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Showing posts with label everything you need to know about lacto-fermented foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everything you need to know about lacto-fermented foods. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Lacto-Fermented Foods


Aside from freezing and traditional canning methods, there is another way to preserve fresh produce from the growing season to enjoy all year round. It’s called lacto-fermentation. Here’s everything you need to know about lacto-fermented foods

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Aside from freezing and traditional canning methods, there is another way to preserve fresh produce from the growing season to enjoy all year round. It’s called lacto-fermentation.

And if you’re interested in your gut health, this is probably the best way to add some fantastic flavors to your plate that will improve your gut flora. So what’s this lacto-fermentation and what is it all about?

What are Lacto-Fermented Foods?

Lacto-fermentation, also called lactic acid fermentation, is a method by which vegetables, dairy, and even bread doughs are preserved through the process of fermentation using beneficial bacteria.

Different foods require different types of bacteria: common types are Lactobacillus bulgaricus, streptococcus thermophiles, and Leuconostoc. Mostly, when it comes to LF vegetables, the bacteria used are lactobacillus.

It requires no special equipment and you don’t need to “can” the jars using a pressure canner or even by boiling. In fact, it was a common method of preservation in the times before modern canning methods came into play.

Women would have crocks for fermented vegetables like garlic, beets, onion, pickles, or sauerkraut (or some of all of the above) in their cellars and a batch of sourdough bread sitting on their counters. Lacto-fermentation is much easier than canning, and you still get all the gut-friendly benefits.

Lacto-fermentation is easy. All it takes is some fresh vegetables or fruit, jars or a big crock, salt, water, some spices, and maybe some whey if you want a bit of extra insurance when you’re just starting out. That’s it.

The process works because the salt you use kills the bad bacteria, while the good bacteria survives and flourishes and starts to turn lactose and other sugars into lactic acid. This creates the acidic environment required to preserve the food. The lactic acid also provides the tangy flavor that you will grow to love.

Why You Should Try Lacto-Fermented Foods

The process is much less time-consuming than traditional canning methods. If you’ve ever done any canning before, you’ll know you have to sterilize the jars and lids, prepare yours veg or fruit, mix the syrup or brine, fill the jars, and then boil or pressure can the jars for a certain amount of time according to the contents and your location’s feet above sea level.

You can do the entire process of LF – and store the results – with zero energy usage. As long as you have a root cellar that stays cool even on warm/hot days, you can prep, make, and store your lacto-fermented foods completely without using any electricity.

The resulting product is full of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and enzymes. If you’re looking to increase your gut health, then there’s no better way than to introduce some LF foods.

What to Make with Lacto-Fermentation?

You can LF pretty much any vegetable and several fruits. Things you might want to try include cabbage, ginger-carrots, salsa, cucumber dill pickles, sweet pickles, coconut milk yogurt, beets, kvass, sauerkraut, kimchi, green beans, watermelon relish, and lemons. You can even make condiments like hot sauce, ketchup, and mayo using these methods!

Basic LF Methods

If you’re doing a basic vegetable LF, all you need is fresh produce, salt, some water, and maybe some whey if you’re hesitant about using just salt. If you’re doing something like ginger carrots, cabbage, or coleslaw, you’ll need a food processor or grater because you need to grate the vegetables first. Just add saltwater to veggies for a basic lacto-fermentation.

One main rule of LF is that the vegetables have to be covered in the salt mixture in order to prevent mould and other bad guys from taking over in the first stage of the process. If mashing the grated vegetables you’re fermenting, doesn’t produce enough liquid, you’ll need to make a brine to cover. Generally, the ratio is one tablespoon of salt to one cup of filtered (non-chlorinated) water.

For things that you’ll leave in chunks to ferment, like beets or onions, then you don’t need to mash them down to produce brine; instead, you’ll make a brine using water and salt (and whey if you prefer).

To Get Whey

If you don’t have access to liquid whey, then it’s super easy to “make” your own. Get some good-quality plain yogurt from the store (raw is best but if you can’t, just try to get organic). Do NOT buy Greek yogurt as all the whey has already been removed.

Spoon the yogurt into a cheesecloth or clean t-shirt and tie it shut. Suspend the ball of yogurt over a bowl and move it to your fridge for about 24 hours. The liquid that drips out of the yogurt is whey.  

As for what’s left of the yogurt, well, it depends on how much whey came out. You’ll have either a really thick Greek-style yogurt, or a cream cheese-like product that you can then use plain or mix with herbs and salt for a fantastic “cheese” spread. It’s called labneh and you can use it just like you would cream cheese.

Lacto-Fermented Ginger Carrots

Recipe by the PaleoHacks Team

This is a great recipe to start out with. Kids and grownups alike will enjoy it; just start out small and serve a teaspoon or so as a condiment with dinner.


  • 4 cups of grated carrots
  • 1 T grated fresh ginger
  • 2 T of sea salt (or one T if you’re using whey)
  • 4 T whey (optional)
  • Filtered water as necessary


  1. Wash and grate your carrots using your food processor or the large hole setting on your hand grater.
  • In a medium-sized bowl, mix together everything but water. Mash it all together to try to get those juices out of the carrots and ginger.
  • Spoon the mixed ingredients into a quart-sized canning jar or ceramic crock.
  • Press down on the carrot/salt/ginger/whey mixture as hard as you can using a spoon or the back of your fist. Push it down so that the brine rises up to cover the carrots. If there’s no brine, make some with a bit of filtered water and some more salt (1 tablespoon of salt per cup of water). Pour just enough brine in to cover the carrot mixture.
  • Seal and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for five to 10 days. Taste test and move the jar to cold storage (or your fridge) once the taste is to your liking.

Watch this video – The Guide to Lacto-Fermentation: How To Ferment Nearly Anything

Written by PaleoHacks Team

Author Bio:

PaleoHacks is an online paleo diet community that promotes a healthy lifestyle through primal methods. PaleoHacks started as a way for people share recipes, ideas and general opinions about the Paleolithic lifestyle. Now, whether it be the paleo diet, physical fitness or overall wellness, PaleoHacks has evolved into an online resource for healthy living. check us out on Facebook.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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