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Thursday, November 17, 2022

14 Proven Supplements to Control Your Blood Sugar Level


Managing blood sugar through diet alone can be highly effective, but some people need a little extra support. Thankfully, supplements to control blood sugar have been researched extensively, and several have passed the test. Here are 14 proven supplements to control your blood sugar level.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Help keep diabetes in check with these 14 supplements that have been proven to help control blood sugar levels.

Managing blood sugar through diet alone can be highly effective, but some people need a little extra support. Thankfully, supplements to control blood sugar have been researched extensively, and several have passed the test.

Here are the top 14 supplements that have been proven to help keep glucose and insulin levels in check.

1. Berberine

Berberine is a bitter medicinal alkaloid found in the roots and stems of goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and tree turmeric.  It has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda and can be used as a dye because of its deep, yellow-golden color.

Berberine can be effective at lowering blood glucose levels for those with type 2 diabetes or excessive glucose levels. Taken in capsule form twice daily at 500 milligrams for at least three months, it can reduce fasting glucose and postprandial glucose.

Some research has even shown berberine to be as effective as Metformin, a medication commonly prescribed to control glucose levels in diabetic patients, when taken two or three times daily.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a tree common to southeastern Asia. There are two common forms of cinnamon: cassia and Ceylon. Ceylon cinnamon is the superior form though buyers should be aware that spices purchased in stores are most often the cassia variety.

Significant research has been done evaluating the health benefits of cinnamon for diabetes and blood sugar control. While not all studies agree on the specific degree of benefits, most agree that a daily intake of cinnamon can reduce fasting blood glucose by an average of 24 mg/dL, as well as reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

The average dose of cinnamon used for blood glucose benefits is between 120 mg and 6 grams daily, for up to four months.

3. Curcumin

Turmeric, whose active ingredient is curcumin, is a warm spice known for its deep yellow-orange color and distinct earthy flavor.

Turmeric is renowned for its anti-inflammatory benefits and can be used to naturally address depressionarthritis, and other chronic conditions. When taken once or twice daily in 750 mg capsules, curcumin can actually reduce glucose levels and can prevent diabetes from developing in those who are pre-diabetic.

Turmeric can also be consumed as a tea or other drinks, such as this turmeric-mango tonic.

4. ALA

ALA, or alpha-lipoic acid, is an antioxidant found in sources like broccoli, spinach, and brewer’s yeast.

When used in concentrated supplement form, ALA can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose levels.  Dosing can range anywhere from 300 mg to 1800 mg daily and can show effective benefits in as little as four weeks.

ALA can also naturally help to prevent the onset of diabetes in those who have prediabetes or insulin sensitivity, especially when taken daily for at least two weeks.

5. Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate is a trace mineral that can be used to gain glucose control in those with all forms of diabetes, people with metabolic syndrome, and women with PCOS-related glucose and insulin issues.

While lower doses can be effective, higher doses will have more definitive results. Research shows that 1,000 micrograms per day in divided doses may be optimal for controlling glucose quickly.

6. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body can synthesize from cholesterol after direct sunlight exposure.

Research shows that people with lower vitamin D levels have an increased risk of developing glucose problems and type 2 diabetes.

Since dietary sources of vitamin D are limited, and sunshine exposure isn’t available year-round for most people, supplementing with a high-quality vitamin D3 capsule can provide the best health benefits. Take vitamin D after a meal with some fat, or at the same time as fish oil, for best absorption.

7. Ginseng

There are three distinct varieties of this adaptogenic herb – American ginseng, Panax ginseng, and Siberian ginseng. While they have similar properties, some are more effective than others, depending on the condition being treated.

For blood sugar control and diabetes, American ginseng seems to be most effective at reducing postprandial glucose levels when taken up to two hours before a meal in a dose of 3 grams. American ginseng can also reduce fasting blood glucose when taken daily for eight weeks, between 100 and 200 mg per day.

Siberian ginseng can also help to reduce fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels when taken daily for three months in a dose of 480 mg.

While Panax ginseng has health benefits of its own, there is no solid research backing its ability to control diabetes.

8. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a flowering plant known for its natural detox support. Research shows that milk thistle can be beneficial for lowering fasting blood sugar levels, along with hemoglobin A1C, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

When taken as 200 mg three times daily, milk thistle can also help to improve insulin resistance in pre-diabetics and those with active diabetes.

While milk thistle is most effective when taken in capsule form, it can also be brewed as an herbal tea.

9. Inulin

Inulin is a starchy fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and herbs like onions, bananas, leeks, artichokes, and asparagus. When in supplement form, inulin is usually derived from chicory root.

Inulin is a prebiotic that can help to slow the breakdown of sugars and can help to stabilize glucose and insulin levels.

You should ease into inulin supplementation slowly. Start with 1-2 grams once a day for 2-3 weeks. After that, increase your dosage by 1-2 grams, waiting another 2-3 weeks to adjust. The max inulin dose for anyone should be 5-7 grams daily or as recommended by a doctor.

10. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an aromatic herb that produces powerful medicinal seeds. Most notably, fenugreek is used to boost immunity. It has a slightly sweet flavor, similar to maple syrup.

Fenugreek has been a long-time natural remedy for diabetes in Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe.

Research indicates that fenugreek can be helpful in improving blood glucose levels, including postprandial and fasting, when taken between five and 50 grams for a minimum of four days and up to 24 weeks.

Fenugreek also can be ground into a flour and added to foods for an equally effective way to supplement.

11. White Mulberry

White mulberry is a small shrub with small, pinkish white berries that have a bitter taste.

When used as a supplement with one gram three times daily, white mulberry has been shown to help reduce fasting glucose levels by as much as 27 percent when used consistently for at least four weeks. The same effects don’t appear to happen if the berries are eaten directly.

12. Psyllium

Psyllium is a popular supplemental fiber, often used to relieve constipation. It comes from an herb that primarily grows in India, and can be purchased as husks, capsules, powder, or granules.

It is sometimes added to baked goods to increase fiber content.

Because psyllium doesn’t fully digest, it can help to decrease glucose levels and provide balanced digestive function.

Because it is a gentle food source, psyllium causes little side effects and is well tolerated by most individuals, especially when it is gradually eased into the diet.

Psyllium can help to reduce postprandial glucose levels by as much as 20 percent, in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Psyllium can be taken in capsule or powder form. Because dosages can differ dramatically, it’s important to follow the product recommendations but to ease into the full amount by starting with a quarter dose, and then increasing over a week or two. Psyllium, regardless of the form, always needs taken with a full 8-12 ounces glass of water.

13. Glucomannan

Glucomannan is a dietary fiber derived from the konjac plant. When taken orally, it can help to reduce both cholesterol and glucose levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.

Beyond glucose control alone, glucomannan can help to improve sensitivity in pre-diabetic individuals as well as those with type 2 diabetes.

Glucomannan can also be found in foods, most notably in shirataki noodles, which are low-carb and Paleo-friendly.

14. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that has an impact on more than 300 cellular reactions within the body. It has gained exposure in recent years for the positive effects it can have on sleepstressmuscle cramps and pains, and constipation.

Magnesium can be found in many food sources, including broccoli, leafy greens, almonds, dark chocolate, and other seeds and nuts. Still, some people get far too little magnesium and are operating under a consistently low level, which can increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Improving magnesium intake can help to lower fasting insulin and can also reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Taking 100 mg daily can be beneficial, although as much as 300 mg is considered safe and effective.

Watch this video – How to Bring BLOOD SUGAR DOWN quickly. Lower blood sugar fast! Dr. Ergin gives tips! SUGARMD

Bottom Line

While these supplements can help balance glucose and insulin levels, they are often only effective when dietary and lifestyle factors, like exercise, are already in play.

It’s important to note that supplements can’t fix a bad diet, but can only add to what is already in place with a health-supportive lifestyle.

Written by Aimee McNew

Author Bio:

Aimee McNew is a Certified Nutritionist who specializes in women’s health, thyroid problems, infertility, and digestive wellness. She ate her way back to health using a Paleo diet, lost 80 pounds, and had a healthy baby after numerous miscarriages. She focuses on simple nutrition practices that promote long-lasting results.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Raw Honey Vs Processed Honey + Why Raw is Better


Raw Honey Vs Processed Honey + Why Raw is Better - Honey. It’s quite possibly one of the purest “Paleo” foods we have left today. Despite the sting that may come with obtaining a handful, we can be sure that raw honey has been harvested and used as a tonic and medicine for at least 8,000 years.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Honey. It’s quite possibly one of the purest “Paleo” foods we have left today. Despite the sting that may come with obtaining a handful, we can be sure that raw honey has been harvested and used as a tonic and medicine for at least 8,000 years. 

What is it about this nectar that inspires some to go such great lengths for a morsel?

Aside from its sweet taste, honey is composed of roughly 200 substances such as amino acids, flavonoids, minerals, and enzymes that make it an energy-packed nutrient bomb – something that would have been extremely appealing to our ancestors, and is still appealing today.

But is the friendly plastic honey bear we know in the grocery aisle today the same as the medicinal honey found in the ancient world? And why does it matter? Mainly because it turns out that familiar bear might just giving us a bottle of sugar, rather than true medicinal honey.

Most Honey in Stores is Pasteurized

Most of the honey we see on store shelves is pasteurized, i.e., heated to the point where no microorganisms, beneficial or otherwise, can survive. While many might label this practice beneficial, as it gets rid of any dangerous bacteria that could be lurking in the liquid, research is beginning to show otherwise.

As we’ll discover below, pasteurization and processing of honey not only eliminates potentially dangerous pathogens, but also most of the beneficial substances in honey that have categorized it as a medicinal food throughout the centuries. This, in essence, leaves us with a sugar syrup void of enzymes and vitamins, no matter how pretty the packaging.

7 Raw Honey Benefits

Luckily, raw, unprocessed honey is making a comeback from the ancient world. Let’s take a look at why you should invest in quality raw honey over regular honey (sorry, honey bear).

1. Raw Honey Is Antiviral, Antifungal and Antibacterial

The use of honey as a disinfectant and antibacterial has resurfaced in recent years, with science confirming what the ancients apparently knew when they slathered the sweet substance on wounds. They may not have been aware that microbes were the cause of infection at the time; they simply knew that honey prevented it.

Now research has found that raw, untreated honey indeed acts as a potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral, even in the face of “superbugs” such as those found in staph (MRSA) infections. In fact, scientists have discovered that “regular”, raw honey (not including other types like Manuka – a potent medicinal honey) acts as a broad-spectrum antibacterial against 60 species of bacteria.

There are several compounds in raw honey that are responsible for its sanitizing effects (namely glucose oxidase, which, when combined with water, produces hydrogen peroxide). Unfortunately, glucose oxidase is a heat-sensitive enzyme, meaning pasteurization can impair its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide.

In addition to protecting against infections, raw honey has also been shown to heal already infected wounds that are resistant to conventional antibiotic therapies.

2. Raw Honey Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Although honey is extremely rich in natural sugars, it has been shown to have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Even researchers were startled by the finding, stating in one study“, … honey is sweet and rich in sugars and it would not have been expected to exert a dose-dependent hypoglycemic effect”.

The evidence is especially striking in diabetics, where honey is found to decrease serum glucose levels, increase serum insulin levels, and“… ameliorate(s) several metabolic derangements commonly observed in diabetes”.

 In other words, raw honey has a stabilizing effect on sugar metabolism in diabetics – despite its high sugar content.

3. Raw Honey Is Rich in Enzymes and Promotes Digestive Health

Enzymes are extremely important for keeping our body functioning at an optimum level.

Researchers have discovered over 3,000 enzymes responsible for every major biochemical reaction in the body, including, but not limited to: driving nutrients into cells, absorbing oxygen, producing energy, breaking down fats and carbohydrates, and regulating hormones.

Raw honey contains a host of these beneficial enzymes, which have been shown to play a special role in promoting digestive health. For instance, several studies have shown raw honey to be effective against stomach ulcers and also help repair damaged intestinal mucosa.

In addition to these enzymes, raw honey also contains 4 to 5% fructooligosaccharides, which act as probiotics, and have been shown in studies to increase levels of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the colon.

Need another reason to go raw? The enzyme levels in raw honey drop an average of 35 percent (with some enzymes such as invertase being almost completely eliminated) due to pasteurization.

4. Raw Honey Is Anti-Inflammatory

The enzymes in raw honey that we spoke of earlier also have anti-inflammatory properties. Its anti-inflammatory effects have been studied in a variety of situations, ranging from topical wounds to intestinal inflammation.

For instance, studies have shown raw honey to be effective in treating eczema and psoriasis, as well as being as effective as prescription medication in the treatment of colitis.

5. Raw Honey Boosts Immunity

According to studies on raw honey’s effect on cancer, researchers have concluded that it has the ability to act as a natural immune booster (not to mention as a natural “cancer vaccine”).

Aside from boosting the body’s production of antibodies to help fight disease, honey also contains potent antioxidants that play a role in supporting the immune system.

6. Raw Honey Lowers Cholesterol

Honey contains an abundant amount of antioxidants, referred to as “phenolics”, that have been associated with protective effects against cardiovascular disease.

Studies have also shown that patients receiving 70 grams of natural honey per day for 30 days reduced total cholesterol levels.

7. Raw Honey Exhibits Anti-Cancer Activity

Raw honey may also act as an anti-carcinogenic, according to recent research. In one study, researchers found raw honey significantly inhibited growth of bladder cancer cells in vitro, concluding“, … injection of 6 and 12% honey as well as oral ingestion of honey significantly inhibited tumor growth”.

Other Benefits of Raw Honey

The list of the benefits of honey is extensive and, most importantly, backed by research. In addition to the benefits above, it has also been shown to be effective against respiratory ailments, measles, chest pain, male impotence, cardiac disorders, and high blood pressure.

Note: be sure any honey you’re purchasing plainly states “raw” or “unpasteurized”, as the terms “natural” and “all-natural” do not mean it’s raw. Also, don’t worry if your honey has bits of propolis (parts of the honeycomb) mixed in. This is a good sign, indicating that the honey has undergone very little, if any, processing.

Raw Honey vs. Pasteurized Honey

To recap, raw honey contains a host of beneficial substances found to be lacking in regular processed honey. Namely, regular honey lacks beneficial enzymes destroyed by heat pasteurization, and also several antioxidants that are heat sensitive.

Unfortunately, many of these compounds are the ones responsible for the abundant medicinal properties associated with honey. For instance, remember those phenolic compounds researchers believe are responsible for honey’s beneficial effect on cholesterol?

It turns out that some of these have exhibited decreases in total levels when exposed to heat or pasteurization. This makes purchasing raw, unpasteurized honey even more crucial if you’re consuming it for its health effects.

As we can see, raw honey win hands-down when it comes to health. When unprocessed, with all of its beneficial enzymes intact, it can have potent medicinal properties lacking in commercial honeys.

Watch this video – How to check if Honey is Pure or Not?(Honey Quality Test)

Written by Megan Patiry

Author Bio:

Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious. She is a dedicated researcher in all areas of ancestral health, a certified specialist in fitness nutrition, personal trainer, and professional almond milk latte addict.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

8 Natural Benefits of Cinnamon with Honey for Better Health


8 Natural Benefits of Cinnamon with Honey for Better Health - Two of the most delicious superfoods on the planet — honey and cinnamon — may also be some of the most medicinal. Find out how this power duo can help you amp up your health.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Two of the most delicious superfoods on the planet — honey and cinnamon — may also be some of the most medicinal. Find out how this power duo can help you amp up your health.

Cinnamon has been used medicinally by Chinese and Ayurvedic practitioners for over 2,000 years to promote optimal health.

Honey is equally as popular, with a rich history that goes far back as ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece as an antibacterial agent. The healing power of honey was known as early as 300 BC by Aristotle and Aristoxenus as a salve for the eyes and wounds.

Mixing honey and cinnamon boosts their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

There are many folk stories that say these powerful foods are medicine that can heal everything from everything from diabetes to acne, and now scientific research is proving that there’s truth in the ancient folklore.

Here are the most common ways honey and cinnamon can be used to treat various conditions.

Honey and Cinnamon Health Benefits

Cinnamon is most popular as an anti-inflammatory and in treating digestive imbalancesmenstrual pain and joint pain thanks to its high content of cinnamaldehyde – the anti-inflammatory compound that gives it taste and smell.

Honey, also known as an anti-inflammatory, is also full of these nutrients:

Honey is an also powerful antimicrobial, wound-healer and antioxidant. When combined, cinnamon and honey make a powerful duo that boast a wide range of health benefits.

8 Amazing Benefits of Cinnamon & Honey

Alone, cinnamon and honey make very potent medicinal foods that control inflammation, fight free radicals and benefit the immune system.

Looking specifically, here are some of the benefits experienced by people who mix honey and cinnamon:

Reduces Arthritis

Arthritis is essential inflammation of the joints, which causes pains in the muscles around the joint area. Due to it’s anti-inflammatory benefits, research shows that old bee’s honey can be effectively used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Weight Loss

Regularly consumed first thing in the morning, a mixture of warm water, honey and cinnamon can help improve blood glucose levels and reduce body fat.

One study in particular finds that if you replace sucrose with raw honey it can help prevent weight gain, while promoting the secretion of leptin and gerdin – appetite suppressing hormones that keep us from overeating.

Fights Bacterial Skin Infection

Raw honey in combination with cinnamon essential oil is an incredible remedy for treating bacterial skin infections and acne. This is due to the antibacterial properties in both of these medicinal substances.

Manuka honey, hailing from New Zealand, is particularly great for skin infections as it contains a significantly higher antibacterial power compared to most other honey.

Strengthens Immunity

Both cinnamon and raw honey are wonderful immune modulating medicines. Many scientific studies have found that the some 200 plus nutritional properties to raw honey strengthens the white blood cells, which help fight off harmful pathogens.

Raw honey also up-regulates the detoxification system, which helps keep toxicity low and the immune system from going into overdrive as in the case of autoimmunity.

Clears Sinuses

The antibacterial activity of cinnamon and honey is great for clearing away pathogens that can lead to sinusitis. Sinusitis is caused by bacterial biofilms, which are a sticky, filmy coating that protects bacteria clusters.

Manuka honey and cinnamon are actually more effective than antibiotics in killing off this bacterial biofilm and relieving sinusitis.

Treats Hair Loss

A mixture of warmed olive oil, one tablespoon of raw honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon can help halt hair loss. Studies suggest that the use of honey on the scalp can effectively treat seborrheic dermatitis.

Boosts Energy

Traditional Chinese Medicine used cinnamon to promote a flow of vital energy for many centuries. Cinnamon can regulate insulin levels, resulting in improved brain activity and locomotion. Again, Ceylon cinnamon is the best quality honey for achieving this result.

In combination with honey, which is pure glucose readily absorbed by the liver, you get a low-glycemic energy boost that fuels our body easily.


Regularly consumption of a cinnamon and honey tea can lead to a life of longevity. This tonic builds up immunity and safeguards the body from harmful viruses and disease such as diabetes.

How to Take Cinnamon & Honey?

There are many ways to consume cinnamon and honey together, but the best way is to simply mix 1 tablespoon each per cup of hot water and consume at least twice daily. You can also use a Manuka honey irrigation for sinus problems or apply as a facial mask. The options are endless!

Watch this video – 10 Health Benefits of Honey with Cinnamon

Written by Nick Kowalski

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

6 Reasons You Keep Getting Sick & How to Boost Immunity


6 Reasons You Keep Getting Sick & How to Boost Immunity - Are you one of those people who seem to get sick more often than others? Read on to find out how to boost your immunity to stop catching those pesky colds!

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Are you one of those people who seem to get sick more often than others? Read on to find out how to boost your immunity to stop catching those pesky colds!

It’s that time of year… cold and flu season. Runny noses, coughs and germs start to spread like wildfire through offices, day-cares, and gyms as we all move indoors during the colder, drier and darker days of winter.

Nothing derails your productivity at work or in the gym faster than a nasty cold. Fight back this year and find out how you can stop bacteria and viruses in their tracks.

Here are six reasons you get sick and how you can fix them.

1. You Don’t Follow a Seasonal Diet

If you follow the patterns of nature and try to eat foods that are fresh and in-season, it’s remarkable how you correct for deficiencies without even knowing it.

For example, vitamin A is a common deficiency in the general population, and when levels are low, it impairs the “first line of defense” of your immune system (i.e., neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells, etc.) 

Vitamin A is found in abundance in orange vegetables that are typically harvested in fall. Eating squash, pumpkins, etc. helps rebuild mucosal immunity, keeping the immune army in your sinuses and gut wall strong and impermeable throughout the winter.

The Fix: Follow an ancestral approach and eat seasonally. Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots are all fall classics rich in immune-boosting vitamin A. They make a great roasted veggie option for lunch or dinner, or you can puree them into soups to warm up and stay cold- and flu-free.

2. You’re Over-Caffeinated!

As the days get shorter, you should be getting more rest and recovery.

Unfortunately, the end of the year is typically the busiest time for people at work and at home, as we gear up for the holiday season. The accumulation of stressors, a busy work and family schedule, lack of sleep, and eating on the run is the perfect recipe for fatigue, and the first thing most people reach for is an extra cup of coffee (or two) throughout the day.

You’re already burning the candle at both ends, and by adding more stimulants to the mix, you tax your nervous system even further. This leaves you more likely to get sick with colds or the flu. Feel the sniffles coming? Give your body a break and lay off the coffee for 1-2 days a week.

The Fix: If you are run down, take your foot off the accelerator and reduce your coffee intake by 50%. If you only drink one cup per day, take 1-2 days off per week to give your nervous system a break and your immune system a chance to recharge.

As a general rule, always drink your last cup before noon so you don’t get sick.

3. Your Belly Is Fighting a Losing Battle

Did you know that over 70% of your immune system is in your gut? That’s right, all the “good” bacteria in your gut play a key role in preventing foreign invaders from penetrating your immune defenses. 

However, there are a lot of things in today’s environment that can sway the balance of “good” to “bad” gut flora and lead to dysbiosis or the accumulation of too much bad gut bacteria. A hectic schedule, stress, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods and the environment can all derail a healthy gut, causing you to get sick.

The Fix: Add more Paleo-friendly fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha tea, tamari sauce, and yogurt to get your daily dose of “good” bacteria.

If you’re feeling run down, add a probiotic supplement daily to prevent bacteria from adhering to mucous membranes and penetrating your immune defenses.

If for some reason you have to take antibiotics, be sure to include a probiotic supplement twice daily (away from your medication) to help maintain healthy gut flora.

4. Your Vitamin D Levels Are Too Low

Vitamin D status is a crucial factor for maintaining health and fighting off colds from November until March. Vitamin D upregulates key antimicrobial proteins which keep foreign bacteria and viruses at bay.

Unfortunately, even though ancestral foods like eggs, pork, fish, and mushrooms have some vitamin D, it’s not typically enough to maintain your blood levels above 30ng/ml, the recommended level for the general population. If you live north of the 49th parallel in a country with a true winter season, then maintaining your ideal levels of vitamin D in the coldest and darkest months is particularly difficult from food alone.

If you’re athletic, your vitamin D level becomes even more important. Due to their intense training, athletes have a greater need for vitamin D. Intense exercise drives down vitamin D levels, and new research is uncovering how deficiency can lead to reduced muscular power production, V02 max (a measure of peak aerobic fitness), inflammation and recovery. 

Based on the research, you should maintain your levels above 40ng/ml throughout the year if athletic performance is your goal.

The Fix: Add a vitamin D supplement (2,000-4,000 IU daily) to maintain your levels throughout the winter months. If you’re supplementing at the top end of this range, get your levels tested every 8-12 weeks. Also, be sure to include vitamin D-rich foods and Paleo staples like eggs, pork (e.g. bacon), fish, and mushrooms to fight off the seasonal decline of vitamin D.

5. You Don’t Wash Your Hands Enough

We tell our children to wash their hands before they eat, but how many times do you wash yours before you sit down to have your lunch or post-workout snack? We all think we do it, but slacking off in the winter is a sure-fire way to catch that nasty cold going around the office, day-care or gym.

How important is hand washing? The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued repeated suggestions to “avoid shaking hands” for business people throughout the winter to avoid the rapid spread of germs.

The Fix: Like your mom always said, “Wash your hands before you eat!” It’s that simple. (Note – soap and water are just as effective as antimicrobial hand sanitizers.)

6. You Don’t Get to Bed Early Enough

A new study on modern day hunter-gatherer tribes across the globe – the San of southern Africa, the Tsimane in Bolivia and the Hadza in Tanzania – found they sleep an average of 6-7 hours per night, less than the 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep experts generally consider the “sweet spot” for optimal rest and rejuvenation. So, does this mean you don’t really need more sleep?

Not exactly. The answer changes depending on the season. The researchers found that in the shorter, darker days of winter, the tribes went to bed about one hour earlier than during the summer months.

While they did stay up a few hours after sunset, they weren’t exactly “night owls;” their average bedtime was 9:15pm in winter and 10:45pm in summer. The hunter-gatherer tribes were found to wake up at the same time throughout the year. Have trouble sleeping?

Here’s a tip: Leave all electronics — cell-phones, laptops, iPads, etc. — outside of the bedroom to avoid getting distracted and to help you fall asleep faster

For many of us, the winter months leading up to the holiday season are often the busiest months at home and at work. This means later bedtimes and less total sleep. Most people struggle to get bed before midnight (laptops, cell phones and TVs don’t help) and typically don’t get to bed earlier in the colder, darker winter months.

The Fix: Switch off and get to bed earlier in the colder, darker, winter months to prevent illnesses and feel more energized.

Research shows that sleeping less than 5 hours at night equals a 5-fold increased risk of catching a cold or flu, so make sure that, even during busy periods, you aren’t running on empty so you don’t get sick.

Don’t let a few nasty bugs slow you down. Stay ahead of the game! The best way to fight off colds and flu is to not get sick in the first place. These six tips are tried and tested “fixes” to increase your resiliency and keep your immune system strong this fall and winter.

Watch this video – How to NOT Get Sick | Proven Health Hacks | Doctor Mike

Written by Dr. Marc Bubbs

Author Bio:

Dr. Marc Bubbs, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Strength Coach, Author, Speaker, and Blogger practicing in Toronto, Canada. He believes that diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors have the most profound impact on your overall health and performance. Marc is the author of The Paleo Project – A 21st Guide to Looking Leaner, Getting Stronger, & Living Longer and currently serves as the Sports Nutrition Lead for Canadian Men’s Olympic Basketball Team.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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