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Thursday, March 21, 2019

What is the Best Way to Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea?

Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea - Mild Sleep Apnea Causes These Deadly Diseases -  So, you snore a little, what’s the big deal? Maybe your partner mentioned how you sometimes gasp for air in the middle of the night. Easy to brush this under the carpet. No… pay close attention. Because this may be a sign of sleep apnea… a mild case of sleep apnea but nevertheless, extremely dangerous. Because even a very mild case of sleep apnea can cause serious diseases as proven in a new study from The College of Medicine at Penn State University.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea - How Your Sleep Apnea Puts Others at Great Risk

We normally think of our own health conditions as affecting only ourselves.

But, according to a new study published in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, if you suffer sleep apnea, you may actually be putting other people at even greater risk than yourself.

And by other people, we’re not talking about your spouse or children.

We are talking about harming total strangers.

The researchers reviewed several studies on the relationship between occupations and sleep apnea.

One occupation stood out.

Commercial drivers are twice as likely as the general population to suffer from sleep apnea.

They speculated that the high prevalence of this condition among drivers could be caused by obesity, high blood pressure, irregular sleep schedules and stress. All factors that are commonplace in the lives of commercial drivers.

This is alarming, as commercial motor vehicle drivers hold the lives of so many other people in their hands. Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers, while truck drivers can put their fellow road users at risk.

And this is especially alarming since previous studies have concluded that drivers with untreated sleep apnea are much more likely to crash than those whose conditions are under control.

The researchers recommended that all commercial drivers undergo sleep apnea tests… just like professional pilots do.

This could save thousands of lives as well as help detect sleep apnea early on.

Regardless of your profession, if you suffer sleep apnea you absolutely must treat it. And the easiest, most effective way to permanently cure sleep apnea are the simple, easy throat, tongue and jaw exercises found here…

Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea - Mild Sleep Apnea Causes These Deadly Diseases

So, you snore a little, what’s the big deal?

Maybe your partner mentioned how you sometimes gasp for air in the middle of the night. Easy to brush this under the carpet.

No… pay close attention. Because this may be a sign of sleep apnea… a mild case of sleep apnea but nevertheless, extremely dangerous.

Because even a very mild case of sleep apnea can cause serious diseases as proven in a new study from The College of Medicine at Penn State University.

The scientists started from the proven fact that people with severe sleep apnea are more likely than the general population to suffer from high blood pressure, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes.

They then decided to conduct two separate studies on the same sample of people to establish whether mild and moderate forms of sleep apnea can also cause these conditions.

They analyzed the health information of 1,741 randomly chosen American adults collected by the Penn State Adult Cohort Study.

At the beginning of the study, participants were asked to sleep in a sleep clinic for one night to analyze their sleep quality.

Those who were free of hypertension and diabetes were then observed for the next 10 years to see which of them would develop these conditions.

They found that those with mild sleep apnea were four times more likely than their peers to develop hypertension and three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people with no sleep apnea signs.

This is a clear indicator that you need to take action even if your sleep apnea is mild or even if you just snore loudly.

The good news is the easy throat, jaw and tongue exercises, found here, can cure even severe sleep apnea in as little as 3 minutes per day…

Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea - What Sleep Apnea Does to Your Heart (scary study findings)

A new study by Canadian researchers presented at the 2017 conference of the American Thoracic Society in Washington reveals some terrifying relations between sleep apnea and your heart.

And it gets worse, as treatment options for sleep apnea seem to be useless.

But then the good news comes in the form of a permanent cure for sleep apnea.

Researchers reviewed the medical information of 8,256 adults for whom doctors had made a preliminary diagnosis of sleep apnea. Their average age was 47.

Follow ups stretched over a 13-year period, at the beginning of which none of the subjects had been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation by a physician.

Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that causes blood clots, heart failure and stroke, among other things.

After controlling for other issues known to contribute to the risk of atrial fibrillation (like age, smoking, and high blood pressure), the numbers were clear:

Those who spent the most time with abnormally low levels of oxygen were also the most likely to have been hospitalized with atrial fibrillation.
Several smaller studies have come to the same conclusion.

But the scariest thing may be that in a study published in 2016, in The New England Journal of Medicine found that using a CPAP mask was useless to decrease people’s risk of atrial fibrillation.

We can therefore assume that the only way to really eliminate the risk associated with sleep apnea is to cure it permanently.

And if your cholesterol is too high, learn how cutting out this ONE hidden food item, normalizes your cholesterol within a month…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Permanently Cure Sleep Apnea and Snoring

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