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Showing posts with label anxiety treatment at home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety treatment at home. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What is the Best Way to End Anxiety Without Medication?


End Anxiety Without Medication - Healing anxiety is really about moving from a very stuck state, (the vicious cycle of anxiety) back into a state of flow. When you are in your natural state of flow, you feel much more like your old self again. You feel happy for no particular reason and are living very much in the present moment. Children playing are the best examples of this natural flow. I want to share an exercise on how you can move into this state of flow.

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Trigger Flow to end anxiety

Healing anxiety is really about moving from a very stuck state, (the vicious cycle of anxiety) back into a state of flow.

When you are in your natural state of flow, you feel much more like your old self again. You feel happy for no particular reason and are living very much in the present moment. Children playing are the best examples of this natural flow. I want to share an exercise on how you can move into this state of flow.

Trigger a State of Flow

1. Begin my placing one hand on your stomach and one on your heart. (If you are in a public place you can simply fold/cross your arms with each hand holding the side of your chest). This hand position creates comfort and aids the flow.

2. Become aware of where the anxiety is in your body. Wherever you feel it, focus on that area and begin to mentally repeat the following:

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10.

When you reach 10 say:


Then begin again.

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW…  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10.



Each time you say the word FLOW imagine a gush or wave of water is washing over and through the area that feels most anxious. The water is washing the stuck energy of anxiety away. One big wave each time you say the word FLOW.  Feel a release each time the water flows away…

You can visualize the water washing anyway you like. It can be down your body or out in front of you. The important thing is to feel that flow of water each time you say the word FLOW.

[Repeat the count 7 times in total]

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW…  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10. Then “I CAN HANDLE ALL THIS AND MORE! ” (x7)

3. Once that is done move your attention gently back to what you were doing.

As you do so, I want you to completely accept and embrace all the feelings of anxiety that arise for the next 30 minutes.

You have triggered a flow but that flow is only sustained by your ability to now accept the anxiety fully without wishing for it to be gone.

The anxiety is slowly releasing and you are going to feel different sensations as it releases more over the next half hour.

If you stop accepting it, or get frustrated that your anxiety is still there, you will break the flow.

So the key to getting a good result is to totally embrace and accept all the feelings of anxiety they present themselves. Are you willing to give that a go for just 30 minutes?

You are going to take anxiety by the hand, wherever you have to go, -be it out shopping, to a work meeting or just while you spend time at home.

By not pushing anxiety away, you stop the internal conflict. You flow instead of resisting and that’s when your mind and body click into greater harmony.

Ready to get into your flow?

Try the exercise now for the next 30 minutes.

Men and Anxiety

I’ve got a really great interview for all the men out there. (the
women too but especially the men!)

For most men it’s really hard to admit that you suffer from an anxiety
. In my own case, when I was dealing with anxiety, I kept it
like a dirty secret that no one should know about. I felt I had to
battle through it all on my own (not recommended).

It is really not easy for men to open up about this problem because
men place so much importance on being perceived as strong and
not showing any weakness or vulnerability.

When anxiety comes along it shatters a man’s confidence like nothing
else. That is why it is so important to discuss it openly and seek
solutions together.

I love talking to men that are open and willing to discuss their
journey through anxiety. Anthony Amos is one such man.

He got great results using Panic Away and when he told me about
himself and his story, I really wanted to do an interview with him
and let him share his thoughts on anxiety and panic attacks with
all of you.

Anthony is a former rugby player and today a very successful
businessman who builds large franchise businesses right around
the world.

When panic attacks became a real problem for him it threatened his
business and his personal life. He eventually found Panic Away and
translated the teachings into a very personal ‘warrior challenge‘ he
set for himself. Listen to him explain all that for you in the short
interview below.

Warning Explicit Content! This is an uncensored male conversation so if bad language offends you, please skip over this one.

Click Here to Save this MP3 to Your Drive

To find out how to end anxiety without medication, watch this video – How I got rid of my lifelong anxiety WITHOUT medication or meditation [anxiety success story]

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: What is the Best Way to End Anxiety Without Medication?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Why This Paradoxical Way for Healing Anxiety Works?


When we try to force anxiety away, we always fail. Why is that? Have you ever been in the sea and tried to push a beach ball down under the water? What happened? The harder you pushed it down, the more forceful it bounced back up, right. The same applies when we mentally try to push feelings of anxiety away. Those feelings bounce back harder. Why This Paradoxical Way for Healing Anxiety Works?

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Healing anxiety through true acceptance

When we try to force anxiety away, we always fail. Why is that?

Have you ever been in the sea and tried to push a beach ball down under the water? What happened? The harder you pushed it down, the more forceful it bounced back up, right.

The same applies when we mentally try to push feelings of anxiety away. Those feelings bounce back harder.

I teach people that they have a choice.  They can either fight and resist anxiety or they can move into true acceptance of it and allow it to be present.

When you move into a state of true acceptance of how you are feeling you create a gap for nervous system to calm and heal.

So through acceptance, we paradoxically heal anxiety.

Another great paradox of healing anxiety is that when we drop our expectation of getting a result, we heal even faster!

I know many of you ‘get’ these ideas but you still find it hard to put them into practice.
I want to share a short audio with you from the Panic Away coaching program.

On the call you will hear Patrick really nail the concept of acceptance and how it heals his anxiety. Take a listen to how inspiring his words are!

The audio is very short so don’t miss it. It might be exactly what you need to hear today!

Click Here to Save this MP3 to Your Drive

The world’s most powerful 60 second habit

I am going to be very bold and say that I have here the most powerful habit you should start doing in 2020.

It cost nothing except 60 seconds of your time each morning and I want you to start doing it daily with me starting January 1st 2020.

The world’s most powerful 60 second habit!

Get a small notebook and within 30 minutes of waking each morning, write down just one thing you are grateful for.

Just one thing and it should not take longer than 60 seconds to write it.

Done. That’s all you have to do.

This one simple habit is worth more than bars of gold. I am very serious about that.

Universities around the world have studied the art of gratitude and scientifically proven its benefits as one of the surest ways to improve a person’s sense of well- being.

Here is one example from Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis and Dr. Michael McCollough of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas:

“The first group kept a diary of the events that occurred during the day… the second group recorded their unpleasant experiences, [and] the last group made a daily list of things for which they were grateful.”

The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy.

Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less depression and stress, was more likely to help others, exercised more regularly and made more progress toward personal goals.

According to the findings, people who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved.

Wow…Isn’t it incredible to think you can tap into all that positivity through a simple habit done daily!

Each time you write one thing you are grateful for, imagine it like you are making a priceless deposit into your emotional bank account. Each time you take the time to be grateful, you are rewarding your future self.

So let’s start this habit together on January 1st and get 2013 off to a great start! 60 seconds a day is all it takes.

Some quick pointers before you begin:

-Get your small notebook ready this week and place it somewhere you will have easy access to it. Be sure it’s a really nice notebook so that it feels important and special to you.

-Don’t start until January 1st! Helps build suspense.

-If you struggle to come up with things each day to be grateful for, write these questions in at the back of notebook.

What am I truly grateful for in my life?
What relationships do I have that others don’t?
What do I take for granted?
What freedoms, unique abilities, and options do I have that others don’t?
What advantages have I been given in life?
Who has helped me recently?
What happened yesterday that I am grateful for?

To get more ideas for healing anxiety, watch this video – How I Cured My Anxiety Without Medication | AmyCrouton


By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Why This Paradoxical Way for Healing Anxiety Works?

Sunday, May 30, 2021

What is the Best Way for Dealing with Severe Anxiety?

What is the Best Way for Dealing with Severe Anxiety? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

Dealing with Severe Anxiety – Do you blame yourself for having anxiety?

If you have had an anxiety problem for any length of time, I bet you are very hard on yourself. You might beat yourself up for feeling the way you do. For missed opportunities that came your way or just feeling your life has been on hold.

Being hard on yourself goes hand and hand with anxiety. But it does not serve you, it only prolongs anxiety and stress.

It’s time to forgive yourself.

Forgiveness reduces internal psychic tension and that in turn helps heal anxiety at a deeper level.

This is a really short but powerful exercise for anyone who blames themselves for having anxiety.

1. Go back in time and think of the person you were when you first experienced anxiety. How old were you? Where were you living? What did you look like? Can you identify a trigger for the anxiety?

2. Now imagine that younger you are asking for forgiveness from the present day you:

Forgiveness for having anxiety.
Forgiveness for getting so scared.
Forgiveness for avoiding life
Forgiveness for making mistakes.
Forgiveness for feeling so lost and alone.

3. Can you listen and then forgive that younger you?

Sit with this for a while. Don’t rush it.

You don’t have to feel a deep level of compassion and forgiveness, but I would suggest you just open to the idea of it.

Jar that door open a little and the sliver of light that appears will help you heal much faster. If you can forgive yourself for having this anxiety problem, you start to accept yourself with more compassion.

Compassionate acceptance cools the intense heat of anxiety.

Try it.

No one else can do this for you.


Dealing with Severe Anxiety – Unmasking the shame of anxiety

I got a call from a woman the other day who wanted to talk about her panic attacks and general anxiety. She is in her early thirties and lives with her husband and kids in a small town.

She told me how anxiety and panic attacks were destroying her quality of life and everyday was turning into a pitch battle.

She used to travel all around the world for work, but today she finds it hard to step out the front door for fear of having a panic attack. She has two small kids and they have needs to be met. She has to get over this for their sake. That’s why we are talking.

I asked her if she had told anyone else about her anxiety problem besides her husband and doctor.

She explained that she had let a few friends know, but in general she kept it to herself, fearing others might start to gossip about it behind her back. I then asked her what it was that really troubled her the most about her anxiety.

She got a little irritated and said “haven’t you been listening to me? I can’t leave my home because of this and I have kids to look after. What could be worse than that?”

“No, I get that”, I said “but what REALLY troubles you about your anxiety?”

There was a long silence. Then after a moment she said, “not leaving home is just the half of it, the other stuff I could never admit to anyone, -I am too ashamed of it”

Well try me” I said “I am pretty much a stranger to you and I don’t imagine we will ever meet in person. You have nothing to lose.”

Okay…so deep down I fear I am losing my mind. Like I am losing touch with reality. I am not present with my children because I am the whole time thinking about how I am thinking, if that makes any sense?”

“Sometimes I have such disturbing anxious thoughts of a sexual or violent nature that I truly shock myself” she said as her voice broke with emotion.

Then another brief silence…

 “Random ideas flash across my mind that only a deranged person would think of…”

“For example?” I asked

“Well, just this morning, I was feeding my little girl and I had this violent thought come to mind. It disturbed me so much I had stop feeding her and lock myself in the bath room for five minutes because I was shaking so much. I mean what kind of mother would think such a thing?”

“I am so ashamed and scared of myself. I would never act on these thoughts but how could I even think them in the first place! That’s what really upsets me the most, I feel I have no control over it”

So I bet you think I am nuts right?

“No not at all”, I said, “in fact I think you are perfectly normal. You are a sane normal person suffering from an overly anxious mind mixed with exhaustion and an active imagination. It is perfectly normal. It is not one bit pleasant but it is normal”

I told her that people can often admit to their doctor or close friends about the panic attacks or general anxiety, but they rarely admit to the things that really upset them the most about their anxiety. They hide their greatest fear so deep and suffer in silence because they fear being told they have a real serious problem.

It is normal for example, for such people to be afraid to pick up a kitchen knife in case they go nuts and stab someone.

Or they get anxious at times behind the wheel of a car, for fear of swerving uncontrollably into coming traffic.

Or they hate to stand on a balcony in case they suddenly decide to jump off it.

What these people do not realize is that what they are going through is much more common than they think. These intrusive thoughts are fuelled by a cocktail of high anxiety, exhaustion and an overactive imagination. A lot of people suffer from them (even people you know) but they would never admit it. These type of thoughts come with a feeling of deep shame for even having such thoughts in the first place.

In order to end shame you have to unmask it.

You have to admit it first clearly to yourself. You need to be clear in your own mind about what it is that you could never admit to another. Then the healing can occur.

If this is applicable to you and your anxiety, then post anonymously (or with your first name) about it below. When you start to unmask this shame it lessens its power over you.

Posting your story will also help others to open up about their own story. So much of getting over all anxiety is about learning to normalize what feels totally abnormal.

When you normalize anxiety you drop your resistance to it and that in turn releases the inner tension you feel around it.

If you do not want to post about it, then at least write it down on paper somewhere and expose it to the light of day.

Unmask it now so in time you can gracefully let it go.


To get more ideas about dealing with severe anxiety, watch this video –  How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: What is the Best Way for Dealing with Severe Anxiety?

Friday, May 28, 2021

How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety?

How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety – Letting go of sensations that scare you

Most people with anxiety have a bodily sensations or two that unnerves them. In my experience the most common one by far is related to the heart and the fear that it will beat too fast triggering a heart attack.

It’s perfectly understandable to have this fear. During a panic attack for example, your heart can pound like an African drum up into your throat and down into your stomach. That kind of beating is fine in the gym or watching a scary movie but pretty unnerving if you are just doing the shopping.

People imagine all kinds of scenarios like having a heart attack someplace alone or while out in public with their family. This fear is also pretty common in the gym while exercising.

Connected to the heart are other unusual sensations that also spark fear like palpitations or skipped heart beast. Those can really freak people out as they watch and wait nervously for the next time it happens. The anxiety radar goes into 24/7 overdrive looking out for any potential trouble.

Often times people start with one sensation they are scared of and it then can spread like wildfire to a fear of other bodily sensations like difficulty breathing, a lump in the throat or dizziness.

If you find yourself getting anxious about bodily sensations, you must first of all get it checked out by a doctor (that goes without saying). Then once you have the all clear, you need to learn to mentally step back and stop monitoring every minute aspect of your body.

Your body has an innate intelligence that has been keeping you alive for years and it is not going to stop doing so just because you are worried that it won’t.

As well intentional as your anxious mind is, it’s only getting in the way and making things worse by monitoring and trying to control every sensation.

I often think trying to control your bodily sensations, is like a nervous flyer during turbulence banging on the cockpit door demanding to fly the plane. That kind of behavior just makes the whole plane (your body) more tense.

You need to train your mind to let go and trust. Your anxious mind needs to sit back down and trust that your body can handle it, -just like it always has done.

Think of all the years your body has done its job perfectly but now your mind wants to butt in and take control just because a few unusual sensations.

These sensations are not going to be a problem for your body. It can handle it just fine thank you very much. It’s your anxious mind that has the problem.

There is great peace to be found in learning to trust your body again. You have lost that trust but you can regain it back by letting go of the need to control your body.

So, let go and trust your heart,

let go and trust your breathing,

let go and trust whatever the bodily sensation is that scares you the most.

Surrender and trust your body again just like you used to do way back when anxiety was never a problem.

I think your body has earned that trust!


P.S It goes without saying that If you’re worried about heart problems or any other bodily sensation you should always get a full medical examination. This at the very least will help put your mind at rest.

End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety – You don’t have to love your anxiety. You just have to permit it

We lead complicated lives so we expect solutions to our problems to be complicated too.

You can spend thousands of dollars on elaborate therapies to end anxiety and still get nowhere. Then years later you stumble across something that just seems to be too ‘simplistic’, yet it gets real results.

That’s what I see all the time when I am teaching people to end panic attacks and general anxiety.

Our mind tricks us into believing that we have to spend a lot of money to get great help and that if the answer is complex it must be better than something simple. “It costs $5000 so it must work!” goes the logic.

One of the simplest truths in treating anxiety is that by allowing anxiety to be present you can transform it. It’s not a sexy idea nor is it very complicated but it does work extremely well. The problem is most people do not even want to attempt it.

Some may try it in a half-hearted manner just to prove to themselves that it does not work. Then a week later they go back looking at the expensive and complicated treatments.

Ending anxiety is not a complicated process. It is a simple decision you make to get your mind out of your bodies way. Your body wants to heal itself, you just have to allow it to do so.

Acceptance takes your mind out of the way so that your nervous system can relax, it is that simple. Once you start to desensitize from high anxiety you start to see the world in a different way. You start to feel normal again.

“But I have XYZ disorder and it is much too complicated to be healed by accepting my anxiety” people say.

Watch how your mind might come up with excuses and trick you out of a real solution just because it’s simple. Often it’s the fact that something takes work and discipline is what your mind is really fighting against. It wants a quick fix magic pill.

My approach is about learning to stop your mind from kicking the hornet’s nest of anxiety so you no longer get stung by anxious bodily sensations.

It’s a simple yet radical shift in your perception of the anxiety you feel. You learn to sit with it and you permit it to be. You are not expected to love or even like it you just have to sit with it. Gradually you heal it.

It’s not complicated. It just takes practice and disciple.

Simple? Discipline?

Now watch your mind do a dash for the door!

To learn how to end panic attacks and general anxiety, watch this video – Stop having panic attacks now: exposure, coping, and grounding

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety?

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