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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Chronic bad breath is a societal taboo and stigma

Chronic bad breath is not only an oral-health issue, but it is generally regarded as socially inacceptable. Although bad breath (halitosis) is a fairly common health challenge, it is difficult to self-diagnose, as it is not easy to detect a long-term odor from your own breath.

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Chronic bad breath is not only an oral-health issue, but it is generally regarded as socially unacceptable. Although bad breath (halitosis) is a fairly common health challenge, it is difficult to self-diagnose, as it is not easy to detect a long-term odor from your own breath.

Those who suffer from chronic bad breath are often informed by friends or family members, and these conversations are generally awkward for both individuals.

Chronic bad breath has become a major health concern because of its medical consequences and because it causes significant social disharmony, embarrassment, frustration, and despair.

Experiencing chronic bad breath can also lead to social and professional isolation and contribute to marital and relational problems.

Concern over chronic bad breath can affect your sense of peace and well-being. Often, individuals do not address the root causes of bad breath and instead opt for temporary relief in the form of gum, rinses, and sprays.

People who have been told that they may suffer from chronic bad breath can experience feelings of anxiety or worry that they are producing offensive smells near others.

Chronic bad breath is a common concern for those with anxiety for a variety of reasons, including more frequent mouth breathing and anxiety-prompted acid reflux.

Occasionally, chronic bad breath can prompt a prolonging of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Recent research suggests that Halitosis can worsen the symptoms of SAD, making it harder for patients to overcome this mental condition once their breath has been improved.

Getting appropriate treatment for chronic bad breath is essential to prevent medical, social, and psychological issues in your life. Antibacterial mouthwashes are a great way to control bad breath.

If you suspect you may have chronic bad breath, speak with your healthcare provider about developing an effective oral-hygiene routine and overcoming any social issues related to your condition.

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This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Halitosis (bad breath) can be solved with good oral hygiene

Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing sign of poor oral hygiene. Certain foods, medical conditions, and personal-hygiene habits can all cause bad breath. Most of the time, you can combat bad breath by developing and adhering to a proper oral hygiene routine.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Get Yourself Cleaner, Fresher Breath and a MORE Kissable Mouth

Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing sign of poor oral hygiene. Certain foods, medical conditions, and personal-hygiene habits can all cause bad breath. Most of the time, you can combat bad breath by developing and adhering to a proper oral hygiene routine.

If you suffer from bad breath, it's important to review your oral hygiene habits. Although brushing is important, good oral health involves more than simply brushing your teeth each day.

To promote healthy oral hygiene, brush your teeth, tongue, and gums with a fluoride toothpaste and floss at least twice a day, preferably after every meal and snack.

Brushing and flossing removes plaque from the mouth to limit decay and odor, as residual plaque leads to tooth decay, gum disease, and other periodontal conditions.

In addition to brushing and flossing, using an antimicrobial or fluoride-based mouth rinse can help combat odor and promote better oral health.

Without an effective oral hygiene routine, foods and drinks with high amounts of sugar can become lodged in your teeth and cause bad breath.

The chemical breakdown of certain foods such as onions, garlic, and strong spices can cause short-term odor in the mouth. Avoiding these pungent foods can often improve bad breath symptoms.

Long-term odor, however, is often the result of residual food particles, which form a colorless, sticky film of sulfur-producing bacteria on your teeth. Your tongue can also trap bacteria on its uneven surface and contribute to odor production.

Additionally, when dental fixtures like retainers or dentures are not cleaned regularly, they can harbor odor-causing food particles and bacteria. Cleaning all dental fixtures daily is an essential part of combating bad breath.

To prevent or treat bad breath and other symptoms of poor oral health, be sure to schedule regular dental cleanings and exams with your oral healthcare provider.

Contact your dentist if you begin to notice persistent bad breath, as he or she can help you develop a personalized oral-health plan to combat odor and ensure an effective oral hygiene routine.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Monday, July 31, 2017

Summer Oily Skin Care - How to Protect Oily Skin in Summer

Summer is in the air which means that it is time to book that trip to the beach already to soak up the warmth of the sun and just enjoy the waters for a relaxing day with family or friends. But for those with oily skin, summer is something that they are anxious about as their oily skin becomes oilier than ever hence they suffer from acne breakouts. Here are 6 summer oily skin care tips you can try immediately.

CLICK HERE to find out How You Can Get Rid of Oily Skin FAST!

Summer is in the air which means that it is time to book that trip to the beach already to soak up the warmth of the sun and just enjoy the waters for a relaxing day with family or friends.

But for those with oily skin, summer is something that they are anxious about as their oily skin becomes oilier than ever hence they suffer from acne breakouts.

You’re probably tired of having to conceal those blemishes every time you step outside and that you’ve been using up plenty of blotting tissues just to remove that extra oil that your skin is producing. Although having oily skin means extra care, just look at the bright side because those with oily skin tend to age more slowly.

With that being said, there are still steps that you can take to provide protection for your oily skin this summer. If you want to make sure that your skin won’t break out in acne or pimples, these tips are worth trying out.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #1: Minimize makeup

One way to keep your oily skin free from acne breakouts is to minimize the amount of makeup that you are using. This will help prevent your pores from being clogged because of the excess oil that you’re producing. By wearing less makeup, you will allow your skin to breathe better for a healthier look.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #2: Wash less often

It’s easy to fall into the trap of washing your face too often during the summer because you want to refresh yourself. Unfortunately, too much washing can actually make your skin produce more oil which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place.

It is better to limit your washing to morning and at night before going to bed so that you won’t have to contend with oil and sweat at the same time.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #3: Avoid touching your face often

Our hands are constantly touching various things so you don’t really have any idea on what you are transferring to your face whenever you touch it. This also means avoiding popping the pimples on your skin as it can spread the bacteria further.

Also, make sure that you tie your hair back as the oil coming from your scalp can travel to your hair and add more to the oils that are produced on your face.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #4: Choose lighter skin care products

You’ve probably used heavy creams during the winter to avoid your skin from being dry but now that the temperature has risen already, it is time to switch to something lighter that your skin can easily absorb. Sticking to the heavy stuff can actually make your skin appear greasy which is the last thing you will want this summer.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #5: Don’t forget your toner

Come the summer, it is important that you do not forget to use toner on a daily basis. Wipe the toner on areas of your skin that are excessively oily such as on your forehead and your nose.

The toner has astringent properties that can actually soothe and cool the skin at the same time. It will also help shrink the pores of your skin so that the amount of oil produced will be reduced.

Summer Oily Skin Care Tip #6: Primer can be your friend

If you cannot avoid wearing makeup during summer, don’t forget to apply a primer first. This will help keep your makeup in place and can even control the oil on your skin too. Go for the mattifying primer to get the best results.

These are just a few tips that you should keep in mind when it comes to dealing with your oily skin come the summer. You will find that your oily skin will be more manageable once you practice the steps above.

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For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

Friday, July 28, 2017

Gum disease is a common cause of bad breath

Gum disease occurs just below the gum line by causing the inflammation and breakdown of the tooth's attachment site and its supporting tissues. Although gum disease is a chief cause of bad breath, it is generally treatable by an oral-healthcare professional.

Bad breath is often caused by gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. In gum disease, the tissues that surround the teeth become infected.

Gum disease occurs just below the gum line by causing the inflammation and breakdown of the tooth's attachment site and its supporting tissues. Although gum disease is a chief cause of bad breath, it is generally treatable by an oral-healthcare professional.

There are two forms of gum disease. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that affects only the gums, the soft tissue surrounding your teeth. Periodontitis is the more severe form of gum disease. In periodontitis, infection spreads to below the gums to damage other types of surrounding tissue and the bones that support the teeth.

Gum disease is often the result of plaque build-up in the mouth. The plaque build-up that causes gum disease and the accompanying bad breath is generally due to poor oral hygiene, smoking, impaired immune function, and medical conditions such as diabetes.

Bacteria cause the formation of oral toxins, which irritate the gums. If gum disease continues to progress without treatment, you can experience substantial damage to your jawbone and gums.

As bacterial plaque begins to accumulate in the mouth, the bacteria reacts with residual sugary particles to make toxins and other chemicals. These toxins cause great irritation to the gums, prompting them to become inflamed and bleed easily upon contact.

Over time, plaque hardens into a solid build-up called calculus or tartar, which further irritates the gums and causes them to pull away from your teeth. Bad breath, pain, and discomfort can result from progressive gum disease.

If you are beginning to experience the signs of gum disease, see your dentist. Milder forms of gum disease can be controlled by regular professional cleanings and consistent hygiene at home.

For more severe forms of gum disease, your dentist or hygienist may recommend scaling or root planing. Scaling involves the removal of hard and soft calculus deposits from the tooth crown, while root planing removes deposits that have collected along root surfaces beneath the gums. These procedures clear deposits to reduce the inflammation, pain, and odor associated with gum disease.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Flossing every day to combat halitosis

Bad breath may be combated and prevented, however, by simply using dental floss daily in addition to brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Flossing daily improves bad breath by removing food particles and bacteria that can become lodged between your teeth.

Dentists estimate that approximately 80% of bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by an oral source. Often, cavities or gum disease can create bad breath; both of these conditions are caused by accumulated debris on and between the teeth. Once this debris hardens into plaque or calculus, it can be difficult to remove and can lead to long-term oral odor.

Bad breath may be combated and prevented, however, by simply using dental floss daily in addition to brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Flossing daily improves bad breath by removing food particles and bacteria that can become lodged between your teeth.

Food particles and bacteria can form a whitish film between teeth and emit sulfuric compounds that have unpleasant odors. If left untreated, dental plaque can lead to chronic bad breath and other oral-health issues like gum disease.

Flossing allows you to remove debris and plaque from the spaces between teeth where a toothbrush might not be able to reach. Most dentists recommend flossing between your teeth at least once a day after brushing, preferably twice per day.

In addition to removing food particles and bacteria that have become lodged, flossing also helps prevent periodontal disease, which is another common cause of bad breath. If you are unsure how to clean between your teeth efficiently, ask your dentist or dental hygienist at your next cleaning or exam.

When you first begin to floss, your gums may bleed slightly. This should subside within a few days of regular flossing. If bleeding persists for longer or becomes widespread in your mouth, see your dentist, since frequent bleeding can indicate the presence of gum disease.

To effectively treat bad breath, make sure you are maintaining a good oral-hygiene routine of brushing your teeth, tongue, and gums in addition to daily flossing and using an antibacterial mouthwash as needed.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Eating healthy food contributes to eliminating bad breath

Eating healthy food contributes to eliminating bad breath. To alleviate bad breath, try snacking on raw carrots, celery, or apple slices. Watery fruits and vegetables can help clear your mouth of odor-causing debris.

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What you eat affects how your breath smells when you exhale. This is because as food is digested, it is absorbed into your bloodstream, and remnants are eventually released by your lungs when you breathe.

Most people are aware that eating pungent foods and alcoholic drinks can cause short-term bad breath. Regularly consuming foods such as garlic, onions, fish, and strong spices can lead to chronic bad breath and body odor.

In addition, sugary foods serve as the primary nutrient source for odor-causing oral bacteria. By ingesting sugary foods frequently, you are enabling bacteria to produce acid that contributes to tooth decay and causes an unpleasant odor.

Acidic food and drink are also primary factors of tooth erosion and bad breath. And finally, unhealthy processed foods can hinder the liver's detoxification process and release smelly byproducts into the bloodstream, which are then also exhaled through the lungs.

Tips for Eliminating Bad Breath

Eliminating Bad Breath – Tip #1

To alleviate bad breath, try snacking on raw carrots, celery, or apple slices. Watery fruits and vegetables can help clear your mouth of odor-causing debris.

Eliminating Bad Breath – Tip #2

Drinking plenty of water will also reduce pungent breath odors. Additionally, limit the amount of sugary foods and drinks that you consume, especially if you will not be able to brush your teeth immediately afterward.

Eliminating Bad Breath – Tip #3

When taking liquid or chewable medicines, opt for sugar-free medicines, as these do not leave sugary deposits in the mouth. Reduce the amount of acid that comes into contact with your teeth by avoiding high amounts of carbonated drinks and fruit juices. Also, try to drink acidic drinks quickly and avoid swishing them around in your mouth for any period of time.

Eliminating Bad Breath – Tip #4

For long-term oral health and reduced bad breath, make sure you thoroughly clean your teeth within an hour of eating or drinking anything, especially if your meal included pungent, acidic, or sugary foods and drinks. Although this may not completely prevent bad breath, it can help reduce its severity when performed regularly and efficiently.

Eliminating Bad Breath – Tip #5

If you think certain foods may be causing your bad breath, it is often helpful to keep a log of the food you eat and bring it to your dentist for him or her to review.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dry mouth (xerostomia) can cause bad breath

Bad breath associated with a dry mouth is caused by the reduction of saliva. This reduced saliva flow impairs the natural cleansing mechanisms of the mouth.

Bad breath associated with a dry mouth is caused by the reduction of saliva. This reduced saliva flow impairs the natural cleansing mechanisms of the mouth. Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, can contribute to unpleasant oral odor and cause discomfort in the mouth.

Dry mouth is not a disease itself. Instead, it is a common side effect of over 400 prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Although dry mouth commonly occurs in most people after a night's sleep, dry mouth may also occur with the use of certain medications, from prolonged snoring or mouth breathing, or as a result of salivary-gland problems.

Additional reasons for dry mouth include a lack of fluid in the body (dehydration), nutritional deficiencies, the presence of another medical condition or disease(such as in autoimmune disorders like Sjögren's syndrome), or radiotherapy to the neck and head areas.

If you suffer from dry mouth, you need to pay greater attention to your teeth. When maintaining your daily oral-hygiene routine of brushing your teeth, tongue, and gums and flossing regularly, use an extra-soft toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste after every meal and before going to bed.

Also, avoid using tobacco products and consuming alcohol or caffeine, as these substances contribute to dry mouth and can exacerbate odor by increasing odor-causing bacteria.

To prevent bad breath caused by chronic dry mouth, make sure you are drinking enough water each day. Six to eight glasses of water a day is the minimum recommended amount; this will help reduce oral odor by washing away food particles and bacteria.

Using a humidifier in your bedroom and avoiding breathing through your mouth can also help improve natural saliva flow. If your medications are making you experience bad breath and dry mouth, ask your dentist to recommend an over-the-counter saliva substitute remedy or speak to your doctor about adjusting your medication.

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This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Monday, July 24, 2017

Drinking alcoholic beverages causes halitosis or bad breath

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, can often be caused by consuming alcoholic beverages, especially when drinking occurs excessively. Most people who have consumed alcohol may have breath that smells unpleasant for several hours afterwards.

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, can often be caused by consuming alcoholic beverages, especially when drinking occurs excessively. Most people who have consumed alcohol may have breath that smells unpleasant for several hours afterwards.

For those who regularly consume high amounts of alcohol, however, halitosis or bad breath may become chronic and can indicate other health concerns like liver damage.

Bad breath or halitosis that is caused by alcohol consumption is a result of the body processing toxins. Alcohol is treated as a toxin by the body, and it is therefore converted into a less-harmful chemical.

This process is accomplished through metabolism, which converts 90% of the alcohol you consume into acetic acid. Some of the alcohol, however, is released through the respiratory system and through sweat, creating a bad odor in your breath and on your skin.

Alcohol also can dehydrate you and impair saliva production, causing your mouth to become dry. This prevents harmful bacteria and debris from being washed away and can lead to prolonged bad breath.

Some alcoholic drinks lead to a more noticeable smell than others. For example, consuming liqueurs and other more-aromatic beverages causes halitosis or bad breath that is more obviously unpleasant. Large amounts of beer, wine, and hard liquor can also make your breath smell unpleasant for up to 10 hours after you finish drinking.

To prevent bad breath or halitosis that is caused by drinking alcoholic beverages, consider limiting your alcohol consumption. If you think alcohol may be creating your bad breath, switch to water or low-sugar, low-acidity beverages like milk or tea.

Also, make sure that you are maintaining a healthy oral-hygiene routine of brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue after every meal or snack, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

Scheduling regular cleanings and exams with your dentist twice a year is another key way to treat and prevent bad breath. Staying is hydrated is also important to maintain healthy saliva production and to protect your gums, especially when drinking alcohol.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Friday, July 21, 2017

Does mouthwash eliminate a bad oral odor?

Bad oral odor, also called halitosis, is often the result of poor oral hygiene. Without regular cleaning, food particles and bacteria can accumulate around your teeth, tongue, and gums. Once this debris begins to rot, it gives off an unpleasant smell whenever you speak or exhale.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Get Yourself Cleaner, Fresher Breath and a MORE Kissable Mouth

Bad oral odor, also called halitosis, is often the result of poor oral hygiene. Without regular cleaning, food particles and bacteria can accumulate around your teeth, tongue, and gums. Once this debris begins to rot, it gives off an unpleasant smell whenever you speak or exhale.

Fortunately, maintaining a healthy oral-hygiene routine is a simple but effective way of combating the effects of bad oral odor. Brushing your teeth, tongue, and gums with fluoride toothpaste after every meal or snack and flossing daily are two important habits to prevent bad oral odor.

In addition, many people can benefit from using a mouthwash daily. Antibacterial mouthwashes are designed to kill microorganisms and to neutralize any chemicals in the mouth that may lead to bad oral odor.

Chemicals in mouthwash include chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, zinc chloride, and triclosan.

These can be placed into four general groups: antimicrobial agents kill and limit the growth of bacteria; fluoride reduces tooth decay and strengthens tooth enamel; astringent salts act as temporary deodorizers; and odor neutralizers can chemically inactivate odor-causing compounds.

Some people dislike using a chlorhexidine-based mouthwash for an extended period of time because of its unpleasant taste, burning sensation when used too often, and temporarily darkening effects on the teeth and tongue. Additionally, many mouthwashes also include alcohol as an active ingredient.

Some individuals are reluctant to use alcohol-based mouthwashes because of concern that long-term use may increase the risk of oral cancer, although this correlation has not been clinically verified.

Studies have demonstrated, however, that using an antibacterial mouthwash as directed and as part of a healthy oral-hygiene routine of brushing and flossing can be effective in combating bad oral odor.

Your dentist can advise you about whether using a mouthwash is suitable for your oral-health needs. He or she may recommend that you use a mouthwash with fluoride or antimicrobial agents as part of your daily oral-hygiene routine.

This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and lung cancer can cause bad odor in the mouth

Bad odor in the mouth, also known as halitosis, can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. Illnesses that affect the lungs can create an unpleasant oral odor from complications like increased mucus production or side effects from medications.

Bad odor in the mouth, also known as halitosis, can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. Illnesses that affect the lungs can create an unpleasant oral odor from complications like increased mucus production or side effects from medications.

For those who suffer from asthma, bad odor in the mouth can be caused in several different ways. First, asthma inhalers with corticosteroids can cause thrush, which is an oral yeast infection.

Corticosteroids act as a mild immunosuppressant and can enable higher levels of bacterial growth in the mouth. Bacteria combine with accumulated debris around the teeth, tongue, and gums, causing halitosis.

Alternatively, inhalers can irritate the back of the mouth, which may lead to infection and a bad odor in the mouth. Second, individuals with asthma also experience nasal allergies with increased mucus and postnasal drip, leading to bad breath.

And finally, the wheezing which accompanies asthma can dry out the mouth, hindering the cleansing effect of saliva and making bad odor in the mouth more likely.

More serious lung conditions like cystic fibrosis are also associated with bad odor in the mouth. This is due to the high incidence of sinusitis alongside cystic fibrosis.

Sinusitis generally causes postnasal drip, chronic nasal obstruction and discharge, and severe bad breath from thick, accumulated mucus.

Alternatively, cystic fibrosis can also cause bad breath because of high breath acidity. Researchers maintain that acidic breath associated with this disease may be caused by the overproduction of acids in the lung. Once these acids are exhaled through the mouth, they can make your breath smell badly.

Conditions like lung cancer also involve bad odor in the mouth, this time due to volatile organic compounds in breath.

To combat bad odor in the mouth that is caused by lung conditions, be sure to maintain an effective oral-hygiene routine every day.

Your routine should involve brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, and rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse.

See your dentist for regular cleanings and exams, and be sure to inform him or her of any preexisting medical conditions that may be affecting your oral health.

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This article is based on the book,” Bad Breath Free Forever” by James Williams. This special report contains vital information that will enable you to take control of your life, banish bad breath, save your sex life, career and personal relationships.

Never again will you suffer the humiliation of bad breath. Get yourself cleaner, fresher breath and a more kissable mouth. You will enjoy increased self-confidence and positive effects on your self-esteem.

To find out how you can do it, CLICK HERE

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