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Monday, October 10, 2016

What is Psoriasis actually & How to Avoid Psoriasis Problems?

Psoriasis is actually an auto-immune disease. An autoimmune disease is one where the immune system attacks itself, instead of protecting itself, and it can make a person ill.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Psoriasis has its own commercials on television, advertisements on the internet, and creams at the local drugs stores, but do people actually know what it is? It is much more than flaky or itchy skin.

Psoriasis is actually an auto-immune disease. An autoimmune disease is one where the immune system attacks itself, instead of protecting itself, and it can make a person ill.
Psoriasis is genetic for the most part, but just because no one in the family has it doesn’t mean you are automatically safe.

The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis. This happens when the skin cells begin to reproduce too quickly. There is an imbalance in the skin renewal process.

In normal skin, there is a constant process of new skin replacing the old and dying skin. This process normal takes 30 days.

In Psoriasis, the process in 10 times faster meaning new skin is coming in before the old skin dies off. The new skin has nowhere to go, so it stays beneath the surface and creates a look of thick, red patchy skin.
There are three main symptoms of psoriasis. The first is the major redness of the skin and the shedding. This is called Erythodermic.

The second symptom is inflammation of the damaged skin known as Inverse.

The third symptom and probably the most annoying are the Pustulars. These are the lesions that cause the scaling and cause those scale to weep, especially if picked at.
No one is sure of the real cause of psoriasis, but research in ongoing. Most researchers say it is genetic and runs in the family.

The main problem with psoriasis is that the immune system starts to speed up and tries to heal the skin with it isn’t necessary. This seems to be the main part of research now, figuring out what triggers that increase.
There are a few things that can trigger psoriasis, but at times it will simply come and go as it pleases. Some major triggers include: allergies, infection, side effects of medications, stress, sunburn, or injury and scratches on the infected area of the skin.
Psoriasis has no known cure, but learning what it is, is the first step in dealing with this disease on a day to day basis.’

To find out more about psoriasis, you can also watch this Video Here - Psoriasis Complete Information What is Psoriasis Symptoms and Treatment Options

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Friday, October 7, 2016

5 Psoriasis Triggers to Best Avoid Immediately Here

Suffering with psoriasis is no walk in the park. The dry, flaky skin, the embarrassing rashes and red patches; it’s all a lot to take. Learning how to avoid psoriasis triggers can keep flare-ups at bay.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Suffering with psoriasis is no walk in the park. The dry, flaky skin, the embarrassing rashes and red patches; it’s all a lot to take.

Anyone who suffers from psoriasis knows the constant struggle of discovering what triggers flare-ups and then avoiding those situations. So what triggers flare-ups? Read on to fight out.
Psoriasis Triggers #1 – Stress

First and foremost, stress is a trigger for many illnesses and can actually cause a psoriasis outbreak. Any large amount of stress on the body attacks the immune system and weakens the body’s natural defense against disease.

With the weakened immune system, whatever was holding the flare-ups at bay is busy elsewhere and an outbreak pops up. The stress can be any type of stress from emotional stress to anxiety to outside sources of stress.
Psoriasis Triggers #2 – Skin Injuries

Skin injuries can cause serious flare-ups at the site of the injury. Any small scratch or abrasions on the skin can cause infection or psoriasis to develop. Injuries happen and can’t always be avoided.

If you are injured immediately take care of the wound, cover it and add Neosporin if it’s a small cut. Taking care of all injuries right after they happen can help prevent outbreaks.

Psoriasis Triggers #3 – Sunburn

Sunburn is also a major risk for flare-ups, partly due to the damage it can do to skin. If you acquire a sunburn, rub it with aloe so it will heal more quickly. Leaving a sunburn untreated can be cause for a painful flare-up.
Psoriasis Triggers #4 – Illness

Illness can trigger flare-ups as well. The most common illness for flare-ups is strep throat, especially if it lingers for awhile. This can cause flare-ups and red bumps all over the skin.

Often times, this type of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, are mistaken as a rash or allergic reaction. In most cases, with antibiotics this type of psoriasis will go away.
Psoriasis Triggers #5 – Medications

Some medications are responsible for flare-ups. If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis make sure to talk about the possible reactions and side effects associated with medications.

Your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medication with lowered risks, or give a second medication to hold off an outbreak.
Learning what can trigger and outbreak, will help keep flare-ups at bay.

You can also watch this Video HERE from Dr. Ronald Prussick of the Washington D.C. area about Psoriasis Triggers and Management.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

5 Easy Psoriasis Remedies Straight from the Kitchen Here

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Psoriasis is huge pain for anyone who has ever suffered with the red patches of skin. It can be itchy and unsightly. Doctor’s visits and medications can get expensive.

If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis you can find some natural home remedies right in your kitchen. They are cheap, easy, and most people won’t even have to leave the house to get things.
Psoriasis Remedies #1 – AppleCider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a history of being used to help ease burns and calm skin inflammations. The liquid form can be used to dip in infected fingernails or toenails.

The vinegar can also be applied directly to plaques (the red, patchy areas) using a cloth or cotton swabs. A proper mixture of apple cider vinegar is one cup vinegar to one gallon of water.
Psoriasis Remedies #2 – Plastic Wrap

Plastic wrap works well to cover up and heal the lesions left by psoriasis.  Covering up open sores can keep medication in place but also keeps moisturizers working longer.

Simply add the medication or lotion, then loosely wrap normal plastic wrap around the wound. Leave the wrap on long enough to absorb the medication or lotion, but not so long the skin gets pruny or soggy. Normally an hour or so is long enough.
Psoriasis Remedies #3 – Vegetable Oil

Oils can be great for the skin. Try warming up some olive oil and massaging it into the scalp, if that is the type of psoriasis you have, leave it in for a minute or so and then shampoo as usual. The olive oil will help remove the extra flaky skin.

Mineral Oil works to help soothe damage to the skin. You can add it directly or mix it into a bath, allowing it to soak into the skin. Olive oil and normal, everyday vegetable oil can be added to the bath as well to soak the skin.

Psoriasis Remedies #4 – Epsom Salts

Speaking of baths, adding in some Epsom salts can help heal wounds faster and keep swelling at bay.
Psoriasis Remedies #5 – Baking Soda

Baking soda can help relive itching. You can easily make a mixture to place on the itchy spots by mixing 1 ½ cups of baking soda with 3 gallons of water. Dip in a washcloth and place on the itchy areas.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other psoriasis remedies.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Why Positive Thinking is Really Important for Fighting Psoriasis?

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking in fighting psoriasis. Negative thoughts and emotions are what often keep people in the condition they are in. Illness and disease happens, but it is the negative thoughts and emotions that keep us from healing quickly, or at all.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Negative thoughts and emotions are what often keep people in the condition they are in. Illness and disease happens, but it is the negative thoughts and emotions that keep us from healing quickly, or at all.

Daily positive thinking or affirmations may sound like a lot of hocus pocus, but it is amazing what can happen when we get rid of the negative energy and replace it with positive.

Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and actions. If you are feeling down, all you want to do is stay under the covers and not deal with anyone. Telling yourself negative thoughts can lead to you, and others believing those thoughts.

If you constantly tell people you aren’t smart enough for that promotion, in time you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth. However, if you tell yourself you are just as qualified as everyone else for that promotion, you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth.

A negative thought process and negative attitude will not give you the courage and strength to even try for the promotion. A positive attitude will give you the confidence to go for it, even if you don’t get it and least you tried.

The road to recovery is more than just medication and doctor’s visits. You need to cultivate the habit of positive thinking by convincing yourself that you are going to be alright.

It is about saying to yourself every day that this illness or disease is not going to bring you down or stop you from reaching for the stars. You may have a disease, but it is not all you are.

Positive thinking or affirmations are a way to force a decision and commit to gaining control of your life back. Close your eyes and say “I will overcome this”.

Bring up pictures in your mind of you free of your illness. Picture yourself living a healthy life and immersing yourself in healthy things. Remember that picture for when times get tough and things get hard.

You don’t have to spend tons of money on self-help tapes to learn how to have positive thinking. You can also watch this Video Here on how to re-program your mind (for Positive thinking).

It is easy and free to make your own daily affirmations. The trick is to make yourself recite these affirmations daily, even when you are in the foulest of moods.

Write out things such as “I am getting stronger and healthier” “I feel better and more positive with each passing day”. Put these sayings in your purse or wallet or hang them in the mirror where you get ready each day.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

How to Really Deal With Psoriasis in Children Problems?

When dealing with psoriasis in children, answering questions and educating your child will help keep their fears at bay. Once, they learn about the disorder they can figure out their triggers and prevent future outbreaks.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

There is nothing worse than waking up one day and realizing your skin is different from other people. The kind of difference that has nothing to do with color but the kind that has to do with texture.

Other people have smooth, soft skin; you have red, patchy, flaky skin and it’s embarrassing. Now imagine this through the eyes of a child, noticing these different can not only be embarrassing, but scary, which can be a real big issue for psoriasis in children!
For treating psoriasis in children, kids have a much harder time dealing with the reality of a disorder and what can be a life changing disease. They rely on their parents to help them get better and free them from the pain and suffering.

When treating psoriasis in children, the first thing parents need to do is to reassure their children that they are going to be okay and these flare-ups will happen from time to time.
One particular issue for psoriasis in children is that kids can be fearful of flare-ups and experience anxiety of thought of the skin patches showing up again. Children can act out emotionally.

One child may be fearful while another child is angry and still another child may be sad. No one can predict how a child will react with their diagnosis, so it is important to offer love and support to children.
Children are affected much more by their body image and how they are viewed by other children than adults are. They rely on being accepted and fitting it and fear sticking out and being rejected. Psoriasis can cause the skin to look patchy, dry, and red with lesions that may weep.
When treating psoriasis in children, there are some important things to make sure the child understands in order to help them deal with their disorder. First, let them know it is not contagious.

Second, when dealing with psoriasis in children, their parents have to let them know they are not alone and there are many other kids who suffer the same thing. It may help to get them involved in a children’s support group, if you can find one in the area.
When dealing with psoriasis in children, answering questions and educating your child will help keep their fears at bay. Once, they learn about the disorder they can figure out their triggers and prevent future outbreaks. Empowering a child to take charge of their disorder will help them out in the long run.

You can also watch this Video HERE about how to deal with issues relating to psoriasis in children.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Monday, October 3, 2016

How Best to Really Prevent Psoriasis Outbreaks Absolutely?

Psoriasis is an ailment no one likes to deal with. There are no cures but there are ways to prevent psoriasis outbreaks and deal with symptoms. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Psoriasis is an ailment no one likes to deal with. There are no cures but there are ways to prevent psoriasis outbreaks and deal with symptoms.

There are many medications and creams that can be used to treat psoriasis, but they require constant use and can cost lots of money over time.

The best thing to do for yourself is to change your lifestyle and prevent psoriasis outbreaks.
Some lifestyle changes are simple, while others are more difficult. Finding ways to prevent psoriasis outbreaks is a search any sufferer is willing to pursue. 

The first way to change your lifestyle is to change your diet. Changing your diet can help you lose weight, which may be a factor in triggering psoriasis. Add more fruits and vegetables to the diet and try to remove salts and fats. Use sugars in moderation and watch that cholesterol.
Smoking can trigger outbreaks, so changing your lifestyle towards smoking cessation is a great idea. There are many ways to stop smoking from chewing gums to patches and pills. The sooner you can stop this habit the better.

Smoking increases your chances of developing psoriasis in the first place. If you already have psoriasis, your chance of frequent flare-ups is greater if you are a smoker.
Drinking alcoholic beverages also increases your changes of outbreaks. Heavy drinking can bring on psoriasis as well. Doctor’s will advise patient’s to limit the amount of alcohol they drink because alcohol seems to be linked to flare-ups.

If you are currently experiencing an outbreak, it is a good idea to lay off the alcohol until it subsides. Heavy drinking will also cause frequent flare-ups and prevent the disorder from ever fully going away.
The final lifestyle change is a focus on stress reduction. Stress is a huge trigger of psoriasis, probably one of the biggest. Learning ways to manage stress is important for anyone who suffers from the disease.

Take some time out of the day to relax, enjoy a book, or take a brisk walk. Try not to take on too much at work and ask for help if needed. Reducing the amount of stress in your life will help prevent psoriasis outbreaks in the future.

You may also want to watch this Video HERE for other ideas to prevent psoriasis outbreaks.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Friday, September 23, 2016

How Best to Really Fight Autoimmune Disease Absolutely?

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

What is autoimmune disease actually and how to fight autoimmune disease? Autoimmune disease happens when the immune system attacks the healthy cells in the body. Though this sounds serious, it is not contagious.

In order to fight autoimmune disease, you first need to know about the likely autoimmune disease symptoms. There a lot of symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases.

Some may appear to fall under the same category as autoimmune disease, but they are really unrelated. If you every have any doubts, seek out the care of physician to get the best diagnoses.

Many times one or two of these symptoms, or other problems, will come up. It is usually only a real issue when you have more than one at a time or they reoccur often.
Yeast infections can occur in the mouth or in the vaginal region of women. Candida yeast infections are pretty common. It is characterized by white spots coating the mouth or tongue, or the vaginal region of women.

Yeast infections can be a sign of many autoimmune diseases, but in more cases than not it is simply an infection that will go way with some medication.

Depression and emotional problems are issues in and of themselves. Everyone experiences depression at one point or another in their lives. Too much stress, feeling helpless or overwhelmed, and life in general can bring us down.

Depression can also be a psychological problem stemming from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression can also play a part in autoimmune diseases when the disease affects the brain or the hypothalamus of the brain.

Fatigue is a common problem for people everywhere. We all get so busy we forget to let our body relax and sleep. We allow ourselves to become run down, tired, and over exerted.

However, if you have been getting plenty of sleep each night and have a good balance between work and play and still feel completely drained, this may be a much bigger problem. Autoimmune diseases can affect the flow of oxygen, increase toxicity, or cause infections that leave you tired.

Symptoms of allergies like dry eyes, dry mouth, light sensitivity, headaches, and swollen glands can also be symptoms of an autoimmune disease. That doesn’t really make detecting an autoimmune disease very simple.

However, if you experience allergies for six months out of the year, each year, around the same time, then it is most likely just allergies. If for any reason the symptoms show up unexpectedly, then it’s time to see a doctor.

You are the best judge of your health so pay attention when you feel something is “off” and go see your doctor.

You may also want to this Video HERE from Dr.Vikki Petersen – Signs of Autoimmune Disease: How to Fight Autoimmune Disease!

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

What really Causes Psoriasis & How best to Fight Psoriasis?

Learning how to fight psoriasis is best started by figuring out what causes psoriasis outbreak in the first place and dealing with it from there. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Being diagnosed with psoriasis is not the end of the world, though it may be a huge blow. Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes unsightly dry and patchy skin.

Many people will tell you there is no cure for psoriasis, and in some cases they would be right. However, there are some natural ways you can heal yourself, forever.

Before you can take steps to fight psoriasis, you first need to figure out what really causes psoriasis in the first place. Psoriasis can be caused by many different factors or a number of factors all mixed together.

There is no one size fits all cause of psoriasis, each person is different and is affected differently.

One of the most common factors that causes psoriasis is genetic disposition. Take a look at your family tree and see if there are any reported cases of psoriasis, if so that may be where your psoriasis came from.

Another symptom that causes psoriasis can be a calcium deficiency. If your body is not getting enough calcium it can actually bring on symptoms of psoriasis.

This problem is easily solved by increasing your intake of calcium through more dairy products or calcium supplements. In order for your body to properly process and breakdown the calcium you may need some Vitamin D.

Next, take a look at your stress level. Stress is often times related to the onslaught of psoriasis and can exacerbate the symptoms. Some people are not affected by stress whatsoever, and others say their outbreaks are worse when they are under large amounts of stress.

If stress is an issue that causes psoriasis, take steps to avoid becoming too stressed. Learn stress management techniques. Take time to relax. Try meditation or other stress relieving activities.

Exercise more, even if that means simply taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Exercise is shown to boost energy levels and help relieve stress.

Talking things out with other people helps release stress as well; keeping things inside and all by yourself only adds to the stress.

Learning how to fight psoriasis is best started by figuring out what causes psoriasis outbreak in the first place and dealing with it from there.

Now that you have already known what causes psoriasis, you can click on Video1 and Video 2 to learn how to fight psoriasis.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Which are really the Best Psoriasis Home Remedies?

Psoriasis home remedies are the lowest cost treatments for dealing with psoriasis. More often than not, they are all-natural cures and won’t harm you with harsh side-effects. Read on here to find out more.

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Psoriasis home remedies are the lowest cost treatments for dealing with psoriasis. More often than not, they are all-natural cures and won’t harm you with harsh side-effects.

Not all results work for all people and it may take trying a few different remedies to find one that works for you. Listed below are some of the most popular psoriasis home remedies available out there.
The first one is an easy one, but it’s often forgotten by psoriasis sufferers. Moisturize, moisturize, and then moisturize again. It’s quick, it’s simple and it only takes a few minutes each day.

When the skin is dry and flaky, it can crack and become damaged.  It is important to keep the skin moisturize on the outside and the inside.

For the outside, use unscented lotions and for the inside drink plenty of water each day. The more water you drink each day the better hydrated the skin will be.
If the skin becomes too dry, take a bath or a shower.  Or soak the dry, patches of skin to help them fall of naturally and without harming the skin.

Use a mild soap that won’t irritate the skin or cause excessive dryness. Try not to take too many long baths as that can remove precious oils from the skin, oils needed to protect the skin from outside elements.

You need to apply lotion immediately after bathing to lock in the moisture.  Every bath or shower should be done in lukewarm water, hot water will cause the skin to itch and only cause further problems.      
Wet wraps are another great home remedy. This treatment is often used right after a bath or shower or at night before bed.

After your bath or shower, lotion the body as you normally would to keep in the moisture. Take some ace bandages, or whatever is handy, and soak them in some lukewarm water.

Wrap the bandages around the problem areas like the elbows, knees, or thighs. The wet wraps will keep the areas from flaring up or itching and will keep the patchy areas from getting hard or infected.
There are many other things that can be done without spending loads of money, a simple internet search or talking to your doctor will give you many other psoriasis home remedies.

You can click and watch Video 1 and Video 2 to learn about other psoriasis home remedies.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

4 Absolutely Best Ways to Really Fight Psoriasis Naturally

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

If you have ever suffered with psoriasis you know the struggles of searching out relief to fight psoriasis.

There are pricy over-the-counter products or prescription medications that may offer temporary relief. There are also quite a few natural cures for dealing with psoriasis.

        One natural cure for psoriasis is in learning how to bathe correctly. Proper bathing and showering are important for dealing with psoriasis and preventing future outbreaks. Showers or baths should be short and in lukewarm water.

Spending too long in the bath or in hot water will dry out and irritate the skin, which is definitely not a good way to fight psoriasis. It is also a good idea to bathe in mineral, vegetable, or olive oil to relief the itching and inflammation. After the shower or bath, be sure to lotion up and lock in the moisture.

        Another natural way to fight psoriasis is to drink lots of water. Drinking water will keep the skin and body hydrated from the inside out. As important as it is to keep the skin moisturized, keeping the body hydrated will ward off outbreaks. Drinking water is easy and cheap.

        The next thing you can do to fight psoriasis is to pay attention to the food you eat. The problem with changing your diet is that the foods that are good for your body may actually cause a flare-up.

Fruits can help fight aging of the skin, but they can also cause flare-ups. Adding in some fish and nuts that contain Omega-3 fatty acids is good for the skin as well. Omega-3 can help prevent future breakouts and reduce the amount of time for current flare-ups to heal.

        One final thing to try is finding and using natural supplements that are said to help fight psoriasis. It may require some research to find the best treatment for you, but the all natural qualities are good for your body and skin.

        Vitamin supplements are great as well, especially Vitamins E and C.   Aloe Vera and Olive oil can be taken internally or externally and both are great for the skin.  

        Psoriasis may not have a cure, but finding some natural ways to deal with the symptoms and controlling the outbreaks can make all the difference in the world.

You can also watch this Video HERE for more ideas in how to fight psoriasis naturally.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

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