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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Pink Himalayan Salt VS Table Salt – Which is Better for Health?


Pink Himalayan Salt VS Table Salt – Which is Better for Health? If you’ve heard of Himalayan salt, you may be wondering why health enthusiasts are recommending it. Check out how it differs from other salts and learn whether it’s actually good for you.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

If you’ve heard of Himalayan salt, you may be wondering why health enthusiasts are recommending it. Check out how it differs from other salts and learn whether it’s actually good for you.

People find Himalayan salt, also known as pink rock salt, in Pakistani salt mines approximately 186 miles (300 kilometers) from the Himalayas. The rock is a pale pink color stemming from iron oxide deposits (rust) in the mountains. Many people believe it has many health benefits and is the purest salt on earth.

As with all varieties of salt, Himalayan rock salt is most commonly used for cooking. But in addition to boosting food flavor, Himalayan salt helps relieve migraines, increase energy and improve adrenal function.

But Wait… Isn’t Salt Bad for You?

Salt has come a long way from being a highly valued precious element and form of currency. Now days, it’s become a controversial and somewhat demonized “anti-nutrient.” Consequently, people consuming excess sodium can suffer from high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

When people consume it in excess, the salt binds to water in their bloodstream and raises blood pressure. But the way we consume salt in the Standard American Diet is in the form of highly processed table salt.

How Are Salts Different?

Table salt differs from naturally occurring salt because all of its minerals.

Manufacturers strip our natural potassium during the refining process. This is damaging to health because it interferes with your body’s natural sodium and potassium balance.

For instance, sodium and potassium work together in a specific ratio to regulate blood pressure. But when sodium levels are too high, they interfere with blood pressure levels being balanced—resulting in hypertension.

As you can guess, this isn’t a concern with unrefined salt because it still contains potassium. Natural salt has all the essential minerals that are stripped away in refined salts.

When manufacturers chemically process and bleach table salt, they add other downsides. This kind of salt may typically contain added chemicals, such as ammonia or aluminum, that are harmful to our health. Aluminum is toxic to the body and has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Therefore, the negative effects of isolating sodium chloride in processed salt gives it a bad reputation. Additionally, it’s easy to overwhelm our bodies with processed salt by eating refined foods at every meal.

But when we remove processed foods from our diet and receive unrefined salt from natural sources, it’s actually good for us. Fruitsvegetables, seaweed, salt water, and salt from the Himalayan rock salt mines, are all examples of natural salt sources. In fact, our bodies depend on it for survival.

Why We Need Unrefined Salt in Our Diets

Furthermore, sodium in salt works with potassium. Despite negative associations we have with sodium, our bodies depend on it to regulate muscular contractions. They also help aid in nerve impulses, cardiac function, and maintaining fluid balance in our bodies.

Chloride works with sodium to regulate nerve impulses and also plays a role in digestion. When chloride combines with hydrogen, it forms hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

This allows us to digest protein. Since our bodies depend on protein to form hemoglobin— like red cells carrying oxygen through our bodies—chloride is an element that gives us life.

As mentioned above, unprocessed salt contains several other trace minerals that are needed for health. Things like calcium, magnesium and iodine are just a few of these examples.

Perhaps this is why new studies suggest consuming too little salt is actually a greater risk to health. Himalayan pink salt and other natural salts are vital for organ functioning.

Therefore, when you’re eating unprocessed foods, you’re adding small amounts of unrefined salt to your diet without threatening your health. Instead, natural salt provides your body with several minerals vital to organ function.

The bottom line when it comes to dietary salt is that the source matters.

Many table salt manufacturers chemically produce and strip important minerals out of the final product. Because of this, processed salt is considered unhealthy. Salt from natural sources contains several trace elements necessary to our health. This means salt from nature is healthier.

Now that we’ve briefly touched on the never-ending salt debate, let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Himalayan rock salt.

Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan contains 84 trace minerals and electrolytes. Some of these minerals include calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium and iron. In fact, Himalayan salt contains triple the amount of potassium, per serving, as compared to Maldon or Celtic sea salt.

While lacking scientific evidence, high mineral content in Himalayan rock salt attributes to many health benefits. Here are four things people believe Himalayan rock salt helps with:

1. Electrolyte Balance

Himalayan salt contains all six electrolytes we require for health: sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, you can replenish your body’s natural supply of electrolytes by adding Himalayan rock salt to your diet. This is especially helpful on hot days or after an intense workout when electrolytes are lost through sweat.

You can make a natural “gatorade” with Himalayan rock salt by adding ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan rock salt to 1 quart (1 liter) of water, with the juice of half a lemon and some raw honey or green leaf stevia.

2. Thyroid Function

Since Himalayan rock salt contains iodine—the element your body needs to synthesize thyroid hormones—it may help promote and maintain healthy thyroid function.

Research links Iodine deficiency to hypothyroidism. It’s a common condition primarily present in countries such as India, Asia and Africa. As a preventative measure against iodine deficiency, synthetic iodine gets added back into table salt (also known as iodized salt).

Now, to state the obvious: unrefined salt already contains iodine. So, why not get iodine from a natural source, like Himalayan rock salt?

3. Adrenal Health

Your adrenals are two little glands sitting on top of your kidneys. They’re responsible for regulating your body’s stress response by producing the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Your adrenal glands depend on minerals for proper function. You can find minerals like sodium and potassium in Himalayan rock salt.

Ideal sodium and potassium balance is essential to adrenal health. It prevents your adrenals from over-functioning (resulting from excess sodium) or under-functioning (excess potassium). Himalayan rock salt balances sodium and potassium for optimal adrenal health.

Promoting adrenal health is important to preventing chronic fatigue, burnout, and other hormone imbalances — such as hypothyroidism.

4. Migraine Relief

Researchers suggest a primary cause of migraines and headaches comes from magnesium deficiency.

Since Himalayan rock salt contains magnesium, people often use it as a natural remedy for migraine relief. Himalayan rock salt also contains calcium, helping to relax constricted blood vessels.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

While Himalayan salt lamps aren’t something you eat, they’ve become so popular that they deserve an honorable mention.

Himalayan salt lamps are simply large Himalayan salt rocks with lightbulbs inside them. Although some consider them a new-age hippie trend, people believe it has many health benefits.

The soft pink glow of these lamps emits negative ions that cleanse the air. This helps remove negative energy, improve blood flow, promote restful sleep, and boost serotonin levels in the brain.

While these health benefits are certainly appealing, there’s a lack of supporting evidence to back up these claims. But even if they’re a flower-child trend, you’ve got nothing to lose by trying it (except some “negative” vibes).

Himalayan Salt vs. Other Varieties of Salt

The mineral content of Himalayan rock salt is what makes it so appealing. But is it any better than other varieties of natural salt—such as Celtic or Maldon sea salt?

In terms of nutritional content, Celtic sea salt has less sodium than Maldon and Himalayan sea salt. It’s also shown to be slightly higher in calcium, magnesium and iron.

However, Himalayan rock salt contains nearly double the amount of potassium than Celtic sea salt. Additionally, Himalayan rock salt contains moderate levels of all minerals. Ideally though, both Celtic and Himalayan rock salt are ideal to include in your diet.

Maldon sea salt is higher in sodium than both Celtic and Himalayan salt. It’s also low in potassium, magnesium and iron — making it the less favorable choice.

Where to Buy Himalayan Salt

People can purchase Himalayan rock salt at any health or ethnic food store. If you’re looking for quality, look for a darker pink salt indicating higher mineral content.

There are different varieties and brands of Himalayan rock salt. Consumers can purchase certified halal or kosher for religious reasons or by type of grind (course or fine).

Many brands claim their Himalayan rock salt comes directly from mines in the Himalayan Mountains. People believe this indicates higher quality and greater mineral content.

There’s no harm in adding Himalayan rock salt to your diet in small amounts. In fact, replacing table salt with Himalayan rock salt can be good for you. It’s an effortless way to add more trace minerals to your diet and improve your overall health.

Despite the above listed health benefits of Himalayan salt, it should be consumed in moderate amount.

Watch these 2 videos –

Is Pink Himalayan Salt ACTUALLY good for you? What you need to know!

Q & A, Why We Use Pink Salt: Noreen’s Kitchen

Written by Brandi Black

Author Bio:

Brandi Black is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the creator of Feel Best Naked, a health blog for women who want to clear up their skin, lose the muffin top and make the bloat disappear. After years of experiencing (and then healing) her own unbalanced hormones, she’s now obsessed with helping other women feel spectacular in their own skin with natural remedies for hormone balance.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wild-Caught Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon – Why It Matters


Wild-Caught Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon - Why It Matters? An honest look at the actual difference between wild and farmed salmon, the benefits of this popular dish and how to cook it to perfection with a one-pan salmon dinner recipe.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

How to Eat Safe, Healthy Salmon + One-Pan Salmon Dinner for Two Recipe

An honest look at the actual difference between wild and farmed salmon, the benefits of this popular dish and how to cook it to perfection with a one-pan salmon dinner recipe.

Salmon can be one of the best things you can eat for your health. But not all salmon are created equal. There are big differences in quality between farmed salmon you typically find at the grocery store and the wild-caught stuff.

Wild-caught, sustainably-raised salmon is packed full of nutrients and healthy fats. A lot of people eat it multiple times a week to reap the most benefits. Yet others tell you to watch for things like exposure to contaminants and environmental harm.

What gives?

Sorting through this information can be confusing. It’s easy to get comfortable with the standard rotation of beef, chicken, and pork and stop worrying about seafood completely.

But finding the right salmon (one that’s as nutritious as possible and ethically-sourced) is worth the trouble. Keep reading to see why.

The Natural Health Benefits of Salmon

Here are some of the most important reasons why you should make wild-caught salmon – the kind you can order direct from suppliers like Alaska Gold Seafood – a major part of your Paleo diet:

Extremely High Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content

Salmon is loaded with the long chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. We need a balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids for optimal health. Yet the typical modern diet leaves us with multiple times more omega-6s than we need.

With the balance so out of whack, you end up with an increase in all inflammatory diseases, everything ranging from diabetes and obesity, to metabolic syndrome or autoimmune disorders.

Wild-caught salmon can help. It has many times more omega-3s than farmed salmon. That makes it the best choice to fight inflammationimprove brain functionprotect your heart, and reap all the other awesome benefits that come from balancing your omega-3:omega-6 ratio.

Just a single serving of wild-caught salmon has over 500 mg of DHA and EPA!

Loaded with Hard-to-Find Vitamins and Minerals

Salmon is also high in vitamins and minerals which are: 1) critical for your health, and 2) hard to find in other foods.

Vitamins B12 and D are key players here. Vitamin B12 is essential for proper red blood cell formation, synthesizing DNA, and a lot more. Vitamin D supports healthy bones and teeth, your immune systembrain function, and mental health.

Vitamins B12 and D are tough to find in other foods, but salmon is absolutely loaded with them. Just a single 100-gram serving contains more than the recommended daily value of both vitamins.

Salmon is also high in the mineral iodine, which is essential for thyroid and immune system function. Common table salt is enriched with iodine to overcome iodine deficiencies, which are extremely common.

But Paleos typically eat fewer salty foods, and many of them switch to sea salt (which isn’t iodized). So it’s critical to make sure you’re getting enough iodine in your diet.

Finally, salmon is also packed with selenium. This antioxidant mineral has been linked to decreased joint inflammation, as well as protecting brain against oxidative damage. Selenium also counteracts any adverse effects of mercury exposure, so you don’t have to worry about that when you’re eating salmon.

High in Protein, with a Balanced Profile of Essential Amino Acids

Salmon is also high in protein. Just one 100-gram serving (around 3.5 ounces) contains 23 grams, which is slightly less than a steak or chicken breast of comparable size but certainly nothing to sniff about!

Research also shows that the amino acids in salmon are more “bioavailable” (easier for your body to absorb and use) than amino acids from beef, pork, or chicken.

Salmon has an extremely balanced quantity of essential amino acids. It’s especially high in taurine, a powerful antioxidant.

Wild-Caught Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon: Why It Matters

Unfortunately, the vast majority of salmon sold in the United States today is “farmed salmon” – the seafood equivalent of a factory farm. In terms of nutrition, ethics, and sustainability, wild-caught salmon is light-years ahead of the farmed stuff.

Here are some of the most important differences and why they matter for your health.

Wild-Caught Salmon Contains Vastly More Nutrients

Wild-caught salmon has multiple times more omega-3 fatty acids than farmed salmon. One study found that wild salmon had 12.4 times as many omega-3s than omega-6s, while the farmed salmon only had 2.9 times as many.

Wild-caught salmon also has a lot more vitamins and minerals.

One study found that farmed salmon only had about one-quarter the vitamin D of wild-caught salmon. This is critical because salmon is one of the few foods that offers sizable amounts of vitamin D. Eating it wild-caught makes the most of it.

Farmed Salmon Is Exposed to More Toxins and Contaminants

Farmed salmon has much higher rates of contamination and exposure to toxic chemicals.

One study found that farmed salmon had higher levels of 14 different contaminants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and DDT (an insecticide).

It’s exposure to toxins like these that causes people to hesitate before eating seafood and drives health professionals to recommend limiting intake of it, when in reality, you could be eating it much more often as long as the quality is high.

Wild-Caught Salmon Can Be Sourced Sustainably and Ethically

Just like factory farming for chickens and cows, salmon farming creates unhealthy, unnatural living conditions for salmon before they are harvested.

You end up with thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of large, carnivorous fish trapped in small, crowded nets. Living in such close quarters in salmon feedlots makes farmed salmon more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, which can spread through the population quickly.

There’s also the diet to think about. Farmed fish are fed corn and grains, which aren’t part of their typical diets. This changes the very makeup of the fish, forcing farmers to use synthetic pigments to turn the flesh pink just so things “look right” (otherwise their salmon would be pale gray!)

Farmed Salmon Could Be Genetically Modified

Farmed salmon also has the dubious title of being the first genetically modified animal approved for human consumption. Late last year, the FDA approved a specific type of Atlantic salmon genetically modified to grow twice as fast as natural salmon, considering it “as safe to eat” as non-GMO salmon.

This raises all kinds of concerns about ethics, food safety, and the effects on local ecosystems. Because we don’t fully understand the potential for long-term health effects, many people will choose to stay away from this stuff.

Where Can You Find High-Quality Salmon?

Salmon is easy to find. You can find it in practically every grocery store under the sun… even in landlocked areas (though it can be more expensive in those).

You can also find salmon online through websites like Alaska Gold Seafood, which is a great way to source wild-caught, sustainably-fished salmon without having to worry about quality.

The truly important issue to consider: where did the salmon come from before it got to the store?

The vast majority of salmon we eat comes from:

Atlantic Ocean. There are only a few wild salmon runs in the Atlantic left. Because these runs are too small to fish commercially, all Atlantic salmon found in grocery stores, restaurants, and elsewhere is farmed.

Pacific Ocean. More salmon is wild-caught in the Pacific, though there are serious concerns about sustainability.

Alaska. All Alaskan salmon is wild-caught because Alaska law prohibits salmon farms. Alaskan laws also ensure salmon is fished in a sustainable way. There’s actually enough wild-caught salmon produced in Alaska each year to feed the entire population of the United States!

Salmon caught in Alaska offers the best balance of nutrition and sustainability, thanks to strategic conservation efforts and strict sustainability laws. But Alaskan salmon can be hard to find at the grocery store, especially if you live far from the state.

It’s much easier to buy salmon online from a reputable source and have it sent straight to your door.

Look for Alaskan salmon rated as “green” or “best choice” by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program, an organization that helps consumers choose seafood fished in a sustainable way that respects sea life and habitats.

Ideally, salmon should also be certified as a sustainable seafood by the Marine Stewardship Council.

A few suppliers use hooks and lines to deliver the highest-quality wild-caught salmon in a sustainable way. Using the right combination of lines, lures, and boat speed, fishermen are able to minimize stress on the fish and “bycatch” (other marine life caught unintentionally).

Less than five percent of Alaskan seafood comes from hook and line fishermen, as most operations use other methods to maximize their catch. But what hook and line fishermen lack in quantity, they make up for in quality and care in handling.

Finally, look for salmon that comes direct from the producer. Buying direct ensures maximum freshness, and it helps you save money that would have gone to a middleman. It’s even more cost-effective if you have a large freezer and order in bulk!

Recipe: One Pan Salmon Dinner for Two

Need a simple, balanced meal to whip up after work for you and your sweetie tonight (or for yourself with leftovers)?

This one-pan salmon dinner checks all the convenience boxes: under an hour, one pan to clean, and minimal, Paleo-friendly ingredients.

Better yet, the meal makes for a nutritional powerhouse with Omega-3 rich salmon, sustaining complex carbohydrate sweet potatoes, and carrots – a great source of beta carotene in addition to the sweet potatoes.

With a simple, tangy and savory marinade, this salmon melds beautifully on the pan with maple-roasted sweet potatoes and carrots. The oven does most of the work.

All you have to do is whip up a marinade of maple syrup, Dijon mustard and apple cider vinegar for the salmon, and drizzle some maple syrup on your sweet potatoes.

That little bit of work pays off in big, bold flavors for a deceptively sophisticated salmon dinner.

One-Pan Salmon Dinner for Two

Recipe by Corey Pemberton

Salmon roasts with maple-glazed sweet potatoes and carrots for an easy, one-pan meal for two.


  • Baking sheet
  • Aluminum foil
  • Small bowl


  • 2 salmon fillets
  • 3-4 sweet potatoes
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 2 T maple syrup
  • 1 T dijon mustard
  • 1 t apple cider vinegar
  • pepper and salt to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  • Chop up 3-4 sweet potatoes into large chunks. Place on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil and drizzle with 1 T of maple syrup.
  • Bake for 15 minutes.
  • While sweet potatoes bake, carefully slice 3-4 carrot in half lengthwise.
  • When sweet potatoes are ready, add carrots to pan and drizzle with 1 T of maple syrup. Place pan back into oven for another 15 minutes.
  • While sweet potatoes and carrots bake, make marinade. Add 4 T (1/4 cup) maple syrup, dijon mustard, and apple cider vinegar to a small bowl. Mix.
  • When vegetables are ready, add salmon to pan and drizzle with marinade. Bake for another 15 minutes.

Watch these 2 videos below –

Wild Salmon vs Farmed Salmon // Chef Andy

Written by Corey Pemberton

Author Bio:

Corey Pemberton is a freelance writer, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and Paleo health enthusiast. Ever since he discovered the ancestral health movement five years ago, he has explored different ways to incorporate ancestral wisdom into his nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle at large. One of his favorite topics is challenging long-held nutrition myths. Feel free to stop by his website or say hello on Twitter.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

7 Paleo Foods for Fighting High Blood Pressure Naturally


Maintaining a healthy heart is a key factor in living a healthy Paleo lifestyle. Here are 7 Paleo foods for fighting high blood pressure naturally.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Maintaining a healthy heart is a key factor in living a healthy Paleo lifestyle. Here are seven Paleo foods that naturally help fight high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is the main ingredient for pushing oxygen, nutrients, blood cells, and other vital chemicals throughout your body. It is a force or pressure exerted against blood vessel walls that pushes your blood through your circulatory system with each heartbeat.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a strikingly common disease in the United States. The most common symptoms are none at all. Being aware of your blood pressure will help you prevent developing high blood pressure which can damage your arteries. When the force of your blood rises, think of it like putting extra air into a balloon: the walls get stretched and damage may result.

Not only is your blood responsible for parading nutrients, oxygen, etc. around, it is also takes the reins when it comes to taking out the trash, or picking up toxic waste products in the blood.

When damage extends to the blood vessels in your kidneys, they begin to lose their ability to remove waste and extra fluids from the body completely, which is bad news.

The good news is that high blood pressure can be easily detected, and is typically manageable. A long-term reduction in your salt consumption can help lower your blood pressure, i.e., cutting back on anything packaged or canned, deli meats and condiments.

Excess salt is the culprit behind damaging the kidney’s ability to remove enough fluid which diminishes its capacity to eliminate waste. Toxins in the body disrupt your body’s neurological communication, which affects your cognition and is associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

A healthy diet is going to be your best friend when it comes to lowering high blood pressure and avoiding the hardening of your arteriesLower risk for heart disease and high blood pressure is associated with higher fiber, potassium, vegetable protein, magnesium, and iron intake; as well as lower intakes of processed meats, high-fat dairy and sugar-sweetened drinks.

A long-term reduction in your salt consumption can also help you lower your blood pressure, i.e., cutting back on anything packaged or canned, deli meats and condiments.

Knowing what to eat to lower your blood pressure is your first step towards a healthy diet. Fundamental nutrients for blood pressure regulation include potassium and magnesium.

Here are 7 Paleo foods that make excellent food choices when maintaining healthy blood pressure is your goal:


Bananas are high in potassium, which reduces the effect of salt on your body. Eating bananas can also help you prevent muscle cramps since potassium is a main electrolyte driving your muscle and nerve function, including your heartbeat.

Bananas aren’t just for monkeys; it was found that two bananas a day can help you control your blood pressure.


This tall, dark and fibrous vegetable has made its way to mainstream dinner plates over the past few years. Get this leafy green into your diet to get a boost in fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins K and E.

Just a cup of kale a day supplements 9% of both the potassium and calcium and 6% of the magnesium your body needs.

Your body uses vitamin K to keep your artery walls soft and flexible. It is responsible for diverting calcium away from your arteries and into your bones to prevent artery stiffness.

Kale is packed with fiber, an important element not only for digestion, but also for keeping your blood pressure under control. Alpha-linolenic acid, also found in kale, has been found to be a great protectant against high blood pressure, as well.


Add beets to your diet not only for the extra vibrancy, but also because they are filled with nitrates to help lower blood pressure. Beetroots contain nitrates which get absorbed and changed into nitric oxide, an important chemical that helps dilate your blood vessels and decreases inflammation in the body.

You may be worrying about the safety of nitrates, but worry no further. Most of the nitrates you will consume are naturally occurring and are essential to healthy bodily function.

Sweet potato

Get more sweet potatoes into your diet, and your digestive system will thank you.

Because sweet potatoes are high in fiber, they do a great job helping your body absorb other nutrients. They also make digestion easier on your organs by speeding up the process.

Sweet potatoes are also high in magnesium and potassium. Magnesium intake is known as an effective mediator for high blood pressure; it also causes nitric oxide to release.

The orange-colored vegetable gets its color from its abundance of beta-carotene – an antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation, cell damage and oxidation to prevent aging.


Mangoes are often called the “King of Fruits” originating from southern Asia, specifically eastern India. The Buddha was known to spend a lot of time in mango groves and mangoes are seen to symbolize life throughout Indian mythology.

Mangoes are rich in magnesium, potassium, fiber, vitamins A and E and selenium. Your body can’t produce selenium on its own, so you must get it from your diet in order to reap its benefits, including improving blood flow and your body’s antioxidant capabilities.


Pineapples are the only known natural source for bromelain, a cocktail of protein-digesting enzymes.

Though too much bromelain can be harmful for those with significantly high blood pressure, it can be very helpful for those with osteoarthritis by providing joint inflammation relief. It also benefits heart health by preventing blood from clotting.

One cup of fresh pineapple will supply you with 131% of your daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with the ability to keep your skin healthy, as well as lower blood pressure. Pineapples also contain potassium and magnesium.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are actually the fruit of the sunflower plant. The Aztecs and Incas worshipped the sunflower, believing that it symbolized the sun god. This fruit is an outstanding source of potassium, magnesium and vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a significant player in preventing cholesterol oxidation. When cholesterol is oxidized, it can stick to the walls of your blood vessels, leading to plaque buildup and high blood pressure.

Remember to try and stick to whole fruits and veggies. Often times important fibers have been removed during the juice-making process.

Other complementary options to your diet to lower blood pressure include:

  • Alternating your days of excess consumption
  • Keeping a food diary
  • Reading food labels
  • Making gradual changes to your habits

Watch these 2 videos –

One Food Lowered My Wife’s BP by 15-20 Points (Blood Pressure)

15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure

Written by Liz Lang

Author Bio:

Liz Lang is a Clinical Research Coordinator with the Southern California Institute for Research and Education in the field of Gastroenterology. Liz graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Public Health Sciences. She has an insatiable thirst to learn how the human body works in order to keep people healthy. When Liz isn’t in the clinic, she enjoys exploring nature, yoga, and trying new things (especially food!).

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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