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Showing posts with label how to cure diabetes naturally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to cure diabetes naturally. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2018

Why Do I Have Diabetes, What Are the Main Diabetes Causes?

Diabetes causes range from your genetic make-up, family health history, ethnicity, fitness and environmental factors. There is no single diabetes causes that fits every type of diabetes. This is because the diabetes causes can vary depending on the individual and the type of diabetes. For example; the causes of type 1 diabetes vary considerably from the causes of gestational diabetes. Similarly, the causes of type 2 diabetes are distinct from the causes of type 1 diabetes.

How to ReverseType 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Diabetes causes range from your genetic make-up, family health history, ethnicity, fitness and environmental factors.

There is no single diabetes causes that fits every type of diabetes.

This is because the diabetes causes can vary depending on the individual and the type of diabetes.

For example; the causes of type 1 diabetes vary considerably from the causes of gestational diabetes.

Similarly, the causes of type 2 diabetes are distinct from the causes of type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes causes

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system destroying the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. This causes diabetes by way of leaving the body without enough insulin to regulate your blood sugar level

This is called an autoimmune response, or autoimmune cause, due to the fact the body is attacking itself.

There may be no specific diabetes causes, but the following triggers may be involved:

·         viral or bacterial infection
·         chemical toxins inside food
·         unidentified factor causing autoimmune reaction

Underlying genetic disposition may also be a type 1 diabetes cause.

Type 2 diabetes causes

Type 2 diabetes causes are generally multifactorial - more than one cause of diabetes is involved here. Frequently, the maximum overwhelming factor is a family history of type 2 diabetes.

That is the most likely reason for having type 2 diabetes.

There is a wide range of risk factors for type 2 diabetes, all or any of which increase the chances of developing the condition.

These include:

·         obesity
·         a sedentary way of life
·         unhealthy eating habit - Saturated and trans fats, processed foods and immoderate carbohydrate having all been mooted as possible diabetes causes
·         increasing age - The risk of developing type 2 diabetes begins to rise significantly at about age 45, and rises considerably after age 65.
·         ethnicity - Certain groups, such as African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, South Asians and Asian Americans, have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than non-Hispanic whites.

Other type 2 diabetes causes which include pregnancy or illness.

Gestational diabetes causes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that in particular occurs at some point of pregnancy. During the second and 0.33 trimesters of pregnancy, with requirements for insulin already increasing, hormones secrete by the placenta can cause insulin being less powerful.

If the mother’s body struggles to provide enough insulin, blood sugar degrees can rise resulting in gestational diabetes.

The causes of diabetes during pregnancy also known as gestational diabetes continue to be unknown. However, there are some of hazard factors that increase the possibilities of growing this condition:

·         own family history of gestational diabetes
·         obese or overweight
·         being afflicted by polycystic ovary syndrome
·         bearing a heavy baby weighing over 9lb

Causes of gestational diabetes can also be associated with ethnicity - some ethnic groups have a higher chance of gestational diabetes.

Other diabetes causes

There are a wide range of different ability diabetes causes. These consist of the following:

·         Pancreatitis or pancreatectomy as a cause of diabetes. Pancreatitis is understood to boom the chance of growing diabetes, as is a pancreatectomy.
·         Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). One of the root causes of PCOS is weight problems-related insulin resistance, which might also increase the risk of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
·         Cushing’s syndrome. This syndrome is due to over-production of the cortisol hormone in the body, which serves to increase blood sugar level. An over-abundance of cortisol can trigger diabetes.
·         Glucagonoma. Patients with glucagonoma might also experience diabetes due to imbalance between the level of insulin production and glucagon production.
·         Steroid induced diabetes (steroid diabetes) is a very uncommon type of diabetes that takes place due to prolonged use of glucocorticoid therapy.

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.  

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

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