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Showing posts with label dangers of soy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dangers of soy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Why soy should be eliminated from your diet? Contrary to popular belief, soy isn’t truly a health food. In fact, soy can be harmful to the body because it contains dangerous anti-nutrients and toxins. Scientific studies reveal that high levels of soy consumption can actually be unhealthy. Here, you will find 10 good reasons to avoid soy products.

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For many years, vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes have incorporated soy into their diets, believing that it is the perfect form of protein to repair and build muscle. Even we have advocated it on VB (there still be articles that we have to revamp on here actually).

Among the more popular beliefs regarding soy is that it is a rich source of protein and even helps in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis.

Soy and soy products are heavily consumed in most Asian countries, so it can be bothersome enough to see people (especially vegetarians) consume them in significant amounts.

A primary ingredient in vegetarian meat substitutes such as tofu, soy can also be found in a wide array of common food products: milk, cereals, peanut butter, chocolate, and even nutritional supplements.

Contrary to popular belief, soy isn’t truly a health food. In fact, soy can be harmful to the body because it contains dangerous anti-nutrients and toxins. Scientific studies reveal that high levels of soy consumption can actually be unhealthy.

When you look deeper into the chemical composition of soy, you will see that it can inhibit the body from absorbing essential minerals and even cause hormonal upsets.

Most of the proteins found in soy are actually compromised due to the extensive processing required to eliminate phytoestrogens, goitrogens, phytic acid, and other anti-nutrients from soybeans.

Furthermore, heavily processed soy can be unpalatable, so manufacturers of soy products typically use artificial flavoring and MSG to improve its taste. As a result, even more toxins can be found in the final product.

Nonetheless, there are soy products that offer some nutritional value when incorporated into our diets. A few examples of these commercially prepared food items are fermented soy products like soy sauce, miso, natto, and tempeh.

It is good practice to check labels and take extra care and effort when looking for the best sources of fermented soy. Some of them may have been sourced from genetically modified (GMO) soybeans or have undergone heavy processing that can create further toxins.

No matter what, you should never use unfermented soy. Surprisingly, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not even awarded a “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) designation to unfermented soy, so it should be avoided at all costs.

Below, you will find 10 good reasons to avoid soy products. They are listed in no particular order of importance, and it is prudent to give equal attention to each.

1. Soy inhibits the body from absorbing essential minerals and nutrients.

High phytic acid levels in soy reduces the assimilation of vital minerals that include calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. Calcium is essential for optimum bone health.

Osteoporosis and other bone-related issues can arise from a deficiency in calcium levels.

A healthy level of iron is vital for the production of hemoglobin and transport of oxygen to every cell of the human body.

Zinc stimulates the activity of approximately 300 different enzymes in the body and is vital in maintaining a healthy immune system.

Phytic acid, which is found in high levels in soy, is classified as an anti-nutrient because it inhibits the absorption of these vital minerals essential for maintaining optimum health.

2. Because of the intense methods involved in the processing of soybeans, many toxins are present in final soy products.

As mentioned earlier, significant levels of phytic acid are found in soybeans and they need to be inactivated. This can be done through intense industrial processing, which involves washing soybeans in acid using aluminum tanks.

The procedure can cause harmful chemicals to leach into the end products. The beans are then treated in an alkaline solution, which could result in the formation of lysinoalanine, a toxic compound that can reduce the bioavailability of proteins and lead to severely impaired digestibility.

On top of that, the spray-drying process that follows tends to encourage the formation of carcinogenic nitrates.

3. You will not get good protein from manufactured soy products.

We won’t refute claims that soybean is among the few foods that contain all nine essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of protein. This is 100 percent absolutely true.

The body cannot produce essential amino acids, therefore it has to source these from certain foods. Examples of these foods are meat and eggs, but if you’re looking for a complete plant-based protein, soybean is a perfect choice.

The problem, however, is that we only have access to manufactured soy. Soybeans undergo an intensive manufacturing process that triggers chemical changes in essential amino acids.

Furthermore, the fragile proteins are denatured and possibly destroyed during high temperature processing.

To sum it up, good protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in an absorbable state can only be derived from soy that has not been subject to intensive processing. That said, there are some good quality soy isolate protein powders that are minimally processed and worth taking.

4. It is likely that MSG can be found in most soy products.

Despite measures to reduce soy’s natural bean-like flavor, it still comes with a strong and nasty aftertaste after all that heavy processing. Manufacturers often tackle this issue with the use of artificial flavorings and Monosodium L-glutamate (MSG).

MSG has the inherent ability to enhance taste sensitivity so artificial flavorings will overpower the unpleasant beany aftertaste of soybeans.

The sad part is that MSG has been proven to be toxic, with a number of scientific studies linking it to brain lesions, obesity, diabetes, adrenal gland malfunction, and a host of other health problems.

5. Soy contains phytoestrogens that can cause breast cancer.

Among the most disturbing ill effects of soy on health has to do with its phytoestrogens. Specifically, a phytoestrogen called genistein found in soybeans can mimic the effects of the female estrogen hormone*.

These phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and promote breast cancer in adult women.

*Granted, a man would have to eat a truckload of this stuff for it to negatively affect him… but still it’s worth mentioning.

6. Goitrogens are also present in soy and these can cause thyroid issues.

Soy contains goitrogens, which are basically potent anti-thyroid agents that can inhibit iodine uptake and block your synthesis of thyroid hormones.

These can cause depressed thyroid functions, which can lead to hypothyroidism or thyroid cancer. Proper thyroid functions are critical in regulating metabolism and cellular growth.

7. The FDA has not yet issued a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating for soy.

With all the soy and soy-based products you see in the market, it is puzzling that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration hasn’t even granted most soy products a GRAS status.

The only two soybean products that have received a GRAS rating so far are protein isolate and soybean oil, but that’s only under the category of “substances migrating to food from paper and paperboard products.”

For over a century now, soy has been widely used in making cardboard boxes but was never widely used on food products. It wasn’t until the 1950s when so-called “health benefits” of soy products were introduced to the public via brisk marketing strategies by its manufacturers.

The fact remains, however, that soy has only been diagnosed as safe for cardboard boxes and not as consumable food products.

8. Practices employed in the propagation of soybeans are harmful to marine life.

Soybean is cultivated as a mono-crop, a farming practice that basically entails propagating a single species in a specified land area. Such a method goes against the law of nature and can be harmful to the environment, mainly because it destroys otherwise nutrient-rich topsoil.

For topsoil to remain rich and fertile, there should exist what we call “perennial polycultures.” These are incredibly biodiverse environments where symbiotic relationships among animals, plants, and microorganisms take place.

A perfect example of this is a forest where the earth’s topsoil is constantly regenerated by mutually beneficial processes among its inhabitants.

In contrast, soybean farming can deplete topsoil and chemical fertilizers have to be introduced. On top of that, herbicides and pesticides are heavily used, and all these can have a negative impact on the environment.

In the U.S., runoffs from fertilizers and chemicals used in farming make their way through interconnected waterways and into bodies of water that were once rich in marine life.

A stark example of this is 12,000 square miles of dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A dead zone is an area where no marine life can exist or survive. Fish, corals, dolphins, and other live organisms may either have been poisoned or forced to migrate.

9. Most of available soy is genetically modified (GMO).

Ninety-nine percent of all available soy is generated from genetically modified soybeans. Ever wondered why there’s this current demand for food products bearing the label “GMO-free” or “contains only non-GMO ingredients”?

That’s because genetic modification is a highly dangerous practice. It’s breaking down nature’s genetic barriers by permitting the transfer of genes from viruses, bacteria, plants, and even animals, with unforeseen and often harmful consequences.

In the case of genetically modified soybeans, they have become quite resistant to herbicides and toxic chemicals, which have been linked to a wide range of health issues ranging from allergies, infertility, low birth weight, birth defects, and even higher offspring deaths, among others.

Genetic modification is a precarious way of trying to control nature and forcing things to behave the way we want.

Rather than pay a hefty price and destroy our planet, man should be working harmoniously with nature through mutually beneficial relationships that will reap long-term gains.

10. The belief that Asians reap a wide array of health benefits from high soy consumption remains a myth.

Soy is popularly used in Asian cuisines, and that’s probably the reason behind the belief that people in this side of the world live longer lives due to the health benefits of soy.

But the truth is, soy is used in very small amounts in most Asian dishes, primarily as a condiment and never as a staple.

It was the Chinese who first discovered fermented soybean as a potential food source during the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 B.C.).

The fermentation process itself removes most of soy’s toxic anti-nutrients, and therefore it should be noted that only fermented soy products may be considered as health foods.

The most common soy-based foods used in Asian cultures include miso, natto, tempeh, and soy sauce. They are said to offer health benefits because they contain vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 has demonstrated positive effects in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and this is probably the source of the myth that soy products may support strong bone formation.

While it is true that fermentation diminishes the anti-nutrient properties of soy, most soy products are subject to heavy processing.

As a result, commercially available soy products, such as soy sauce, are loaded with preservatives and other additives that can be harmful to one’s health.

Unless you are absolutely sure that the soy products you consume have been sourced from non-GMO soybeans, it is best to steer clear of fermented soy products.

Besides, intensive manufacturing procedures and exposure to high heat shaves off much of the protein from soybeans, rendering most soy products lacking in nutrients or even toxic.

Soy industry bigwigs have put in a great deal of money to fund intensive marketing campaigns that have created the biggest misconception that soy is a rich source of essential protein.

For related topics about why soy should be eliminated from your diet, watch this video - Soy to Eat & Soy to Avoid

Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Why Soy Should be Eliminated from Your Diet


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Why Soy Foods Should Be Avoided if You Have Thyroid Disorder?

Soy is goitrogenic, a term used to describe many foods and environmental compounds that have a serious potential to block normal thyroid activity and causes thyroid disorder. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Achieve Thyroid Levels within a Short Period of Time

Western societies are now consuming an increasing amount of soy that is unfermented and highly processed.

The reason?

Food manufacturers favour soy as a cheap and versatile ingredient. It’s added to a wide range of human food products and is also routinely used in the animal feed industry.

You really need to become a vigilant label checker to discover if a food contains some type of soy ingredient. Soy is now found in bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, crackers, margarine, chocolate, sauces and soups.

Soy is also used to make soy milk, baby formula, soy protein shakes, soy cheese, soy ice cream, vegetable stock, texturised vegetarian soy protein, soy flour, soy protein bars, soy lecithin and soybean oil.

Soy protein products and infant formulas often contain soy protein isolate. This is not something that you can make in your kitchen. This soy ingredient is made in high tech chemical processing plants.

The extraction process utilises high temperatures and the soybeans are bathed in hexane, a toxic chemical solvent despite the usage of hexane is being prohibited when processing organic soy foods.

The safety of soy based infant formula is hotly debated as these products naturally contain a class of plant compounds called isoflavones. The primary isoflavones are genistein and daidzein. These isoflavones are referred to as phytoestrogens because they are found in plants (phyto) and they have the ability to mimic estrogens in the body.

It is well recognised infants are sensitive to estrogen exposure as they progress though different developmental stages. This makes infants more likely than adults to be vulnerable to the estrogen-like effects of the phytoestrogens found in soy. There is also research to show that genistein and similar isoflavones can compete for iodine when iodine stores are low.

Further, infants fed soy containing formula in early life have a higher risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease. For infants fed soy formula their rate of exposure to phyotestrogens is much higher which may a negative impact on both their thyroid health and hormonal balance.

Soy + Asian cultures

In Asia, small quantities of whole bean soy products are considered a traditional staple of the diet. From the simple soybean comes a variety of foods including tofu, natto, miso, tempeh, and boiled soy beans (edamame). These foods are prepared using traditional methods to make these otherwise inedible foods nutritious.

Soybeans like other beans, nuts, and seeds contain naturally occurring enzyme inhibitors. Termed phytic acid or phytates, these compounds make soy difficult to digest and also have the potential to bind to minerals in the digestive system.

In this way phytic acid acts as an ‘anti-nutrient’ to prevent the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Soybeans contain a much higher phytic acid content than most other grains and legumes. If you have been over doing soy products you may be low in these minerals.

Thyroid Disorder: Does soy harm the thyroid?

An incredible amount of hype has accompanied the meteoric rise of soy as a popular ‘health’ alternative. Once reserved as a staple for vegetarians’ soy is finding its way into the shopping baskets of more conventional consumers in various forms, usually disguised as a refined soy ingredient.

When it comes to thyroid health and if you have thyroid disorder, processed soy foods and foods containing soy ingredients should be strictly avoided.

Soy is goitrogenic, a term used to describe many foods and environmental compounds that have a serious potential to block normal thyroid activity and causes thyroid disorder.

Highly processed soy products are not normally manufactured using the phytic acid reducing techniques used in traditional cultures such as soaking or long slow cooking.

This makes these foods harder to breakdown in the digestive system. Overt time this can lead to digestive distress and lowered micronutrient intake.

This is not good news for thyroid health as the thyroid is particularly sensitive to nutrient deficiencies. For example; iodine, zinc and selenium are three minerals critical to aid ongoing thyroid hormone activity and prevent thyroid disorder.

Globally soybean oil has become the most widely used dietary oil. This soy derived oil is routinely used in margarine and shortening. It is also used in salad dressings, mayonnaise, frozen foods, commercially baked goods and simulated dairy and meat products. Soy oil along with palm oil and canola oil is often deceptively referred to as ‘vegetable oil’ on food labels.

Food manufacturers label dietary oils as ‘vegetable oils’ to make them sound healthy. However this is far from the truth. They are neither nutritious nor healthy.

The long term consumption of these oils has the potential to harm the thyroid and causes thyroid disorder. As more of these oils are incorporated into the thyroid cells their goitrogenic effects becomes more obvious.

The environmental impact of soy

The biggest shift in farming methods occurred over the last century, particularly with the introduction of ‘monocultures’. These are large scale farming areas dedicated to a single crop. Soy crops are monocultures favoured by multinational agribusiness to supply a growing demand.

As traditional farming methods are lost and the modern monoculture system of production emerges there is an increasing susceptibility of crops to insects and disease. This then pushes up the use of toxic agricultural chemicals.

Large soy plantations are viewed by environmentalists as a growing menace. Intense soybean cultivation threatens fragile ecosystems and is taking a significant toll on deforestation of the globe.

Soy + genetic engineering

Genetic engineering is the process of using biotechnology to transfer specific traits or genes from one organism into a different plant species. The result is a genetically modified (GM) food. The safety and potential long term health risks of these ‘frankenfoods’ is regularly questioned.

Soy, canola and corn are the most prevalent GM ingredients and are used in many food products. The first genetically engineered soybeans were planted in the USA in 1996. Now more than 90% of the USA soy crop is GM.

As the GM industry grows there has been a corresponding demand for food labels to clearly state if GM plants or microorganisms have been used in production.

In the European Union all food, and any ingredients directly produced from a GM source must be labelled even when the GM ingredients may be undetectable in the final product.

The ‘Roundup Ready’ soybean controversy

The GM soybean known as the Roundup Ready (RR) soybean was developed by the biotech giant Monsanto based in the USA. This crop variety was developed to make it resistant to the Roundup herbicides products which are toxic to conventional soybean plants. Apart from the issue with genetic engineering this GM soy is contaminated with pesticide residues which can easily find their way into the food supply.

Watch this Video Below Here - Soy Myths Exposed: The Dangers of Soy

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

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