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Showing posts with label psoriasis remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psoriasis remedies. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

5 Easy Psoriasis Remedies Straight from the Kitchen Here

Click HERE to Find HowYou Can Cure Psoriasis Permanently In Just 3 Days The Natural Way

Psoriasis is huge pain for anyone who has ever suffered with the red patches of skin. It can be itchy and unsightly. Doctor’s visits and medications can get expensive.

If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis you can find some natural home remedies right in your kitchen. They are cheap, easy, and most people won’t even have to leave the house to get things.
Psoriasis Remedies #1 – AppleCider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a history of being used to help ease burns and calm skin inflammations. The liquid form can be used to dip in infected fingernails or toenails.

The vinegar can also be applied directly to plaques (the red, patchy areas) using a cloth or cotton swabs. A proper mixture of apple cider vinegar is one cup vinegar to one gallon of water.
Psoriasis Remedies #2 – Plastic Wrap

Plastic wrap works well to cover up and heal the lesions left by psoriasis.  Covering up open sores can keep medication in place but also keeps moisturizers working longer.

Simply add the medication or lotion, then loosely wrap normal plastic wrap around the wound. Leave the wrap on long enough to absorb the medication or lotion, but not so long the skin gets pruny or soggy. Normally an hour or so is long enough.
Psoriasis Remedies #3 – Vegetable Oil

Oils can be great for the skin. Try warming up some olive oil and massaging it into the scalp, if that is the type of psoriasis you have, leave it in for a minute or so and then shampoo as usual. The olive oil will help remove the extra flaky skin.

Mineral Oil works to help soothe damage to the skin. You can add it directly or mix it into a bath, allowing it to soak into the skin. Olive oil and normal, everyday vegetable oil can be added to the bath as well to soak the skin.

Psoriasis Remedies #4 – Epsom Salts

Speaking of baths, adding in some Epsom salts can help heal wounds faster and keep swelling at bay.
Psoriasis Remedies #5 – Baking Soda

Baking soda can help relive itching. You can easily make a mixture to place on the itchy spots by mixing 1 ½ cups of baking soda with 3 gallons of water. Dip in a washcloth and place on the itchy areas.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other psoriasis remedies.

By Kathy Wilson, a previous sufferer, who authors the The Psoriasis Free For Life program. In Psoriasis Free for Life, Katy Wilson offers a comprehensive guide to completely eliminating psoriasis.

Early on in her battle against psoriasis she understood that the best remedy was helping the defenses of the body’s immune system, as opposed to masking the physicality.

As such her work further shines the light on the problem within Western medicine, where doctors are trained to focus on drugs, as opposed to getting to the root of the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

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