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Friday, April 12, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat and Prevent Cancer?

Prevent CANCER: NEW ALTERNATIVE THERAPY - Created in the amazonian forest, by a Brazilian monk, a new natural treatment to cure and to prevent cancer, seems to be an interesting alternative in the fight against cancer.

Click on Here to Find Out More About the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Created in the amazonian forest, by a Brazilian monk, a new natural treatment to cure and to prevent cancer, seems to be an interesting alternative in the fight against cancer.

The priest affirms, he has obtained real results in several types to cancer: cancer of breast, cancer of uterus, cancer of stomach, cancer of skin, cancer of prostate, etc.

The formula is simple, cheap and easy to prepare it in house and even though extensive clinical studies do not exist on this procedure, it seems to be a sensible alternative to try.

One of the components of the formula to prevent cancer is Aloe Vera (sábila) whose medicinal properties have been investigated for a long time :

“It has been proved that Aloe Vera is effective in cancer in animals. In fact, in 1992, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the use of Aloe Vera for the treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals as well as feline leukemia.

There is strong scientific proof that, in vitro, Aloe Vera suppresses the growing of cancer tumor, stimulates immune system response, raises tumor necrosis levels, and promotes healthy tissue”.

“Aloe Vera helps to lower the damage done to the body by treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, which destroy healthy immune system cells that are very important for the body's recovery. With the use of Aloe Vera, the immune system is boosted, tumors shrink, metastases are reduced so the cancer does not spread, and new”

“In 1997, University of San Antonio researcher Jeremiah Herlihy, Ph.D., conducted a study to observe any negative effects of drinking aloe daily.

Rather than exhibiting negative effects, however, test animals receiving daily aloe showed a remarkable reduction in leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease.

Dr. Herlihy concluded, "We found no indication of harm done to the rats even at high levels." In fact, the aloe-drinking animals actually lived 25 percent longer than those in the control group”

Other components used to prevent cancer are bee honey and "cañazo" (rum, or any distilled liqueur).

Medicine may be increasingly high-tech, but the latest wonder treatment which is being offered to patients is — honey.

In one of the researches done on honey, bandages soaked in manuka honey are to be given to mouth cancer patients at the Christie Hospital in Manchester to reduce their chances of contracting the MRSA superbug and to lessen wound inflammation following surgery.

This is just the latest study investigating manuka honey's healing powers. It is used routinely at the Manchester Royal Infirmary for dressing wounds, and other research has found it can fight gum disease, ease digestive problems and soothe sore throats.

All honey contains hydrogen peroxide, a substance once used as a wound disinfectant in hospitals — it comes from an enzyme that bees add to nectar. It also contains the enzyme glucose oxidase, which boosts its anti-bacterial properties. This was recognised by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who used honey to help heal burns and sores.

Aloe, bee honey and rum are mixed, and a syrup is obtained that must be consumed daily. It is important to use "fresh pulp of the plant Aloe Vera, including the rind. (to retire the thorns).

To avoid the poisonous effect of the plant Aloe Vera, the treatment must be alternated: 10 days of treatment, 10 days free or of rest. Never long treatments. The treatment can be used single or complementing chemotherapy processes.

Watch these 2 Videos

by Luiz Quiroz R, who is a Peruvian journalist, founder of the “World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor”.

To discover more about the health benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, go to: The Amazing Wonders of Aloe Vera

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

What is the Best Way to Relieve Constipation?

RELIEVE CONSTIPATION WITH ALOE VERA - Aloe Vera is a wonder herb that has been around for thousands of years. It has been used for both external and internal problems – skin rashes, burns, ulcers, internal bleeding. It also promotes bowel movements, which helps to relieve constipation.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Menstruating or pregnant women should not use Aloe Vera, in any form, to relieve constipation

Aloe Vera is a wonder herb that has been around for thousands of years. It has been used for both external and internal problems – skin rashes, burns, ulcers, internal bleeding. It also promotes bowel movements, which helps to relieve constipation.

I have found that some people are allergic to Aloe Vera. So if you show a rash or have any other undesirable symptoms, don’t use it.

Aloe is an astringent, acts to tighten muscles, and has purgative and laxative action – dispels faecal matter that has collected in your colon.

There are many aloe vera products to choose from. For best results, choose an aloe that is close to that of fresh organic aloe whole leaf.

Using Aloe Vera Gel to Relieve Constipation

Take two tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel mixed with apple juice. You can use other types of juices that fit your taste.

If you use aloe juice drink, mix 1/3 of aloe juice with 2/3 of a juice you like just before bedtime or just on awakening.

Or, if you can handle the taste of the juice, drink a glass of Aloe Vera juice as soon as you wake up and one just before bedtime. This will promote a bowel movement when you wake up.

Relieve Constipation with Aloe Vera Capsules

Aloe Vera can also be taken in capsules. Because aloe can have a strong griping action, it is best to take this herb with a calmative herb such as turmeric.

Aloe can also be mixed with powdered fennel seeds. But, you can take aloe as described above and see how you react to it. I know many people who take it without turmeric and they don’t have any side effects

The best aloe vera is, of course, fresh aloe gel from a leaf. Look for an aloe that has been hand and not machine pressed. When aloe has been machine pressed, it can be contaminated with the yellow sap that is contained in the outer skin of the aloe leaf.

This yellow sap has strong laxative and irritating action in the gastrointestinal tract. A good aloe should not have more than 10 parts per millions of yellow saps.

Aloe has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Diabetics may find a need to lower medication dosages when using aloe for a long time. But monitor this with your blood tester and your doctor.

In addition, aloe vera has a cleansing action and restores a healthy balance of the good bacteria in your colon.

Here’s how to use Aloe Vera to relieve constipation

Use aloe for 5 days and then rest 2 days. Using aloe on and off like this can help to reduce allergic reactions from long-term use.

Typical recommendations are:

·Aloe gel – 2 tablespoon each day
·Aloe vera juice – 1 quart each day
·Aloe vera concentrate – 5 g up to 3 times each day

Remember, if you’re pregnant do not use aloe vera. It has not been studied for women during this period.

Drinking peppermint tea when taking aloe vera capsules can relieve mild cases constipation. You can also mix aloe gel with peppermint tea to form a constipation drink.

Taking aloe vera to relieve constipation can give you good results since aloe vera has a strong action in the colon.

Watch these 2 Videos

by Rudy Silva

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. 

To discover more about the healing benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Get the Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Acne Naturally?

ALOE VERA AND ACNE - IS THERE A RELATIONSHIP? Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in helping to treat acne naturally. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in helping to treat acne naturally. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time.

It is used to treat burns, wounds and infections to regenerate skin and provide the building blocks needed to rebuild scarred or damaged skin areas. In addition, it aids in treating acne by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune booster.

Aloe Vera Solutions to Treat Acne Naturally

You can treat acne naturally by either using soaps that contain aloe vera or aloe vera gel. Soaps should be used at least twice a day and the skin should be patted dry following the wash.

A topical gel or cream application of aloe vera can then be applied to the inflamed or infected areas.

Acne is not cured by aloe vera but the symptoms of redness, flaky skin, and swelling will be rapidly decreased with consistent use.

Aloe vera, in liquid form, can be applied to the facial area to remove excess oil. The face should then be washed with a soap containing aloe vera and then a commercially prepared aloe vera cream can be applied.

This treatment uses all the medicinal components of the aloe vera to help keep skin looking soft and breakout free. The mild astringent qualities of the allow vera will prevent future acne outbreaks and help reduce redness and swelling.

Medical Findings

As far back as 1750 B.C clay tablets were written addressing the medicinal properties of aloe vera. A Greek physician wrote in 74 B.C about using aloe vera to cure infections of the skin, burns and to decrease hair loss.

In 1935 the first medical report was published describing the medical use of aloe vera in burn patients. It has since been the focus of many studies addressing the healing properties of aloe vera for all skin conditions, including acne.

As with all herbal and medical treatments individual responses will vary with most users indicating a decrease in the redness and flaky skin around the acne blemishes.

There are no known side effects to using aloe vera externally. If any irritation occurs simply discontinue use.

by Mike Singh

To discover more about the healing benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Treat AcneNaturally Using Aloe Vera

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera?

The healing benefits of aloe vera are applicable to burns, minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and other skin irritations. Aloe vera is easy to care for if you want to plant it in your garden and only needs water once a month or when the stalks become shrivelled. Planted in the ground, it can tolerate more drought and will grow slightly larger. Aloes are cold hardy to about 45 degrees.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera, known as the healing plant, is easy to care for indoors or in the garden. It is a drought tolerant succulent which grows well in dry shade to part sun. Its bright green stalks grow up to 1-foot long and up to 2 inches thick They usually have creamy white stripes or dots along the leaves.

Aloe plants grow upright and spread with time by creating clumping offsets. Perennial aloe produces dramatic, bright orange flowers on long stalks in the spring and summer.

Used medicinally aloe vera gel is beneficial for burns, minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and other skin irritations.

Water-wise aloe is great for xeriscaping in dry gardens with other succulents and cacti. They don't mind heat as long as they don't get too much sun.

Aloe does best in light or dappled shade on the porch or on the windowsill. It is even reliable in dry shade. One to two hours of direct sun is plenty. Dark brown or orange spots on the leaves is a sign of sunburn.

Aloe vera is easy to care for and only needs water once a month or when the stalks become shrivelled. Planted in the ground, it can tolerate more drought and will grow slightly larger. Aloes are cold hardy to about 45 degrees.

Mine have survived a light dusting of frost, but they have overhead protection. I wouldn't leave them outdoor in the open if Jack Frost visits your area frequently. Frost damage usually shows up as brown tips or shriveled, brown stalks.

Indoors, they are suited to the hot dry conditions of the average home. They will tolerate a few hours of sun a day, but should be fine anywhere with lots of bright, indirect sunlight.

Aloe vera plants form offset pups and will eventually become a clump. Mine started out in a small 4" pot from the nursery. Normally, you should repot plants in a slightly larger pot.

But I planted my aloe in a huge 12" pot, knowing it would fill in. Who has time to re-pot their plants all the time? To keep the pot from looking empty, I planted a small trailing succulent around the edges.

They have similar cultivation needs, so they get along great and look terrific. You can see an aloe vera picture and even download the wallpaper on my succulent webpage at

After the first year, my aloe created lots of offsets and filled in the pot nicely. The new shoots are easy to tease out from the main plant so I can repot them or give them to friends.

Aloe vera is famous for its healing benefits and is commonly grown in kitchen gardens to help with minor burns and other skin problems.

To get the healing benefits of aloe vera, work with one inch chunks cut from the tips of the leaves. Peel off the spines and cut open the chunk. Squeeze out the aloe juice and pulp onto sunburns or other skin irritations.

Spread it around with your fingers or the aloe peel. It will feel cold on burns. The juice may feel sticky at first, but will eventually dry out, leaving a slight green tint.

Apply 1 - 2 times a day to cool off burns and help heal skin. I was amazed at how well it worked on my baby's diaper rash when nothing else helped.

First, I'd slather the skin with aloe gel, then put the remaining pulp into his diaper and wrap it all up like a little burrito. Usually the rash was cleared up in a few hours. Fresh is best, studies suggest aloe starts to lose its properties within an hour of picking.

Healing aloe vera plants are easy to grow indoors or out, with outstanding health benefits and makes a great addition to any garden.

by Laura Zinkan

To discover more about the healing benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the How to Get the Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Friday, April 5, 2019

What is the Best Way to Control Blood Sugar Levels?

Aloe has been used in studies of blood sugar and has yet again come out with good responses. Studies have been run and research has been done, aloe vera can help with blood sugar levels.

Click Here to Discover the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Inside of every one’s blood there are sugar levels that need to be at certain amounts each day and all day. When the amount of blood sugar is low in someone they can experience irritability, weakness, fatigue, headaches, shakes, jitters, and uncontrollable hunger.

When blood sugar levels get too high our body makes insulin. Blood sugar is not something you can play around with, it can affect your entire body, and if it gets low enough you could have a real problem on your hands.

Aloe has been used in studies of blood sugar and has yet again come out with good responses. Studies have been run and research has been done, aloe vera can help with blood sugar levels.

Today over half of our population is over-weight. There are also more cases of diabetics. These two problems are caused by blood sugar levels, and are also some of our most dangerous problems. When blood sugar levels are balanced, we have more energy to exercise.

We also find that we don't feel as sluggish and lazy feeling when our blood sugar levels are up. Keeping a balanced blood sugar level is important for our health, and aloe is capable of doing so. The minerals and trace elements in aloe are being used more and more for problems in the body.

Aloe contains the right minerals, trace elements, and vitamins to help control blood sugar levels. What one study did, was when a diabetic took their medicine, they also took a spoon full of aloe juice with it, while this diabetic did this, another one took nothing but his medicine.

The diabetic who had taken the spoon full of aloe juice had a balanced blood sugar level, while the person who took nothing but the medicine experienced lower blood sugar.

Some Information on Aloe Vera

Aloe has a long history as a remedy for many different ailments. Commonly known as Aloe Vera, the plant can be separated into two basic products: gel and latex. Aloe Vera gel is the leaf pulp or juice, a thin clear jelly-like substance obtained from the leaf that makes up the inner portion of the leaves.

The gel contains carbohydrate polymers, plus various other organic and inorganic compounds. Aloe latex, commonly referred to as "aloe juice," is a yellow extract from the pericyclic tubules just beneath the outer skin of the leaves. For use as a laxative, the juice is often dried to produce aloe granules that are dark brown from exposure to the air.

The separation process is not always complete, so aloe latex can be found in some aloe gels. It is better to make the gel as pure as possible, because aloe latex contains some things that are used for strong laxatives.

The processed Aloe is difficult to keep stable, a problem that can cause differences in potency. The best source of aloe gel would be right from a broken leaf of the plant.

Aloe gel has been used for treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations. Most consumers are familiar with aloe's use in skin-care products, but aloe can also be used as a drink.

Aloe products for internal use have been used for constipation, coughs, wounds, ulcers, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, and many other conditions.

Aloe has been used for all different types of things throughout the years, and is now sold openly on the market. People who buy Aloe normally know exactly what they are going to use it for, and some just buy it to be safe.

Aloe is now one of the few plants that can cure so many different ailments that can be found on the surface of the earth.

Watch these 3 Videos about Aloe and Blood Sugar Levels

To discover more about the health benefits of aloe vera, look no further than Yulia Berry’s e-book - “Aloe: Your Miracle Doctor”. From here, you will learn about the wide array of internal and external uses of aloe vera.

Yulia also dishes out tips on how you can prepare aloe in your kitchen, depending on the condition that you would like to treat. She also shares the history of aloe, why it is a must to take care of an aloe plant in your own home. what its chemical composition is, what the biogenic stimulation method is, and how it can be used for 130+ home remedies to treat more than eighty different disorders.

To find out more, click on the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

By Steven Godlewski

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