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Showing posts with label hypothyroidism treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypothyroidism treatment. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2021

What is the Best Way to Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism?


What is the Best Way to Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism? The medical system considers hypothyroidism incurable. Its solution is life sentence on hormone drugs, causing a ton of side effects. But a new study in the Journal Frontiers in Endocrinology reveals the real underlying cause of hypothyroidism, but the good news is – this one is easily treatable.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Treat Hypothyroidism by Addressing Its Root Causes

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism Caused by This Work Habit

We usually associate hypothyroidism with weight gain, obesity, fatigue, depression, joint pain, muscle weakness, heart disease, and diabetes.

But working habits, that’s something new.

Yes, a recent study due to be presented at the Endocrine Society annual meeting highlighted one work habit that may be the underlying cause of your hypothyroid.

Numerous previous studies have found that people who work long hours have an increased risk of diseases and health events like coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

However, it is the first time that overworking has ever been linked to hypothyroidism.

Researchers used the information of 2,160 working adults that had previously been collected by the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Information about the amount of worked hours and blood tests to examine thyroid function were used.

1.4 percent who worked between 36-42 hours a week and 3.5 percent that worked between 53-83 hours a week suffered from hypothyroidism.

This shows the more hours worked increased the risk of suffering from hypothyroidism by 2.5 times.

Furthermore, for every 10 extra hours worked every week, the chance of developing hypothyroidism increased by 46 percent.

Although women tend to suffer from hypothyroidism more in general, the studies found that overworking affects men and women suffering from hypothyroidism equally.

Hypothyroidism is one of the risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, so this explains the occurrence of these diseases in people who work long hours too.

Interestingly, the socioeconomic conditions of the participants did not skew results.

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - Reducing the amount of hours you work will help, but it’s not always enough. To cure your hypothyroidism you need to tackle its underlying causes, which I explain here

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - The Curable Cause of Hypothyroidism

The medical system considers hypothyroidism incurable.

Its solution is life sentence on hormone drugs, causing a ton of side effects.

But a new study in the Journal Frontiers in Endocrinology reveals the real underlying cause of hypothyroidism, but the good news is – this one is easily treatable.

These researchers wanted to know more about the effect on the thyroid of subacute thyroiditis, which is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes inflamed, which in turn can either cause hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

When it is acute, thyroid hormone leaks out into the bloodstream causing symptoms similar to those of hyperthyroidism, such as a faster heart rate, exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, increased perspiration, tremors, muscular weakness, and weight loss. Doctors referred to this as thyrotoxicosis.

When it is subacute, it causes pain in the neck, jaw, and ears; the thyroid becomes enlarged, and one often has a fever and aching muscles. It is usually caused by a viral infection, especially upper respiratory infections.

The researchers recruited 61 patients with thyroiditis and followed them for two years to see when the first signs of hypothyroidism developed.

As they expected, they observed a sudden increase in thyroid size at the time of the subacute thyroiditis.

But by both one and two years, the thyroids of people who had had thyroiditis were a lot smaller than those were in healthy people, indicating hypothyroidism becomes a possibility soon after the thyroiditis.

They also found that the thyroids of thyroiditis sufferers who ended up developing hypothyroidism were even smaller than those who had the thyroiditis but never the hypothyroidism.

The maximum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels within the first three months were closely linked with the development of hypothyroidism later.

The trick is to reduce the inflammation immediately after it begins.

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - Throughout the years, I have helped hundreds of people reverse their hypothyroidism by tackling the inflammation causing it. Here are the exact methods I use…

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - How Hypothyroidism Destroys Family Planning Dreams

Conceiving doesn’t come easy to all couples. There are many people out there with fertility problems that make it difficult to fall pregnant.

There are some clear explanations about a person’s fertility issues, but then there are some that remain a mystery.

Now researchers from The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University in China have found that a type of hypothyroidism is messing with your ability to have children in the future.

According to researchers, subclinical hypothyroidism interferes with female fertility. They investigated whether it affected a woman’s ovarian reserve.

In general, women in their late 30s and 40s have a lower ovarian reserve than women in their 20s, partly because they have fewer egg cells, and partly because the egg cells that are still present are not good enough to be fertilized.

Researchers recruited 2,568 women who had requested infertility treatment. 2,279 of them had normal thyroid function and 289 had subclinical hypothyroidism. 1,349 were below the age of 35 and 1,219 were older.

While there is currently no direct way of testing ovarian reserves, they used the most common markers used by researchers to estimate it, including the follicle-stimulating hormone (that regulates the growth and selection of egg cells), the antral follicle count (the number of a type of follicle that indicates the number of egg cells, estimated via ultrasound), and the anti-Müllerian hormone (that regulates the maturation of ovarian follicles).

Women with subclinical hypothyroidism had substantially lower anti-Müllerian hormones and antral follicle numbers and higher follicle-stimulating hormones than their peers with a healthy thyroid function.

Those below 35 differed only in follicle-stimulating hormones compared to their healthy thyroid peers, while those above 35 had an unhealthier profile of all three factors.

In other words, the older you are, the more severe the effects of subclinical hypothyroidism are on your fertility.

Usually, subclinical hypothyroidism is difficult to detect because there are often few to no symptoms. But if you have vague and unspecific symptoms like fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, cognitive fogginess, and a swelling in your neck, you may have it.

Watch this video - My Struggle w/ Hypothyroidism | Weight Loss , Symptoms , How I Live w/ it

Eliminate All Complications of Hypothyroidism - But there is good news – you can reverse BOTH your infertility and hypothyroidism in 21 days or less by getting to the root cause of the problem, which I’ll explain here…

This post is from the Hypothyroidism Solution Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with hypothyroidism. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.

To find out more about this program, click on Eliminate All Complications of  Hypothyroidism

Sunday, December 6, 2020

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs?

The only way to get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs starting today, is by tackling its root cause. Read on here to find out more.


Click HERE to Discover How You Can Treat Hypothyroidism by Addressing Its Root Causes

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Destroys This Essential Activity


With no obvious symptoms that scream ‘Subclinical hypothyroidism’, it may not appear as serious as it actually is.

But according to a recent study in the journal Risk Management and Healthcare Policy it’s negatively affecting one thing you really need each day!

Sleep is essential and if you’re sleep deprived, it has a serious knock-on effect on everything, especially your health.

Chinese scientists recruited 2,224 subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism and 12,622 people with normal thyroid function. They asked them to complete the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a common questionnaire used by scientists to assess the amount of sleep and sleep quality.

The results showed that those with hypothyroidism had 12 percent greater chance of having a poorer sleep quality, 16 percent higher chance of having difficulties falling asleep, and 14 percent chance of being more likely to not have enough sleep.

Taking a long time before falling asleep and waking up way too early are the two main forms of insomnia.

Interestingly, the largest relationship between hypothyroidism and poor sleep was seen in younger women and in people with lower body mass index scores.

One possible reason for this relationship is that the thyroid-stimulating hormone and the thyroid hormone have a circadian rhythm, very much like your body has. If these cycles are out of sync, it can affect your sleep.

Scientists also believe that hypothyroidism somehow disrupts slow-wave sleep. If you have hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down, which slows your body down.

Another possibility is there is an estrogen and progesterone imbalance, which causes both hypothyroidism and insomnia.

Whatever the reason, you should try to normalize your thyroid function if you want to improve your sleep quality.

The only way to truly get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs is to address the root cause of the problem, which I’ll explain here…

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Is Deadlier Than You Think

Hypothyroidism – it increases the risk of premature death, fact!

But this has only been a recent discovery.

Until now, the link between hypothyroidism and premature deaths has received mixed reviews, but a recent review published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism tells us otherwise.

The authors of the new study consulted the literature and identified the 27 most credible studies on the relationship between hypothyroidism and deaths in the senior population. Altogether, the studies had 1,114,638 participants.

They learned that people above the age of 60 with hypothyroidism were 26 percent more likely than those with a normal thyroid function to die prematurely of any cause.

At this stage, there are many reasons why hypothyroidism can cause premature death. Hypothyroidism involves the slowing down of your metabolic system, and this affects pretty much every system in your body, which will obviously take its toll eventually.

It’s therefore essential that you address your hypothyroidism as soon as possible.

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs – Most people can fortunately eliminate all complications of hypothyroidism in a few days by pinpointing the root cause of the condition, which I’ll explain here…

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Causes These Common Psychological Disorders

We normally think of hypothyroidism as a disease with physical symptoms.

But what if a new study in the Journal of Affective Disorders is right and a major psychological disorder with suicidal tendencies and other dangerous symptoms result from it too?

In this case, you absolutely must cure your hypothyroidism. Fortunately, it’s easy to do with minor diet and lifestyle changes.

A deficiency in neurotransmitters or other chemicals like serotonin, dopamine norepinephrine, GABA, and endorphins is usually thought to be the cause of major depression.

For this reason, it shouldn’t really surprise us that a deficiency in the thyroid hormone could also be involved in triggering major depression.

Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid disease, is a disorder in which your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones.

A team of Chinese researchers set out to discover whether people with major depressive disorders were more likely to have hypothyroidism.

1,706 people, who were diagnosed with major depression, were studied using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale to evaluate depression, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale to rate anxiety, and the positive subscale of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale to record psychiatric symptoms.

Blood samples were also collected to record the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones. Based on these scores, they divided the subjects into mild and severe cases of hypothyroidism.

They found 60.7 percent of their subjects had inactive thyroids.

People who had made suicide attempts were 4.5 times more likely to suffer from severe hypothyroidism, and those with psychotic symptoms were 5.9 times more likely.

The sufferers of the severe form reported more pronounced anxiety. They were also more likely to be overweight.

Therefore, having an underactive thyroid places you at serious risk of depression, suggesting that you should have your thyroid tested if you feel depressed.

If you are experiencing depressive thoughts and anxiety, it’s imperative to get professional medical help, but by eliminating hypothyroidism, you can also help yourself.

For more ideas to get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs, watch this video - How to Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally - Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Thyroid Natural Treatment



Get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs starting today by tackling its root cause of it, which I will explain here…


This post is from the Hypothyroidism Solution Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with hypothyroidism. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.


To find out more about this program, click on The Hypothyroidism Solution


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Walking or Running: Which is BETTER for Hypothyroidism Treatment?

Walking or Running: Which is BETTER for Hypothyroidism Treatment? When it comes to exercise, there’s a lot that we don’t understand when this applies to hypothyroidism treatment. Read on here to find out more.

Take Your Life Back and Stop Hypothyroidism Naturally at the Source

When it comes to exercise, there’s a lot that we don’t understand when this applies to hypothyroidism treatment.

While everyone is led to believe that exercise is something that is always beneficial for our health and hypothyroidism treatment, if you suffer from hypothyroidism, then exercise can quickly become dangerous and pose a serious risk to your thyroid and health.

This has become a very serious problem because so many hypothyroidism sufferers are incorrectly and dangerously using exercise as a means of trying to control their weight.

You can’t blame yourself though because everyone, even your doctor who is supposed to actually know what is best for your health, tells you that you need to exercise to lose weight and get healthy.

But, when nobody stops to actually look at and understand the physiology of the body and how exercise impacts your entire hormonal system (thyroid included) that’s when you end up getting yourself into big trouble.

Yes, I understand that society today is obsessed about weight loss and the ridiculous idea that simply losing weight is the solution to all of our health problems.

If that were true then why are so many non-overweight people suffering from hypothyroidism, cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease, and every other disease for that matter?

In fact, I work with a number of clients who are severely hypothyroid and underweight.

If we would take a minute to step back and look at the big picture then we could begin to see that exercise isn’t always healthy, and in fact, can be quite thyroid suppressive and dangerous to your health.

A large part of the problem can be attributed to our poor interpretation of research, lack of knowledge, and a lack of understand of the human body.

While I will cover some of the dangers of exercise as it relates to hypothyroidism a little later, the purpose of this article is really to open your mind so that you can understand how little we really do understand when it comes to exercise.

So, I’m going to discuss a couple of very common exercise myths just so show you how little we really do know.

Hypothyroidism Treatment Myth #1 – Exercise Improves Thyroid Function

If you look at the current research, a lot of people are incorrectly led to believe that exercise improves thyroid function and is helpful for hypothyroidism treatment.

There are studies where they have taken blood samples immediately before and then immediately after exercise in order to analyse the amount of thyroid hormone in the blood.

Many of these studies have found that some forms of exercise cause an increase in blood level thyroid hormone, and so they interpret this as evidence that exercise improves thyroid function.

It’s time to celebrate, right? Not quite…

Using a basic understanding of cell physiology, when cells become fatigued or overworked, they take up more water. This is a natural response to stress.

So, when you exercise, as your muscles fatigue, they can take up a significant amount of water. As water is pulled from your bloodstream and into your cells, this effectively decreases blood volume.

If blood volume is decreased then of course the concentration of thyroid hormone will increase but only because there is less blood and not because there is more thyroid hormone.

If you are to take this into account, the total amount of thyroid hormone actually decreases. And these researchers fail to account for this loss of blood volume that exercise causes.

There’s also a lot of research that demonstrates this as well.

For example, one mechanism that is well known is that stress, including exercise, inhibits the conversion of inactive T4 thyroid hormone to active T3 thyroid hormone by the liver…

The effect of acute exercise session on thyroid hormone economy in rats

“T3/T4 ratio was significantly decreased 60 and 120min after the exercise, indicating impaired T4-to-T3 conversion.”

And there are plenty of studies showing the negative effects of exercise on thyroid hormone as well…

The effect of exhaustion exercise on thyroid hormones and testosterone levels of elite athletes receiving oral zinc.

CONCLUSION: Findings of our study demonstrate that exhaustion exercise led to a significant inhibition of both thyroid hormones and testosterone concentrations…

And this one which also demonstrates a decrease in resting metabolism…

Endurance training with constant energy intake in identical twins: changes over time in energy expenditure and related hormones.

“Resting metabolic rate (RMR) was significantly decreased by 8% after training despite the preservation of fat-free mass (FFM). Accordingly, plasma norepinephrine (NE) concentrations, NE appearance rate, and plasma levels of triiodothyronine (T3), free T3, and total thyroxine (T4) were lower after training.”

There are lots of studies that show the same exact results, but I think you get the point.

Forcing yourself to exercise as a means of losing weight or trying to “boost” your metabolism can actually have the opposite effect and result in the further suppression of your thyroid, a slower metabolism, and ultimately more future weight gain.

Sounds kind of counter-productive, right?

Hypothyroidism Treatment Myth #2 – Running Burns More Calories than Walking

This is one of my favorites because it goes to show you how far behind we are when it comes to our understanding of exercise and physiology.

The media, your doctor, your next door neighbor and everyone else who still has a bit of sanity left will tell you that running is one of the best ways to burn calories and lose weight?

Running is far better than walking, right?

Yes, you can read this in any exercise physiology book, but there’s something big that they’ve all forgotten to take into account…

Your brain!

When exercise physiologists study energy expenditure and derive their energy calculations, they fail to account for the brain in their calculations.

And your brain produces huge amounts of energy and requires a huge amount of fuel.

Just because you’re running on a treadmill doesn’t mean that your brain shuts off and stops working. It’s still working and expending energy, just like your muscles.

Russian physiologists on the other hand are accounting for the brain. And by stimulating the brain and therefore increasing its energy expenditure, your brain can burn significantly more calories.

So, stimulating your brain while you walk can actually be more beneficial than running on a treadmill while your brain is minimally stimulated.

If you take into account that walking would be far less damaging to your thyroid and metabolism, you can effectively support your thyroid and burn more calories on average from walking in a mentally stimulating environment than running while bored.

The bottom line is that our current understanding of exercise and physiology is severely lacking and it’s only further contributing to our general declining state of health today. And in today’s world, your thyroid really does need all the help it can get.

Millions of people today are not only hypothyroid, but are also making their hypothyroidism worse by following all of the bad advice out there.

When millions of people are led to believe that something like exercise is always beneficial to their health, while it’s unknowingly causing more damage to their thyroid when it comes to hypothyroidism treatment, then we really have an epidemic problem.

Hopefully this opens your eyes up to the fact that exercise, as it relates to hypothyroidism, is something that needs much more attention if we are ever going to make real progress in properly understanding and treating hypothyroidism.

Read the following related topics:


Author Bio:

Tom Brimeyer – The author of Hypothyroidism Revolution – is a practitioner of functional medicine, health researcher and author on nutrition, hormones and hypothyroidism.

His personal mission is to inspire and educate people to take control and achieve true health by correcting their hypothyroidism and underlying causes of their health problems instead of being stuck relying on doctors and drugs that merely cover up their symptoms while their health continues to suffer.

For more details on his program, click on

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

3 Ways Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Save Your Life

To be completely honest, I was never a fan of coffee. I couldn’t stand the taste of it. But when I started to learn the science behind coffee and how it can be used to correct hypothyroidism and restore healthy metabolism, my taste buds quickly changed. Read on to learn how coffee can heal your thyroid.

Take Your Life Back and Stop Hypothyroidism Naturally at the Source

Want to know why coffee can heal your thyroid? Read on.

In the not so distant past, coffee has been put through the ringer. It’s been called every bad name in the book. Many so-called “health experts” have even gone as far as to label coffee as a highly addictive drug that is equivalent to a number of illegal narcotics.

But now, the “coffee” tables have turned because more and more research is being published supporting the vast protective benefits that coffee has to offer. The truth is that coffee is a nutrient, not a drug like many would have you believe.

To be completely honest, I was never a fan of coffee. I couldn’t stand the taste of it. But when I started to learn the science behind coffee and how it can be used to correct hypothyroidism and restore healthy metabolism, my taste buds quickly changed.

Now, thanks to more recent research, it’s becoming easier to understand the connections between coffee and how it can help heal your thyroid and protect you from a number of thyroid related health problems.

Coffee, Longevity, and Thyroid Function

The health of your thyroid is one of the most important factors when it comes to overall health and longevity.

In simplistic terms, your thyroid controls your cells’ ability to produce energy. When you become hypothyroid, your metabolism slows and your ability to produce energy decreases. When your cells cannot produce enough energy to stay happy, healthy, and sustain life… You develop disease and eventually die.

It’s as simple as that.

This is why anti-aging scientists are discovering that the key to extending life and living longer is to improve thyroid function so that your body can continue to produce the energy it needs to sustain life.

So, what does this have to do with coffee?

The results of the largest coffee study to date were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine involving more than 400,000 U.S. men and women ages 50 to 71, over a 14 year span of time.

Association of Coffee Drinking with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality

Conclusions: In this large prospective study, coffee consumption was inversely associated with total and cause-specific mortality.

Not only does this study show that those who drank coffee lived longer, it also shows that the more coffee they drank, the longer they lived.

·         Men’s Results: two to three cups of coffee per day decreased risk of death by 10% in men. And each addition cup provided an additional 6% decreased risk.

·         Women’s Results: two to three cups of coffee per day decreased risk of death by 13% in women. And each additional cup provided an additional 5% decreased risk.

Based on our understanding of human physiology and longevity, coffee reduces your risk of death by helping your cells produce energy, increasing your metabolism, and therefore improving thyroid function.

However, because of the nature of this study, they were not able to identify the exact mechanisms through which coffee reduces the risk of death and extends life.

Below, we’re going to explore just a few of these exact mechanisms through which coffee can provide amazing benefits for overcoming hypothyroidism and heal your thyroid as well as many of its associated health problems.

1. Coffee Can Heal Your Thyroid and Protect You from Thyroid Disease

When it comes to coffee and the health of your thyroid, it doesn’t get any more obvious than this. Coffee has been shown to have a direct effect on the health of your thyroid gland.

Research has shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower incidence of both benign and malignant thyroid disease, including thyroid cancer.

Does coffee consumption protect against thyroid disease?

“Statistical analysis revealed a strikingly negative (p less than 0.05) association between benign and malignant thyroid disease and consumption of coffee. After adjustment for possible confounding variables, the association remained statistically significant.”

It is well known that various thyroid diseases including Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and thyroid cancer are common causes of hypothyroidism today. Using coffee properly to help prevent these diseases is a big step in the right direction.

2. Coffee Protects You from Cancer and Estrogen

Coffee doesn’t just only heal your thyroid and protect you from thyroid cancer. It also protects against a number of other cancers, including breast cancer, which is especially a concern for menopausal women.

Coffee consumption modifies risk of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.

CONCLUSIONS: A high daily intake of coffee was found to be associated with a statistically significant decrease in ER-negative breast cancer among postmenopausal women.”

Many people don’t know this, but there is a link between hypothyroidism and breast cancer. This is because of the role that estrogen plays in suppressing the thyroid gland, disrupting healthy metabolism, and promoting cancer metabolism and growth.

Coffee has been shown to help support your body’s ability to produce progesterone, the hormone that plays the important role of offsetting the negative effects of estrogen and is essential in signaling your thyroid gland to release healthy amounts of thyroid hormone when needed.

So, it should be no surprise that coffee not only helps to protect you from breast cancer but that it also helps to promote healthy function of the thyroid gland.

3. Coffee Protects You from Liver Dysfunction

Coffee has also been shown to be highly protective of your liver. Below is just one of many studies that show the positive effects that coffee can have on the health of your liver.

Effects of coffee consumption against the development of liver dysfunction

“These results suggest that coffee may be protectively against the liver dysfunction in middle-aged Japanese men.”

The health of your liver is very well understood when it comes to proper thyroid function. Your liver plays a major role in regulating your thyroid and converting your inactive T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 thyroid hormone that your cells need to thrive. Liver dysfunction is a major cause of hypothyroidism today that deserves a lot more attention than it currently gets.

Because coffee can help improve liver function, it can also play an important role in improving your liver’s ability to properly regulate thyroid hormone and improve your overall thyroid function.

When it comes to your thyroid, the health benefits of coffee go much further than what I’ve described above. This is really just scratching the surface of the health benefits associated with coffee.

In a world where stress and disease are lurking around every corner, it’s important to take advantage of every thyroid protective nutrient that you have at your disposal, and coffee is one of the most important ones.

Author Bio:

Tom Brimeyer – The author of Hypothyroidism Revolution – is a practitioner of functional medicine, health researcher and author on nutrition, hormones and hypothyroidism.

His personal mission is to inspire and educate people to take control and achieve true health by correcting their hypothyroidism and underlying causes of their health problems instead of being stuck relying on doctors and drugs that merely cover up their symptoms while their health continues to suffer.

For more details on his program, click on

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

5 Important Steps for Hypothyroidism Treatment Success

There’s a big problem within the medical community today with their approach to treating a number of health problems and diseases. And 9 out of 10 times, this problem exists because their treatments are driven entirely by financial interests and NOT in the best interests of the patients who are suffering. And their current sub-par approach to hypothyroidism treatment is one that understandably fits the bill.

Take Your Life Back and Stop Hypothyroidism Naturally at the Source

Hypothyroidism Treatment

There’s a big problem within the medical community today with their approach to treating a number of health problems and diseases.

And 9 out of 10 times, this problem exists because their treatments are driven entirely by financial interests and NOT in the best interests of the patients who are suffering.

And their current sub-par approach to hypothyroidism treatment is one that understandably fits the bill.

In just a minute, I’m going to give you some important tips that your doctor isn’t telling you about, which are necessary for any successful hypothyroidism treatment.

But before I do, I want to talk a little bit about why none of this is even discussed within the medical community.

Hypothyroidism Treatment – Then and Now

Here’s something that most people don’t realize.

Long ago, before the pharmaceutical industry was pulling in over $500 billion dollars (yes, I said billion) each year from drug sales, the doctors at the time were far more successful at treating hypothyroidism than they are today.

Long ago, doctors clearly understood the far reaching effects of hypothyroidism. It was extremely common for doctors to find that hypothyroidism was involved in the majority of their patients’ health problems.

And oftentimes, the right hypothyroidism treatment would not only eliminate all of their symptoms, but also leave them with a clean bill of health.

Today, doctors have become far less accustomed to determining the underlying cause of disease. And instead, they have become far too accustomed to treating only their patients’ symptoms.

And by using drugs to merely cover up your hypothyroidism symptoms, you do absolutely nothing to improve your state of health. And so it’s very common that you develop newer and more severe symptoms in the process.

Unfortunately, when there’s more than $500 billion dollars at stake each year, there’s no real incentive to heal people. There’s far too much money to be made if people continue to stay sick and develop new and more serious health problems that require the use of even more drugs.

But if we went back to our old ways of using far more effective hypothyroid treatment options, then there would be too few people left to spend all of their hard earned money on a lifetime of prescription drugs.

The Truth about Hypothyroidism Treatment

The truth is that there is so much more that you can do to treat hypothyroidism than what your doctor may or may not recommend.

But as I mentioned above, because the medical community is largely driven by the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry, most patients are sent home with the wrong medication that oftentimes only makes their hypothyroidism worse in the end (more about that below).

A quick search on just about any online medical reference will quickly tell you that there are certain foods and supplements that may affect your ability to absorb many of the thyroid medications that are readily prescribed.

But not a single one mentions any foods or supplements that can directly affect your ability to produce or utilize the thyroid hormone that your body natural makes.

In fact, most medical professionals will tell you that your diet has little to no impact whatsoever on the health of your thyroid.

But when start to look at the research, it tells a very different story.

You can throw all of the supplements, medication, etc at your thyroid that you want. But if you don’t get the basics right, then you’re essentially wasting your time.

And this is because you are missing the bigger picture.

Below I’m going to cover 5 essential steps that are an integral part of any hypothyroidism treatment if you want to truly restore your life, health, and energy.

1. Start a Hypothyroidism Treatment Diet

There has been a lot of research that demonstrates the important connection between your diet and hypothyroidism.

There are certain foods that directly contribute to hypothyroidism and should be avoided as part of your treatment for hypothyroidism. And there are certain nutrients that are necessary for your thyroid to function properly.

So it should only make sense that your diet should play a big role in your hypothyroidism treatment. One of the best examples of a problem food is the polyunsaturated fats.

Research clearly shows that these fats block your thyroid from releasing its thyroid hormones, block your thyroid hormone from being transported properly within your bloodstream, and blocks your cells from properly using your thyroid hormone.

And there are key nutrients that your body needs to effectively produce the necessary thyroid hormones that it needs to keep your cells happy and healthy.

And that brings us to the second step.

2. Restore Your Liver Health

Most of the active thyroid hormone, T3, that your body uses is produced by your liver. But your liver can’t do this unless it has plenty of stored glycogen and certain nutrients, such as selenium.

So if your blood sugar is out of balance and your hypothyroidism diet lacks certain key nutrients then your liver can’t do its job. And even though your thyroid gland itself may not be the problem, your liver can be responsible for slowing it down, resulting in hypothyroidism.

So the health of your liver is another major consideration when it comes to your hypothyroidism treatment.

3. Improve Your Lifestyle Management

Most people take their lifestyle for granted. But the truth is that your lifestyle can be a determining factor in whether or not your hypothyroidism treatment is successful or whether you continue to become even more hypothyroid.

And no matter how you look at it, it always boils down to stress.

But most people don’t realize what stress actually does to the health of your thyroid. For starters, it starts an entire cascade of hormonal reactions within your body, many of which are inflammatory and cause even more stress.

Your stress hormones also play an active role in suppressing your thyroid. It does this by both inhibiting your liver from converting T4 to active T3, as mentioned above, and by increasing the conversion to the hormone, Reverse T3, which effectively blocks your thyroid function.

And the more stressful our lives become, the more important it becomes to keep stress to a minimum as part of your hypothyroidism treatment.

4. Balance Your Blood Sugar

Speaking of stress and stress hormones, one of the fastest and most common ways to increase your stress hormones is to allow your blood sugar to drop too low.

When this happens, your body increases your stress hormone, cortisol, which is responsible for breaking down your muscle tissue in order to raise your blood sugar back up.

But as I’ve already mentioned above, cortisol works against your thyroid.
So, balancing your blood sugar should be an extremely important part of any hypothyroidism treatment.

5. Use the Right Thyroid Supplement(s)

Once you get your diet right, liver healthy, stress hormones under control, and blood sugar balanced, and then your thyroid will begin to function far more effectively. But for some, it still might not be quite enough to get their thyroid health completely back to normal.

And only then is when thyroid supplementation can come in handy as part of your hypothyroidism treatment.

Your entire hormonal system is very complex and oftentimes hormonal feedback pathways can really inhibit your thyroid hormones from returning to normal levels. And in these situations, supplementing with the right thyroid hormones can help restore proper hormonal levels rather quickly.

But not all thyroid supplements are created equal. And some have no business being part of any hypothyroidism treatment plan.

For example, iodine is oftentimes the wrong choice of supplementation which can actually cause more harm than good.

And the medical community continues to prescribe T4 only medication when research clearly shows that it is not effective for the majority of people.

And too often, this additional T4 will actually make you even more hypothyroid which is very counterproductive when it comes to hypothyroidism treatment.

The key is to find the right combination of hormones that your body needs to restore balance.

Hypothyroidism Treatment Results

It’s also important to consider that there are also factors that affect how fast or slow that you begin to see the results of implementing the steps mentioned above in your hypothyroidism treatment plan.

For example, it can vary largely due to a woman’s cycle. This is because of the role that estrogen and progesterone play in her ability to handle certain nutrients in her diet.

It’s not uncommon for her symptoms to return when estrogen peaks during her cycle. But it normally only takes a cycle or two before things begin to stabilize.

If you can get a handle on these 5 essential steps for hypothyroidism treatment success then you will be well on your way to not only seeing improvements with your hypothyroidism but also with fully restoring your health and energy.

You may want to watch this Video HERE - Hypothyroidism Treatment and Diet Plan: Foods To Eat and Foods To Avoid 

Author Bio:

Tom Brimeyer – The author of Hypothyroidism Revolution – is a practitioner of functional medicine, health researcher and author on nutrition, hormones and hypothyroidism.

His personal mission is to inspire and educate people to take control and achieve true health by correcting their hypothyroidism and underlying causes of their health problems instead of being stuck relying on doctors and drugs that merely cover up their symptoms while their health continues to suffer.

For more details on his program, click on

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