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Thursday, January 20, 2022

12 Best Foods and Herbs to Boost Fertility Revealed Here


If you’re trying to get pregnant and you’ve been subsisting on coffee, bagels and fast food, it’s time to rethink what you eat and boost fertility by changing your diet. Here are 12 best foods and herbs to boost fertility.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

If you’re trying to get pregnant and you’ve been subsisting on coffee, bagels and fast food, it’s time to rethink what you eat and boost fertility by changing your diet.

From stress to age to nutrition, there are many factors that affect getting pregnant. Nowadays, one in eight couples are struggling with infertility.

Our bodies are extremely sensitive to our environment, especially when it comes to our food. Whether you’re thinking of getting pregnant in the next year or even five years from now, it’s important to keep your diet as clean and nutrient-dense as possible to increase your chances of conceiving and to ensure a healthy and happy baby.

There are many foods and herbs a woman can include in her diet to help support the process of conception. Know that diet plays a vital role long before conception even occurs. Include the recommendations below in your diet to support the overall health of your body and a healthy pregnancy.

1. Omega 3s 

Wild caught fish, high quality fish oil supplements, walnuts, hemp seeds and oil, chia seeds and oil, and flax seeds, are all great sources of potent omega-3 fatty acids. It’s important to consistently eat omega-3-rich foods as these fats help to support hormone levels. You can opt for omega 3 supplements to boost your daily intake.

Be sure to choose a highly absorbable form of omega-3, like cod liver, sardines, anchovies or mackerel, which contain high amounts of EPA and DHA, both of which support a growing fetus and maintain healthy hormone levels and combat inflammation during pre-conception.

2. Increase Fat Intake

Omega-3s are not the only fat we want to focus on. Other sources of quality fats include coconut oil, olive oil, avocadoes and grass-fed butter. These are all important for hormonal health. Our hormones are chemical messengers, and every cell in our body contains a hormone receptor.

Estrogen and progesterone are essential to a women’s hormonal health, helping to support a healthy menstrual cycle. They are also vital to conception.

3. Eggs 

An ancient symbol of fertility, pasture-raised eggs contain high amounts of vitamin D which is essential for healthy ovulation. If you’ve been skimping out on eating the yolks, now is the time to start. All the vitamins are locked inside the yolks, including choline, folate and vitamin A.

4. Folic Acid-Rich Foods

I’m sure we all know and hear about the benefits of folic acid supplementation during pregnancy, but what’s important to note is the type of folic acid. Folate, which plays a crucial role during pregnancy, is what to look for when shopping for supplements.

In fact, you specifically want to look for “5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate”, “L-methylfolate” or “Metfolin.”  Aside from supplements, be sure to include foods rich in folic acid, such as asparagus, broccoli, oranges and lemons.

5. Leafy Greens 

Of course I couldn’t leave these out. From spinach to kale to collards and escarole, leafy greens provide you with vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium, all of which help to promote a healthy menstrual cycle (and reduce cramps, too!). Plus, they are high in folate, which is essential for healthy ovaries and a healthy pregnancy.

6. Sunflower Seeds 

These zinc-rich seeds help your body utilize estrogen and progesterone more efficiently, which is essential for a healthy menstrual cycle, for ovulation and for keeping you fertile. Plus, these magical seeds can also help with DNA production, which can help support egg quality.

7. Bee Pollen 

This is one of the Queen Bee’s favorite foods, and I’m not surprised why! This nutrient-rich compound can help stimulate ovarian function when trying to conceive. You can simply add the granules to a smoothie, sprinkle them into a salad or eat them out of your hand.

8. Maca 

This Peruvian herb is incredible for balancing hormones, increasing energy, and supporting the health of the adrenals, due to being rich in alkaloids. These alkaloids have been shown to have an effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis of which the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands are a part, each of which are involved in hormonal balance.

You can find maca in tincture form or powder. Adding a scoop into a morning smoothie would be a great way to start the day and boost your energy levels naturally.

9. Nettle 

This herb is an amazing uterine tonic. Plus, it contains a ton of minerals that help support the health of the kidneys and adrenals. It’s great consumed as a tea before, during, and post-pregnancy. Alternatively, fresh-picked nettles are great boiled in broth with garlic and onions and pureed into a soup.

10. Turmeric 

Known for its incredible anti-inflammatory benefits, turmeric, according to traditional Chinese medicine, can help to reduce dampness in the reproductive organs which helps to create an internal environment that is ideal for conception. Plus, this herb, along with cumin, cardamom and coriander, can all help to combat inflammation and support liver detoxification.

11. Red Raspberry Leaf 

This is a well-known fertility herb that can even be taken during pregnancy. It is loaded with minerals, especially calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, plus it’s a great uterine tonic, which helps prepare the uterus for birth. The tannins in this herb also help support the digestive system.

12. Dandelion 

This bitter green is great for detoxifying the liver and is loaded with calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. Detoxification is essential to fertility, as it helps aid the liver in better metabolizing hormones and ridding the body of excess toxicity.

It’s important to include detoxifying herbs and foods in your diet to ensure you are eliminating any toxic buildup, which could affect your chances of conceiving.

A nutrient-dense diet full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, along with adequate intake of healthy fats and herbs will not only improve your overall health, but also increase your chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy baby. Make sure you are eating a clean, whole foods diet, and your body and health will benefit greatly.

Watch this video –10 Best foods to eat when trying to get Pregnant, How to boost fertility, Fertility increasing Foods

Written by Samantha Gladish

Author Bio:

Samantha Gladish is the brainchild and fun loving foodie behind Focusing on weight loss and hormonal balance, Samantha coaches women all over the globe. From whole food nutrition, to strategic supplementation and using her Qualitarian approach, Samantha helps guide women to living happier and healthier. You can find her cooking up quality food on a regular basis or reading the latest health book.

Samantha is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Coach, Hormone Cure Coach and Author of The Qualitarian Life. She is also the creator and developer of the unique and popular line of all natural holistic dental products, including Salty Kisses Toothpaste™ and Hippie Floss Oil™.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Thursday, January 13, 2022

11 Exercises Every Man Needs to Know for Better Sex


Who doesn’t want better sex? All you may need are a few exercises for increased energy and more stamina under the sheets. Here are 11 exercises every man needs to know for better sex

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Who doesn’t want better sex? Gentlemen, all you may need are a few exercises for increased energy and more stamina under the sheets.

As we all know, exercise is critical for energy and muscle tone, but what you may not know is that it’s also incredibly important for your sexual performance.

Sex uses a lot of muscles that men don’t normally work (or even think exist!) from day to day, and it requires strength from muscles you are a bit more familiar with — hello, chest muscles!

These eleven exercises are all you need to know for good performance in the sack and better sex!

1. Kegels

These are probably some of the more “foreign” muscles to men on this list, BUT they are also some of the most important.

Kegel exercises work muscles in the pelvic floor, which are also the muscles responsible for holding erections and powering ejaculations. Pelvic floor muscles are also beneficial for issues such as an overactive bladder, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculations.

To get comfortable with those kegel muscles, first start by stopping the flow of urine when going to the bathroom. Once you can start to feel and control those muscles, start to practicing engaging them during other times of the day.

Try engaging them while sitting, or laying on your back. The goal is to increase the squeeze duration, intensity, and number of repetitions.

Be sure that when you do them, you don’t hold your breath, push down, or tighten your stomach, buttocks, or thigh muscles. Work up to five-second squeezes, relaxing in between each contraction, for 10 to 20 reps.

Watch this video – Kegel Exercises for Men – Beginners Pelvic Floor Strengthening Guide

2. Pelvic Tilt

This is probably another new move for you men out there. This is a very subtle move, but helps not only to tie in the kegels and pelvic floor work, but to help stretch the lower back to prevent injuries.

Once you’ve mastered the kegels, lay on your back with your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor. Relax all your muscles and lay you spine in a neutral position, with a small space in your lower back (you should be able to fit a finger or two beneath the small of your back).

Now, using those kegel muscles and engaging the lower abs, “scoop” your abs in towards your spine to try and flatten your lower back to the floor.

It’s important that you don’t use your back muscles to do this. Think of tilting your pubic bone towards your nose, but tightening the lower abs, and imagining you’re trying to bring your hip bones closer together.

Once you tilt the pelvis to flatten the back, release and repeat 10-15 times, feeling a small stretch in your lower back.

Watch this video – How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt

3. Plank

Now we’re getting into something you know! Planks are great for building upper body and core strength — both important for military-style positions.

Come onto your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders. Brace through your abdominals and extend your legs back, placing the balls of the feet on the mat behind you.

Create a straight line from the crown of your head to your feet. Be sure not to let your lower back arch, and keep your abs tight the entire time.

Hold for 30 seconds for beginners and work your way up to 60 seconds.

Watch this video – 8-min Intense Plank Workout for toned abs and a strong core

4. Push-Up

Another important way to build upper body strength is a good old fashioned push-up. Come into a full plank position on your hands, and position your hands directly under your shoulders for a narrow push-up, or wider than shoulder-width apart for a wide push-up.

Lower down into a push-up with your elbows in by your sides for a narrow push-up, or out wide to the side with a 90-degree bend in your elbows. Press back up to the plank and repeat.

This can be modified by lowering down to the knees if needed. Work up to at least 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions, and then progress onto other push-up variations if you want to get fancy.

Watch this video – The Perfect Push-Up Workout

5. Bridges

Bridges are another often overlooked exercise, but when it comes to down to it, they are one of the best exercises out there for strengthening the booty muscles and hip extensors — which are important for thrusting!

Start by laying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-distance apart (which is usually narrower than you think).

Keeping your arms by your side, engage your glutes as you lift your hips off the ground, and imagine you are reaching your knees forward. This should help you feel the muscles where the hamstrings and the glutes connect (the hip extensors).

Relax the glutes and lower the hips back down to repeat 15-20 times.

Watch this video – How to do a Bridge Exercise

6. Leg Lowers

Because your lower abs are so close to your pelvic floor muscles, it only makes sense that having stronger lower abdominals will only help to strengthen the pelvic floor, as well. Leg lowers are the perfect standard exercise to do that.

Bring both legs up to the ceiling as you place both arms down by your side (shown), OR place them behind your head as you lift your upper body into a crunch.

Keep the legs straight as you lower them a few inches, to your point of control.

Engage the lower abs and pull the legs back up. Be sure the lower back doesn’t leave the mat and stays pressed into the mat for the duration of the exercise.

Complete 10-15 repetitions.

Watch this video – Leg Lowering Drill

7. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a no-brainer for strengthening hamstrings and back muscles, and can help create powerful muscles.

Grab a weighted bar or hold onto some weights so that your palms are facing in towards your legs. Imagine sliding the weight down your legs, as you hinge at your hips, keeping your weight in your heels and your back completely straight.

You should feel a stretch in the back of your legs at the bottom, then power up through your heels pressing your hips forward. Squeeze your glutes at the top and repeat 10-15 times for 3 sets.

Watch this video – How to do a proper deadlift with dumbbells

8. Sandbag Squat

This squat variation is a great exercise if you want a go with your partner standing up.

If you don’t have a sandbag, fill up a backpack with some heavy books and hold it against your chest as you would a sandbag (as shown).

Start by holding the sandbag at your chest, and position the feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and knees and toes slightly turned out.

Keeping the weight in your heels, sit the hips back as if sitting in a chair. Engage the glutes and power through the heels to straighten the legs and stand back up.

Complete at least 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Watch this video – How to Sandbag Squat

9. Straddle Stretch

Now because we don’t want to pull any muscles in the middle of the act, it’s important to stretch the proper muscles.

Most men never stretch their inner thigh or groin area, but stretching out these muscles is vital, not only for preventing injury, but also to help increase blood flow to the genitals — which again, helps with erections.

Have a seat on the floor and straighten your legs in front of you. Start to open the legs wide, until you begin to feel a stretch.

Try to keep the back as straight as possible, and if you want to increase the stretch at all, hinge forward at your hips slightly. Hold for 30-60 seconds or until you begin to feel the muscles relax.

Watch this video – How to Do a Fast, Easy Straddle for Beginners

10. Hamstring Stretch

Nobody likes a charley horse, so hamstring flexibility is also a biggie.

Lay on your back with both feet flat on the floor and your hips and lower back pressing into the floor. Extend your RIGHT leg up to the ceiling and grab behind your thigh, calf, or ankle, depending on your flexibility.

Extend the leg as straight as possible, without locking out the knee. To increase the stretch, flex through the foot. Hold for 30-60 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.

Watch this video – Daily Hamstrings Flexibility Routine for Beginners

11. Cobra

As I said before, having flexible back muscles will help prevent injuries while under the sheets.

The cobra pose is also very similar to missionary style, so it’s best to be prepared.

Lay on your stomach and place your elbows under your shoulders, with your forearms and palms flat on the floor.

Engage your abdominals as your lift your chest and shoulders off the ground, focusing on extending through your upper back, not stressing your lower back.

Make sure to draw your shoulders down your back, and relax your shoulders away from your ears. Hold for 30-60 seconds and release.

Watch this video – Cobra Pose for Beginners – effective stretch for lower back pain & herniated discs

Written by Deanna Dorman

Author Bio:

Deanna is an ACE® certified personal trainer, Balanced Body® Pilates instructor, and NASM® Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She is passionate about inspiring others to lead a healthier lifestyle through fun workouts and healthy food. When she’s not creating new workouts and recipes for her blog The Live Fit Girls she enjoys running with her two dogs and traveling.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

9 Science-Backed Reasons to Have More Sex


We all know to partake in regular physical activity to stay in better shape, lose weight, and reduce stress — but what about regular sex? The benefits of sex don’t just come from your floor-shaking orgasm — there is a long list of positive scientific benefits behind your favorite night time activity. Here are 9 science-backed reasons to have more sex.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

If you’re single and grouchy, there might be some science behind it. While sex has many different connotations, meanings and implications, the science behind it is the same.

We all know to partake in regular physical activity to stay in better shape, lose weight, and reduce stress — but what about regular sex?

The benefits of sex don’t just come from your floor-shaking orgasm — there is a long list of positive scientific benefits behind your favorite nighttime activity. When we are done with stress-filled days, we often feel we need some kind of release and comfort. Tend to reach for nutritionally empty, sugary foods after a long day at work?

Science has shown that this may give you close to the same neuronal effect as being intimate with another person. 

Besides staying lean, check out the following 9 benefits that regular sex can have — you may want to rethink your game plan!

1. More Restful Sleep

Since sleep loss is cumulative, and most of us do not get enough shut-eye, it is worth noting that regular sex helps us find more restful sleep.

Sex releases the hormone oxytocin, which decreases the production of stress-inducing cortisol. You’re left feeling more relaxed, making falling asleep easier. With only about 50 percent of us get enough sleep, it might be time to swap counting sheep for a more physical nightcap.

2. Improved Mood

One undeniable benefit of a sexual conquest: an improved mood. Researchers have found that sex activates a part of the brain that is also activated when doing other pleasurable activities, like eating dark chocolate or playing with a cute puppy.

Science (more specifically) says that there is increased dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens (the pleasure center of the brain) when we partake in sexual activity. As good a reason as any!

3. Pain Relief

Our hormones run our lives (especially when we’re younger). With that in mind, it’s important to note that regular sexual activity can release a slew of beneficial, pain-relieving hormones, leaving us feeling better than before we started.

The next time you reach for the Tylenol, head in between the sheets instead. Intercourse was shown to relieve the pain from migraines and cluster headaches, according to a study published in the journal Cephalalgia.

“There’s a [portion] of patients with migraines, about one-third, who experience relief from a migraine attack by sexual activity,” explained researcher Stefan Evers, a neurologist and headache specialist from the University of Münster.

4. Helps Reduce Risk of Cancer

While I do not want to overstate the reduction here, it is still worth noting that some studies back this point up. One of the most convincing studies showed that more frequent ejaculation correlated with a decrease in prostate cancer risk. In this study, ejaculating 21 or more times per month was associated with a lower risk of developing cancer.

For women, some sources even report that sex may be able to help lower the risk of breast cancer. These studies both use correlative means, not causative mechanisms, so the exact scientific reasons behind these lowered risks remain murky.

My guess would be that sex helps to lower anxiety and stress, which should definitely help to lower your risk of developing cancer. While there are plenty of other measures you should take to lower your risk of developing cancer, like improving your diet and getting regular exercise, it also makes sense to incorporate more frequent sexual activity.

5. Reduces Your Chances of Getting Sick

Surprisingly, some studies have found that we are much less likely to get a cold or the flu if we are having sex regularly. Pretty amazing, right?

Even having sex one to two times per week has been linked directly to higher levels of immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which is a substance found in saliva and the nasal lining. Why is this important? IgA has been shown to help our immune systems fight off common illnesses like colds and flu.

6. Improves Your Brain Power

This may be a good benefit to mention to your significant other. Scientists have found that more neurons are present in the hippocampus when you partake in more regular sexual activity. That means more sex and more brain power. Not a bad combination.

Some studies even go so far as to suggest that certain brain activities (like analytical thinking) may be improved with more frequent sex. Being a big nerd myself, this point might be my favorite reason to lead a more active sex life.

7. Improves Overall Fitness Level

While it’s not exactly the same as hitting the treadmill or lifting heavy weights, sex does lead to an improved fitness level. While sex does not burn as many calories as we might have been led to believe, 30 minutes of sexual activity can burn more than 100 calories.

This doesn’t mean you can completely skip the gym, but it does give you some extra incentive to spend more time in the bedroom. Remember — every little bit helps!

8. Reduces Your Risk of Heart Disease

Similar to my earlier point about cancer reduction, this benefit should not be overstated, but studies do show a lower risk of heart disease in those who enjoy sex more regularly. Specifically, researchers found that having sex just twice per week can cut the risk of heart disease by a whopping 50 percent!

While certainly not the only lifestyle intervention that should be considered when looking to lower one’s risk of heart disease, having frequent sex certainly isn’t the worst thing for your heart health. Some studies also seem to support the idea that more frequent sex can also help lower one’s risk of heart attack, as well.

9. Lowers Blood Pressure

Since many in our country are afflicted with high blood pressure, this is a particularly important point to note. One of the hormones released during orgasm, oxytocin, directly helps in lowering blood pressure.

High blood pressure, however, affects blood flow to the pelvis and can have an impact on the sex lives of both women and men. Women who already have high blood pressure may have a lowered libido, while men are twice as likely to lose their erection compared with those who have normal blood pressure.  Just another reason to maintain an active sex life!


There you have it, nine reasons to incorporate more sex into your daily life. Most couples report that, on average, they have sex once a week. Experts agree that this is a good amount to keep most happy, with no additional benefits being observed at higher frequencies.

So if you’re in a bit of a slump, send this article to your partner and see how they respond! You might just improve your health in a really fun way! And if you’re single, don’t worry — some studies show that masturabation may help lower the risk of certain forms of cancer.

Sex (whether alone or with a partner) helps us feel more relaxed, less stressed, and happier. And that can go a long, long way!

Watch this video – 15 Surprising Science-based HEALTH BENEFITS OF SEX for Males and Females!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

Kelsey Alea, is a certified nutritional therapist at PaleoHacks. She is the author of the Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook. The cookbook features 80 mouth-watering Keto slow cooker recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. It is a perfect cookbook for those who want to indulge, save time in the kitchen, and stay in ketosis.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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