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Showing posts with label gut friendly foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gut friendly foods. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021

6 Leaky Gut Diet Tips to Kickstart Your Gut Healing Process

Are you confused about what foods to eat on a leaky gut diet? Are you bombarded with too much diet information that you don’t know what to do? Here are 6 great leaky gut diet tips that you can start using today to start getting relief from your symptoms.


Click Here to Find Out How to Naturally and Permanently Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Diet – 6 Tips to Kickstart the Healing Process

Are you confused about what foods to eat on a leaky gut diet?

Are you bombarded with too much diet information that you don’t know what to do?

Does it not matter what you eat, you still suffer from the effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Odds are you need a complete diet overhaul.

Whether you love to stay in and cook or go out to your favorite restaurant, I’ll help you with what you should be eating to overcome leaky gut.

But if you do like to enjoy a restaurant or two, you’ll want to check out my leaky gut restaurant tips so that you can eat out without having to worry about the negative effects of eating what is on your fork.

So let’s get to it and look at 6 great leaky gut diet tips that you can start using today to start getting relief from your symptoms.

1. Stick to a Diet of Whole Foods

Your diet should consist primarily of fresh meat and vegetables with the addition of limited whole grains, nutsseeds, and fresh fruits. Animal protein is a must. Stay away from processed and packaged foods that contain lots of fillers and hidden ingredients that may be driving your symptoms or conditions.

2. Adjust Your Food Ratios

We are all genetically and ethnically different. Some of us do better with higher protein and others with higher carbohydrates in our diet. Some do best with an equal balance. You want to find your optimal food ratio. Don’t worry, it sounds harder than it really is.

Start by testing both ends of the spectrum. Start with a meal of primarily meat and less vegetables. How did you feel afterwards?

Then on the next day, try a meal with mostly vegetables, some meat, and a small amount of grains. How did you feel afterwards?

Take the food ratio that you felt best with and then fine tune it from there. After you fine tune, you now have your proper food ratios that you should stick for all the meals.

3. Cook Your Veggies

When dealing with intestinal permeability, your digestion is impaired and raw uncooked vegetables can be hard to digest. It is best to cook them thoroughly to help assist your body to properly digest them. In fact, a good leaky gut diet should focus primarily on foods that are easy to digest.

4. Stay Away from Common Food Allergies

If you suffer from intestinal permeability, then you also suffer from food allergies. They both go hand in hand and are one of the most commonly overlooked Leaky Gut Syndrome treatment steps. You want to stay away from these foods and other foods that contain them.

Often times, avoiding these foods alone is enough to alleviate many of your chronic symptoms. Your diet should be designed to eliminate these common food allergies so that you can properly heal and won’t have to avoid them forever.

Just a Few Common Leaky Gut Diet Food Allergies

  • Gluten found in wheat, rye, and barley
  • Milk products found in milk and cheese
  • Soy found in Tofu, vegetable oil, salad dressings, etc
  • Sugar found in most processed foods

But your food allergies are not limited to these items alone. You typically become allergic to many of the foods you commonly eat. Determining your food allergies is easy with the Leaky Gut Cure program I have put together.

5. Cut Out the Baked Goods, Cookies, and Pastries

These products are often made entirely of white flour and sugar. These are two ingredients that are found on the list above and should be avoided. They contain no nutritional value and actually strip your body of much needed nutrients. But don’t worry though, there are many great natural and healthy desert recipes that are allowed and encouraged.

6. Switch Over to Natural Sea Salt

All of the studies that show the adverse effects of salt were done on toxic and processed white table salt. But you’re not going to use that stuff on your leaky gut diet. Sodium chloride (salt) is a very important element required for your body to function properly.

A good quality Natural Sea Salt has natural trace minerals and is in the form that your body can use best. It is not bleached nor does it contain any toxic anti-caking agents.

Throw out your fake and processed salts (i.e. Morton’s). New Zealand Pacific or Celtic Sea Salts are a great choice. If you have any question about your sea salt, you’ll know you have the right stuff because it won’t be white. Instead it will have pigment like gray or pink.

These simple yet great diet tips alone can take you a long way in getting relief from your chronic symptoms. This is because diet is the foundation of health. That is the primary factor as to why my holistic approach to healing gets such amazing long term success.

To get some more leaky gut diet tips, watch this video – 13 Best Foods For Gut Health || [Best Probiotic Foods For Gut Health]

My Leaky Gut Cure program is designed to optimize your leaky gut diet to take your results to the next level and get rid of your symptoms and conditions for good.

Author Bio:

Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant. She has helped over a hundred personal clients heal their leaky gut, digestive problems, lose weight, and resolve their chronic symptoms and conditions.

She is the owner of Optimal Self-Healing in Tampa Bay Florida, a private nutrition and health consultation business and author of the Leaky Gut Cure program.

Karen has worked with a wide variety of populations from new moms to athletes overcome their health problems and achieve optimal health.

Karen found her passion for nutrition as a teenager. While striving to achieve optimal health by following the widely accepted diet and nutrition tips of the media and conventional medicine, she found her own health declining rapidly with the development leaky gut which led to digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Unwilling to accept her situation, she set out to determine the truth about health which led her through her own research as well as studying and working with some of the best holistic doctors and holistic practitioners in the fields of nutrition, functional medicine, and life coaching.

She has since applied her knowledge with herself to overcome her own leaky gut and achieve an unprecedented level of health and wellbeing. Her happy and healthy pregnancy and now two-year old son, TJ, are a testament to the health she has achieved.

To find out more about this program, click on Leaky Gut Cure

Leaky Gut Diet Restaurant Tips – What to Eat and What to Avoid


You can still enjoy getting out of the house and eating at restaurants. You just have to be a little more careful about what you order. It isn’t that hard it just takes a little getting used to. Follow these 7 simple leaky gut diet restaurant tips and you won’t have worry about or wonder what you’re eating and whether or not it will impact your chronic symptoms.

Click Here to Find Out How to Naturally and Permanently Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Diet – Restaurant Tips

Just because you need to stick to your leaky gut diet plan doesn’t mean that you have to lock yourself in your home in fear of eating the wrong the thing. But that is exactly what I did when I discovered that I had leaky gut.

After I discovered my underlying gut problem I spent years being so afraid of food that I refused to eat out at any restaurant in fear of eating something that would trigger my symptoms. Living in fear of food is not living at all and I don’t want you to follow that same path.

You can still enjoy getting out of the house and eating at restaurants. You just have to be a little more careful about what you order. It isn’t that hard it just takes a little getting used to.

Follow these simple rules and you won’t have worry about or wonder what you’re eating and whether or not it will impact your chronic symptoms.

Leaky Gut Diet Restaurant Tips

1. Stick to Meat and Vegetables

Meat and vegetables should make up the bulk of your leaky gut diet so it is best to stick with them when eating at a restaurant as well. Look for fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and lamb menu items. These menu items typically served with vegetables.

Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein. Try to stick to less starchy vegetables like ordering a sweet potato instead of a white potato.

2. Get it Grilled, Poached, or Sautéed

When ordering your meat, it is best to order it grilled, poached, or sautéed. Many restaurants fry their foods in trans-fats and/or vegetable oil which cause massive amounts of inflammation and should be avoided at all costs.

3. Forget the Bread and Pastas

Our culture has become very accustomed to bread and pasta with every meal. Restaurants love to give them to you because they are cheap filler foods with no real nutritional value. When avoiding gluten, these foods should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter/waitress to not bring the complimentary bread basket so it doesn’t become tempting.

4. Don’t be Afraid to Ask or Order Off Menu

If you aren’t sure how a particular dish is prepared, then ask the waiter/waitress. Food allergies are a big issue and liability for restaurants so if they don’t know, they should go to the kitchen and get the answers for you.

Also, don’t be afraid to order something that isn’t on the menu. If you want something simple like a grilled chicken breast with vegetables, almost any restaurant will accommodate you.

5. Watch Out for Hidden Gluten

Hidden flours are in many menu items. They are typically used as a thickening agent for sauces and flavorings. Stay away from thick, creamy, and cheese sauces as much as possible.

6. Nicer Restaurants = Better Ingredients

Nicer restaurants know that better and fresher ingredients taste better. They typically use organic ingredients as much as possible. They also typically cook in healthier oils that don’t go rancid. Nice restaurants will never sacrifice quality for price.

7. Pass on the Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the driving factors behind intestinal permeability. Because of this, it should be avoided entirely on your leaky gut diet. You should love yourself enough to not give into the peer pressure.

Odds are if you are out with others who are heavy drinkers, there is a good chance that they are suffering from chronic symptoms as well but they just aren’t ready or willing to deal with them yet.

Now that you have your leaky gut diet restaurant tips in hand you can enjoy a night out on the town without having to sacrifice your health or gut healing process.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out these leaky gut diet tips to help you kick start the gut healing process.

To get some more leaky gut diet restaurant tips, watch this video – The Leaky Gut Diet Plan: What to Eat What to Avoid

Author Bio:

Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant. She has helped over a hundred personal clients heal their leaky gut, digestive problems, lose weight, and resolve their chronic symptoms and conditions.

She is the owner of Optimal Self-Healing in Tampa Bay Florida, a private nutrition and health consultation business and author of the Leaky Gut Cure program.

Karen has worked with a wide variety of populations from new moms to athletes overcome their health problems and achieve optimal health.

Karen found her passion for nutrition as a teenager. While striving to achieve optimal health by following the widely accepted diet and nutrition tips of the media and conventional medicine, she found her own health declining rapidly with the development leaky gut which led to digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Unwilling to accept her situation, she set out to determine the truth about health which led her through her own research as well as studying and working with some of the best holistic doctors and holistic practitioners in the fields of nutrition, functional medicine, and life coaching.

She has since applied her knowledge with herself to overcome her own leaky gut and achieve an unprecedented level of health and wellbeing. Her happy and healthy pregnancy and now two-year old son, TJ, are a testament to the health she has achieved.

To find out more about this program, click on Leaky Gut Cure

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