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Sunday, October 4, 2020

How to Improve Gut Health and Fight Inflammation?


Having a weak gut barrier (and the inflammation that goes along with it) means you’re also vulnerable to asthma, acne, allergies, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. How to Improve Gut Health and Fight Inflammation? Read on here to find out more.

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Improve Gut Health and Fight Inflammation - Can Diet Cure Autoimmune Disease?


“Optimal functioning of the immune system, it turns out, is dependent upon feeling good.”
- Dr. Marcey Shapiro, MD


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease (AD). And according to their estimates, it beats cancer patients by a long stretch, who are at 9 million.


Autoimmune disease even beats heart disease, which is “only” at 22 million.


On the other hand, the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) says that 50 million is the correct number.


According to them, the NIH only included “24 diseases for which good epidemiology studies were available.”


As of today, there are 80 known conditions related to autoimmune disease.


And as widespread as this disease is, not many people fully understand how it works – let alone know what it is.


Who Guards the Guardians?


The story of autoimmune disease begins in your gut. Deep in your small intestine, you’ll find a gateway that keeps your bloodstream safe.


This is the gut barrier, and it’s a lining made up of different barriers. It includes gastric acid, mucus and a wall composed of epithelial cells.


There’s another contingent in place for good measure, which is your friendly gut bacteria.


They’re in the TRILLIONS, and their job is to help with digestive functions like breaking down the food you ate.


And more importantly, these guys suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms and keep the bacterial tide in YOUR favor.


So, they all work together as a highly sophisticated security system. They let in the good stuff (like nutrients and vitamins) and keep out the bad stuff (like viruses and bacteria).


But if something goes wrong with one of the components of this intricate defense network, this leads to all sorts of immunity problems.


This is known as a “leaky gut.”


And when bad bacteria and other threats manage to exploit weaknesses in your gut barrier, they can get inside your body.


Not just inside your gut, but in your bloodstream.


Once that happens, your immune system launches an attack against these external threats.


It’ll send in antibodies to meet these invaders, but it can get ugly if this goes on for too long.


A leaky gut lets too much bad stuff in, and it puts your immune system on full alert all the time. And if this natural mechanism gets worn out, you’re in trouble.


This constant, heightened state of alert is called chronic systemic inflammation.

Since your body is so busy dealing with those invaders breaching your gut barrier, it will take longer for you to heal injuries or fight infections.


Normally, your immune system should only destroy actual threats like viruses and other harmful bacteria.


But with all the chaos going on, foreign invaders can trick your body into attacking itself.


What happens is that they pull a trick known as “molecular mimicry.” These intruders can disguise themselves as healthy, normally occurring cells inside your own body.


Many studies have documented this phenomenon.


The University of Utah did a study called “Molecular mimicry as a mechanism of autoimmune disease” which says that some foreign antigens share the same sequence as the body’s antigens.


So, once these impostors break through, your immune system will target your healthy cells rather than those external threats.


This is how autoimmune disease starts - and it affects many regions of the body, such as:


•    Adrenal glands
•    Digestive tract
•    Blood vessels
•    Red blood cells
•    Skin
•    Thyroid
•    Pancreas
•    Nervous system
•    Connective tissues


And depending on which organs are affected, this can lead to conditions like:


•    Autoimmune hepatitis
•    Crohn's disease
•    Rheumatoid arthritis
•    Lupus
•    Multiple sclerosis
•    Psoriasis
•    Vitiligo


In other words, your body has turned on itself.


So, how do you STOP the system meant to protect you from doing you HARM?


That brings us to the next point...


Good Food = Happy Gut


As you’ve just learned, the problem starts when a leaky gut lets in these troublemakers into your bloodstream.


So, your first priority is to close the breach and fill in those cracks in your gut barrier.

The stronger your first line of defense is, the better you can stop those invaders from stirring up trouble in the first place.


While some people are genetically predisposed to have certain conditions like autoimmune disease, it doesn’t mean they can’t do anything about it.


On the contrary, it’s very much possible to restore the harmony of your gut bacteria.


When it comes to immunity, your DNA is not your destiny.


You might have certain genes that make you more prone to leaky gut and other problems...

...but nothing actually happens until you ACTIVATE them.


You see, it takes specific factors to trigger these genetically coded traits, such as:


•    Level of physical activity (i.e., how often you work out)
•    Toxins in the environment (e.g., air pollution, water quality, etc.)
•    Bacteria
•    Viruses


But there’s one factor that most people ignore: FOOD.


What you eat plays a HUGE role in your gut health. Unhealthy, processed foods are stimulating and addictive, which compels you to consume more of it.


This is dangerous because they’re incompatible with your gut barrier, making it WEAKER over time.


And this causes an inflammatory response in a lot of people. If they keep this up long enough, it leads to autoimmune diseases.


For instance, sugar is like a magnet for harmful bacteria in your gut.


Having too many cookies and donuts will upset the delicate balance of good intestinal bacteria.


Worse, high blood sugar levels trigger insulin resistance. This, in turn, contributes to inflammation. And sugar is only one of many offenders that damage gut health.


Your goal then is to replace the processed junk in your diet with whole, natural foods that can heal your gut. Doing this will help you keep that inflammation down.

That way, you can close the floodgates that lead to autoimmune disease.


Improve Gut Health and Fight Inflammation - What to Eat


The good news is that plenty of food can promote gut health AND fight inflammation.

Let’s go through some of the best ones:


Avocado: this contains healthy fats which help you manage your appetite. This keeps you from overeating and your blood sugar levels stable. It also supports cells which are essential to a healthy immune system. You’ll even get a good serving of vitamins B6, C, E and K – not to mention fiber and potassium.


Coconut: this fruit is also loaded with healthy fats such as caprylic acid, lauric acid and capric acid which fuel your brain and body. On top of that, it’s an immune superbooster. Coconut helps you absorb vitamins and minerals better which strengthens your immunity. Better yet, it improves insulin production; this is important in preventing inflammation.


Green tea: Tufts University did a study on green tea, and they found that drinking it can help reverse the effects of autoimmune disease. Other benefits come from its caffeine and L-theanine content; together, they provide both energy and better mental alertness.


Sunflower seeds: this is full of nutrients that don’t only fight inflammation. It also prevents heart disease and helps you lose weight. One of its star nutrients, vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory qualities and helps avert brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Macadamia Nuts: like the other superfoods above, this contains good fats that promote low cholesterol levels and prevent heart problems. There are also other nutrients like vitamin A, folate, iron, manganese and protein. More importantly, they contain plant-based compounds. These act as antioxidants that protect you against free radical damage and inflammation. As a result, macadamia nuts promote good gut health.


Turmeric: according to a study by the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, curcumin (the critical component in turmeric) can protect you against cardiac inflammation. Not only that, this spice has also been linked to prevention of other inflammation-related conditions such as neurodegenerative disorders and cancer.


Improve Gut Health and Fight Inflammation - How to Plug the Leaks FOR GOOD


Remember, autoimmune disease is only one of the many sicknesses resulting from a leaky gut.


Having a weak gut barrier (and the inflammation that goes along with it) means you’re also vulnerable to asthma, acne, allergies, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.


And surprisingly, prolonged inflammation can also lead to unlikely conditions like ADHD and depression!


Like I mentioned before, it’s the modern, processed food that’s mostly to blame. They’re strategically designed to hijack your biological signals and push you to overeat.


The more you eat, the sicker you get. Millions of people are at the mercy of this insidious cycle.


But there is hope.


By learning precisely what this “Frankenstein food” does to your body, you’ll also learn how to escape its seductive grip.


For more ideas on how to improve gut health and fight inflammation, watch this video - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS | what I eat every week


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more about diet for long life, click on Food Health & You

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Paleo Diet Rules - The Truth About Paleo


Paleo Diet Rules - What you do need to cut from your life are the processed foods that taste awesome but have ZERO nutrition. Balance is one of the basic tenets of this diet, so there’s going to be far more plant-based food on your plate than just meat.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Stay Healthy & Be Free From the Various Common Lifestyle Diseases

“An organic cookie is still a cookie.” - Gary Collins


Emma has been fit for most of her life. Even when she had her third child with her husband, Freddy, she always made time for running, swimming and hitting the gym.


Between work and the kids, Emma’s plate was full for most of the week. In spite of that, she still managed to squeeze in some “me time” to keep herself active and healthy.


But now that she’s in her mid-forties, things have changed a bit. Emma finds that she’s not going as fast or as long as she used to.


And although she was at 160 pounds, Emma’s goal was to lose at least ten more pounds to get back to her old weight.


The other thing bothering her was a nagging trick knee. Emma didn’t pay any attention to it before, but it had gotten progressively worse over the years.


It had gotten to a point where it hurt so much that she couldn’t go to the gym.


Concerned about what was going on, Freddy suggested that Emma see their doctor, or “Doc Doug” as they called him.


So, they had her knee checked, but the scans revealed nothing other than inflammation.


Emma was pretty careful when she worked out, so they ruled out an injury.


After going over Emma’s results, Dr. Doug referred her to a friend of his who was a nutritionist.


At first, Emma scoffed at the idea. She thought, “What does food have to do with it? I eat pretty healthily. Why can’t he prescribe me something for my inflammation?”


But as it turned out, Dr. Doug’s friend did the trick.


Dr. Mel, who specializes in Paleo nutrition, helped Emma in MORE ways than one.


They had several discussions about Emma’s diet, and from there they were able to pinpoint the culprit behind her pesky inflammation.


Even though Emma thought she ate “healthy,” but she also snuck in all sorts of processed, sugary food in her diet.


She often had vegetables and fruits, but Emma also liked to snack on cupcakes, Oreos, Snickers and other sweet treats before AND after meals.


She also had a good serving of grains and legumes, plus energy bars and “low fat” health food as well.


So, Dr. Mel advised Emma to restructure her eating habits and remove all the inflammation-triggering food from her diet.


To do that, she suggested doing a Paleo-based eating plan.


Emma scoffed again. “The ‘caveman diet’? Is that really going to help me?”, she thought to herself.


But just over a month later, Emma was a new woman.


She had the energy and figure to give her twenty-year-five-old self a run for her money.


Better yet, Emma stopped being cranky when she didn’t have her sweet snacks yet...mainly because her cravings came to a halt.


Her skin and hair glowed, and the brain fog went away.


And best of all, her trick knee disappeared - it was as if she never had it in the first place!


Paleo: Not Just Another Dietary Buzzword


Emma is hardly an isolated case. Thousands of people from all walks of life have made the same switch and vastly improved their lives as a result.


Whether you’re a twentysomething trying to get through your last year in college, or a retired grandparent who wants more energy throughout the day – going Paleo is possible.


This primal approach to eating isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.


Instead, it’s a customizable diet that follows some basic guidelines of what to have on a daily basis.


So, there’s plenty of legroom within the Paleo umbrella of eating to keep you healthy and shield you from diseases.


As far as the general public is concerned, the Paleo diet is a new concept. It had only taken off in last decade and a half in the form of books and websites.


But the scientific roots of this concept go way back. In fact, there have been thousands of studies done in the past that led to the culmination of Paleo-based nutrition.


For instance, Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology, came out with “Origins of the Species” in 1859.


It was here where he discussed the basic concepts of natural selection. He stated that this is a mechanism that allows a species to evolve.


And nutrition has a lot to do with this process. His work laid the foundations for evolutionary and Paleo-related studies over the next hundred years.


For instance, Dr. Weston Price came out with a book in 1939 called “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects.”


He was one of the first researchers who established the idea that the modern Western diet was, in fact, wreaking havoc on human health.


He observed that many indigenous tribes who didn’t eat processed food were the picture of excellent health. This included people from all over, such as Africa, Alaska, Canada, and the Polynesian regions. 


And here’s the kicker – Dr. Price also found that their health took a sharp dive once they started partaking in the convenient comfort of Western food.


In Damon Gameau’s 2015 documentary “That Sugar Film,” he echoes the same point. He discovered that an aboriginal community in Amata, South Australia experienced the same devastation.


After Coca-Cola and other modern food products altered their diet, rates of obesity, heart diseases and kidney problems skyrocketed.


In the mid-80s, a revolutionary study put Paleo eating in the spotlight. Dr. Boyd Eaton’s paper “Paleolithic Nutrition: a Consideration of its Nature and Current Implications,” caught the attention of the global scientific community and the general public.


Thanks to his work, it drove home the point that from an evolutionary standpoint, humans aren’t suited to an agricultural-based diet. He noted that our ancestors didn’t consume grains to live full, healthy lives.


And like I said, these studies and other bodies of work are only one of the thousands that lead to the same truth:


Paleo, not processed, is how we’re meant to eat.


And if this is a “trend”, then it’s one that’s millions of years in the making.


Paleo Diet Rules - The Primal Truth of the Matter


The best way to explain what Paleo is to you... telling you what it’s NOT about.


In spite of the ‘caveman’ label that often comes up, switching to this new lifestyle doesn’t mean living like one in the literal sense.


As an inhabitant of the modern world, you surf the internet, enjoy your morning espressos, and fly in a shiny metal tube several thousand feet above the ground.


You don’t have to give up any of those things.


What you do need to cut from your life are the processed foods that taste awesome but have ZERO nutrition.


The modern food industry has come up with all manner of products that are technically edible but aren’t designed to actually give your body what it needs.


Instead, they’re loaded with synthesized compounds and flavors that go to town with your hardwired senses.


Your brain may perceive that bag of chips as salty and crunchy...

...but they don’t deliver the nutrients to sustain your fundamental biological processes.


And that brings me to an important point: your body is just not designed to take on this nutritional abuse.


Human physiology isn’t meant to ingest these processed substances. They mess with your natural cravings connected to your survival instincts.


Instead of having a piece of fruit that has the sugar AND fiber to keep you healthy and fueled...’ve replaced it with a tall Mocha Frappuccino that’s a hundred times sweeter with none of the nutrients you need.


Some might say that people from that prehistoric time lived short lives. But that had to do more with other factors like dangerous living conditions and the absence of medication.


And no, Paleo doesn’t mean eating tons of meat to get your protein.


Balance is one of the basic tenets of this diet, so there’s going to be far more plant-based food on your plate than just meat.


Given the solid scientific research that was done over the decades that support Paleo eating... has less to do with re-enacting what our ancestors did on a daily basis...

...and more about eating natural, whole foods that are designed to help our bodies THRIVE.


Getting Out from Under the Western Diet


In today’s fast-food dominated world, we’re sicker and fatter than ever.


The National Center for Health Statistics found in 2014 that 70% of adults aged 20 and over are overweight - including those who are obese.


And I don’t have to tell you the health risks associated with this epidemic.


What you do need to know is HOW the food industry today is contributing to it.


With the staggering amount of processed and sugar-laden food in our daily lives, it seems impossible to escape this trap.


But there is a way to break the spell.


Arm yourself with facts, and understand how precisely modern food is destroying our health.

Watch these 2 videos that are related to paleo diet rules –


Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU


The Paleo Diet Explained


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more about diet for long life, click on Food Health & You


Friday, October 2, 2020

Who Really Shouldn’t Be Eating Eggs?


Should you stop eating eggs? According to a study by the University of Texas, approximately 1.7% of people living in the United States have egg hypersensitivity. They experience extreme symptoms like vomiting, swelling and other signs of an allergy. Those who fall under this category should steer clear of eggs altogether. Under normal circumstance, everyone can eat eggs and make use of its nutrients.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Stay Healthy & Be Free From the Various Common Lifestyle Diseases

“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.”
― Deepak Chopra


For the better part of history, humans have had a good relationship with eggs.


Even before ancient times, we’ve been consuming this nutrient-rich food.


It’s rich in amino acids, packed with protein, and only contains 70-80 calories.


Protein helps muscle growth, as well as connective tissue in your body. It’s also an essential building block for other parts of the body like your bones, teeth, skin and hair.


On top of that, eggs (particularly the yolk) deliver a lot of vitamins and minerals. This includes vitamins A, B12 and E, along with riboflavin, selenium and zinc.


You’ll also find lutein and zeaxanthin. These aren’t just good for the eyes – they also speed up your brain’s cognitive performance.


Best of all, egg yolk has choline which is crucial to maintaining your heart, brain and even your cells.


And here’s the kicker: eating eggs actually decreases cholesterol levels because of choline.


Recent studies have documented the benefits of eggs. In 2013, researchers at the University of Connecticut found that eggs helped people with metabolic syndrome by increasing their insulin sensitivity (which is a GOOD thing!).


(Dietary) Fat-Shaming: The Case Against Eggs


But then things took a dark turn for eggs in the post-World War II era.


Thanks to numerous studies done after the 1950s, all types of fat came under attack.


This led to the widespread belief that eating fatty foods was bad for you. It was thought that it blocks the arteries, and this perception still resonates today.


High levels of cholesterol were linked to cardiovascular disease and other epidemics like obesity and other illnesses.


However, this wasn’t the issue because high cholesterol is indeed life-threatening.


The problem was that these studies were skewed. They obscured the fact that the real culprit was overconsumption of grains and carbohydrates.

So, everyone and their mother raised their torches and pitchforks against ALL types of dietary fat.

And so, eggs were put in a bad light along with other "persecuted" foods in this dietary witch hunt.


Turning the Tide


However, there was other research done during the same time that disputed the status quo.


Slowly but surely, these opposing voices helped people realize that there was more to the fat puzzle than they first thought.


As it turned out, cutting down on protein-rich and fatty foods was a nutritional step backward.


Eating too many grains and processed sugar was the real cause behind diabetes, higher cholesterol levels and other conditions!


More importantly, they woke up to the fact that NOT all fats are created equal.


Saturated fats, while potentially harmful, can’t do much damage if you’re eating a low-carb and low-sugar diet. It’s even better if you’re also getting fiber and omega-3 from fruits and vegetables.


(And just so you know, your typical egg has less than 2 grams of saturated fat, so no real threat there.)


Meanwhile, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good for the body. They help deliver nutrients between cells, contribute to brain growth (fun fact: our brain is mostly made up of fat!) and offer other nutritional benefits.


But if eggs are good for you, then why are some people still AVOIDING them like the boogeyman?


And that brings us to the question of the hour…


Should YOU stop eating eggs?


The answer boils down to a couple of basic factors.


According to a study by the University of Texas, approximately 1.7% of people living in the United States have egg hypersensitivity.


(Interestingly enough, the study also indicates that “Approximately 70% of children will outgrow egg allergy by 16 years of age and children are able to tolerate well-cooked eggs sooner than uncooked eggs.”)


However, even if you are one of those people who have a less-than-ideal reaction to eggs, you should know that there are varying degrees to this:


First of all, there are people who experience extreme symptoms like vomiting, swelling and other signs of an allergy.


Those who fall under this category should steer clear of eggs altogether.


There’s no sense in risking your safety when you can have an alternate source of protein and other nutrients.


Cases like these are often linked to a more serious condition (which we’ll be getting into in a bit).


But then there are people who produce histamine in their bodies as a response to eating egg yolk.


The symptoms of histamine intolerance aren’t the same as a full-on allergy. They’re not life-threatening, but they include feeling bloated and nauseous, as well as mental fatigue.


In this case, you might find that cutting out the yolks will make those less severe symptoms go away.


The Plot Thickens


Now, there’s another layer to egg intolerance that you need to know about.


As mentioned earlier, some people who can’t eggs at all – neither yolk nor whites.


The reason for this is a specific enzyme in eggs called lysozyme.


The main function of enzymes like this is to keep the egg yolk safe from potential threats such as bacteria. It cuts down these bacterial invaders on a cellular level.


But the problem is its ability to slip through the gut barrier, the protective layer found in the small intestine. This keeps out potential threats from entering your bloodstream.


The gut barrier is made up of a cocktail of saliva, gastric acid and pancreatic enzymes. This is designed to destroy foreign threats (e.g. bacteria, parasites, pathogens, etc.).


If this fails for some reason and harmful elements still get through, there’s another defense mechanism in place. This is a tightly-knit layer of epithelial cells called enterocytes which keeps out potential invaders.


Lysozyme binds with otherwise harmless complexes and survives the digestion process. So, it slips in unnoticed and completely gets through the gut barrier.


This isn’t a threat in itself because humans actually produce lysozyme. What makes this particular enzyme dangerous is that it also binds to harmful bacteria.


So, it unwittingly acts like a Trojan Horse, bringing in invaders into the bloodstream.


Auto-what Disease?


Even if lysozyme does make its way through the epithelial cell shield, it still wouldn’t be a problem for healthy people.


Assuming you have a healthy, functioning immune system, your cells would be able to push back bacterial threats that made it past the border.


Inflammation is your body’s usual response as it’s a defense mechanism to deal with the security threat in your gut.


What happens here is that your body orders your white blood cells to subdue the attackers and prevent further damage.


But for people with autoimmune disease, this is bad news.


When lysozyme gatecrashes the party with its unwanted guests, autoimmune sufferers produce autoantibodies as a response.


These are different from regular antibodies which only target specific bacteria and other harmful pathogens.


On the other hand, autoantibodies can’t tell friend from foe. This can have serious consequences.


When someone has too many autoantibodies, their immune system will start to turn on their own body.


This is the essence of autoimmune disease.


Autoantibodies target healthy tissue which leads to excessive inflammation and pain. It can also lead to organ degradation such as in the pancreas (a.k.a. Type 1 diabetes) or even throughout the whole body (such as with lupus).


Fighting the Barbarians at the Gate


Thus, people who have autoimmune disease can’t have eggs. Otherwise, their immune system will go haywire.


And by “haywire”, I mean a host of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) and celiac disease.


What makes this problem even trickier is that drugs only manage the immune system and suppress inflammation.


They don’t actually stop the body from creating those nasty autoantibodies in the first place.


Here's something more alarming: the Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) estimates that 1 out of 5 people in the U.S. currently have autoimmune disease.


That comes to a total of 50 million people living with this condition.

In a perfect world, everyone can eat eggs and make use of its nutrients.


But with immune system problems getting more and more common, this is sadly NOT the case.


Thanks to the staggering amount of unhealthy, processed foods that we’re consuming by the truckload…

…more and more people are paying dearly for their poor eating habits.


Most folks don't understand that the human body was designed for a different time.


This was when we used to eat whole, unprocessed foods that gave our bodies what it needed.


But today, scientists figured out how to take those foods and chemically transform them into an unnatural state.


And now our bodies are struggling because of the abuse we put it through.


Your taste buds might like these artificial treats, but they wreck your gut’s natural defense mechanism.

As such, your immune system suffers as a whole.


Once you let those invaders through the gates, the party's over for you.


But there is hope.


With the power of the RIGHT food, you can start healing yourself and reverse the damage inflicted by the Western diet.


Watch these 2 videos about eating eggs –


What'll Happen to You If You Start Eating 3 Eggs a Day?


Should I Eat The Egg Yolk | The Little Known Truth!


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more about diet for long life, click on Food Health & You

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