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Sunday, July 4, 2021

How to Reduce Anxiety and Better Manage an Oncoming Panic Attack?


How to Reduce Anxiety and Better Manage an Oncoming Panic Attack? Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety disorder is the first step to addressing an anxiety disorder and finding the best course of treatment. Try the Symphony Technique to reduce stress and anxiety over the holiday season.

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The Emotional Impact of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders affect millions of men and women every year, and most people experience a combination of emotional and physical symptoms depending on the severity of their condition.

Anxiety disorders range from generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias and social anxiety disorder, but almost all have the same spectrum of emotional symptoms that have significant effects on the person’s well-being and emotional health.

The primary symptoms associated with all anxiety disorders is excessive, even irrational fear or worry about a particular situation, place or thing. However, the following emotional symptoms can also be present, and can occur frequently, or become a part of the person’s personality:

1. Anticipating the worst. Most people suffering from an anxiety disorder are always preparing for the worst, and expect negative things to happen. This can perpetuate a cycle of negative thinking, and may lead to depression, more anxiety and other problems.

2. Agitation or restlessnessAnxiety disorders often leave the person feeling uneasy or uncomfortable in certain situations. In some cases, the sufferer may experience constant restlessness even when trying to relax at home. This is because they have gotten into the habit of maintaining a heightened sense of awareness, and may have become particularly sensitive to even the slightest changes in their environment.

3. Feeling jumpy or tense on a regular basis. Most people who have even the mildest forms of anxiety disorder will feel as though they are always on the edge, or have to “walk on eggshells.”

According to the United States National Mental Health Information Center, anxiety disorders can cause people to become “trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts and behaviors such as counting or hand washing” just so they can reduce their feelings of tension and anxiety.

4. Watching for signs of danger. People who are always on the edge are usually looking for signs of danger, and may become preoccupied with risky situations or events. Most people who have anxiety disorders will always be on the lookout for danger, and be very careful about where they go or what they do.

5. Difficulty concentrating. When most of the day is spent being preoccupied with worry, anxiety and fear, people with anxiety disorders can find it very difficult to stay focused and concentrate. They may have difficulty sitting in one place for long periods of time to perform tasks at a job, complete schoolwork, or finish a project. Symptoms may be recognized as ADD or ADHD, but in many cases, the root cause is an anxiety disorder.

6. Irritability. Many people suffering from anxiety disorders do not get enough rest or sleep, and this can make them especially irritable or aggravated throughout the day. They may become irritated by slight changes in their schedule or routine, and can become overly sensitive to everyday situations. This can be improved with adequate rest and stress relief methods, but these habits will take time to develop.

There are several emotional symptoms of anxiety disorders that can adversely affect the sufferer’s life, and the lives of their friends and family. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step to addressing an anxiety disorder and finding the best course of treatment.

Holiday Season and that old friend anxiety

The holiday season can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Last minute shopping, in-laws, and everyone on their best behavior…or not.

People with anxiety often count down the days to the merry season with mixed feelings. If you suffer from panic attacks regularly, you are probably well aware of the physical manifestations that you will probably experience as the holidays draw near.

The body’s goal of the fight or flight response is to make you aware of danger, but if you’re having a panic attack, this response can be triggered by a variety of stimuli.

Holiday stressors including shopping for friends and family, organizing holiday events, or just making travel arrangements can be difficult to deal with.

Here are some effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety over the holiday season:

Try the Symphony Technique:

In my book Panic Away, I talk about how to rate your anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest.

The Symphony Technique allows you to imagine yourself as the conductor of a symphony orchestra, and all you need to do is start counting to a rhythm in your head. Just count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, in your head, and tap your feet on each number and move your hands as if you were a symphony conductor.

Now as you count, tell yourself the following: “I accept and process my anxious thoughts”, “I accept and process my bodily sensations”, “I accept and process my fear of panic”, and “I accept and process my beating heart”. As you say those words you conduct the bodily sensations. You are controlling the whole experience.

This is just a short example of how to use the symphony technique but what you are learning here is how to create inner movement. The inner movement is what helps you release the pent up feelings and allows you to feel more in control. By establishing a sense of control you feel much more confident in managing the anxiety.

Allow Yourself to Feel Anxious

Stuck in the crowds at the mall when holiday shopping?

Dreading a few days with the in laws?

Take a deep breath and let yourself feel the anxiety – this will help you release it.  Acceptance is the first step because what we fully accept then goes through a transformation and is easier to manage.

Allowing yourself to feel anxious to the fullest will help you break out of the cycle of fearing your own thoughts, and allow your thoughts to simply flow.

This is an important part of accepting your fears, processing them and then moving on. You’ll feel more and more confident each time you do this, and will effectively help you work through your anxiety.

To learn how to reduce anxiety and better manage an oncoming panic attack, watch this video – How I Learned To Manage Panic Attacks & High Anxiety

Click here to learn more effective ways to reduce anxiety and better manage an oncoming panic attack 

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Self-Help – How to Reduce Anxiety and better Manage an Oncoming Panic Attack?

Friday, July 2, 2021

How to Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Related Conditions?


How to Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Related Conditions? How to stop worrying about everything and enjoy an anxiety-free day. Recognizing the causes of anxiety disorder attacks

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Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Related Conditions -Recognizing the Causes of Anxiety Disorder Attacks

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects over 4 million adult Americans every year, and is a condition where the person feels extremely worried or anxious on a regular basis.

Exaggerated feelings of worry or anxiety are normal in some situations, but for people who have generalized anxiety disorder or related conditions, the feelings are out of proportion with the situation at hand.

People with generalized anxiety disorder are unable to stop worrying about everyday events and situations, and may become overly concerned with money, work, school, health or their families. They spend their days in constant worry or anxiety over certain situations, and they often end up feeling worn out, depressed, sad, and cannot enjoy relationships or social activities.

There is no known root cause of generalized anxiety disorder, but doctors and researchers conjecture that there are several factors that contribute to the development of this anxiety problem.

Family history often plays an important role in the development of generalized anxiety disorder. If a person’s parent were constant “worriers”, they probably grew up in an environment where fear and anxiety were part of everyday life.

Environmental factors can also be a cause of anxiety disorders. Stressful events such as abuse, divorce, moving, changing jobs or losing a loved one can trigger real fear, dread and anxiety, but this can worsen if it is left unaddressed.

The person can get into the habit of feeling difficult feelings all over again whenever they are stressed, and this can perpetuate the cycle of anxiety. reports that many people turn to food, nicotine or caffeine to manage their feelings, but this often makes the situation worse.

Finally, brain chemistry may play a role in the development of generalized anxiety disorder. People who have anxiety problems typically have abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can affect the types of messages the brain is sending or receiving.

This means the person may be experiencing a fear response from only a mildly stressful situation, and will start to link the mildly stressful situation to that negative experience. In reality, the brain is just sending the wrong type of message to the body, so the person perceives what is happening to them in the wrong way.

Correcting neurotransmitter imbalances is possible by eating certain foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In some extreme cases, medication or natural supplements may also be recommended.

It’s important to understand that generalized anxiety disorder is quite common, and more women experience the symptoms and effects of this disorder than men.

Even though family history and environmental factors may not change, there are several ways to reduce the effects of GAD and other anxiety disorders. Making healthy food choices, getting enough rest, maintaining a regular exercise schedule, and controlling stress in a healthy way can help to reduce feelings of fear, worry and overwhelm on a regular basis.

Lifestyle and behavior modification may be the best option for the millions of people suffering from daily anxiety problems, and may be necessary when generalized anxiety disorder symptoms and related anxiety problems are interfering with daily life.

Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Related Conditions – The Bigger Picture

The things that challenge us deeply, also offer us great opportunity. When it comes to anxiety, ask yourself what gift this experience brings to you. There is a hidden gift there and here is how you might discover it…

Anxiety is a crash course in self-development. You might not remember volunteering for it but nevertheless you are here. This is intense learning for the brave.

You may not think of it as learning but you are already developing by the very fact that you are seeking answers. Everyday anxiety is teaching you how to be a bigger person.

Anxiety is an acceleration to a more expansive you. It feels scary but with a focus on where you want to go it can be your most valuable asset.

Viktor Frankl wrote a book called ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’.

According to a survey conducted by the Libary of Congress, Man’s Search For Meaning belongs to a list of “the ten most influential books in the United States”.

I read it for the first time last year after a tip off from someone who read Panic Away.

It is the true story of how Viktor Frankl survived the concentration camps of World War Two and found meaning in that most dehumanized situation. He teaches the importance of finding meaning in our struggle and that all challenges great or small hold a special meaning for us.

Even though Viktor Frankl’s experience was so extreme, his teachings can also be applied to the challenge of anxiety.

If you look for the deeper meaning in your challenge with anxiety, you will discover the gift it holds for you.

The simplest way to do this is to write down the things that you feel you are learning from this challenge and then write down the reason you want to succeed and overcome it.

For example:

What’s the meaning?
Anxiety is teaching me to grown as a person

Reason to overcome:
I want to live a more expansive, adventurous life.

What’s the meaning?
Anxiety is helping me to trust and accept my body more

Reason to overcome:
I want to be more self-reliant and confident anywhere I go.

What’s the meaning?
Anxiety is teaching me compassion for myself and others

Reason to overcome:
I want to help others overcome their anxiety.

Only you can find the meaning to your personal challenge. Once you find that meaning then determine one or more reasons for overcoming that challenge.

Anytime you feel yourself slip with a setback, remind yourself of the bigger picture and focus on that. Remember the special journey you are on. Remember the gift anxiety holds for you.

Focus on this, even on the most difficult of days, and you will keep moving forward.

To learn how to deal with generalized anxiety disorder, watch this video – 6 Tips To Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Barry Joe McDonagh

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Self-Help – How to Deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Related Conditions?

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to Overcome the Fear of Losing Control and Freaking Out?


How to Overcome the Fear of Losing Control and Freaking Out? Why There’s No Such Thing as Anxiety Safe Zones. “Help, -the next panic attack will send me to the mental hospital”. What really happens during a panic attack?

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Overcome the Fear of Losing Control and Freaking Out – Why There’s No Such Thing as Anxiety Safe Zones

Panic and anxiety tends to immobilize people, so much so, that some people have a fear of even leaving their home.

Agoraphobia is the technical term used to describe people who are afraid of open spaces or being in crowded places like malls, outdoor markets and theme parks. If you’ve ever felt anxious about leaving home, or your “safe zone”, you’re experiencing some of the effects of agoraphobia.

The truth is, those feelings are really just feelings of vulnerability. People who suffer from panic attacks feel like they are more vulnerable in certain situations, and so they have difficulty feeling comfortable in a public place. These fears don’t have to immobilize you. The issue you need to address is that there really is no safe zone.

I talk about this in more detail in my book Panic Away. This sense of comfort in a certain place is actually a myth that your mind has started to believe. The reality is, the safe zone is all in your mind.

You could be in the same state of mind sitting comfortably at home, as you could be standing in the middle of a crowd at a sports stadium. All you need to do is learn to feel safe with the uncomfortable bodily sensations that trouble you.

Learning to process the sensations that scare you is the most empowering way to feel confident anywhere. You do not worry about finding an exit because you feel perfectly capable of handling any anxiety that you might experience.

Ask yourself what would you do and where would you go if you were not afraid?

It can be terrifying to deal with these issues and fears, but when you break down the walls you have created for yourself, you’ll be on your way to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

I urge you to learn today how to release the tension and fears that keep you feeling trapped.

Overcome the Fear of Losing Control and Freaking Out – “Help, -the next panic attack will send me to the mental hospital”

I think everyone that has experienced regular panic attacks has had this thought at one stage or another. It is directly connected to fear of losing control and freaking out.

People’s imaginations run riot with ideas of losing mental control and doing something totally out of character and then as a result get locked up in a padded cell because of their strange behavior.

When you experience high anxiety and panic your mind is not able to think rationally.

The idea of being committed seems ridiculous to the non-anxious mind but when your mind is operating from a high level of general anxiety these scenarios seem like potential outcomes and need to be worried about.

If you feel this way, remind yourself of this. People with anxiety disorders do not get locked up. It is not a mental illness and you will not lose control. The reason you feel out of control is because all the chemicals connected to the flight or fight response are causing you to feel on edge and think irrationally.

A simple way to combat these anxious thoughts is to remove the emotional impact they have on you.

Next time you imagine yourself losing control or getting locked up, imagine a cartoon character telling you these fearful ideas. Make the cartoon character small and give it a squeaky voice. How can you honestly take this character’s opinion serious with its big feet and squeaky voice?

Then in your mind’s eye, see the character getting smaller and smaller until you can’t hear it anymore. This exercise reduces the emotional response you have to the anxious thought.

Practice this a few times and soon you will feel less disturbed by ideas of getting locked up or losing control.

What really happens during a panic attack?

The sensations of a panic attack can appear at random times throughout the day, but in some people, the effects are more persistent over an entire day.

It’s important to remember that the physical manifestations of a panic attack are linked to automatic nervous system functions. When either of these systems is activated, you will feel a number of different sensations throughout the body.

Adrenaline is released and the body goes into the famous state of ‘flight or flight’ a term which coined by Dr. Walter Canon with his original formulation of human threat response.

This cycle of sensations and heightened awareness during a panic attack often makes many people physically and emotionally exhausted. Our body continually strives for balance, so it’s important to remember that the body itself is not perceiving these sensations as anything harmful – think of them more as a vigorous exercise workout. However, from the perspective of the person experiencing the sensations, it can feel completely different.

During a panic attack, it is common for the person to jump to conclusions about what is happening. The person tends to surrender their reasoning over to the fears of their imagination.

Christian Nevell Bovee once wrote:

“Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.”

A skipped heartbeat might be interrupted as a pending heart attack.
A feeling of lightheadedness as a fainting spell.
A tight chest as breathing problems.

This constant worry of ‘what might be’ is very exhausting and takes its toll, which is why it’s important to recognize what is happening and work on ways to break free from the exhausting cycle of fear.

To learn how to overcome the fear of losing control and freaking out, watch this video – If You Struggle With Anxiety, This Mind Trick Will Change Your Life | Mel Robbins

In my book Panic Away, I share several strategies for eliminating panic attacks entirely. These strategies will help you become more comfortable with the effects that panic attacks can have, take control over the anxiety you are feeling, and enjoy a more emotionally balanced lifestyle.

Don’t put your recovery off. Why wait, start today

Barry Joe McDonagh

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Self-Help – How to Overcome the Fear of Losing Control and Freaking Out?

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Reduce Anxiety Naturally – Why Do I Have Morning Anxiety?


Reduce Anxiety Naturally – Why Do I Have Morning Anxiety? What causes morning anxiety? Lower anxiety by learning how to breath correctly. How to enjoy an anxiety-free morning?

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Morning Anxiety? How to Enjoy an Anxiety-Free Morning?

Many people who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks on a regular basis find that the simple act of getting up in the morning starts the cycle. The reason for this is because your body is coming out of sleep and any feelings of anxiety are exaggerated.

Most of us are not ‘morning’ people, so when you add anxiety to the equation you can see why mornings are usually the most anxious time of the day for people with an anxiety disorder.

Desensitizing your body from being in an anxious state takes a lot of time and patience, and there are several things you can do first thing in the morning to get your day off to a great start.

If you start your day off right, you’ll notice that your anxiety levels are much lower than usual for the rest of the day. A few simple things are all it takes to reduce anxiety naturally.

One of the first things to do when you get up in the morning is to undertake a light stretching session. Breathe deeply and gently stretch out your arms and legs. This increases circulation throughout your body and freshens up your mind.

It’s best to avoid checking your anxiety level at this stage, and try and stay focused on the movements you are doing.

Another simple exercise is to set your alarm clock about twenty to thirty minutes earlier than usual so that you can spend some time alone. You can release worries by taking some time alone to write down what is on your mind.

Writing your fears down in a worry diary is one of the quickest ways to release them. Creating this extra space for yourself in the morning allows you to feel more in control of the day rather than always running to catch up.

You can also organize your day the night before so you’re not waking up rushed. Set aside fifteen to twenty minutes each night to pack your bag, choose your outfit and handle other details that often preoccupy your time each morning.

Don’t be afraid to be selfish with your time. Regardless if live alone or have a big family to look after, you owe it to yourself to take control of your day and get every day off to a great start!

Lower Anxiety by Learning How to Breath Correctly

Most people who experience panic and anxiety attacks regularly have forgotten how to breathe correctly.

If you think about it, consider how you breathe when you’re tense or anxious about something. If you’re like most people, your breathing becomes really shallow and you may even “sink” into your body, rounding your shoulders and slouching slightly. This often sets you up for feelings of fatigue as you breathing is too shallow.

Making sure fresh oxygen is circulating throughout your body helps to keep you alert and clear headed. When you are feeling anxious, you might slow down your breathing and thereby reducing the amount of oxygen you need.

The right way to breathe is to allow your abdomen to expand when you inhale. This allows the air to flow deeply into the pit of the stomach. When you’re feeling anxious, you may take very small breaths that don’t even allow air to get into the lower abdomen.

I walk you through a set of breathing exercises in my book Panic Away so that you understand how to breathe properly no matter what you are feeling or experiencing but basically you are looking to achieve more regular breaths that move your stomach up rather than all of the movement taking place in your upper chest.

At first, the breathing exercise might seem awkward or uncomfortable, but practicing regularly will help you adapt a healthy habit. You’ll notice that it’s easier to feel calm and secure and all it really takes is about ten minutes of practice a few times per day.

Good breathing habits have a number of health benefits, so pay attention to your breathing pattern. You’ll be amazed at how a simple change can enhance your health and well-being!

To learn how to reduce anxiety naturally, watch this video – Waking up with anxiety? 5 Simple tips to stop morning anxiety.

Barry Joe McDonagh

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Self-Help – How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally ?

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