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Showing posts with label get rid of shin splints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get rid of shin splints. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2017

How to Get Rid Of Shin Splints in 3 Easy Steps?

Click HERE to Learn How You Can STOP Shin Splints FOREVER FAST

Do You Want To Know How To Get Rid Of Shin Splints Forever? Read This Article And Learn A Little-Known Method That Will Get Rid Of Your Shin Splints FAST...

Know what?

I struggled with shin splints for NINE YEARS...

Every treatment technique I tried seemed to give me nothing more than temporary relief... then the next time I’d go for a run the pain would come back, many times I wondered if I’d have to struggle with this condition for the rest of my life.

And, this drove me NUTS.

My shin pain were so bad at times that I could hardly walk... and I can’t tell you how many times I had to miss out on going for one of a morning jog (I love these) or playing soccer on a Tuesday night with my buddies because the pain was too severe...

But I’m here to tell you, that it doesn’t have to be like this for you!
Through a TON of trial and error, I’ve now figured out a method that’s literally guaranteed to get rid of shin splints FOREVER. And I want to teach it to you right now.

Here’s how it works to get rid of shin splint:

Identify the Causes of Your Pain

It’s important to understand that shin splints is a “gutter” term that refers to a variety of different conditions and pathologies that lead to pain in the lower half of the  (tibia) shinbone.

Over the years I’ve found that there are four primary underlying causes that are directly responsible for, or contribute to, nearly every single case of shin splints.

And you will be able to easily identify them using the simple tests I show you inside my eBook “Stop Shin Splints Forever

Once you’ve identified which of the underlying causes” you have, it’s time for step two.

Treat the Symptoms

You can’t correct the underlying problems if your pain is so severe you can’t move. So in this step you’ll implement various strategies to help reduce and eliminate your pain so you can focus on correcting the underlying problems that are responsible for it.

Then you’re on to step three, which is...

Treat the Causes and Condition

Remember, pain is just a warning signal from your body telling you that you need to fix a problem. So in this step you work on treating the cause, which is the conditions and underlying problems you identified in the first step.

Realize that beginning any treatment without identifying what’s really causing your pain is a recipe for failure and frustration.

If you continue using generic, one-size fits all, “conventional” shin splints treatment techniques, you may NEVER address the real causes of your pain and stay stuck with this condition for years.

And if you keep exercising or playing the sports that likely CAUSED these underlying problems in the first place, you risk making your condition even worse – or doing PERMANENT damage.

Are you with me?

So use this approach to get rid of shin splints once and for all. Get started today!

I’m here to help you make it happen... in my eBook Stop Shin Splints Forever, I show you in GREAT detail how to identify what’s really causing your pain... In fact, I consider this section where I talk about these things to be the MOST important part of the WHOLE book.


Because unless you figure out EXACTLY what’s causing your shin splints – any treatment techniques you use won’t be nearly as effective as they could be.

And when you DO identify the causes, the treatment techniques I teach you for addressing each of these specific causes will be 10 times as powerful...

The best way to get it handled is through reading my book, so grab a copy and see for yourself – just Click HERE: Stop Shin Splints Forever
You can also click on to watch this Video HERE to get more ideas on how to get rid of shin splints.

Author Bio:

Gary Buchenic is a personal trainer who specializes in helping people treat and prevent shin splints. Gary suffered from shin splints for years and at some point they became so bad that he was unable to play the sports he loved or even to go for a quick run without extreme pain.

Using his knowledge and experience as a personal trainer, Gary developed a solution to shin splints that was designed to be simple, straightforward and effective. To learn more about his shin splints treatment methods check out his website at Stop Shin Splints Forever.

Friday, December 30, 2016

How Best To Cure Shin Splints FOREVER In 3 Simple Steps!

Trying to cure shin splints isn’t always easy, but it can be quick if you do a few simple things right. Click on above image to Read on here to learn how to get rid of shin splints in 3 simple steps.

Click HERE to Learn How You Can STOP Shin Splints FOREVER FAST

By Gary Buchenic

Let’s set the record straight once and for all... Trying to cure shin splints isn’t always easy, but it can be quick if you do a few simple things right.

If you think this article is just going to be about icing techniques or new shoes or anything remotely close to the generic shin splints treatment advice you read about every else, then you’re in for a shock.

Pain relief techniques like icing are an important part of this three step process, but they’re not the only part and in this article I’m going to show the “broad strokes” of what it really takes to cure shin splints once and for all.

Let’s get into it...

Cure Shin Splints - Step 1: Find out What’s Causing Your Shin Splints

Yes, most people who ask me how they can cure shin splints, have a problem. They have no idea what’s causing them in the first place!

The truth is shin splints is a “gutter term” that refers to pain along the shinbone or tibia, but this pain can be caused by a multitude of different pathologies and conditions, and it’s downright insane to start following some generic treatment program if you have no idea what’s actually causing your shin splints.

So what exactly is causing your shin splints? I’m glad you asked...
Overload: Simply put this means exercising too much, too soon or with too much intensity, exercising on hard or uneven surfaces can also cause overload.

Biomechanical Imbalances: There are three main biomechanical imbalances that shin splint sufferer commonly have... weak calves, weak or inactive glutes and flat feet

Poor Running Form: do you have bad running form? If you’re like most people with shin splints chances are you do, and it’s keeping you in pain!

Poor Running Shoes: Finding the perfect pair of shoes for your feet can be as hard as finding the perfect life partner.

A good tip is to visit a specialty running store with a worn pair of shoes, the people that work there can tell a LOT about your foot type  from looking at the wear pattern on a used shoe - and they’ll be able to use this information to match you with a great shoe that suits your specific foot type.

Think about it this way; even if you ice your shins religiously, take painkillers every time you’re active and rest for days on end... if you’ve got bad running form, poor or inappropriate running shoes or one or more of the biomechanical imbalances, you’re shin splints are practically guaranteed to come back with a vengeance!

Unless you find out what’s actually causing them, and treat that directly!

Cure Shin Splints - Step 2: Treat the Pain

Now that you’ve identified what’s causing your pain it’s time to treat it. Rest, ice and painkillers are great for doing this. (But you already knew that anyway)

Just do your body a favour and don’t take painkillers for any more than 2 weeks, and preferably no more than 3 days.

Painkillers like Advil and Ibuprofen are classed as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’S) and long-term use of them has been linked with everything from digestive problems to stroke.

If you have long term pain and want a good alternative Google a product called “ Heal-n-Soothe ” which is a safe and natural alternative that I highly recommend!

Cure Shin Splints - 3. Treat the Underlying Causes Of Y our Pain

It should go without saying that after you’ve identified what’s causing your pain, you’ll take action to correct those underlying causes. For example, if you identify that you have worn out running shoes and inflexible calves you’ll stretch you’re calves and get a good pair of shoes that match your foot type.

If you realize that you’ve been increasing you’re training volume very quickly and that you’ve got flat feet or collapsed arches... then you’ll step back you’re training volume and go and get appropriate shoes with good arch support and shoe inserts.

There you have it. Now you know the proper way to get rid of shin splints - all you need to do is follow these three simple steps and your pain will disappear.

You may want to watch this Video HERE – How to Cure Shin Splints in 5 minutes.

Author Bio:

Gary Buchenic is a personal trainer who specializes in helping people treat and prevent shin splints. Gary suffered from shin splints for years and at some point they became so bad that he was unable to play the sports he loved or even to go for a quick run without extreme pain.

Using his knowledge and experience as a personal trainer, Gary developed a solution to shin splints that was designed to be simple, straightforward and effective. To learn more about his shin splints treatment methods check out his website at Stop Shin Splints Forever.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

2 Best Ways to Relieve Shin Pain QUICKLY

Can you really relieve your shin pain in just 15 minutes - and eliminate it completely overnight? Click on above image to Read on here to learn about the 2 powerful ways to relieve shin pain fast.

Can you really relieve your shin pain in just 15 minutes - and eliminate it completely overnight?

Believe it or not... the answer is YES. And you don’t have to bust open the medicine cabinet and get all jacked up on painkillers either...

In fact, all you need are the 2 powerful shin splints treatment techniques that I’m going to show to you later on in the article which make up a very important part of the Stop Shin Splints Forever program.

Here Are 2 Powerful Ways To Relieve Shin Pain FAST...

As you’ve probably heard ice is an effective pain relief technique... apart from numbing the pain, it also causes a rush of blood nutrients and into the area and flushes out the enzymes that cause inflammation very quickly.

Warning: When using these techniques keep the ice on for as long as it is comfortable for YOU. Obviously, there will be a slight discomfort from the cold, but as soon as pain, numbness or excessive discomfort is experienced, it's time to remove the ice.

Relieve Shin Pain Technique #1: Ice Massage

Ice massages forces cold deep into your muscles and bones which enhances circulation, flushes out the body’s inflammatory response and if you press a little harder, it also breaks up any scar tissue.

Here’s how to do it...

Buy some paper cups, fill them with water and put them in your freezer
Pull out a cup and tear off the top half inch or so.

Massage the exposed ice into the most painful areas of your shins... you’ll KNOW you’ve found the right spot when you’re on it... you’ll likely feel a sharp pain there.

For a minimum of 5 minutes, push the ice into the painful area and up and down your shins. Keep moving around, and don’t let the ice sit in one spot too long.

Do this at least 3 times a day. Remember, if your skin gets numb from the cold it’s time to stop.

Relieve Shin Pain Technique #2: Ice Dipping

This is the most powerful icing technique I’ve found. I dare you, try this techniques today, you’ll see for yourself that this is by far the most powerful pain relief technique you’ve ever used...

Fill up your tub half full with water, and add a bunch of frozen bottles of water or a big bag of ice to get the water ICE COLD.

Adjust the height of the water to your convenience then dip your lower leg into the ice water, submerge it all the way to your knees.

Hold it in there for 10 seconds, by then you should be desperate to pull your legs out otherwise the water isn’t cold enough...

Finally, dry off and walk around for a bit. Wait at least 5 minutes then repeat the process 3-5 times.

As powerful as these techniques are, they are only the beginning.

You may want to click on to watch this Video HERE and this Video TOO for more ideas to relieve shin pain fast.

If you’re familiar with shin splints you’ll know that pain relief and permanent relief are to VERY different things... and that’s because there are underlying causes that are CAUSING your pain which MUST be treated otherwise you’re going to keep experiencing reoccurring shin splints.

To find out EXACTLY what’s causing your pain... and the RIGHT things to to treat those underlying causes so you can finally get LASTING RELIEF, I recommend you take a look at my Stop Shin Splints Forever eBook.

It represents THOUSANDS of hours of research and real world experience helping people get rid of shin splints, then organizing this knowledge into an easy-to-follow system that ANYONE can follow from the comfort of their own home to get rid of shin splints.

And I’ll tell you something...

It works.

This eBook is the most advanced and effective program of its kind available anywhere and you can get more info about it right here: Stop Shin Splints Forever

From: Gary Buchenic, Personal Trainer and author of Stop Shin Splints Forever. Gary suffered from shin splints for years and at some point they became so bad that he was unable to play the sports he loved or even to go for a quick run without extreme pain.

Using his knowledge and experience as a personal trainer, Gary developed a solution to shin splints that was designed to be simple, straightforward and effective. To find out more, Click HERE !

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