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Showing posts with label improve thyroid function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label improve thyroid function. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Improve Thyroid Function – Thyroid Disease Symptoms, Signs & Treatment


It is estimated that 20 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and that 12 percent of the general population will develop a thyroid disease in their lifetime. Read on to learn how to improve thyroid function.

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It is estimated that 20 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and that 12 percent of the general population will develop a thyroid disease in their lifetime.

Those numbers only continue to grow. Autoimmune hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is the most common autoimmune disorder that exists, primarily affecting women.

So what is causing the little butterfly organ at the base of the neck to be such a widespread problem?

The Thyroid: What It Is and What It Does

The thyroid is a small endocrine, or “hormone producing,” gland that sits at the base of the throat, with two “wings” that sit on either side of the windpipe.

The thyroid is responsible for producing triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), the two main thyroid hormones. T4 is the inactive reserve form that is converted to T3 as the body needs it for energy and metabolism. The thyroid makes hormones when prompted from the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain.

The thyroid is well known for being associated with metabolism, but it is responsible for much more than just the ability to lose weight. While it does regulate how the body uses energy – which is why a low-functioning thyroid can have symptoms of extreme fatigue, and those with an overactive thyroid might experience restlessness or an inability to sleep – the thyroid also influences how effectively the brain, heart, muscles, liver, adrenal glands, and reproductive organs function.

How the Thyroid Gets Messed Up

The thyroid, like all endocrine organs, is very sensitive to the overall environment of the body. It can be especially sensitive to stressors and other issues, like inflammation, viral infections, or major hormone changes from pregnancy or menopause.

It is possible for people of any age or gender to experience thyroid problems, but the most common issues are seen in women over the age of 30.

Typical triggers for thyroid disease include:

While there may be other causes of an initial onset of thyroid disease, these are the most commonly found.

Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too many hormones, resulting in cells that are overstimulated. This effect passes throughout the body and can result in a heart that is also overstimulated, resulting in an increased heart rate. It can also result in feelings or symptoms of manic, anxiety, and an inability to be still and rest.

The thyroid has a lot to do with the quality of the mind, and an overactive thyroid often contributes to an inability to concentrate or to slow thoughts down. Thyroid disorders can often be misdiagnosed as mental or brain disorders because of how profoundly it impacts mood and stability.

An overactive thyroid can have its roots in hormone overproduction that is due to non-autoimmune reasons (like medication side effects, viral infections, or toxicity), or which are rooted in an immune system gone rogue, when the immune system produces antibodies to attack the thyroid. Hormone overproduction from medications can cause an overactive thyroid.

Autoimmune hyperthyroidism is referred to as Graves’ disease. When the immune system is triggered, it attacks the thyroid and causes inflammation that enlarges the gland, resulting in higher levels of thyroid hormones than the body requires.

One of the common symptoms associated with Graves’ disease is an inflamed eye condition referred to as proptosis, where the tissue surrounding the eyes swells and causes the eyeballs to appear to bulge forward. This is reversible if treated early.

Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease are diagnosed by blood tests, and are typically treated with radioactive iodine or antithyroid medications.

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too few hormones, resulting in cells that are not receiving enough energy and end up in a slowed or sluggish state that can include mental symptoms like depression and weight gain without lifestyle changes.

An underactive thyroid can be caused by non-autoimmune reasons such as pregnancy or postpartum hormone changes, viral infections, medication side effects, or other reactions, or can be a result of an immune attack, resulting in autoimmune disease.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or autoimmune hypothyroidism, is the most common autoimmune disorder that exists, impacting roughly 14 million people, although many experts suspect that there are millions of people who are not getting proper diagnoses.

The immune system responds to proteins in the thyroid gland that it mistakenly targets as foreign, slowly destroying the gland. In some people, the thyroid will completely cease to function, but in others, if diagnosed soon enough, autoimmune causes can be treated, and the disease can be paused or sent into remission. The result may be a partially functioning gland.

Hashimoto’s is diagnosed by blood tests, and in some cases, ultrasound or CT scan. It is often treated with lifestyle modifications to remove offending triggers, and can be modulated with thyroid hormone replacement.

Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction

The symptoms of a dysfunctional thyroid are wide and varied, and for most, take many years to become fully apparent. It can sometimes take many years, or even a decade, to get a full diagnosis, since symptoms of thyroid disease can overlap with numerous other conditions like rheumatoid arthritisdepression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and adrenal problems.

Common symptoms of an underactive thyroid may include:

  • Fatigue or excessive tiredness
  • Intolerance of cold, or feeling significantly colder than everyone else in the room
  • Cold extremities or poor circulation
  • Low pulse
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss on the head and eyebrows
  • Brittle nails
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain and inability to lose weight
  • Intolerance of exercise or exertion
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Inability to stay asleep or fall into restful sleep, despite fatigue
  • Depression

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid can include:

  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Feeling excessively warm, warmer than everyone in the room, or having hot flashes
  • Increased heart rate
  • Diarrhea or irritable bowels
  • Insomnia or inability to relax and fall asleep
  • Weight loss without effort
  • Bulging eyes
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Thinning hair
  • Reduced or irregular menstrual cycle

For some, many of these symptoms will appear, but for others, only one or two prominent symptoms will appear.

Foods to Eat for Thyroid Health

While there can be conflicting opinions as to which foods are specifically good for the thyroid, the general assumption is that fresh, unprocessed foods are beneficial, while processed foods are best avoided.

A diet rich in clean, free-range proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables and fruits is the best way to naturally support hormone function.

Proteins: The thyroid needs the right amount of protein for blood sugar balance and energy, so it’s essential to consume protein regularly. As a nutritionist who specializes in thyroid conditions, I recommend protein with every meal. 10 to 15 grams of protein is a good baseline, but some people need significantly more.

Fats: Thyroid issues can be triggered by inflammation and can also contribute to increased inflammation. Healthy fats are highly anti-inflammatory, and should be consumed regularly. Coconut oil, avocado oil, and oils from fatty, wild-caught fish should be part of a healing diet for any thyroid disorder.

Carbohydrates: While super low-carb diets may be therapeutic for some conditions, thyroid disorders require carbohydrates. The thyroid requires a certain level of carbohydrates and glucose to synthesize hormones. While these can primarily be achieved from vegetables and fruits, they should be consumed in higher quantities than are typically found in low-carb or ketogenic diets.

Foods to Avoid for Thyroid Health

Goitrogens get a bad rap in the thyroid community because they are reputed to reduce the thyroid’s ability to make hormones. The thyroid needs iodine, and it is suggested by some thyroid practitioners that goitrogens interfere with the ability of the thyroid to access iodine.

Foods that are considered to be goitrogens include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. Other goitrogens are flax seeds, peanuts, soy, spinach, strawberries, and sweet potatoes.

Dr. Datis Kharrazian, a well-respected expert in the thyroid community, explains that thyroid enlargement is not caused by goitrogens in foods, but rather from inflammation in general.

Unfortunately, many thyroid patients avoid eating all goitrogens and miss out on the anti-inflammatory benefits of cruciferous vegetables, which also help to remove toxins and chemicals from the body that can, in some cases, be causes of autoimmunity in the first place.

Instead of avoiding these healthy vegetables, thyroid patients should instead focus on avoiding foods that can trigger immune sensitivity and cause inflammation.

These foods can include:

Because the Paleo diet naturally excludes many of these foods already, it has become a go-to therapeutic food plan for anyone suffering from thyroid conditions.

Lifestyle Factors and Thyroid Health

The thyroid – and all endocrine organs – are extremely sensitive to sources of toxins and chemicals. While food can be a major source of this, chemicals from cosmetics, environmental sources, households, work spaces, and numerous other outside sources can accumulate in the body and contribute to inflammation, chronic conditions, and hormone imbalances.

When it comes to addressing thyroid health, it’s best to avoid synthetic ingredients of all kinds – especially in cosmetics or personal care products that touch the skin and can get absorbed.

Supplements for Thyroid Health

Many patients dealing with thyroid disorders feel desperate to find relief. Supplements can be an alluring option since many make claims to provide relief or support for the thyroid.

While some supplements can definitely be beneficial, it’s essential to run any supplements by a practitioner who is skilled in thyroid wellness. Below I’ve addressed some of the most common supplements recommended for thyroid conditions.

Iodine: Many holistic practitioners recommend iodine to anyone with symptoms of thyroid disorders. This practice should be seriously questioned, however, since supplemental iodine can worsen autoimmunity.

When iodine is consumed naturally from food sources, like sea vegetables, it can be highly beneficial. But in supplement form, when it lacks the other whole food components, it can increase inflammation in the thyroid.

Selenium: Selenium is one of the nutrients required by the thyroid to synthesize hormones. It is found naturally in foods like Brazil nuts, sardines, grass-fed beef, and chicken.

It could be argued that anyone eating a Paleo diet will consume an ample amount of food-sourced selenium and does not need to take extra. However, in some cases of extreme deficiency, a practitioner may recommend a short course of supplemental selenium.

Magnesium: A mineral that is a common deficiency, magnesium is required for the conversion of T4 into the active T3. Without enough magnesium, thyroid hormone levels will likely not appear normal.

Magnesium is found in foods such as leafy greens, avocado, dark chocolate, and seafood, and again, will typically be regularly consumed on a Paleo diet. But since deficiency is common, a high-quality magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate supplement can often be beneficial for thyroid conditions.

Turmeric: Highly anti-inflammatory, turmeric is a potent medicinal supplement and food that is often beneficial for chronic conditions, including thyroid disorders. While it’s not safe for everyone (pregnant women and those on blood thinners should not take turmeric), it can be integrated into the diet and does not necessarily need to be consumed in capsule form.

Medication & Hormone Replacement

Many thyroid conditions are treated medically. For some, this can take the edge off of numerous unpleasant and life-altering symptoms, but when thyroid problems are due to autoimmunity, medication alone will not be enough to reverse or completely remove symptoms.

Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism can often be treated with thyroid blockers or radioactive iodine to downregulate the thyroid’s hormone production. Hormone replacement therapy can help treat hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can often be treated with thyroid hormone replacement. There are a number of prescription medications available, most of which are either T3 or T4 (or a combination of both). Thyroid medication dosing is a temperamental process and there is rarely a one-size-fits-all dosage that works.

Thyroid patients need regular monitoring of their levels to ensure that dosage is meeting needs, and not artificially creating hyperthyroid conditions.

Hormone replacement is often a long-term process, especially when Hashimoto’s has destroyed part or all of the thyroid. It’s essential for thyroid patients to work with their practitioner to find a hormone replacement plan that makes them feel well.

Sometimes one medication won’t work, and the patient will actually feel worse. Expert thyroid practitioners will use their patients’ feelings as well as lab results to seek out a hormone replacement plan that is effective.

Watch this video – 7 days Thyroid weightloss diet plan || Thyroid weightloss weekly diet plan| lose 5kg weight| thyroid

Written by Aimee McNew

Author Bio:

Aimee McNew is a Certified Nutritionist who specializes in women’s health, thyroid problems, infertility, and digestive wellness. She ate her way back to health using a Paleo diet, lost 80 pounds, and had a healthy baby after numerous miscarriages. She focuses on simple nutrition practices that promote long-lasting results.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

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To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hypothyroidism and Cholesterol – What You Don’t Know CAN Kill You!

Even though the link between hypothyroidism and cholesterol has been well known and documented since 1936, very few people today understand this connection or are even aware of it.

Take Your Life Back and Stop Hypothyroidism Naturally at the Source

The topic of cholesterol is one that has been near and dear to my heart for more than a decade now. I have a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease and when I was younger and didn’t know any better, I always feared my “genetics” were going to get the best of me.

As I got older, my cholesterol did become a problem but I’m happy to say that using the very principles that I now teach, my cholesterol has normalized to within normal range without the use of drugs.

For me, cholesterol was never a problem until I graduated college, got my first job, started a family, and began enduring the common stressors of everyday life. This is a common theme for most people which should go to show you that your cholesterol levels have a lot to do with stress.

As my cholesterol continued to rise, I tried a number of diets to help lower my cholesterol and improve my health. I tried low-fat diets, low-carb diets, the blood-type diet, gluten-free diets, the newer “fad” paleo diet, etc.

What I discovered is that not only did none of these diets improve my cholesterol, but many of them actually caused my cholesterol to reach all-time highs.

But within a few months of using the same dietary principles that I use today, my cholesterol dropped more than 30 points to within “normal” levels for the first time since my college years.

Little did I know at the time, but previously poor diets and stress had made me hypothyroidism which was really the underlying cause of my high cholesterol. And by simply improving my thyroid function, my cholesterol normalized.

The Link between Hypothyroidism and Cholesterol

Even though the link between hypothyroidism and cholesterol has been well known and documented since 1936, very few people today understand this connection or are even aware of it.

The truth is that you are being left in the dark when it comes to your cholesterol. Just mentioning the word cholesterol is enough to make most people cringe in disgust. But have you ever thought about WHY we have cholesterol in the first place?

Cholesterol happens to be the precursor to every vital protective hormone that your body produces. Without it, you would not be able to produce these protective hormones and you would die. It’s as simple as that. So, cholesterol is not quite as bad as you may think.

Your body needs cholesterol, vitamin A, and active T3 thyroid hormone (sorry Synthroid users but your inactive T4 thyroid hormone doesn’t cut it) to produce the multitude of protective hormones that play an integral role in preventing and overcoming hypothyroidism. Some of these protective hormones include:

·         Pregnenolone
·         Progesterone
·         DHEA
·         Testosterone

Think about it for just a minute…

Your body NEEDS active T3 thyroid hormone to use cholesterol. If you are hypothyroid and therefore lack active T3 thyroid hormone then your body simply cannot use cholesterol to make the hormones it needs. As a result of not being able to use cholesterol, it naturally rises.

Here’s a simple graph that shows this effect. Using TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) as an indicator of thyroid function, you can see that “bad” cholesterol increases as thyroid function decreases in both men and women.

The bottom line is that high cholesterol is nothing more than a sign and symptoms of Hypothyroidism.

What You Don’t Know About Heart Disease, Hypothyroidism and Cholesterol

There is a simple saying that you need to understand when it comes to Heart Disease

“Correlation does not imply causation.”

Just because a study may show that people with elevated cholesterol have a higher risk of Heart Disease, it does not IMPLY that cholesterol is the CAUSE of Heart Disease.

I just explained how Hypothyroidism is the underlying cause of high cholesterol, so it’s sufficient to say that Hypothyroidism is also the true underlying cause of Heart Disease. High cholesterol is nothing more than a symptom of the real problem.

Using cholesterol lower drugs or even suppressing your cholesterol through diet does NOT solve the underlying problem of Hypothyroidism. It only makes matters worse because as you suppress cholesterol, you further suppress your body’s ability to produce those vital protective hormones that you desperately need to survive.

By suppressing cholesterol, you’re only adding the problem and taking one step closer to death.

This is why so many men at high risk of Heart Disease suffer from low testosterone and many associated symptoms including:

·         Fatigue and Low Energy
·         Loss of Libido
·         Erectile Dysfunction
·         Excessive Muscle Wasting
·         Inability to Handle Stress

This is also why so many women at high risk of Heart Disease suffer from low progesterone and many associated symptoms including:

·         Fatigue and Low Energy
·         Weight Gain
·         Osteoporosis
·         Breast Cancer
·         Depression

Between the extremely high prevalence of Hypothyroidism and the extremely high use of Statin Drugs and other cholesterol lowering medications, it is no wonder that today we’re seeing more and more cases of Hypothyroidism being misdiagnosed and mistreated.

Cases such as the one below reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine are becoming a common day occurrence:

Hypothyroidism Misdiagnosed as Statin Intolerance

Case Report: A man age 56 years presented to a specialty lipid clinic for management of combined hyperlipidemia and myositis…. Over the next several years, the atorvastatin dose was increased to 40 mg/d. During this time, the patient developed leg fatigue while walking up stairs, diffuse muscle pain, and weakness.

What You Don’t Know About Cholesterol Drugs

Drug manufacturers have published a lot of research in order to persuade your doctor to prescribe you their cholesterol lowering drugs and to help make you feel all warm and fuzzy about taking these drugs daily.

You’re taking these drugs because they prevent heart disease, make your healthier, and improve your quality oflife, right?

You might want to think twice and educate yourself…

There have been a number of independent research groups that have analyzed the research data that these drug companies are using to promote the effectiveness of their cholesterol lowering drugs in preventing Heart Disease. Their results tell quite a different story.

In most cases, independent researchers have reported that there are just as many non-supportive research trials as there are supportive trials and the non-supportive research has been largely ignored while the supportive trials are being cited 6 times more frequently. It has also been brought to light that there has been NO non-supportive research cited after 1970, while such research does exist.

This only goes to show you that if there is research that does NOT support the efficacy of the drug, it can simply be ignored and disregarded in order to obtain the desired statistical results.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it. It’s biased research.

Because of independent research, there is now evidence that Statin Drugs do NOT prevent heart disease and some even show that they actually worsen your risk. Below are just a couple of studies showing this:

Statins for primary prevention: at what coronary risk is safety assured?

Results: The regression line describing the relationship between mortality benefit and risk suggests that statin use could be associated with an increase in mortality of 1% in 10 years. This would be sufficiently large to negate statin’s beneficial effect on CHD mortality in patients with a CHD event risk less than 13% over 10 years.

Cholesterol lowering trials in coronary heart disease: frequency of citation and outcome.

Conclusions: Lowering serum cholesterol concentrations does not reduce mortality and is unlikely to prevent coronary heart disease. Claims of the opposite are based on preferential citation of supportive trials.

Risks Associated With Low Cholesterol

Before putting your faith in any drug, it’s important to also look at the potential side effects. In most cases, using a drug to avoid one health problem only exposes you to an increased risk of developing a number of other health problems.

Statin Drugs in particular have been linked to an increased risk of:

·         Progressive Muscle Disease
·         Diabetes
·         Liver Damage
·         Digestive Problems
·         Immunological Disorders
·         Memory Loss
·         Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Maybe you’re a betting man (or woman) and you’re willing to take the risk of developing any of these other health issues and you truly believe that cholesterol lowering drugs are saving your life.

Maybe you’re of the mindset that whatever doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger?

Maybe you still believe that the lower your cholesterol the better?
Here’s some more research for you…

Low cholesterol is also associated with increased death due to both cancer and suicide. So, even if, by any stretch of the imagination, cholesterol lowering drugs were to improve your risk of dying from Heart Disease, you may just be increasing your risk of developing cancer or one of the many other degenerative diseases.

Protect Your Thyroid and Protect Your Heart – It’s That Simple

We could go on for days about cholesterol and heart disease but the bottom line is simple, correct the underlying problem of Hypothyroidism and you won’t have to worry about Heart Disease.

If modern medicine would place a little more focus on understanding Hypothyroidism and the underlying cause of the disease instead of trying to merely treat these various symptoms, we might start seeing some major improvements in our health and health-care system.

Endocrinologist and thyroid expert, Dr. Broda Barnes, said it perfectly when stated that if you suffer from Hypothyroidism and you don’t die early from infectious disease then you’ll die a little later from Cancer or Heart Disease.

Watch this Video Here - The Link between Hypothyroidism and Cholesterol - How Hypothyroidism Affects Cholesterol Levels

Author Bio:

Tom Brimeyer – The author of Hypothyroidism Revolution – is a practitioner of functional medicine, health researcher and author on nutrition, hormones and hypothyroidism.

His personal mission is to inspire and educate people to take control and achieve true health by correcting their hypothyroidism and underlying causes of their health problems instead of being stuck relying on doctors and drugs that merely cover up their symptoms while their health continues to suffer.

For more details on his program, click on

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