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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What is the Best Way to Get Sleep Fast?

Get Sleep Fast - Restless Leg Syndrome and a Trio of Great Minerals - I just love the feedback I get with the food articles. A lot of times it’s from folks who have tried the recipes and liked them or have offered their own to make a featured food more interesting. Today, I thought I’d combine some of the info on three of my favourite minerals with a great bedtime snack recipe to help alleviate a common problem for a growing number of people: Restless Leg Syndrome.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Get Sleep Fast - This Diet May Relieve Insomnia

Those on the look-out for a natural treatment for insomnia may want to focus on their dinner plate, according to research published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. In this study of nearly 6,000 adults, the researchers found that consuming a Mediterranean diet –an eating pattern rich in whole grains, fish, vegetables, olive oil and fresh fruits–reduced insomnia symptoms in women.

The researchers add that the Mediterranean diet was particularly effective against “difficulty maintaining sleep” –a common symptom of insomnia. However, they found no connection between the Mediterranean diet patterns and sleep quality or maintaining sleep.

Get Sleep Fast - Restless Leg Syndrome and a Trio of Great Minerals

I just love the feedback I get with the food articles. A lot of times it’s from folks who have tried the recipes and liked them or have offered their own to make a featured food more interesting.

Today, I thought I’d combine some of the info on three of my favourite minerals with a great bedtime snack recipe to help alleviate a common problem for a growing number of people: Restless Leg Syndrome.

We’ve talked in the past about RLS, but I’ll summarize the problem again briefly. This irritating and sleep-stealing problem occurs when the brain is ready to go to bed but the muscles in the leg are misfiring and still trying to do the day’s work.

It’s like leaving the gate open at the farm after you leave for the day…the critters want to run loose and mayhem ensues.

What causes the gate to be left hanging open? A variety of things are to blame, but the most common (and easily remedied) is a vitamin deficiency.

Doctors have found that people who suffer from RLS almost always are deficient in 3 minerals: calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

This little trio of minerals, when lacking, cause the large muscles of the leg to misfire. There are problems all over the body, and with a lot of systems because of this deficiency, but RLS is sometimes the most noticeable.

Some doctors even consider it an announcement of sorts to other looming problems. Most of which can be corrected simultaneously with the right treatment.

Sometimes doctors will prescribe a powerful magnesium supplement, and that may help…but research actually shows that increasing all three minerals is more effective.

Some ‘natural’ remedies focus on herbs and supplements that can be almost as dangerous as the pharmaceuticals they are meant to replace. This is particularly true if you are not sure what, or how much to take. They can interfere with other medications as well.

So honestly, the best way to try and naturally calm those itchy, twitchy legs is to focus on the trifecta of mineral power, which is to increase all three little wonders at once. And the best way to do that is by focusing on diet adjustments to increase more of the hardest working fruits and other foods.

The recipe below offers a way to use bananas that loads up a healthy dose of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Try this bedtime snack:

Banana Pancakes

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole grain flour
1 ½ Table spoon stevia plant sweetener
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg, beaten
1 cup skim milk
¼ cup fat free yogurt
2 Table spoon olive oil
¼ tsp almond extract

Combine ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix just until moistened all the way through. Let a few lumps stay in the batter. If you want thinner pancakes, add a little water (1/4 cup at a time) until your batter is your favourite pancake consistency.

On a heated griddle (about 300 degrees), spray the surface with non-stick pan spray, such as olive oil spray. Then pour the batter ¼ cup at a time in round, flat dollops. Once the bubbles pop and disappear and the edges get a little dry, flip them over for just a couple more minutes.

Pull them off when they are a nice light golden colour on both sides.
I like mine with more sliced banana, but if you crush about a ¼ cup of blueberries with a tablespoon of water and a sprinkle of the sweetener, it makes a nice substitute for sugary syrup.

You could also throw on a little yogurt and sprinkle with wheat germ to increase the fiber and acidophilus content as well.

For each serving, which is 2 pancakes (plain), you will get less than 225 calories, about 40 grams of carbs, 300 mg of sodium, and 5 grams of fat. There is very little (if any) saturated fat and since the recipe calls for stevia sweetener instead of sugar, you are not overloading on sugar.

The small amount of carbohydrates will help to naturally get your brain ready for sleep and the whole grain in the flour, plus the fiber in the yogurt, will help get you “moving” in the morning.

For more natural methods to improve your sleep and drive away insomnia, try my guide today.

Get Sleep Fast - Does Snoring Cause Divorce?

I have often been guilty of letting this thought run through my mind when I read some of the commentary related to people asking for help with their snoring issues.

The latest comes from a reader in Alabama who asked me to share her story as not only a caution to others, but also as a reassurance of hope.

Our reader, whom we will call Thea, wrote in to describe the effect that snoring had on her family. She and her husband started out happy enough, with a great marriage, common interests, desire for family, etc.

They had a little house in a suburb outside of Mobile and he had a great job that offered her the chance to live her dream, which was to be a mom in the home for their two children.

After the usual sleep issues that happen to all parents when the kids are small resolved themselves, they sort of got into a good, healthy groove with their sleeping as Thea and her husband were great about keeping a schedule, eating right, getting enough water and all that.

But as time wore on, and as Thea and her husband started to approach 40, they started to gain a little bit of weight, started to show some signs of anxiety (especially as the economy worsened), and started to wander away from their healthy lifestyle.

She blamed the trend on going back to work part time, coupled with the myriad of activities the kids were in along with the travel and time consumption of other daily activities and they started relying heavily on convenience foods and takeout.

She explains that it was about this time that she started snoring and he started the tossing, kicking, and twitching of restless leg syndrome.

Every time she would start sawing logs, he’d wake and nudge her. Every time he would roll over in bed, she’d wake because he’d elbowed her or scratched her on the leg with a toenail.

They were both beginning to suffer the ravages of sleep deprivation, dosing off during the day and getting really snippy with each other and the kids.

So they decided that in order to at least try and get them both some better sleep that they would take turns sleeping in the spare bedroom. Up to this point they hadn’t spent a night apart in 16 years of marriage.

Sleep seemed to be easier to come by with this arrangement, but it was kind of sad for them, she explains. They still loved one another, and still had a good time on vacations, going on dates together or on outings with the kids and still went to church every Saturday evening like clockwork.

She was kind of vague explaining what happened next. “Christian,” she said, “I just don’t know what happened next. It was like someone had been coming in at night and had been stealing parts of our marriage a little bit at a time.”

Before I could even wonder what that meant, she went on to explain it. “We used to be so close, but even after we started sleeping better it seemed like we were a thousand miles away from each other.”

She described that even though on the outside it looked like everything was okay, they both had been harbouring some grouchy sentiment toward one another because they could no longer share a bed.

This took the predictable toll on their sex life, which added even more anxiety. She said, “Two kids, 4 sports, school, church, volunteer activities, work…we never had any opportunities to be alone in a bed together.”

And so the distance progressed, worsened, and stole away more and more of what they had spent 16 years building.

So after about 3 years of this, she discovered he had been having an email relationship with a colleague at work…that wasn’t of a working nature.

To this other woman, he had apparently been lamenting the demise of his physical relationship and seeking solace in this woman’s online companionship.

Once discovered, Thea immediately threatened to file for divorce, but instead got them both into counselling. This turned out to be the changing point of the whole toxic dynamic that had been playing itself out over the past couple of years.

It took a therapist to tell them what they already knew…that they still loved each other and had a lot of wonderful years left in their marriage. They just needed to regularly spend time alone in an intimate setting, which, for most people means a bed.

Even if there wasn’t to be any sex, they knew they had to find a way to sleep together again and start giving each other the critical marital elements of affection, closeness, touch and trust.

But to do this, two very critical issues needed to be corrected- her snoring and his RLS.

They have just started the work required to overcome these sleep problems, but are apparently at least sleeping in the same room again.
So the answer to the question at the beginning is no…snoring doesn’t cause divorce. People cause it. But it can be a catalyst to the unravelling of a relationship if left untreated.

If you or someone you know has a problem with snoring or insomnia related issues, see my guides to treating these conditions the natural way.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Get Sleep Fast?

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Friday, March 1, 2019

What is the Best Way to Get You Sleeping Quickly?

Get You Sleeping Quickly - Headaches and Insomnia - The Vitamin C Relationship - I am always intrigued to read up on studies that discuss nutrient deficiencies as this is one area that is such a great controversy, especially as it relates to supplementation. It is generally known and accepted that many conditions affecting poor health can be prevented and/or treated by simply increasing the amount of a vitamin or mineral that might be lacking. But what if we go the other way and cause problems because of over-supplementing?

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Get You Sleeping Quickly - Hammocks Boost Sleep Quality in Those with Insomnia

The relaxation effects that come from being rocked as a child stay with us as adults –with profound effects on our sleep –reports a group of University of Geneva sleep scientists. The study found that sleeping in a rocking motion –as in a hammock—can make sleeping easier in those with insomnia.

The research also found that hammock sleeping increased the quality of sleep. Those that took a 45-minute nap in a hammock had considerably more N2-stage sleep –a sleep stage that’s particularly restful—than those that slept in a stationary bed.

Get You Sleeping Quickly - Cooling Off the Brain Miracle Cure for Insomnia

Insomnia is a difficult to treat condition that afflicts more than 20 percent of all adults living in the United States. While side effect-riddled treatments like sleeping pills remain the frontline of remedies, they may have to make room for the cooling cap developed by two University of Pittsburgh sleep disorder scientists.

In their study, a group of 24 adults suffering from insomnia were given a cooling cap to wear on their head before going to bed. They found that the cooling cap dramatically boosted sleep quantity and quality –making their sleep similar to that or normal sleepers. More than 75 percent of the cap-wearers reported significantly better sleep –a figure that trumps most sleeping pills on the market today.

Watch this Video - Relaxing Sleep Music: Deep Sleeping Music, Fall Asleep Fast, Soft Piano Music, Ocean Waves ★104

Get You Sleeping Quickly - Headaches and Insomnia - The Vitamin C Relationship

I am always intrigued to read up on studies that discuss nutrient deficiencies as this is one area that is such a great controversy, especially as it relates to supplementation.

It is generally known and accepted that many conditions affecting poor health can be prevented and/or treated by simply increasing the amount of a vitamin or mineral that might be lacking.

But what if we go the other way and cause problems because of over-supplementing?

We hear from people all the time who have found themselves as having “hit a wall” with their health. They do everything they think they are supposed to do and no matter how much running, yoga, meditating and veggies they include in their lives, they still have a few conditions that they can’t shake.

A lot of times, the answer lies in the journaling of what is actually being consumed. I was going over the food and supplement records of a friend of mine recently who was complaining that despite many natural interventions, his headache and sleep problem was just getting worse.

Sure enough, on every page there was one entry every day for Vitamin C, among a dozen or so other supplements. Some of the other supplements he was taking included in their proprietary formulas added Vitamin C as well.

If a little does a little good, a lot should do a lot of good, right?

Actually, this is dangerous thinking and was at the heart of the problems he was having with his headaches and sleep.

He was also complaining about low back pain on one side, and thought he might need to visit the doctor about possible carpal tunnel syndrome problems (he had read one of the Blue Heron posts recently about CPS and Arthritis).

I sat and listened to the laundry list of what had been going wrong lately with his health and he was ready to break down and start taking prescription pain medicine for the pain he had in various parts of the body.

As it turns out, he was supplementing with over 5,000 mg every day of Vitamin C.

The USDA recommends that the minimum amount to prevent scurvy should be about 95 mg daily.  Diet generally covers this.

Studies have also shown that a higher intake, closer to about 800-1000 mg has been shown to boost immunity, strengthen blood vessels, and promote optimum cholesterol health. So just think of the conditions you can eliminate when you take 5 times more than the highest recommended intake.

At some point, however, mega doses should be only considered with a licensed medical professional’s advice and never entered into on one’s own.

The body can process and use only so much Vitamin C before the abundance winds up in areas that don’t need it in such high amounts; namely, the brain, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, and uterus.

Symptoms of Vitamin C overdose range from very mild with tingling in the hands and fingers to moderate with headache and diarrhoea, and even to severe with kidney stones and miscarriage.

My friend had several kidney stones (thus the back pain), migraines, and insomnia.  The flushing of the skin and the tingling thumbs were not carpal tunnel syndrome…they were symptoms of Vitamin C overdose.

The other piece that complicates the issue is that if one over-supplements chronically with Vitamin C and suddenly stops taking it, withdrawal symptoms can be really bad and include even worse migraine pain along with chest pain, muscle problems, and other bad effects.

My friend and his doctor are getting him started with a plan to wean off the mega-doses of the Vitamin C and hopefully he can see the insomnia disappear almost as soon as soon as the headache problem did- the headaches were gone almost immediately.

The kidney stones, unfortunately, will require a more intrusive level of intervention, but now he knows how to prevent a recurrence.

I am all about treating methods naturally, as you know, but I am also all about reinforcing everything in moderation. Overdoing anything isn’t good, and many times avoiding prescription medication is just a matter of scaling back on something you do too much of…even if it is too much of a good thing.

For more ways to naturally treat headache pain and insomnia, see my guides today.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Get You Sleeping Quickly?

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Thursday, February 28, 2019

What is the Best Way to Overcome Insomnia Naturally?

Overcome Insomnia Naturally - Supplement Cocktail Can Help Ease Insomnia - Hope for the 60-million adults in the US that suffer with insomnia comes in the form of natural remedies – including a group of stress-reducing supplements—a review paper published in the newest issue of the “Holistic Nursing Practice” reports. The study author states that deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can increase the effects of mental stress on the brain, which can impact sleep. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Overcome Insomnia Naturally - Supplement Cocktail Can Help Ease Insomnia

Hope for the 60-million adults in the US that suffer with insomnia comes in the form of natural remedies – including a group of stress-reducing supplements—a review paper published in the newest issue of the “Holistic Nursing Practice” reports. The study author states that deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can increase the effects of mental stress on the brain, which can impact sleep.

This review paper notes that downing a daily cocktail of three dietary supplements – omega-3 fats, B-complex vitamins, and melatonin— are just as effective as many drugs for treating stress-induced insomnia. The paper adds that these supplements are also typically safer with fewer side effects when compared to prescription drugs.

Overcome Insomnia Naturally - Rare Oil Treats Insomnia

Insomnia is one of the most common health problems in the US, afflicting nearly 30 million adults. A new research study conducted by Green Clinic Research Center scientists has discovered a new natural way to beat insomnia: lettuce seed oil.

In this study of 60 adults with chronic insomnia, half were assigned to take lettuce seed oil before bedtime while another took a placebo. The research team found that the salad tree oil outperformed the placebo in terms of sleep duration and reported sleep quality. Importantly, no side effects were reported. The researchers note that lettuce seed oil may help induce sleep by promoting the relaxation of the central nervous system.

Watch this Video - 8 Strategies to Beat Insomnia

Overcome Insomnia Naturally - Risk of Falling and Prescription Medications

Everyone with a television set has likely now seen the commercial with the fragile senior citizen lying on the floor of her garden home, just out of reach of the phone, needing help from a fall.

Those little rescue buttons are a great asset and several of the older people I know either have one or a parent still in the home does.

The older we get, the more fragile our bodies can become. Sometimes it’s because of a disease process that accompanies the senior years such as osteoporosis, or a result of a lifetime of hard work in careers that are unforgiving to the body, such as construction or other skilled labor trades.

Unfortunately, another dynamic unfolds with the later years and can also be the result of a disease process or injury, but could also be caused by the very medications needed to alleviate symptoms of those complications in the first place: increased risk of falling.

As we age, our bodies simply don’t work as efficiently or recover as quickly as they once did. The leading cause of injury and fatalities in people over the age of 65 isn’t even cancer- it’s falling. Well over a quarter of a million American seniors saw hip fractures alone in 2010. That doesn’t even factor in head, arm, leg, and spine injuries.

Weakened muscles after a stay in the hospital or damaged joints put seniors at elevated risk of falling, and many times there are several other risk factors involved in a person’s level of risk for a fall.

Some, like the march of time, are factors we can’t control. To be sure, with healthy living the march can be slowed significantly, but never stopped. This is the natural order of things.

But other risk factors, such as general mobility, have smaller sub-factors that have some level of control, whether for ourselves or our adult children who care for us. These include how accessible the living environment is, how clean it is, and what kinds of assistive aids are available for use with mobility.

Power chairs are a great modification of how people get around, and those cool grabby arms that help a person pick something up off the floor to eliminate bending.

But what about medications? Pharmacists advise that if you are taking more than four prescription medications at a time, your risk of falling increases significantly over peers who take less than 4.

The biggest offenders are the medications that cause drowsiness or dizziness. These side effects are very often printed on little yellow, orange, or blue stickers on the prescription bottles, and also included in the information sheet that comes with the medicine. Do you read your info sheets thoroughly?

Do you know how many of your maintenance or acute illness medications carry such a warning? You should. Knowing which medicines are the biggest risk-inducers can be the difference in staying on your feet (or upright in a chair) or getting dizzy and collapsing.

Medications for blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety and depression are the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals out there today (as evidenced by the onslaught of relentless advertising), with erectile dysfunction medicine rounding out the top five.

These are also the medications that dominate the list of most likely to contribute to falls in people who take them. The only other class of medication that also shows up is for seizure disorders, but it isn’t as commonly prescribed.

There is no doubt that some medications are necessary for keeping some conditions from being fatal, but there is also no doubt that we, as a society, over-medicate to a dangerous and deadly level.

The littlest thing goes wrong and most Westernized healthcare consumers and providers reach immediately for a pill. It’s the ‘quick fix.’ But it can come at a great cost, especially when you are trying to quickly fix several conditions all at the same time with a cocktail of fall-causing pharmaceuticals.

The best thing to do if you are taking multiple medications or any from the above listed groups is to talk to your doctor openly and honestly about your wishes for resolving health concerns naturally. Not everything always can be, but it is always worth giving it a good try.

Sometimes even just reducing the dosage of the offending medications will help to reduce the risk. This would be solely up to the health care provider to determine as far as if it is appropriate and safe. Your goals and concerns are what he or she would use in determining appropriateness.

To stay in this line of thought, I would offer one cautionary point. Your health is your responsibility, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to get off certain risky medications. There is, however, something wrong with taking that decision into your own hands and not involving the doctor.

Because don’t forget- going off a medication cold turkey ALSO can cause dizziness and fainting, resulting in a fall. Let your doctor help guide your elimination of the medicines you don’t want and together you can work as a team to get you to the best possible health naturally.

For drug-free ways to reduce blood pressure or resolve insomnia or ED, check out my 100% natural and easy to use programs today.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Overcome Insomnia Naturally Fast?

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What is the Best Way to Beat Insomnia Naturally?

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Beat Insomnia Naturally - Insomnia Increases Risk of Heart Attack 45%

Chronic insomnia makes people tired and irritable –and it may increase heart attack risk to boot—according to a research team from Norway.

The scientists investigated the connection between sleeping patterns and heart attack risk in a group of 50,000 men over the course of 10-years. They discovered that insomnia increased heart attack risk by approximately 45 percent –similar to smoking or being severely obese.

Scientists note that poor sleep may increase levels of inflammation in the blood, which can damage arteries and contribute to plaque formation.

Beat Insomnia Naturally - This Tea Helps Insomnia-Sufferers Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sipping a hot cup of chamomile tea before bed has a centuries-long history as an insomnia remedy. Now, a new study published in the latest BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine has found that the supplemental form of chamomile promotes shut-eye in adults suffering from insomnia.

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 34 adults, researchers gave the group either a placebo or 250mg of chamomile. They found that chamomile modestly improved the amount of sleep that the participants experienced. The researchers note that chamomile helps increase levels of GABA –an important neurotransmitter in the brain that promotes healthy sleep patterns.

Beat Insomnia Naturally - Michael Jackson’s “Doctor” License to Kill?

Today, I’m touching some very sensitive, controversial and moral issues. So whether you agree with me or not, I’ll really appreciate your comment on this topic.

The verdict had come out on Conrad Murray’s guilt and I believe that’s pretty much in line with public opinion.

I believe most of us connect to Dr. Murray with feelings of betrayal. After all, doctors are supposed to be helping people, not overdosing them with dangerous medications only meant for hospital use.

It doesn’t even matter if Murray in fact injected Jackson with the overdose or if Jackson somehow did it himself, the drug should never have been there in the first place.

It’s like hiring security guard to protect your house and have him show up with a nuclear bomb for your kids to play with. The security guard was supposed to protect you, not harm you. The same goes for doctors.

The scariest thought however is that Murray’s case is so far from being isolated. Although unusually dramatic, similar things happen in thousands of doctors’ offices every day.

Doc in a box will prescribe sleeping pills or Valium to a person for years even if he knows very well that these drugs are never supposed to be used for more than a few weeks.

Not all doctors use methods described here but the fact is that most doctors receive some kind of direct or indirect payments from drug companies to push their drug. Most likely your doctor does too. You might want to shoot the question in your next visit. Legally he’s obligated to tell the truth.

The fact that many patients – like Michael Jackson –  ask for or even insist on receiving addictive drugs that are only meant to use for a short period of time, doesn’t relive the responsibility from the doctor. His Hippocratic Oath is to practice medicine ethically in the best interest of the patient. That means sometimes saying NO.

Some of Murray’s attorneys’ reasoning was that Jackson was determined to get this drug and if Murray hadn’t given it to him, someone else would. This is the same reasoning street pushers give when selling illegal drugs to kids.

In fact, I feel the street pushers have more ethics than the doc in a box because they’ve never given an oath to be anything else than pushers who deliberately turn people into junkies. And they’re not betraying anyone’s trust. They’re open about their intentions.

We’re all responsible for our own health and own actions. Sometimes, however, we need to put our trust in professionals. Part of that is to trust that they’ll put aside their own greed and agenda and say NO if we ask for something that’s not good for us.

Dr. Murray betrayed that trust when “attending to” Michael Jackson.

If you’re suffering from insomnia as Michael Jackson was, I recommend you check out our insomnia program instead of relying on sleeping pills. This program often works better than sleeping pills and has absolutely no side effects or danger.

Beat Insomnia Naturally - Medications That Cause Dry Mouth

A reader with a bad breath problem wrote in for advice.  Without knowing anything more about him, my first impulse was to offer that perhaps his oral hygiene could use some improvement.

After all, the most obvious solution to any malady is 95% of the time going to be the right one.  But sometimes, there are other causes for everyday problems, such as the one with which this reader was struggling.

There are a variety of things that can cause bad breath, even if you are a fastidious brusher and flosser.

One that tops the list right under hygiene and diet is dry mouth.
Called xerostomia, dry mouth is a condition marked by a whole host of frustrating, and even sometimes hidden, symptoms.  They mimic dehydration in many ways, so understanding the difference can be tough.

Symptoms include:

·        Foamy or thick, stringy saliva
·        Bad breath
·        Dry, cracked lips
·        Problems speaking, chewing, and swallowing
·        Increased thirst
·        Receding gums
·        Digestion problems
·        Vaginal issues
·        Dry eyes and nose
·        Joint Pain
·        Muscular pain

Sufferers may even show alarmingly frequent secondary conditions that occur as a result of dry mouth, including yeast infections in the mouth and reproductive areas, increase in cavities and periodontal disease, and infections like bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia.

If you’ve narrowed your bad breath problem to dry mouth, then the next logical step is to look at the causes to see what could be setting this frustrating condition off.

The biggest factor is medication-related, and there is a whole laundry list of medications that contribute to dry mouth.  If you are taking more than one at a time, then your likelihood of developing dry mouth naturally increases.

Medications that cause dry mouth include those to treat:

·        Anxiety and depression
·        Diarrhoea
·        Vomiting
·        Acne
·        Insomnia
·        Asthma
·        Muscle and joint pain
·        Congestion
·        High blood pressure
·        …and more.

When looking at the possible negative side effects of these medications, the really unnerving ones like coma, risk of bleeding, stroke, birth defects, or what have you, usually command the biggest portion of our attention.

We typically skim right over the ones that don’t seem as deadly like stomach upset, dizziness and dry mouth.

But if you separate each negative effect apart from the others and look at the risks associated with each on its own, the less critical ones suddenly become worrisome.

Dizziness can lead to car accidents, falls, and head injuries.  Stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting lead to dehydration and malnutrition.

Dry mouth leads to infections that can be life-threatening, especially for those with compromised immune systems anyway.  Pneumonia is nothing to snicker at.  Bronchitis in an asthmatic can land a guy in the hospital.

Here’s the rub- many of the problems from diseases that these medicines are designed to prevent are what make the side effects so much more problematic if the medications are taken in the first place.

It’s like a person can’t win.

And we have to have stinky mouth on top of everything else?
However, this is the place where you would normally see the comments regarding the virtues of getting off medications wherever possible, or at least seeing about getting the dosage reduced.

Well, I don’t want to disappoint.  It is going to be critical for anyone who is suffering from the adverse effects of these medications- even if it’s just the “minor” side effects like dry mouth- to talk to the prescriber about pursuing natural methods.

As we age, more problems are going to crop up. I get that.  It’s like every five years we have to add another pill to the cocktail we take every morning.  But as we age, we are also less able to mitigate the damage caused by those very medications.

That’s why prevention is such a critical part of disease management.  While safe products to reduce dry mouth (like Biotene) are out there to help reduce the effects of dry mouth, reducing or eliminating the problem the medication is designed to treat naturally is always going to be preferred over racing behind it with medications, trying in vain to catch up.

If you noticed any of the symptoms of dry mouth and you are not chemically dehydrated, it’s time to talk to the doctor about your prescription and over-the-counter medications.  See what you can do together to reduce the dosages safely.

For easy and safe solutions to your blood pressurearthritis, and insomnia problems, try my 100% natural guides today.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Beat Insomnia Naturally Fast?

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