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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Revealing Here the 10 Ways to Slow Aging Naturally


There are many elements that help to slow the aging process. From diet and exercise, to reducing stress and of course choosing the right beauty care products; you can take years off your skin naturally and without a hefty price tag. Read on here to learn about the 10 ways to slow aging naturally

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

When it comes to aging, wrinkled, and sagging skin, we tend to think of slathering our skin with the latest beauty product to reduce lines and imperfections.

There’s a good chance we also spend money on expensive surgeries and treatments to take the years off our face.

Truth is, aging is more than just skin deep. From inflammation to stress to a diet lacking in nutrients, this can all affect aging and in turn, show up on our skin in the form of wrinkles, dullness, dryness and sagging skin.

There are many elements that help to slow the aging process. From diet and exercise, to reducing stress and of course choosing the right beauty care products; you can take years off your skin naturally and without a hefty price tag. Below, are 10 ways to slow the aging process naturally.

1. Ditch The Sugar

We are well aware of the detrimental effect sugar can have on our health and in spiking our blood sugar levels, but it can also dramatically age our skin and steal away our youthfulness.

Excess sugar, mainly glucose and fructose, like to team up with collagen and elastin, two skin protective proteins, and dehydrate them. This process is called advanced glycation end product, AGE for short. How fitting, right?

Due to glycation, your skin loses its elasticity and starts to look dull and less vibrant. Those individuals who have a history of high blood sugar levels or are pre-diabetic, tend to have far higher levels of sugar bound to protein in the skin and in turn, age faster.

2. Go Gluten-Free

This is really for the same reason as above. Unfortunately, due to the hybridization of modern wheat, 2 slices of whole wheat bread can spike blood sugar levels more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar can.

So, you guessed it! Glycation occurs simply by eating glutinous grains and breads. Gluten has also been shown to affect mineral absorption and assimilation in the gut, leaching vital minerals and nutrients that help to support the health of our skin. 2 slices of whole wheat bread can spike blood sugar levels more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar can.

Going gluten free has its many benefits, however, the downfall lies in the many starches, fillers and added sugars in many gluten free brands. Be cautious when purchasing gluten free products and become a label detective.

If you see potato starch, rice starch, corn starch or tapioca starch making up the bulk of ingredients, all you’re really doing is replacing gluten with other starches. My suggestion is, opt for naturally gluten free foods, such as rice or quinoa or ditch the breads and pasta all together – and eat more veggies!

3. Drink More Water

Chronic dehydration is a common culprit of aging skin. From lubricating our joints to helping flush toxins from our body, water is important for so many reasons. Water helps to restore elasticity to the skin and hydrates us on a cellular level, which helps to plump up our skin and add a more youthful glow.

Based on activity levels and lifestyle, everyone’s water requirements are different. As a general rule, approximately 2L of water a day is sufficient to help keep your youthful glow, support bowel health and assist in daily detoxification.

4. Reduce Stress

Chronically high levels of cortisol, your stress hormone, leads to many harmful and potentially life-threatening diseases. From heart disease to asthmadiabetesobesity and gastrointestinal problems, chronic stress is literally taking the years off your life and adding many wrinkles to your skin.

High cortisol levels robs your body of essential minerals, such as vitamin B5, B6 and vitamin C, which are all important for immune health, stress reduction and for healthy glowing skin.

Make it a point to reduce stress by practicing deep breathing exercises, meditating, attending a yoga class, taking a walk outside or enjoying a hot bath before bed.

Even a quick 5-minute workout can give you that cathartic release you need. It is vital to take time in your day for yourself, which in turn will lead to greater mental and emotional health and a more youthful glow.

5. Load Up On Antioxidants

We are exposed to numerous toxins and chemicals on a daily basis, all of which create free radical damage in our cells. Our own metabolic process can create free radical damage as well.

Add to this a poor diet, stress, inactivity and inflammation, and you’ve got a cascade of free radical damage scouring around your body, leaching vital minerals and causing premature aging.

In order to combat free radical damage, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. These work to fight free radical damage, repair cells and stop the free radical cascade from affecting more cells and creating more damage.

Vitamin C is critical for maintaining healthy and resilient skin. As we age, our skin loses more and more vitamin C, which can contribute to age spots and more wrinkles.

Vitamin C helps with the formation of collagen, which helps to give your skin more elasticity. In order to combat free radical damage, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene.

In fact, there are hundreds of antioxidants that help to prevent aging and cellular damage. In order to load up on these beautifying nutrients, it’s important to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure you are providing your body with an array of antioxidants and skin beauty nutrients.

6. Eat More Protein

Protein helps to slow insulin levels, which you want to keep in balance to avoid experiencing blood sugar highs and lows, weight gain and increase your risk of disease. Eating protein helps promotes stable blood sugar levels, which reduces stress on your body and keeps cortisol levels in check. Protein is also essential for helping to repair tissue as well as construct new tissue.

In fact, collagen, which is one of the most valuable proteins in our body, helps to strengthen our skin, hair and nails. With adequate protein intake, you will reduce sagging skin, prevent premature aging and support health overall.

If you’re looking for a tasty, protein-packed recipe, check out this Portbello Breakfast Bake . You’re welcome.

7. Lift More Weights

From optimal hormonal balance, to strong and sexy lean muscles, weight lifting is essential for bone health and maintaining a healthy weight. For tighter and firmer skin, weight lifting is one of the best exercises I recommend.

Plus, having lean muscle mass means you burn calories more efficiently, you support healthy blood glucose levelsmanage blood pressure and reverse oxidative stress, all of which can lead to premature aging if mismanaged.

8. Use Natural Beauty Care

As with anything we put on our skin, we absorb it into our blood stream and in turn have to eliminate it. From parabens to preservatives and toxic chemicals found in many beauty care products, not only are we increasing our toxic load, but also aging our skin at a faster rate. Make sure your beauty products contain natural, safe ingredients. Often, DIY skincare is cheaper and better for you.

Although many beauty products contain the promise of less wrinkles and a more youthful glow, they in turn damage our gentle skin causing it to be more susceptible to infection, dryness and inflammation, while increasing the risks of imbalanced skin (either oily or dry), wrinkles, acne, and other skin conditions.

Unfortunately, many store-bought brands contain the very ingredients that ruin and destroy our skin in the first place, leading to premature aging and more wrinkles.

Make sure your beauty products contain natural, safe ingredients. Often, DIY skincare is cheaper and better for you, such as these homemade makeup removers made from jojoba carrot seed oil and cucumber.

9. Get More Sleep

We all know that feeling of not getting a good night’s sleep. Of course fatigue will set in, but what’s worse is the hormonal cascade and imbalance that results from less sleep.

Just one hour less of sleep per night can increase cortisol levels ten-fold, which can lead to oxidative stress and imbalanced blood sugar levels, all of which will rob you of your youthful glow.

During sleep, our body works hard to repair and regenerate and rid itself of toxins, which we excrete upon our morning visit to the bathroom. Less sleep will result in less repair and also affect our body’s ability to produce human growth hormone, which is the king of all anti-aging hormones.

Puffy eyes and wrinkles will also result from less sleep, so make it a point to get to bed at the same time every night and create a night time ritual to help your body unwind and de-stress.

10. Eat More Fat

Essential fatty acids such as omega 3s are important for heart health, hormone health and for combating inflammation. Having these 3 things in check will slow the aging process and prevent disease. 

Healthy fats, which you can obtain from avocadoes, fishwalnutscoconut oil and olive oil, help to lubricate the skin internally, leading to more vibrant, radiant skin as well as protecting the skin from oxidative damage.

Following these simple and effective tips will not only prevent wrinkles and fine lines, but protect your health overall, while also adding years to your life.

Watch this video – What Are the Ways to Slow Aging Naturally : 3 Life Hacks

Written by Samantha Gladish

Author Bio:

Samantha Gladish is the brainchild and fun loving foodie behind Focusing on weight loss and hormonal balance, Samantha coaches women all over the globe.

From whole food nutrition, to strategic supplementation and using her Qualitarian approach, Samantha helps guide women to living happier and healthier. You can find her cooking up quality food on a regular basis or reading the latest health book.

Samantha is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Coach, Hormone Cure Coach and Author of The Qualitarian Life. She is also the creator and developer of the unique and popular line of all natural holistic dental products, including Salty Kisses Toothpaste™ and Hippie Floss Oil™.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The 9 Best Anti-Aging Foods to Eat Every Day


Food is one of your best defenses against the hallmarks of aging. Read on to discover what causes aging, and the top 9 best anti-aging foods to eat every day.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Food is one of your best defenses against the hallmarks of aging. Read on to discover what causes aging, and the top nine anti-aging foods to eat every day.

To help prevent aging, it helps to understand how and why your skin ages in the first place. Below are several factors that cause your skin to age:

Breakdown of collagen. Collagen fibers make up a large percentage of our skin. As we age, these fibers break down, causing skin to wrinkle and sag. Many things can cause collagen breakdown, such as chronic stressinflammationenvironmental toxins, and, of course, age.

UV radiation. As you’ve heard before, too much sunlight and getting sunburned increases skin aging. This is because UV radiation also breaks down collagen, as well as producing “cracks” in the elastin fibers that keep skin supple and flexible.

Oxidation. When our bodies are exposed to stressors like solar radiation, environmental pollutants, and other toxins, they generate free radicals. These are unstable molecules that can damage DNA, which in turn causes symptoms of aging.  “Anti-aging” foods have compounds that fight free radicals, which we’ll discuss more below.

Glycation. This is bad news for all you sugar lovers out there. Consuming excess sugar initiates a process in our bodies called glycation, which causes skin proteins like elastin and collagen to break down.

What Makes Foods “Anti-Aging”?

The main factor that makes any food “anti-aging” is its antioxidant content.

Remember we spoke of oxidization being one of the main causes of skin aging because it generates free radicals? Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals before they can damage DNA, which results in fewer signs of aging.

Common antioxidants include beta carotene, glutathione, vitamins E, C, and A, and many classes of polyphenols and flavonoids. You can tell that a natural food is rich in antioxidants by its coloring: foods that have high antioxidant levels are often very bright or richly colored. Think dark purples, greens, reds, oranges, and even black.

Another factor that makes any food anti-aging is its ability to help boost and/or repair collagen levels. These foods provide the building blocks of collagen or supply more collagen for your body to use, which can reduce physical signs of aging.

The Best Anti-Aging Foods

Below are nine of the best anti-aging foods to eat every day to keep your body looking and feeling young.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries contain significant amounts of antioxidants called polyphenols. These compounds are present in many plants, fruits, and veggies to protect them during times of environmental stress.

Research shows that polyphenols stop cellular and DNA damage in our own bodies by neutralizing free radicals. In addition, polyphenols have also been shown to play a role in reducing the risk of developing age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer.

One study showed that blueberry polyphenols were actually able to extend lifespan in animals and, interestingly, increase resistance to heat stress.

To reap the benefits of blueberries, add in a cup daily to your diet.

2. Collagen

As we spoke of earlier, collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in your body and skin. Research shows that supplementing with marine collagen peptides protects skin from aging by increasing the activity of antioxidants, while also helping repair skin collagen damaged by toxins.

Other studies show that consuming bovine collagen improves skin laxity, repairs collagen fibers, and increases collagen content.

Try adding a cup or two of homemade bone broth to your daily diet, or a serving of bovine or marine collagen protein in smoothies or soups.

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like kale and spinach are rich in antioxidants like carotenoids, lutein, and vitamin C. One study showed that daily consumption of an extract with these antioxidants increased collagen and elastin in the skin. The extract even enhanced the amount of antioxidants in the skin. 

This is essential for slowing down aging, since the more antioxidants you have present in your skin, the more you have available to get rid of damaging free radicals.

Be sure to add leafy greens like kalespinach, chard, and arugula to all of your meals. Add some to your scrambled eggs, eat a large salad for lunch, then sauté greens as a side for dinner.

4. Dark Chocolate

Cacao is ranked among the highest in antioxidant-rich foods. Raw cacao, which is present in most forms of dark chocolate, is filled with flavonoids, catechins, epicatechins, and procyanidins, which all fight free radical damage.

Studies show that dark chocolate can protect your skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation when applied topically, and even have positive effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.

Indulge in a square of 75-85 percent dark chocolate nightly for dessert to reap its antioxidant benefits.

5. Wild-Caught Salmon

Wild salmon contains a potent antioxidant called astaxanthin, which has a protecting effect on the skin. One study showed that participants who were undergoing skin-damaging UV radiation and supplementing with astaxanthin had significantly fewer wrinkles and better skin moisture retention than the placebo group.

Be sure to have wild salmon at least three times a week to reap its anti-aging benefits. Try adding about two ounces of cooked salmon to a fresh salad or served over roasted veggies.

6. Nuts

Nuts contain high amounts of antioxidants like vitamin E, which help preserve telomere length. Telomeres are the “caps” at the end of our chromosomes that are a major marker of biological aging. By preserving their length, you can, in essence, delay biological aging.

Almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts are great nut choices for vitamin E. Add a small handful (about ¼ cup) to your daily diet as a snack.

7. Avocado

If you want to have younger-looking skin, look no farther than an avocado. These fatty fruits are rich in vitamins C and E: powerful antioxidants that help fight signs of aging. Studies show that vitamin C and E help boost collagen synthesis, mop up damaging free radicals, and even provide protection from UV radiation.

Top your salads with half of an avocado daily, or indulge in some homemade guacamole with raw veggies as a snack.

8. Prunes

While prunes (dried plums) don’t receive much press, it’s worth nothing that they contain a higher amount of antioxidants than most berries! The drying process used in making prunes increases the amount of some of their antioxidants, like polyphenols, which partly explains their high antioxidant content.

Indulge in 4-5 prunes daily (you can eat them with your nuts as a trail mix).

9. Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushroom is an edible medical mushrooms that flourishes in northern climates and is traditionally brewed as a tea.

Studies have shown that chaga extract can help protect cell components from free radical damage, and also have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects.

One study showed that cells pre-treated with Chaga extract showed over 40 percent reduction in DNA damage versus a control.

Drink a daily cup of fresh chaga tea to cash in on its potent antioxidants.

Watch this video – 17 Anti-Aging Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

The Best Anti-Aging Recipes

Adding these foods to your daily diet can be as simple as eating them plain, or you can whip up some delicious recipes that feature them! Check out the recipe list below for some ideas:

Written by Megan Patiry

Author Bio:

Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious. She is a dedicated researcher in all areas of ancestral health, a certified specialist in fitness nutrition, personal trainer, and professional almond milk latte addict.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Revealing Here the 30 Uses for Coconut Oil Besides Cooking


The amazing benefits of coconut oil go far beyond just cooking. Did you know that coconut oil is also great for cleaning?! Or that it’s a fantastic beauty product? Or that it can also keep your pets healthy? Revealing here the 30 uses for coconut oil besides cooking

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

When it comes to a Paleo lifestyle you know you’ll see coconut oil used over and over again in recipes. That’s because organic cold-pressed coconut oil has been far less processed than most other oils you will find at the grocery store.

But the amazing benefits of coconut oil go far beyond just cooking. Did you know that coconut oil is also great for cleaning?! Or that it’s a fantastic beauty product? Or that it can also keep your pets healthy?

Well, my friends, coconut oil does all that and then some. Coconut oil’s little secret is that it contains lauric acid. Coconut oil is made up of almost 50% lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride which is easily absorbed by the body.

Lauric acid also has fantastic antibacterial properties as well as antiviral and antifungal properties. These combined properties make coconut oil an amazing cleaning agent and beauty product as well

30 Uses for Coconut Oil Besides Cooking

Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

1. Moisturize your Skin

Use coconut oil just as you would any moisturizer and your skin will feel moisturized all day long. Use a small amount of coconut oil (a little goes a long way!) and apply it anywhere on your body for hydrated skin. At first you may seem a bit greasy, but don’t worry, it absorbs into your skin quickly.

2. Enjoy a Relaxing Moisturizing Bath

Adding a spoonful of coconut oil will not only help moisturize your skin but will also add some relaxation. The light tropical scent of coconut oil is also great for aromatherapy.

3. Smooth out your Skin

Mix coconut with equal parts regular sugar and you’ll have a perfect DIY body scrub. Next time you shower, buff and exfoliate your skin and rinse off for super smooth and moisturized skin (just be careful – the tub floor will get slippery!)

4. Care for your Cuticles

Moisturize dry, flaky cuticles by rubbing coconut oil into your nail beds. The oils will also help your nails stay moisturized for stronger, more beautiful nails.

5. Fight Frizz & Fly-aways

The best way to apply this without looking like a total grease-ball is to rub a TINY amount of coconut oil in your hands (as if you were applying hand lotion) and use the leftover on your ends. Start at the ends of your hair to protect from split ends and then work your way up if necessary. (Again – a little goes a very long way here!)

6. Deep Condition your Locks

By now you see how moisturizing coconut oil is, which makes it the perfect all-natural deep conditioner for your hair as well. Coconut oil’s fatty acids will penetrate deep into your strands to moisturize and soften them. Mix up an at-home coconut oil & honey hair mask and smooth it through your hair, let it sit for 30 minutes or so, and wash hair as normal.

7. Make Up Remover

Coconut oil makes taking off heavy and difficult-to-remove make up a cinch. Rub a small amount of coconut oil onto a cotton ball and gently dab your eyes and skin with the oil. Gently wipe the coconut oil off with a wet washcloth and wash face normally. Yes, this even works with WATERPROOF mascara!

8. Improve Acne

Now, it may seem counterintuitive to rub an oil all over your face when you have acne, however, the lauric acid in coconut oil comes to the rescue again. Coconut oil can help inflammation and redness related to acne.

It will also help moisturize your skin instead of over-drying it (as most store-bought products will – making your body produce even more oil, snowballing the acne effect). Cleanse your face regularly, apply a very small amount on your face and allow it to soak in.

9. Help Reduce Wrinkles

Coconut oil is also rich in antioxidants which help protect against free radical damage, a leading cause of early aging. Coconut oil can help reduce and prevent wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Massage, or dab, a small amount of coconut oil on your skin or around your eyes before going to sleep each night to help ward off wrinkles.

10. Improve Scalp Health

Massage coconut oil into your scalp to fight dandruff. The coconut oil will help moisturize and fight the root cause of dandruff – fungus.

11. Soothe Sunburns

After a long day in the sun, coconut oil can help relieve a sunburn. It can calm your skin and keep it moisturized to help minimize peeling.

12. Help Eczema Flare-Ups

Coconut oil can help calm itchy and irritated skin related to eczema. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties help heal and soothe the skin.

13. Enjoy an At-Home Massage

Give your muscles some TLC with an at-home massage starring coconut oil. Coconut oil is great massage oil because it’s slick, but soaks in fairly quickly, preventing that greasy feeling all day long!

14. Fight Body Odor

Smooth some coconut oil on your armpits (seriously!). The lauric acid will help kill the bacteria that causes odor

Home Uses for Coconut Oil

15. Remove Gum

Finally get rid of sticky residue and even gum with a little bit of coconut oil and some elbow grease. Rub a generous amount of coconut oil on the area and rub with a cloth until it comes clean.

16. Condition Wooden Utensils & Furniture

Wooden utensils and furniture need to be conditioned to keep their beauty and strength. Condition and polish them with a generous amount of coconut oil by massaging it into the wood and let it seep in. Your wooden gems will look just like new!

17. Season your Cookware

Cast iron cookware must be prepped before using to help prevent sticking. Season your cookware with coconut oil to maintain the integrity of the pan and to make cleanup a breeze.

18. Treat Leather

Give leather new life by conditioning it with some coconut oil. Rub a small amount on the leather to clean the leather and add a bit of sheen.

19. Silence Squeaky Hinges

We all know how annoying a squeaky hinge can be. Just rub a small amount of coconut oil on the hinge to lubricate the hinge and finally be at peace.

20. Remove Rust & Clean Metal

Coconut oil can remove rust, clean bronze, and condition your metal. Spread a layer of coconut oil over the rusty area, and let it sit for at least two hours. Wash the oil off and wipe clean with a soft cloth.

21. Grease up Small Motors

Small appliances with motors could benefit from a little coconut oil to keep them lubricated and running smoothly. You could even grease up your bike chain or lawnmower. Just remember that coconut oil solidifies at temperatures lower than 76 degrees.

Pet Uses for Coconut Oil

22. Condition your Pet’s Fur

Coconut oil helps condition your pet’s fur just as it does you own hair. Rub a small amount in your hands, then run your hands through your furball’s coat for shiny and healthy fur.

23. Supplement your Pet’s Health

Again, just as you supplement your health with coconut oil, you can supplement your pet’s health too. Adding a very small amount of coconut oil to their diet can improve their health, including helping with weight management and protection against arthritis. Always check with your vet before making any changes to your pet’s diet.

Wellness Uses for Coconut Oil

24. Soothe Scratchy Throats

Help a dry, scratchy throat by swallowing a bit of coconut oil or adding it to some calming tea.

25. Prevent Chafing

Help prevent chafing and treat areas that have already been affected. Rub a small amount on the area and enjoy comfort. Coconut oil can also help your baby. Soothe diaper rash with a homemade diaper rash cream made with coconut oil to soothe your little one.

26. Treat Cold Sores

The antiviral properties in coconut oil may help treat cold sores. When you begin to feel like a cold sore is about to break through, rub some coconut oil around the spot to help heal it faster.

27. Protect Scrapes and Scratches

For small and superficial cuts and scrapes, you can use coconut oil as you would Neosporin® to create a barrier against dust and bacteria.

28. Relieve Bug Bites and Stings

To relieve itching from a bug bite or soothe bee stings, spread a small amount of coconut oil around the area to relieve discomfort.

29. Prevent Nosebleeds

Most nosebleeds are caused by dry, irritated nostrils. Keep them moisturized by applying a small amount of coconut oil onto a cotton swab and coating the inside of your nose.

30. Comfortable Breastfeeding

Moisturize tender and dry nipples after breastfeeding with coconut oil for an all-natural way to prevent cracked or painful nipples.

Watch this video – Coconut Oil Hacks – Uses for Coconut Oil Besides Cooking

So there you have it! Thirty uses of coconut oil besides cooking. Coconut oil is almost like the miracle oil with all that it can do, and I’m sure there are many more uses out there. What else do you use coconut oil for?

Written by Deanna Dorman

Author Bio:

Deanna is an ACE® certified personal trainer, Balanced Body® Pilates instructor, and NASM® Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She is passionate about inspiring others to lead a healthier lifestyle through fun workouts and healthy food. When she’s not creating new workouts and recipes for her blog The Live Fit Girls she enjoys running with her two dogs and traveling.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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