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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

19 Health Benefits of This 2-Ingredient Morning Tonic


A 10-ounce glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt in the morning can increase your immune function, decrease uric acid to fight inflammation, improve digestion, and balance your body. Read on to learn about the 19 health benefits of this 2-ingredient morning tonic.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Many of us have morning routines that are wonderful health practices – a morning meditation, a few yoga poses, a brisk walk around the neighborhood, or a delicious fruit-infused smoothie. Daily routines are vital to health and happiness, and this is especially true at the start of the day.

How about a quick and simple glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt? This simple drink can boost your morning health and wellness regimen – and it’s so easy to make. There are a number of professional athletes and Olympians who start their morning with lemon and salt water, which may say something about its effectiveness.

A 10-ounce glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt in the morning can increase your immune function, decrease uric acid to fight inflammationimprove digestion, and balance your body.

These benefits can be attributed to the vitamin C content of the lemon juice as well as the essential minerals contained in Himalayan salt. This simple morning drink promotes vitality, health, and overall wellness, and may even improve your sex drive!

Let’s take a closer look at 19 of the balancing benefits of water, lemon, and salt, all in one cup.

Lemons Are Excellent for Fighting Inflammation

Lemons can help dissolve the uric acid in your joints, and also have been found to help build and repair tendons, ligaments, and bone. This anti-inflammatory property may be especially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, according to an American College of Physicians study on osteoarthritis, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2000).

Aids in Proper Food and Water Absorption

A daily glass of lemon water with Himalayan salt may provide a better overall mineral balance, which promotes proper food and water absorption in your body, allowing essential nutrients to get where they need to be.

Balances your Body’s Acidity (pH)

The alkalizing effects of lemon and natural salt are highly useful for managing your body’s delicate pH balance, which is crucial for optimal functioning of the body’s systems.

Boosts Immune Function

One lemon serves up 139 percent of your daily value (DV) for vitamin C. Squeezing one lemon into your morning is a natural alternative to that vitamin C supplement you may be taking.

It’s a Detox for Your Cells

The all-natural Himalayan salt mixed with lemon juice and water helps to pull toxins from your cells, reducing cellular toxicity. This may reduce your risk for various chronic diseases, as well as make you feel generally awesome!

Reduces Problematic Cellulite

Natural salts like Himalayan salt have been used for centuries for skin care. Interestingly, most spa treatments for cellulitis contain some form of salt and/or citrus blend. A few daily gulps of lemon and salt water in the morning may firm up a few of those unsightly areas.

Clears up Skin and Adds a Fresh Glow

Using natural salt for skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema, dates back to ancient Roman times. Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius’ doctor, Galen from Pergamum, used sea salt for skin diseases, according to Science Tribune (1999).

Useful for Allergy Season

It has been suggested that the combination of lemon and salt, specifically mixed into warm water, acts as a natural antihistamine for allergies. It may be the perfect alternative to those pink pills that leave you feeling drowsy.

Paves the Way for Better Sleep

The natural hormone-balancing properties of lemon and Himalayan salt can be more than useful when it comes to bedtime. Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for physical health, mental health, productivity, and much more. This hormone-balancing beverage can make an effective nightcap.

Helps Control Blood Sugar

The fiber content of lemons helps to balance blood glucose levels, which is useful for type 2 diabetes patients and prediabetics alike, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2000).

Lemons May Help Detoxify Your Liver

Vitamin C is essential for producing glutathione, which plays a foundational role in detoxifying the liver. It also has antiseptic properties that are useful for liver function, as well.

Freshens Breath!

Lemon and Himalayan salt may not be the first things that come to mind when you think of fresh breath. However, the lemon and salt in this simple morning drink help kill the bad breath bacteria that build up while you’re sleeping.

May Help You Chill Out

When you get stressed out, do not be so quick to reach for those prescription pills. You may be able to chill out and return to that state of Zen by boosting your vitamin C levels first thing in the morning.

Useful for Reducing Blood Pressure

Lemons are not all about vitamin C and fiber. They also boast potassium, which is vital for flushing excessive sodium from the body.

Boost Your Libido!

The vitamin C content and hormone-balancing properties of this morning beverage can help lift your mood. This might be all it takes to boost your libido, without the need for that little blue pill.

Gets You Hydrated Right Out of the Gate

Many people forget how important hydration is, especially after a seven or eight-hour sleep period with no water. Start your morning off right and get hydrated. The water, salt and zesty lemon will get your day off to the perfect start.

An Antioxidant Powerhouse Vital for, Well, Everything!

Lemon offers up a wealth of vitamins and minerals, while Himalayan salt boosts your mineral and trace mineral levels even more. The antioxidant and detoxifying properties of lemon saltwater pack a powerful, free radical knockout punch.

May Improve Your Heart Health

Lemons and real salt are both exceptional for increasing heart health on their own. However, when you combine the two into one vibrant morning drink, you get even more vital heart-thumping health benefits.

Natural salt supports electrochemical reactions in the body, while negative ions assist in healthy heart rhythm. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is, “associated with lower endothelial dysfunction in men with no history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes,” according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006).

Promotes Digestive Health

A glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt before breakfast, or any meal, helps signal your liver to produce the essential bile needed to clean out harmful gut bacteria. The fiber content and natural salt will also promote digestion.

Are you ready to commit to this simple and health-promoting morning drink? I have been drinking warm lemon water with a little bit of Himalayan salt every morning for months, and I absolutely love it. My energy levels are up, and I feel as cool as a cucumber throughout the day.

Want to join me? Combine 10 ounces of filtered water with one whole lemon, squeezed, and half a teaspoon of Himalayan salt.

Watch this video – 21 reasons to drink lemon water with himalayan sea salt

Thursday, August 11, 2022

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Everyday


Although this simple drink has been around for centuries, lemon water is the newest trend in health and fitness circles. So what’s the truth? Is it a cure-all, or just another fad? Read on here to learn about the 5 incredible health benefits of drinking lemon water everyday.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

What healthy beverage is easy to make, has almost zero calories, keeps your skin rejuvenated, aids in digestion, and helps with weight loss?

Cue in: lemon water! Although this simple drink has been around for centuries, lemon water is the newest trend in health and fitness circles. So what’s the truth? Is it a cure-all, or just another fad?

Lemon water is packed with a variety of health benefits and is extremely easy to make, making it a great choice for beginners. Lemon water aids with digestion, and may even help with weight loss.  On top of that, it’s loaded with vitamin C, a beneficial antioxidant.

There are many hidden benefits to lemon water, and we’ll unlock some of the biggest perks of this humble beverage. To start with, if you’re low on your vitamin C, you should work a cup of lemon water into every afternoon.

Why? Because one cup of lemon water packs almost 25% of your daily value of vitamin C into just 8 delicious calories. Lemon water also has good amounts of magnesium, copper and potassium.

Couple this with the fact that lemon water is calorie-free, contains vitamin B6, folate, thiamin, fiber and vitamin E – and you’re really getting a great bang for your buck.

Lemon Water Detoxes and Aids in Digestion

One of the most interesting benefits of lemon water relates to digestion. Because the juice of a lemon is similar in atomic structure to the digestive juices which are found in your stomach, lemon juice can actually trick your liver into producing bile!

Why is this important? Because bile is essential to keeping food moving through your body, as well as your gastrointestinal tract. No bile, and you’ll have big problems. Because of this bile production, lemon water also aids in relieving indigestion, and can help to ease an upset stomach.

Lemon juice mimics digestive juice, and can trick your liver into producing more digestion-easing bile. 

The many different acids found within lemons help signal your body to digest the beneficial nutrients in your foods much slower than it would normally. This is critical for those who suffer with insulin issues, for keeping the levels steadier, and also for allowing you to draw out more nutrients from your foods.

Many with poor digestion also notice that more lemon water leads to much less bloating. Additionally, the enzyme functions in your body are stimulated by lemon water, allowing your liver to work better in flushing out toxins.

And although soda and caffeine lead to increased urination (due to their diuretic properties), lemon water will do the same thing – in a much healthier way. All of this leads to better gut health as well as skin health.

Lemon Water Is a Great Source of Vitamin C

By now, vitamin C is almost completely synonymous with orange juice. But it is also worth noting that lemon water packs a ton of vitamin C as well – and is lower in calories and sugar! Our bodies need exogenous vitamin C, since we do not produce enough on our own.

Without enough vitamin C, we would likely have issues with white blood cell production and a poor immune function. We would also have more free radical damage (i.e., faster aging) and many other problems. Keep these things at bay with a simple glass of lemon water.

Lemon Water Rejuvenates Skin

We all want to look younger, and will spend lots of money to try and make this happen. But the answer may be simpler than you think. The healing properties of lemon water are great, as the vitamin C (and other nutrients) helps your body to produce collagen to keep your skin wrinkle-free.

Lucky for you, a Paleo diet is rich with skin-protecting antioxidants as well. So if you simply add some daily lemon water (which is rich with vitamin C) – your skin will be glowing in no time!

Lemon Water Fights Cravings

You will likely also be encouraged to know that lemons contain a beneficial kind of fiber, known as pectin. Pectin aids in helping you feel full for a longer period of time. This is one of the key tenets of weight loss.

Rounding out a healthy diet with lemon water can help keep you away from the refrigerator late at night and fight off sneaky cravings. In addition, lemon water keeps us hydrated, which can make weight loss much easier. Being properly hydrated also keeps away nasty headaches and sluggishness.

Lemon Water Boosts Energy and Mood

Sick of the caffeine rollercoaster? Try replacing some of your coffee with some lemon water. Don’t believe me? Just examine the atomic structure found within lemons.

They are packed with negative-charged ions, which – upon ingestion – lead to a natural increase in our energy. Who knew! Interestingly, the scent of lemon has been found to help with stress levels and even potentially boost moods.

DIY Lemon Water

If you want to make your own lemon water, the process couldn’t be simpler! To start, simply slice a lemon in half. Next, squeeze the juice of the lemon into a glass of water. The more juice you include, the more nutritional benefits you will get.

If you want to make more than one serving of lemon water, cut a few lemons in half and squeeze the juice into a large pitcher of water. It should be noted that you can also consume the rind itself to get some extra vitamin C and beneficial enzymes.

4 Lemon Water Hacks

In addition to all the benefits of lemon water, you can also use lemons au naturale. There are a variety of ways in which lemons can brighten up and improve your home, but the following are some of my personal favorites.

Try Lemon Essential Oil to Whiten Your Teeth

Want whiter teeth? Try mixing lemon essential oil, coconut oil and baking soda. Once mixed, rub this concoction on your teeth. Try to leave it on for at least two minutes to reap the rewards.

Make Your Own Natural Face Wash

For this one, mix lemon oil, baking soda and honey. This pleasant smelling concoction will leave your skin feeling much fresher than the chemical-based products you can buy at the store.

Use Lemon Oil as a Silver Polisher

This is a little bit obscure, but you can use lemon oil to help clean up your silver – no need for expensive cleaners.

Deodorize Rooms

This is my most frequent use of lemon as a natural product. Peel a lemon and place the peels in a simmering pot of water. Add cinnamon and cloves, and say hello to your new air freshener. Some even use lemon juice in their dishwasher!

How to Choose, Store and Consume Lemon

Here are some helpful tips for your next batch of lemons!

Want to have lemons that last twice as long? Keep them stored in a sealed plastic bag, rather than leaving them out.

Organic is better. While this is nearly always the case, with lemons it really makes a difference. Buy lemons that are all-the-way yellow, not green. Hard lemons, dull lemons, or wrinkly lemons should be avoided as well.

Don’t drink it cold! Cold lemon water can be a little bit of a surprise to your body, so start with lukewarm water. Slowly drip the juice into the water, tasting it until you have your desired flavor.

Did you know there are actually 3 different kinds of lemons available? Eureka and Lisbon lemons are the familiar kind – sour and tart. Meyer lemons, however, are sweeter! They will be a little closer to orange colored, so they’re fairly easy to spot. Mix and match the different varieties until you have your desired flavor.

Want a great way to always have lemon water ready? Juice several lemons, pour into an ice cube tray, and let it freeze. Simply drop a cube or two into a glass the next time you are in the mood for lemon water!

Watch this video – What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water

The Bottom Line

Who knew that lemons could be so useful?! Hopefully you are now inspired to spice up your routine with some lemon water, a new air freshener, and maybe even some new skin care ideas.

While lemonade is very popular, it is much too high in sugar to be healthy (and is usually loaded with artificial sugar). Stay healthier and make your own (delicious) lemon water!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

DIY Serum to Treat Acne and Aging Spots Naturally


DIY Serum to Treat Acne and Aging Spots Naturally - In this recipe, we’ll create a simple DIY serum you can use to spot treat acne scars. However, it’s also great for treating aging spots (and smells delicious!)

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

In this recipe, we’ll create a simple DIY serum you can use to spot treat acne scars. However, it’s also great for treating aging spots (and smells delicious!)

There are many amazing benefits of lemon water, and below, we’ll go over some of its best topical uses.

Lemon not only helps fade scars, but can also heal and treat existing acne, exfoliate skin, and remove blackheads. It also helps keep your skin moisturized, treating your acne without over-drying your already irritated skin.

Vegetable glycerin, another common ingredient in facial serums, acts as a toner and moisturizer. It promotes water retention in your skin while also treating oily spots. (A win-win situation.)

I recommend using darker kitchenware to make this recipe, as the yellow citrus can stain lighter bowls and plates.

Note: As with all topical products, be sure to first test a small spot of skin for adverse reactions.

DIY Serum to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

Recipe by Destiny Lalane

Treat acne and aging spots with this DIY, Paleo-friendly acne serum.


  • Small bowl
  • Funnel
  • Roll-on jar or applicator


  • ¼ t lemon juice
  • 5 drops sweet orange oil essence
  • 2 drops lemon oil essence
  • 1 t castor oil
  • .5 t organic vegetable glycerin (from coconut oil)


  1. Add castor oil and glycerin into a small bowl and mix well.
  • Add sweet orange and lemon oil essence in the bowl and mix.
  • Funnel the mixture into its container and cover.
  • Apply before bed and rinse off in the morning.
  • Store in a cool or room temperature location.
  • Shake well before each use.

Watch this video – DIY | Make Vitamin C Serum And Toner At Home | Dr. Vivek Joshi

Written by Destiny Lalane

Author Bio:

Destiny is a lifestyle blogger and entrepreneur. Her mission is to inspire others to live happy, healthy, and productive lives. When she’s not creating recipes and sharing life hacks on her blog, she enjoys photography, travel, and trying new things.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Friday, August 5, 2022

How to Naturally Eliminate Acne Scars and Marks?


While there’s no denying that the aftermath of a breakout can be messy, there are natural remedies that can help accelerate healing time and fade the marks or acne scars that pimples can cause. Here is how to naturally eliminate acne scars and marks.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

While there’s no denying that the aftermath of a breakout can be messy, there are natural remedies that can help accelerate healing time and fade the marks or acne scars that pimples can cause.

The best part about these natural remedies is that they’re gentle on your skin, won’t clog your pores (which prevents future breakouts), and you can purchase most of them at your local health food store for less than $10.

So save your dollars—and your skin—with these five natural remedies to help heal acne scars.

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Acne Scars

1. Rosehip Seed Oil

Meet your new BFF for fresh red marks and dark spots: rosehip seed oil.

Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the rosehip seeds of wild roses in Chile.

This natural oil can improve your skin’s texture and appearance because it contains vitamin C and essential fatty acids, two nutrients that help build healthy skin cells and stimulate collagen production.

Collagen is needed to help reduce hyperpigmentation, fill in deep acne scars and repair the skin’s tissue to fade red spots and dark marks.

But what really makes rosehip seed oil a superfood for your skin is a nutrient it contains, called retinoic acid.

Retinoic acid is a form of vitamin A, an antioxidant vitamin. When applied topically, retinoic acid can help regenerate skin cells, reduce hyperpigmentation and reduce the appearance of dark marks.

Studies suggest that retinoic acid can also help promote collagen formation, especially in those with photodamaged skin. When you apply rosehip oil topically, your skin absorbs it right away and begins regenerating cells.

The cool thing about retinoic acid is that your skin can absorb it and utilize it right away. You see, other forms of vitamin A, such as beta-carotene, must go through a series of processes to be converted to retinoic acid before it can provide benefits to the skin.

Lastly, rosehip oil is non-comedogenic, which means it doesn’t clog pores and won’t contribute to future breakouts. Rosehip seed oil is safe to use on oily skin because it’s a dry oil, which means it’s readily absorbed by your skin and won’t make your skin feel greasy. For this reason, it’s more similar to a skin serum than an oil.

How to Use Rosehip Seed Oil: Rosehip seed oil is best applied at night after cleansing and exfoliating. Although it absorbs well into the skin, it may still feel oily if applied under makeup.

2. Hemp Seed Oil

While there’s a lack of studies done on hemp oil for the skin, many natural skincare sites feature hemp oil as one of the best home remedies for acne sufferers.

Hemp seed oil is one of the richest plant sources of linolenic acid, an omega-3 essential fatty acid that helps build healthy skin cells, which are needed to fade dark marks and scars.

Because they’re a natural anti-inflammatory, omega-3’s, when applied topically, can also help reduce the swelling, irritation and redness that accompany breakouts. Hemp oil is anti-inflammatory, helping to relieve acne swelling and irritation.

Hemp seed oil is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores or contribute to new breakouts, and is safe for daily use.

Let’s not forget that hemp seed oil is also a whole food that pairs well with recipes—and that healthy skin also stems from your diet. So, drizzle hemp seed oil on your salads and add it to your smoothies!

How to Use Hemp Seed Oil: For improving the skin’s appearance and texture, hemp seed oil is best used as a moisturizer, massaged into the skin after cleansing and exfoliating. For best results, use daily.

Important Note:

Hemp seed oil is a delicate oil that can go rancid quickly when it’s exposed to heat or light. For this reason, hemp seed oil should always be in a dark bottle and refrigerated. When using hemp seed oil in your beauty routine, take out small amounts as needed.

3. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant. While it behaves like an oil, jojoba oil is actually a wax ester, which makes it a non-greasy “dry” oil that absorbs into the skin quickly.

Jojoba oil is said to be effective for reducing mild acne scars and redness because it contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant vitamin that can help regenerate skin cells and improve wound and scar healing.

It’s also included in many anti-acne skin care formulas because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, which can help prevent acne-causing bacteria in the skin’s pores from causing breakouts.

Additionally, jojoba oil is said to be the closest plant substance to human sebum, which may create a “feedback” mechanism by regulating the body’s sebum production.

As you may already know, excess sebum production is the primary cause of acne breakouts. Jojoba oil is antibacterial, contains vitamin E and regulates sebum production: the perfect breakout cure.

While more research is needed to backup this claim, it’s worth giving jojoba oil a shot. As a non-comedogenic oil, jojoba oil won’t clog pores, and may help control future breakouts by regulating oil production and killing bacteria.

While jojoba oil is a safe natural remedy to use for acne, there are a few precautions to consider when it comes to adding it to your skincare routine.

While some people experience only beneficial effects from using jojoba oil, others experience a “purge” phase, where jojoba oil’s antibacterial properties clean out clogged pores and push out pus that’s formed by bacteria.

Initially, this may cause whiteheads or small pimples to form. However, this is simply the cleansing action of jojoba oil at work. After a few weeks of daily continued use, many people credit jojoba oil to a vast reduction in clogged pores.

How to Use Jojoba Oil: Simply add a few drops of jojoba oil to your fingers and massage into your face after cleansing and exfoliating.

Important Notes:

A few drops of jojoba oil go a long way. If overused, it can cause breakouts by attracting more dirt into your pores.

Jojoba oil is considered a dry oil because it absorbs into the skin so quickly.

However, if you find it too oily, some people prefer to mix a few drops of jojoba with aloe vera gel for a moisturizing, soothing anti-acne treatment.

Quality is important when it comes to jojoba oil. Many varieties of jojoba oil are heavily processed, refined and contain other chemicals, which will actually contribute to breakouts.

Non-organic jojoba oil may also contain pesticides, which can further aggravate your skin. For this reason, jojoba oil is the one exception on this list of natural remedies for acne scars that will cost more than $10.

A high quality jojoba oil that’s organic, cold-pressed and unrefined (which is the exact variety that will help your skin) will usually range between $25 and $30.

Typically, a larger-sized bottle of jojoba oil that’s $10 or less indicates that it’s unrefined or non-organic, even if it’s labelled “pure.”

4. Exfoliate with Baking Soda

Baking soda is naturally exfoliating, which may help fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation by removing dead skin and regenerating a layer of new skin cells.

Baking soda is also effective for preventing future breakouts because it helps remove the trapped dirt and oil under the skin that causes zits.

Exfoliating with baking soda before applying a natural moisturizer or oil (such as rosehip seed oil or hemp oil) will also help open your pores, enabling the oil to be more efficiently absorbed.

How to Exfoliate with Baking Soda: Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 tablespoon of water in a small bowl, and mix until a paste forms. Massage gently onto your face in a circular motion for a few minutes, focusing on areas that are most affected by dark marks and scars. Rinse off with warm water, and repeat 2-3 times weekly.

Important Notes:

It’s important to choose a non-aluminum baking soda to prevent unnecessary harsh chemicals from coming in contact with your skin.

Avoid exfoliating areas where the skin is broken open, as this can cause more redness and irritation.

5. Lemon Juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is commonly used as a natural spot treatment for fading acne scars because it acts as a natural bleaching agent.

Lemon is also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant vitamin that helps improve the health of skin cells. Lemon juice may also help prevent future breakouts because it’s a natural antimicrobial.

How to Use Lemon Juice: It’s best to apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to affected areas after exfoliating with a Q-tip or cotton ball. You can leave the lemon juice on overnight or rinse off after an hour.

Since lemon juice is highly acidic, it should only be applied to areas affected by dark marks or scars, and kept away from areas where the skin has been broken open.

If you have sensitive skin, diluting lemon juice with water will have a milder effect.

Lastly, lemon juice can be drying, so it’s best to follow up this natural spot treatment by applying a moisturizing oil afterwards, such as hemp seed oil.

Lemon juice can also be combined with baking soda, rosehip seed oil and other natural ingredients to make home recipes for preventing breakouts and treating acne scars.

Important Notes:

Avoid the sun. Lemon juice may increase your skin’s photosensitivity and make you more susceptible to sun damage after being applied.

For this reason, it’s best to avoid the sun entirely on the days you apply lemon juice. If that’s not possible, be sure to wear sunscreen.

Lemon may be too strong of a bleaching agent for darker skin tones.

It’s recommended that you do a spot test to see how your skin reacts before using it as a natural treatment to fade your acne scars.

Getting Rid of Acne Scars Through Your Diet

While these natural home remedies for getting rid of acne scars are effective, this blog post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t emphasize the importance of healing and preventing future breakouts through your diet.

I always say that clear skin is an inside job, which means your internal health has a direct impact on the appearance and texture of your skin. As your largest organ of detoxification, your skin’s appearance is a telling indicator of high levels of toxins in your body (which can manifest as breakouts) or hormonal imbalances.

This is why, in addition to using topical remedies for acne scars, it’s also important to add skin supportive foods to your diet each day.

Collagen peptides can help stimulate collagen production from the inside out, while plant foods such as spirulina, chlorella, leafy greens, fresh fruitvegetablesnuts and seeds are all rich sources of antioxidant vitamins that help promote healthy skin cells.

Refined sugar also acts as a toxin and damages your skin. This is because when you eat refined sugar, it attaches to proteins in your bloodstream and forms new molecules called AGEs, or advanced glycation end products. AGEs damage the collagen in your skin, preventing your skin from healing quicker and also causing premature wrinkles.

In addition to refined sugar, foods that are known to cause acne breakouts include dairy, white flour, grains and gluten, which is why it’s best to avoid these foods.

As mentioned above, refined sugar contributes to damaged skin by forming AGEs. But sugar also causes rapid spikes in your blood sugar levels, triggering the release of insulin. Fluctuating insulin levels have been shown to increase sebum production.

Excess sebum (oil) can clog your pores when mixed with the bacteria that live on your skin and form pimples. Refined sugar, dairy and gluten are often the cause of acne breakouts. Stick with leafy plant foods!

Dairy and gluten are common (and often hidden) food sensitivities for many people. Repeatedly eating a food your body has difficulty digesting can not only trigger an immune response, but also deplete your healthy gut bacteria. This leads to a health condition called gut dysbiosis.

Since approximately 70% of your immune system is located in your gut, gut dysbiosis can lead to immune dysfunction, which is a primary cause of inflammatory skin conditions such as acneeczema and psoriasis.

Lastly, essential fatty acids are an important nutrient for keeping your skin blemish-free. We require both omega-3’s and omega-6’s from our diets to keep our skin healthy. However, they are needed in a very specific ratio with one another—or else they can have the opposite effect and cause acne.

You see, omega-3 essential fatty acids are an anti-inflammatory nutrient, while omega-6’s cause inflammation when consumed in excess, resulting in inflammatory skin conditions such as acne.

The ideal omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is 1:2 or 1:3 for optimal health. Unfortunately, today’s Western diet is closer to a 1:17 ratio. This means we’re consuming at least 5 times the amount of omega-6’s we should be. This is because omega-6’s is found in high oleic vegetable oils and fats that are included in most packaged foods, fried foods and processed foods.

You can help reduce the inflammation in your skin by adding more omega-3’s to your diet and reducing your amount of omega-6’s. This can be done by eating more omega-3 rich foods at each meal (such as salmonavocado, walnuts, flaxseed, hemp hearts and chia seeds), while avoiding processed, packaged and fast foods that are high in omega-6’s.

Since the Paleo diet recommends eating the skin supportive foods above, and eliminates the most common foods that cause acne, following a Paleo diet may also be an ideal way to improve the appearance and texture of your skin.

Watch this video – How to Naturally Eliminate Acne Scars and Marks?

Written by Brandi Black

Author Bio:

Brandi Black is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the creator of Feel Best Naked, a health blog for women who want to clear up their skin, lose the muffin top and make the bloat disappear. After years of experiencing (and then healing) her own unbalanced hormones, she’s now obsessed with helping other women feel spectacular in their own skin with natural remedies for hormone balance.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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