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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Here are the 9 Ways to Naturally Relieve Insomnia


Maybe you fall into the 48% of Americans who report occasional insomnia, or the 22% who report insomnia nightly? Here are the 9 ways to naturally relieve insomnia

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Are you one of the millions Americans taking sleeping pills to get you through a full night’s sleep?

Or maybe you fall into the 48% of Americans who report occasional insomnia, or the 22% who report insomnia nightly? Here are simple, easy ways to help you beat insomnia without medication.

There are many conditions that contribute to insomnia and poor sleep patterns, such as depression, anxietyarthritis, an overactive thyroid, stress, and even taking certain medications (including some over-the-counter meds).

And although it may be easy to take medicine, that doesn’t necessarily solve the issue or mean that you have access to the medication due to insurance-related reasons.

As you age, you are more likely to become a sleeping pill popper, and at least 1/3 of Americans report that they are getting less than seven hours of sleep a night. 

Though there are many reasons for this, a reduction in melatonin (an important hormone in regulating your wake and sleep cycle) production with age is a predominant one.

Using drugs to help you to sleep can be dangerous when used incorrectly, and doesn’t always solve the underlying issues in chronic insomnia cases. 

Addressing these hidden factors will take more than medicine. It could mean you need to change your lifestyle habits or make changes to your environment.

Insomnia can take a toll on your health over time, so it’s important to be proactive about making changes to your habits if you know that you are capable of doing so.

 Why? Because insomnia can put you at higher risk for depression and serious illnesses (like heart disease), and makes you more likely to have an accident (at work, home, or while driving) due to exhaustion.

What defines healthy sleep, or sleep health? As it turns out, this is something that has not been as widely defined.

The SATED scale is a self-reported sleep measuring tool. It is a self-reported scale that involves assessing 5 dimensions of sleep, including: Satisfaction with sleep; Alertness during waking hours; Timing of sleep; Sleep Efficiency; and Sleep Duration.

While it is easier to pop a pill after a long day at work, plus a few hours in the traffic parade, be aware that the use of drugs, especially sedatives, isn’t risk-free.

 If you suffer from restless sleep, try one of the following natural sleep remedies:

1. Put the Caffeine Down!

While it was recently confirmed that coffee consumption may lower your risk of developing diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, coffee and other caffeine consumption should be kept on a schedule.

Everyone metabolizes caffeine differently, and drinking caffeine (i.e., soda, tea, energy drinks, etc.) too close to your bedtime can affect how well you are able to get to snoozing. Stop drinking caffeine for at least 6 hours prior to bedtime to optimize your shut-eye. Consider eliminating caffeine altogether if you are very sensitive to it.

(Read: 11 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee)

2. Sweat Your Way to Sleep

If you didn’t have a good reason to get active before, let insomnia guide you to the workout that will help you put your lights out for the night. Do you have trouble sleeping at night, and often use the excuse that you are too busy to have time for exercise? Try your best to phase this kind of thinking out of your daily routine.

Aerobic physical activity is known to contribute to improvements in sleeping patterns in older adults, as well as improvements in overall mood and quality of life. 

Moderate aerobic exercise or high-intensity resistance exercise were both found to improve sleep quality at a low cost, and is an effective alternative or complementary approach to existing insomnia therapies. 

Avoid having late-night workouts, as this could get your adrenaline pumping enough to keep you awake past your bedtime. Try working out in the morning or in the afternoon.

3. Disconnect from the Electronic World

Contrary to popular belief, cell phones and other electronic devices are not supposed to be glued to your hands 24/7. Before bed, put away your electronics to maximize your chances for a healthy night’s sleep. Sure, it’s nice to surf through the Web before you drift off, but connecting with the electronic world could be costing you some Zs.

When you’re up late scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or watching TV, you’re exposing yourself to light as well as stimulating brain activity. Though you can’t expect to get sunbathing rays from an electronic screen, even a cell phone’s minimal light exposure is enough to fool your brain into thinking stay awake, the sun is up! 

To be more specific, exposing yourself to light throughout the night throws off your body’s circadian rhythm (better known as your biological clock, or the internal system that regulates wakefulness and sleepiness).Try reading a chapter or even a few pages of a book or magazine before bed instead of the latest social media scoop.

(Read: 5 Little-Known Factors Ruining Your Sleep)

4. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is also known as essential oil therapy, and it has to do with aromas—or smells/odors. Lavender essential oil is widely known to improve sleep quality and bring about a sense of relaxation. Chamomile, marjoram, eucalyptus, and jasmine essential oils also help to relieve insomnia. 

There are a few options when it comes to how you want to administer your sleep-inducing aromas. One would be to put a few drops, or a spray, of the essential oil onto your pillow.

Another way to get the sedative effects is to put the few drops/spray onto a tissue, hold it to your nose and take 10-15 deep, concentrated breaths. You can also add 6-8 drops of your favorite essential oil to a warm bath before bedtime (try a combination of these, too!).

5. Listen to Soothing Tunes

Sometimes a little background noise can be beneficial to your sleeping patterns, since certain types of music are known to help you unwind and fall asleep faster.

We’re not talking high-energy dance music, or anything above 60 beats per minute (bpm). It’s been found that 60 bpm is about how fast your heart beats while resting, and listening to a song that is slower than this creates a sedative effect. Ideal rhythms are smooth and flowing, without any sudden changes.

Frequency of sound has a powerful effect on consciousness, and although tones may not be what we traditionally think of with music, tones of certain frequencies can help you get higher quality beauty rest with ease.

These tones go by the name of binaural beats, and they have been used since the early 1800s within the alternative medicine community to help induce relaxation, meditation and other mental states. 

Throughout the day, your brain goes through different states of consciousness which correlate with brain waves of varying frequencies. When you want to get some Zs, you ideally want to have a low brainwave frequency, which can be induced when playing two tones of different frequency.

In this case, your ears don’t get to take the credit for getting you to pass out, it’s more the work of your brain. When two different tones are played, your brain cancels one out with the other so that the frequency your body picks up is the difference of the two tones. 

Music associated with positive memories may also help to bring your mind into a relaxed and happy state (associated with your memory) which can help you to fall asleep, as well.

6. Valerian Root Supplements

There still isn’t any solid evidence pointing to what it is in this herb that is the sleep trigger, but valerian root has been used since ancient Greco-Roman times for things like headaches, nervousness, seizures, distress, and insomnia.

You can find valerian root in liquid, tea, tincture, or pill form these days, and the supplement is made from the herb’s roots and stems. 

Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking valerian root if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking other sedative medications.

7. Eat for Sleep

There are a few key nutrients found in food than can help you get rid of insomnia.  Calcium and magnesium (which should be consumed together), and foods rich in tryptophan and B vitamins will help to reduce insomnia.

Calcium helps to increase your body’s melatonin production. Calcium is your body’s most abundant mineral and is needed for many vital processes, including muscle function and nerve transmission. Foods rich in calcium include almonds, spinach, collard greens, and kale.

Pairing magnesium with calcium helps to get your body to relax by closing calcium channels of your nerve cells, consequently reducing neuronal transmission. Foods rich in magnesium include dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, avocados, and bananas.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid with many integral functions as far as insomnia is concerned. The most important products made from tryptophan are serotonin (a neurotransmitter known to help improve mood and relieve depression) and melatonin. Additionally, tryptophan is a precursor for vitamin B3, better known as niacin, which can improve sleep quality by relieving anxiety and depression. 

Foods rich in tryptophan include walnuts (which also contain melatonin), eggs, crustaceans (i.e., shrimp and lobster), and meat (i.e., beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and turkey).

Vitamin B3 isn’t the only B vitamin that helps you sleep. In fact, B1 (thiamin), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin) all help to calm anxiety to improve sleep by stimulating your body’s dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, and GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid—an important neurotransmitter involved in your sleep/wake cycle).

Foods rich in B vitamins include poultry, leafy vegetables, shellfish, beef liver, and eggs.

8. Practice Gentle Yoga

There are many different types of yoga, and they are characterized by things like how long the poses are held, which poses are used, temperature of the environment in which you practice, and disciplinary focus (i.e., on the breath, or on the mind, such as with chanting). While some styles, like vinyasa or ashtanga, are more high-energy and get your blood flowing, gentle yoga is what you want to do to help you hit the hay.

Gentle yoga is much less strenuous, and its low intensity makes it ideal for beginners, seniors, and people who are disabled or injured.

Start with our 10 minute Bedtime Yoga IN BED | Relaxing Bedtime Yoga Routine here.

9. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Disciplining yourself into good habits before bedtime means having good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene takes practice, but when you get a good routine going, falling asleep will be easier and you will sleep deeper through the night. Here are things that might be included in your sleep hygiene :

  • Keep a sleep journal/diary
  • Go to bed around the same time every night (even on days that you don’t have to go to work)
  • Make sure your sleep environment is dark, relaxing, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature (not too hot or cold)
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed, and do your best to only use your bed for sleeping and sex
  • Start to wind down 30-60 minutes before you need to get to sleep
  • Get some sunshine during the day; this helps to keep your body in a regulated awake/sleep rhythm
  • Breathing exercises
  • Stop eating and drinking a few hours before bedtime to prevent your digestive system from keeping you awake

Watch this video –Natural Sleep Remedies – Insomnia Remedies For When You Cant Sleep | Mona Vand

Bottom Line

There is no one magic solution for a good night’s sleep. The only way to figure out what works best for you to unwind is to keep trying different things until you find what works. Most importantly, give new remedies a persistent and fair trial (i.e., 1-2 weeks vs. only once or twice).

Written by Liz Lang

Author Bio:

Liz Lang is a Clinical Research Coordinator with the Southern California Institute for Research and Education in the field of Gastroenterology. Liz graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Public Health Sciences. She has an insatiable thirst to learn how the human body works in order to keep people healthy. When Liz isn’t in the clinic, she enjoys exploring nature, yoga, and trying new things (especially food!).

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Revealing Here the Best and Worst Sleeping Positions


Revealing Here the Best and Worst Sleeping Positions. I’d like to consider myself a professional sleeper, I mean, I’ve been doing it all of my life, literally. Over the years, I have become more aware of how my sleep position affects my ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake rested.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

I’d like to consider myself a professional sleeper, I mean, I’ve been doing it all of my life, literally. Over the years, I have become more aware of how my sleep position affects my ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake rested. Though I came up with a few ideas for what works best for me, I began to wonder if these were universal or not.

What Specialists Have To Say

When you think about it, there are really only so many positions we can sleep in. We have three main sleeping positions: side, back, and stomach. However, each of these can come with endless variables, which makes things a little trickier to pin down.

(Read: 5 Little-Known Factors Ruining Your Sleep)

Most of the specialists recommend we sleep on our side for the most comfortable position. Sleeping on our side is also supposed to decrease the probability of having interrupted sleep.

The overall consensus says that sleeping on our sides is the most beneficial for alleviating insomnia and sleep deprivation; however, there are various ways of sleeping on the side of our body. The question is, what is the most comfortable of all these varieties?

What about Personal Preference?

Let’s be real, we all have personal preferences, and sometimes our personal taste matters much more than what’s generally considered to be the best. It might take some reflection to really see why we have certain sleep preference; however, as long as you feel it’s doing you the most good, that’s all that matters.

That being said, it might be helpful to consider which particular positions do to the body best over a longer time period. Let’s start with the back sleepers.

The Back: If you prefer this particular position, be aware of your lower back over time. This position is said to possibly encourage lower back pain and possibly sleep apnea, which may lead to restlessness.

The good news is that if you prefer this position, there are a few slight adjustments you can make to improve the quality of this position so you can sleep more soundly.

For example, try putting a small, soft pillow under the knees – this will assist the normal curve of the spine.

The Stomach: If the stomach is your go-to position, know this might be the worst of all positions. The professionals don’t recommend sleeping on your stomach, as it promotes a very unnatural flex on the spine. Over time, this strain can cause your lower back and neck to hurt. There is also the possibility of wrinkling to occur on the face.

When we sleep on our face, the skin is being tugged around on the pillow and also, circulation is being cut off from the pressure of lying on the face. This might result in less blood flow to the skin and other parts of the body, causing limbs to fall asleep.

If the stomach is your go-to position, know this might be the worst of all positions.

This is why often, people who sleep on their stomachs report restlessness and frequent tossing and turning.

Here’s a tip for the stomach sleepers: use an extremely comfortable pillow or better yet, no pillow at all. This will take away the awkward and uncomfortable bend on the neck. Overall, if you are having sleep problems, it is going to be best to avoid sleeping on the stomach.

The Pros and Cons of Sleeping Positions

After researching, I found that there is really only one way of sleeping that is said to be the optimal choice, which I will share at the end. The rest of the many ways to sleep all had their pros and cons.

Let’s have a look at what these positions have to offer. Additionally, just for fun, let’s see what each hints at about your personality according to experimentation. This might help you address your own sleeping positions and make helpful adjustments. 

Fetal Sleeping Position

This is actually the most common sleeping position. Forty-one percent of participants in research were found to sleep in this way. For whatever reason, women are twice as likely to rest in this curled-up position. It was documented that these sleepers are the thoughtful on the outside, soft on the inside type of people.

Pros: This is a side sleeping position, which is said to be the most comfortable. Side sleeping is also going to decrease the chances of snoring.

Cons: The only downside about a fetal position is that it may induce a curved spine overtime, leading to potential back pain. Also, without a pillow between the legs, hip and knee pain could be an issue.

Coffin Sleeping Position

Just as the name suggest, these people sleep in a stiff, arms to the side manner just as body in a coffin. No worries, this doesn’t imply you have a dead personality. Actually, the studies suggested that these individuals are trusting, sometimes to the point of gullibility.

Pros: Sleeping on the back in coffin position is a good way to ensure a straight spine and avoid any limbs falling asleep while sleeping. Also, by lying on the back we keep any friction off the face that could cause wrinkling on the skin.

Cons: The downside to this position is a possible risk of increased snoring. On the bright side, you are less likely to have any limbs fall asleep and less likely to get wrinkles on the face. Only 15% of people sleep in this log-like position.

Yearner Sleeping Position

Close to a third of people sleep in this variety of a side position. This variety is executed with both arms out in front of the body. The yearners are thought to be open-minded but suspicious. They are firm decision-makers – sticking to their decisions once they are made.

Pros: This position is another variety of side sleeping. It offers the comfort and calm feeling of a side position. This is also a great position for pregnant women, as it offers relief from pressure on the back and the arms are up and away from resting on the stomach.

Cons: The position of the arms in this one makes them liable to fall asleep. There might be some shoulder discomfort due to overstretching through the night.

Freefalling Sleeping Position

The freefallers are the sleepers who lie on their stomachs with arms underneath or wrapped around the pillow. Only 7% of the people studied slept this way. Supposedly, freefallers are more outgoing, and strongly dislike criticism.

Pros: The bright side is you are likely to experience less mind chatter in this position.

Cons: The downside is an increase in chances of lines and wrinkles on the face.

Possibly some neck pain as well, considering there will be a strong turn to the head occurring in this position.

Starfish Sleeping Position

This position was found to be most uncommon in all of the studies done. It is where an individual lies on their back with their arms up by their head or hands behind the head, under their pillow. It is thought that these sleepers are great listeners, enjoy helping others and do not like being the center of attention.

Pros: Snoozing in this pose is great for spine and neck health, because the back is able to remain straight and free of any contortion. Though somewhat vulnerable, this is an ideal position for body composition if there was no use of a pillow.

The use of a pillow can cause neck pain; however, many people are too used to a pillow to give one up. If you’re up for it, try this position without a pillow on a comfortable bed if you have any body aches.

Cons: The downside is that along with being a good listener, these sleepers may also experience too much listening to the chatter of their own minds at night. This wide-open position encourages the possibility of snoring, as most back sleepers do.

The Best Sleep Positions

According to the research done, the most relaxing and beneficial position includes the slight bending of knees upwards, tucked toward the chest. However, keep in mind that each person is a bit different, so this position may not be perfect for everyone. This is generally true, as most everything is subjective.

(Watch: Wind Down Yoga – 12 Minute Bedtime Yoga – Yoga With Adriene)

For example, anyone with a bad back might want to consider modifying this position a bit by placing a pillow between the legs. This will alleviate any pressure on the hips and lower back.

For pregnant women, sleeping on their side with a pillow between the legs is actually highly encouraged, since lower back pain and hip tension is likely to happen during pregnancy.

Watch this video – What is the best sleeping position?

Written by Dr. Marc Bubbs

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

How to Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects?


Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects - Most Powerful Blood Pressure Veggie on Earth. Researchers are proving again how one incredible vegetable ends high blood pressure even more effectively than prescription medications. And it’s not only alternative health and wellness experts or natural healers who are singing its praises. Experts and scientists in Western medicine have joined the choir, to the dismay of pharmaceutical giants. Researchers in the UK from Queen Mary University in London recently released the results of a study looking at the effect of beets on blood pressure.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects – This “Paper Clip” Cures High Blood Pressure (this one is strange)

Sometimes the medical world is just too weird. This was demonstrated when scientists discovered how to use a specific “paper clip” to cure high blood pressure.

It works for people who have been unsuccessful with blood pressure medications, and the results are permanent.

Plus it’s very easy to implement.

Implanted in the upper thigh, this new “paper clip” device developed by ROX Medical, clips together an artery and a vein.

The implantation is quick and easy and only requires 40 minutes under local anesthetic. It’s also 100% reversible if any complications arise, and the blood pressure-lowering effects are immediate.

Plus, it seems to be a permanent solution, so you don’t have to take a daily dose of medication.

Researchers from Queen Mary University put this device to the test in a new study.

The results were a drastic drop in blood pressure. This is especially helpful for those who have been resistant to blood pressure medications or suffer side effects that make medications unsuitable.

But, there is a catch!

Almost 1/3 of those receiving the “paper clip” developed leg swelling, which called for another procedure. This shows again that all treatments via surgery or drugs come with side effects or the risk of a complication. There is no way around it.

For this reason, if you really want to cure your blood pressure without side effects, you must implement lifestyle changes instead of relying on drugs and surgery.

The simplest method I know to lower blood pressure naturally is the use of 3 easy exercises. Thousands of readers have used these exercises successfully to bring their blood pressure below 120/80, sometimes, from the very first day.

To learn more about the easy blood pressure exercises and to try them out for yourself, click here to find out how to cure your high blood pressure without side effects…

Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects – Deadly High Blood Pressure Caused By This “Safe” Med

We tend to think that over-the-counter medications (that you don’t need a prescription to obtain) are pretty safe to take.

But if you have high blood pressure, you must avoid this one type of over-the-counter medication.

Otherwise, it can skyrocket your blood pressure with serious consequences.

Flu season is in full blast, and when it hits, millions of people flock to their local pharmacy to buy over-the-counter flu meds.

For most people, these flu meds are safe to use for a short period. But for those who suffer from high blood pressure, many of those flu remedies can cause a BP spike.

And a spike in blood pressure can land you in the emergency room with a heart attack or stroke.

As if that weren’t enough, when you have the flu, your body is loaded with inflammation to fight off viruses and/or bacteria. Furthermore, this inflammation increases the risk of stroke and heart attack and raises blood pressure. So you must be doubly careful when you have the flu.

There are many other over-the-counter medications that raise blood pressure, such as pain killers. Energy drinks are another example. Read the warning labels carefully and consult your doctor before taking any pills or stimulating drinks.

The best prevention is to get your blood pressure under control before the flu hits you, or before you consider any type of over-the-counter medication.

However, you must use a natural method to lower your blood pressure, as traditional drugs come with numerous side effects that will hurt you in the long run.

The best natural method I know for lowering blood pressure is using three easy exercises. Thousands of readers have used these exercises to get their blood pressure under control.

Learn more about these easy blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself, starting today to cure your high blood pressure without side effects…

Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects – Most Powerful Blood Pressure Veggie on Earth

Researchers are proving again how one incredible vegetable ends high blood pressure even more effectively than prescription medications.

And it’s not only alternative health and wellness experts or natural healers who are singing its praises.

Experts and scientists in Western medicine have joined the choir, to the dismay of pharmaceutical giants.

Researchers in the UK from Queen Mary University in London recently released the results of a study looking at the effect of beets on blood pressure.

What they found was what researchers all over the world have been saying for decades— that beets are the solution for ending high blood pressure.

The study followed two groups of participants: those who had untreated chronic hypertension (high blood pressure), and those who were taking prescription hypertension medications but were unable to reduce their blood pressure to a healthy level.

The groups were then divided again, with half the participants from each group drinking one cup of beetroot juice every day and the other half of each group drinking only a placebo.

It was no surprise that after 4 weeks of the study, the beetroot group in BOTH sets of participants (untreated and prescription-resistant) ended up with a whopping 8 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure, on average.

This was enough to completely normalize blood pressure for most of the participants in the beetroot group. The placebo group saw no change in blood pressure over the 4 weeks.

Not only did the participants wind up with healthier blood pressure, but their overall vascular health improved as well, with nearly 20% improvement in blood vessel dilation and a 10% reduction in arterial hardening. These two factors characterize atherosclerosis, a condition known to cause heart attack and stroke.

If you are convinced that beets are the way to go, be advised. The best benefit comes from juicing the raw beet, but it’s not advised to drink it straight. The study participants had a diluted mixture. Drinking it full-strength can cause pain and numbness in the throat and esophagus, as well as other problems.

The best way to prepare beetroot juice (after scrubbing everything), is to run a beet through a juicer with an apple, a couple stalks of celery, and about a cupful of baby spinach or cucumber. This is a healthy way to dilute the beet juice.

For best results, drink the juice immediately. Storing it reduces the levels of vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for the blood pressure-dropping benefits.

Watch this video to learn how to cure your high blood pressure without side effects – How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally, No Side Effects!

But if beets just aren’t your thing, or if you prefer an even easier and more effective way to drop your blood pressure down to normal in as little as one day with only 3 easy steps, look no further to cure your high blood pressure without side effects…

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Cure Your High Blood Pressure without Side Effects

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