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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

5 Top Solutions Here to Relieve Painful Buttocks

 Click HERE to Get Started on How to Treat Your Lower Back Pain WITHOUT Surgery

… 3 Top Causes & 5 Solutions to Relieve Painful Buttocks

Buttocks pain is incredibly common, despite being far less talked about than back pain and other types of pain. When you have pain in your buttocks region, it can make simple activities like walking and even sitting nearly unbearable.

Buttocks pain is often associated with other types of pain, like hip pain, lower back pain, and groin pain, and it can even lead you to have stiffness or limited movement in your back and hips. Needless to say, it’s a difficult condition to live with … and one you don’t have to because safe and long-lasting solutions abound.

But first … many of the top causes of buttocks pain are caused not by injury or disease, but rather by the day-to-day stresses you put on your body through normal living.

Pain that radiates from your lower back, through your buttocks and down the back of your leg may be due to sciatica, which is pain the runs down your sciatic nerve.

Sciatica typically results from an underlying condition such as a herniated disc in your back (see below …)

One out of three people have a herniated disc, which occurs when your discs – the “shock absorbers” of your spine – become damaged, bulge or break open.

This can lead to severe sharp, shooting pain that travels down the back of your leg, numbness and tingling in your legs, burning pack pain, buttocks pain and even leg weakness.

Injuries or a sudden awkward movement (like lifting a heavy object) can cause a herniated disc. But more often they are caused by repetitive strains that occur slowly over a lifetime.

Sitting or standing with poor posture, inactivity, hunching over your computer for long hours, all of these can lead to varying degrees of muscle imbalances, where one muscle is used more often (and therefore grows stronger) than an opposing muscle (which becomes weakened).

This, in turn, leads to postural dysfunctions, in which your bones remain in an abnormal position, leading to uneven and excessive compression and torsion that causes discs to bulge or herniate.

3. Piriformis Syndrome

In the center of your buttocks is a little-known muscle called the piriformis muscle, which is instrumental to walking, bicycling, running and many other movements.   

When your piriformis becomes overworked, however, it becomes painfully tight while stretching nearby muscles. This leads to a deep pain in your buttocks, hip or down your legs.

Surprisingly, perhaps the most common activity leading to piriformis syndrome isn’t really an “activity” at all: sitting.

Just holding your body erect in a seat with your hips flexed (knees bent, feet on the floor) requires your piriformis muscle to contract to help maintain that position. And sitting on a wallet can quickly make matters even worse.

Unless you take care to properly stretch and strengthen other muscles by lateral (sideways) movements of your legs, you soon create a muscle imbalance where the piriformis muscle becomes short and tight, a very common cause of buttocks pain.

5 Top Solutions to Relieve Painful Buttocks

If buttocks pain has been an ongoing pain in your butt (pun intended!), what are you waiting for? Set yourself free from the pain now, and for good, using these tried-and-true (and all natural) solutions.

5. Use Inversion Therapy …

With inversion therapy, you increase the space between your vertebrae, relaxing the pressure on your discs, ligaments and nerve roots. Increasing intra-vertebral space means reducing pressure on the nerve roots, which means less back and buttocks pain and less likelihood of nerve root damage.

When you oscillate up and down on an inversion table, it creates a pumping action for the fluids around your spinal discs. This forces waste out and draws in fluid around your discs, helping to realign your spine when used in the long term.

4. Use a Truly Natural Pain Relief Cream

Options like our Rub-On-Relief use White Willow Bark and other natural ingredients for sustained pain relief – without the potential danger of methyl salicylate. 

This is a broad-spectrum homeopathic pain cream that was formulated to address many of the foundational reasons why you are in pain.

Rub on Relief contains a synergistic blend of homeopathic ingredients, each carefully selected to address pain and inflammation from a slightly differently angle.

Rub on Relief offers pain relief, and more, naturally, without questionable ingredients of any kind.

3. Relieve Pain with Far-Infrared Heat

far-infrared heating pad penetrates deeper than skin level, reaching the tissues and muscle underneath. This not only gives you relief from buttocks pain caused by sciatica or herniated discs, it actually improves circulation to the area to fight inflammation and promote healing by bringing in needed nutrients.

When you have pain like buttocks pain, your body sends prostaglandins in to cause pain and inflammation. This signals your body to take it easy and provides a mechanism for healing to take place.

But your body also needs proteolytic enzymes to shut down the inflammation process and clean up excess fibrin, or internal scar tissue, created during the healing process.

Our Heal-n-Soothe, includes not only 12 of nature’s most powerful natural anti-inflammatories, but also a healthy dose of proteolytic enzymes — the first line of defense your body has against pain but stops manufacturing much of after your late 20’s. (The formula is so effective that we guarantee it’ll stop your pain — or we’ll buy it back.)

As mentioned, poor posture, sitting for long periods, awkward heavy lifting and activities like bicycling or jogging can lead to postural dysfunctions and muscle imbalances that cause you buttocks pain.

Identifying your postural dysfunctions, so you can reverse your muscle imbalances to prevent further and ongoing damage, is therefore essential to both buttocks pain relief and healing.

With the Lose the Back Pain System, you’ll go through a series of self-assessments designed to help you pinpoint which postural dysfunctions you have, then you’ll discover a customized series of corrective exercises, stretches, and self-treatments that are unique to your condition.

While you’re at it, be sure to read The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, which reveals the hidden causes of back pain (which often mirror those of buttocks pain) along with lifestyle changes you can make today and watch your pain disappear just days later. (You can even pick up a copy now for FREE !)

If these solutions sound at all intriguing to you, do not hesitate a moment longer. You’ve struggled with buttocks pain for long enough, and you deserve to live your life pain-free from here on out.

Watch this Video HERE on how to relieve painful buttocks

By Jesse Cannone - Creator of the International Best-Selling Back Pain Treatment Program "Lose the Back Pain System" and Best-Selling Book "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure"

Unlike most treatments which only deliver temporary relief, if any at all, muscle balance therapy delivers lasting relief to 8 out of 10 people who use it because it addresses the underlying cause of the pain, not just the symptoms.

If you are suffering from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment. 
Click HERE to learn more

7 Best Steps Here to Remarkably Heal Painful Ankles

<a href="">Get Supper Joint Support to Naturally Reduce and Even Get Rid of Ankle Pain</a>

Your ankles are one of your body’s key weight-bearing joints, responsible for providing stability and movement while standing or walking.

As a hinged joint, your ankle is susceptible to injury during virtually any type of activity, including sports and exercise and even while simply walking or climbing stairs.

An ankle sprain, which occurs when your ankle is forcefully twisted or bent, can cause your ligaments to painfully stretch or tear, and this is a leading cause of ankle pain in the United States.

Ankle sprains, however, are not the only reason why your ankle may be hurting. Other potential causes of ankle pain include:

·         Damage to your tendons or cartilage
·         Infection in your ankle joint
·         Osteoarthritis, gout or rheumatoid
·         Blockage to blood vessels in your leg
·         Heel pain or injuries
·         Nerve injuries, including sciatica
·         Bone spurs
·         Fracture or stress fractures

Send Your Ankle Pain Packing

Trying to heal painful ankles that occur from a sprain is different from the pain from arthritis or cartilage damage.

Assuming you have a sprain, you’ll typically want to use the RICE approach, as follows (if you have a severe sprain, you should seek medical attention):

·         Rest: Keep your weight off of your ankle until it no longer hurts to stand on your foot (use crutches if necessary to get around).

·         Ice: Apply ice packs for about three days following injury to help bring down swelling and reduce bruising and pain.

·         Compression: Try wrapping your ankle in a compression bandage for one or two days up to a week to avoid swelling and bruising.

·         Elevation: Raise your ankle above the level of your heart for two to three hours a day. This will also help with swelling and bruising.

To heal painful ankles due to wear-and-tear to your joint and cartilage, will require using the following strategies:

7. Exercise

Exercise, even at high intensity, has been found to improve function among people with rheumatoid arthritis (a common cause of joint and ankle pain). 

It also helped to restore lean body mass, and this weight loss will also help take pressure off of your joints, potentially leading to even greater improvements in your ankle pain.

6. Ankle Exercises

In addition to full-body exercise, simple ankle exercises can help you to strengthen your muscles, protect your ligaments and avoid injury. Try ankle circles, heel and toe raises or even writing the alphabet in the air using your foot.

5. DL-Phenylalanine

Phenylalaine is an essential amino acid that acts as a precursor to tyrosine and neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Phenylalanine may help to increase endorphins and opioid compounds in your central nervous system for enhanced mood and chronic pain relief.

DL-phenylalanine works in part by blocking the enzymes that break down your body’s natural pain-killing chemicals.

4. Heat from Far-Infrared Rays (FIR)

An FIR heatingpad can help your joints and muscles to relax, thereby relieving pain. The thermal effect of deep FIR heat on your tissues causes blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, which improves blood circulation and promotes pain-relief healing.

3. Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium

Glucosamine is found naturally throughout your body, but especially in your cartilage. In your joints, it acts as a building block and helps provide structure to your cartilage while maintaining healthy joint function and mobility.

Research shows glucosamine sulfate is a safe and effective treatment for joint pain due to osteoarthritis.

2. Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II

By strengthening cartilage and replenishing the synovial fluid that helps lubricate your joints, hydrolyzed collagen improves joint comfort and mobility.

Hydrolyzed collagen is important, in particular, because it contains glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulfate, which help promote joint cushioning and lubrication.

Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II may even help to rebuild cartilage.

Super Joint Support is a blend of all-natural ingredients designed to nourish, support and possibly even regenerate your joints, thanks to the hydrolyzed collagen type II and other joint supernutrients that it contains.

With chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine sulfate potassium, DL-phenylalanine and more, packaged in a formula that contains 72 ionic trace minerals to ensure rapid absorption and assimilation into your body, this is a ground-breaking natural way to reduce and even eliminate joint pain while rebuilding and regenerating your cartilage.

Watch this Video HERE to learn how to heal painful ankles

By Jesse Cannone - Creator of the International Best-Selling Back Pain Treatment Program "Lose the Back Pain System" and Best-Selling Book "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure"

Unlike most treatments which only deliver temporary relief, if any at all, muscle balance therapy delivers lasting relief to 8 out of 10 people who use it because it addresses the underlying cause of the pain, not just the symptoms.

If you are suffering from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment. 
Click HERE to learn more

Friday, January 15, 2016

What to Look for In a Back Support Pillow?

What to Look for In a Back Support Pillow?


proper back support pillow can be invaluable in preventing 
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