in a matter of weeks as the guard gets chewed up.

Additionally, chunks of resin can become dislodged and swallowed, presenting a choking hazard. The idea of digesting bits of chemicals this way can be off-putting for most.

The biofeedback headband is worn externally and presents no such danger, but many who have used it still wind up needing other treatments anyway.

An even more powerful method to permanently cure TMJ and teeth clenching is this simple, easy-to-do group of face exercises. Learn more and test-drive these exercises online here…

This post is from the Natural TMJ Pain Relief Program. It was created by Christian Goodman from the Blue Heron Health News that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.

This program shows TMJ sufferers how to relieve TMJ pain quickly and safely. From this all-natural program, you will learn simple but powerful 3-minut TMJ exercises that are proven to relax your facial muscles and help you get rid of TMJ pain. Unlike other programs in the market, the Natural TMJ Relief Program focuses on the root cause rather than the symptoms.

To learn more about this program, click on How to Relieve TMJ Pain

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Snoring Naturally?

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Treat Snoring Naturally - Alzheimer’s, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Connection

Alzheimer’s is most often considered an incurable and unavoidable disease. Many of us have helplessly watched loved ones experience this painful condition, steadily degenerating the person’s functionality and personality.

Recent studies have, however, connected Alzheimer’s to a couple of very unexpected co-conspirators, snoring and sleep apnea. And by drawing some common sense conclusions, researchers have come up with a method that may help EVERY Alzheimer’s patient to not only stop this horrible disease but maybe also reverse it to some level.

What’s even more important, this gives hope that Alzheimer’s may be totally prevented from developing in the first place.

This full-featured article is especially important if you or someone close to you snores. Please read on.

Finding the Cause of Alzheimer’s

Our story begins in British Colombia University a few years back. Researchers came up with this crazy idea to test how oxygen deprivation on mice affected their memory. For 6 months, the mice only received about 40% of the oxygen they normally did for 16 hours per day. The rest of the day they could breathe normally.

They didn’t have to wait long to see for sure that the mice suffering oxygen deprivation had very diminished brain and memory function. They couldn’t find their way through a simple maze or complete other tasks normal mice could.

This was maybe no big surprise, but there was another thing researchers didn’t expect to find. After six months, these middle-aged mice (mice usually live for around 12 – 24 months) had developed twice as many beta-amyloid plaques as normal mice their age. These plaques are similar to the plaques that cause Alzheimer’s in humans.

A study conducted a couple of years later by Chicago’s Feinberg School of Medicine supported the view that long lasting lack of blood delivery to the brain may be the main underlying cause of Alzheimer’s.

Several other studies have linked various conditions that reduce the blood flow up to the brain to increased risk of Alzheimer’s. This includes, among others, migraine, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and neck injuries. For improved brain health, it’s essential to address these issues.

Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Sleep Apnea

There is, however, one condition that has a higher connection to Alzheimer’s than any other, and that is sleep apnea. According to a study published in the November, 2008 edition of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70-80% of those who had Alzheimer’s, also suffered sleep apnea. WOW… almost 4 out of 5 people!

Notably, the researchers did not conclude if it was the Alzheimer’s that caused the sleep apnea or the other way around.

Sleep apnea is a condition where person stops breathing for a few seconds, sometimes up to a minute, several times per night. This deprives the brain of 80% of normal oxygen throughout the night. There are examples of people going into a coma and even dying from sleep apnea. That’s how serious it is.
And since the brain takes 20-40% of all oxygen you inhale, you see that any lack will directly affect your brain function.

Most common treatment of sleep apnea is the use of the CPAP breathing machine that helps deliver oxygen to the lungs. So in 2011, researchers at the University of California, San Diego built on the previous research and applied CPAP machines to 52 Alzheimer’s patients who also suffered sleep apnea. In a matter of weeks, the patient’s nerve, brain and behavior function improved drastically during the day.

Note that CPAP is not a cure for Alzheimer’s but it has been shown to help pretty much everyone to improve this condition.
I’m very much afraid that we’re far away from curing Alzheimer’s in later stages. My concern is to help people improve the early stages of the condition and hold it back to some level. But even more importantly, I think it’s possible to totally avoid developing Alzheimer’s and reverse it at the earliest stages.

Where Snoring Comes in

This brings us to the issue of Sleep Apnea and its connection to snoring.

One of the most obvious symptoms of sleep apnea is snoring. Most people who suffer sleep apnea also snore pretty loudly.

Normal snoring is not as serious as sleep apnea. I believe, however, that all snoring should be taken seriously. You see, snoring is always caused by some kind of blockage in the breathing passages. This creates pressure that vibrates the soft tissues in these passages, creating the irritating snoring sound.

Whereas sleep apnea creates a complete blockage of the breathing passages several times per night, normal snoring creates a partial block. This is, however, enough to drastically reduce the amount of oxygen you receive throughout the night. This is also an indicator that you’re not breathing effectively throughout the day, either. The blockage doesn’t disappear during the day, you just manage it better.

Remember that the mice in the Alzheimer’s study didn’t develop plaque overnight. It built up in their brain after months of relatively mild oxygen deprivation. The same thing may be happening with you or someone you love if you don’t breathe effectively enough day and night.

This is on top of the fact that the oxygen level in most cities today is much lower than it used to be only 50 years ago.

The most effective way to treat snoring naturally and cure sleep apnea without drugs is our Stop Snoring Exercise Program. It includes easy exercises that have helped thousands of people to stop snoring in as little as 3 minutes per day. Learn more about the Stop Snoring Exercise Program here

Several of our other programs address the issue of lack of oxygen in the body.

Our migraine and headache program helps directly deliver oxygen up to the brain (there is close connection between migraine and Alzheimer’s).

Our Weight Loss Breeze program increases oxygen delivery throughout the body.

And our High Blood Pressure Program and Cholesterol Guide obviously help with arteries and oxygen-rich blood delivery throughout the body.

Treat Snoring Naturally - Does Snoring Cause Divorce?

I have often been guilty of letting this thought run through my mind when I read some of the commentary related to people asking for help with their snoring issues.

The latest comes from a reader in Alabama who asked me to share her story as not only a caution to others, but also as a reassurance of hope.

Our reader, whom we will call Thea, wrote in to describe the effect that snoring had on her family. She and her husband started out happy enough, with a great marriage, common interests, desire for family, etc.

They had a little house in a suburb outside of Mobile and he had a great job that offered her the chance to live her dream, which was to be a mom in the home for their two children.

After the usual sleep issues that happen to all parents when the kids are small resolved themselves, they sort of got into a good, healthy groove with their sleeping as Thea and her husband were great about keeping a schedule, eating right, getting enough water and all that.

But as time wore on, and as Thea and her husband started to approach 40, they started to gain a little bit of weight, started to show some signs of anxiety (especially as the economy worsened), and started to wander away from their healthy lifestyle.

She blamed the trend on going back to work part time, coupled with the myriad of activities the kids were in along with the travel and time consumption of other daily activities and they started relying heavily on convenience foods and takeout.

She explains that it was about this time that she started snoring and he started the tossing, kicking, and twitching of restless leg syndrome.

Every time she would start snoring, he’d wake and nudge her. Every time he would roll over in bed, she’d wake because he’d elbowed her or scratched her on the leg with a toenail.

They were both beginning to suffer the ravages of sleep deprivation, dosing off during the day and getting really snippy with each other and the kids.
So they decided that in order to at least try and get them both some better sleep that they would take turns sleeping in the spare bedroom. Up to this point they hadn’t spent a night apart in 16 years of marriage.

Sleep seemed to be easier to come by with this arrangement, but it was kind of sad for them, she explains. They still loved one another, and still had a good time on vacations, going on dates together or on outings with the kids and still went to church every Saturday evening like clockwork.

She was kind of vague explaining what happened next. “Christian,” she said, “I just don’t know what happened next. It was like someone had been coming in at night and had been stealing parts of our marriage a little bit at a time.”

Before I could even wonder what that meant, she went on to explain it. “We used to be so close, but even after we started sleeping better it seemed like we were a thousand miles away from each other.”

She described that even though on the outside it looked like everything was okay, they both had been harboring some grouchy sentiment toward one another because they could no longer share a bed.

This took the predictable toll on their sex life, which added even more anxiety. She said, “Two kids, 4 sports, school, church, volunteer activities, work…we never had any opportunities to be alone in a bed together.”

And so the distance progressed, worsened, and stole away more and more of what they had spent 16 years building.

So after about 3 years of this, she discovered he had been having an email relationship with a colleague at work…that wasn’t of a working nature.

To this other woman, he had apparently been lamenting the demise of his physical relationship and seeking solace in this woman’s online companionship.
Once discovered, Thea immediately threatened to file for divorce, but instead got them both into counselling. This turned out to be the changing point of the whole toxic dynamic that had been playing itself out over the past couple of years.

It took a therapist to tell them what they already knew…that they still loved each other and had a lot of wonderful years left in their marriage. They just needed to regularly spend time alone in an intimate setting, which, for most people means a bed.

Even if there wasn’t to be any sex, they knew they had to find a way to sleep together again and start giving each other the critical marital elements of affection, closeness, touch and trust.

But to do this, two very critical issues needed to be corrected- her snoring and his RLS.

They have just started the work required to overcome these sleep problems, but are apparently at least sleeping in the same room again.
So the answer to the question at the beginning is no…snoring doesn’t cause divorce. People cause it. But it can be a catalyst to the unraveling of a relationship if left untreated.

If you or someone you know has a problem with snoring or insomnia related issues, see my guides to treating these conditions the natural way.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Treat Snoring Naturally and Cure Sleep Apnea Without Drugs

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