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Showing posts with label natural treatment for lumps on scalp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural treatment for lumps on scalp. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

Natural Scalp Treatment - Effective Natural Scalp Treatment Recommendations


Natural Scalp Treatment - Scalp treatments using natural oils not only help to soothe the symptoms of uncomfortable conditions in minutes, but they can also help to heal, prevent hair loss and restore healthy hair and balance. Oils like lavender and neem are fantastic not only for their antibacterial and antifungal properties, but they also help to stop itching and soothe irritation - making them great ingredients in a scalp treatment remedy.

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Do you suffer from any kind of scalp condition and have been searching for a scalp treatment that effectively treats and prevents scalp conditions?


Finding a scalp treatment for problems like itchy scalp, dandruff, scalp lumps or bumps can be difficult as you may have already discovered. Most treatments are aimed at treating dandruff. The ingredients used in many dandruff shampoos can cause scalp irritation leading to itchy scalp, scalp bumps or lumps or other scalp conditions.


A good scalp treatment on the other hand focus on soothing various symptoms like itching, burning or tightness from the drying effects of shampoo ingredients.


Some of the ingredients in dandruff treatments include foaming agents like sodium laureth sulphate or sodium lauryl sulphates. These are cheap to produce ingredients that make shampoos bubble and foam giving you the impression that your hair is being cleaned.


Unfortunately, these ingredients strip your scalps natural oil which in turn can disturb the pH balance and natural protection of your scalp. When you scalp is stripped, it can make it easy for dandruff causing fungal or bacterial infections or even eczema type problems to erupt on your scalp. Sometimes the actual ingredients themselves can cause an allergic reaction including red rashes or scalp sores. Hair dyes can also contribute to this problem.


This is why all good scalp treatment plans should first focus on the cause of the problem to prevent a reoccurrence of the same problem. This is also why many people treat their scalp with off the shelf treatment products only to find the problem returns or gets worse.


Once you understand the initial or ongoing cause of your issue, and take action to avoid hair products and even dandruff treatment products that contain irritating products, you can focus on a natural treatment solution at home to soothe and heal yourself.


Scalp treatments using natural oils not only help to soothe the symptoms of uncomfortable conditions in minutes, but they can also help to heal, prevent hair loss and restore healthy hair and balance. Oils like lavender and neem are fantastic not only for their antibacterial and antifungal properties, but they also help to stop itching and soothe irritation - making them great ingredients in a scalp treatment remedy.


Oils like jojoba can help to moisturize and rebalance dryness and itchiness while tea tree acts as a powerful antifugal and antibacterial agent to kill dandruff causing bicrobials. Combine these oils into a natural treatment remedy like our Soothing Scalp Remedy, and they work as a powerful treatment blend to quickly and permanently relieve discomfort and heal your scalp.


You can even create your own scalp remedy based on your own symptoms you can use the remedy wizard and diagnosis wizard to find out what might be causing your scalp problems.


Natural Scalp Treatment - Doing Away with Lumps on Scalp


If you have ever had the rude shock of reaching up to scratch your head, and instead bringing your hand back down with a crusty scab between your fingertips, then you can understand the desire to find a remedy to correct this lumps on scalp problem, and as quickly as possible!


This condition is called scalp dermatitis. It is not as common a scalp condition as is dandruff, but for those who do have it, it is a chronic inflammatory disorder. It ranges from mild to very heavy involvement. It seems to zero in on the parts of the body, like the scalp, where the sebaceous glands are in the greatest number.


The main symptoms are red, irritated, somewhat greasy skin, and a scaly, scabby, itchy rash. It sounds pretty bad, but thankfully, it is easy to treat. A bad case of scalp dermatitis can spread to the eyebrows and eyelids, the skin that is behind the ears and the sides of the nose, and the middle of the chest.


It can also affect the belly button, the skin folds under the arms, the breasts, the groin area... really, anywhere there are flaps of skin. When this type of dermatitis is on the face or in the mid body/trunk area, you will see a greasy or a powder-like scale which settles in those skin flaps.


Even though it is more common on the scalp than anywhere else, you can't very well call a dermatitis in the belly button a scalp dermatitis! So, in instances like this, it is called seborrheic dermatitis. It is also called Cradle Cap when small infants have it.


No one knows exactly what causes lumps on scalp due to scalp dermatitis. It has been noted by researchers that people who happen to have neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease, people who have had a serious medical trauma like a heart attack, those who have been in hospital for a long time, or those who reside in nursing homes are more prone to lumps on scalp than your average person. Genetic factors, the regular environment, and the general health also have a lot to do with this disorder.


These researchers have decided to agree on the theory that there is a microorganism
which is called pityrosporum ovale, or Malassezia. This microorganism is normally on everyone's skin. It is thought that it starts feeding on dead skin cells, which starts a sort of chain reaction. The skin cells then start to shed very quickly. They present as good-sized, oily flakes.


The rapid shedding of skin cells also causes the scalp to be very red and extremely itchy. The normal length of time it takes the skin to go through a growth and shed cycle is every 28 days. Pityrosporum ovale will cause the skin to shed as often as every 7 to 21 days, the same cycle that regular dandruff has!


Aloe Vera gel is a wonderful, natural treatment for lumps on scalp. It's not know as the Medicinal Aloe for nothing! It has been used in herbal medicine for many years. Aloe Vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it perfect for the treatment of lumps on scalp. You just rub the Aloe Vera generously on the part of the body that is affected. Do this daily. In several days, you should see quite a difference.


Some say that this form of dermatitis happens when the body is low on sulphur. All you need to do to remedy this is to eat one large onion per day. This will clear up lumps on scalp because onions have the ability to lower blood glucose. This allows cellular metabolism to get back to normal, instead of dying a slow cellular death.


Apple cider vinegar is a tried and true remedy for lumps on scalp. You can put it on full strength, allow it to sit overnight, and rinse it out the next morning. Do this every other day, and it will work like magic to free you from dermatitis.


Watch this video - Natural Scalp Treatment - Relieve Itchy Scalp with Apple Cider Vinegar


Written by Ms. Mia Wadsworth who founded to help hundreds of sufferers of Lumps On Scalp, Dry Scalp, dandruff & other scalp conditions relieve & eliminate their condition fast & permanently. After curing her own painful condition using her own remedy for dry itchy scalp, Mia now helps sufferers learn what causes itchy scalp, other scalp infections & how to use powerful home remedies & dry itchy scalp treatments to regain confidence & beautiful shiny hair.


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