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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Stress Management Help – Are You Suffering from Adrenal Dysfunction?


Stress Management Help - Are You Suffering from Adrenal Dysfunction? Do you suffer from chronic fatigue? Or do you feel in a constant state of staying alerted that cause difficulty in sleeping? Read on to find out how you can cope.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Did you know that four out of every five visits to the doctor’s office is stress-related?

In today’s 24/7 society, stressors present themselves in many different forms: mental stress from a busy work day, physical stress from an intense training session or constantly being on the run, or emotional stress from relationships with family or friends.

Although stress is essential for overall health (it provides the mental and physical challenges required to stimulate positive adaptation), if you have chronic or excessive stressors or poor coping mechanisms it may result in adrenal dysfunction and/or altered cortisol rhythm.

Why Are Your Adrenals So Important to Stress?

Your adrenal glands are small triangular-shaped glands positioned on top of your kidneys that secrete specific hormones in response to stressful stimuli. The glands are made up of two parts: the inner medulla that produces the hormone adrenaline in response to stress and the outer cortex that produces cortisol.

Let’s take a look at how these two hormones drive your response to stressors in your environment.

When adrenaline is produced, it triggers the breakdown of body-fat for fuel and acts by raising your blood pressure and heart rate to increase your alertness.

If you enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, you’re getting a nice little jolt of adrenaline from the caffeine that helps to increase mental focus and work capacity during exercise. This happens instantly via your sympathetic fight or flight nervous system, which is a direct connection between your brain and adrenal glands.

Whereas adrenaline preferentially catabolizes (breaks down) fat, cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to provide fuel for your body. Like adrenaline, its job is to increase your blood sugar levels to provide energy for the body to overcome the stressful event.

From an evolutionary perspective, this was critical for escaping from wild animals or other threats. Nowadays, you experience a boost when you’re in the gym or training hard, but when your session is over, your stress levels should return to baseline. (If your adrenals are out of balance, this isn’t always the case and has significant negative repercussions).

Today’s Stress Response

In nature, a stressor is short-term then subsides. For example, a zebra grazing in the savannah might spot a lion in the distance resulting in a boost of adrenaline and cortisol to increase the heart rate, breath rate, and shunt blood to its working muscles should it need to run for its life! The subsequent chase might last 10-20 minutes, then it would be over and the zebra could go back to relaxing and grazing.

Thankfully, in today’s world we don’t often have to run away from lions or bears, but “modern” stressors actually exert a much more debilitating toll on our body. How is this possible?

Today, stressors last all day long! The emails don’t stop, the deadlines don’t stop, and the commitments don’t stop. Your body – and more importantly your brain – are experiencing constant and prolonged stressors, far longer than would be experienced in nature. This leads to a heavy burden on your adrenal glands and your body.

What is Adrenal Dysfunction?

While the physiological mechanisms have evolved over millions of years, the realities of sitting at a desk and having to juggle all the mental tasks from work and home life can leave your brain (and body) stuck in “fight or flight” sympathetic overdrive. For some this can manifest itself as the over-production of adrenaline and cortisol, while for others the reverse can happen and you may feel sluggish or fatigued.

In years past, clients complaining of prolonged fatigue were often diagnosed with ‘Adrenal Fatigue’, the inability of the adrenal glands to keep up with a person’s busy life or increased number of stressors.

Today, we understand this is not the whole story. A new area of medicine called psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (now that’s a mouthful!) or PNEI is uncovering that your brain is really the root cause of adrenal dysfunction, and therefore the key player in supporting your adrenals and stress response.

In short, the hypothalamus area of your brain is the master switch that tells your adrenal glands to ramp up the production of adrenaline and cortisol (over-performing adrenals), or dial it back (under-performing adrenals).

Do You Have Symptoms of Adrenal Dysfunction?

In clinical practice, I see many patients with either over-performing or under-performing adrenals. There are symptoms on each end of the spectrum that indicate adrenal dysfunction.

If you have difficulty waking up in the morning, poor energy during the day, feel better after eating meals, or have diminished libido then chances are your adrenal glands are underperforming.

If you’re a person with naturally high energy levels, have high blood sugars, experience excessive sweating, have difficulty falling asleep, or feel like your mind continually races with a list of tasks and deadlines then you may be suffering from over-performing adrenals.

This constant fight or flight sympathetic dominance chronically elevates cortisol levels and may lead to roadblocks in your quest for a slimmer waistline, faster 10k run time or better overall health.

There is one more piece to this complex puzzle. Your daily cortisol rhythm can also get thrown out of balance by stress.

In the morning, your cortisol should be at its highest to wake you up from deep sleep and get you ready to attack the day. In the evening, your level starts to lower and should be at its lowest point at bedtime. This allows the sleep hormone melatonin to ramp up and prepares your body for deep, restorative sleep.

If you suffer from general fatigue, poor recovery from workouts, low mood, and your short-term memory is poor (e.g. you often forget what to pick for dinner, where you left your phone, or your client’s name) then poor daily cortisol rhythm may be your area of adrenal dysfunction.

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, hit snooze multiple times, or feel desperate for a coffee to get going then chances are your morning cortisol rhythm is out of balance.

If you struggle to fall asleep at night, wake up throughout the night, or classify yourself as a night owl then you likely have an altered evening cortisol rhythm.

It is important to address adrenal dysfunction and/or altered cortisol rhythm as they can lead to serious negative consequences. These include increased inflammation, poor memory, increased risk of anxiety or depression, reduced testosterone production, slow thyroid function, increased belly-fat, decreased lean muscle mass, poor blood sugar control or insulin resistance, and cognitive decline.

If you’re not sure whether your adrenals are functioning optimally, you can request a salivary-cortisol test.

The Adrenal Dysfunction Fix


Diet is the first place to start when correcting adrenal dysfunction. It’s critical to obtain the building blocks essential for supporting a healthy stress response. The Paleo diet is the perfect place to start.

First, increase your intake of healthy saturated fats, such as butter, ghee, or coconut oil. Studies show that fatigued and over-stressed athletes are better able to recover and maintain performance on a high fat diet, in particular when high in saturated fats.

Next, make sure you are achieving an adequate intake of protein, as high cortisol levels will quickly break down precious muscle tissue and leave you in a catabolic state. Aim for 0.7-0.9g of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Finally, it’s not only what you add to your diet, but also what you remove. If you’re suffering from adrenal dysfunction or altered cortisol rhythm then discontinue your caffeine intake – coffee, black tea, chocolate – for 4 weeks. Sugar and caffeine cravings are classic signs of adrenal dysfunction, so be sure to eliminate all processed sugars and carbs for 4 weeks.


Busy work days or long hours in the gym can leave you burning the candle at both ends and therefore being stuck in the fight or flight sympathetic overdrive. If the root cause of adrenal dysfunction starts in the brain, it makes sense to incorporate techniques that directly impact your central command center.

Meditation is an ancient technique that helps restore your cortisol rhythm and adrenal function by stimulating your “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system via the vagus nerve in your brain.

Not convinced? A recent study of medical students showed that those engaging in daily mindfulness meditation practices had much lower blood cortisol levels compared to a placebo. Meditation has also been shown to significantly improve anxiety and depression, classic symptoms of adrenal dysfunction.

Try this simple technique before bed to improve your “resiliency” and capacity to cope with stress:

  • Start by sitting with your eyes closed.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose; let your belly expand for three seconds
  • At the end of your inhale, hold your breath for one second.
  • Exhale deeply through your nose for another count of three seconds; let your belly draw inward toward your spine.
  • Repeat for 5-10 minutes.


Did you know that today we sleep a whopping 500 hours less each year than our grandparent’s generation? This sleep debt places a tremendous burden on our resiliency or capacity to cope with stress.

If you get less than 7 hours sleep per night, struggle to fall asleep, or wake up frequently during the night your cortisol levels will be elevated and you’ll be cutting yourself short on the recovery front.

To support deep sleep, make sure your bedroom is set up for optimal recovery. How can you improve your sleep quality? Here are some simple tips:

  • Turn down the lights in your house after 9 p.m.
  • Shut off your television or laptop at least 45 minutes before bed.
  • Make sure your bedroom is completely dark. Try using blackout blinds or an eye mask to prevent unwanted light.
  • Keep your bedroom cool and wear loose-fitting clothing or sleep naked

Nutrient Support

There are several herbs that can support adrenal dysfunction, depending on whether you suffer from over-active or under-active adrenals, or cortisol rhythm dysfunction. A key nutrient called alpha-GPC can benefit all types of adrenal dysfunction.

Supplementing with alpha-GPC provides the hippocampus with the right building blocks to restore normal cortisol rhythm by supporting the production of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter concentrated in the hippocampus that can be depleted by busy work schedules, lacking sleep or high stress. Take 500-1,000mg daily upon rising for 8-12 weeks.

Prioritize the fundamentals of diet, sleep, and controlling your stress response (e.g. proper breathing) to upgrade your adrenal function and correct symptoms of adrenal dysfunction. Train your brain and fuel your body correctly to increase your resiliency and keep your stress response system in balance.

Watch these 3 videos below –

Ask The Expert -Truth About Adrenal Fatigue

The Difference between Adrenal Crisis and Adrenal Fatigue

Exactly How I Healed Adrenal Fatigue – No BS

Written by Dr. Marc Bubbs

Author Bio:

Dr. Marc Bubbs, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Strength Coach, Author, Speaker, and Blogger practicing in Toronto, Canada. He believes that diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors have the most profound impact on your overall health and performance. Marc is the author of The Paleo Project – A 21st Guide to Looking Leaner, Getting Stronger, & Living Longer and currently serves as the Sports Nutrition Lead for Canadian Men’s Olympic Basketball Team.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

9 Naturally Herbs and Roots to Give You Energy


Caffeine in coffee acts as a strong central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, which is what gives you your initial energy burst. It’s also a double-edged sword, in that stimulating your CNS too often can cause you to feel shaky, jittery and eventually experience burnout when your adrenals finally decide they’ve had too much. Here are 9 natural herbs and roots to give you more energy without over-stimulating your nervous system.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

9 Energizing Herbs and Roots That Won’t Give You Coffee Jitters

There’s a reason $40 billion is spent on coffee in the U.S. alone, and it isn’t just for the taste.

Plain black, cold brew, cappuccino, frappuccino, iced – you name it, every type of coffee has one thing in common that we crave: its energy boost. Unfortunately, while we may get a good rush every morning from the brew, it’s usually a temporary effect that leaves us needing another cup a few hours later.

This might not seem like a big deal to many. After all, there’s usually a coffee shop on every corner, making it easy to refuel. However, if you find yourself feeling edgy and jittery after your daily “boost,” your nervous system and adrenals (glands that regulate stress hormones) might not agree with the excess stimulation. Too much caffeine can be taxing on your adrenal glands.

This is because the caffeine in coffee acts as a strong central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, which is what gives you your initial energy burst. It’s also a double-edged sword, in that stimulating your CNS too often can cause you to feel shaky, jittery and eventually experience burnout when your adrenals finally decide they’ve had too much.

This creates a continual cycle of caffeine stimulation, over-stimulation, and fatigue.

Eventually, you end up needing more caffeine to function normally – leaving you even more fatigued when that energy runs out. This roller coaster is a recipe for eventual burnout of your energy levels.

9 Naturally Herbs and Roots to Give You Energy

Luckily, there’s a healthy and nourishing escape from the wild ride of excess caffeine. Many natural herbs, barks, roots, and even berries have energizing properties that work with your body to produce increased energy, without over-stimulating your nervous system.

You can take your pick (maybe even literally!) of nature’s natural energizing herbs below.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate tea, brewed from the dried leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, has its origins in South America, where it is widely consumed for its vitality-enhancing effects.

As yerba mate has grown more and more popular in the Western world over the years, researchers have uncovered several properties that make it a superstar in the energy world. For one, it has been found to contain even more antioxidants than green tea, while also being associated with enhanced metabolism and physical performance.

In addition, several studies have shown that yerba mate may act as an appetite suppressant and help boost metabolism, while also encouraging the body to burn stored fat for energy.


Guarana extract, which comes from the Brazilian native plant Paullinia cupana, is something you probably want to have on hand if mental focus and energy is your goal.

Research has shown that guarana improves task performance (specifically tasks that require a lot of attention) and improves the speed of short-term memory.

Tongkat Ali Root

Tongkat Ali Root, or Eurycoma longifolia, is ideal for when you feel like stress is at the root of your low energy levels. Both stressed AND tired? Tongkat Ali root can help.

Studies have found significant improvement in mood and other stress parameters, like tension, in people supplementing with Tongkat Ali.

It has been recommended as a supplement to help blunt the effects of daily chronic stressors (traffic, anyone?) and also help boost libido and free testosterone.

Schizandra Berry

Schizandra berries are unique energy boosters that have herbal adaptogenic properties. “Adaptogens” are a powerful class of energizing herbs that help your body adapt to stress and resist fatigue while improving overall vitality and boosting energy levels.

Schizandra certainly lives up to its label, with studies showing it not only increases mental performance, but also acts as a strong antioxidant, improves reaction time and endurance, and even protects against increased stress from heat shock, exposure to toxic heavy metals, and irradiation.

Rhodiola Rosea

If it was used by the Vikings for strength and endurance, it’s probably worth a second look.

Rhodiola rosea’s impressive past doesn’t stop with one of the most physically durable people in history, however. This high altitude herb was also used extensively in ancient medicine systems throughout Asia and Europe, as an anti-cancer and tuberculosis treatment in Mongolia, and as a fertility booster throughout Siberia.

Today it’s known for its ability to enhance performance, speed up workout recoverylower inflammation, and improve stress-related fatigue and depression.

Chinese Ginseng

Chinese ginseng has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. Like schizandra, it’s also an adaptogen that is commonly used to increase longevityboost the immune system, and raise energy levels.

Other studies have also shown positive effects on cognitive performance, sexual function, and physical performance.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba, which hails from the leaves of the Chinese gingko tree, is commonly referred to as the “brain herb” for its positive effects on cognitive function.

It has been found to support brain activity, improve focus and memory, and is apparently “the most investigated and adopted herbal remedy for cognitive disorders and Alzheimer’s disease,” according the International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology.

Maca Root

Maca root, a plant native to Peru, has been cultivated and consumed for well over 2,000 years for its libido and energy-boosting effects.

It turns out Maca has quite a few unique tricks up its sleeve when it comes to benefits. Not only is it an adaptogen, but it also enhances fertility, mental function, memory, learning, physical performance, and even protects skin from the damaging effects of too much sunlight.


If you’re looking for energy to power through tough workouts, beetroot might be your new go-to boost.

The nitrate in beets has been shown to increase stamina and endurance by reducing the oxygen cost of exercise on the body. One study showed that participants were able to exercise for up to 16 percent longer after supplementing with beetroot juice.

How to Use Natural Energizers

The sky is truly the limit as to how you can incorporate these energizing herbs into your daily routine. For instance, you can brew up some yerba mate mixed with green tea for your mid-afternoon pick-me-up, snack on dried schizandra berries, or even add maca root powder to homemade, gluten-free bars or cookies. Mix energizing herb powder with water for a quick wake-up call.

However, since we’re all up for saving time, the easiest way I’ve found to get a healthy burst of energy from each of these herbs is to take them in powder form mixed with water. 

Rootz Nutrition in particular makes a quick raspberry-lemonade blend that you can sip anytime: first thing in the morning for a quick wake-up call without the jitters, as a study aid, or even as a pre-workout. It contains every herb on this list, plus other energizers that work to increase circulation, vitality, and focus, like beetroot, turmeric, and green tea.

Watch this video – Best Herbs for Energy, Using Natural Herbal Stimulants

Written by Megan Patiry

Author Bio:

Megan is an inquisitive nutrition and wellness writer harboring an editorial love affair with the decadent and the nutritious. She is a dedicated researcher in all areas of ancestral health, a certified specialist in fitness nutrition, personal trainer, and professional almond milk latte addict.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Thursday, October 6, 2022

4 Easy Tips to Sleep Better Like a Caveman


Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to inflammation, a weak immune system, and hormone problems, among other serious health problems. Here are 4 easy tips to sleep better like a caveman (and why you’re probably doing it wrong).

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

How to Sleep Like a Caveman (and Why You’re Probably Doing It Wrong)

For a lot of people, trying to achieve better sleep can be difficult. Most times, they run through the day as if they’re running on a treadmill that never stops. They’re tired all the time…but they know they have to keep moving, so they turn to coffee, energy drinks, and sugary snacks for a quick boost.

Then something strange happens when they finally get to bed: they can’t fall asleep. And they wake up the next morning even more tired than the day before.

This doesn’t have to be you. You can wake up every morning excited and fully energized to take on your day. It’s as simple as turning to our ancestors for inspiration. Keep reading to find out how.

Lack of Sleep Makes It Impossible to be Healthy

If you’re trying to get in shape, you’ve probably heard the phrase “you can’t out-train a bad diet.”

The same goes for sleep. If you aren’t sleeping well, eating right and exercising aren’t enough to make up for it. You just won’t achieve the level of health you’re looking for without that pillar in place.

Not getting enough sleep is a lot like credit card debt. It isn’t a big deal at first, but the consequences add up. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to inflammation, a weak immune system, and hormone problems, among other serious health problems.

Sleep remains a mystery, but every new piece of sleep research points to the same conclusion: it’s just as important as a good diet and exercise for health. Maybe even more important.

Why Is It So Hard to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

So, sleep is essential for our health…but most of us aren’t getting nearly enough of it. About 1 in 3 of American adults are sleeping less than six hours per night. And almost half of them say that feeling tired during the day interferes with their normal activities.

This isn’t for a lack of trying either. Most people know how important sleep is. But a lot of aspects of modern life are stacking the deck against getting the sleep we need.

After the sun went down, our ancestors didn’t have a choice other than to relax and get ready to sleep. But now the dark is something we have to search for intentionally. There are artificial lights everywhere… and plenty of digital distractions tempting us to stay up for “just one more hour.”

4 Ways to Get Better Sleep

Understanding the importance of sleep is one thing. But taking action—action that leaves you waking up in the morning full of energy—is easier said than done.

Most of us are tired of being tired. The sleep industry is a multi-billion dollar business, and it’s booming on the backs of empty promises and “get results fast” schemes.

You deserve more than that. Just like a diet pill doesn’t trump eating healthy foods, sleeping pills don’t trump proper sleeping habits.

The four steps below are simple. Following them might take a change in philosophy or a recommitment to a healthier life. But they will help you sleep more and sleep better. Each waking moment becomes more special when you have the energy to enjoy it fully.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Make It a Priority

Why are so many people sleeping five or six hours a day when they know they should be sleeping seven or eight?

Because most of them aren’t making sleep a priority. Extraordinary circumstances – like a new-born or working for an accounting firm in tax season – aside, most people simply aren’t giving themselves enough time to sleep. They’re choosing other things instead.

Wishing for more time won’t help. But setting aside seven or eight hours for sleep and figuring out how to maximize the rest of your time will. There’s a reason why this is step one.

Without making sleep a priority, your other efforts won’t pay off. It’s the cornerstone that makes feeling energized and well-rested possible.

One of the most powerful things you can do for your productivity and wellbeing is to set a firm bedtime and stick to it. Almost everything else — what you do in your free time, whether every dish gets washed that night, etc. — is flexible. But sleep isn’t.

Setting a bedtime lets you work backwards to figure out how you’ll fit in your other activities. And going to bed at the same time every night helps you fall asleep faster because it conditions your body to expect sleep then. Tasks during the day will take less time because you’ll engage them sharp and well rested.

2. Practice Good “Sleep Hygiene”

How clean is your sleep environment?

I’m not talking about the carpet in your bedroom or your cluttered nightstand. I’m talking about how conducive your environment is for deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Modern innovations like streetlights, televisions, and car alarms are great. But they can make getting quality sleep tough. Just like how toxic waste pollutes a river, sights and sounds can “pollute” your bedroom and disrupt your sleep.

A few simple adjustments can make a tremendous difference when it comes to your sleep quality. They’ll help you fall asleep faster… and stay asleep throughout the night.

The most important thing is for your bedroom to be completely dark. The darker, the better! Invest in some black out curtains to block out sunlight and ambient streetlight.

And watch out for electronics with digital displays. Either store those in another room or cover up the lights with electrical tape. Even better: use a sleep mask to block out all the stray light trying to poke its way into your bedroom.

If your partner snores, or if you’re tired of hearing the garbage truck at four in the morning, pick up a pair of earplugs you can wear while you sleep. You can also use a white noise machine to cover up any intrusive noises.

Room temperature can also make a big impact on your sleep quality. Scientists have found that a cool room—around 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit—leads to better sleep. So give that a try. But ultimately it’s about comfort; go for whatever temperature feels best to you.

3. Work with Your Natural Sleep-Wake Cycle, Not Against It

Two hormones govern your sleep-wake cycle: cortisol and melatonin.

Cortisol stimulates your body to wake up and stay alert. Exposure to light encourages your body to produce it. When it gets dark your body starts ramping up production of melatonin, which makes you feel sleepy.

This worked just fine for our ancestors; they were active during the day, and they rested as soon as it got dark. But now electricity has extended the day with artificial light, and practically no one goes to bed right after the sun goes down.

That’s okay. There’s no need to go to bed at 7 or 8 pm. Just a little awareness of how your natural sleep-wake cycle works can help you get more (and better) sleep.

Sometimes your body has a hard time distinguishing between natural and artificial light.

When you fill your environment with artificial light from TVs, computers, and other electronics before bed, it’s harder to fall asleep because your body is producing cortisol.

Blue light is especially disruptive to healthy sleep patterns.

You can work with your natural sleep-wake cycle by encouraging cortisol production when you want to be awake and melatonin production when you’re getting ready for bed.

This means seeking out light when you’re trying to wake up and avoiding it when your bedtime is just around the corner. A few ways you can do it:

  • Avoid all electronics for 1-2 hours before bed (lamplight and light bulbs are fine)
  • Go outside during the day
  • Consider buying a sun alarm clock, which floods your bedroom with light in a way that mimics a sunrise

4. Manage Your Stress

Managing your stress might seem like a completely different topic than sleep. But they’re two sides of the same coin.

Cortisol is the common factor here. When you don’t manage stress, the cortisol levels in your body increase. And cortisol is a stimulant; it’s the exact opposite of what you need to relax and go to sleep.

So unmanaged stress leads to less sleep and lower-quality sleep. And that leads to even more chronic stress. It can become a vicious cycle.

Of every source of stress in your life, start by identifying which ones are self-inflicted.

If you aren’t eating well, or if you’re working out too much, you’re causing yourself unnecessary stress. Systematically eliminate everything that’s causing you stress and is under your control.

You won’t be able to remove it all. There are always jobs, relationships, and other drama to deal with. But that’s fine. You just need a consistent way to manage the stressors that are out of your control. Pick something you love doing — it could be reading, painting, yoga, or something completely different — and stick to it.

A two-pronged attack on stress — removing stressors in your control and managing the rest — will lower cortisol levels and help you sleep better. And quality sleep will make you even less stressed. A potentially bad cycle becomes a good one.

Your Turn

A lot of people give nutrition and exercise plenty of attention, but they let sleep fall through the cracks. They’re tired all the time… despite all their hard work to be healthy.

But you can do better.

Follow these four simple steps, and you’ll be well on your way to sleeping more, sleeping better, and enjoying life to its fullest.

No espresso shots needed.

To get some more easy tips to sleep better like a caveman, watch this video – Proven Sleep Tips | How to Fall Asleep Faster | Doctor Mike

Written by Corey Pemberton

Author Bio:

Corey Pemberton is a freelance writer, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and Paleo health enthusiast. Ever since he discovered the ancestral health movement five years ago, he has explored different ways to incorporate ancestral wisdom into his nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle at large. One of his favorite topics is challenging long-held nutrition myths. Feel free to stop by his website or say hello on Twitter.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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