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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Is Dairy Paleo? The Pros and Cons of Dairy Milk


Pros and cons of dairy milk. Pros – good source of vitamins, magnesium, potassium and calcium; helps fight inflammation and promote fat loss; when made into yogurt and kefir contains high doses of gut-friendly probiotics. Cons – contain artificial hormones and antibiotics, lactose can cause nausea and bloating for some people; casein proteins may cause constipation, diarrhoea or joint pain.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

If there was ever a way to instantly divide a group of Paleo followers with one word, it would be this: dairy.

The general stance on dairy usually falls hard on one of two sides: the first claiming that humans never truly evolved to consume dairy (and therefore aren’t fit to digest it), and the second, which argues how humans have been consuming animal milk for thousands of years without ill effects.

Interestingly, both sides appear somewhat correct when you begin to peel back their surface arguments. Roughly 75 percent of humans do have trouble digesting dairy, as we fail to produce the enzyme to digest lactose once we reach adulthood.

And yet, some of the healthiest populations around the world consume goat, cow, sheep, and camel milk daily, seemingly to their benefit 

So what gives? Is dairy a true Paleo food, or is it best avoided?

Dairy: The Bad

The negative aspects of the dairy most of us grew up with are nothing to laugh at. In fact, the risks of consuming standard supermarket options could be considered just as dangerous as consuming genetically engineered grains, soy, and other processed foods.

Hormones and Antibiotics

One of the biggest issues concerning commercial dairy is the presence of artificial hormones – namely recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST or rBGH) – which have serious health consequences for both consumers and dairy cows.

RBGH, which is injected into cows to increase milk production, is a genetically engineered drug created by agriculture giant Monsanto. Along with the fact that it has never been approved for use in the EU or Canada due to health concerns, it also has several nasty side effects, such as increasing udder infections and reproductive problems in dairy cows.

Dairy farmers react to these side effects by injecting their cows with antibiotics to prevent infections from spreading, which occur easily in cramped milking conditions.

Unfortunately, both rBGH and antibiotics make their way into the dairy products we consume, and have been implicated in multiple studies as carcinogenic and tumor-promoting.

Proteins and Sugars

Milk and other dairy products contain an assortment of unique sugars and proteins that can be problematic for many people.

Lactose is the main sugar that can cause reactions (this is where the term lactose-intolerance comes from) due to the fact that most people lack the enzyme lactase to break it down. The result can be nausea, flatulencebloating, and other side effects when dairy is consumed.

Along with lactose, dairy also contains casein and whey proteins, which have been shown to cause reactions in certain people. While most people do fine with isolated whey protein, casein can be problematic, causing constipation, diarrhea, and even joint pain.

Dairy: The Good

Now, at this point you may have already made the decision to avoid dairy like the plague from here on out. However, keep in mind that most of the dangers associated with “dairy” are actually created through mass production, the addition of hormones, and unnatural processing methods.

Dairy, when raw, organic, and coming from grass-fed, antibiotic-free cows, is also rich with benefits that we’d be short-sighted to ignore.

For one, raw dairy is an excellent source of vitamins AC, and K, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It’s also a rich source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to help fight inflammation and aid in fat loss.

It contains high doses of gut-friendly probiotics when fermented and made into yogurt and kefir (a traditional fermented milk drink). Kefir is especially great for those with dairy sensitivities or lactose intolerance, as the fermentation process essentially “eats up” the lactose sugar in milk, making it easier to digest.

The high levels of vitamin K2 in dairy (specifically full-fat cheese) has also been associated with an all-around reduced risk of cancer.

Goat, Camel and Sheep’s Milk Products

If you’re still worried you might not tolerate dairy all that well, keep in mind that goat, camel, and sheep’s milk products are another way you can cash in on the benefits of dairy while getting less of the reactive sugars and proteins found in cow’s milk.

For instance, goat’s milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk, as well as more vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Camel milk also has less lactose, as well as a whopping three times the amount of vitamin C as cow’s milk. Sheep’s milk is also similar in composition to goat’s milk, but offers higher levels of calcium and phosphorus.

Even though many milk-intolerant individuals report being able to tolerate raw goat, sheep, and camel milk, make sure to carefully test your tolerance anyway, as reactions can sometimes still occur.

Why Choose Raw Milk?

Most dairy in the U.S. undergoes pasteurization – a form of heat treatment used to destroy any lingering bacteria that might be present in the milk. While this might seem like a good thing at first glance, it actually has a severe drawback.

Unprocessed, raw milk is a whole food with live enzymes and nutrients. Specifically, it contains lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down the milk sugar (lactose) we spoke of earlier. Since most humans don’t produce their own lactase, its availability in raw milk helps with digestion.

Unfortunately, pasteurization destroys lactase, making pasteurized milk troublesome for those who can’t tolerate lactose.

Why Drink Full-Fat Milk?

Grass-fed mammals naturally produce milk rich in beneficial fatty acids like omega-3, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and α-linolenic acid. Removing these acids takes dairy from a whole food to a processed food – something we all agree is definitely not Paleo.

Studies have also shown that people with the highest milk fat biomarkers (or who consume the most dairy fat) have a reduced risk of heart attack, along with a 69 percent lower risk of cardiovascular death than those with the lowest concentrations of milk fat.

Nut Milks: The Alternative

Almond milk, hazelnut milk, tigernut milk?

If you’re new to the Paleo lifestyle, you’re probably scratching your head in confusion as you scan the isle of nut “milks” in your local market. After all, how does a nut translate into milk?

The process is fairly simple, and involves blending any kind of nut with water to make a “milk,” then straining it to remove the nut pieces. The result is a creamy liquid very similar to regular milk that makes an amazing alternative for Paleo folks who don’t tolerate lactose or casein.

One thing to keep in mind before you buy is that almond milk will naturally taste different from hazelnut milk and so forth. Experiment a bit and find a type you enjoy. Generally, the most popular option is almond or coconut milk (not in the can), as the unsweetened versions have a very mild flavor.

Where to Find the Best Dairy Products

Thankfully, some health food stores across the nation are beginning to stock raw, grass-fed dairy products on their shelves. However, consuming and/or selling raw milk in some states is still frowned upon (making it difficult to find) or even illegal.

In these situations, it’s always best to look into visiting local small farms, as many offer raw, grass-fed dairy products. They will also most likely be happy to share their practices with you, which is a great way to know exactly how your milk is getting from animal to table.

Watch this video – Best and Worst Dairy (Milk Products)

The Final Verdict

The final verdict on whether dairy is Paleo? Firstly, it depends on your definition of “dairy.” If we’re speaking about “dairy” from the gallon jugs in the supermarket that are laden with artificial hormones and antibiotics, then dairy can be firmly labelled “not Paleo.”

If we’re talking about organic, raw, grass-fed dairy free from any of the nasties mentioned above, then it becomes a question of your personal tolerance.

My recommendation would be to always begin your Paleo journey by eliminating all types of dairy (yes, even the good versions) to rule out any food sensitivities and get your system back on track.

Only then should you introduce good forms of dairy, starting with perhaps ghee, kefir, or camel milk, which are easier to digest than other forms. If these work well for you and you find you feel better after introducing them, move on to raw hard cheeses and on up to raw milk.

If you don’t feel so great indulging in dairy (i.e., your stomach is threatening to wage war against you), don’t despair! Nut milks are delicious as milk alternatives and can be used in place of regular milk for just about any recipe. Not to mention, nut milk cheeses that use almonds as a base are on the rise, along with almond and coconut milk yogurts.

As you can see, with all of these options and a little self-experimentation, everyone can win in the debate over dairy.

Written by Megan Patiry

Author Bio:

Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious. She is a dedicated researcher in all areas of ancestral health, a certified specialist in fitness nutrition, personal trainer, and professional almond milk latte addict.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Truth About Carbs – Why Your Body Needs Carbs?


The Truth About Carbs – Carbohydrates are controversial in the diet and nutrition world. This is controversial, because increased carbohydrate intake has been linked to dementia. Carbohydrate intake should definitely be limited in those who struggle with overeating, and especially in those who are very sedentary. But if you are physically active, your body probably needs more carb. Your metabolism and physiology can get severely out of whack when you go too low carb.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Carbohydrates are controversial in the diet and nutrition world.

While there is technically no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, humans have shown a proclivity toward consuming them – and even being addicted to them, if those carbohydrates are largely sugar and/or wheat.

This is controversial, because increased carbohydrate intake has been linked to dementia – perhaps the world’s greatest collective medical fear.

Adding to the controversy is the obesity pandemic we are currently in. If we leave out carbohydrates (some will argue) – we will be healthier and happier. But is this an oversimplification? The answer is not clear.

Which Type of Carbs – Does It Matter?

At the heart of this matter is the amount and type of carbohydrates consumed. Is 50 grams of carbohydrate per day ideal? How about 100 grams per day? 300? The answers vary and no one can seem to agree across the board. Food quality, however, is fairly unanimous.

Part of the popularity of the Paleo diet (and other nutritional approaches) is that the consumer eliminated processed foods, which automatically increases the dieter’s nutrient consumption and lowers their sugar intake. These are two of the most important aspects of any successful diet.

Should You Lower Carb Intake?

Carbohydrate intake should definitely be limited in those who struggle with overeating, and especially in those who are very sedentary. There is very little (if any) need for a large amount of carbohydrates in these situations.

By focusing on more nutrient-dense foods (which are less calorically-dense) we achieve satiety, maximize our intake of vitamins and minerals, and avoid empty calories from carbohydrates. It is also important in these scenarios to replace these carbohydrates with healthy fats, which will serve as your new source of energy.

How Does Stress Impact Carb Consumption?

However, where things begin to get murky is in active or highly stressed individuals. Should they too, be low carb? The answer, generally, is no. But some will argue yes. Why is this? Where is the discrepancy?

Dr. Peter Attia has undergone a long-term ketogenic adaptation, and his athletic performance seems to have remained intact (after the initial adaptation period, at least). There is also little doubt that a lower carb approach appears to be better, neurologically.

So, depending on your goals, food preferences, and willpower, you may choose one option or the other here. The problem is, both sides have data, and neither set of data has a clear-cut answer.

What About Cortisol?

One of the best arguments against a low carb approach for athletes is the increased cortisol. When cortisol (your stress hormone) is increased, your testosterone plummets. This is bad news.

There is even a measurement, called the free testosterone/cortisol ratio (FTCR), which is a biological marker of overtraining. If one is to go low carb, they must limit their exercise accordingly. And this is where the math comes in.

How Active Should You Be?

If you are going very low carb, you have to limit activity to walking and lifting weights, basically. If you’re adding in some carbs for what would now be referred to as “moderate intake,” you will want to increase your activity levels to include some jogging, sprinting and maybe some light endurance work.

And if you’d like to go high carb? You better get moving, and do some heavy activity, or be on your feet all day at your job. Otherwise, there is very little scientific evidence that you need to be taking in large amounts of carbohydrates.

More Carbs = Weight Loss?

What is revelatory about more carbohydrate consumption for most people is that they actually start losing weight again. This can occur through a variety of mechanisms, and indeed your metabolism and physiology can get severely out of whack when you go too low carb.

This is especially true when one does not work with a professional, and simply partakes on an extremely low carbohydrate diet on his/her own. This can cause severe problems.

Not All Carbs Are Created Equal

The type of carbohydrate consumed is also very important, and this factor is actually becoming more accepted (though gluten-free diets still get their share of unfair mockery in the mainstream media).

Vegetables, starchy carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, and a small amount of fruit is really an ideal template here, and this part of the diet can be very hard for many to stick to.

People typically crave for more sugary carbohydrates, or wheat-based products (believe it or not, I’ve had new clients binge on bread!) This is not ideal, no matter how many carbs you want to consume.

What About Thyroid Issues?

Another reason people consume lower or moderate amounts of carbohydrates is a thyroid issue. What is important to remember is that a Paleo approach (stricter here) is ideal for almost any thyroid condition, so really start by focusing on food quality before getting more specific. You will also want to work with a practitioner, and avoid trying to navigate the difficult pathway of thyroid health on your own.

As mentioned before, those with lots of stress should also avoid very low carb diets, since this type of diet increases cortisol even further. Cortisol is not ideal in excess, no matter what the scenario, so it is good to also undertake practices like meditation, if you are highly stressed.

As you have no doubt begun to see, the question of how many carbs to eat per day is highly individual. There is not a single blanket answer. There are, however, some troubleshooting tips one can sift through, to see if they’ve disrupted their delicate HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis balance with too few or too many carbohydrates.

Simple Questions That Help

The following are some good questions to ask yourself, if you suspect some form of diet miscalculation has impaired your health. Are you abnormally tired? Are you drinking lots of coffee, just to feel “okay?” Are you able to consistently exercise? Are you having trouble sleeping? How are your moods?

The effects of too few or too many carbohydrates can be subtle and hard to detect, especially if we are the only ones judging our health. A good test for too much sugar in the diet is the hemoglobin A1C test.

Always Eat Good Carbs

Since most of us are leading somewhat unhealthy lifestyles to begin with (not enough sleep, too much/too little exercise, too much screen time) optimizing your carbohydrate intake is vital to achieving a better level of health.

Remember to focus on the sources of carbohydrates, as well, and stick to the Paleo-friendly choices of sweet potatoesfruits and vegetables. Whether you are moderate carb, high carb or low carb, the foods themselves should not change.

Don’t Forget About Your Microbiome!

Interestingly, another common downside to too few carbohydrates in the diet is a decreased diversity of gut microflora. Since your microbiome is essential to good mental and physical health, this should give people serious pause who are thinking of cutting their carbohydrate intake drastically. Paleo diets have been scientifically studied to help improve gut microflora populations – but this only works when enough carbohydrate is consumed.

Watch this video – Are Carbs Really As Bad As We Tend To Think? | The Truth About Carbs | Tonic

The Bottom Line

After all this, you may be wondering “just how many carbohydrates should I consume per day?” There is, again, no single answer, but 100 to 200 grams per day is a safe, healthy starting point. If you are worried about going too low carb, err on the higher end. If you are more active, err on the higher end. If you’ve never done a low carb diet before, err on the higher end.

Then, once a baseline has been established, experiment with lower amounts of carbs, and see how you feel. It would be best to work with a doctor or other healthcare practitioner here, and replace these carbs with healthy fats, not more protein.

I know the world is riddled with many debates about carbohydrate intake, but the real, honest truth is that there is no one single answer. Ketogenic diets (extremely low carb intake) definitely have their place, but they are not to be taken lightly, and can cause severe problems if done incorrectly.

The answer of how many carbs you need to be taking in is ultimately highly individualistic, and takes some self-experimentation. No matter what level of carbs you try, make sure you are eating Paleo-friendly foods in general.

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Debunking The Milk Myth – Drinking Milk Good for Bone Health?


Debunking The Milk Myth – Calcium: we are all told we need more of it. That’s why we should drink milk, right? Well, as many in the Paleo community know, this is actually not quite the case. Calcium — while a mineral completely necessary for life — is not the be-all and end-all that most media would have you believe. There are actually many misconceptions and misnomers around calcium, and milk consumption is just the first one.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Calcium: we are all told we need more of it. That’s why we should drink milk, right?

Well, as many in the Paleo community know, this is actually not quite the case. Calcium — while a mineral completely necessary for life — is not the be-all and end-all that most media would have you believe. There are actually many misconceptions and misnomers around calcium, and milk consumption is just the first one.

Did you know, for example, that the United States has one of the highest intakes of calcium – yet also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis? If calcium were all it took for bone health, wouldn’t this data be impossible? As you can see, we are not getting the whole truth when it comes to calcium.

Many people do not realize that there is a whole bevy of foods which are rich in calcium, but do not lead to any of these problems. So without further ado, let’s dive deep into the real story behind calcium and how much you actually need to keep your bones strong and healthy!

Is The Daily Value Correct?

One of the most important questions around calcium is: is the recommended daily value actually accurate? If you are consuming a diet rich in calcium, avoiding things that block calcium from being absorbed, and getting enough vitamins and minerals which also aid in bone health, you may not need the RDA of calcium. As Dr. Loren Cordain has pointed out, you may need about half the amount of calcium recommended, in actuality.

Does Calcium Build Strong Bones?

As mentioned earlier in this piece, the fact that the United States has one of the highest intakes of calcium, yet also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis, should tell you that there is much more to bone health than just calcium.

As with most topics in wellness, good bone health relies on many different things. Strong bones need vitamin D3 (actually a hormone), vitamin K2, magnesium, dietary fat, and many other things. Calcium is but one element involved in bone health.

Many scientific papers have cited the numerous lifestyle and dietary factors which are needed to have excellent bone health — and yet this information rarely makes it out to the public.

Why is this? Perhaps it’s politics, perhaps it’s a lack of interest from the public — who knows. But what is very real is the myriad of things you need to be doing right in order to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Is Milk the Best Source of Calcium?

Milk — it does a body good. I think my entire childhood and teenage years consisted of this saying being repeated to me, ad nauseum. While this has more to do with the dairy industry needing to keep their profits up than our health, milk does contain a fairy large dose of calcium. However, it also has many other issues.

One of the main problems is that calcium is not very bioavailable when consumed via milk. While dairy is highly contextual (meaning what works for me might not work for you) I actually recommend a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, rather than rich in dairy.

Why? For starters, vegetables will avoid all the problems that dairy promotes. In addition, green leafy vegetables contain many more beneficial compounds, like the epoxyxanthophylls found in spinach. Then there is broccoli, which contains a large amount of calcium, and also has bioactive compounds, like sulforaphane.

Clearly you can see that milk is not the best source of calcium. In fact, many people report significant improvements in their health when dropping dairy from their daily regimen, and replacing it with green leafy vegetables. In addition, green leafy vegetables (especially the cruciferous kind) have been linked to lower rates of cancer. Dig in!

Does Calcium Prevent Bone Fractures?

In a word: no. In fact, three long-term Harvard studies very clearly showed this may not be the case. These studies, when combined, followed almost 200,000 men and women for a total of 42 years. Calcium certainly won’t hurt when it comes to preventing bone fractures, but it is not the silver bullet that many claim it to be.

So what does help prevent bone fractures? Well, before we get there, it’s important to note that our bones are constantly breaking down and rebuilding (similar to muscle growth), and this process is called bone remodeling. This helps our bones adapt to new stressors, and also allows bones to grow (i.e., in children). Bones are also the biggest storage place for calcium.

When our health declines, calcium can be taken away from bones, leaving them more likely to fracture. While there is indeed far more to this process than my short summary, the bottom line is that you need to do everything in your power to keep your bones strong.

This means avoiding high levels of stress (chronically high cortisol depletes calcium), getting plenty of vitamin D3 (a deficiency can cause calcium levels to drop), and getting plenty of magnesium (vital in making up the structure of the bone matrix).

Another commonly overlooked factor in bone issues is inflammationSystemic inflammation is terrible for just about any element of health — but it’s really bad news for those worried about bone health.

Eating an anti-inflammatory Paleo diet, getting plenty of sleep, and practicing stress-relieving exercise and meditation will go a long way in keeping chronic inflammation at bay. As you can see, the way to strong bones is actually much more clear and logical than many are led to believe.

One last factor which can be quite damaging for bone health is prescription medication. Some medications are commonly prescribed, and yet the side effects aren’t accounted for. Make sure to ask your doctor about any side effects from medications you may be taking. If at all possible, get off those medications, and work on improving your health through a healthier diet and lifestyle.

What Other Foods Have Calcium?

Clearly, we have been led somewhat astray when it comes to calcium. Not only is it not the only element important for bone health, it also does not need to be obtained via high consumption of milk.

As mentioned above, green leafy vegetables are some of the best sources of calcium. This means that those following a Paleo diet would be well-advised to consume large amounts of kale, bok choy, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and spinach.

On the meat-eating side, it is best to consume organ meats, sardines, bone broth, shrimp, oysters and salmon. As anyone familiar with a Paleo approach can see, these are all staples of a well-rounded diet.

Remember to also choose foods rich in magnesium, phosphorous and vitamin K2. Vitamin D3, while also vital to bone health, cannot be easily obtained via food. So make sure to get your daily dose of 15 minutes of sunlight, or supplement with a suitable amount.

Watch this video – Debunking the Milk Myth – White Poison or Healthy Drink?

What About Gluten?

You may be surprised to know that gluten is strongly related to poor bone health. How is this possible? Well, quite simply, gluten leads to inflammation, which remember, is a key part of developing bone health issues.

While those with celiac disease are the most at risk for this problem, it is a good idea for everyone to avoid gluten — your body will thank you. This is also further proof that the Paleo diet — which leaves out the inflammatory food groups of dairy and grains — is best for bone health, too.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to calcium, the truth is both simpler and more complex than we have been led to believe. It is simpler because we don’t need 2 gallons of milk per day to get enough calcium. And it is more complex, because we need other elements besides calcium in order to build strong bones.

Once again, the Paleo approach speaks to the scientific truth, while mainstream health outlets still tend to get it wrong. I hope I’ve provided a good overview of the common myths about calcium, and I also hope that your diet can now be full of nutrient-dense, calcium-rich choices!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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