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Monday, August 1, 2016

Here are 5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Runny nose, itchy eyes, and the infuriating sensation of not being able to sneeze? Pollen count is on the rise as the weather warms up which means one thing - allergies. Here are 5 home remedies for seasonal allergies to help build up your immunity before the symptoms start, thereby providing relief when the season actually hits.

Runny nose, itchy eyes, and the infuriating sensation of not being able to sneeze? Pollen count is on the rise as the weather warms up which means one thing - allergies.

When it comes to home remedies for allergies you hear a lot about local raw honey preventing them. It is supposed to work because the gradual intake of local pollen will help build up your immunity before the symptoms start, thereby providing relief when the season actually hits.

And while it does work for some people, let’s not forget that there are plenty of remedies you can try at home to help relieve the common symptoms of seasonal allergies.

As a Minnesotan I intend to soak up every last bit of warm weather, especially after our brutal winter, and I’ll be utilizing a number of remedies to help fight any allergies dragging me down.

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies #1 - Nettle-Peppermint Tea

Nettle has such a negative image, but it’s one of the most incredible herbs you will use once you add it to your repertoire. From relieving arthritis, lowering blood pressure, and (of course) helping seasonal allergies, it performs a wide variety of functions thanks to its (find property names.)

The peppermint contains a type of flavonoid called luteolin-7-O-rutinoside which can help inhibit the activity and secretion of anti-inflammatory enzymes, such as histamines, and greatly reduce the dreadful discomfort that comes along them.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of dried peppermint OR ¼ cup chopped fresh peppermint
-1 teaspoon of dried nettle leaf OR ¼ cup chopped fresh nettle leaf
-Honey and lemon to taste (optional)
-8 ounces of fresh water


It doesn’t get much simpler than this recipe! Place the nettle and peppermint in a mug and cover with boiling water. Steep them for 10-15 minutes, strain; add honey to taste, and drink 2 times daily as needed for allergy relief.

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies #2 - Bee Pollen

If local honey isn’t doing the trick for you, try bee pollen. The same concept lies behind how it works - starting in small amounts and gradually increasing the dosage daily will help build up your immunity to the pollen in your area.

This is a play off what is known in medicine as “the hygiene hypothesis”, in which childhood exposure to germs and bacteria are vital to developing an immune system that can handle those same things down the line.

Here you expose yourself to allergens before allergy season so your system doesn’t take a huge blow when the air fills with pollen.

There are two vital parts to this remedy – first, make sure you are not anaphylactic or severely allergic to bees, or so allergic to pollen that you experience anaphylaxis.

Second, get local pollen. This will not work unless the pollen is local, as you need to build up a tolerance to the plants in your area. You also need to make sure that your pollen is coming from a good source, and free from insecticides.

There are 3 forms (granules, capsules, and powder) but I prefer granules. Bee pollen is crunchy, musty, and very floral-enjoy it plain or sprinkle some over yogurt or oatmeal in the morning!

You will need…

-LOCAL bee pollen granules


Start taking pollen 5 months before your allergies flare (so February if they start in May, for example.) Start with 1 or 2 granules under the tongue and let them dissolve or chew them. The next day increase the dosage by 1 granule.

Continue this until you feel confident that you will not have a reaction (I recommend doing this for about 2 weeks.) If you experience no adverse reaction, you can take up to 1 tablespoon daily throughout allergy season.

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies #3 - Refreshing Citrus Drink

Since many allergies peak in the spring and summer, they happen to coincide with warm, sunny days that you want to enjoy by frolicking in the great outdoors.

As healing as tea is, sometimes you just need that tart, cool, refreshing drink at your side. This citrus filled drink contains plenty of vitamin C, which can provide relief from seasonal allergies, thanks to its incredible ability to nourish the immune system.

Since the immune system is struggling to function right when you experience allergies, the benefits of this are obvious!

You will need…

-1/2 lemon
-2 oranges
-1 tablespoon of local, raw, organic honey


Squeeze the juice from the lemon and oranges and chill for several hours. Stir in the honey, add some ice cubes, and drink daily.

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies #4 - Red Onion Water

Onions contain a water soluble chemical compound called quercetin, which has been demonstrated in preliminary studies to reduce the amount of histamine produced by the body, therefore reducing symptoms of allergies. It is, essentially, nature’s version of an anti-histamine.

Quercetin itself has also been shown to inhibit inflammation, as well as act as a bronchodilator, opening up airways and helping you breathe easier.

You will need…

-1 red onion
-4 cups of water
-Organic, raw, honey to taste


Thinly slice the onion and add it to the water. Allow it to infuse for 8-12 hours before drinking 1-2 times daily. It will keep in the fridge for up to 4 days. Stir some honey into individual glasses when you drink it if you like (I personally recommend it.)

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies #5 - Apple- Walnut Trail Mix

This mix will help you hit the trail in no time, without the sneezing and itching.

Walnuts are a daily snack that you can enjoy to help ease allergy symptoms. High in magnesium, they help tamp down any wheezing or coughing that’s taking place, while their vitamin E content can boost immunity and protects your body from reacting to allergens.

Apples, like onions, contain quercetin, and naturally reduce the production of histamine. Several studies have confirmed that an apple a day really does keep allergies at bay.

You will need…

-1/2-1 cup of walnuts
-1 apple


Chop the walnuts and cut the apple into medium-small chunks. Place both in a bag and toss until thoroughly mixed. Feel free to substitute pecans or walnuts if you prefer. You can also add in some other little tasty ingredients if you like (I like adding dried cherries and sunflower seeds.)

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other home remedies for seasonal allergies.


-Be aware that line drying your clothes can contribute to allergies as all of the pollen sailing around sticks to it (and consequently, sticks to you.)

-If you simply must open your window, don’t fling it open all the way. Allergens will fly into the house and settle on everything.

-At the end of the day, briefly rinse off with cool water. Doing so will rinse any pollen stuck in your hair or on your skin off, and also ensures you don’t transfer a bunch to your bedding!

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Friday, July 22, 2016

3 Teeth Whitening Tips to Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally

Whiter teeth (like thick, shiny hair) are something that many people in our cosmetically driven world desire today. Here are 3 teeth whitening tips you can use to whiten your yellow teeth naturally at home.

Whiter teeth (like thick, shiny hair) are something that many people in our cosmetically driven world desire today. In fact, Americans spend over $1.4 billion dollars in over-the-counter teeth whitening products every year-that’s a good chunk of money just to achieve a different shade of teeth.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve tried OTC teeth whitener - I even paid to have my dentist do it once. It worked for a bit, but my teeth got so sensitive I couldn’t stand it. I also felt I really didn’t need to be so obsessed with the color of my teeth that I paid a bunch of money for a bunch of who-knows-what that made my teeth hurt, so I started looking into more natural alternatives.

With a bit of patience, I think you can naturally restore whiteness to your teeth. They may not get to be scary sear-out-somebodies-corneas –when-you –smile white, but they’ll appear more like you took good care of your pretty pearly whites rather than just bleaching them like crazy.

Why do teeth get yellow?

To figure out how to whiten our teeth, we have to know why they get yellow in the first place. There are several factors that play a part, including genetics, what kind of food and drink you consume, and how well you practice oral hygiene.

A tooth is made up of 4 tissues-

(1) Enamel, which is the strong white covering that protects the tooth,

(2) Dentin, which supports the enamel and is a hard yellow material that carries nerves,

(3) Pulp, which is at the center of the tooth and contains blood and lymph vessels, and

(4) Cementum, which covers the root of the tooth.

The enamel and dentin is what play the biggest role in color.

Certain food and drinks will directly stain the enamel, yes, but over time the two biggest culprits are the nasty food and drink that actually break down the enamel, and weakening enamel as we age.

As the enamel breaks down, it reveals the yellow dentin underneath.

These remedies will focus on whitening teeth that have already lost some white enamel.

However, it’s also good to keep in mind that doing things to strengthen enamel is just as important so you can keep it from breaking down further. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (or whitening!)

Teeth Whitening Tips #1 - Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Paste

Baking Soda isn’t a shocker here. Sodium bicarbonate (its official name) is mildly abrasive; gently scrubbing away surface stains to return teeth to a whiter shade.

It’s also very alkaline (the opposite of acidic) so I would think if you have a very acidic mouth or eat a lot of acidic food, it could help balance out the Ph, which would be useful as acid breaks down enamel - this is strictly speculation on my part.

It will also reduce the acidity of the lemon juice, which acts as a natural bleach of sorts. I use a mixture of baking soda and water on some days, and use the lemon juice on others, as I don’t want to overdo it.

You will need…

-Several teaspoons of baking soda
-Enough lemon juice or water to form a paste
-A toothbrush


Mix several teaspoons of baking soda with enough fresh lemon juice (or water) to make a paste. Wipe your teeth and any extra saliva off of them with a paper towel.

Put a good amount of paste onto your toothbrush and apply. Leave the paste on for 1 minute, then rinse, so as to avoid the acid effecting enamel. If you are using just water you can leave it on for up to 3 minutes.

Teeth Whitening Tips #2 - Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda Scrub

Strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow. It also has an enzyme called malic acid, which may help to remove surface stains.

The salt acts as an abrasive portion of the paste, physically scrubbing away stain-causing gunk, and the baking soda is an extra touch that you can choose to leave out if you’d prefer (I just like to add it to anything involving my teeth.)

You will need…

-1-3 large strawberries
-A pinch of seat salt
-1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (optional)


Mash the berries into a pulp, and add a pinch of sea salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda, if you’re using it. Wipe any extra saliva off your teeth with a paper towel, and then apply a generous portion of the mixture to a toothbrush and apply. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then rinse. Do this nightly.

Teeth Whitening Tips #3 - Coconut Oil Rinse

I know this sounds absolutely mad (I thought it was crazy too when I first read about it) but rinsing your mouth with coconut oil (called ‘oil pulling’) is a unique, old, remedy that people swear by to help whiten teeth.

It doesn’t sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, but I actually don’t mind the taste, and I think it does make a difference in the color of your teeth.

It won’t make a difference by “bleaching” per say, but lauric acid in coconut oil can rid your teeth of bacteria found in plaque that can make them yellow. It is also supposed to promote gum health, and help keep your breath fresh.

You will need…

-About a tablespoon of coconut oil


In the morning, before you brush your teeth, scoop out a tablespoon or a little less (depending on the size of your mouth) of coconut oil. You can either soften it, or just put it in your mouth (I usually do the latter, and just let it soften.)

Push, swish, and “pull” the oil through and around your teeth for 10-15 minutes, then spit it out, rinse with water, and brush your teeth.

Note: You can use either of the pastes after you have brushed your teeth at night if you prefer.

You can also watch this Video HERE  and 2nd Video to learn about other teeth whitening tips.

Are these remedies going to guarantee ridiculously white teeth within a week? No. You may start to see a difference, but it won’t be as instant as the commercial products.

In the end, will your teeth be so white people squint when you open your mouth? No. And I like it better that way. I’ve found that since using these my teeth are indeed whiter, my mouth overall feels healthier and it doesn’t look like I bleached the life out of myself.

We live in a world where photo-shopped faces (and teeth) and make-up covered celebrities set the standard for how we look, which makes life hard for people who like, well, real people.

As a result we seem to forget what’s good for ourselves, and spend a ton of money just to look like the ideal.

By going natural here, you can save the money for something else, feel better about yourself, and have a healthier mouth (and health is what, in the end, creates real beauty.)


- Routine. Set up a routine using these remedies and stick to it, at all costs, to get the most out of them.

- While not “natural” per say, using 3% (I repeat, 3%) hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse can whiten your teeth through the process of oxidation. It is an active indigent in many OTC whitening kits, but is often times found in much higher (and expensive) combinations in them.

- It’s fairly common knowledge, and difficult in today’s world, but try to avoid dark drinks, such as coke and coffee that stain your teeth.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

3 Simple Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

If you are looking for ways to treat toenail discoloration, here are 3 simple home remedies for toenail fungus, but at the same time don’t overlook preventative methods to keep the fungus from coming back.

Nail fungus; be it on your toenails or your fingernails is an unpleasant business to have to deal with.

Officially known as onychomcosis, it is most often caused by moisture trapped in a warm dark place (because of shoes, this is why it more commonly effects toenails) which is the environment fungus thrives in.

In some cases it can be caused by mold, or yeast, but it’s still collectively called nail fungus-nail mold or nail yeast just doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

What Does It Look Like?

Generally a nail fungal infection will start off as a white or yellow spot on the tip of the nail. As it begins to develop, the nail may become thickened, brittle/crumbly/ragged, change shape, become darker in color, or get dull.

If the nail starts to separate from the nail bed, it is called onycholysis, which can be quite uncomfortable.

Without treatment, toenail fungus can go on indefinitely. Even with treatment, it can occur on and off.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus #1 - Tea Tree/Orange Oil Rub

Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant, possessing fungicidal and anti-bacterial properties that make it popular in treating toenail fungus.

Orange oil has also shown promising results when it comes to getting rid of fungus, and can be added to the mixture as well.

Always remember to dilute the essential oil before applying to the nail.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
-1/2 teaspoon of orange oil (optional)
-1/2 teaspoon of grapeseed or olive oil
-Cotton balls


As soon as you notice the tell-tale signs of nail fungus, mix together 1 of tea tree oil, ½ teaspoon of orange oil, and ½ teaspoon of grapeseed or olive oil.

Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to affected nail pressing it on gently but firmly so the liquid comes out. Let this dry naturally.

Alternatively, you can place 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in enough water to soak your feet in, and do that for 15-20 minutes.

Both treatments should be done faithfully morning and evening.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus #2 - Baking Soda and Vinegar Soak

Baking soda is not fungicidal-that is, it does not kill the fungus. It is, however, fungistatic, which means it can prevent fungus from growing and spreading.

The reason it acts like this is because it is alkaline - the opposite of acidic-and fungus is able to flourish when its environment is more acidic.

It seems counter-intuitive then, that using vinegar to kill nail fungus would be a good idea, but vinegar is a fairly weak acid, and will help kill off the fungus without altering the Ph. of the environment in a harmful way.

You will need….

-4-5 tablespoons of baking soda
-1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
-Something to soak your feet in
-Paper towels


First, mix 1 cup of your chosen vinegar with enough water to soak your feet in. Soak for 15 minutes, and then pat dry with paper towels. Follow this by adding several tablespoons of baking soda to enough water to soak your feet in, and soak for 15 minutes.

Pat feet completely dry with paper towels. Do this twice a day. The idea is that the vinegar will kill off the fungus, while the baking soda will then inhibit the growth of more.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus #3 - Just Coconut Oil

Bear with me - I am about to get a little bit scientific here, but I find this to be an exciting way to combat fungus without using harsh chemicals.

Medium chain fatty acids are almost miracles in how they work as natural fungicides. The fungal membrane is crucial to maintaining the “life” of the fungus, which is why many antifungal treatments target the fungal membrane.

Fatty acids, such as the ones found abundantly in coconut oil, naturally insert themselves in the lipid (fat) layer of the fungal membrane and disturb it, leading eventually to cell disintegration and the ultimate destruction of the fungus (to put it in a nutshell.)

You will need…

-A bit of coconut oil
-Gloves or a sink and soap to wash hands between applications


Wearing gloves or washing your hands between applications (if you have more than one affected nail) rub coconut oil onto the area and let it absorb and dry naturally. There is no need to gob a whole bunch on-a thin layer will do. Repeat 2-3 times daily.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other home remedies for toenail fungus.

Like athletes foot, you can work towards preventing toenail fungus by keeping feet clean and, most importantly, dry. Don’t re-wear socks, and stick to open toed shoes if possible.

It takes time and patience to get rid of toenail fungus, and for the nail to grow back healthy and normal again.

Be diligent about applying your treatments (I can’t stress that enough, it’s really the key to getting these to work the best they can) and don’t overlook preventative methods to keep the fungus from coming back.

Tip for best results: Before using these treatments, trim back as much of the effected nail as you can with a clean nail clippers (don’t peel with your fingers!)

Make sure to disinfect the clippers after using them to prevent the fungus from spreading. Rinse feet in warm water, and pat dry.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

11 Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads

Common and annoying, blackheads occur when your pores become clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. Read on to find out about the 11 simple remedies to get rid of blackheads naturally.

Common and annoying, blackheads occur when your pores become clogged with excess sebum (an oil created by the sebaceous glands that keeps skin supple) and dead skin cells.

The difference between a black head and a white head is simply whether or not the pore is open or closed. If the pore is open, the plug of sebum/skin cells oxidizes as it is in contact with the oxygen in the air, which turns it black. Blackheads are not caused by dirt.

Let’s make that clear from the beginning. Scrubbing your face obsessively is not a good way to get rid of your blackheads, and is only going to make it worse as you’ll just end up drying out your skin, which will cause more oil to be created to make up for everything you stripped away, and…well it’s a vicious cycle.

For this reason, don’t use some of these remedies more than 2-3 times a week, such as the sugar scrub and pore strips. I know it can be hard to resist, but your skin will be better off this way.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #1 - Clay Time

Bentonite clay is a mineral rich healing substance that has been used for centuries to treat a number of ailments, chiefly skin related. Because of its molecules “electrical charge” when wet, it does an amazing job of drawing out oils or other impurities locked in your pores.

When you apply the mask your skin gets to drink in all the minerals, while the clay simultaneously draws out the blackhead. It also helps with circulation, which helps with overall skin tone and health.

You can mix the clay with water or apple cider vinegar, maybe sticking to the former if you have dry or sensitive skin. Experiment! This mask will make you feel like your face is tightening as it dries.

Whether or not you let it dry entirely is up to your preference - I tend to let it dry most of the way and then just moisturize afterwards, but other people find that dries their skin out and irritates them.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon (roughly) bentonite clay
-Water or ACV


Mix in enough water or ACV to form a paste that is thick but still applicable. Using clean fingertips cover your face with a thinner layer of paste and let it sit for 10-25 minutes, depending on how long you are letting it dry. Rinse off with lukewarm water and moisturize as usual.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #2 - Egg White Mask

Egg whites form an easy mask that can be used to temporarily tighten pores, thus reducing chances of future blackheads, and will also remove current blackheads.

Egg whites are also rich in nutrients for your skin, and are a little less drying than some other home remedies for blackheads.

You will need…

-1 egg
-Facial tissue or toilet paper
-A small bowl
-A clean towel


Separate the yolk from the white and rinse your face. Pat your face dry and then apply a thin layer of egg white over your skin. There are two ways to go from here-

Place a strip of facial tissue or toilet paper over the wet egg white, being sure to press it onto your face gently. Allow the first layer to dry. Carefully apply a second layer of egg white over the tissue (try dipping your fingers in it and dabbing it on so the tissue doesn’t slide around a bunch. Let this layer dry as well before applying a third (optional.)

When the mask is dry, your face may feel tight - this is supposed to happen. Peel the tissue off, and then gently wash your face to remove any residue. Pat dry and moisturize as usual.

Alternatively, you can leave out the tissue and simply apply 3-5 layers of egg white, being sure to let each layer dry in between applications. If you do not let the layers dry, this will not work!

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #3 - Honey and Milk Pore Strips

Milk and honey both have properties that are good for skin. Honey has antibacterial properties, and the lactic acid in milk is said to help keep skin soft and supple. The main purpose here though is, when mixed together, to act as an adhesive.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of organic raw honey
-1 teaspoon of milk
-Clean strip of cotton


Mix 1 tablespoon of organic raw honey with 1 teaspoon of milk. Heat it for 5-10 seconds in the microwave, and then mix again to blend thoroughly.

When it’s a comfortable temperature, apply a thin layer over blackheads, and then gently but firmly pat a strip of dry, clean, cotton onto it.

Let dry (to play it safe, wait at least 20 minutes) and carefully peel the strip away. Rinse with cold water and moisturize as usual.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #4 - Cinnamon & Honey Strips

It sounds like a delicious candy, but cinnamon and honey make a wonderful combination for getting rid of blackheads.

Again, the anti-bacterial agents in the honey can help keep away bacteria that are causing acne (not necessarily blackheads, but still a bonus) as well as act as the adhesive to pull out anything clogging your pores.

Cinnamon improves circulation, and this increased blood flow gives your skin a smooth, healthy, glow.

You will need…

- 1 part cinnamon powder
-1 part organic, raw, honey
-Clean strips of cotton


Mix the honey and the cinnamon together until you have enough paste to cover the affected area. Apply in a thin layer over the blackheads and then press a strip of clean cotton over it.

Let it sit for 3-5 minutes before removing and rinsing your face. Don’t forget to follow up with a moisturizer!

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #5 - H2O Daily Blackhead Treatment

While pore strips and face masks work wonders, they can only be used several times a week to avoid drying your skin out to much.

If you want to do something daily to prevent your blackheads, a gentle rinsing with water 1-2 times a day is the way to go. This keeps things that can make your pores appear larger-such as excess sebum and dead skin-flushed away and your pores clear.

Be sure to use a light moisturizer when you are done to prevent your skin from trying to produce excess sebum to accommodate for dryness.

You will need…

-Fresh water
-A clean fluffy towel


Twice a day splash your face with clean, fresh water. Pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer as usual. I suggest doing this early afternoon (so you wash away anything that has built up in the first part of the day) and evening, but morning and evening works as well.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #6 - Toner for Tighter Pores

Since blackheads are caused by open, clogged pores reacting to oxygen, it only makes sense that “shrinking” your pores down will help.

Lemon juice is just the astringent substance needed to get the job done, however, it can lighten skin temporarily and it does make you sensitive to the sun, so load up on sunscreen if you plan on using this method in the summertime.

If you have sensitive skin, try diluting the lemon juice with water first.

You will need…

-1 lemon
-cotton balls
-A small bottle


Rinse your face and pat dry. Squeeze the lemon juice into a small bottle and then use just enough to dampen a cotton ball. Apply to affected areas 3-4 times a week, at bedtime.

When you wake up, rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer as usual. Store the rest of the juice in the refrigerator for up to a week. Be aware-the juice can sting sometimes!

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #7 - Sweat It Out

Although sweat glands and hair follicle pores aren’t the same thing, sweating can still help minimize blackheads. When you work up enough of a sweat, the liquid naturally flows over and softens/flushes anything clogging your pores.

It is absolutely vital, however, that you wash your face immediately before and immediately afterwards, otherwise the affect can be detrimental.

If you leave on make up or anything before this the sweat can carry it into your pores, and if you don’t wash afterwards not only is all that stuff still in there but now there’s dried sweat blocking up your pores as well.

So on one hand sweat can cleanse pores, on the other; it could also clog them. Be sure to do it right from the start!

You will need…

-Motivation to exercise OR a steam room/sauna
-Fresh water
-A clean fluffy towel


Rinse your face, than work up a good sweat. Rinse your face with water, than pat dry with a clean fluffy towel. Moisturize as usual.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #8 - Baking Soda & Water

A little baking soda goes a long way for blackheads, but don’t overdo it, as it can seriously dry out your skin thanks to its saltiness.

While pH may or may not have a role to play in blackheads, the biggest reason baking soda helps is because of it’s small, fine, granules that can work as a natural and inexpensive way to occasionally exfoliate and remove anything clogging your pores (and therefore causing blackheads.)

You will need…

-1 part baking soda
-Fresh water


Mix water with enough baking soda to form a thick, but spreadable, paste. Using a gentle circular motion, massage the paste into your skin. Rinse thoroughly with plain water, pat your face dry, and then make sure you moisturize.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #9 - Cleansing Sugar Scrub

Sometimes all you need is a good exfoliating followed up by moisturizing. Exfoliating does one very important job-it sloughs away dead skin cells. These are the skin cells that could potentially clog up your pores, leading to acne, whiteheads, and of course, blackheads.

Exfoliating also temporarily revives circulation and it leaves you with a healthy glow and soft skin. If possible use jojoba oil, as it is the oil (technically liquid wax) that most closely mimics our skins own sebum!

If you don’t have jojoba oil, grapeseed, olive, or sweet almond oil are all fine substitutes

You will need…

-1 cup of sugar (brown or white)
-4 tablespoons of jojoba oil
-An airtight glass jar
-Essential oils (optional)


Mix 4 tablespoons of oil into 1 cup of sugar, stirring until everything is fully incorporated. Add several drops of essential oil for fragrance if you like.

Store in a cool dark place in a glass jar for up to the shelf-life of the oil you chose to use (although if for some reason I haven’t used it all, I personally make a fresh batch after about 1 ½ months.)

Stir before using and then wet face, scoop some scrub onto your fingertips, and massage it over your skin in circular motions. Rinse with water and moisturize as usual.

Do this no more than 2-3 times a week, otherwise you risk drying out and/or irritating your skin.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #10 - Steam It Out

Steam may not literally open your pores (see blackhead myths below) but it can help reduce the appearance of them by softening up trapped sebum/dead skin cells that can fill out your pores and form blackheads.

You will need…

-A large bowl
-A soft clean towel


Fill a bowl with boiling water. Let it cool briefly, then cover your head with a towel and lean over it for 5-10 minutes to allow the steam to loosen anything in your pores (form the towel like a tent so no steam escapes.)
Be careful not to get to close or you risk burning your skin.

When you are done, rinse your face with warm water and pat firmly but gently dry with a clean towel (or gently wipe away the blackheads.) Moisturize as usual. Repeat this several times a week, or as needed.

Skin care is a balancing act - keep that in mind whenever you’re doing something that involves cleansing or washing (or pore strips.) Overdoing it is going to make matter much worse in the long run.

Pore strips are great when you really need them, but it’s best to try and prevent the blackheads in the first place by keeping up a good skin care regime.

Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads #11 - Apple Cider Vinegar & Mint Toner

Make your own toner by mixing together ACV and crushed mint leaves. The apple cider vinegar can help breakdown the stuff causing the blackhead, while the mint creates a cooling “tightening” sensation on your skin.

If the area around the blackhead is swollen or irritated (e.g. you were picking at it even though you shouldn’t be) the menthol can help tame the inflammation. Inflammation can make it harder for whatever is clogging your pores to come loose in the first place.

You will need…

-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
-3 tablespoons of finely chopped/crushed fresh mint leaves
-8 ounces of water
-Cotton balls


Combine vinegar and mint in a small bottle and let it sit for 1 week in cool dark place. Strain, add a cup of water, and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 days.

Use nightly, rinsing your face first with water and then using clean cotton balls to apply the toner. Leave on overnight or up to several hours (if you have sensitive skin) and rinse off in the morning. Follow up with a moisturizer.

2 Big Blackhead Myths

Like acne and so many other skin conditions, myths abound about how to get rid of blackheads. Below are the 2 most common.

Blackheads Are Caused By Dirt: Just in case you missed this part in the intro, blackheads are not caused by dirt. If you have larger pores, the dead skin/sebum build-up reacts with oxygen turning the substance black. Voila-a blackhead! A whitehead occurs when the pores’ opening is smaller and the sebum plug does not react to the oxygen.

You Can Shrink Your Pores: Nope, not possible. Pores are not muscles, therefore they cannot open or close. They are simply holes that house the hair follicles and sebaceous glands that are covering your body.

Some things, however, can make pores appear smaller-such as lemon juice, which is an astringent and causes contraction of skin tissue.

Otherwise, keeping them clear from blockages that can stretch them wider is the way to go.

Genetics, age, and sun exposure can all play a role in how large your pores appear, but there really is no magic trick to making them “shrink.”

What is a pore strip?

Some of these remedies are homemade versions of pore strips, but here is a brief explanation so you can experiment with making some on your own.

Pore strips are made up of some sort of adhesive, and something to attach said adhesive to (at home, this can be gauze or even a strip of clean cotton cut from an old shirt.)

When you pull the strip off, you pull the plug of sebum and dead skin cells out of the pore, and voila! The blackheads are gone.

Keep in mind this does not prevent blackheads - only gets rid of them after they have popped up.

The nice thing about making them at home is they save a decent amount of money, and you don’t have to worry about commercial adhesives on your face.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other remedies to get rid of blackheads.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.
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