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Monday, March 9, 2020

What are the Best Ways to Make Your Liver Healthy Again?

If you want to make your liver healthy again, here is a list of 11 eating habits to make sure you are already including in your daily routines. Read on to find out more.

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Make Your Liver Healthy Again - Symptoms of Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is the diagnosis given when the liver becomes scarred and the functional tissue of the liver is decreased. This means there are fewer cells taking care of all the functions of the liver. Thus, the rate of nutrient processing, hormone creation, drug detoxification and toxin removal slows down remarkably. About 30,000 people die from cirrhosis each year in the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control.

There are two stages of cirrhosis - the early stages and the end stages. The end stages could lead to death. Here's a synopsis of these two stages below.

Early Phases

There's still time to turn back the hands of time to the time when someone didn't have cirrhosis if you catch it in the early stages. However, you must be proactive. Don't think that it will happen on its own.

Early Phases of Cirrhosis

Here are the symptoms that occur in the early phases of cirrhosis:


Scar tissue forming in the liver (seen with a biopsy)

End Phases of Cirrhosis

Here are the symptoms that occur in the later phases of cirrhosis:

·         Fatigue

·         No appetite to eat even foods you love

·         Stools are not brown but rather are clay-colored

·         Bloody stool

·         Itchy skin

·         Sleepiness

·         Swelling in the ankles

·         Swelling in the legs

·         Swelling in the abdomen, called ascites from bacterial infections that attack the peritoneal lining

·         Variceal bleeding

·         Fever

·         Weight loss without trying

·         Bleeding, due to the liver's inability to handle the production of clotting factors

·         Urine appears dark colored, either orange or brown

·         Urination is less than normal

·         Yellowed skin and whites of the eyes

·         Confusion or disorientation

·         Changes in personality

·         Kidney failure

·         Liver transplant

·         Hepatic encephalopathy

·         Liver cancer

·         Enlarged spleen

From this symptoms list, you will see that there are very few symptoms in the early stages of cirrhosis. When the condition progresses, that's when all the symptoms come. Ascites is when the abdomen enlarges so much that breathing may be affected. It occurs when albumin levels are too low and when the pressure in the liver's blood vessels is high.

The type of kidney damage that occurs is reflected in the dark urine, urinating less than usual, swelling of the abdomen, jaundiced skin, confusion, nausea and vomiting. These changes occur because the kidneys are not getting their usual blood flow. As a result, they cut back on their own blood flow.

The veins enlarge as an adaptation to the high pressure in the portal arteries. This may occur in the esophagus or the stomach. This is called the production of varices. The walls of the affected blood vessels become thin and twist, appearing as a snake. The stools may turn black when this happens because there is internal bleeding.

Encephalopathy of the liver also occurs because of a build-up of toxins that should have been detoxified but weren't due to the inability of the liver to detoxify itself. One of them is ammonia, and when it accumulates in the brain, it can lead to confusion, personality changes, and coma. Even death may result.

If cirrhosis occurred from hepatitis C, cancer of the liver may also occur.

Make Your Liver Healthy Again - Eating Habits That Contribute to a Fatty Liver

According to studies, your diet is closely tied in with the creation of fatty liver. That's what researchers worldwide are reporting in their research. Thus, by reversing your eating habits that are out of alignment with healthy eating, you can then prevent and reverse fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease is reversible if you attack it with good nutrition in its early stages.

Below is a list of 11 eating habits to make sure you are already including in your daily routines:

1 Stop eating processed fats and hydrogenated fats.

Check the labels of the foods you are eating; when you see hydrogenated fats on the list, discard the food. It's contributing to the promotion of a fatty liver.

2 Replace your vegetable oils with olive oil and coconut oil.

The most easily oxidized oils are the vegetable oils (corn, safflower, vegetable, soy, canola) because they are not stable; their chemical composition makes them subject to breakdown by light and heat. Eliminating these oils from your diet helps preserve your antioxidant levels.

3 Stop eating sugar and sugary foods.

Sugar affects your immunity, your metabolism, and your blood sugar levels. It also is a sure way to gain weight. When blood sugar levels aren't stable, metabolic syndrome occurs. Metabolic syndrome is tied closely with fatty liver disease.

4 If you're drinking coffee, make sure it's organic.

Non-organic coffee is loaded with chemicals and pesticides. Non-organic decaffeinated coffee is additionally loaded with nickel. The more toxins you consume, the harder you make your liver work.

5 Eat healthy protein foods, in serving sizes.

Eating 4 ounces protein (chicken, fish, beef, buffalo, wild meats, pork, poultry) twice daily is not excessive. Don't fear red meat; fear only the overconsumption of commercially grown red meats. When cattle consume a diet based on corn, it alters the composition of the fats in the meat. However, there is nothing wrong with grass fed beef.

6 Take supplements that correct any nutritional deficiencies you might have.

Nutritional deficiencies, such as methionine, choline, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E are tied to fatty liver. You need all vitamins and minerals, not just some of them. Take a good program of supplements.

7 Make sure antioxidants are amongst your current supplements.

The antioxidants vitamin C, E and A have been shown in the research to be medically important to prevent and reverse fatty liver.

8 Stop the alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks cause fatty liver disease.

9 Stop eating rancid nuts, especially peanuts.

Nuts that are rancid often contain the mold aspergillus, which creates the toxin aflatoxin. Peanuts are notorious for their high content of aflatoxin. Aflatoxin kills liver cells.

10 Don't overeat foods with saturated fats.

Foods with saturated fats are more stable in the body than unsaturated (vegetable oils) but you can still eat too many of them. Don't overeat them.

11 Avoid the salty foods.

High amounts of salt place an extra burden on the body and especially the liver. You need a pinch of salt each day, but not much more than that.

Make Your Liver Healthy Again - Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Weight as A Natural Fatty Liver Prevention

The answer to disease always goes back to the same thing: eat a healthy diet if you want to stay healthy. And this is the case if you want to prevent a fatty liver.

Vancouver researchers reported in 2013 that DHA may play a central role in co-coordinating complex networks that integrate liver fatty acid metabolism. And most people's diets are low in DHA and EPA, the two omega 3 fats that could potentially benefit fatty liver disease.

Russian scientists discovered that patients with metabolic syndrome who had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease made clear mistakes in their diet. They ate too many calories each day, of which these calories included too many animal proteins and fats. Their food choices left them to be deficient in fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-phosphate).

Brazilian researchers also found that diet was associated with the presence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The study participants ate too many calories, too much fat, and too much saturated fat. All of them ate less than the recommended amount of monounsaturated fats (such as from olive oil) and did not meet the requirements for calcium, sodium, potassium, pyridoxine and vitamin C. About 15% ate too much salt as well.

What type of healthy diet do you need to prevent fatty liver? One that focuses on healthy serving sizes of vegetables and fruits, protein foods, olive oil, and only a handful of nuts each day.

Make sure you include healthy beverages such as freshly squeezed juices, pure water, and herbal teas. Some experts will also add grains to the list of healthy foods, and if the grains are non-GMO, then that's when you'll get the most benefits for your health.

Here's a sample of a good healthy diet that supports your liver when you have a fatty liver:

Breakfast: Whole grain cereal like quinoa with raisins and milk, 2 eggs

Lunch: 1-quart salad with Romaine, spinach, kale, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, celery and chicken breast meat, honey mustard dressing, berry chocolate dessert

Dinner: Salmon, boiled red potatoes, green beans, whole grain roll with butter, pumpkin pie

You'll achieve your ideal body weight, have more energy than you can imagine, and reverse your fatty liver with this sample diet.

For more ideas to make your liver healthy again, watch this video - 10 Tips to Improve Liver Health

This post is from the Fatty Liver Remedy Program. It is created by Layla Jeffrey who is a Nutritionist and an Expert on the subject of Fatty Liver. She was diagnosed with a “fatty liver”, or to be more precise, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatisis (NASH). In this program, she will share how she has succeeded in reversing her fatty liver. This program offers T ime-tested, proven and all-natural ways to PREVENT & REVERSE the 3 main categories of Fatty Liver Disease: Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD), Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatisis (NASH).

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Make Your Liver Healthy Again

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