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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What is the Best Way to Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar?


What is the Best Way to Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar?

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

This High-Carb Food Can Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar

For decades, type-2 diabetics have been told to avoid high-carbohydrate foods. After all, it’s been proven to spike blood sugar levels.

Scientists even made an index called the glycemic index to rank foods you should eat and avoid.

But a new study in the journal Clinical Nutrition now challenges this view. In fact, it found that one of the highest glycemic index foods actually lowered blood sugar if the blood sugar was tested properly.

The research team, led by scientists from the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, noticed three things about the glycemic index that made them suspicious and caused them to question its use as a guide to food consumption for diabetics.

1. Most previous studies that place food on the glycemic index were performed in the morning, when blood glucose tends to be at its lowest after a night without food.

2. Most such studies had tested foods consumed in isolation from other foods, but that’s not the way people typically eat. We eat mixed meals composed of various foods.

3. Most studies had used nonclinical cohorts, meaning that nothing was known about the subjects’ typical blood glucose responses and medical histories. Many subjects were tested on only one food type, leaving nothing or no one to compare them with.

To remedy these three flaws, the scientists recruited 25 subjects with an average age of 58.3 years. They had all been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, and they had an average body mass index of 31.7 kg/m2. All of the subjects had their diabetes under control.

The researchers divided the participants into four groups that were all given the same breakfast and lunch (25 and 35% of daily energy intake, respectively). The participants then received a supper with 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 20% proteins.

But the suppers differed in one respect. It included either one boiled potato, one roasted potato, one boiled potato cooled for 24 hours, or basmati rice. All of the potatoes were skinless.

If you know your glycemic index, you know that rice is low on the index, while potatoes are high.

The scientists collected their subjects’ blood before the meal, immediately after the meal, and four more times every 30 minutes.

They also asked them to wear a continuous glucose monitor to check their glucose throughout the night.

They reached two interesting conclusions:

1. The subjects’ blood glucose did not differ just after the meal, regardless of whether they had the low-GI basmati rice or the high-GI potatoes.

2. The blood glucose of the subjects who ate the potatoes as part of their evening meal was lower during the night than the glucose of those who ate the basmati rice.

If this finding can be confirmed by future research, it is incredibly important, because it shows that a high-GI food is perfectly safe for type-2 diabetics if it is consumed as part of a healthy meal.

It would mean that the glycemic index is not the right tool to advise diabetics or others on what to eat as components of mixed-food meals. It is only appropriate to tell them what to eat or avoid in isolation.

But loading up on potatoes is not going to reverse your type-2 diabetes. But following these three steps will help to drop diabetics’ blood sugar —usually within 28 days…

Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar – Top 5 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Inflammation is one of the main causes behind most modern diseases, such as type 2 diabetesarthritiscardiovascular disease etc.

You hear daily about various anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods and supplements recommended to take to reduce inflammation (blueberries, fish oil, etc.). These foods can be very effective but at the same time very expensive.

What’s even more important is to avoid food that causes inflammation. Choosing carefully what you put in your mouth may be enough to cure many diseases without spending a fortune on specific foods and supplements.

Top five Foods to Avoid:

1) Refined Sugars and High Fructose Corn Syrup

When we consume sugars (in any form), our blood sugar level shoots up, our minerals get depleted (dealing with the sugars) and enzyme and hormone function changes. All these factors trigger inflammation.

High fructose corn syrup is even worse. Not just because of its chemical structure but also because it’s so cheap that it’s snuck into almost everything. If you look at a graph for increase in high fructose corn syrup consumption and new type 2 diabetes cases since 1980, you’ll see two almost parallel lines.

However, just because HFCS is getting really bad press, don’t forget that sugar is sugar; and sugar is one of the main causes of inflammation no matter what form it’s in (white, brown, raw, organic, fruit sugars etc.).

If you want something sweet, go for whole fruits. Even dry fruits that are high in calories are much better for you because of the amount of fiber that slows down digestion. Organic honey in moderation is also very healthy.

2) Dairy Products

Contrary to what we’ve been told since toddlerhood, milk is NOT healthy for most people. Studies have shown that up to 60% of people cannot digest cow’s milk properly. A milk allergy is one of the most common, but least recognized allergies. Eating food that you can’t digest triggers inflammation.

Many studies, including one from China by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, have revealed dairy as one of the biggest contributors to almost all modern health issues, including cancer. They’ve also shown there are no calcium benefits to drinking milk. To the contrary; milk can rob your bones of calcium. Many of these studies have, however, been buried using billions of dollars from the dairy industry.

Due to increased awareness of milk allergies and popularity of vegan diets, there are now several great alternatives to milk available in supermarkets. These include organic soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and more. Different people like different things, so try them all out and see what you like.

3) Common Cooking Oils

One of the biggest triggers of inflammation is imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fat in your diet. Consuming fish, flax seed and other oil high in Omega 3 is not only recommended because Omega 3 is healthier than Omega 6; it’s more because Omega 6 is more available and we tend to consume more Omega 6.

So you can either eat a whole lot of Omega 3 fats or try to avoid some of the Omega 6. And one of the biggest sources of Omega 6 fats comes from common cooking oils such as grape seed, cottonseed, safflower, corn, and sunflower oils.

These oils are used in high amounts in almost all take out and prepared foods. If it’s oily (and even if it’s not) assume it was cooked in oil that is high in Omega 6, low Omega 3 fatty acids.

To balance our Omega 6/Omega 3 consumption, we want to avoid most cheap vegetable oils mentioned before and use instead macadamia oil, extra virgin olive oil, or other oils with more favorable Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids ratio.

You should also be aware of both Saturated and Trans-fats in high doses. Here again, the name of the fat is not as important as where it comes from.

Organic grass-fed beef can be high in both trans- and saturated fat. However, I’ve not seen a single study indicating that fat from this source is in any way bad for you. Consume, however, fats with the same name from fast food sources and processed, prepared food… and be ready to call the ambulance.

4) Refined Grains

Highly refined grains such as white flour and white rice are little better than refined sugars. They spike your blood sugar levels and play with your hormones and enzymes. Because of how quickly these refined grains are metabolized into the body, they’re also a highway to obesity.

Your body transfers refined grains into blood sugar 15 times faster than whole grain. That means that a 300 calorie bowl of white pasta will be in your blood stream in 10 minutes spiking your blood sugar level, transferring into fat and causing inflammation all over the body. The same calorie bowl of whole grain pasta takes more than two hours to settle into our blood stream, gently energizing every cell in your body.

So instead of white flour and rice I suggest you try various, delicious types of whole grains and whole rice. Not only are they healthier, they also taste much better. Be wary when you buy bread, cereal and other premade food. The package and ads may say “whole grain bread” or “made with whole grain,” but when you read the label, often the first ingredient is white flour or sugar.

5) Flavorings and Other Chemicals

I hesitated on whether or not I should actually include this last section. After all, we’re not really talking about foods. However, all kinds of chemicals are so widely used as ingredients and food processing that I couldn’t leave it out.

Your immune system is skeptical of anything it doesn’t recognize or can’t digest. Most flavorings, preservatives and other chemicals used in food can’t be digested. Therefore, when those chemicals reach the bloodstream, they trigger inflammation responses in the immune system. This inflammation response transfers all over the body, causing chronic inflammation.

The best line of defense is to avoid processed foods as much as you can. Almost any type of food that has five or more ingredients includes some kind of chemicals. Don’t be fooled by products including “natural flavorings,” as these can be just as bad as artificial flavors.

Unfortunately, many whole foods today are treated in one way or another with chemicals. Almost all apples and many other fruits sold in supermarkets are, for example, treated with chemicals that inhibit the natural hormone that ripens the fruits. Animals are loaded with drugs and chemicals before slaughtering.

The only way you can (almost) know for sure you’re getting a chemical-free product is if it’s 100% organic.

Since the five types of food I discussed in this article are so common, it’s almost impossible to avoid them all completely. Being aware and doing your best to reduce the use of those inflammation-triggering foods will go a long way in healing diseases like arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

If you want to take it a step further, you may want to check out simple steps that reverse the inflammatory response and completely heal you. Many of the health guides on the right this side take on inflammation head-on. The two that are most focused on this issue are:

Three-step approach to completely reverse type 2 diabetes…

The 21-day strategy to cure even the worst cases of arthritis…

Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar – Non-Dietary Cause of Type 2 Diabetes Discovered

Type 2 Diabetes is most often contributed to obesitybad diet, lack of exercises or genetic causes.

Researchers from the University of Bristol and University College London published an article in a recent edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal that proved completely different cause.

One that we actually can manage but also need to be managed by society as whole.

And it’s no small cause, it increases your risk of Type 2 Diabetes whooping 12%.

Researchers analyzed data from 19 studies previously conducted on 140,825 subjects across the United States, Europe, and Australia. None of them had diabetes when their respective studies began.

At the beginning they were asked whether they were concerned about the possibility of losing their jobs, or whether they were feeling job secure. They were then followed for an average of 9.4 years so the researchers could compare the health consequences for those who felt job insecure with those who did not.

19 percent more of those with poor job security developed diabetes in subsequent years than their job secure peers did.

When the scientists excluded the studies that did not properly eliminate socioeconomic status, age, sex, weight, physical activity levels, alcohol use, and smoking as possible contributing factors, they still found that those who worried about losing their jobs were 12 percent more likely to develop diabetes than those who had no such concerns.

This shows how stress directly contributes to our health. It’s been long proven to cause high blood pressureinsomnia and many other diseases, now Type 2 Diabetes can be added to the batch.

For more ideas to drop diabetics’ blood sugar, watch this video – How to Lower Blood Sugar Level / 6 Powerful Tips for Diabetics

The good news is that it’s actually easy to reverse Type 2 Diabetes naturally, all you have to do is implement the 3 lifestyle changes to drop diabetics’ blood sugar, found here…

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also, she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on Drop Diabetics’ Blood Sugar in 28 Days or Less

Monday, February 7, 2022

20 Weird Facts About Nuts You Didn’t Hear Off


Though many Paleo dieters eat lots of nuts, they may not know exactly why they are eating them. Here are twenty weird facts about nuts that you probably didn’t know about!

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Nuts

Though many Paleo dieters eat lots of nuts, they may not know exactly why they are eating them.

Here are twenty surprising facts that you probably didn’t know about these handheld snacks!

If you love nuts as much as we do, you might have some questions about them. Is it bad to eat too many of them? Which kinds are actually legumes? Can you survive on a diet made purely of nuts The answer these questions and many more can be found in the following list of nutty facts!

1. Brazil Nuts: The Best Nut You’re Not Eating

Brazil nuts are high in magnesium, fiber, but more importantly in selenium, which could help ward off prostate cancer. The amazing part is, it only takes one ounce of Brazil nuts to obtain over 700% of your daily value for selenium! This means you only need to eat a few of them to get all of their beneficial nutritional properties. Go buy some – I’ll wait.

2. Peanuts Are Not Nuts

Yes, you read that right – peanuts are actually legumes. They are also highly allergenic, and exposure can result in death for those with extreme sensitivities. The number of humans with a peanut allergy has tripled in the last 15 years – meaning this problem is not going away.

Alfatoxin B1 is the most toxic mycotoxin related to peanuts, and can be found in many peanut butters and cooking oils on your shelves of your grocery store. One more reason to avoid peanuts and go full-on Paleo!

3. Peanuts Are the Most Popular “Nut”

Believe it or not, peanuts account for two thirds of all nut consumption. Blame it on all the peanut butter manufacturers and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that Americans eat. Either way, Americans simply can’t get enough peanuts.

4. Hazelnuts Are Also Called Filberts

Hazelnuts are routinely overlooked as a nut choice – though I’m not quite sure why. Besides the double name, hazelnuts are also Oregon’s official state nut. To answer your next question: no, I wasn’t aware that states had “official” nuts either.

5. Pine Nuts Are Found Inside Pine Cones

Pine nuts are another overlooked nut, but did you know they are actually found inside pine cones? That’s right, those things you may have thrown at girls on the playground actually contain delicious, expensive pine nuts. Try toasting them, then top over oven-roasted broccoli!

6. Cashews Have Toxic Shells

You might not think of cashews as unsafe in any way, but believe it or not, the shell of a cashew is quite dangerous. The double shell covering the cashew contains urushiol, a resin which is toxic when ingested. The same resin is found in poison ivy. Be glad the cashews you’re eating have been processed and steamed!

7. Pecans Are Rich with Antioxidants

I don’t think I’ve ever had a client who ate pecans on a regular basis – even though they are one of the most antioxidant-rich nuts out there. Pecans are rich in vitamin E, and are usually ranked in the top 15 of all antioxidant rich foods. Stop waiting for pie season and eat them daily!

8. Pistachios Are Actually Fruits

Another unbelievable-but-true fact: pecans aren’t nuts. To be specific, pistachios are the seeds of a fruit (the outer fruit is removed during processing). Still, like other nuts, pistachios are a rich source of many beneficial phytochemical substances, including vitamin E and carotenes. Get festive and make white chocolate bark studded with crunchy pistachios!

9. Almonds Influence Good Gut Bacteria

All those almonds you eat as snacks are probably helping your balance of beneficial gut bacteria. Studies show that there are also plenty of prebiotic properties in almonds as well. Don’t skimp on these guys the next time you are looking to add some crunch to your diet.

10. Macadamia Nuts Are Possibly the King of All Nuts

Besides having a great inflammation-fighting omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, macadamia nuts contain the largest amount of monounsaturated fatty acids of any nut. Regular consumption of macadamias may result in lowered triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. Not too shabby!

11. Walnuts Have the Highest Amount of Omega-3

While a good ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is ideal, most nuts still do not contain much omega-3. This is not true of walnuts, as just one serving of walnuts has over 100% of your daily value! Even the skin of walnuts has been proven to have some nutritional value (the skin is whitish in appearance, in case you were wondering).

12. Chestnuts Are the Only Nuts That Contain Vitamin C

Chestnuts, possibly most famous for their inclusion in Christmas songs, are often overlooked in the nutritional department. The truth is, chestnuts provide about 20% of your daily value of vitamin C — much more than any other nut.

13. Coconuts Are Not Nuts

Coconuts are actually considered “dry drupes.” However, if using looser definitions, coconuts quality as fruits, nuts AND seeds. Coconuts are multi-faceted in how they can be eaten, too — you can drink coconut water, bake with coconut flour, cook with coconut oil, braise with coconut milk or cream, and slather coconut butter on Paleo toast as a healthy spread.

14. Cashews Are Not Nuts

This one always surprises my clients. Cashews are actually fruits, which come from the cashew tree. Through a variety of complex processes, you eventually get the “nut” which you can buy at the store. But the entire journey of the cashew is actually far more complex.

(Psst.. if you’re a cashew lover, you’ll adore these home-roasted on-the-go snack ideas!)

15. 40% Of All Almonds Are Bought by Chocolate Manufacturers

Blame it on all those Valentine’s Day assortments. Chocolate manufacturers can’t get enough of almonds, and these days they commonly try to make chocolate appear healthier than it is, by throwing in heart-healthy almonds.

Never mind the fact that chocolate is still very high in sugar and is pretty close to being empty calories. It is best to eat almonds on their own – not as a part of a crunchy chocolate nut cluster.

16. Macadamias Are Toxic to Dogs

Yes, that’s correct. If you drop some macadamias on the floor, make sure you pick them up right away. Although they are healthy for humans, macadamias can cause weakness, depression, vomiting in your pooch.

17. Pistachios Are Green Due to Their Antioxidant Content

Have you ever cracked open a pistachio and marveled at the fact that part of it is green? This green (and sometimes purple) color is in fact due to the antioxidants found in the pistachio. Neutralizing those free radicals is just one more reason to crack open some of these delicious and colorful nuts!

18. Most Brazil Nuts Don’t Come from Brazil

These treats really should be called Bolivia nuts, since most of them come from the northern region of that country. No matter what you call it, Brazil nuts are packed with selenium and other nutrients, so make sure you’re eating them!

19. Cashews Should Actually Be Called Brazil Nuts

Yes, things are about to get more complicated. If foods were named more logically, we would have named cashews after the country where they come from and Brazil nuts something else entirely. But remember, cashews aren’t actually nuts at all, so perhaps we should call them Brazil fruit?

20. Peanuts Can Also Be Called Goobers

There’s even a Johnny Cash song that includes the word in its title. No word yet on whether they are related to the candy or not.

Watch this video – Weird Facts About Nuts


As you can see, there is often much more going on with your food than you realize! It is these hundreds of little facts that make our world that much more interesting.

Trivia aside, the most important thing to remember is that nuts contain lots of nutrients and are usually a reliable source of healthy fats as well, so make sure to add them to your diet regularly.

One last reminder – nuts are very high in calories, so take a serving or two, and put the rest away. This goes for nut butters, as well. Stick to eating a few as a snack or side item – not a main course.

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Gross Facts About Peanut – Is Peanut Butter Healthy?


Gross Facts About Peanut - Peanut butter is smooth, salty, and highly palatable — but unfortunately, not Paleo. In fact, peanuts aren’t even nuts at all. Peanuts are actually part of the legume family, which is off-limits in a strict Paleo regime. This begs the question, do peanuts have any nutritional benefits? And what about the downfalls?

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Is Peanut Butter Good for You? The Truth About Jelly’s Other Half

People love peanut butter. A quick Internet search reveals entire websites and blogs devoted to peanut butter addiction.

Peanut butter is smooth, salty, and highly palatable — but unfortunately, not Paleo. In fact, peanuts aren’t even nuts at all. Peanuts are actually part of the legume family, which is off-limits in a strict Paleo regime.

Peanuts have been around for thousands of years, and were a dietary staple for the Aztecs and First Nations people in central and South America. From there, Spanish explorers brought them back to the Old World and they spread into Africa, where they’re also found in many traditional dishes.

However, if you go back in time even further, before the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, raw peanuts were seldom consumed, because they are very difficult to digest without roasting or cooking them.

This begs the question, do peanuts have any nutritional benefits? And what about the downfalls? As usual, the answer is not black and white.

The Peanut “Pros”

Peanuts actually pack a pretty good nutrition punch. They contain 18g of protein per half cup, along with 36g of fat, half of which is healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in the form of oleic acid.

Peanuts are chock-full of biotin, niacin, folate, vitamin E, polyphenols, and resveratrol, which act as powerful antioxidants. They also contain coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a key nutrient for heart health.

A half cup of peanuts also provides 6g of fiber, which keeps your bowels regular and supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

Studies on the benefits of regular peanut consumption show peanut butter can cut your risk of cardiovascular disease risk by 20 percent. Eating peanuts more than twice weekly reduces colon cancer rates by 58 percent in women and 27 percent in men.

In addition, elderly people consuming niacin-rich foods like peanuts have a 70 percent reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline compared to the low intake of the general population. The researchers believe the high antioxidant content of nuts is the driving force behind these positive health outcomes.

To most people, this would sound like a pretty impressive list of benefits. So what gives? Why do some people view peanuts as bad?

Well, the truth is never black and white, and this holds true for peanuts. There are a number of things to consider if you regularly eat peanuts.

The Peanut “Cons”

There are a number possible drawbacks to peanut consumption, so let’s start this list with the most concerning among them.

1) Aflatoxin

Peanuts are particularly susceptible to molds and fungal attacks. One fungus in particular, Aspergillus flavus, produces a toxin called aflatoxin that has been shown to be 20x more carcinogenic than DDT.

However, this problem is far more widespread in raw peanuts. The process of cooking and roasting peanuts significantly reduces aflatoxin by almost 90 percent, and Paleo staples such as pecans, pistachios, and walnuts are all susceptible to aflatoxin, as well.

The government regulates that foods cannot contain more than 20 parts per billions of aflatoxin, a level which is not harmful to humans.

2) Allergic Reactions

Today, it seems like every other child is deathly allergic to peanuts. Even one generation ago, there might have been one or two kids in a class that had a peanut allergy, while today the numbers seem to be spiking out of control.

Peanuts are classified as one of the eight major allergens, which include milk, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts (pecans, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, Brazil nuts, etc.), peanuts, and soy.

Common adverse reactions may include; skin rash, itching, hives, eczema, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, nasal congestion, labored breathing, or light-headedness.

Interestingly, these very common allergic reactions in developed countries occur very rarely in developing countries. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you likely already know and should avoid peanuts completely.

3) Agglutinins

Agglutinins are peanut lectins, proteins that bind sugars and help molecules stick together to avoid immune system activation.

Lectins are considered anti-nutrients because they aren’t degraded by your digestive enzymes and can bypass the gut wall and make their way into the bloodstream in as little as 1-4 hours.

Lectins can ultimately damage the lining of the gut wall and trigger immune reactions that lead to fatiguejoint pain, foggy brain, etc. Sprouting, soaking, cooking or fermenting foods with lectin dramatically reduces the negative impacts of lectins on the body.

4) Oxalates

Oxalates are another common anti-nutrient found in grains, legumes and plants.

If levels become too concentrated, they can crystallize in the body and cause harm to your kidneys or gallbladder. Oxalates also bind to key minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium, reducing your capacity to absorb them efficiently.

5) Omega-6 Fats

The dominant health-promoting fats in peanuts are MUFAs, specifically oleic acid, while the remainder is largely made up of omega-6 fats.

We get far too much omega-6 fat in our diets today, at approximately a 20:1 ratio to omega-3 fats. This is in stark contrast to our hunter-gatherer ancestors who consume a ratio between 2:1 to 3:1 of omega-6 to omega-3.

Since oleic acid can be obtained in your diet from Paleo-friendly sources like olive oil and avocados, which have much lower levels of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats, those make much better dietary staples than peanuts.

6) Weight Gain

The famous saying “It’s like eating peanuts” refers to how easy it is to binge on any specific food or task. The fact that this famous quote uses peanuts as the example should tell you something… It’s easy to eat a lot of peanuts!

For some people struggling to lose weight (not all), they snack on nuts far too often and eat far too many.

A recent study found that people who frequently have snacks throughout the day and eat a hyper-caloric diet (very easy to do if snacking continuously), significantly increased the fat stores in their liver and around their waistline. This is not good for your health or your weight loss goals. Peanuts are legumes, not nuts. By definition, they’re not Paleo.

If you suffer from digestive dysfunctionpoor immunity, or an autoimmune condition, then steering 100 percent clear of peanuts is typically the best bet.

However, if you’re a peanut butter lover and feel you have no underlying digestive or immune concerns, then you can have the occasional peanut butter or peanut snack (although I wouldn’t cook with peanut oil).

If you do indulge, be sure to choose only organic, roasted peanuts from major brands (and of course avoid those with hydrogenated oils, sugars, or other additives).

Ironically, Consumer Reports recently found that fresh-pressed health food store peanut butter is more likely to contain significant amounts of aflatoxin, while the major brands fared the best (yep, I was surprised too!).

Remember, eliminating grains, vegetable oils (peanut oil included), processed foods, and sugars should always be your first Paleo goal, along with adding in high-quality grass-fed and pasture-raised meats, wild fish, plenty of veggies, daily movement, and high-quality sleep. If you can do that, the peanut butter indulgence every now and then is acceptable.

If you’re peanut butter habit is really hard to shake off, try swapping in more paleo-friendly treats like almond butter to make desserts like ‘Peanut’ Butter Truffles or this No-Nut Nutella.

Watch these 2 videos to know the gross facts about peanut butter –

Do Not Eat Peanut Butter Again, Until You Watch This

How to Buy the Healthiest Peanut Butter

Written by Dr Marc Bubbs

Author Bio:

Dr. Marc Bubbs, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Strength Coach, Author, Speaker, and Blogger practicing in Toronto, Canada. He believes that diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors have the most profound impact on your overall health and performance. Marc is the author of The Paleo Project – A 21st Guide to Looking Leaner, Getting Stronger, & Living Longer and currently serves as the Sports Nutrition Lead for Canadian Men’s Olympic Basketball Team.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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