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Friday, January 27, 2017

7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals

Click HERE to Get Quick,Healthy, Family Friendly, Fat Burning Meals and Recipes

My name is Diana Keuilian, I’m the creator of Family Friendly Fat Burning Foods and today I’d like to share with you my top 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals.

Wouldn't it be great if all your favorite comfort meals naturally promoted fat loss? I think that would be awesome.

My old favorite comfort meals were fried fish tacos, fully-loaded veggie burritos, angel hair pasta with mizithra cheese and cheese-smothered veggie burgers with fries. Yummmmmmmm! Unfortunately these old favorites brought on rapid fat storage.

Due to my love of food, in my twenties I went from a size 4 to a size 12. 

In my frustration I tried portion control, and began to limit the amount of foods that I ate. This began a yo-yo cycle of eating less food one day, more the next, and never seeing the results I wanted.

Over the past few years I've read countless books on nutrition and have finally landed on the formula for creating meals that promote fat loss, and taste good while doing it. 

Oh and this method of eating has effortlessly brought me back to that size 4 :)

This is what I discovered...

Fat Burning Tip #1) Focus On Protein

The base of a fat burning meal is a healthy serving of quality, lean protein. Choose from organic, hormone-free chicken, pork, beef, lamb, veal, fish or eggs.

No wonder I was gaining weight! Most of my favorite meals had very little to do with protein. After giving up meat at age 12, I spent the next 18 years as a junk food vegetarian. Most of my meals were made up of processed grains and sugar.

Why is protein so important? Protein supports and fuels your lean tissues, namely your muscles, and does not have an effect on blood sugar levels, which would promote fat storage. 

Fat Burning Tip #2) Ditch Grains and Refined Sugar

A fat burning meal does not contain a serving of grains or starches. Yes, I realize that this goes against everything that we have been taught or experienced with dinners. Most meals are plated with a jumbo serving of noodles, pasta, potatoes, rice, has been breaded or is served with bread, tortillas, chips or buns.

As I learned the hard way, these carbs are more than we need, and end up being stored as fat. And, yes, it is possible to create fat-burning dinners that satisfy even the hungriest meat-and-potatoes members of your family.

This was the hardest part for me to get used to. Grains and sugar are filled with fat-promoting carbs, and as you saw above, my favorite meals were all carb-ed out. 

There's really no reason, other than habit, to eat grains or sugar on a regular basis. Once I removed these from my diet, and got out of the habit of eating them, I no longer craved or even found my old favorites very appealing.

Fat Burning Tip #3) Bring On The Veggies

After you remove the grains and sugars from your meal, add a bunch of fiber-filled veggies instead. One of my favorite things to do now when building a fat burning meal is to get a bowl, add a few handfuls of organic spinach and arugula, and then top it with protein and some cooked veggies. Add a light homemade dressing and you're looking at the perfect, quick fat burning meal. 

Fiber-filled veggies are important for many reasons in addition to the fiber. They are filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which your body needs.  They are also very low in calories compared to the amount of space that they take up in your stomach. So you'll get full faster on fewer calories.

Fat Burning Tip #4) Quality Ingredients

Ingredients are the building blocks to a healthy meal so pay attention to the quality of the ingredients you use. Fast food just isn’t going to cut it! Be willing to spend a little more on the foods that you eat. Quality is much more important that quantity.

When choosing meat look for organic, antibiotic and hormone-free. Avoid processed meats, like lunchmeats, as these contain potentially harmful additives and lots of salt. Also avoid highly processed soy fake meats.

Choose foods that are:
  • Fresh, organic and seasonal
  • Pronounceable ingredients
  • Whole foods

Fat Burning Tip #5) Use A Healthy Cooking Method

The method in which you cook your meal determines how many calories, how much added fat, and the number of nutrients that survive.

Don’t prepare meals like this:
  • Fried and battered
  • Processed and packaged
  • Doused with cream sauce

Choose these cooking methods:
  • Grilled
  • Baked
  • Broiled
  • Steamed

Fat Burning Tip #6) Cook With Coconut Oil

I used to always cook with vegetable oil, never realizing how harmful it was to my fat loss efforts. Unfortunately most people use harmful, unstable and fat promoting oils when they cook.

The good news is that coconut oil is an amazing, healthy oil that not only tastes great but also helps promote fat loss. Among its many benefits, coconut oil is stable, even at high temperatures. It’s filled with lauric acid, which boosts the immune system and helps ward off infections.  
Best of all, coconut oil has been shown to increase metabolism and thyroid activity, which boosts fat burning.

Fat Burning Tip #7) Enjoy Dessert of Fresh Fruit

When is the last time that you bit into a fresh, organic, perfectly ripe piece of fruit? Delicious, wasn’t it? I used to overlook fruit as the perfect dessert that it is, and instead would eat artificially flavored, cane sugar sweetened, processed desserts that encourage rapid weight gain and declined health.

I’m not going to say that ice cream and chocolate don’t taste awesome, because they do. But eating desserts like that on a regular basis is one of the big reasons that I kept gaining weight back in my twenties. By making the simple switch from refined sugar desserts to desserts of organic, fresh fruit I was able to lose weight without feeling deprived. 

Let’s bring fruit back to its rightful place as our favorite, most popular after-dinner sweet. Out with the refined sugar and corn syrup and in with Nature’s sweetest gift…fresh fruit.

Hope that you have enjoyed these 7 Tips To Make Fat Burning Meals. I’m walking proof that this way of eating truly delivers results without deprivation or boring, bland meals.

Watch this Video HERE and this Video TOO for awesome fat burning ways to burn belly fat.

I love food WAY too much to give up flavorful, delicious dinners, snacks and desserts. In fact, I’m so passionate about creating fat burning foods that, for the first time ever, I’ve put all of my best recipes and eating secrets together into a full Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals program.

This system has over 100 of my family’s favorite fat burning recipes – which I used to effortlessly reverse the weight I had gained in my twenties. It’s tasty stuff like Chicken Enchiladas, Baked Chicken Nuggets, Make-Your-Own Tacos, Healthy Brownies, Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies and much, much more.

Here’s a page where you can learn more about my Family Friendly Fat Burning Meals Program

I’m excited to hear your fat loss success story. Good luck, and enjoy all of those tasty recipes :)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

10 Best Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs & Bum

Click HERE to Learn How You Can Reduce Cellulite and Get Sexy Butts & Thighs

Do You Want To Know How To Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum Forever? Read This Article And Learn About Some Home Remedies That Will Get Rid Of Your Cellulite FAST...

If you think you’re completely safe from cellulite, think again.

More than 80-90 percent of women across the globe have issues with cellulite. It normally presents itself on the thighs, buttocks and sometimes the stomach.

But what exactly is cellulite?

Well it is simply free floating cells that love to deposit themselves below the skin. It has the look of a dimpled surface or the surface of a orange peel.

Here is what really happens…

Whenever you eat junk foods high in fat and sugar they keep depositing toxins in body. These toxins eventually get stored as fat which leads to very visible cellulite pockets.

If you see any indication of cellulite on your legs and butt then you should start taking action to get rid of it.

Untreated cellulite only gets worse as you age but after reading this post you will know exactly how to get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum.

Here are some very effective home remedies that really work.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 1 - Apple Cider Vinegar

It has some very potent minerals that help to get rid of cellulite on your thighs and bum such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

These do an effective job at flushing out toxins and lower water retention around the stomach and thighs.

This will lead to a reduction in cellulite and bloating. Another reason you should use apple cider vinegar is because it can help you lose excess weight which means less cellulite pockets.

What you will need

Apple cider vinegar
Honey (optional but recommended)

How to use it

Method 1

·         Mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water. You can also add honey to maximize the effect.
·         Massage the mixture on the affected area for 5 mins and leave it for 30 minutes.
·         Now you will rinse with lukewarm water
·         Do this once daily for results.

Method 2

·         You can simply mix 3 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of honey and drink once daily.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 2 - Juniper Oil

Juniper oil is a very effective get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum. When your body have accumulated toxins within fat tissues and skin, you skin will need a good detox and that where juniper oil helps.

This oil has one of the best detoxifying properties that helps to get rid of toxin build in your skin and also helps to reduce fluid retention.

What you will need

10 drops of juniper oil
1/4 of olive oil

How to do it

·         You will need to dilute the juniper oil by mixing it with the olive oil
·         Massage the affected area for 10 mins
·         Do this once daily for maximum results

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 3 - Using coffee grounds

Did you know coffee grounds can be used as an exfoliating scrub?

Yes, it’s very effective in removing dead skin cells and helps with the regeneration of new cells.

You can try to drink a cup of coffee daily as it helps to increase blood circulation to the skin.

What you will need

1/4 cup of coffee grounds
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil

How to do it

·         Mix the coffee grounds, sugar and coconut oil until it forms a thick paste.
·         Use the paste and massage the affected area for 7 minutes. Make sure you apply firm pressure when massaging.
·         Rinse it off with some lukewarm water.
·         Do this remedy 3-4 times a week for maximum results.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 4 - Do detox baths

If you want to take a wholesome approach in getting rid of cellulite on thighs and bum then you should try a detox bath.

It helps to prevent fat tissues and toxins from building up under the skin. Whether you currently have cellulite or trying to prevent it this is a fantastic option.

What you will need

Warm water filled in bath
4 sheets of seaweed
1 cup of sea salt

How to do it

·         Make sure your bath is filled with clean warm water.
·         Now add the sea salt and seaweed to the water. Mix it with your hand so that they dissolve properly.
·         Sit and soak in the water for 20-30 minutes for maximum absorption.
·         Do this 2 times a week. Make sure that you moisture your skin with olive oil after your detox baths

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 5 - Using Tomato paste

They contain a element called lycopene which helps to prevent the breakdown of collagen( gives the skin elasticity) and minimizes toxic fat build up.

What will you need

2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice

How to do it

·         You will need to crush the tomatoes into a paste.
·         Then add the lime juice to the paste and mix
·         Gently massage the affected area for 10 minutes
·         Rinse off with like warm water
·         Do this once daily

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 6 - Using tangerine oil for cellulite removal

Whenever you use tangerine oil on your skin it helps to improve blood circulation and closes cellulite pockets. This is one of the best natural remedy get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum.

What you will need

5 drops of tangerine oil
1 tablespoons of olive oil

How to do it

·         Mix the tangerine and olive into a paste.
·         Massage the mixture on the affect areas for 10 minutes.
·         Do this 3-4 times a week for better results.
·         Try to avoid sunlight for 1 hour after using the tangerine oil.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 7 - Drink water daily

Remember that the cellulite pockets are packed with toxins that need to be flushed out that’s why you need to drink water regularly throughout the day.

It will help to keep your body fully hydrated which will amplify your skin’s natural glow.

Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily. Drink it first thing in the morning before you eat anything.

If you want to add some flavor to the water, squeeze a fresh lemon or add honey.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 8 - Eat 3-5 servings of salmon weekly

Salmons are packed with antioxidants which help to destroy fat cells in cellulite.

Let’s not forget that salmon is a wonderful source of omega 3 fatty acids which helps to give you smooth skin.

Foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids will reduce your appetite and strengthen skin tissues.

Eating salmon regularly will help you get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 9 - Flax seeds

These seeds are packed with essential fatty acids that would help to improve your skin’s elasticity.

They also contain lignans and phytochemicals that help to regulate hormone imbalances which can lead to the build-up of cellulite.
The best way to consume flax seeds is to blend it in your shakes.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum #Tip 10 – Pineapple

This tangy fruit contains the enzyme bromelain which is an anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce cellulite by losing fat cell metabolism.

You can eat half a cup of pineapples as part of your breakfast or you can eat it as a refreshing snack or even for dessert.

Pineapple is a-must eat fruit if you really want to get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum.

Now even though pineapple is full of bromelain you have to be careful as it’s full of sugar and too much of anything is not good for your body so be moderate.

Plus you’ll get an excellent source of fiber.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about the High Intensity Thighs and Bum Workout to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum

Now it’s your turn

Now that you know how to get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum it’s up to you to select the method that you’re most comfortable with and stick to it, be consistent.

If you give any of these natural remedies your best effort you will see a reduction in cellulite on your butt and legs in no time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Revealing Here 8 No Risk Ways to Remove Cellulite

Smooth and tight thighs without cellulite are what many women today. Cellulite can appear when you don’t notice. Read on here to learn the 8 ways to remove cellulite naturally.

Click HERE to Learn How You Can Reduce Cellulite and Get Sexy Butts & Thighs

Smooth and tight thighs without cellulite are what many women today. Cellulite can appear when you don’t notice.

Though you can get rid of cellulite by way of plastic surgery, but this should only be a last resort for ridding the body of your cellulite. It is very risky; there are easier ways to get rid of cellulite. Only consider surgical options after you have exhausted all other possibilities to no avail.

The simple tips in this article will make cellulite problem a much more manageable issue.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 1- Having a healthy diet can make cellulite less apparent.

Eating is a great way to eliminate and possibly prevent cellulite. You can reduce the look of cellulite by eating right.  A diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains is good for your body and can help reduce your fat stores.

By eating foods that contain whole grains and fiber, you can detoxify your body, which will reduce the severity of cellulite. Eating high-fiber foods and whole grains helps to remove the toxins that worsen the appearance of cellulite. Drinking water can also rid your body of these toxins.

Foods that contain a lot of lecithin are good for fighting cellulite.  Foods with lots of lecithin help to break up fat deposits and cellulite. Foods rich in lecithin include apples, eggs, lettuce and spinach all contains lecithin. Don’t go near junk food with lots of fat.

Do not eat food that contains high amounts of saturated fats in your diet. Foods such as butter, cream and butter all have saturated fats. These can be more difficult for your physical self to get broken down.

Try to cut some of the bread and grain from your diet. Those items are all carb laden and can have an effect on your weight if exercise isn’t something you do often.

Never eat carbs prior to working out. Carbs can make it difficult for the body to shed excess fat while working out. This can actually set you back in your cellulite. The best time to consume carbs is five minutes after you finished exercising.

High amounts of healthy protein are needed to be consumed to help reduce cellulite. Protein will increase collagen and elastin under the skin.  This makes cellulite controllable. Some rich protein sources are fish, chicken, turkey, lean meats, nuts and skim milk.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 2 - Drinking more water is the key to getting rid of cellulite.

Water is a big help: it helps you kill off some calories and it adds strength to your skin’s collagen stronger. This will also makes sure you won’t have that dimpled look associated with cellulite.

Drinking water can also help to flush out toxins. Water prevents cellulite from occurring rather than curing it. It works because it helps to keep your skin hydrated. Water also flushes out those harmful toxins. Try drinking at least six to eight glasses of water every day.

You can also watch this Video HERE about the 5 natural ways to remove cellulite fast

Remove Cellulite #TIP 3 - Work on managing stress effectively.

A lot of stress can cause the hormone Cortisol to be released. This hormone can increase the fat storage in your body. To get rid of stress, try doing meditation and yoga. Find something that calms you, and get enough sleep nightly. Go for lengthy walks that are long and relaxing.

Incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily routine. This will help burn off extra calories and decrease fat. Exercising and trying to target the areas that are prone to cellulite can help you see results later on. Try biking and running to get rid of cellulite on your buttocks, unwanted cellulite.

Add a thirty minute walk to your routine each day. This may be as exercise or by walking to work rather than driving if your work is not far from the office. Walking is relatively stress-free and can tone your thighs and legs and is low-impact. You also need high impact activities as well, this is one that doesn’t really feel like exercise.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 4 - Pay attention to how you live your life.

Make changes in your lifestyle to help you to keep cellulite at bay. Your smoking habit needs to end. It has a number of adverse effects on the body.

One of them is the fact that it makes it difficult for the body to deal with toxins. This can make cellulite appear, because you’re less likely to have a body that is as elastic. If you already smoke, try to cut down so that your body is able to heal itself.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 5 - Get yourself a massage especially on your potential problem areas.

Not only will a massage soothe you and help you to relax, but it also helps to reduce stress that could lead to skin damage. This will boost the circulation in your body and help flush out toxins. It also rejuvenates your body and smooths your skin.

Massages can make your dimpled skin taut and smooth. Massaging the skin will also break up fat and distributes it evenly to that they distribute more evenly. A massage can be a great way to get those lumpy thighs looking taut and tight again. No matter if you go to a spa or get your significant other to massage you, the outcome will likely surprise you.

Massage tools with motors can help to reduce cellulite. The tool that massages can help you to break down fat deposits that cellulite is made up of. Vibrations like these also can stretch collagen fibers, which will help to smooth the skin back to normal.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 6 - Dry brushing is an effective technique that can help reduce the cellulite treatment.

Dry brushing can be done by using a body brush which is a helpful tool to reduce cellulite. This works to eliminate dead skin particles. Use a natural bristles.

This will allow blood to flow more freely through your skin so it’ll look better and improve circulation. Do this twice a day for a few weeks for the best results.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 7 - Tanning can hide cellulite.

Although tanning doesn’t get rid of it, it makes it less noticeable. Get a tan to reduce how visible your cellulite less noticeable. Cellulite usually looks smaller in a mirror when it’s darker. Whether you use a tanning lotion or spray, make sure you first exfoliate your skin with a body scrub in order to even out the surface of the skin.

Self- tanning lotions can be used to give your legs some color. You will see an instant improvement in appearance of cellulite because darker skin makes it harder to see. It’s almost impossible to get rid of cellulite, but you can conceal it this way. Use a self-tanner in order to make dimpled skin less noticeable.

Remove Cellulite #TIP 8 - Using scrubs or soaps that have caffeine in them can tighten and strengthen skin, making the cellulite less visible.
You can make your own cellulite reducing body scrub using brown sugar, coffee grounds, and some olive oil. First, oil your skin up, and then lather on the coffee and sugar. Scrub this in by massaging it and then get it rinsed off with water that’s warm. This will allow the skin to get moisturized which helps keep cellulite at bay.

You’re now equipped to do something about your cellulite. Begin implementing them today to improve the appearance of your skin! The information presented is going to be a big help. Now is the best time to start with these ideas!

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