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Showing posts with label bikini competition tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bikini competition tips. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2021



NPC NATIONAL LEVEL BIKINI COMPETITION TIPS FOR BEGINNERS. Elaine Jurun, skating coach shared her experience of competing at the NPC National Level Bikini Competition, what she eats and the favourite exercises she does for preparation for the competition.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

“My style for preparation is much different because of my vegetarian diet. I have to drink a half gallon of water more than other competitors because of the higher sodium in my diet due to being vegetarian and eating meat substitutes.”

Name: Elaine Jurun
Occupation: Figure skating coach
Location: Enumclaw, WA
Age: 34
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 111 lb.*

*Around 105 lb. show day – 119 lb. off-season.

Q: Tell us a story of the mentor who played a key role in building confidence in you.

My aunt Fern is somebody who was a role model for me and helped me gain self-confidence as a kid.

As many young women are self-conscious about their body, I was pale skinned, muscular from competitive ice skating, and was born with an auto immune disease.

“My aunt Fern always reminded me that I was beautiful, helped me find my voice to speak up for myself when people would put me down, and was a role model of what a strong woman is. My family lost her to breast cancer in 2005. I always think about her when I need these reminders about myself when my confidence is lacking.”

She was a successful business owner, mother, loyal sister, and daughter.

Q: Tell us the story of how and when you decided to go vegetarian?

My mom actually knew when I was a kid that I would someday be a vegetarian. I never cared for the taste and texture of meat. At barbecues, I was the kid who would trade a hot dog for another kid’s vegetables. About age 14, I cut out beef and pork completely, only eating chicken and turkey from time to time and never ate seafood.

“One day, while driving on the freeway — I was 19 years old at the time, in college — I saw a truck with chickens in cages, and my boyfriend at the time told me, ‘There goes lunch.’ Ever since that day, I have not eaten one piece of meat.”

I still eat eggs, and cheese in the off season, but no other animal products.

Q: Describe your experience of competing at the NPC National Level Bikini Competition. What is your trademark for preparing your style? What was the hardest part this last competition?

It was super exciting; I had such a fun time traveling to Las Vegas for a whole week with my coach and team. We rented a house for the week, we motivated each other to keep to our meal prep and going to the gym for two-a-day workouts. The event was held at UNLV, which was a great place to have it, it was a huge audience.

It was an intense preparation leading up to it; I was kept on a similar diet and exercise plan but intensified for the next level. My suit and posing had to be modified because it is a higher caliber of competitors, different cut of suit bottoms, and different poses.

My style for preparation is much different because of my vegetarian diet. I have to drink a half gallon of water more than other competitors because of the higher sodium in my diet due to being vegetarian and eating meat substitutes. I eat egg whites every day, and the amount is increased during the last one to two weeks before the competition.

“Last year during qualifying competitions, I tried an all-vegan diet, but because I was eating carbs every meal, the results were not the same and my coach made the decision to stick with a vegetarian meal plan. My body didn’t respond to the normal carb up right before going on stage.”

He likes to call me an “eggitarian”!

The hardest part of my last competition was actually the texture of my food. After a couple of days eating similar foods over and over, I just wanted one bite of something crunchy to change it up.

Another challenge was which hair color to go with. For the last few years, I have been blonde, but I wanted to try my natural dark hair color. I noticed many of the winning competitors across the country had dark hair, and they looked more natural with the tanner and suit colors.

Three additional tips for bikini competitors:

  • It’s your journey don’t let others try and change the way you do things. (Like trying to get you to eat meat or take supplements/drugs you are not comfortable with.)
  • It’s a whole package. You can have the best body up there but if you tan, hair and posing isn’t on point you still might not place. Practice posing a lot!!!
  • Don’t binge eat after a show. It’s hard since you have deprived yourself for so long. I made this mistake last year and got really sick. Try your best to live your off season clean. That way you won’t have to work as hard closer to the show.

Q: Tell us about your figure skating life.

I have been ice skating since I was six years old. I have always been a natural competitor; I get that from my dad, who was a competitive downhill skier.

I started competing not long after learning to skate.

I trained under a coach and skated six days a week; by junior high, this turned into two a day, five days a week, and once on Saturday.

I loved the competitions; my mom would make my competition dresses by hand at home.

As a kid, I was always a singles skater, but in college, I switched to skating pairs.

During college, I started assisting my coach teaching synchronized skating and really enjoyed it. After graduating with a bachelor’s of fine art and graphic design, I looked into getting a design job but found nothing that compared to how much I enjoyed teaching skating. So I committed myself to it and have been coaching full time since 2006.

I still continue to practice skating and now compete in the Adult Masters Division. I enjoy the continued challenge, cross training between skating and fitness competitions. It keeps me engaged, so I know what changes in skating rules and judging are so I can better prepare my students.

“My favorite part about skating is the interaction with my students and watching them improve toward their own goals. I think this experience makes me a better student to my fitness coach because I know that a coach has your best interests in mind and you have to trust them.”

Q: Tell us what it’s like to be a poultry farmer.

Well, I wouldn’t classify myself as a poultry farmer by trade, just a bird lover. I have loved birds my entire life and always wanted some as pets. I have about 15 chickens that are all free range; they have a very large coop that my husband built with large nesting boxes and perches, with all-day access to our 10 acres.

“They go in at night on their own, and we shut the gate to keep them safe from critters. They give lots of eggs, which help with my meal prep and enough for me to sell to friends for enough profit to provide healthy food to the chickens.”

I also have a couple of pet ducks that roam the property, along with a peacock and peahen. Last year, they won first place at the State Fair here in Washington. My husband and I take great care of our pets that live out their lives naturally; we even tell our dog Ollie that “birds are friends, not food!”

Q: Tell us what it’s like owning a vineyard.

A: We are still in the preparation phase of planting our first vines this spring! It has been a few years in the making, between going to school for viticulture at Washington State University for two years, purchasing property, and all of the land prep to make the soil conditions just right. We have had some incredible support from family and friends.

I will be planting just one acre this year and more next year. As a small business starting out, it is just me and my husband, so it was a lot of work just to get to this point.

Q: What did you eat yesterday?

  • 7:30 a.m. Meal One: ½ cup of red kidney beans (cooked measurement) with ½ cup of long grain brown rice (cooked measurement).
  • 10:30 a.m. Meal Two: Eat three ounces of Beyond Beef (Beyond Meat) with ½ Cup of steamed green beans.
  • 1:30 p.m. Meal Three: Eat three ounces of Beyond Beef (Beyond Meat) with ½ Cup of steamed green beans.
  • 3:00 p.m. Pre-workout: Take one serving of BCAA capsules (NutraKey) with 1,000 mg of Vitamin C; add 500 mg of Calcium.
  • 4:00 p.m. Pre-cardio (45 minutes of high intensity cardio): Take one serving of BCAA capsules (NutraKey) with 400 IUs of Vitamin E; add 500 mg of magnesium.
  • 5:00 p.m. Post-Cardio Meal Four: ½ cup of red kidney beans (cooked measurement) with ½ cup of long grain brown rice (cooked measurement).
  • 7:30 p.m. Meal Five: Eat six egg whites (hard boiled) with ½ cup of steamed green beans.
  • Drink 2½ gallons of water.
  • Take one serving of BCAA capsules between each meal.

*Please note this is two weeks out from competition day and is the initial cut down of weight. My normal diet consists of a much higher calorie count, filled with lots of fruit and vegetables and not as many supplements. The substitute meat on my meal plan is pea isolate protein; this is important because most other substitutes are soy and have high phytoestrogen levels.

Q: What does the first 60 minutes of your morning look like?

First thing in the morning is taking my vitamins and then doing 30 minutes of fasting cardio. I have a home gym, so I have a couple of options, either the elliptical or the treadmill. The last few weeks, it has been running three miles. After that is done, I eat my first meal of the day and look at what food and how much I will need to prepare based on that day’s schedule.

Q: Favorite three exercises and why?

  • Straight leg deadlifts: they are great for glutes!
  • One-leg tricep dips: that muscle for some reason is very hard for me to see the results I want, but these really work.
  • Cable kick-backs: not only does it work the glutes, but it strengthens my lower back for skating and lifting heavy bags of feed on the farm.

Q: Fun fact most people don’t know about you?

As a kid, I was known at school for ice skating and art. Actually, my best subject was math and I was on the math competition team for two years. We competed against other school in Washington. It was a military style course. If you got the math problem right you climbed a rope, ran tires, etc. Whichever team made it to the end first won.

Q: What three pearls of wisdom would you tell your 13-year-old self?

Concentrate on school, rather than worrying about your reputation.

Choose what path in life you want to do after high school. I was pushed toward art school but really wasn’t interested. I wanted to study agriculture but was talked out of pursuing that.

Don’t worry about what the scale says because I was muscular and always weighed more than the other girls. This is actually a good thing as an athlete, because you have a healthy body with the muscular strength to perform better at sports.

Q: What is the biggest personal challenge you have had to overcome in your life? 

As a kid, my dad struggled with addiction to alcohol; he was verbally mean to my mom and me. It made my home life something that I didn’t want friends to know about. He never physically hurt us or anyone, but he would come home after work, already drinking, and make my mom and I very uncomfortable being around him.

He would say terrible things to us, and it was hard on my self-confidence. My mom and I would get in the car and leave, sometimes staying in a hotel. My mom knew this was a problem he needed help with; we didn’t want to leave him but instead help him, even though this went on for years.

Eventually, he did get help, and while he always maintained a job and provided a financially stable home, his addiction made many years of my childhood difficult.

“My family and I have come out of this experience with his alcoholism as stronger people. We really understand what being a family is, and that you don’t quit on somebody when they are down and need help.”

Q: How do you wind down and relax at night?

I like to relax while finishing my daily water intake and watch YouTube videos. It takes me all over the place, from videos and vlogs of other competitors, to helpful information about how to take care of my farm animals. My dog Ollie (she’s a six-year-old puggle) keeps me company and entertained while I wind down from a full day of training and work.

For more ideas about bikini competition tips, watch this video – Bikini Competition Guide – EVERYTHING YOU MUST KNOW

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – BIKINI COMPETITION TIPS FOR BEGINNERS

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Bikini Competition Tips from Former Ms. Bikini Universe


Bikini Competition Tips from Former Ms. Bikini Universe - Marzia Prince, a professional fitness model, certified fitness trainer and plant-based nutrition expert talks about daily fitness routine, her nutrition program and about how meditation can help in bodybuilding

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


“Thirty days after going vegan (and [I was shown] how to incorporate plant-based proteins), I lost 10 lbs. of inflammation and started feeling better.”

Name: Marzia Prince
Occupation: Owner of The Healthy Housewives, Gaspari Nutrition sponsored athlete, professional fitness model, certified fitness trainer, plant-based nutrition expert, published writer for Natural Muscle magazine, fitness editor for Viva Glam Magazine, vegan nutrition blogger for FitnessRx for Women Magazine, Sun Warrior Ambassador.
Age: 40
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 135 lb, 125 lbs (contest ready)
Type of Fitness: Bikini competitor, vegan bodybuilder, yoga
Fitness Accolades: 2007 Ms. Bikini Universe, IFBB Bikini Pro

What uncommon activity do you schedule into your daily routine?

Positive self-talk and self-love. Most often, we give ourselves to our family, friends, and work so that we forget about ourselves. I am not talking about just gym time sculpting the body or a pedicure, but reading to enrich ourselves positively and telling ourselves it is ok in life day to day.

I am HUGE on reading books about self-love and acceptance. The sooner you love yourself and accept who you are, life is so much better! Also, I started meditating a few years back, and now I meditate daily.

How did you get into meditation? How does it help you?

I write for Natural Muscle Magazine, and I always pick a topic that relates to health and write about it.

I was so intrigued with it that I picked up a few books about it and researched it on the Internet. It took lots of discipline and practice in the beginning, because I am very high-energy.

I fell in love with it because meditation helps balance my energy. I feel like it is very personal me time to help keep my life centered.

“I try to do it first thing in the morning to set my intentions (and get centered) for the day, but sometimes that doesn’t happen due to my hectic schedule. If that happens, then I do it at night to decompress.”

Deep breathing and letting go of unwanted energy and thoughts help me cleanse my mind.

If you are new to it, I highly suggest Tara Stiles and Gabrielle Bernstein for meditation books and videos. I just love them.

They helped me embrace my health bliss. I am truly at a great place in life!

What has been the hardest obstacle for you to overcome in your life?

Self-love and acceptance have been the biggest obstacles. I was my biggest critic to myself for so many years.  I can honestly look in the mirror now and love the person back.

“I had to learn to get out of my own way.”

I had to learn to love myself even through all my mistakes, and it was ok to fail. Failure has been my best teacher so far in life. I have learned so much about myself that I am constantly learning how to be a better person for me, my family, my friends, my clients, and anyone else I cross paths with.

Why did you become vegan? How has your health improved?

I initially became vegan due to health issues. Before Paleo was popular, I kind of followed a Paleo type of diet for competition dieting (without the bacon and butter!). I have always been a tall thin girl. Lifting weights gave me curves.

When I started learning about a bikini competition diet, I had a bodybuilder competition coach that told me to eat all this meat to gain more muscle.

They said I was “too skinny” (I was 5’9″ and 130 lbs), so he put me on a “meat competition diet.”

I have always been a natural bikini bodybuilder, so I ate organic chicken, turkey, and wild fish at that time. I never was a fan of red meat. So I never ate that.

“The meat competition diet worked at first. I looked good for shoots, competition, and appearances. But after years of eating that way, I started gaining weight, and not good weight as in muscle. I was gaining inflammation and ballooned up from 130 to 160 lbs.”

I was breaking out on my face, holding a lot of water, and feeling sluggish. My energy levels were shot! I still did not want to believe my diet was the issue.

I was “eating clean,” and there was no way my nutrition did that to me. I was very disciplined to that diet. It wasn’t till I landed in the hospital with kidney stones that the doctor said it was my high consumption of meat.

I was like “WHA???” So he turned me over to a registered dietitian, and she suggested I do a vegan detox diet cleanse for 30 days. I was resistant! I was like “No way! I am going to lose all this hard-earned muscle eating lettuce. I am skinny, and I need to keep my weight for competition and shoots.” LOL! I had no idea at that time!

I have always been a disciplined person, so I listened to her. Thirty days after going vegan (and she showed me how to incorporate plant-based proteins), I lost 10 lbs. of inflammation and started feeling better. It was enough to sell me it was healthier for me. I started researching vegan bodybuilding, and you can say the rest is history!

Years later, I gained 10 lbs. of muscle on a vegan diet. Who knew!

Why do you feel a competition diet can only be done short-term? 

Whether you are a meat-eater, vegetarian, or vegan, I believe a competition diet is short-term. You can’t live on that diet forever. It is missing important nutrients and calories to sustain life. It can be done only for a shoot or competition to achieve a certain look. You want to live life to the fullest and nourish your body every day.

There’s definitely an advantage to being a plant-based athlete, I’m leaner and more muscular compared to when I was eating meat. I never have to worry about gaining a ton of weight on the “off-season.” I’m only 5 lbs. off from a shoot or stage.

I adjust my nutrition to my goals. As a trainer, I believe the body is always changing. You are not going to look the same at 30 years-old than you do at 40 years-old. Things change. Goals change. Life changes.

I used to workout and eat for looks. Now I work out and eat for health.

Favorite easy vegan dessert recipe?

Yonanas! If you haven’t heard of this machine, you have to get it. You freeze your favorite fruit and put it through this machine and it makes a soft serve. Summer is coming, and this is a must! If you want abs and dessert, then this is the dessert to eat. My favorite recipe is 1 large frozen banana and 5 large frozen strawberries. You press through machine, and it makes strawberry ice cream. You have to try this, here’s an instructional video.

How would you describe your nutrition program?

I LOVE FOOD! When I discovered that you can eat more food being plant-based and retain your muscle and weight, I became a lean, mean, plant-eating machine. I eat all the time. I eat a ton off plant-based food.

I still apply my bodybuilding principles. Only this time, it’s vegan bodybuilding. I eat plant protein, clean carbs, and healthy fats. Easy and simple, except I don’t count calories anymore. I don’t miss that!

What are some common misconceptions about vegetarianism?

“Where do you get your protein?” I used to get so tired of hearing that worn-out question. I understand now that people seriously have no idea where I get my protein. I feel like I need to educate people on this.

I practice patience with a smile and educate them. It is the only way. Vegetarianism is still a new concept among the fitness and bodybuilding world. People are still blown away when you tell them where you get your protein.

What advice can you offer for vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes who are just starting out?

Take it meal by meal and day by day. It is trial and error when you first began.

“What works for me may not work for you. I have trained so many plant-based athletes, and I have to say no two are alike.”

Trial and error helps us determine what works for them. I can give them a base to work with, and then we specialize to customize their nutrition. Most beginner vegetarian bodybuilders think you are going to give them that magic format. Uh no, trial and error determines the format!

If you have to pick only three exercises, what would they be and why?

Only three seriously? LOL! Tough call! Large muscle group exercises that works a ton of muscle groups at once like pull ups, lunges, and planks. Upper, lower, and core. Have to get all three.

What are the three biggest trends you see in fitness right now?

Online workouts from: HIIT exercises (High Intensity Interval Training), at-home body weight exercises, short on time workouts.

What three unique tips can you share that have led to your overall success in life?

Read as many books as you can, take as many courses/classes as you can. Life experiences help pave the way to success! Life has truly begun for me in my 40s. I thought the 30s were awesome until I hit 40.

I feel so blessed, I want to bless others. There is something to say about knowledge and life experience. I have always been a late bloomer in life. Just because you are taking longer than others doesn’t mean you failed. Always be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second rate-version of somebody else.

For more ideas related to bikini competition tips, watch this video - Q&A : ALL THINGS BIKINI COMPETITION | Tips and Advice for ALL Competitors/Future Competitors


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Vegan Bikini Competition Tips

Sunday, October 25, 2020



A well-crafted bikini competition meal plan can make all the difference in how well you place. You can have the best body, coach, and poses, but how you eat 14-30 days before the competition can ultimately determine your success. Your diet during this period is what pulls everything together, and ideally makes you look ripped, but not starved.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

A well-crafted bikini competition diet plan can make all the difference in how well you place.


You can have the best body, coach, and poses, but how you eat 14-30 days before the competition can ultimately determine your success. Your diet during this period is what pulls everything together, and ideally makes you look ripped, but not starved.


General Advice for Competition Prep:


·         follow a plant-based nutrition plan that is based on macros (carbs, protein, and fat).

·         choose meals built around a primary protein source

·         have a cheat meal every seven days

·         no cheat meal two weeks out

·         avoid alcohol, even wine

·         drink at least a gallon of water each day

·         cut out water starting the day before the show


Bikini Competition Meal Plan - Bikini Competition Tips from the Pros


Samantha Shorkey talks about her diet before a bikini competition:


Like most bikini competitors, to get really cut right before their competition, I eat asparagus constantly (a natural diuretic) and consumed dandelion root (another natural diuretic.)

Diuretics help to flush out the sodium and excess fluids in between skin and muscle.


Asparagus contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine, which not only helps to flush out the fluids but it helps rid the body of excess salts too. And salt (sodium) equals bloating—something you definitely don’t want on stage.


I also cut out water starting the day before my show.


Generally speaking in terms of diet, (whether training to compete or not), I get most of my protein from tempeh, tofu, beans and high quality, vegan protein powder. I like mixing them with hemp or brown rice protein powder.


My go-to starchy complex carb sources are yams, squash, quinoa, and oatmeal. For fats, I love almond butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and flax seed oil.


“With bikini division, there isn’t really a bulking period so I generally never allow myself to get any bigger than about 135 lbs. (I’m 5’7). I basically just add in more cardio over time and very gradual calorie reduction to lose any extra weight.”


Suskia Strafella describes her training for a bikini competition:


I start off at 6am with my morning cardio spinning/cycling of 30–45 minutes and finish off with an intense ab workout every single day. I then do my evening weight training after work.


“I really enjoy my cardio sessions as I have so much more energy for that being in the early AM!”


When it comes to my resistance training, I incorporate a lot of high reps, super sets, giant sets and barely any rest in between my sets unless I’m about to throw up! My high reps and different training techniques are quite a new method for me so let’s see how it goes with my future prep!


Andra Purba’s vegetarian bikini competition meal plan:


·         Meal 1: Half cup homemade sugar-free granola (I bake oatmeal with cinnamon and sugar-free maple syrup). For my protein shake: I blend almond milk with berries, protein powder, and peanut butter.

·         Meal 2: (post-workout) low sugar, low-carb protein shake.

·         Meal 3: Spicy buffalo tofu with sesame green beans and an apple.

·         Meal 4: Protein Bar (Quest) with some almonds.

·         Meal 5: Plain Greek yogurt with stevia, protein powder, and peanut butter.

·         Meal 6: Protein shake before bed.


Dr. Harriet Davis shares her training schedule for a competition:


·         Monday: cardio (am/pm). Gym: legs (quads, inner/outer thighs), abs

·         Tuesday: cardio (am/pm). Gym: shoulders, arms (biceps, triceps), abs

·         Wednesday: cardio (am/pm). Gym: (hump day): glutes, hamstrings.

·         Thursday: cardio (am/pm). Gym: total body workout.

·         Friday: cardio (am/pm). Gym: legs, abs, back

·         Saturday: REST DAY!

·         Sunday: cardio (am/pm). Track workout (sprints, high knees, etc)


Kristine Lee MacIntyre’s vegan meal plan for leaning out:


My meal plan for eight weeks leading up to a competition:


·         Meal 1: Vegan protein powder prepared with water and a half cup each frozen berries and baby spinach.

·         Meal 2: 1/3 cup oats or cream of wheat prepared with 1 cup water and half a banana, dash of cinnamon.

·         Meal 3: Vegan protein powder prepared with water and a half cup each frozen berries and baby spinach.

·         Meal 4: 4 oz tofu or other vegan protein such as tempeh, soy based ground round or veggie burgers, or white fish (such as sole, cod or halibut), 1/2 cup carbs (such as 1/2 cup sweet potato, brown rice, bulgar or quinoa) 1/2 cup greens (such as asparagus, green beans, broccoli or brussel sprouts). Remember to omit the use of seasonings containing salt and fats.

·         Meal 5: Vegan protein bar (either homemade or bought such as Square Bar, 22 Days or Vega Sport) or my homemade Vital wheat gluten muffins, and half a vegan protein shake.

·         Meal 6: 4 oz tofu or other vegan protein such as tempeh, soy based ground round or veggie burgers, or white fish (such as sole, cod or halibut), 1/2 cup carbs (such as 1/2 cup sweet potato, brown rice, bulgar or quinoa) 1/2 cup greens (such as asparagus, green beans, broccoli or brussel sprouts). Remember to omit the use of seasonings containing salt and fats.

·         Meal 7: Vegan protein shake and six natural almonds.




·         Make sure to drink at least five to six glasses of water a day.

·         Coffee or tea with unsweetened non-dairy milk and no sweeteners.

·         I do allow myself to have one cheat meal a week limiting the calories of this meal to 400.

·         The diet does get stricter at six weeks out, and then again at two weeks out with no cheat meal.


Stefanie Dawn keeps her meal plan simple before competing:


I started off high carb with a ratio of 70/20/10 (CARB/PRO/FAT) and ended up being somewhere around 25/35/40 when I switched coaches. I started with zero supplements, and ended up having to incorporate B12, BCAAs, glutamine, and electrolytes.


My average day consisted of:


·         Oats with a scoop of protein powder

·         Green veggies with tofu or black bean burger

·         Avocados

·         Pinto beans

·         Spoonfuls of peanut butter

·         2 more protein shakes


Q: What advice would you give someone struggling with the protein concept?


“I feel so much better when I don’t focus on protein intake, but adequate calorie intake and nutritional density. If you don’t think you can perform or build muscle without high protein, try high carb for a few months [during off season].”


Marzia Prince (Ms. Bikini Universe) explains why a competition diet can only be done short-term: 


Whether you are a meat-eater, vegetarian, or vegan, I believe a competition diet is short-term. You can’t live on that diet forever. It is missing important nutrients and calories to sustain life. It can be done only for a shoot or competition to achieve a certain look. You want to live life to the fullest and nourish your body every day.


“There’s definitely an advantage to being a plant-based athlete, I’m leaner and more muscular compared to when I was eating meat.”


I never have to worry about gaining a ton of weight on the “off-season.” I’m only 5 lbs. off from a shoot or stage. I adjust my nutrition to my goals. As a trainer, I believe the body is always changing. You are not going to look the same at 30 years-old than you do at 40 years-old. Things change. Goals change. Life changes.


Zoe Feuerstein shares the positive benefits of competing:


I’m passionate about fitness and creating positive change in my own. I’ve see the power of it my whole life.


“It has saved myself, and others, from downward turns in life such as addiction, depression, and loss of joy.”


I decided to compete because I liked the idea of having a goal that would test my limits physically, mentally, and expand my knowledge on training and nutrition. I was inspired by Layne Norton and his clients, such as Femme Fittale.


I was introduced to them when friends at my local gym suggest that I compete. I loved that it connected me with others in the industry and pushed me to be my own personal best.


For more ideas on bikini competition meal plan, watch this video - Bikini Competitor MEAL PREP


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Bikini Competition Meal Plan


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