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Showing posts with label get flat stomach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get flat stomach. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Perfect Abs and Butt Shaping Workout You Can Do At Home

Do you want the perfect abs and butt? This workout is for you. This is the perfect abs and butt shaping up workout. We’re going to tone and chisel our abs and we’re going to lift and chisel our butt. Read on to find out more.
Click HERE to find out how you get the perfect bikini butt and beach ready body

Do you want the perfect abs and butt? This workout is for you. This is the perfect abs and butt shaping up workout. We’re going to tone and chisel our abs and we’re going to lift and chisel our butt.

Let’s get down on the ground and work those abs. Now, remember to breathe and use your core.

I’m always going to give you different variations, so that you can go at your level.

Here is level 1; it’s called “Boat Pose”.

Lean back onto your sitting bones and lift your arms and your legs.
Engage your core, hold that, deep inhale and exhale. We’re just warming up…

If you want to go further, you’re going to straighten those legs, lower down, and then come up.

We’re going to do this 3 times.
Take a minute to rest, engage your upper body.
Think about in “Boat Pose” if you have a sinking spine, you’re going to let all that water in, so you really need to lift your spine and your heart.

Are you ready to go for a more advanced level?

Engage your heart, use your core.

We’re going to lift those legs up and we’re going to straighten them, all the way straight.

Come on you can do this and hold for 1, 2 and 3.
Lower down; come up for 1, 2, and 3.
Now, we’re going to go twisting and twist, twisting and twist.
Still using your core and your breath.
Let’s do this 3 more times…
Now, I kept my core engaged the entire time.
That’s great for your abs and now let’s starts working that butt.

So you’re going to come over into plank position…
“Plank” is where you straighten your arms and then you straighten your legs.

Once again, you’re using your core so tighten it in one solid plank position.
Once you’ve got that position, your shoulders are engaged so that your triceps roll in, it’s nice and stable.
Just this is engaging my core.
You can feel it if you’re really using it.
Also, I’m tightening my butt.

If you want to go further, we’re going to do “Running Man”.
We’re going to do them 20 times. Go as many as you can.
Ready? Take a deep inhale and let’s go.
Keep breathing and keep going. Love it….
Stretch it out to downward dog.
Now, you can do the “Running Man” again or if you want a more advanced version, use your abs and your core.

We’re going to jump 2 feet together, jump back, jump up, jump back, so your knees are coming up to that opposite elbow.
We’re going to do this a few more times really using your core.
We’re chiselling that butt.
Let’s go 2 more times, 1 and 2. Stretch it out.

For our final move for the abs and core, we’re going to come back into plank and do “Side Plank”.

You’re working the side obliques, the core, and you’re also holding that butt cheek in because if it’s sagging, it’s not engaged.
Lift it up…
Breathe. I know you’re breathing, I’m breathing really hard too, so you know it is working.
You can do this.
We’re going to pulse it 5 times.

If you want to go further, lift that arm up so you really lengthen your arm and your leg.

Here we go… 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Bring that arm down and we’re going to do the other side.
Make sure your tricep is squeezing in to give you a very stable base.
Holding here, this is working your core and your butt.

Remember, you’re not sagging down; you’re lifting up, engaging and working your side obliques.

Hold here or if you want to pulse, we’re going to pulse 5 times.

If you want to go even further, lift your arm and your leg and then pulse.
You can rewind this Video, to do this same exercise sequence 3 times to get the perfect abs and butt.

Do it 3 times a week, watch how your abs get more and more chiselled.
Your butt gets toned and tight.

You too will be shaping up in time for bikini season and to rock those hot pants anytime you want.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to Get Nice Flat Abs Fast for Women?

Are you ready to get nice flat abs? I am going to show you the four moves to get nice flat abs. I’m going to give you different variations so you can follow along at your pace. Read on to find out more.

Are you ready to get nice flat abs? I am going to show you the four moves to get nice flat abs. I’m going to give you different variations so you can follow along at your pace.

Come on down to the floor. I’ve got a mat here but you can do it on the ground, in the grass, even at your living room carpet. So, make sure that your hands are underneath your elbows and the elbows are underneath the shoulders.

Take a minute to really align because a lot of people keep their elbows out or there are different weird variations of your arms. And you want to make sure you can squeeze those triceps together and really get nice flat arms because the straighter your arms, the more stability you’re going to have.

We’re going to do a variation of plank for our first move and you’re just going to roll your toes under so that you can lift up in to plank. If you don’t want to do the full plank, just start with your knees on the ground. And we’re just going to go down and up.

So, if you’re on plank, you’re going to go down and up. Once you have that, we’re going to hold. This is where you really get your core engaged. So, if your hips are sinking down, your core is not engaged, right?

You want to squeeze those hips up, engage your core. You should feel it on all sides of your core. Taking slow deep breaths, and one more time deep inhale and exhale. Okay, very well!

Now, for your next move, we’re going to come down onto your arms. So, your forearms are going to offer a different level of stability in your core. Make sure that you have as much stability on your forearms as possible.

Again, you can always come down on to your knees and just work on building up from here. So, wherever you are, you’re going to lift up and make sure you don’t have a saggy butt.

Squeeze your butt. Engage your core and breathe for three slow breaths. This is where you can imagine that you’re eliminating all that belly fat. Your core is getting tighter. This is what’s going to show those nice trim abs, nice flat belly. One more inhale and exhale, very well.

Now, you can come down on your belly and rest for a few breaths. And when you’re ready to come back, we’re going to do a variation of moving between plank and forearm plank. Okay.

This one is more advance. So, if you need to stay on your knees, stay on your knees. I’m going to lift up, squeeze my core. Inhale and then exhale, come down on your arm and then down on the left arm, coming back through the left, back to the right, that’s one.

So, let’s come down, down, up, up, down, down, up, up. Other way, starting with your left down, right down, left up, right up. Oh, yeah, I’m really feeling it. Make sure you’re squeezing your core because this is actually what’s chiselling away that belly fat and this is going to get you
a nice flat abs. Okay, come on down. Woohoo! I feel that one. Okay.

So, now for your third move, we’re going to do something that’s called pulsing plank. And wherever you are, if you’re in the knee variation, this is going to go down and pulse. Down and pulse.

For the full plank variation, you’re going to down and pulse, down and pulse. It’s almost like a push up but you’re actually using your core to come down and pull it back. Okay, let’s just do three more, woohoo! I’m starting to sweat. You know, you love it. Keep going. And that’s your third move.

Okay. I’m really feeling it all in the front of my core. Remember your core is the front as well as the side and even your back muscles. The entire abdominal area is your core, right?

So, we’re going to do a side plank and this is going to really strengthen those side oblique muscles. So, the variation with your knee down, you can just – even holding here, I’m really engaging the side of my core in order to support myself. If you’d like to go in to full side plank, you’re going to roll onto your side of your foot and hold here.

Now, just like we did the side pulses where you did the pulses on the front, we’re just going to pulse here. So, 1, 2, 3, 4, one more, and 5. Now, I’m just going to rock over onto the other side.

Remember, you can always drop that knee down if you need this variation and just holding here, you’re learning how to engage that core and finding that stability. Make sure your triceps is still squeezing in so that you got that nice straight arm.

We’re going to pulse five times here, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. It feels so good. Take a minute. Stretch it out. Go to child’s pose. You can really lengthen the side of the core. Nice slow deep breath, one more and exhaling.

Alright, so remember you don’t have to do sit ups in order to get nice flat abs. You can use these moves and more and keep it fun. Keep it interesting. It’s all about looking great in your bikini, feeling confident in your body and believing that you deserve it.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn how to get nice flat abs fast and easily without the need to do any sit-ups.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

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