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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Revealing Here the 10 Anti-Wrinkle Foods That Aren’t Collagen


Yes, collagen works wonders on preventing wrinkles. But having a well-rounded anti-aging diet is key. Here are 10 more anti-wrinkle foods that aren’t collagen, you’ll want to add to your plate.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Yes, collagen works wonders on preventing wrinkles. But having a well-rounded anti-aging diet is key. Here are 10 more wrinkle-fighting foods you’ll want to add to your plate.

Everyone ages at a different rate, and some more gracefully than others. The aging process can be sped up due to anything from genetics and diet to sun exposure and stress levels. The good news is that signs of aging (yes, wrinkles included) can be prevented and even reversed with the right foods and lifestyle.

Discover the biggest triggers of wrinkles that you should avoid, as well as the best foods that will help minimize the effects of aging on the body.

How Wrinkles Happen

Skin aging manifests as more than wrinkles: discoloration, swelling, fibrosis, dullness, and roughness are all considered a result of aged skin. Wrinkling is perhaps the most common sign, marked by the loss of skin elasticity and a reduced production of collagen.

Common causes of wrinkles include:


While the sun can provide us with a golden tan and abundant energy, too much can be a bad thing. Excessive sun exposure can lead to “photoaged skin”, which decreases the collagen content in the skin. Sun damage also lowers hyaluronic acid levels in the skin, which can weaken the skin’s structure.

Chronic Stress

Elevated level of the major stress hormone cortisol is strongly associated with aged facial skin. Here’s why: First, our skin has receptors for cortisol, meaning when we are stressed, our skin knows it. Secondly, cortisol is a catabolic hormone, meaning it breaks down the skin tissue. So, in other words, when we are continually stressed, our skin weakens, wrinkles, and ages.

AGEs & Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFA)

One major culprit that causes skin aging are the so-called “advanced glycation end products” (AGEs). AGEs are extremely reactive compounds, which form through the breakdown of fatsproteins, and sugars that bind to tissues. This results in the deterioration of the skin.

AGEs are mostly formed from the breaking down of polyunsaturated fats – the unstable fats from canola, soy, corn, and other vegetable oils that can weaken the skin and result in wrinkles.


You already knew smoking was bad for you, but the reason tobacco smoke accelerates skin aging might surprise you. Smokers have significantly higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, due to the nicotine exposure. Cortisol breaks down the skin, resulting in weaker skin that’s more prone to wrinkling and aging.

10 Foods That Naturally Fight Wrinkles

Now that we know what to avoid when it comes to wrinkles, let’s talk about the healing foods we can eat to defend ourselves from damage. Here are the top 10 anti-wrinkle foods that can help fight inflammation and oxidation – the major destroyers of skin.

Olive Oil

Quality, unfiltered olive oil contains a healthy amount of vitamin E, which is clinically known to inhibit wrinkle formation. Considering olive oil contains mostly unsaturated fats, it is less stable than butter or coconut oil. Therefore, it’s best not to cook with it and instead use it raw in dressings and marinades

Carrots, Pumpkins and Sweet Potatoes

All of these bright orange foods are fantastic anti-wrinkle agents. They all contain powerful beta-carotene that can protect your skin from UV-induced wrinkling and skin aging. Try any of these Stunning Paleo Pumpkin Recipes to get you started.

Wild Caught Krill or Salmon

Both types of fish possess a powerful anti-wrinkle capacity due to a special compound known as astaxanthin that protects against oxidative stress. It may also increase antioxidant production, improving skin elasticity. Try this Gluten free Lunchbox – Salmon Sweet Potato Cakes with Avocado Salsa for a wrinkle-free double whammy.


These summertime melons contain lycopene, a carotenoid known to protect the skin against sunburn by increasing its defense against UV light-mediated damage.

Grass-fed Liver

Liver is a rich source of the active form of vitamin A, known as retinol. In a review of topical methods to counteract skin wrinkling, it was discovered that retinol can inhibit the UV-induced breakdown of collagen. Given the nutrient density of organ meat, a little goes a long way – you only need to eat a few ounces per week to reap the benefits.

Egg Yolks

Pastured egg yolks are a rich source of vitamin D3, which is essential for the body’s immune and inflammatory responses. Vitamin D3 also happens to protect the skin cells from UV-induced cell death. Try this Avocado & Egg Sweet Potato Toast | Paleo Recipe for a wrinkle-fighting start to your morning.

Green Tea

The polyphenols found in green tea can protect the skin from the effects of UV radiation, including wrinkles and skin cancers. Matcha tea is a delicious way to get a concentrated source of the anti-wrinkle polyphenols.


This Indian spice contains a compound known as curcumin, shown to protect and help mitigate oxidative stress and suppress inflammation – two key contributing intrinsic factors in skin wrinkling. There are plenty of ways to cook with turmeric and nearly as many ways to drink turmeric, too.

Here are some Paleo-Friendly Turmeric Recipes:


Tuna contains a quinone called Ubiquinol, or CoQ10, a well-known and powerful antioxidant compound. CoQ10 safeguards the skin from oxidative stress while improving mitochondrial function in the skin, which increases its antioxidative anti-wrinkle potential.

Raw Honey

Honey possesses strong antimicrobial properties, which can help mitigate inflammation on the skin. It is also useful for supporting the healing of wounds and burns, regulating the pH and slowing wrinkle formation.

To reap these anti-aging benefits, add raw honey to tea, coffee or smoothies for an energizing, anti-wrinkle boost. You can even make a face mask by smothering your face with honey. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Watch this video – 5 Keys to Anti-Aging and Beauty

The Bottom Line

While aging is inevitable, there are a number of foods we can eat to best protect our skin from stress and other factors that cause accelerated aging. There is sound evidence that nutrition provides a promising strategy for safely and naturally slowing the aging process and preserving your skin’s youthful glow.

Written by Nick Kowalski

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Revealing Here 3 Everyday Foods That Age Your Skin Faster


Despite the expensive of creams, lotions and serums that promise a cure, there’s a simple fact commonly overlooked when it comes to graceful aging. Find out which are the everyday foods that age your skin faster so you can avoid them for more youthful skin!

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Despite the expensive of creams, lotions and serums that promise a cure, there’s a simple fact commonly overlooked when it comes to graceful aging. Find out which foods contribute to wrinkles so you can avoid them for more youthful skin!

When it comes to aging, wrinkles are inevitable – at least to a degree. At some point in our lives, we will all have to face the inescapable changing of our bodies.

However, we can slow the aging process dramatically, especially in contrast to what most people experience in the modern world. The good news is there are many things we can do to age with grace, and some of it you have never considered before – such as the foods you’re eating on a daily basis.

The Science of Wrinkles

A wrinkle is a fold in the skin, which appear persistently as the skin begins to age. Besides the obvious passage of time, smoking, sun damage, stress and diet are all major factors that contribute to the formation of wrinkles. The major mechanism that drives the development of a wrinkle is called glycation. 

Glycation is a physiological process that occurs when a protein molecule binds to a sugar molecule. After a series of chemical reactions, this bond forms an end product that’s fittingly known as an AGE (advanced glycation end product). The production of AGEs is what damages the surface of the skin by weakening collagenAcneeczema, and wrinkles have been linked to the foods of a standard Western diet.

While AGEs are a form of oxidative stress that can be caused by a number of factors, you can limit their formation greatly by watching the foods you eat. Some foods more than others, create more oxidative stress in the body and lead to AGEs. We’ll get to these in just a moment, but first, let’s broaden our horizons a bit more.

You Are What You Eat

For a long time, many of us have been told that caring for our skin was simply an outside job. We thought that all we needed to do was avoid the sun, practice good hygiene and maybe invest in some expensive serums for some additional help.

However, a myriad of skin issues is directly related to the foods we eat each day. In fact, the skin is actually a reflection of our internal health, especially the condition of our digestive system or gut.  Acne, eczema, and wrinkles have been linked to the foods of a standard Western diet.

In short, diet is a major cause of the development of wrinkles. Luckily, if we identify these foods and remove them, we can stop the progression of wrinkles, and by introducing new foods, we can inhibit or even reverse them!

3 Foods That Contribute to Wrinkles

There are many different foods that can contribute to wrinkles and accelerate aging, let’s look at a few major foods and food groups that do the most damage.

Refined sugar

Among the most aging of foods is refined sugar. Refined sugar in the form of glucose and fructose has been shown to bind with the amino acids present in collagen and elastin, which support the dermis. This process is called glycation.

As we learned earlier, this leads to wrinkling of the skin. Furthermore, the process is accelerated when sugar intake is increased.

We could throw most processed foods into this category, considering most are filled with the white stuff. This includes most commercial candy, baked goods, soda, and cereals.

However, beware of sneaky sugars, some dressings, sauces, pastas, and even breads contain refined sugar these days. This category would also include high fructose corn syrup. Your best bet is to make your own sweets so you know what goes in them! 

Processed or Overly Cooked Meat

In addition to sugar, most modern diets contain heavily heat-processed foods. This includes the overheating of healthy foods like meat, as well as the processing of meat, which usually involves extremely high-heating methods. As a result, these meats end up with high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Consumption of overly cooked meat or processed meat can lead to oxidant stress and inflammation, which are linked to many diseases, including aging of the skin tissue. AGEs are naturally present in uncooked animal tissue.

Many cooking techniques, in particular grilling, broiling, and roasting, result in the formation of new AGEs. When it comes to meat consumption, while it’s a controversial topic, the best solution is to (of course) go the most natural route.

If meat consumption is an option for you, then it’s best to consume high-quality animal products, raised properly – this way the animals lived a low-stress life and likely have less oxidative stress in their tissues. 

Pasteurized Dairy

Much of the information with regard to heating and processing meat can be applied to the pasteurization and homogenization of dairy products. That’s because these methods of food processing involve very high heating, which oxidizes proteins and turns dairy fats rancid – both of which contribute to the formation of AGEs.

Research shows that high-fat foods including butter, cream cheese, margarine, and mayonnaise are among the foods highest in AGEs. This may be due to various extraction and processing procedures that involve heat. Also, a combination of air and dry conditions can contribute to the formation of glycation, the reason being that high heat will make fats go rancid.

If you decide to consume dairy products, choose high-quality organic, raw and preferably pasture-raised dairy. The fresher the better, considering time, air, light, and heat can all contribute to the oxidation of dairy. All the more reason to go local! 

Foods for Beautiful Skin

Besides eliminating these three major trouble foods, it’s also helpful to you give your body the building blocks necessary to generate new skin. Some foods to consider would include:

Bone Broth

Make sure to skim off the saturated fats once cooked and cooled. Also, be sure to use bones from healthy animals and use the parts rich in collagen, like oxtail and chicken feet. Bone broth contains the building blocks for healthy skin, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, MSM, and an array of minerals.

Vitamin C

The skin needs vitamin C to synthesize collagen. Of the many foods that contain vitamin C, the best options are going to be whole food forms that contain bioflavonoids. I suggest citrus, camu camu, rose hips, amla, gubinge plum, acerola, kiwi and guava to name a few.

Fermented Vegetables

Not only do raw cultured vegetables contain vitamin C, they also contain loads of probiotics and enzymes for maintaining a healthy gut. Remember, the skin is a reflection of the liver and digestive system, so keeping those organs clean will keep our skin clean!

Watch this video – 9 Popular Foods That Make You Age Faster and Look Older

The Bottom Line:

Beauty is beyond skin deep! While diet alone won’t wash away crow’s feet, it can help stave off the formation of future wrinkles. If we also take action to reduce our overall stress loads and eat food rich in skin-building nutrients, we will be well on our way to regenerating new, healthier skin.

Written by Nick Kowalski

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Revealing Here the 10 Ways to Slow Aging Naturally


There are many elements that help to slow the aging process. From diet and exercise, to reducing stress and of course choosing the right beauty care products; you can take years off your skin naturally and without a hefty price tag. Read on here to learn about the 10 ways to slow aging naturally

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

When it comes to aging, wrinkled, and sagging skin, we tend to think of slathering our skin with the latest beauty product to reduce lines and imperfections.

There’s a good chance we also spend money on expensive surgeries and treatments to take the years off our face.

Truth is, aging is more than just skin deep. From inflammation to stress to a diet lacking in nutrients, this can all affect aging and in turn, show up on our skin in the form of wrinkles, dullness, dryness and sagging skin.

There are many elements that help to slow the aging process. From diet and exercise, to reducing stress and of course choosing the right beauty care products; you can take years off your skin naturally and without a hefty price tag. Below, are 10 ways to slow the aging process naturally.

1. Ditch The Sugar

We are well aware of the detrimental effect sugar can have on our health and in spiking our blood sugar levels, but it can also dramatically age our skin and steal away our youthfulness.

Excess sugar, mainly glucose and fructose, like to team up with collagen and elastin, two skin protective proteins, and dehydrate them. This process is called advanced glycation end product, AGE for short. How fitting, right?

Due to glycation, your skin loses its elasticity and starts to look dull and less vibrant. Those individuals who have a history of high blood sugar levels or are pre-diabetic, tend to have far higher levels of sugar bound to protein in the skin and in turn, age faster.

2. Go Gluten-Free

This is really for the same reason as above. Unfortunately, due to the hybridization of modern wheat, 2 slices of whole wheat bread can spike blood sugar levels more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar can.

So, you guessed it! Glycation occurs simply by eating glutinous grains and breads. Gluten has also been shown to affect mineral absorption and assimilation in the gut, leaching vital minerals and nutrients that help to support the health of our skin. 2 slices of whole wheat bread can spike blood sugar levels more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar can.

Going gluten free has its many benefits, however, the downfall lies in the many starches, fillers and added sugars in many gluten free brands. Be cautious when purchasing gluten free products and become a label detective.

If you see potato starch, rice starch, corn starch or tapioca starch making up the bulk of ingredients, all you’re really doing is replacing gluten with other starches. My suggestion is, opt for naturally gluten free foods, such as rice or quinoa or ditch the breads and pasta all together – and eat more veggies!

3. Drink More Water

Chronic dehydration is a common culprit of aging skin. From lubricating our joints to helping flush toxins from our body, water is important for so many reasons. Water helps to restore elasticity to the skin and hydrates us on a cellular level, which helps to plump up our skin and add a more youthful glow.

Based on activity levels and lifestyle, everyone’s water requirements are different. As a general rule, approximately 2L of water a day is sufficient to help keep your youthful glow, support bowel health and assist in daily detoxification.

4. Reduce Stress

Chronically high levels of cortisol, your stress hormone, leads to many harmful and potentially life-threatening diseases. From heart disease to asthmadiabetesobesity and gastrointestinal problems, chronic stress is literally taking the years off your life and adding many wrinkles to your skin.

High cortisol levels robs your body of essential minerals, such as vitamin B5, B6 and vitamin C, which are all important for immune health, stress reduction and for healthy glowing skin.

Make it a point to reduce stress by practicing deep breathing exercises, meditating, attending a yoga class, taking a walk outside or enjoying a hot bath before bed.

Even a quick 5-minute workout can give you that cathartic release you need. It is vital to take time in your day for yourself, which in turn will lead to greater mental and emotional health and a more youthful glow.

5. Load Up On Antioxidants

We are exposed to numerous toxins and chemicals on a daily basis, all of which create free radical damage in our cells. Our own metabolic process can create free radical damage as well.

Add to this a poor diet, stress, inactivity and inflammation, and you’ve got a cascade of free radical damage scouring around your body, leaching vital minerals and causing premature aging.

In order to combat free radical damage, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. These work to fight free radical damage, repair cells and stop the free radical cascade from affecting more cells and creating more damage.

Vitamin C is critical for maintaining healthy and resilient skin. As we age, our skin loses more and more vitamin C, which can contribute to age spots and more wrinkles.

Vitamin C helps with the formation of collagen, which helps to give your skin more elasticity. In order to combat free radical damage, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene.

In fact, there are hundreds of antioxidants that help to prevent aging and cellular damage. In order to load up on these beautifying nutrients, it’s important to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure you are providing your body with an array of antioxidants and skin beauty nutrients.

6. Eat More Protein

Protein helps to slow insulin levels, which you want to keep in balance to avoid experiencing blood sugar highs and lows, weight gain and increase your risk of disease. Eating protein helps promotes stable blood sugar levels, which reduces stress on your body and keeps cortisol levels in check. Protein is also essential for helping to repair tissue as well as construct new tissue.

In fact, collagen, which is one of the most valuable proteins in our body, helps to strengthen our skin, hair and nails. With adequate protein intake, you will reduce sagging skin, prevent premature aging and support health overall.

If you’re looking for a tasty, protein-packed recipe, check out this Portbello Breakfast Bake . You’re welcome.

7. Lift More Weights

From optimal hormonal balance, to strong and sexy lean muscles, weight lifting is essential for bone health and maintaining a healthy weight. For tighter and firmer skin, weight lifting is one of the best exercises I recommend.

Plus, having lean muscle mass means you burn calories more efficiently, you support healthy blood glucose levelsmanage blood pressure and reverse oxidative stress, all of which can lead to premature aging if mismanaged.

8. Use Natural Beauty Care

As with anything we put on our skin, we absorb it into our blood stream and in turn have to eliminate it. From parabens to preservatives and toxic chemicals found in many beauty care products, not only are we increasing our toxic load, but also aging our skin at a faster rate. Make sure your beauty products contain natural, safe ingredients. Often, DIY skincare is cheaper and better for you.

Although many beauty products contain the promise of less wrinkles and a more youthful glow, they in turn damage our gentle skin causing it to be more susceptible to infection, dryness and inflammation, while increasing the risks of imbalanced skin (either oily or dry), wrinkles, acne, and other skin conditions.

Unfortunately, many store-bought brands contain the very ingredients that ruin and destroy our skin in the first place, leading to premature aging and more wrinkles.

Make sure your beauty products contain natural, safe ingredients. Often, DIY skincare is cheaper and better for you, such as these homemade makeup removers made from jojoba carrot seed oil and cucumber.

9. Get More Sleep

We all know that feeling of not getting a good night’s sleep. Of course fatigue will set in, but what’s worse is the hormonal cascade and imbalance that results from less sleep.

Just one hour less of sleep per night can increase cortisol levels ten-fold, which can lead to oxidative stress and imbalanced blood sugar levels, all of which will rob you of your youthful glow.

During sleep, our body works hard to repair and regenerate and rid itself of toxins, which we excrete upon our morning visit to the bathroom. Less sleep will result in less repair and also affect our body’s ability to produce human growth hormone, which is the king of all anti-aging hormones.

Puffy eyes and wrinkles will also result from less sleep, so make it a point to get to bed at the same time every night and create a night time ritual to help your body unwind and de-stress.

10. Eat More Fat

Essential fatty acids such as omega 3s are important for heart health, hormone health and for combating inflammation. Having these 3 things in check will slow the aging process and prevent disease. 

Healthy fats, which you can obtain from avocadoes, fishwalnutscoconut oil and olive oil, help to lubricate the skin internally, leading to more vibrant, radiant skin as well as protecting the skin from oxidative damage.

Following these simple and effective tips will not only prevent wrinkles and fine lines, but protect your health overall, while also adding years to your life.

Watch this video – What Are the Ways to Slow Aging Naturally : 3 Life Hacks

Written by Samantha Gladish

Author Bio:

Samantha Gladish is the brainchild and fun loving foodie behind Focusing on weight loss and hormonal balance, Samantha coaches women all over the globe.

From whole food nutrition, to strategic supplementation and using her Qualitarian approach, Samantha helps guide women to living happier and healthier. You can find her cooking up quality food on a regular basis or reading the latest health book.

Samantha is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Coach, Hormone Cure Coach and Author of The Qualitarian Life. She is also the creator and developer of the unique and popular line of all natural holistic dental products, including Salty Kisses Toothpaste™ and Hippie Floss Oil™.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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