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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Flatulence and Digestive Care - What Your Gas Is Trying to Tell You

Flatulence and Digestive Care - Passing gas is, after all, a natural part of the human digestive process. Gas even helps your food go through your digestive track. It’s just a part of life. However, if you’re experiencing stomach pain, pressure from gas, very smelly gas, or passing excess amounts of it, your body might be telling you that something is off.

Gas isn’t the most polite dinner topic, but it’s a strong indicator of what’s going on inside your body.


So, while you may not want to discuss it with friends, it’s a good idea to notice what’s going on with your body so you can discuss it with your doctor should problems arise.


It’s almost strange that it’s so taboo to talk about. Passing gas is, after all, a natural part of the human digestive process. Gas even helps your food go through your digestive track. It’s just a part of life.


However, if you’re experiencing stomach pain, pressure from gas, very smelly gas, or passing excess amounts of it, your body might be telling you that something is off.


You don’t have to live with unwanted stomach symptoms. A working knowledge of what’s what when it comes to gas is a great first step in taking control.


You probably have the normal questions, such as: What’s normal and what’s cause for concern?


Let’s look at both, along with causes for gas, and when to see your doctor.


Healthy amounts of gas


Passing gas is a sign that we’re healthy. Men tend to pass more gas, and more often, than women.


Smokers, too, pass more gas, although science isn’t sure why.


The average person passes gas more than 10 times a day. This varies, of course, and is affected by diet and other things.


Gas without a smell is usually from swallowed air. We swallow air when we eat, drink, and chew gum.


Other gas is created when the bacteria in our gut break down food.


Foods that cause gas


Any food can cause gas if you’re sensitive to it. We’ll discuss that soon.


Foods that cause more gas in general are:


·         Apples

·         Artichokes

·         Asparagus

·         Beer

·         Broccoli

·         Brussels Sprouts

·         Cabbage

·         Carbonated beverages

·         Carrots

·         Cauliflower

·         Celery

·         Corn

·         Cucumbers

·         Dried beans, peas, and lentils

·         Eggs

·         Onions

·         Pears

·         Peas

·         Potatoes

·         Radishes

·         Red Wine

·         Rutabaga

·         Sorbitol

·         Supplements: glucosamine contains sulfates

·         Turnips

·         Wheat

·         Water with sulfate in it, such as well water, will make gas smellier

·         Whole grains

·         Xylitol


Some of these foods even cause urine to smell differently, such as asparagus.


Some sweeteners, usually considered more natural than artificial sweeteners, can cause gas and even diarrhea in higher doses.


Excess gas and its causes


Do you eat quickly? Or on the run?


If you’re eating quickly, while chatting, or in an attempt to multitask, you’re probably swallowing more air.


Some people tend to eat quickly. The next time you eat with others, notice if you generally finish earlier.


You might also have times when you need to “scarf down” your meal due to a time crunch.


Try to slow down when you eat and chew your food longer to see if it helps with excess gas.


If you chew gum on a regular basis and notice you have extra gas, a first step is cutting back on gum to reduce gas.


If changing your eating habits changes your gas, you can simply monitor the problem.


Adding more fiber to your diet will also lead to more gas at first.


If it’s not painful or causing pressure, it’s probably nothing to worry about.


There are many over-the-counter chewables and liquids that help relieve gas.


If you know you upped your fiber, or you have bad gas that goes away, you usually don’t need to go to the doctor.


However, excess gas can indicate a bowel problem, such as an intolerance to dairy or gluten. 


You can usually tell the difference because, if you have a food insensitivity, you’ll also have stomach pain and gas that smells more.


Stomach pain that sticks around for more than a few days is a reason to see your doctor.


Meat and gas issues


Some meats contain sulfur, which causes smellier gas. You might have noticed this with certain meats if you’re more sensitive.


And many meats have hormones and antibiotics added to them.


Lidia thought she had issues with eating chicken. Sometimes it made her very gassy.


She went on an elimination diet and then added chicken back in.


What she finally uncovered was that chicken gave her gas sometimes but not all the time, so it was more likely that the hormones and additives in some meats were causing the problems.


She stuck to free-range, organic chicken after that and the problem went away.


That’s one example of how you can learn to read your body by keeping track of what you eat and how it affects you.


Constipation also causes excess gas.


Being constipated can be annoying and even painful, and it often causes more gas with a stronger smell.


That’s because waste is mainly made up of bacteria, so when you’re constipated, there’s more bacteria sitting in your gut, fermenting and releasing fumes.


Drink plenty of water, eat more fiber, and exercise to relieve the problem.


There’s over-the-counter medicine to help with this as well, although you can usually fix it yourself.


Prolonged constipation might indicate another medical problem, so if you don’t find relief after a week, talk to your doctor about it.


Smelly gas


A foul smell might indicate an imbalance in the gut biome, or the source could be the food itself.


Some healthy foods that are high in sulfate, like broccoli, cauliflower, almonds, and Brussels sprouts, produce smellier gas.


Sulfate is actually the culprit behind most smelly gas, so controlling how much you ingest helps with the smell.


Sulfate is in well water, some supplements, beer, wine, milk, and juices from apple, grape, and tomatoes. 


Meat and dairy also has a sulfur compound called mercaptans, and that can lead to smelly gas as well.


Flatulence and Digestive Care – How to reduce excessive smelly gas


Treatment for smelly gas can include:


·         Exercise (which also helps constipation)

·         Dietary changes to avoid trigger foods

·         Digestive enzymes like Lactase and Beano

·         Food sensitivity testing and an elimination diet

·         Prebiotics from prebiotic-rich yogurt or supplements

·         Antacids or H2 blockers if reflux is present


Some people are aware that they’re somewhat lactose intolerant, and consuming dairy will cause more gas, but the symptoms go away.


The truth is, many people probably know certain foods cause gas, but that doesn’t mean they avoid them. It’s possible to plan ahead and not eat that food at a big event or before going to work.


Most adults become lactose intolerant to some degree. Even if you’ve always been able to consume dairy, that can change as you get older.


As you become an adult and age, you have less lactate enzyme available in your system to digest milk.


If you get an upset stomach every time you have milk or cheese, eliminate all dairy from your diet for a few days and see if you feel more comfortable.


When gas comes from a food, it usually happens a few hours to 12 hours later, and then goes away.


But if you’re dealing with foul smelling gas that’s lingering, it’s time to think about your gut health.


You have foul smelling gas on a regular basis


If your stomach has trouble breaking down certain foods, it’ll let you know via gas.


With gluten insensitivity, Celiac’s disease (extreme sensitivity to gluten) or other autoimmune disorders, the stomach might be breaking down the lining of the small intestine.


Signs that you might have a problem with gluten include:


·         Bloating and abdominal pain

·         Diarrhea and/or constipation, foul smelling feces

·         Headaches

·         Brain fog

·         Weight loss

·         Deficiency in iron, folate, or vitamin B12

·         Family history – if a parent or sibling has been diagnosed, it’s smart to get tested.


Many symptoms for different stomach issues overlap, so it’s a good idea to have tests run and find out what’s bothering your stomach.


Doing an elimination diet at home will also help you discover what foods cause problems.


And remember, when trying an elimination diet, you should look at additives too.


Many people are sensitive to artificial food dyes, preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, and other additives.


Many foods have wheat and gluten even when it doesn’t seem logical, like licorice. Wheat and corn starch are both used to thicken many commercial foods.


The small amounts of additives in packaged foods are enough to add up and cause stomach issues, including smelly gas.


Flatulence and Digestive Care – When to see your doctor


Gas by itself can often be fixed at home. You can discover the cause with a food diary or an elimination diet.


If, however, you have pain and other stomach issues, and the problem persists, it’s much better to visit the doctor than to continue to suffer.


Take any information you’ve written down about symptoms and foods that bothered you.


Hopefully you’ll be on your way to feeling better soon.


Watch these 2 videos that are related to flatulence and digestive care –


7 ways to fix your gas | What Causes Excessive Gas | Sameer Islam Videos


The Truth About Fart: Is Farting Healthy? What's the Treatment for Flatulence?


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more about diet for long life, click on Food Health & You


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What is the BEST breakfast for Weight Loss?


Eating a morning meal is a healthy habit for everyone, and it’s especially important if you're watching your weight or trying to lose weight. But what breakfast will really help you accelerate your weight loss? What is the best breakfast for weight loss?

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Stay Healthy & Be Free From the Various Common Lifestyle Diseases

Eating a morning meal is a healthy habit for everyone, and it’s especially important if you're watching your weight or trying to lose weight.


While it sounds counterintuitive to lose weight by eating, the truth is we need fuel. Eating the right fuel will help us burn energy better and feel more energetic.


But why eat breakfast? Is it really necessary? You might consider yourself one of those people who don’t need to eat within an hour or two of getting up.


Well, research has proven that regular breakfast eaters are leaner than people who skip breakfast.


Even more than that, dieters are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off when they eat breakfast.


Breakfast literally means “break fast”, or breaking your nightly fast. When you don’t eat in the morning, your metabolism stays in reserve mode.


Your body thinks it needs to conserve energy, hang onto fat and calories, and keep you protected from lean times.


People who eat breakfast on a regular basis get more of the important nutrients, like fiber and vitamins.


Bottom line: if you want to be healthy, fit, maintain a healthy weight, or lose weight, eat breakfast!


And I have another surprise for you...


Have a bigger breakfast


Yes, not only am I suggesting that you eat breakfast, I’m recommending that you eat a big breakfast.


It’s not just to make your mom and grandma feel good and not worry about you.


Science has shown us that eating a larger morning meal means more calories at the time, but it also results in more efficient weight loss.


In a recent weight loss study, one group of people ate 700 calories at breakfast, 500 calories at lunch, and 200 calories at dinner.


So, they ate their biggest meal early and ate less for lunch, and then even less for dinner.


The other group went the opposite way, and ate 200 calories at breakfast, 500 calories at lunch, and 700 calories at dinner.


The two groups kept this up for 12 weeks. Notice this was a reduced calories diet, and both groups ate the same amount of calories, just arranged differently throughout the day.


After the 12 weeks, they weighed in. The first group who ate big in the morning and small in the evening had lost two and a half times more weight than the other group.


It’s amazing that you can affect your weight loss results so much by when you eat your calories.


Our metabolisms are most efficient in the a.m. so that’s when we can eat more and burn more of it.


So, if you eat a big breakfast, you can fill up on protein and foods that will give you energy and help you fill full, so you don’t eat unhealthy food throughout the day.


You can also use fruit to get really full while not eating as many calories, so you could have a large breakfast and feel full clear through lunch.


This information also tells us that if we have a big dinner, we’re burning those calories much slower.


That’s why late night snacking is really bad for our waistline—not only are we eating late, but we’re probably eating high calorie foods that aren’t healthy.


Having a big breakfast can help switch your appetite around so you’re eating to fuel your day, instead of eating late to fuel weight gain.


But what breakfast will really help you accelerate your weight loss?


The Best Breakfast for Weight Loss: two eggs, black beans, chopped tomatoes or salsa, and an avocado


For this breakfast, you can cook the eggs any way you like: fried, scrambled, or hard boiled.


A delicious way to eat this breakfast is an Southwestern omelet filled with black beans, salsa, and a little cheese. Top with the avocado for healthy fat.


You might mix the black beans with the eggs, or just the salsa and avocado.


And you can actually add in a piece of fruit, or save that for a mid-morning snack.


Remember, eating a bigger breakfast is perfectly okay. You’ll have more energy for the day, have a clearer head, and won’t be hungry.


Then you can have a smaller lunch, and even smaller dinner, and lose weight!


On this meal plan, you’ll wake up hungry and ready to fill up on a healthy protein breakfast that will keep your metabolism running fast.


You don’t have to take my word that this weight-loss breakfast works; let’s look at each item to see how it helps you fast track your diet.




Two large eggs have a whopping 13 grams of protein.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein and other healthy nutrients including fat-burning choline.


Choline actually attacks the gene mechanism that triggers your body to store fat around your liver, according to Zero Belly Cookbook.


People can lose weight eating eggs for breakfast even when they mix them with potatoes.


One tester had egg hash for breakfast for 3 weeks. She lost 11 pounds and 4 inches from her waist.


Black beans


These beans are considered nature’s health food because they’re packed with fiber and protein.


This is critically important if you are trying to lose weight and can’t stand feeling hungry all of the time.


They’re packed with soluble fiber, a powerful belly fat fighter, so beans will not only fill you up for hours but also help slim you down.


You might be worried about beans causing gas, but you don’t have to eat a huge amount to feel full and get the health benefits.


Additionally, eating some black beans with eggs and avocado isn’t as likely to cause gas as eating a lot of beans by themselves.


Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center researchers found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber consumed daily, study participants’ belly fat reduced by 3.7% over five years.




Avocado is actually a fruit. To be more specific, it’s a single-seeded berry native to Mexico.


But you might call it a fat instead of a fruit because it has 322 calories and 29 grams of fat.


That’s all good mono-unsaturated fat, though, so it offers some amazing health benefits.


One of those benefits is keeping hunger at bay.


An avocado or scoop of guacamole may be one of the most effective hunger-squashers out there.


In a study published in Nutrition Journal, participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40% decreased desire to eat for hours afterward.


You might cut your food intake by almost half just by eating an avocado early in the day!


A study in the Journal of the American Heart Association studied 45 overweight people who went on 1 of 3 different cholesterol-lowering diets for 5 weeks.


The first diet was lower in fat, with 24% of total calories coming from mostly saturated fat, and this diet didn’t include an avocado.


The second diet had 34% of total calories coming from mostly saturated fats, and still did not include avocado.


The third diet was also 34% of calories from fat, but this last one replaced some of the saturated fats with one whole Haas avocado per day.


So, we have a lower fat diet, and then 2 diets with the same amount of fat. That fat is from some of the same kind, but the last diet has only part of the fat replaced by an avocado.


After 5 weeks, the dieters eating avocado as a part of their fat intake had LDL cholesterol levels that were 13.5 mg/dl lower than the first, or low fat, group.


That reduction will fight and reverse heart disease along with helping people lose weight.




There’s nothing like a sun ripened, fresh tomato.


If you’re not a fan of tomatoes, you probably still like salsa—and spicy food also offers health benefits, extends life, and speeds up your metabolism.


Salsa goes so well with eggs and beans, too. When the season is right, you can get fresh salsa, or even grow your own tomatoes, peppers, and cilantro for an amazing and super fresh topping.


Tomatoes are full of antioxidants and help you to lose weight, partly because they reverse leptin resistance.


Leptin is a protein which regulates metabolic rate and appetite, so if it’s off, our bodies struggle to shed extra weight.


Take note, adding ketchup to your eggs and beans is not the same thing. Ketchup is tomatoes cooked down and mixed with corn syrup or sugar. A little bit might not be bad for you, but you’re way better off by eating fresh tomatoes or salsa.


Eating healthy


Many of us don’t like the idea of having the same thing for breakfast all the time.


You can vary how you put this breakfast together, and it’s also okay to have something different sometimes.


Of course, if you start seeing the pounds fall off, you might find yourself feeling enthusiastic about eggs and beans again.


Other healthy breakfasts that can help you lose weight are whole grains with berries, and nuts for protein. You can still have an avocado for healthy fat, and that will curb hunger pangs till lunch.


You might try beans, avocado, and salsa some days, or find other ways to incorporate these weight-loss superfoods into your breakfasts.


Try the big breakfast plan for a few weeks and see what happens—you’ll be happily surprised!


For more ideas on the best breakfast for weight loss, watch this video - The 6 Best Breakfast Options to Lose Weight the Healthy Way


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more about diet for long life, click on Food Health & You

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