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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What are the Signs and Symptoms of High Stroke Risk?

Stroke often seems to come without any warning, leaving a person either dead or severely paralyzed. Most people never get over it, even if they get through it. Your chance of surviving with minimal complications is greatly increased if you catch it in time. But that’s often difficult to do. New research from Holland, however, provides one clear indicator of high stroke risk. Keep an eye out for this one and you may be able to take appropriate actions in time.

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Which Indicator Is a Sign of High Stroke Risk?

Stroke often seems to come without any warning, leaving a person either dead or severely paralyzed. Most people never get over it, even if they get through it.

Your chance of surviving with minimal complications is greatly increased if you catch it in time. But that’s often difficult to do.

New research from Holland, however, provides one clear indicator that you’re on the brink of suffering a stroke. Keep an eye out for this one and you may be able to take appropriate actions in time.

Does Memory Loss Indicate High Stroke Risk?

Scientists at Erasmus University in Rotterdam recently looked at a new way of determining a person’s risk of suffering a stroke.

It has long been known that people who suffer stroke frequently suffer, as a result, problems with memory and concentration issues.

The researchers wanted to see if there was a link going the other direction- in other words, does memory loss indicate a person’s likelihood to suffer a stroke?

In the study, the researchers looked at over 9,000 men and women for several years. During the course of the study, over 1,100 suffered a stroke.

What the researchers discovered was surprising.

Yes, they anticipated rightly that indeed, suffering memory loss and developing confusion was a reliable indicator that a stroke was either imminent or had occurred but was not yet diagnosed.

So if you begin to notice that you’re forgetting things (or your spouse points it out), don’t ignore it. Now is the time to take immediate action to improve your overall cardiovascular health to bring you back from the brink of a stroke.

But the researchers also found a surprising link between stroke and education. In the subject’s histories, researchers looked at the education level of all of the participants. What they found was that for some reason, participants with a higher level of education were at 39% increased likelihood of suffering a stroke.

While the scientists were quick to point out that there is no way to determine a cause-effect relationship with higher education and risk of stroke, they did note it as a curiosity that merits further study.

What Can Be Done to Cut Down High Stroke Risk?

#1 Way to Prevent High Stroke Risk – Most importantly, Lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one cause of stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases.

But you need to lower your blood pressure without having to suffer the side effects of medications (that ironically can cause stroke).

The best way, I know to lower blood pressure naturally are a set of 3 easy exercises. Thousands of readers have successfully used these exercises to bring their blood pressure below 120/80.

What’s more, these exercises are extremely relaxing. And that’s essential to improve the blood flow to your brain and prevent stroke.

#2 Way to Prevent High Stroke Risk - Lower your cholesterol level and clear your arteries of plaque. Here is the exact step-by-step system I used to clear out my +90% clogged heart arteries…

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Decrease Blood Pressure Naturally

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