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Showing posts with label lose weight naturally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight naturally. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

How to Lose Weight Naturally with Fruits?


Lose Weight Naturally – Researchers suggest that the benefits of eating fruit comes from the flavonoids they contain; flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables that impart color. Other studies have shown that flavonoids might increase energy expenditure while decreasing fat absorption.

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Fruit – Weight-loss Friend or Foe?


Fruit is sweet and healthy, and the natural sugars keep unwanted cravings away.


Fruit is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


It’s also high in fiber so it’s filling and keeps you satisfied for longer.


But can fruit actually help you lose weight? And do you eat more fruit to lose weight, or cut your food intake in general but focus on fruit?


As you can see, it’s a little more complicated than asking if fruit helps you lose weight.

Fruit contains large amounts of simple sugars which are known to cause obesity.


Using that information, it would be reasonable to expect that fruit consumption should contribute to obesity rather than weight reduction.


However, research consistently shows that most types of fruit have anti-obesity effects.

Because they’re loaded with vitamins and mineral, health organizations encourage the consumption of fruit for weight reduction purposes.


So yes, we can count fruit and berries are weight-loss friends!


You see, there’s a big difference between a cube of sugar that you add to your coffee and a piece of fruit filled with fiber, antioxidants, water, and phytonutrients.


That fiber is critically important for how our body processes the natural sugar, so stick to fresh fruit, not juice or dried, which we’ll look at soon.


Lose Weight Naturally - How fruit works with weight loss


To lose weight you need to take in less calories, but that doesn’t mean that you have to eat less.


That’s where fruit comes in. Fruits and berries add bulk to our diets without adding a lot of calories.


Fruit can be used as a substitute for high calorie foods in our diet, helping us feel full and satisfied.


If we add fruits like peaches, strawberries, and apple to our breakfast cereals, we can cut down the cereal portion size. That reduces overall calories, but we don’t have to starve ourselves.


Fruits can be also used as a substitute for high glycemic index foods in our diet and can help in weight loss.


You can make a saladmuch more appealing (if you’re not already a salad fan) by adding fruit andberries.


You should aim to eat five serving of fruits every day and opt for different colors.


If you’re trying to lose weight, you might eat more fruit and berries, but it’s important to consider their sugar content and other properties.


Berries are low glycemic and have less sugar, so they’re a really great choice for your fruit. Plus, they’re easy to add to yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, and salads.


Scientists at Harvard University found that increasing the daily intake of fruit can prevent weight gain, even if you continue consuming the same amount of calories.


Researchers suggest that the benefits of eating fruit comes from the flavonoids they contain; flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables that impart color.


Some experts say the secret to losing weight are flavonoids.


A CNN article titled, “The secret to maintaining and losing weight: Berries, onions and wine” said, “Flavonoids are natural compounds found in plants that, among other things, help the plant cells communicate and create the color so a plant is attractive to the bees, butterflies and birds that help with pollination. For humans, flavonoids seem to push the right biological buttons that keep bodies from gaining weight.”


The most effective type of flavonoids, called anthocyanins, are found in strawberries, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, grapes, radishes and blackcurrants.


Other studies have shown that flavonoids might increase energy expenditure while decreasing fat absorption.


Sugar content in fruit


But fruit is not created equal when it comes to the nutritional value.


Some fruits are higher in fiber and pectin, both of which work as natural fat burners that can help boost your metabolism and aid weight loss.


That means that some fruits like mangos have more sugar but still help you lose weight due to their other properties.


Other fruit have higher amounts of natural sugar, and we should consider that for overall calories.


The amount of sugar varies from fruit to fruit. Let’s look at how many grams of sugar there are in a cup of different fruits.


1 cup of avocado has 1 or less gram of sugar.
1 cup of raspberries has 5 grams of sugar.
Strawberries, 7 grams.
Blackberries, 7 grams.
Watermelon, 9 grams.
Cantaloupe, 9 grams.
Peach or Apple, 13 grams.
Grapefruit, 16 grams. (Who would have thought that?)
Plums, 16 grams.
Banana, 18 grams.
Mango, 23 grams.
Raisins, 86 grams.


Yikes! 86 grams of sugar in one cup is a lot. You can see that dried fruit is not the same as fresh.


This list shows you that some fruits are much lower in sugar content, so those work better for dieting.


While we’re talking about which fruits to avoid, it’s important to note that drinking juice and eating dried fruits can backfire if you’re hoping to lose weight.


Lose Weight Naturally - Avoid Juice!


The problem with juice is that you get all the fructose without  the fiber.

When eating in whole fruit, fructose is a good energy source, and the fiber helps us digest it without bad side effects.


Without the fiber, it’s akin to eating corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup, which are causing an epidemic of obesity and disease in our society.


Fruit juices are simply not a better option for weight control than sugar-sweetened beverages.

They can be a treat if you’re not dieting, but best to avoid them when looking to lose weight.

Ounce for ounce, fruit juices are as high in sugar and calories as sugary sodas. That even applies to juices 100% fruit juice with no added sugar.


A Harvard School of Public Health study tracked the diet and lifestyle habits of 120,000 men and women for 20 years, and the study found that people who increased their intake of fruit juice gained more weight over time than people who drank less or none.


Lose Weight Naturally - Mostly avoid dried fruit


Dried fruit is not as bad as juice, but remember that raisins had 86 grams of sugar per cup.


Drying fruit concentrates the calories and sugar, making it easier to consume excess calories.


Dried fruit is good in trail mix, for when you’re out hiking in hot weather and burning lots of calories.


That means that dried fruit does the opposite of what you want your fruit to do when losing weight. It won’t fill you up and provide hydration, or help you feel fuller for longer.



Dried fruit is better than juice because it preserves the fruit’s cellular structure, so there might be a place for it in some diets.


Lose Weight Naturally - Smoothies, weight loss friend or foe?


After reading about how destructive juice can be to our diet, you might think that smoothies are out too.


But then again, everyone is proclaiming the health benefits of smoothies.


Here’s the difference between juice and smoothies:


To make juice, we crush the fruit and take only the juice. We might get some pulp, but mostly we leave the fiber behind.


To make a smoothie, we take the whole, fresh or frozen fruit and blend it up.


Making a smoothie is much like chewing up our fruit.


Dr. Katz spoke about smoothies on in an article titled, “Does Blending Fruit Reduce its Fiber Content?”


He said, remarkably, he couldn’t find any studies on what a blender does to the fiber content, but he pointed out that we chew up fruit and any food with fiber, and we still get the benefit from it.

So, smoothies can offer health benefits and help us get more vitamins and minerals.


Take heed, however. It’s much easier and faster to drink a smoothie, so you have to watch your calorie intake.


On top of that, we don’t register liquid calories the way we do food calories. Our brain doesn’t always understand that we’re getting calories.


You can help on that front by not adding juice, sugar, or another sweetener to your smoothie.


And, in the end, a smoothie can be very healthy and help you lose weight, especially if you add dark green leafy vegetables and good fats into your drink.


Lose Weight Naturally - Fruits that help you lose weight


We can see that the sugar content varies greatly from fruit to fruit.


Here’s a few that are low calories and filling, and sure to help your weight loss!


Watermelon, a summer favorite, only has 30 calories per 100 grams, and it keeps you hydrated. Watermelon is also rich in amino acid arginine which helps in burning fat.


Guava is rich in fiber, has a low glycemic index, and prevents constipation. Guava also boosts your metabolic rate which helps in weight loss.


Pears are a great source of Vitamin C and fiber, and they help keep your cholesterol levels in check.


Oranges are nutrient-dense and low calorie with only 47 calories per 100 grams.

Oranges are even considered a negative calorie fruit because it takes more calories to burn than what you consume.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and boost your metabolic rate. Regular consumption is also known to reduce insulin resistance, hypertension, and cholesterol.


Strawberries help in the production of the fat burning hormones adiponectin and leptin, so this sweet berry gives you a higher metabolism.


Peaches are very filling because they’re 89% water. Being rich in fiber, they help in reducing hunger too.


Fruits can be enjoyed any time of the day and with every meal. In fact, that will help you cut down on higher calorie foods.


Avocado is actually a fruit, but without sugar. It can make a huge difference in losing weight and fighting disease.


Another easy way to include fruits in your daily diet is to eat them in as a snack between meals, which helps you control cravings and prevent overeating.


Mix fruit and berries into yogurt or cereal, throw them in salads, or serve them with as a sweet accompaniment for dessert to curb your sweet tooth.


For more ideas to lose weight naturally, watch this video - 20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more, click on Food Health & You

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Snoring?

7 Ways to Eliminate Snoring - If you’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your snoring problem, you might be at the end of your tether, wondering if you’ll ever be able to overcome this issue. Luckily, there are some very simple natural methods that will diminish or even completely stop your snoring. And the best part is, they take very little effort and are mostly free.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

This Tiny Change Can Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Most people diagnosed with Sleep Apnea are sentenced to lifelong use of CPAP Masks while sleeping.

But according to a Finnish research, getting 80% improvement in Sleep Apnea is a relatively simple task.

We know that weight loss has many benefits. The great news is that it greatly improves sleep apnea with as little as 5 percent reduction in total body weight.

Being overweight is one of the major risk factors associated with sleep apnea. In fact, nearly 70 percent of people with sleep apnea are obese.
Similarly, being overweight increases the chances of developing sleep apnea nearly 10 times!

As you can see, it all works down to body weight.

In the study conducted by the Finnish researchers, 57 moderately obese people with mild sleep apnea problems were assigned to exercise and diet routines while others in the study were instructed about the general benefits of a proper diet and regular exercises.

All the patients were followed-up on a regular basis and it was discovered that those who had achieved at least 5 percent reduction in body weight showed significant improvement in sleep apnea. Those who continued to lose a healthy amount of weight had an amazing 80 percent reduction in the condition.

Eliminate Snoring - High Blood Pressure Causes This Hidden Sleep Disorder

Just a few years ago, the number of people who suffer from high blood pressure, or hypertension, was roughly 1 in 4. This number has now skyrocketed to a full third… one out of every three people is hypertensive.

As if that weren’t bad enough, new studies have revealed that if a person has high blood pressure, he/she has 50% chance of also suffering another silent disorder- this time, a sleep disorder.

Just like high blood pressure, this high blood pressure-related sleep disorder may already be developing in your system without you knowing. It robs you of energy during the day, causes obesity, increases stress and bugs the hell out of your partner.

High blood pressure is a disease that is caused by stress of some sort- whether it is sensory, biological as a symptom of another disease, or emotional. However, the stressors contributing can be evasive.

But sometimes it’s an easy association. For instance, the overwhelming majority of people who suffer from diabetes will also have high blood pressure. As well, sleep apnea sufferers will almost always have high blood pressure.

Now, because of the close tie to sleep apnea, doctors are being told that all hypertension patients should be evaluated by a qualified sleep physician for sleep apnea. Not just if there are other symptoms present- but even if high blood pressure is the only known issue.

Studies in recent years have shown that nearly half of the people with high blood pressure will also develop sleep apnea. It’s even worse with Type 2 diabetes, as the association between apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes seems like it’s chaining them together for life.

Sleep apnea can be very sneaky. You can be suffering from it for many years without having any idea. There are, however, several indicators:

– Uncontrollable, loud snoring. Not everyone with sleep apnea snores, but most people do. If you’re a loud snorer and also have high blood pressure, chances are very high that you have sleep apnea.

To tackle snoring naturally, check out these simple stop snoring exercises (they have even been proven successful for curing sleep apnea)…

– Waking up tired or being tired and foggy throughout the day. People with sleep apnea are not aware that they wake up several times throughout the night and never get very deep sleep.

However, if you have trouble falling asleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep again, insomnia is more of a trouble.Here is how you can tackle insomnia naturally…

– Being overweight. The connection between obesity and sleep apnea is not completely known. Which came first- the chicken or the egg is the eternal question here.

Yet it is a fact that most people who suffer sleep apnea are overweight or become overweight. It’s also a fact that losing weight helps a lot with sleep apnea.

If you’re tired of diets and workouts that don’t work, learn about this easy breezy way to lose weight naturally. It requires no diets, workouts,pills or supplements. In addition, it tackles one of the underlying causes of sleep apnea. Learn more here…

Now, the new studies prove that high blood pressure is one of the major indicators of sleep apnea. When there is 50% connection, we need to pay attention.

If you have high blood pressure, discover how these 3 easy exercises drop it below 120/80… sometimes the very first day…

7 Ways to Eliminate Snoring

If you’ve tried just about everything to get rid of your snoring problem, you might be at the end of your tether, wondering if you’ll ever be able to overcome this issue.

Luckily, there are some very simple natural methods that will diminish or even completely stop your snoring. And the best part is, they take very little effort and are mostly free.

1. Sleeping on Your Side

Most people are much more likely to snore when lying on their backs. So try rolling onto your side. When you sleep on your back, your throat muscles push against your airway, which leads to snoring. Keep in mind that sleeping on your stomach may prevent snoring, but it isn’t good for your neck.

2. Don’t Take Sleeping Pills

If you think tranquilizing yourself is going to help you relax enough to stop snoring, think again. These drugs depress the central nervous system, as well as relax muscles within your jaw and throat; this means that you’ll be more likely to snore. It is particularly important not to consume sleeping pills and alcohol together.

3. Losing Weight

If you are overweight, particularly if you are obese, the added pressure on your airways will end up causing you to snore.

4. Use a Mouth Guard

Since one of the biggest contributors to the snoring problem is a lax lower jaw muscle, this is precisely where a mouth guard can come in handy. If you’re interested in trying this, simply talk to your doctor or dentist.

5. Treat Your Allergies

Suffering from allergies means you’ll probably find it difficult to breathe through your nose, and this will make it more likely that you end up snoring.

Make sure to work in the use of local honey every day. A spoonful in chamomile tea before bed will help relax you and build up resistance to the allergens that make you stuffy.

6. Don’t Smoke

Smoking wreaks havoc on the respiratory system – give it up if you don’t want to snore anymore.

7. Schedules Are Important

Healthy sleeping habits contribute to the prevention of snoring, so go to bed at the same time each night and make sure that you get plenty of rest. Keep in mind that going to bed too tired contributes to your snoring problem.

If you are struggling to find a solution to your snoring dilemma and tired of keeping your loved ones awake all night, just give our Stop Snoring Program a try.

The program only takes as little as 3 minutes a day, and completely eliminates your snoring… sometimes the very first night. Check it out here…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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