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Monday, March 1, 2021

What is the Best Way to Gain Super Strong Erection?


Gain Super Strong Erection - It tastes good, it keeps you alert, it is heart healthy, and now is found to completely relieve ED. It works even if you have chronic health issues that cause your ED, such as obesity or high blood pressure. It’s also cheap and available pretty much on every street corner.

 Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

When men heal their ED, their quality of life improves. This is well documented.

And there are several treatment options that have been proven very successful for treating ED.

So, a new study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research came as quite a surprise.

It revealed that up to 80% of men who receive these successful ED treatments actually stop using them.

The researchers surveyed 50 previously published studies with 14,371 subjects.

Some studies found that up to 76 percent of men discontinued their phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor treatment. These were the men on drugs like Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and Stendra.

Up to 79.9 percent of men receiving intracavernosal injections and 69.2 percent of those receiving urethral suppositories stopped their treatment.

Meanwhile, 30 percent of those with penile prostheses simply stopped having sex altogether because of device complications or loss of interest in sex.

For all treatment types, many complained that the treatments had led to poor or inconsistent erectile responses and attributed their treatment discontinuation to this issue.

Side effects of medications were also a common cause to stop taking them.

The most common complaint by men on oral drugs was headaches, for men on injections it was Peyronie’s disease (scar tissue in the penis), and for men on suppositories it was urethral pain.

Gain Super Strong Erection - Your best option is to permanently cure your erectile dysfunction using the easy home exercises explained here…

Gain Super Strong Erection - This Popular Drink Heals ED (you’ll love this one)

It tastes good, it keeps you alert, it is heart healthy, and now is found to completely relieve ED.

It works even if you have chronic health issues that cause your ED, such as obesity or high blood pressure.

It’s also cheap and available pretty much on every street corner.

But it does matter greatly when you drink it for best results.

So many dietitians and nutritionists tell us to eliminate coffee and other caffeinated drinks from our diets. Now, a study proves that, for certain types of people, that might not be the best advice.

A team of seven researchers published the results of their investigation on the relationship between caffeinated drinks and ED in the online journal PLOS ONE in April 2015.

Because they wanted the strongest conclusion possible, they tested the effects of caffeine consumption on a group at serious risk of ED, namely, overweight and obese, hypertensive, and diabetic men. Before this study, experts had already established that these four groups were more likely to have ED than the general population.

They analyzed the information of 3,724 men who had participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In addition, they asked the men to report their level of ED in an online self-interview. Armed with these details, they crunched the numbers.

The conclusion? Men who consume 85-170 mg of caffeine per day are 42 percent less likely to have ED, while those who consume 171-303 mg of it are 39 percent less likely to have erectile problems. This is the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee per day.

This conclusion holds only for overweight, obese, and hypertensive men; however, the effects of diabetes on ED are too strong for caffeine to counteract.

The researchers did not investigate any other high-risk groups, such as those on certain types of medication or those who are advancing in age, so if you fall in those groups, you may have to try this for yourself.

If you don’t like coffee, you might want to try black tea, green tea, or other teas and drinks high in caffeine. Just make very sure that your drink of choice does not have tons of added sugar or fructose corn syrup, otherwise diabetes and cardiovascular disease will soon replace ED at the top of your list of health concerns.

Also notice that more was not better. So limit your caffeine consumption to 170 mg of caffeine or it may create other health issues such as high blood pressure.

According to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013, caffeine improves blood flow through your smaller blood vessels, possibly by improving the functioning of their inner linings.

To be precise, that study concluded that drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee could increase the blood flow through your body (that includes the genitals) by 30 percent over 75 minutes compared to someone who drinks decaffeinated coffee.

So if you’re on a date and expect a little action later on, it doesn’t hurt to have some coffee for desert.

Gain Super Strong Erection - But you don’t have to rely on caffeine or other drugs to successfully perform. Here is a simple technique that thousands of men have used to completely heal their erectile dysfunction…

Gain Super Strong Erection - These Common Medications Cause ED

You will be shocked how many common drugs bring about ED as one of their side effects.

If you’re taking any type of medications, and I mean ANY, make sure you read today’s article.

Because just asking your doctor to switch out your meds may completely heal your ED overnight.

Many physicians still prescribe 5a-reductase inhibitors like finasteride (most common brand name Propecia) to treat men’s benign prostatic hyperplasia and male baldness.

The latest study that questions the wisdom of doing so was published in the June 2015 edition of the journal Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation.

Four researchers from Boston and Bremerhaven compared the outcomes of 470 men treated with finasteride/Propecia with the outcomes of 230 men treated with tamsulosin. All the men had benign prostatic hyperplasia, they were all aged between 47 and 72, and they were all treated for 45 months.

The finasteride group struggled with ED while the tamsulosin group did not. The longer the treatment continued, the worse the ED became.

Worst of all, the finasteride group tested lower on testosterone levels, demonstrating that their testes worked less and less as their treatment continued.

This is not the first study of its kind. In fact, the American Food and Drug Administration as well as many European drug regulators require a warning on the Propecia label that it might cause ED. This should make you pause the next time a doctor wants to give you Propecia or any other brand of finasteride.

This is far from the only prescription drug that brings about ED. The medical community is in almost complete agreement that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant, cause ED. These include drugs like Paxil and Zoloft. In fact, the debate has now shifted beyond that to the best treatment for SSRI-induced ED.

Two of the most common forms of high blood pressure medication tend to cause ED in some men. According to the MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, thiazides (diuretics) and beta-blockers are the two types to watch out for.

According to the Hartford HealthCare Medical Group in Connecticut, allergy sufferers also have a problem, as many antihistamines like Benadryl and Dramamine tend to lead to ED.

If you suffer from heartburn, go slow on the H2 Blockers like Zantac and Pepcid. The American Association of Retired Persons, among many other organizations, recommends that you try natural remedies first.

Here is a simple home remedy that eliminates acid reflux in 5 minutes…

Unfortunately, taking a drug to counter the side effects caused by another drug sounds a bit like opening a second credit line to pay off the debt on your existing one.

Most erectile dysfunction medications come with long list of side effects on their own. Plus, they often create complications with the original medication that caused the erectile dysfunction in the first place.

For more ideas to gain super strong erection, watch this video: - How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!

The good news is that curing erectile dysfunction, even if caused by side effects of medications, is quite easy. Here is a simple technique thousands of men have successfully used to gain super strong erection…

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Gain Super Strong Erection

Sunday, February 28, 2021



Soy Free High Protein Vegan -Vegetarian food doesn’t usually have as much protein per se, but pound for pound it’s a more efficient source of protein. Per calorie, broccoli has more protein than beef, which about 4.5 grams per 30 calories. This is why it’s easier for vegetarian bodybuilders to build leaner looking physiques without the drastic swings in bodyweight like their meat-eating counterparts. Here are four soy-free, vegan foods with more protein (per oz.) than chicken

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


Efficiency is better when it comes to protein.

With plant-based proteins it’s important to distinguish between incomplete or complete proteins. However, this isn’t as big of a deal as the media has put out there. Something we have learned in recent years is that our bodies are capable of using all sources of amino acids to form complete proteins.

In other words, eat a good variety of plant-based, whole foods that are protein-rich, and you will be equipped to build some serious muscle.

Something else to consider is how much protein something has for the amount of calories/weight is has.

For instance, chicken and other animal-based proteins are high in calories even though they contain a lot of protein.

Vegetarian food doesn’t usually have as much protein per se, but pound for pound it’s a more efficient source of protein.

Per calorie, broccoli has more protein than beef, which about 4.5 grams per 30 calories.

This is why it’s easier for vegetarian bodybuilders to build leaner looking physiques without the drastic swings in bodyweight like their meat-eating counterparts.

Here are four soy-free, vegan foods with more protein (per oz.) than chicken:


Hemp is a complete protein and rich in all essential amino acids. Per ounce it has 10 grams of protein, is high in fiber, and most of its calories come from beneficial proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp boosts energy thanks to high amounts of magnesium. Hemp protein powder works well in protein shakes, as I like to mix it with soy protein powder for a robust overall protein composition.


Spinach has about 5 grams of protein per cup at only 30 calories (approximately 50 percent protein). These leafy greens are a great source of folate, an important vitamin for women that contributes to reproductive health. It’s also a good source of iron and Vitamin C. Adding some spinach to your protein shake or veggie wrap is an easy way to pack in an extra 10 grams of protein.


As I mentioned earlier, per calorie, broccoli has more protein than cow (I mean beef). Broccoli is loaded with amino acids, fiber, and is one of the top foods linked to fighting cancer.

Check out this uber simple vegan parm-broccoli recipe that rocks.


Broccoli contains more protein per calorie than steak.

This highly-nutritious vegetable (superfood) is loaded with fiber and vitamin C, and has disease-fighting compounds. However, this recipe will make you forget that you’re even eating vegetables.

Coconut oil, roasted pecans, vegan Parmesan cheese, and lemon juice when mixed together over roasted broccoli is a synergy of healthy food and flavor.

Make this for your non-vegetarian friends, I promise they’ll all love it.

Serves: 4


  • 4 cups of broccoli (about 2 big heads), chopped
  • 1/3 cup vegan Parmesan cheese 
  • 1/4 cup roasted pecans, chopped
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 lemons, freshly squeezed
  • 4 garlic gloves, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
  • 1-2 tsp flaky sea salt


  1. Place the chopped broccoli florets on a sheet pan large enough to hold them in a single layer. Add the garlic evenly on top of the broccoli and then drizzle melted coconut oil. Sprinkle with the sea salt and pepper.
  2. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 425 degrees, until some of the florets are lightly browned.
  3. After removing the broccoli from the oven, immediately toss with lemon juice, pecans, and vegan Parmesan cheese.


Almonds provide 8 grams of protein per 32 pieces. This and peanut butter are two of my preferred sources of heart-healthy fats and Vitamin E. I snack on these all day actually. They’re also a good source of calcium.

For more ideas on soy free high protein vegan, watch this video -What I Eat in a Day || HIGH PROTEIN, SOY FREE (Vegan)

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Alkaline Diet for Bodybuilding

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Detox and Increase Your Bio Energy - LEMON WATER FOR BODYBUILDING?


A cup of medium-hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning purifies the liver. If you want to detox and increase energy, lemon is a good choice.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Lemon water has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties.

Lemons can be consumed internally and externally for various benefits, such as clearing skin from acne, balancing pH levels, energizing our body, and enhancing our mood.

Truth be told, the natural healing powers of lemon juice have been known for centuries.

Almost a year ago, a friend recommended that first thing in the morning before I eat anything, I should drink warm water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, letting it sit for about 10-15 minutes.

It’s now become one of those health habits that I can’t live without. My body clearly appreciates this (I can tell by the way I feel after), and it has also helped clear up the stomach issues I used to have.

Why Lemon Water Is Good for Bodybuilding

A cup of medium-hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning purifies the liver.

This morning ritual should be a staple for bodybuilders who intake supplements that are hard on the liver.

It can also help ease joint pain and inflammation by cleansing the system from impurities and releasing the acidity and uric acid from the joints.

When it comes to boosting the body’s digestive and detox systems, lemon is a natural energizing remedy.

Drinking the juice encourages our body to detox naturally. It helps the kidneys and the liver wash out toxins, and gives your body the essential nutrients it needs for radiant skin.

Lemons contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, citric acid, and ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant that plays an important role in the prevention of carcinogenesis, cardiovascular problems, and many chronic diseases.

Drinking lemon water helps the liver produce enzymes for the body to stay at an alkaline condition.

The phytochemical D-limonene, which is found in lemons and other citrus fruits, contributes to optimal health. It may also protect against common chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, degenerative eye and cognitive conditions, and general damage caused by aging.

The highest content of limonene is found in the peels and white, spongy inner parts of the lemon. In natural and alternative medicine, D-limonene is used to relieve gastroesophageal reflux disease and heartburn.

Other tips on how to include lemons into your daily life:

  • D-limonene can be added to the diet by using the oils of lemons, oranges, and grapefruits.
  • Make delicious tea with hot water, fresh lemons, fresh ginger, cinnamon, and honey.
  • Use it to rinse your mouth for antibacterial purposes if you have a canker sore or achy throat.
  • Lemon Balm essential oil can be used as a home freshener for its calming effects.

Watch this video - 15 liver-improving foods for an all-natural detox

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Detox and Increase Your Bio Energy

Alkaline Diet for Bodybuilding - ALKALINE FOOD LIST


Alkaline Diet for Bodybuilding - ALKALINE FOOD LIST. What are alkaline foods? Alkaline foods generally consist of fruits, vegetables, and certain whole grains. It is believed by some that these foods can affect the acidity and pH of bodily fluids (blood or urine). The alkaline diet claims to help your body maintain its blood pH level and can therefore be used to treat or prevent diseases

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

What are alkaline foods?

Alkaline foods generally consist of fruits, vegetables, and certain whole grains.

It is believed by some that these foods can affect the acidity and pH of bodily fluids (blood or urine). The alkaline diet claims to help your body maintain its blood pH level and can therefore be used to treat or prevent diseases. In fact, nothing you eat is going to substantially change the pH of your blood. Your body works to keep that level constant.

These claims are not supported by medical evidence and make incorrect assumptions about how alkaline diets function that are contrary to modern understanding of human physiology.

Note: a food’s acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.

Why should bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts care about alkaline foods?

Let me first say that the foods you’re supposed to eat on the alkaline diet tend to be vegetarian and are good for you anyway. So this diet is already in alignment with vegetarian bodybuilding nutrition. Not to mention that avoiding alcohol, sugar, and processed foods is healthy muscle-building/weight-loss advice.

This nutritional approach can produce higher energy levels, and a boost in the immune system.

And a desirable feature about this energy boost is that there’s no uncomfortable “crash” unlike many energy drinks that are used for pre-workout purposes.

Also, pain and inflammation can be reduced when the acidic foods are not depleting critical minerals from our system. For instance, magnesium is one mineral used to neutralize the effects of acids. And when our body is forced to use it for that purpose, there’s not as much left to carry out its other function of reducing the pain and inflammation felt in the joints.

Alkaline Food List

Highest Alkaline

  • Artichokes
  • Arugula
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Baking soda
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Celery root
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Collards
  • Cucumbers
  • Dandelion greens
  • Eggplant
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Grass (wheat grass, barley grass, kamut grass)
  • Green beans
  • Jicama
  • Kelp (“sea vegetables”)
  • Leeks
  • Lemon (aids in digestion)
  • Lettuce
  • Lima beans
  • Lime
  • Mustard greens
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Peas
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkin
  • Radishes
  • Rhubarb
  • Sea salt
  • Seaweed
  • Soy beans
  • Soy nuts
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts (sprouted beans, seeds, and grains)
  • Squash
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Taro root
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnips
  • Wasabi
  • Watercress
  • Zucchini

AND especially:

  • Green drinks (raw juice with the greens mentioned above as a base)

Most Acidic (eat in low amounts)

  • Alcohol
  • Candy
  • Coffee & Black Tea
  • Desert (generally speaking)
  • Dried Fruit
  • Fruit Juice (sweetened)
  • Honey
  • Hydrogenated oil (really bad for you)
  • Jam
  • Jelly
  • Meat and Dairy (eggs not as acidic)
  • Mustard
  • Oats and oatmeal
  • Soda (really bad for you)
  • Soy Sauce
  • Sugar, Sweeteners, and Syrups
  • Vinegar
  • Yeast


Bodybuilders can appreciate these benefits from eating more alkaline foods:

  • Less pain and inflammation, more comfortable workouts.
  • More reps, more sets, and higher intensity in the weight room.
  • Faster, more complete recovery.

You don’t need to waste your money buying books, e-courses, supplements, or alkalinized water. Just make a trip to the grocery store with this alkaline food list in hand and you’re all set.

For more ideas about alkaline diet for bodybuilding, watch this video - Building Muscle with the Alkaline Diet

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Alkaline Diet for Bodybuilding

Tuesday, February 23, 2021



If you want to cleanse and increase energy, you don’t necessarily have to do a hardcore juicing cleanse with no food. For instance, you can still have a positive experience with a less intense vegan detox diet cleanse that included food for 30 days and lost 10 lbs. of fat and later replaced it with 10lbs of muscle.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

In some cases, a juice cleanse can be unhealthy.

A little over a year ago, I went on my second raw juice cleanse as a gift to my internal organs and because I thought it would help me lean out to get a running start at my trim spring/summer look.

Second day into it, I noticed I was getting headaches and nausea, and also feeling really weak in the gym.

This is healthy?

(sounds counterproductive so far)

My cleanse wasn’t as strict as most are, and I ate small portions of clean, solid food throughout the day because I wanted to workout while on it.

Note: If you do a juicing cleanse with no food, I strongly recommend that you don’t work out at all.

I was also drinking about 12 oz. of coffee per day, so I figured the headaches weren’t from caffeine withdrawal.

Many of us have heard that if we feel unpleasant during a cleanse, it’s because of the toxins being released.

Something about that answer was unsatisfying to me, so I did more research and discovered juice cleanses are not for everyone, and they can even hurt us if we don’t execute them correctly.

One of my go-to sources for nutritional info is Precision Nutrition; I have been following them for years now and trust their research, articles, etc. One article they posted “Detox diets & juice cleanses: Could they make you more toxic?” inspired this article.

In fact, the man who wrote the article and his wife both had to go to the hospital because of a three-day cleanse.

Here are some relevant portions of their post that pertain to my issues listed above:

  • Detoxing to lose body fat is a poor proposition.
  • Any weight loss from a detox diet is probably water, carbohydrate stores, and intestinal bulk – all of which come back in a few hours after the detox ends.
  • There is an important connection between body fat and toxins, because fat cells don’t merely contain fat. They’re also a storage site for certain fat-soluble toxins we ingest. So the leaner you are, the less real estate you have available for toxins. This may help explain why many people feel lousy when they’re going through a period of rapid fat loss.
  • Since fat-soluble chemicals can be stored in fat, when fat is broken down, the chemicals can enter the bloodstream, contributing to fatigue, muscle soreness and even nausea.

If detox diets are a dumb way to lose weight, do they have any potential benefits? Yes.

Foods and drinks typically recommended as part of detox diets are often nutrient-rich “superfoods,” such as:

  • Lemons
  • Green tea
  • Omega-3 fats
  • Colorful fruits and vegetables

All of these seem to help the body deal with incoming toxins.

In particular, a plant version of glutathione, an important detoxification agent in the brain, can be found in asparagus, spinach, avocado, and squash.


This brings me to one of my own theories. Many people get headaches when they are on juice cleanses. One reason – the most obvious – is caffeine withdrawal.

But even people who are not addicted to caffeine can be subject to headaches. I think this could be due to nitrates. Why?

Well, many juices incorporate high quantities of celery and beets. Neither of these vegetables is typically eaten in such large quantities; both, meanwhile, are rich in nitrates.

Nitrates promote vasodilation. And dilated blood vessels can lead to some pounding headaches.

Nitrates are not the only problem. Many cleansing plans are built around extracted juices. Juice is a processed food. So while we often frown upon processing, juicing is a type of processing.

The Takeaway Message

As a vegan bodybuilder who trains to gain muscle most of the time, I’m going to leave you with a couple thoughts to seriously consider about a detox juice cleanse:

  • Low Protein: Cleansing diets are super-low in protein, and ironically, protein deficiencies can inhibit the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. This self-defeating feature clearly has to be addressed with protein supplementation.
  • Low Calories: Cleansing diets are so low in calories, they’ll slow your body’s metabolic processes. This self-defeating feature clearly has to be addressed with calorie supplementation.

If you want to cleanse and increase energy, you don’t necessarily have to do a hardcore juicing cleanse with no food. For instance, Ms. Bikini Universe (vegan bodybuilder) had a positive experience with a less intense vegan detox diet cleanse that included food for 30 days and lost 10 lbs. of fat and later replaced it with 10lbs of muscle.

Watch this video - 7 Easy Ways to Detox Your Body & Improve Your Energy Levels

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Cleanse and Increase Energy

Raw Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Building Muscle


Raw Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Building Muscle. Here are some sample raw meals Peter Ragnar, bodybuilder and raw food expert, uses to build muscle.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


Raw food diets have gotten a great deal of publicity in recent years.

However, raw foodism dates back to the 1800s, when Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner cured his own jaundice by eating raw apples and then began experimenting with other raw foods.

Raw food diets revolve around whole fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and herbs prepared without any form of cooking, processing, or microwaving.

A great deal of research has been done about whether raw or cooked foods are healthier for human consumption, and there are valid points on both sides of the debate.

For example, scientists who published a study in the “Journal of Nutrition” concluded that:

“…consumption of a strict raw food diet lowers plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, but also lowers serum HDL cholesterol and increases tHcy concentrations due to vitamin B-12 deficiency.”

The Raw Food Argument

Advocates of raw food diets state that the cooking process kills naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals in foods. Raw food diets are almost always plant-based, with very few (if any) raw meat or dairy products included. Many vegetarians and dieters turn to raw diets because they eliminate trans-fat and have very low levels of sugar, sodium, and saturated fat.

According to Dr. David Katz, M.D., director of the Yale Prevention Research Center, “Heat can destroy many nutrients, notably some water-soluble vitamins, many antioxidants, and unsaturated fats, including omega-3s. The beneficial effects of dietary fibers, both insoluble and soluble, may be altered and at times, reduced by cooking.” Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. wrote, “Many vitamins are water-soluble, and a significant percent can be lost with cooking, especially overcooking.

Similarly, many plant enzymes function as phytochemical nutrients in our body and can be useful to maximize health. They, too, can be destroyed by overcooking.”

Cooking some fruits and vegetables zaps the vitamin B and vitamin C right out. Rui Hai Liu, associate professor of food science at Cornell University, found that vitamin C levels in tomatoes declined by 10% after cooking for two minutes and by 29% after cooking for 30 minutes at 190.4-degrees Fahrenheit.

If you’re interested in incorporating more raw foods into your diet, check out the creative recipe ideas at Raw Food Home Recipes, We Like It Raw, and Gone Raw.

Pros of Raw Food

  • Focuses on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Promotes weight loss and detoxification (low in calories, fat, and sodium)
  • High in fiber

Cons of Raw Food

  • Tends to be less savory (doesn’t taste as good as cooked food options)
  • Virtually impossible to eat out, so it requires continuous meal preparation
  • Risk of contamination from uncooked food

The Cooked Food Argument

Advocates for cooked food point out how crucial cooking is to the human diet.

Cooking softens food to help our teeth and jaws break it down, and it helps our bodies digest food without expending too much energy.

And as Dr. Katz points out, cooking is our best and final defense against pathogenic bacteria like salmonella and E. coli that might be lingering in our foods.

The heating process of cooking is known to boost some nutrients, such as beta-carotene and lycopene. A medical study published in “The British Journal of Nutrition” concluded that the group of 198 test subjects who ate strictly raw diets had significantly low levels of the antioxidant lycopene.

Lycopene is the red pigment found in tomatoes, watermelon, and red peppers, and Harvard Medical School has linked it to lower risk of stroke, cancer, and heart attack.

A report in the “Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry” concluded that boiling and steaming (as opposed to frying) carrots, zucchini, and broccoli best preserved antioxidants and carotenoids.

A recent study published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” suggests that cooking foods allowed the human species to evolve and develop superior brains.

The study concurs with primatologist Richard Wrangham’s theory that “in order to be able to apply a sufficient number of calories to the brain, you have to be able to cook your food.”

His argument makes two interesting points.

It states that raw food simply doesn’t provide adequate calories, it is an inefficient means of food intake (as a vegan bodybuilder, I’m agreeing so far), and that the convenience of cooking allows people to focus their energy on human advancement and self-cultivation.

By using chimpanzees and other apes as a basis of comparison, the recent study shows that other primates cannot achieve human-sized brains because of the metabolic limitations of their raw food diets.

Pros of Cooked Food

  • Greater nutrient diversity
  • More antioxidants, cartenoids, and ferulic acid from vegetables
  • More satisfying taste and sense of fullness

Cons of Cooked Food

  • Loss of some nutrients from high-heating temperatures
  • Loss of anti-cancer compounds and enzymes from heat
  • Time-consuming

Balancing Raw and Cooked Food

Healthy Raw Foods

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Chickpeas
  • Freshly-squeezed (or juiced) vegetable juice
  • Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil

Healthy Cooked Foods

  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Lentils

Foods Still Under Debate

  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Turnips
  • Brussel sprouts

Raw Eggs vs. Cooked Eggs

Many lacto-ovo vegetarian bodybuilders can’t live without eggs, which are a great source of protein and biotin. Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. Raw eggs contain avidin, a protein that deactivates this biotin nutrient.

Therefore, cooked eggs with an uncooked egg yolk (over easy, over medium, sunny side up) are best, because they are richer in nutrients like biotin that build strength and power.

What All This Means for Vegetarian Bodybuilders

Raw food diets typically include many whole fruits, freshly-squeezed juices, green salads, raw nuts, kale, smoothies, beans, sprouts, seeds, hummus, and protein-supplemented drinks.

Some raw food bodybuilders take amino acids like ornithine and arginine to increase muscle growth before working out and going to sleep.

Bodybuilder and raw food expert, Peter Ragnar, authored a book titled, “How to Build Muscle on a Raw Food Diet,” which has an abundance of helpful advice about developing a muscle-building base, the importance of sleep, and powerful raw foods to eat.

It’s not for me, but it is possible for raw vegan bodybuilders to build strong, beautiful physiques. Here are some sample raw meals Ragnar uses to build muscle:

Breakfast (1120 calories, 32 grams protein)

  • ½ cup soaked organic oat groats (soak them in hot water in a wide-mouth thermos the night before)
  • ¼ cup organic raisins
  • ¼ cup organic pine nuts (these can also be soaked or just added to the liquid)
  • 1 banana

High Nitro Lunch (1000 calories, 15 grams protein)

  • 1 handful sea lettuce
  • 1 handful dulse
  • ¼ cup pine nuts
  • ¼ cup oat groats
  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ cup organic tomato sauce (see raw recipe for sauce earlier in this book)
  • 3 tbsp dehydrated onion flakes
  • 1 hot pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 cup warm water

Spicy Broccoli Dinner (4040 calories, 60 grams protein)

  • ½ cup almond butter
  • 1 cup sesame oil
  • ½ cup soaked raisins
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped ginger
  • 2 heads broccoli
  • Half a red onion, chopped
  • 1 lime with peel, finely chopped
  • 1 cayenne pepper, finely chopped

Directions: Mix together the almond butter and sesame oil. Break up the broccoli heads into fine pieces, then grate the stalks. Add the other fruits and vegetables to the broccoli and pour the almond-sesame mixture over them, mixing to make sure everything is saturated. Transfer to a casserole dish and place in dehydrator for two hours. Serve warm on a bed of fresh greens.

Ultimately, it’s all about feeling out what diet works best for your unique biochemistry and lifestyle.

Your body will tell you if you listen closely.

Whether you choose to eat your fruits and vegetables raw or cooked, the important thing is that you’re eating them every day. Many people find cooked foods taste better, so they are more inclined to eat them after a little preparation. Although cooking takes time, blending, juicing, dehydrating, and shopping for raw foods is a substantial time investment, as well.

In fact, there seem to be as many ill raw-foodies as fast-foodies out there for a variety of reasons.

Bodybuilding aside, a raw vegan diet can work well for some people.

I wouldn’t say all people will thrive off that diet, however. While the jury is still out on many aspects of the well-researched raw vs. cooked food debate, healthier diet plans tend to include a balance of both.

For more ideas on raw vegan bodybuilding meal plan, watch this video - RAW VEGAN MEAL PREP RECIPES - healthy + easy ideas!

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Raw Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan

Monday, February 22, 2021

Vegan Diet Tips for Bodybuilding Competition from Nina Nam

Vegan Diet Tips for Bodybuilding Competition from Nina Nam. What is her meal plan for bodybuilding? How does she train herself for bodybuilding competition? Her best plant-based protein sources.


Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


“The reason I wanted to try a vegan diet for this bodybuilding competition is because I read from many sources that it helps with faster recovery and less acidity in the body.”

Name: Nina Nam
Occupation: Actress, Administrative
City/State/Country: Santa Monica, CA, USA
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 115lbs.
Type of Training: Bikini competition
IG: @nina.nam

Q: Tell us about how you won the Female Grand Prize for the competition.

For years, I used to say to myself, “Psshh, if I could win a lot of money, I would enter a transformation/weight loss contest.”

So one really depressed night, I was browsing through transformation videos on YouTube.

Someone posted a video about this competition, and I was so shocked that the prize was $80,000!

I saw last year’s female winner’s before and after photos and immediately got inspired!

I decided for the first time in my life to lift as heavy as I could for all of my body parts (not just my butt).

“It felt empowering to aim for getting stronger, not skinnier (which is what I used to want).”

I did not know this would be the most physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging feat I had accomplished in my life.

The reason I wanted to try a vegan diet for this bodybuilding competition is because I read from many sources that it helps with faster recovery and less acidity in the body, and I’ve read about successful top athletes and bodybuilders who were vegan and vegetarian.

Thanks to a lot of research and a coach, I made the transition from a heavy meat-based diet. I doubted the diet and/or the workout many times, though.

But the reassuring weekly progress photos kept me going, as well as the support I received from my friends, family, God, and even from fellow competitors. The obstacles they shared really got to me emotionally. I adored their efforts and their honesty. I was continuously inspired by their commitment no matter what got in their way.

Pretty soon, I honestly did not even care about the money. It was so gruelling that I simply wanted to finish the challenge to my best ability and have no regrets. I wanted to say that I gave it my all.

That would be the biggest reward ever because I never committed and completed something so physically and mentally demanding. When I prayed, I knew in my heart that God wanted me to finish this for a reason.

“I will forever remember the time my mom visited me halfway in the 12-week transformation. She looked straight in my eyes and confidently said, ‘You’ve already won.’ I felt her believe in me so much.”

I already had the desire to do my best, but her confidence burned a fire within me that felt so intense.

She told me to make this bodybuilding competition a priority because something great was sure to come out of it.

Another special person who always encouraged me with kind words is a close friend of mine.

When I felt particularly exhausted near the end of the 12 weeks, he accompanied me to the gym and helped train my weakest muscles (abs).

Even till the final day of the challenge, when I took my “after” photos, he was there alongside my loving sister.

It felt like a sprint to the end as I performed jump lunges, squats, crunches, and leg lifts. I jumped up ready for my photos.

Because they were so cued in, we got amazing shots just in time for me to drop off my sister back to the airport!

After I dropped her off, I cried so hard in the car (like an Oscar-award-winning performance kind of cry). I knew I gave it my all, and I felt so grateful to everyone who helped me.

“The most important thing is: never, never, never give up … give it all you got till the very end.”

Q: What did your meal plan (include supplements) look like?

Daily Diet:

  • 6 vegan meals* (2-3 protein shakes, lots of asparagus and tempeh).
  • 1-2 gallons of water.
  • No pre-workout/coffee/caffeine.
  • Only four cheat meals early in the 12-week competition.

*A typical meal would be like 4 oz. tempeh, 1/2 cup white rice, and 1 cup asparagus.


  • Multivitamin for active women
  • Vitamin B12
  • BCAAs
  • L-Glutamine
  • Glucosamine MSM & CMO
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Probiotics
  • Chlorella
  • Spirulina.

Q: What did your training look like for the bodybuilding competition?

I would do the same workouts for an entire month before changing it up.

  • 6 days of morning fasted cardio (30-50 min on treadmill/spin bike/stairmaster/plyometrics).
  • 5-6 days of evening weight lifting.
  • For muscles that needed extra love/growth like my shoulders, I hit them 3 times a week.
  • For my abs, 6 times a week for the last month when I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

“I know hitting the same muscles six times a week goes against what a lot of trainers believe, but after a lot of research, I went with Arnold’s strategy: he trained his calves every day.”

So I strengthened my abs in various ways, and it worked for me. Foam rolled and stretched at least twice on workout days.

Q: What advice would you give that you don’t commonly see in magazines?

You are made PERFECTLY! You may be struggling to accept things about yourself, but only you can be of service to others with your specific set of gifts and weaknesses.

Accept all of yourself.

Work on your struggles from a loving place.

Ask God (or your Higher Power) to show you the way every day, and only surround yourself with friends and family who believe in you 100 percent.

Q: What uncommon activity do you schedule into your daily routine? 

One-hour power-naps. It’s sadly a luxury, especially for busy people.

“I make it a priority because solid naps (not mini 15-minute naps) help me lower stress significantly and maintain my energy without depending on caffeine or pre-workout drinks.”

Q: What has been the hardest obstacle for you to overcome in your life?

The hardest obstacle has been and may always be: conquering that negative voice, which instills fear, worry, and doubt.

Q: What was your experience at UC Berkeley like? Also, highlight three key things you walked away with.

Getting accepted into Berkeley is one of my proudest accomplishments. A well-respected counsellor in high school told me I wouldn’t get in.

Berkeley was my dream school, and I worked my ass off for it. I had the time of my life:

Found my love for fitness and bodybuilding because of my favourite hilarious dynamic cardio-kickboxing group fitness instructor.

Found my love for acting because of my favourite monotone, yet incredibly inspirational, theatre arts professor.

Blossomed socially by creating diverse friendships, serving as president and social manager of a student cooperative housing, and partying (without drinking!).

Q: What was the hardest part of going plant-based? What helped you overcome the obstacles?

I worried how I would get a lot of protein without eating too much of the same tempeh or tofu. So I researched brands that had the cleanest highest amount of protein without excess calories. That’s how I found amazing stuff like spirulina (6g per tbsp.), chlorella (6g per tbsp.), and tofu skin (a.k.a. yuba, 20g per 3 oz.).

Q: What misconceptions about vegetarianism did you have at first that are now shattered?

Despite seeing photos and reading stories about many strong vegetarian and vegan bodybuilders, I still worried I would become physically weaker.

“But having been a heavy meat-eater, I can now say from personal experience, you can definitely gain muscle and strength on a plant-based diet!”

Q: What are your go-to plant-based protein sources?

I used to get stomach aches from whey protein shakes. But not with the vegan kinds! I enjoy Vega Sport Chocolate. I love certain organic tofu! If you’re worried about insufficient protein on a vegan diet, you will be surprised after you look at the nutrition labels.

Q: What’s next for you after accomplishing such a big goal, what new goals do you have for yourself?

  • Empower people by encouraging them to love and believe in themselves through my blog.
  • Write an Oscar-award-winning screenplay.
  • Be the lead in the biggest action films of all time.
  • Be a little nicer to creeps at the gym.

To get more vegan diet tips for bodybuilding competition, watch this video - How To Start a Vegan Diet for Fitness: Foods To Eat + Tips

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding –  Vegan Diet Tips for Bodybuilding Competition

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