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Friday, June 3, 2016

17 Naturally Soothing Sunburn Treatments

The best thing to do is prevent sunburn, but even when you do try to protect yourself, you may end up burned anyways. To avoid peeling and get rid of the redness and stinging, here are 17 sunburn treatments that are simple, fast, and effective.

Sunburn is the bane of summertime, thwarting tans and forcing people to cover up. It can happen at any time of the year though, because it is the exposer to the ultra-violet rays of the sun that cause it.

When you’re getting bombarded with UV light, your exposed skin ups its production of melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment in the top layer of your skin (the epidermis) that gives it its color, and also determines how tan you can get.

Upping the production of melanin is the bodies’ way of protecting the deeper layers of the skin, and the tan acts as a shield against UV light.

However, the amount of melanin produced to protect you is determined by genetics (so people with fair skin produce less melanin and are more likely to burn) and all in all you end up with a natural shield equal to around SPF 4.

The best thing to do is prevent sunburn, but even when you do try to protect yourself, you may end up burned anyways.

To avoid peeling and get rid of the redness and stinging, here are 17 tips and home remedies for sunburn that are simple, fast, and effective.

17 Sunburn Treatments You Can Try

1. Potato paste

If you’ve found yourself with searing hot red skin, root up a few potatoes. Potatoes have been known as a pain reliever throughout the years, working particularly well on minor skin irritations and soothing scratches, bites, and burns, as well as possibly reducing inflammation.

Some people feel that the juice of the potato works the best, while others feel just slices are sufficient. Try both sunburn treatments tips, and see which one is the best remedy for your sunburn.

You will need…

-2 potatoes
-A grater, blender, or knife
-Cotton balls, cotton pads, facial tissue, or gauze


Wash and scrub your potatoes thoroughly, and then either grate them over a bowl or cut them up and put them in a blender. There is no need to remove the peels.

If you’re using a blender, give them a whirl until they’ve become quite liquid. If they seem too dry, you can add a small amount of water.

Pour out the mixture, soak cotton balls thoroughly in it, and apply to sunburn.

An easier perhaps more effective method would be to soak gauze and lay it over the burn.

If you’re using a grater, grate the potatoes over a bowl and apply the pulp, trying to get as much juice as possible.

You can also try simply slicing the potatoes, and lying the slices directly on your burn.

2. Cool milk compress

A cool milk compress is one of the quickest, simplest and low-cost sunburn treatments. It doesn’t get much easier than just heading to the refrigerator for relief-and easy is good when treating anything.

The initial coolness of the milk will ease the heat, while it also creates a layer of protein to protect your skin, help it heal, and further soothe discomfort.

You will need…

-Gauze or a clean, soft, washcloth
-Chilled milk


Pour a bowl of milk high enough so that you can thoroughly soak your compress in it. When the gauze or washcloth is saturated, let the excess liquid drain off.

Drape across your burn, pressing gently so that it stays in place, and leave it on for as long as needed. If the milk in the bowl becomes room temperature chill it before re-dunking your compress.

3. Cornstarch/baking soda for fighting burns

Cornstarch, with its cool, silky texture, is a good way to naturally soothe your sunburn. Like milk, it is one of those things that you probably have lying around your house regardless of whether or not you planned on sizzling out in the sun.

If you don’t have cornstarch, try some baking soda for quick relief. Both  sunburn treatments can diminish the pain and lessen the blazing red appearance of the burn.

You will need…

-Cornstarch or baking soda
-Cool water


How much cornstarch or baking soda you need will vary depending on how big of an area you want to cover.

Whichever one you are using add cool water-not cold- little by little until it has reached a paste-like consistency.

Smear the paste gently over your burn and leave on until the heat or pain has let up some. Rinse off completely.

4. Drink up

Sunburn is a burn. It sounds like stating the obvious, but we often don’t think about the fact that we really, truly, seared our skin. As with any other thing that burns your skin is dried out, and your body is probably dehydrated too.

Keep a tall glass or bottle of ice cold water on hand at all times to make sure you’re keeping yourself full of H20, which is necessary to heal your damaged skin.

5. Cool off with mint & tea

Mint naturally cools and soothes whatever it touches, and sunburns are no exception. The tannic acid and theobromine found in green tea also helps relieve pain and heal damaged skin when applied topically.

You will need…

-1 quart of boiling water
-5 green tea bags
-3 cups of fresh mint leaves
-Cotton pads or a clean soft cloth


Bring 1 quart of water to a boil. Remove the strings and tags from the 5 tea bags and add them, as well as 3 cups of fresh mint leaves, to a pan.

Pour the boiling water over the mint leaves and tea bags and cover with a lid, letting is sit for approximately an hour so you can get all the good stuff out of it. Strain and then chill.

When the mixture has chilled thoroughly, use cotton pads or a clean soft cloth soaked in the liquid and apply directly to the burn. You can also pour it over the burn if you wish.

If you find yourself without green tea you can substitute black tea, which also contains tannins.

6. Indulge in some aloe

Aloe vera gel is many peoples go-to when they have sunburn. It’s cool, soothing, and seems to suck the sting and redness right out of your sunburn.

Because aloe is useful for a number of other ailments (such as acne or heartburn) it’s handy to have a plant growing in your house. They’re easy to maintain, free from any additives, and you won’t have to keep running out to buy more from the store all the time once it’s big enough.

If you would really rather prefer not having the plant, getting some good quality aloe vera gel from the store is the next best thing-it’s also more practical for treating larger areas.

You will need…

-An aloe plant with thick, juicy, leaves
-Enough store bought gel to cover your burn

If using the plant, slit several big leaves down the middle, not cutting all the way through. Spread them flat, and lay on your burn. You can also squeeze the gel out.

If you’re using gel that’s already been extracted, apply however much you need to your sunburn. The plant is usually more practical when treating smaller areas, while the purchased aloe gel is easier to spread over a big burn. A combination of both works as well.

7. Season with vinegar

Vinegar has been part of family lore for literally hundreds of years. While there is no official research done on how it helps sunburns in particular, there are a vast amount of people out there who swear up and down that vinegar helps heal sunburn, or mildly burned tissue in general.

Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar seems to work the best, and often times proponents of this method say is most effective after a cool or tepid shower.

You will need…

-1 cup roughly apple cider vinegar
-a spray bottle (optional)
-Cotton balls or something similar for application


Try this after taking a water only shower if possible. Fill a spray bottle with pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and spritz it onto your burn, or soak cotton balls and apply. Let it dry.

8. Wash it with witch hazel

Witch hazel is a staple when it comes to healing a number of ailments and maladies. Witch hazel is a plant, but only the leaves bark, and twigs, are used medicinally.

Witch hazels contain chemicals called “tannins” which, when applied to directly to the skin, can help reduce swelling, repair damaged skin, and ward off nasty bacteria.

You’ll most likely find witch hazel in a distilled liquid extract form, which simply distilled from the dried leaves, bark, and twigs of the plant. It may also be called witch hazel water.

You will need…

-3 tablespoons of witch hazel, approximately
-Cotton balls or a clean soft cloth


The amount of witch hazel you will need will depend on the area of the burn you want to cover. Pour the necessary amount into a bowl, and soak cotton balls or a clean cloth in the liquid.

Dab on just enough to cover the burn-it doesn’t need to be dripping off. Reapply as needed for pain.

9. Take a bath with the Quaker guy

I should specify that I mean add oatmeal to a bath, and the one with the nice looking fellow wearing a hat tends to be the one most people have. That being said, any plain rolled oats will do.

The polysaccharides in oatmeal will coat and heal your skin, while the water cools you down and keeps your skin hydrated and moist.

Make sure your bath is tepid, or slightly on the cooler side. Cold water will seal off pores and your body will want to trap heat. The burn is hot enough that tepid water will still soothe it.

You will need…

-Roughly 2 cups of rolled oats, uncooked
-a clean tube sock


Fill a clean cotton tube sock with uncooked oatmeal and tie off the top. Make sure the top is really cinched off; otherwise the oatmeal will leak out and float around.

Run a bath full of tepid water, only a little on the cool side if you feel even tepid is too warm. Toss in the sock and let it soak for a few minutes before getting in the tub.

Squeeze the out the sock to get all the healing goodness, and repeat every few minutes. The water will get cloudy, and your skin may feel somewhat slick-which is a good thing. Let yourself air dry, or pat dry gently with a clean soft towel when you’re finished.

Note: Don’t linger for hours, as a super long soak may dry out your skin more in the end.

10. DIY burn cream

Whipping up a cream to soothe your sunburn at home can be easy, provided you have the right ingredients. Not surprisingly, this cream contains water, witch hazel, aloe vera gel, mint leaves, and baking soda, all of which relieve sunburn for various reasons.

You can experiment by adding or subtracting other helpful ingredients to find out what works best for you.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of witch hazel
-1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
-2-4 teaspoons of baking soda or cornstarch
-1-2 cups of fresh mint leaves, or 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil
-2 tablespoons fresh, clean, water


Put 2 tablespoons of fresh water, 1 tablespoon of witch hazel, and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, in a small mixing bowl. Stir together and then cover, letting the mixture blend and infuse for 2 hours. After 2 hours, add 2-4 teaspoons of baking soda or cornstarch, and 1-2 cups of roughly chopped fresh mint leaves.

If it seems too runny add more baking soda or cornstarch slowly, or if it’s too thick, add small amounts of water slowly until desired consistency is reached.

Transfer to a jar or similar container with a tight fitting lid, and store in a cool dark place for 24 hours to let the cream fully infuse. You can than apply as needed.

Making some ahead of time and keeping it in the refrigerator ensures you always have a handy cream to heal any sunburn you get during the hot summer months.

11. Don’t get burned

This had to be listed at some point-the best way to treat a burn is to not get burned in the first place. Forget about getting a ridiculous tan a.s.a.p. and apply some sunscreen. You’ll darken your skin gradually, and in a much healthier way.

12. Use plain yogurt

Live cultured plain yogurt contains an abundance of probiotics and enzymes that help heal our skin. When you find yourself red and sunburned, it can help you recover faster. Make sure it’s truly plain yogurt, not vanilla, and that it has probiotics.

You will need…

-1/2 cup or so of plain live cultured yogurt

A half cup of plain yogurt should be sufficient to treat facial burns at least, but feel free to use more if you want to cover more area.

Wash your hands and apply cool yogurt directly to your burn, and let it sit for at least 5 minutes. When the pain has subsided, gently rinse it off with cool or tepid water.

13. Avoid suds
Do not soak your burn in soapy water, or take a bubble bath. Soap can dry out and irritate your already irritated skin.

If you want to soak or submerge it, do so in a cool or tepid bath. When you’re done, pat yourself gently dry with a clean soft towel (be sure not to rub.)

If your skin feels tight or dry afterwards, apply aloe vera gel or a similar moisturizer.

14. Double check your meds

Various antibiotics, creams, pills, and antifungal medication can make you ultra-sensitive to the sun. When I was treating my acne I would awe people with how I functioned in spite of my sizzling red my skin (if you count taking 30 minutes to pull on clothes functioning.) The medications I was on made me extremely sensitive to sunlight, and I burned after about 10 minutes outside.

Check with your doctor or read the side effects of your medications if you find yourself getting burned easier and on a more frequent basis than usual. It could be that you have to use a little extra protection if you’re compromised due to medicine.

15. Apply, reapply
To get the most out the SPF (sun protection factor) of your sunscreen, apply it 30 minutes before you even go outside. Don’t neglect sensitive areas like your ears, the back of your neck and shoulders, and the backs of your legs and arms.

If you’re sweating or swimming, reapply as needed. Don’t get too big for your britches when you’ve been cooking yourself on the beach all day and haven’t gotten burned.

A sunburn doesn’t truly set in until 24 hours after sun exposure, and chances are you’ll be feeling the consequences of not covering up later.
16. Watch the clock

While it would be impractical to advise people to stay indoors during the prime hours of the day, keep an eye on what time it is. The sun is the most powerful, and damaging, when around its highest point.

Between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm is when it’s at its strongest, so make sure you’re being wise about how you expose yourself.

17. Cool it, cucumber

Instant relief-that’s what a cucumber is to scorched skin. Not only is a cool cucumber soothing to the burn simply because it is cool, but its antioxidant and analgesic properties promote healing and further relief from discomfort. You can apply it in a couple of ways, but however you do it, the swelling, redness, and pain should diminish soon.

You will need…

-1 or 2 fresh cucumbers, chilled
-A blender or a knife


If you’re going for mainly quick pain relief, slice up a chilled cucumber and lay the slices on your burned skin. Flip the slices when the first side heats up, like how you flip a pillow to get the cool side up.

For a longer lasting effect, chill 1 or 2 cucumbers and toss them in a blender to create a paste. Feel free to add in some aloe vera gel or cornstarch if you want it a little thicker.

Also watch this Video HERE to learn about other sunburn treatments

Sunburn is the perfect case of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That being said you’ll still get burned from time to time, no matter how diligent you are.

Sunburn is also a great example of an ailment you can treat at home, without needing a bunch of special creams. On top of that, home remedies for minor sunburns are generally easy to whip up, and usually cost little to nothing.

Also, forget racing to get a tan, the long term effects just aren’t worth it. Be patient; protect yourself from harmful rays, and rest assured knowing that when you get older you’ll radiate a healthy glow that can’t be beat, no matter what color your skin is.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

18 Helpful Remedies to Relieve Headaches and Tension

Natural remedies to relieve headaches may take a bit more thought than simply popping a pill, but don’t brush them off. They won’t wreak havoc on your body like other over-the-counter or prescription pain-killers do, and you’re less likely to become so dependent on them that you need them for every little ache.

Headaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint, a quit-your-whining-and-start-working type of thing…if only. While many people suffer them at one point or another, rarity is not the best way to judge just how nasty something can be.

The pain of a headache can make day-to-day life a miserable challenge, and forces us to head straight for the aspirin. This is a sticky situation, because ultimately that will only perpetuate the problem.

When you take over-the-counter pain killers all you’re doing is smothering your symptoms and ignoring the real issue of what triggers the headache.

Natural remedies to relieve headaches may take a bit more thought than simply popping a pill, but don’t brush them off.

They won’t wreak havoc on your body like other over-the-counter or prescription pain-killers do, and you’re less likely to become so dependent on them that you need them for every little ache.

Below are 18 Helpful Home Remedies to Relieve Headaches and Tension

1. Crush it with cayenne

Utilizing something spicy may not sound headache helpful, but cayenne is somewhat revered in the kingdom of natural remedies to treat pain and inflammation.

The secret behind its success lies in an ingredient called capsaicin, which inhibits something in our body that is one of the main elements in pain perception called Substance P.

In short, Substance P is part of what makes us feel pain, and the capsaicin depletes it.

Numerous studies, the first in 1998 in The Clinical Journal of Pain, support that when applied topically to the nasal passages; people experience a significant decrease in the severity of their headaches, all thanks to capsaicin.

You will need…

-1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
-4 ounces of warm water
-cotton swabs

Dilute a ½ teaspoon of cayenne powder in 4 ounces of warm water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and stir it around to make sure it’s covered-the powder can sometimes sink to the bottom.

Apply the moist swab gently to the inside of each nostril until you can feel the heat. It may be a bit unpleasant at first, but take the burning sensation as a sign that it’s working. When it subsides, your headache will hopefully be wiped out, or at the very least better than before.

2. Go nuts

Instead of popping a pill when you get a headache, toss back some almonds. For everyday tension-type headaches, almonds can be a natural remedy and a healthier alternative to other medicine.

Almond acts as a pain reliever because it contains something called salicin, which is also an agent in popular over the counter killers.

Try eating a handful or two of these wholesome nuts when you feel the ache start to set in.

Note: People who suffer from migraines may find that almonds are a trigger food

3. Find some feverfew

Headaches, particularly migraines, can be relieved through the use of the feverfew plant. When a migraine is in the works your blood vessels are changing, and theories suggest that the vessels in your head are expanding and pressing on nerves.

Feverfew has been confirmed to relax the tension/constrict blood vessels, easing the painful pressure.

Feverfew also reduces inflammation and pain overall with a substance called parthenolide, which has results similar to taking a daily aspirin, but without the side effects.

You will need…

-1 ounce fresh or dried flowers
-1 pint of boiling water

Add 1 ounce of fresh or dried feverfew flowers to 1 pint of boiling one. Steep for 10 minutes, and then strain. Drink half a cup twice a day as needed.

4. Apply an apple cider vinegar compress

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a long history in realm of natural remedies. It’s been used to relieve everything from scurvy to hay fever, and just about any other ailment that falls in between.

Some modern day studies have proven its effectiveness in treating certain illnesses, but most of its clout lies in the reports of people throughout the centuries who have benefited from it.

If you find yourself coming down with a throbbing headache, try getting some quality ACV time into your day in the form of a steam-style treatment.

You will need…

-1/4 cup of ACV
-Roughly 3 cups of boiling water
-1 cup of fresh cool water


Pour ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into a large bowl, and then fill the bowl halfway with boiling water. Place a towel over your head so that it drapes over the bowl, trapping the steam, and hold your face over it.

Make sure your face isn’t so close that it gets burned by the steam. Do this for 5-10 minutes, or when the water starts to cool down, breathing in and out deeply the whole time. When you’re done, use the towel to pat your face dry, and go drink a glass of cool water.

5. Stretch, relax, and breathe

Our lives are fast paced, busy, and filled with more than a little stress. Our overworked minds and bodies react to this by tensing and knotting up muscles, usually in the upper back, neck, and shoulders.

Thanks to a little something called referred pain-pain felt in an area other than where the actual painful stimulus is-we end up with tension-type headaches.

To help head these buggers off, try some of the following tips.

Do yoga: Yoga will get your mind focused, stretch out your muscles, and get you moving in ways that can help you drop the tension-and if you drop the tension, you can drop the tension-headache.

Just doing a few moves when the pain starts up can help, but the best thing to do is a set aside a few minutes each day to practice regularly and prevent headaches before they happen.

Breathe: You may think your breathing alright, but if your head is pounding you’re likely not getting the most out of the oxygen you take in.

In general we take breaths that are too shallow, and when we are experiencing pain or stress, we definitely breathe to shallow.

Make a conscious effort to take deep, full, breaths that start in your diaphragm and fill up your lungs. This will get your plenty of fresh oxygen circulating through your blood and will also help relax your mind and body.

Drop your shoulders: This is one I remind myself to do about 5 times a day. Make yourself aware of how you carry your shoulders. When you think of it, tell yourself to drop them down.

You’d be surprised at how often we carry them hunched up too high, resulting in soreness and, of course, headaches.

6. Get moving

An aching head does not inspire one to get active, but getting up and moving-outside in fresh air if possible- can help loosen up tight muscles causing a headache.

It also gives you something to focus on to take your mind off the pain. Good exercise also releases endorphins, which can dull the uncomfortable sensation caused by a headache.

To get the most out of your activity, keep in mind the following tips.

Stay regular: Exercising only when you feel like it is less likely to prevent headaches then exercising on a regular basis.

Routine also gives your body just that-routine. Routine helps us function, at least physically, better than we might if we didn’t have any.

Warm up and cool down: Take your time getting yourself warmed up and properly cooled down. Jumping into strenuous activities and then abruptly stopping is more likely to cause a headache then stop it.

Enjoy the outdoors: If possible, exercise outside. The invigorating fresh air and change in scenery does something that just makes our bodies and minds feel good.

7. Drink fish oil

There are some small-scale studies that show the ingestion of fish oil can help reduce migraines and head pain, thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids, which promotes heart health.

The American Heart Association states that the ingredients in fish oil may help reduce inflammation, blood clotting, lower blood pressure, and steady heart rhythm.

Those actions in turn may help reduce head pain because it may reduce the inflammation of blood cells that press and pinch on nerves.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of fish oil OR fish oil oral supplements
-1 glass of orange juice


If you are taking fish oil capsules, follow the dosing on the bottle. If using the actual oil, mix a tablespoon into a glass of cold orange juice and drink up! It’s really not as bad as it sounds.

8. Hot or cold?

Headaches are tricksy little things, with what clears them up for one person totally triggering them for another. There’s evidence to support both hot and cold compress treatments, and it all has to do with the muscles and blood vessels.

Some headaches are caused, at least in part, by expanded blood vessel pressing on nerves. For these, applying something cold to the area can constrict those vessels and relieve some of the pressure causing the throbbing ache.

Other headaches are caused by tension and anxiety, and cold tends to tighten up muscles that then pinch nerves and enlarge blood vessels.

You’ll have to play around to see if you’re someone who benefits from cold/ cool treatment or hot/warm, while some people find alternating between the two works best.

You will need…

1. Cold compress, such as a bag of frozen peas, a bag of ice, or a cold pack.

2. Hot compress, such as a towel soaked in very warm water.

Find a quiet place to lie down, preferably where you can dim the lights or turn them off. Place the cold or hot compress on your forehead and relax. At some point, try switching to the back of your head, or the top, depending on where the pain is concentrated.

You can also try a cold compress at one location and a hot compress on another, either on your head, or place the hot compress on your shoulders if your headache is from tension. Do this for as long as you feel you need to.

Try sipping fresh water through a straw if you can manage during or after the treatment, and make sure to ease back into your daily routine-don’t just dash onto a crowded street in blinding sunlight.

Tip: Here’s how to make a good hot compress at home that won’t least its heat as quickly as a warm washcloth.

9. Avoid MSG

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to food to enhance its flavor. It is derived from an amino acid, called glutamic acid, which occurs naturally in various foods.

Many people who suffer headaches find that foods containing MSG triggers migraines or other types of headaches, possibly due to the fact that it excites our neurons.

Make sure you read food labels to check if the product has MSG, the FDA is requires companies to list it, however it can also be hidden as a component of other ingredients.

Watch for some of these words, which can give away “hidden” MSG, and be extra cautious around Chinese food, processed meats, canned vegies, gravy/soup/dip mixes, and soy-based items.

-Yeast extract
-Anything “hydrolyzed”
-Textured protein

10. Improve your posture

Improving your posture can make all the difference in the world when it comes to tension-type headaches.

Many of us spend our days working in an office or sitting down at a computer with little to no movement, and many of us are guilty of poor posture.

We slouch, slump, and hunch forward, which strains our muscles and creates nasty headaches.

Try using an ergonomic chair if you’re sitting down a lot, and make a conscious effort to sit up tall but relaxed, with your shoulders back, your chest open, and your neck not sticking too far forward.

Working on strengthening core muscles helps a lot with posture, since balance and the strength to support ourselves properly comes from mostly from our center.

11. Use your imagination

Mental imagery has been shown to reduce headaches, whether mild or severe, by helping people relax and loosen up the knots that may be causing the pain.

There are guided imagery coaches, but you can also do this on your own. Imagery exercises create a “mental scape” that is calm, peaceful, and pain free-your happy place, if you will.

To work on your ‘scape, try the following.

The following…

Find a quiet place to close your eyes and use your mind to fill your head with something other than pain. Picture rolling hills or waves lapping over sand, even just creating a landscape of soothing colors can be helpful.

Try adding a quiet soundtrack to this exercise; be it sounds of nature or just a soft song that calms you down. Breathe and be patient. Also, be patient. And then be a little more patient.

Don’t get worked up because your headache isn’t gone after you spent 30 seconds impatiently picturing a tree, this stuff takes practice and some dedication (and patience) but it’s worth it.

12. Munch on gingerroot

Prostaglandin synthesis is a process that takes place in some animals (including humans) that makes lipid (fat) compounds within their cells. Those fatty substances are like little chemical messengers that mediate biological processes, like inflammation, and alerting neurons to pain.

Certain enzymes spark off the prostaglandin synthesis, while some drugs, such as aspirin, inhibit the synthesis. Gingerroot, a natural alternative, is thought to inhibit the synthesis as well.

On top of that, if you’re getting knocked with a migraine, it can help quell your nausea. Simply sip a nice steaming cup of gingerroot tea and relax while you wait for your headache to ease up.

You will need…

-3 quarter size slices of gingerroot
-2 cups of water

Slice 3 slices off of a piece of raw gingerroot, with each being roughly the size of a quarter. Gently simmer the pieces of ginger in 2 cups of water, covered, for 30 minutes.

Use something to remove the pieces of ginger and transfer to a mug, or if you prefer, leave them in. Sip slowly and breathe in the steam if you want. Relax!

13. Apply peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a wonderfully soothing effect when you’re suffering from a headache, easing the discomfort and clearing your mind. It can be applied to various places, and people who use it find that it works quickly to relieve pain.

If you have sensitive skin and find that it irritates it, try diluting it with a bit of olive oil or water.

You will need…

-Peppermint oil

Massage the peppermint oil onto your temples, the back of your jaw, and forehead. You will feel a cooling sensation upon applying it. Breathe deeply, and if possible, find a quiet place to relax and sip some cool water.

14. Butterbur for migraines

Butterbur refers to plants found in the daisy family. Long used by Native Americans as a remedy for headaches and inflammation, Butterbur has gained more and more credit lately in the world of western medicine, and the American Academy of Neurology and American Headache Society both endorse butterbur for preventing migraines based on at least two strong clinical trials.

It is thought to be effective because some Butterbur species contain chemicals that work in two ways, one in which inflammatory effects of certain chemicals are lowered, and the other being that it functions as a natural beta blocker, which results in normal flow of blood to the brain.

That in turn can help control blood pressure/the spasmodic capillary action that can cause migraines. The highest concentration of the plants helpful chemicals are found in Butterbur root.

Please Note: The usual adult dosage is 50-100 milligrams twice daily to help reduce severity of migraines/ prevent them, but check with a healthcare practitioner before using butterbur as a migraine treatment.

Look for a brand of extract labeled PA-Free, which ensures that it was safely processed to remove potentially harmful, toxic, chemicals found naturally in the plant.

15. Eat less chocolate

Pretty straightforward-chocolate and the caffeine it contains make it a common trigger for headaches in many people.

16. Know your facts about B3

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is a water-soluble B vitamin that may trigger vascular headaches, thanks to something called a “flush.”

Niacin dilates (opens up) the body’s blood vessel, right down to the small capillaries, which increases blood flow.

While it can be helpful in some cases, it may cause a headache triggered by the pounding blood flow and possible nerve pressure caused by it.

It’s best to talk to a healthcare practitioner about B3 to know how you should properly take, or if it will be helpful.

17. Grab a pencil

Holding a pencil between your teeth (holding, not biting or clenching your jaw) can help a tension headache dissipate. The actual physical action of holding the pencil between your teeth activates your “smile” muscles, relaxing your jaw.

We often at times clench our teeth when stressed and this in turn strains the muscle connecting the jaw to the temples and causes a tension headache. Again, make sure your jaw is relaxed and the pencil is held lightly between your teeth.

18. Drink up

On average we don’t drink enough water daily, and that alone is cause for a headache. Coffee, alcohol, sugary drinks-all can dehydrate you (hence the pounding headache that comes along with a hangover) and should be avoided.

As soon as your head starts to hurt, drink a tall glass of water, and then sip throughout the day. Gradually the pain will start to ease up, and you’ll be hurting less and well-hydrated to boot.

Simply drinking water may seem too obvious or simple to actually work as a headache remedy but it can, and often time’s does. We humans often just seem to feel the need to make things more complicated than they are.

You use your head for a lot of things, maybe not all things, but hopefully for a lot of them, and a throbbing pain in your noggin can really make it hard to function.

While over-the-counter pain killers may temporarily relieve the discomfort, they’re not going to prevent headaches from returning full force-or worse- in the future.

Give some of these home remedies to relieve headaches a shot, and you’ll end up saving yourself a headache (probably lots of headaches) in the future.

You can also watch this Video HERE for other helpful remedies to relieve headaches and tension.

Tips for food-related headaches

Food, especially nowadays with all the extra synthetic/chemical stuff we add to it, can be a major trigger for some people’s migraines or other types of headaches. To pinpoint what may set you off, try the following.

Keep a food diary: Record the foods you eat and track your headache patterns. See if you can spot a link.

Always read food labels: While the FDA requires companies to list many things on their labels, some things can also be hidden as a component of other ingredients. Do you research on words to look out for that may disguise or make it difficult to avoid the things you want to.

Listen to your body: You should always listen to your body, but sometimes it’s hard…like when there’s a plate of double-chocolate chunk cookies sitting in front of you, or you’re craving a mug of steaming hot fresh coffee.

Of course we’ll indulge at times, but if your body protests (like with a migraine) respect it. It’s your body, you two live together, and you simply can’t have all the things you want in life all the time (which is probably a very good thing.)

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

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