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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Juicing For Thyroid Health

When juicing for thyroid health, it is vital to avoid using raw cruciferous vegetables. These particular vegetables contain substances that can suppress normal thyroid activity, especially when consumed in excess.

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Juicing fresh fruits and vegetable is a great way to add a wider variety of concentrated nutrients and live enzymes to your daily diet.

There are two other important benefits. Juices can help alkalise your body. Stress and an acid producing diet can tip the acid/alkaline balance of the body into the acid zone.

In addition, when fruits and vegetables are juiced they are much easier to digest.  As humans we lack the ability to breakdown the tough cellulose fibre contained in all fruits and vegetables.

Juicing removes this tough fibre making these plants foods much easier to digest. This can even take the load off a sensitive digestive system.

When Juicing for Thyroid Health Should you choose organic?

Due to the volume of fruits and vegetables you can easily consume with daily juicing it is wise to choose organic produce whenever possible. This will significantly reduce your pesticide intake.

Green Juicing for Thyroid Health

Green juices have become super popular and for good reason. They are super healthy!

Green juices get their vibrant green colour from chlorophyll, a nutrient rich plant pigment found in all leafy vegetables such as spinach, celery and lettuce. Chlorophyll cleanses the body of harmful toxins, oxygenates the blood and helps boost energy level.

When juicing for thyroid health which fruits and vegetables should you avoid?

It is vital to avoid using raw cruciferous vegetables. These particular vegetables contain substances that can suppress normal thyroid activity, especially when consumed in excess. 

In their raw state they are highly goitrogenic, the term used to describe a food or environmental compound that interferes with proper thyroid function.

This vegetable list includes; kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, broccolini, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, mustard greens, collard greens, choy sum, horseradish and turnips.

Isothiocyanates are the category of substances in these cruciferous vegetables that are associated with depressed thyroid function.
Need some inspiration? Here is a recipe just for you.

Juice Recipe for Thyroid Health

1 Red or Green Apple
2 Carrots
1/2 cup Pineapple
1/4 Beetroot
2 stalks of Celery
1 sprig of fresh Mint

Wash all produce well and juice all ingredients together. Cheers to your good health!

Watch these Videos about Juicing for Thyroid Health

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Thyroid health and mood - Do thyroid problems affect your mood?

The connection between thyroid health and mood is often pushed aside. The truth is a thyroid problem does affect your emotional health.

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The connection between thyroid health and mood is often pushed aside. The truth is a thyroid problem does affect your emotional health.

If you are experiencing changes in your mood you may be told you are ‘just stressed’. However there is a definite connection between a drop in thyroid hormone activity and mood changes.

When your thyroid is working below par it is common to experience emotional problems. For some individuals they may even be told they have anxiety, depression or some type of psychiatric illness.

The thyroid hormones are widely distributed in the brain, and for good reason. These hormones play a critical role to help regulate your mood.

However the connection between thyroid health and mood changes is not always recognised. For some individuals they can feel as though their life is out of control; they feel apathetic, stressed out and are experiencing mild to severe mood swings.

Ongoing scientific research confirms the link between your thyroid health and thyroid-related mood symptoms. Recovering your thyroid health may therefore be the key to help naturally lift your mood.

Your feel good brain chemicals

The thyroid hormones play a key role in neurotransmitter production. These potent ‘feel good’ messengers are naturally produced by your body to help regulate your mood.

The most prominent neurotransmitters include serotonin and noradrenaline. When these neurotransmitters are in balance life feels good and you have an optimistic outlook.

Alterations in serotonin levels within the brain can have a direct effect on your mood and when levels drop it is possible to feel less than happy, even down in the dumps. That’s because serotonin is the crucial ‘happy’ neurotransmitter. It also plays a controlling role to assist learning and restorative sleep.

Has life lost its romance?

An interesting study conducted by Oxford University found that serotonin influences the perception of intimacy and romance. When researchers lowered serotonin activity in healthy volunteers and showed them photographs of couples the volunteers with lower serotonin activity rated the couples as less romantic than the volunteers with normal serotonin activity.

Keeping pace in a busy world

Noradrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands, the small glands situated on top of each kidney. These glands are important to survival as they produce both noradrenaline and cortisol; the critical ‘fight or flight’ hormones that help your body take charge in stressful situations.

When the adrenals are firing on all cylinders it’s possible to keep up with the demands of a busy lifestyle.  However prolonged physical and psychological stress can take a toll on the adrenal glands.

When the adrenals are overworked these glands eventually struggle to keep up with the strain of day-to- day life. Often the first warning signs that the adrenals are reaching breaking point are feelings of ongoing fatigue and a noticeably reduced ability to handle stress.

You may remember a time when tense situations did not bother you. Now small things irritate you, and the slightest bit of stress leaves you feeling flat and worn out.

From my clinical experience adrenal fatigue frequently leads to an exhausted thyroid as these two glands are closely linked. In fact, the symptoms of adrenal fatigue closely resemble the symptoms of a sluggish thyroid.

Watch this Video Below about Thyroid health and mood

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details about Thyroid Health and Mood, Click on

Monday, May 8, 2017

Iodine Is Critical During Pregnancy

Iodine is critical during pregnancy as the thyroid uses this mineral to make all-important thyroid hormones which in turn ensure normal development of the brain and nervous system of the unborn baby.

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Iodine is critical during pregnancy as the thyroid uses this mineral to make all-important thyroid hormones which in turn ensure normal development of the brain and nervous system of the unborn baby.

For this reason it’s vital that pregnant women or women considering having a baby get enough iodine.

The thyroid acts as a ‘sponge’ for iodine and once absorbed concentrates this key nutrient. Iodine is used to manufacture thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The 3 and 4 actually indicate the number of iodine molecules contained within each hormone.

Iodine and a healthy pregnancy

During pregnancy the thyroid is particularly active and produces about 50% more thyroid hormones than usual. To produce enough thyroid hormones pregnant woman need to increase their iodine intake.

A lack of maternal iodine intake has the potential to negatively impact on the developing baby. There is concern that even a mild iodine deficiency could lead to children born with a lower intelligence quotient (IQ).

Iodine for breastfeeding mums

The demand for iodine persists during breast feeding as this nutrient is vital for the baby to continue to grow and develop properly. However the iodine concentration of breast milk can be vary greatly depending on how much iodine the mother is getting from the diet or nutritional supplements.

Declining dietary intake of iodine

Seafood and sea vegetables are naturally rich in iodine. Other food sources include iodised salt and plant based foods grown in nutrient rich soil.

However due to variable soil quality most foods grown in Australia contain only trace amounts of iodine. This makes it difficult for pregnant and breastfeeding women to get enough iodine through diet alone.

Due to the important role iodine plays in pregnancy the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommends a daily intake of 220 micrograms (μg) of iodine per day for women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy. The recommended daily intake to support ongoing development of the newborn during breastfeeding is set at 270 micrograms (μg) per day.

Iodine supplements supply iodine in two main forms; potassium iodide or iodine sourced naturally from Bladderwrack. A superior quality Bladderwrack supplement lists the botanical name Fucus vesiculosis on the label and guarantees a standardised amount of iodine per capsule.

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Friday, May 5, 2017

Could Strength Training Help Women with a Low Thyroid?

Strength training can be very beneficial, particularly if have a low thyroid condition. Muscles are an important factor in raising your metabolism as muscles burn far more calories than body fat.

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Women often worry that lifting weights will make them ‘big and bulky’. However when it comes to strength training for women there are many misconceptions.

If you are like most women regular strength training is unlikely to make you bulk up…WHY?

Women’s bodies respond differently to strength training.

Generally when women lift weights as part of their weekly exercise program they find they develop a stronger, leaner physique but they do not bulk up. The reason why is due to major differences between men and women’s hormonal makeup.

Men have a far greater concentration of testosterone. This is the chief hormone that makes them manly. It is termed an anabolic hormone and this ‘building’ hormone allows men to gain muscle more rapidly, especially when they do regular weight lifting.

Women on the other hand have far less testosterone making it difficult to dramatically increase muscle mass.

Strength training for women with a sluggish thyroid

Strength training can be very beneficial, particularly if have a low thyroid condition. Muscles are an important factor in raising your metabolism as muscles burn far more calories than body fat.

A greater amount of muscle really fires up your metabolism. The result is more calories are used for energy, which in turns means you lose weight.

This form of exercise is also the most effective way to help strengthen your muscles that tend to ache and get stiff when you have a low thyroid disorder.

Not only that, strength training can give you gorgeous toned curves and will help prevent bone and muscle breakdown which occurs naturally with aging.

So if you are getting sick of sweating over the cardio equipment at the gym why not hit the weights area and do a strength training session?

To get toned and super lean most experts recommend doing a planned strength training workout a minimum of 2-3 times per week. Always work within your limits especially on days when you feel more fatigued.

It is also possible to maximize your strength training efforts with a post-workout protein shake.

Just blend a good quality protein powder with a handful of fresh fruit within 30 minutes of finishing your routine. This will fuel your recovery; protein builds and repairs muscles and the carbohydrates from the fruit will provide the all-important energy for recovery.

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thyroid Remedy - Is Taking Too Much Bladderwrack Dangerous?

A Bladderwrack thyroid remedy is considered generally safe and effective when taken as recommended. There are three factors to consider before purchasing this type of supplement.

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A Bladderwrack thyroid remedy is considered generally safe and effective when taken as recommended. There are three factors to consider before purchasing this type of supplement.

Iodine is a natural component of Bladderwrack. A good quality supplement therefore guarantees a standardised amount iodine per capsule or tablet. This is important as it ensures you are taking the recommended amount of iodine.

A high quality product states the botanical name Fucus vesiculosus to ensure you are getting a premium species of Bladderwrack. Many inferior kelp supplements do not use the Fucus species. You can check this by reading the product label closely.

Bladderwrack is harvested from the ocean so there is a risk this ingredient may be contaminated with heavy metals. A good quality Bladderwrack product undergoes stringent quality checks at all stages of production from sourcing the raw material from clean waters through to ensuring the manufactured product has well below minimal acceptable levels of common contaminants.

Watch this Video – remedy for thyroid problems

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why Make Conscious Food Choices for Thyroid Health?

Being healthy means making smarter food choices. When you make conscious food choices you are choosing to eat the most vital, nutritious food possible. That’s not only good for you, it’s good for the planet. Your daily food decisions can also help heal your thyroid.

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Being healthy means making smarter food choices. When you make conscious food choices you are choosing to eat the most vital, nutritious food possible. That’s not only good for you, it’s good for the planet. Your daily food decisions can also help heal your thyroid.

Healing your thyroid with thyroid nourishing foods

It’s hard to feel fully alive when you eat dead, overly processed food. This is definitely the type of food to avoid. This is especially when you are taking important steps towards thyroid health recovery.

The fact is, food can literally make you sick or vibrantly well. Junk food and over-processed foods can literally make you sick at a basic thyroid cell level.

For my money, the most damaging food choices to the thyroid are: artificial sweeteners, Canola oil, soy oil, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, hidden soy and corn (maize) ingredients and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

When it comes to making for food choices for a healthy thyroid diet it is good to stay flexible – I think it’s important not to be dogmatic. Having a rigid state of mind can be just as unhealthy as eating junk food!

Instead discover what healthy foods resonate with you. Ensure you eat a wide variety of fresh foods so your body gets all it needs to stay healthy. Focus on which foods feel right for you, the foods that make you feel GOOD. This ‘keep it simple’ approach places an emphasis on fresh produce that will help you heal and feel WELL.

Foods Choices I can’t do without…

In my living food kitchen I couldn’t do without raw coconut oil, activated nuts and seeds, fresh seasonal fruit and veggies for juicing, a selection of organic greens, and plant-based protein powder for my daily protein shake. YUM!

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Revealing HERE are 4 Healthy Thyroid Diet Recommendations

To get the most out of every day it is more important than ever to educate yourself about the value of optimal nutrition and eating for health. The Natural Thyroid Diet advocates a variety of fresh, natural foods that supply a wide range of nutrients to help you reach your full health potential. Here are 4 healthy thyroid diet recommendations to heal your thyroid.

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To get the most out of every day it is more important than ever to educate yourself about the value of optimal nutrition and eating for health.

The Natural Thyroid Diet advocates a variety of fresh, natural foods that supply a wide range of nutrients to help you reach your full health potential.

Here are 4 healthy thyroid diet recommendations:

Thyroid Diet Recommendations #1 - Eliminate thyroid damaging foods. It may surprise you to learn that everyday foods may be sabotaging your thyroid. For my money, the most damaging are: artificial sweeteners, Canola oil, soy oil, hidden soy and corn (maize) ingredients and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Soy and Canola oil are often deceptively labelled as ‘vegetable oil’. This is very misleading as oil is not normally found in vegetables.

Thyroid Diet Recommendations #2 - Avoid gluten. It’s common to experience significant improvements in symptoms when you eliminate gluten from the diet. Gluten is the protein component of grains such as wheat, rye, barley, triticale and oats.

Gluten irritates the lining of the digestive system and can trigger systemic inflammation. Take care when selecting ‘gluten-free’ foods as food manufacturers often use corn (maize) and soy ingredients as substitutes for gluten containing grains.

Watch these 2 videos on how to eliminate gluten from your diet

Thyroid Diet Recommendations #3 - Choose organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible. Conventional produce can harbor multiple pesticide residues. Organic food = less thyroid disrupting pesticides and herbicides. Organic farmers also take a firm stance on biotechnology that modifies the genetic make-up of a plant by saying ‘NO to GM foods’.

If possible visit a local farmers market to stock up on healthy organic produce for the week. Healthy and nutritious food has the greatest potential to nourish your thyroid.

Thyroid Diet Recommendations #4 - Don’t go raw! Sure, there are good reasons to enjoy some raw food in your diet however I don’t agree with embracing a 100% raw food diet.

When you have a thyroid issue it’s best to emphasis foods that are warming and nourishing. In short, stay away from hyped-up and restrictive diet recommendations.

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Coeliac Disease – Thyroid Connection

Coeliac disease is one of the most common inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive system. A gluten free diet is advocated for life for those diagnosed with this digestive problem.

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What is Coeliac disease?

For some people avoiding gluten is a very serious issue as their immune system reacts abnormally to gluten.

Termed coeliac disease, this digestive disorder is associated with inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine. This then leads to a range of health problems.

Coeliac disease is one of the most common inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive system. A gluten free diet is advocated for life for those diagnosed with this digestive problem.

Individuals with coeliac disease are so sensitive to gluten that they are not able to eat any foods containing gluten as even a minute amount will prompt a swift immune reaction.

The prevalence of coeliac disease is increasing worldwide. It affects people of all ages, both male and female. Until recent times it was considered a genetic disorder that was discovered during childhood.

A genetic predisposition for developing this problem does exist. However environmental factors play a key role in triggering coeliac disease at any age. This digestive problem can be set off by a stressful event, such as a major infection, injury or surgery.

If a person is unaware their poor health is due to Coeliac disease and they continue to consume gluten containing foods the lining of the digestive system becomes severely damaged. Over time, this leads to low intake of essential nutrients and a further decline in health due to malnutrition.

Going Against The Grain

These days highly refined wheat is the most common source of gluten as it is used in a wide variety of foods found in supermarkets. To meet ongoing demand wheat is grown on an industrial scale.

Along with the development of modern agricultural methods there has also been selective breeding of wheat. Wheat crops now yield a much higher ratio of gluten. The modern, hybrid wheat varieties may be contributing to the higher prevalence of coeliac disease worldwide.

Dr. William Davis is a respected cardiologist and author of ‘Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back To Health‘. He believes aggressive breeding methods and genetic manipulation have turned wheat into a ‘Frankenwheat’.

Watch these 2 videos on how to make the right food choices for naturally treating coeliac disease

The Selenium -Thyroid Connection

After iodine selenium is the next most important mineral affecting thyroid function. Several studies have shown that coeliac disease is associated with an increased risk of developing an autoimmune thyroid disease. This is due to low selenium intake or poor absorption of selenium.

The thyroid is particularly sensitive to selenium deficiency because the selenium dependent enzymes are vital to assist activity of the thyroid hormones, including activation of T4 to T3.

Selenium also plays a role in protecting the thyroid gland itself as this mineral boosts glutathione activity. Glutathione is naturally produced by the body using selenium and a combination of three amino acids sourced from dietary protein – cysteine, glycine and glutamine. Glutathione acts as a potent antioxidant and is highly active within the thyroid to help protect this important gland.

Long term undiagnosed coeliac disease causes damage to the digestive system. This leads to malabsorption of essential nutrients which over time is linked to poor health due to malnutrition. A specific diagnostic test is used to confirm coeliac disease.

The Natural Thyroid Diet guidelines recommend excluding all gluten foods as part of a holistic strategy to recover your thyroid health.

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Author Bio:

Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.

The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details, Click on

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