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Friday, May 28, 2021

How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety?

How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

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End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety – Letting go of sensations that scare you

Most people with anxiety have a bodily sensations or two that unnerves them. In my experience the most common one by far is related to the heart and the fear that it will beat too fast triggering a heart attack.

It’s perfectly understandable to have this fear. During a panic attack for example, your heart can pound like an African drum up into your throat and down into your stomach. That kind of beating is fine in the gym or watching a scary movie but pretty unnerving if you are just doing the shopping.

People imagine all kinds of scenarios like having a heart attack someplace alone or while out in public with their family. This fear is also pretty common in the gym while exercising.

Connected to the heart are other unusual sensations that also spark fear like palpitations or skipped heart beast. Those can really freak people out as they watch and wait nervously for the next time it happens. The anxiety radar goes into 24/7 overdrive looking out for any potential trouble.

Often times people start with one sensation they are scared of and it then can spread like wildfire to a fear of other bodily sensations like difficulty breathing, a lump in the throat or dizziness.

If you find yourself getting anxious about bodily sensations, you must first of all get it checked out by a doctor (that goes without saying). Then once you have the all clear, you need to learn to mentally step back and stop monitoring every minute aspect of your body.

Your body has an innate intelligence that has been keeping you alive for years and it is not going to stop doing so just because you are worried that it won’t.

As well intentional as your anxious mind is, it’s only getting in the way and making things worse by monitoring and trying to control every sensation.

I often think trying to control your bodily sensations, is like a nervous flyer during turbulence banging on the cockpit door demanding to fly the plane. That kind of behavior just makes the whole plane (your body) more tense.

You need to train your mind to let go and trust. Your anxious mind needs to sit back down and trust that your body can handle it, -just like it always has done.

Think of all the years your body has done its job perfectly but now your mind wants to butt in and take control just because a few unusual sensations.

These sensations are not going to be a problem for your body. It can handle it just fine thank you very much. It’s your anxious mind that has the problem.

There is great peace to be found in learning to trust your body again. You have lost that trust but you can regain it back by letting go of the need to control your body.

So, let go and trust your heart,

let go and trust your breathing,

let go and trust whatever the bodily sensation is that scares you the most.

Surrender and trust your body again just like you used to do way back when anxiety was never a problem.

I think your body has earned that trust!


P.S It goes without saying that If you’re worried about heart problems or any other bodily sensation you should always get a full medical examination. This at the very least will help put your mind at rest.

End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety – You don’t have to love your anxiety. You just have to permit it

We lead complicated lives so we expect solutions to our problems to be complicated too.

You can spend thousands of dollars on elaborate therapies to end anxiety and still get nowhere. Then years later you stumble across something that just seems to be too ‘simplistic’, yet it gets real results.

That’s what I see all the time when I am teaching people to end panic attacks and general anxiety.

Our mind tricks us into believing that we have to spend a lot of money to get great help and that if the answer is complex it must be better than something simple. “It costs $5000 so it must work!” goes the logic.

One of the simplest truths in treating anxiety is that by allowing anxiety to be present you can transform it. It’s not a sexy idea nor is it very complicated but it does work extremely well. The problem is most people do not even want to attempt it.

Some may try it in a half-hearted manner just to prove to themselves that it does not work. Then a week later they go back looking at the expensive and complicated treatments.

Ending anxiety is not a complicated process. It is a simple decision you make to get your mind out of your bodies way. Your body wants to heal itself, you just have to allow it to do so.

Acceptance takes your mind out of the way so that your nervous system can relax, it is that simple. Once you start to desensitize from high anxiety you start to see the world in a different way. You start to feel normal again.

“But I have XYZ disorder and it is much too complicated to be healed by accepting my anxiety” people say.

Watch how your mind might come up with excuses and trick you out of a real solution just because it’s simple. Often it’s the fact that something takes work and discipline is what your mind is really fighting against. It wants a quick fix magic pill.

My approach is about learning to stop your mind from kicking the hornet’s nest of anxiety so you no longer get stung by anxious bodily sensations.

It’s a simple yet radical shift in your perception of the anxiety you feel. You learn to sit with it and you permit it to be. You are not expected to love or even like it you just have to sit with it. Gradually you heal it.

It’s not complicated. It just takes practice and disciple.

Simple? Discipline?

Now watch your mind do a dash for the door!

To learn how to end panic attacks and general anxiety, watch this video – Stop having panic attacks now: exposure, coping, and grounding

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety?

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Panic Away Success Story – Can Panic Disorder Be Cured Permanently?


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No More Panic Attacks in the Supermarket: Panic Away Success Story

One of our Panic Away members shared her amazing success story with us. She would suffer from panic attacks in the supermarket. When someone gets a panic attack in a certain place, they tend to avoid that place or situation. This won’t help your anxiety. Instead of avoiding the supermarket, she forced herself to go back. Read her story here:

 The last time I went to the supermarket I had a really bad panic attack. My daughter had to get me my tablets and some water and that was so I could stop shaking enough to drive home.

Well, I went today and I made myself go back to the same place again. I just said whatever happens, happens. And…. Nothing happened.

I did everything I needed to do. I felt a bit anxious so I just said to it, do your worst but I couldn’t even make it happen. I even stopped for a coffee to be sure, although I made sure it was a decaf one lol. Good progress for me, another fear overcome.

Sometimes we have to face our fears if we want to overcome them. This member went back to the place that caused her to get panic attacks and she accepted that she might get anxious when she arrives: ‘Whatever happens, happens’. She took control over the situation and overcame her fear. What a great success, congratulations. 

“I am waking up happy to live another day” – Panic Away Success Story

One of our Panic Away members has shared his success story with us. Blake was suffering from OCD, hypochondria, anxiety and panic attacks and it affected his happiness, relationships and enjoyment of life.

Through the Panic Away program he is now enjoying his anxiety-free life! Blake’s OCD is almost gone after only two weeks and his general anxiety levels have completely reduced! Continue reading if you would like to know more about this fantastic success story:

Hello Barry. I wanted to give you a huge thank you, and share my success story with you! My story began two years ago when I was 18 and fresh out of high school. I was a care free person who would of never thought I’d have an anxiety disorder! I started having which appeared to be a mild case of OCD that spiralled into a place in my life I never thought I’d be.

I would perform small rituals such as checking my wallet to make sure I had my credit card in there, checking to see if the door is locked, stove, etc. It got where I performed more and more rituals, and lead to another anxiety problem, hypochondria. One worry would lead to another, and I’d be trapped, in and out of rituals and worrying, The anxiety only got worse and worse. It affected my happiness, relationships and my enjoyment in life. About three months ago to this day, I had my first panic attack.

I started having a tingly sensation in my left foot. I figured my foot was just falling asleep. Than out of nowhere “bam!” I started breathing all weird. I quickly exited the classroom into the hallway. A few minutes later my girlfriend came out to check on me. I told her I think I am going to pass out. I started feeling unusual bodily sensations I have never experienced before. Lightheadedness, numbness, tingly sensations, you name it. I went to the E.R to find out nothing was wrong with me! I was so confused and already second guessing the medical test.

I was so certain there had to be something wrong with me.

My family did not understand and would get mad at me when I had one. “You just need to relax”, or say hurtful comments. Nobody understood what I was going through.

I came across Panic Away. I thought it was some scam, and figured it was one of those “overnight cures”. However, I always came back to your page and read the testimonials, and reviews for about two months.

I signed up for you’re free demo and emails. You seemed like you legitimately cared, and were being honest about everything. About two weeks ago, I ordered the program. I anticipated it every second until it came in the mail. When I popped the DVD in, I felt a wave of relief and happiness rush through me before even knowing anything. The book, and extra material were so helpful. I related to everything, and the intro where you described how a panic disorder and GAD develops was so similar.

It was just like you described my experience entirely. Just two weeks later, I am almost the old self that has been hidden in me for so long. I can drive my car, and am no longer scared of having an anxiety attack in one like I did a few times. I do not fear having a panic attack anymore, and even get excited when one is about to happen because I have all the right information to get through it, just like you said.

I am on the track to recovery, and have such a sense of daily calm. OCD is almost gone completely, panic attacks, and GAD is already gone! I am so relaxed and have never been so happy.

I am waking up happy to live another day closer to being 100% anxiety free, and I am almost there. For people currently living in dread of panic disorder, this may sound strange, but I am so happy I had that first panic attack three months ago, which felt like eternity. It made me address things and to live a healthier life, and appreciate it and be happier and brave than I have ever been!

That one hundred dollars I spent wasn’t just on a book, I bought my old self back. Thank you so much Barry for not being some Internet scam con man, and giving me myself back, and my life back! I am happier than ever, and it is all because of you!

The most important thing anxiety has taught me

On the forum we asked ‘What is the most important lesson you have learned since beginning Panic Away?’ Read on as Megan shares with us how patience and acceptance have been vital to her recovery from anxiety.

 The most important thing anxiety had taught me is patience and acceptance.

Treating an anxiety disorder is not a speedy, easy process. Since I’ve been using this program I have learned to accept myself as I am and trust that I am working my absolute hardest to get back to a peaceful existence.

Accepting and embracing my anxiety has been a very beneficial lesson to me. I am a more accepting person in other aspects in my life because of what I have learned about myself using Panic Away.

Along with acceptance, I have learned to be patient with myself. No one here deserves to be verbally abused- especially by yourselves. It has been so hard for me to kindly encourage myself to work hard at overcoming anxiety.

Being so harsh on myself was a nasty habit that needed to be broken, and I have anxiety to thank for that (in a weird, twisted way lol). Every day I tell myself that it is okay to work toward my goals at whatever pace I feel is comfortable. No more beating myself up if I feel like I’m not making progress fast enough.

It wasn’t until I learned these lessons that my anxiety started to drastically become easier to maintain. Although I still struggle with anxiety from time to time, I am overall a happier person because of my experience using Panic Away and am working hard to be a better me.

Congratulations Megan. True Acceptance is extremely difficult to achieve. It takes a lot of patience and time. Complete 100% acceptance of all that you feel is crucial for the anxiety symptoms to lessen and eventually fade away.

When we try to mentally push feelings of anxiety away, the feelings bounce back harder. You need to know that you have a choice. You can fight and resist anxiety or move to true acceptance of it and allow it to be present. 

When you move into a state of true acceptance of how you are feeling you create a gap for nervous system to calm and heal.  No longer allow yourself to be the passive victim waiting for anxiety to come, take control and change the way you think about it.

 By accepting, you are paradoxically healing your anxiety.

Watch this video – How to Heal Anxiety: A Panic Away Success Story

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Panic Away Success Story – Can Panic Disorder Be Cured Permanently?

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What is the Best Way to Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally?


What is the Best Way to Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally? In a study in the journal Mindfulness that shows that people with social anxiety disorder (SAD) lack two things. Fortunately, it’s not so hard to regain these two things if you use the right approach.

How to Overcome Anxiety Disorder & Start Living Life Again?

Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally – Anxiety Disorder and Chronic Conditions Connection

It is tempting to think of anxiety disorder as a purely psychological problem.

The primary symptom is anxiety, after all.

But a new study demonstrates how physical health affects anxiety disorder and vice versa. Especially when it comes to chronic conditions.

Australian and Dutch scientists conducted a review of the scientific literature to answer two questions:

First, whether those with chronic conditions were more likely than their peers to suffer from anxiety disorders.

Second, whether those with these chronic conditions and anxiety experience worse disease outcomes than those with chronic conditions alone.

They found 53 studies between 1990 and 2018, 29 that answered the first question and 24 that answered the second.

The first 29 studies addressed seven specific chronic medical conditions: namely, asthmacongenital heart diseasediabetes, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and sickle cell disease.

They concluded that the occurrence of anxiety disorder was significantly higher in people with each of these conditions than in those that were healthy.

In general, while only 6.5% of healthy people had an anxiety disorder, between 20 and 50% of those with one of these chronic conditions did.

The second 24 studies revealed more serious disease symptoms and outcomes for those with anxiety disorders. While they could find no studies on the relationship between anxiety disorder and epilepsy or congenital heart disease, the other findings were interesting:

1. Those with asthma and anxiety disorder were more likely than those with only asthma to have more severe asthma symptoms.

2. Those whose inflammatory bowel disease was accompanied by anxiety disorder had worse symptoms than those without anxiety.

3. Anxiety disorder was associated with worse pain in people with arthritis.

4. Anxiety disorder was associated with longer hospitalizations in people with sickle cell disease.

The studies were mixed with regards to diabetes, with some reporting poor metabolic control, while others reported improved adherence to a treatment regime, for people with an anxiety disorder.

Fortunately, it’s quite possible to completely reverse anxiety disorder naturally  if you follow the simple steps explained here…

Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally – Anxiety Caused by These Two Factors

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders that involves a fear of being judged by others, an avoidance of social settings, and extreme anxiety and panic attacks when in the presence of people.

Because it is so debilitating, many researchers are working on solutions to it.

The latest of these is a study in the journal Mindfulness that shows that people with social anxiety disorder (SAD) lack two things.

Fortunately, it’s not so hard to regain these two things if you use the right approach.

In some ways, the connection among SAD, mindfulness, and self-compassion seems to make sense on the surface.

SAD is an exaggerated and irrational fear of being judged by others. Mindfulness is the ability to observe and accept the world without passing judgment on it. Self-compassion is the ability to be kind and non-judgmental towards oneself.

As such, it seems possible that people who are judgmental towards the world and themselves will also walk around with an exaggerated and incorrect belief that everyone else is judging them.

That is, if one of your most common thinking patterns is to judge, and to judge yourself harshly, you might imagine that other people are judging you too.

To tease out the relationship between these concepts, the authors of the new study recruited 136 people diagnosed with SAD.

They gave them the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and a short form of the Self-Compassion Scale to complete.

They then compared their subject’s scores with scores obtained from the general population to see whether they differed.

Through more questionnaires, they also obtained their subject’s scores for depression, self-esteem, social adjustment, and satisfaction with life, just to make sure that none of these influenced their results.

They observed that those with higher levels of self-compassion and/or mindfulness had less severe SAD, less severe depression. They also functioned better, had higher self-esteem, and experienced more satisfaction with life.

Hence, both mindfulness and self-compassion together and separately affected the severity of SAD, but the effects of self-compassion were stronger.

People with severe SAD and low mindfulness can improve their SAD by learning self-compassion, even if they never improve their level of mindfulness.

The scientists theorized that this was the case because our tendency to criticize ourselves gives rise to a belief that everyone else is criticizing us too, which can easily become SAD.

Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally – Interestingly, I’ve been focusing on these two factors when helping people with all types of anxiety. Click here to learn the exact steps I ‘ve taken to help hundreds of people to overcome anxiety . . . .

Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally – Obesity and Anxiety Connection

In many places, the majority of people are obese.

And it seems like almost everyone is suffering some level of anxiety these days.

But until now, no connection has been made between the two.

A new study published in the journal BMC Medicine found that those who were obese were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety – a dangerous and potentially lethal combination.

The study was performed on Swedish children and teenagers. The researchers first identified those who had received treatment for obesity between the ages of 6-17. Subsequently they checked how many of them were treated for depression or anxiety.

They compared depression and anxiety treatments between obese and normal-weight children. They established that people who were obese as children were more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders later.

Another research team conducted a review of all the scientific literature on the relationship between obesity and anxiety – this included 16 studies, 14 observational studies, and 2 longitudinal studies.

Overall, the observational studies showed that people who were obese were 40 percent more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders.

Obesity causes anxiety because it is socially undesirable and leads to criticism, because it interferes with hormones and neurotransmitters that cause anxiety, and because it interferes with one’s career and economic status.

Anxiety can also cause obesity because people with anxiety disorders spend more time at home without exercise and they engage in overeating to make themselves feel better.

So, to fight both anxiety and obesity, we need to fight these two conditions on two fronts.

To find out how to completely reverse anxiety disorder naturally, watch this video – Natural Supplements and Treatments for Anxiety- What the research says about Supplements for Anxiety

If you suffer anxiety and want to completely reverse anxiety disorder naturally, you should follow these simple steps that have helped hundreds of people to gain freedom from their anxiety…

And if you’re overweight and all diet and exercises plans have failed, click here to discover “the third element of weight loss” …

This post is from the Overthrowing Anxiety Program created by Christian Goodman. This program teaches you natural ways to manage your anxiety, clear the root cause of your anxiety and to create a calmer lifestyle. It provides you with an abundance of valuable information about your anxiety, what it is, where it came from, the triggers, the treatment, and so much more.

It talks about alternative therapies, healthy habits to form, thought patterns to look at and the system even has self-assessment tests you can take to help you determine which type of anxiety disorder you’re experiencing if you have not been diagnosed, as well as at home exercises and activities you can do to begin clearing the root cause and limiting beliefs that have manifested into anxiety.

The entire program is 100% safe and natural. The regime focuses on making simple changes each day that allow you to gradually and confidently work towards a life that is free of anxiety. In other words, it is not a quick fix option (those don’t exist). Instead, Overthrowing Anxiety is a program that allows you to slowly and gradually work towards clearing the root cause of your anxiety to create a calmer life and healthier mental state.

To find out more about this program, click on Completely Reverse Anxiety Disorder Naturally

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