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Showing posts with label prevent keratosis pilaris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevent keratosis pilaris. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Prevent Keratosis Pilaris – What are the Best Products for Keratosis Pilaris?


Prevent Keratosis Pilaris – Because keratosis pilaris is associated with dry skin, using a daily moisturizer can create a protective barrier over your skin to prevent water from evaporating. Thicker moisturizers are often the most effective, such as over-the-counter brands Eucerin, CeraVe, and Cetaphil.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

How To Prevent Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that affects many people of varying ages and ethnicities. Individuals with this common skin disorder experience the buildup of a protective skin protein called keratin, which leads to clogged hair follicles and bumpy, rough patches on the surface of the skin. These bumps are often light colored, but may become red if they become inflamed.


Areas that are affected by keratosis pilaris usually include the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. Although there is no way to fully prevent keratosis pilaris, you can implement several home remedies to maintain healthy and moisturized skin and to lessen the effects of any existing skin condition.


Because keratosis pilaris is associated with dry skin, using a daily moisturizer can create a protective barrier over your skin to prevent water from evaporating. Thicker moisturizers are often the most effective, such as over-the-counter brands Eucerin, CeraVe, and Cetaphil.


Moisturizing your skin regularly is especially important in the winter and other colder, drier seasons, as ketosis pilaris is the most noticeable in harsh weather. Using a humidifier in your home can also maintain a good level of moisture in the air.

Additionally, using warm water as opposed to hot while bathing can avoid the removal of healthy oils from your skin. Similarly, limiting your bath or shower time to 10 minutes or less will also prevent these healthy oils from washing off your skin.


Avoiding harsh soaps can also keep your skin from being dried out; using bath soap with added oil or fat can also protect your skin and limit the loss of naturally protective skin oils.


Do not use deodorant or antibacterial detergents, as these are harsh on your skin.


After bathing or washing, make sure you gently pat or blot your skin with a towel to dry, then immediately moisturize with a rich, gentle oil or cream.

If you still experience keratosis pilaris in spite of utilizing these at-home remedies, see your family doctor or dermatologist. He or she may suggest a prescription for stronger lotions or alternative creams, such as topical corticosteroids to reduce itching or retinoid creams to promote healthy cell turnover.


Prevent Keratosis Pilaris - How Weather Conditions Affect Keratosis Pilaris

Individuals who suffer from keratosis pilaris experience bumpy, rough patches of skin across their bodies. These patches are the result of the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein that can form plugs in hair follicles, which creates inflamed bumps on the surface of the skin. Although keratosis pilaris is a common and relatively harmless condition, its effects are often highly variable based on the weather and on moisture levels.

Although the reasons are not fully understood, keratosis pilaris seems to improve in the summer and worsen in the winter. Research supports substantial seasonal variance for this condition, as studies indicate that most patients' symptoms are generally much less severe and may even disappear during the summer months.


The reason for seasonal variance seems to be due to relative humidity levels. In the summer, keratosis pilaris is less severe because of higher humidity in the air. In the winter, however, the relative lack of humidity can lead to constantly dry skin, which can prompt worsened symptoms for many individuals with keratosis pilaris.

If you have chronically dry skin, you are more likely to develop keratosis pilaris. Although this condition cannot be completely prevented, you can lessen its effects with several helpful habits. Using rich, gentle moisturizers daily can keep your skin from becoming excessively dry, as can installing a humidifier in your home.


Additionally, using warm water when bathing or showering and limiting your skin's exposure to the water can also prevent healthy oils from being washed off your skin. Exfoliating regularly can also promote healthy skin-cell turnover and relieve bumpy, rough skin. Finally, when shaving, try using a gel or a cream with added nutrients to reduce irritation and soften hair follicles.

If these treatments are not sufficiently reducing your dry skin and addressing other issues related to keratosis pilaris, see your doctor or dermatologist. He or she may suggest a topical prescription or an antibiotic to combat any seasonal dryness, temporary inflammation, or infection that may be worsening your condition.


As with any form of treatment, it is very important to be consistent in maintaining a healthy skincare routine to ensure maximum effectiveness and long-term symptom relief.


For more ideas on how to prevent keratosis pilaris, watch this video - Tips for KP from a dermatologist


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever


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