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Showing posts with label what causes keratosis pilaris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what causes keratosis pilaris. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Keratosis Pilaris Remedy- Does Keratosis Pilaris Go Away?


Keratosis Pilaris Remedy- Generally, you do not need to consult your doctor about treatment for keratosis pilaris unless your symptoms are making you concerned. Effective home-based treatments include various over-the-counter exfoliating cleansers, moisturizing lotions, or skin creams to soothe skin and to combat inflammation.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

Keratosis Pilaris Remedy - What Is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a fairly common skin condition that creates small bumps and rough patches on the body. These bumps and patches are usually white or red and are scattered across the cheeks, arms, thighs, and buttocks. Occasionally, the forearms and upper back may also be affected. Rare forms of ketosis pilaris can create bumps and rough patches along the eyebrows, face, and scalp as well.

This skin disorder affects approximately 50-80% of all adolescents and nearly 40% of all adults. It is most common in those with dry skin or among people who have an existing skin condition such as eczema. Individuals with keratosis pilaris experience tiny, spiky bumps that are rough to the touch.

For some people, this skin disorder can also involve itching and inflammation surrounding these bumpy areas.


These symptoms are caused by the formation of hard plugs within hair follicles by a protein in the skin called keratin. Once many of these plugs form, they create patches of bumpy, irritated skin that resemble "chicken skin" or permanent goose bumps. Keratosis pilaris is not contagious, but it does appear to run in families, as between 30% and 50% of patients have a positive family history for the condition.

Although keratosis pilaris can create uncomfortable symptoms, it is generally a harmless illness. Occasionally, however, it can create psychological distress in some individuals. The condition is displeasing in appearance, but it is medically harmless.


If you are experiencing keratosis pilaris, your symptoms may be relieved by using soap-free cleansers and gentle exfoliators to reduce dead skin cells. Even though many patients experience frequently relapses after initial improvements, the condition usually heals over time and may even completely disappear.

Generally, you do not need to consult your doctor about treatment for keratosis pilaris unless your symptoms are making you concerned. If you do pursue medical treatment, your doctor or dermatologist can suggest at-home remedies.


Effective home-based treatments include various over-the-counter exfoliating cleansers, moisturizing lotions, or skin creams to soothe skin and to combat inflammation. In more serious cases, your doctor may also prescribe a corticosteroid cream or a topical retinoid to control extensive inflammation.


Keratosis Pilaris Remedy - Connection Between Obesity and Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a fairly common skin condition that affects all populations regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity. Individuals who suffer from this disorder experience hard, tiny bumps along the surface of their skin.


These bumps are often grouped in patches along the upper arm, thigh, and buttocks. Although all populations can develop keratosis pilaris, these symptoms have been associated with existing health conditions such as obesity.

According to recent research, obesity is associated with a wide spectrum of skin conditions and diseases, including keratosis pilaris. Studies suggest that persons who are obese have a higher risk of developing skin problems like keratosis pilaris because of the increased surface area of their skin.


That is, the larger a person is, the more skin he or she has along the exterior of his or her body. This increased surface area of the skin creates an elevated risk of skin disorders and also makes it more likely that any existing skin disorder will go unnoticed by very overweight individuals.

Obesity is closely related to the properties and functions of many body systems, including your skin. Among other potential side effects and risks, being overweight can impair the skin's circulation, restrict its wound-healing ability, reduce its lymphatic function, and damage its collagen structure.


Obesity can also lead to other unpleasant and unattractive skin conditions besides keratosis pilaris, such as skin tags, painful fat tumors in postmenopausal women, increased production of male hormones, extra hair growth on the face, and obvious discoloration in affected areas.

Generally, keratosis pilaris can give skin an unpleasant appearance, but it is hardly ever medically concerning. As a result, for keratosis-pilaris patients who are also obese, the problems caused by their excess weight are usually more concerning than any skin problems they may possess. Keratosis pilaris often improves with age, but obesity can persist and create lifelong health risks if left untreated.


If you suffer from keratosis pilaris, especially if you are overweight or obese, speak to your family doctor about your concerns. He or she can suggest ways to treat your skin condition and can help you to develop an effective weight-loss plan.


For more ideas on keratosis pilaris remedy, watch this video - KERATOSIS PILARIS: Q&A WITH A DERMATOLOGIST| Dr Dray


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever

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