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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Sleep Apnea Help – 5 Natural Ways to Sleep Healthier


Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health, and an undiagnosed sleep apnea can affect our physical and mental well-being. Read on here to find out about the 5 natural ways to sleep better healthier.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

How to Identify Sleep Apnea and 5 Natural Ways to Sleep Healthier

You might have sleep apnea and not even know it.

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects roughly 22 million Americans, and can increase your risk of heart attack and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, sleep apnea commonly goes undiagnosed, as it’s not easy to know the difference between regular old snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

Diagnosing sleep apnea can be challenging for women. Unlike men, who are more likely to wake up gasping in the middle of the night, symptoms in women are more subtle, like anxiety and depression.

If you keep your partner up by snoring all night, it’s time to check in and find out if you’re suffering from sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that happens when the throat muscles relax during sleep, blocking your upper respiratory tract and making it harder to breathe. This blockage can cause a reduction in airflow, or in severe cases, can stop the flow of oxygen entirely.

There are three different kinds of sleep apnea:

  • Central Sleep Apnea: When the brain fails to send signals to breathe.
  • Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, this is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

If your healthcare provider suspects that you might have sleep apnea, a sleep study can diagnose this condition. The sleep study will look at how many episodes of reduced or stopped breathing occur in a one-hour period during sleep. It will also show what your blood oxygen levels were during these sleep apnea events.

Common Sleep Apnea Symptoms

So, how do you know if you suffer from sleep apnea? Here are seven of the most common signs and symptoms to watch out for.

  • Snoring
  • Gasping during sleep
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigued when awake
  • Anxiety and depression (mostly among women)

Undiagnosed sleep apnea can cause issues with your mood and energy levels due to a significant disruption in the quality of your sleep.

When sleep apnea goes undiagnosed or untreated for extended periods of time, it can cause high blood pressureheart attack, and other heart issues due to the drop in blood oxygen levels. The frequent drop in blood oxygen puts wear and tear on the cardiovascular system.

Sleep Apnea vs. Snoring: What’s the Difference?

If you are one of the 90 million Americans who snores during sleep, you may be wondering if it’s caused by sleep apnea or if you just happen to be a loud sleeper. Since snoring is a big symptom of sleep apnea, how can you tell the two apart?

Well, about half of the 90 million Americans who snore are what’s known as “primary snorers”. However, the other half of those snorers may, in fact, have sleep apnea..

One way to tell the difference between snoring and sleep apnea is if you wake up choking or gasping for air.

First, let’s talk about what snoring actually is. Snoring is caused by tissue in the back of your throat relaxing and partially blocking your airway, which leads to noisy sleep.

Some people may be much louder snorers due to higher body weight, alcohol consumption, and age.

One way to tell the difference between snoring and sleep apnea is if you wake up choking or gasping for air. This is almost always the result of sleep apnea. Waking up tired is another common sign your snoring may be more than just an annoyance, as chronic daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleeping with your mouth open is another tell-tale sign, so if you can, ask a partner to keep an eye out for that one. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you are also more likely to snore more regularly, and very loudly.

However, just because you snore doesn’t mean you automatically have sleep apnea. Your snoring could be caused by things like nasal congestion, being overweight, smoking, and drinking.

It is also suspected that men snore more than women simply because men have narrower air passages. But women can certainly snore too, and can also suffer from sleep apnea.

The Difference Between Sleep Apnea in Men and Women

Sleep apnea is commonly thought of as a condition that affects men, and men are, in fact, twice as likely to have sleep apnea. However, women get sleep apnea too, but symptoms often present differently. As a result, women are more likely to be misdiagnosed.

While men often experience more common symptoms like snoring and waking up gasping for air, women may be more likely to experience symptoms such as anxiety and depression. This has to do with the fact that female brain structures are impacted more by sleep apnea than men’s brain structures.

While the number of apneic events per hour are generally lower in women, they also tend to experience a wider variety of symptoms, like anxiety and depression at lower diagnostic levels.

This leads to the conclusion that sleep apnea causes different symptoms in men and women due to differences in brain structure.

However, keep in mind that men can also experience symptoms of anxiety and depression as a result of sleep apnea, as sleep deprivation can cause an anxiety disorder. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea interfere with the quality of your sleep and can thus lead to symptoms of anxiety and stress.

5 Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health, and an undiagnosed sleep apnea can affect our physical and mental well-being. If you suspect you may be suffering from sleep apnea, it is essential to speak with a healthcare provider to get treatment as quickly as possible.

Some treatment options may include dental appliances to help with jaw and tongue repositioning, airway surgery, and recommendations on living a healthy life through diet and exercise.

A CPAP machine is another commonly prescribed treatment options for those suffering from sleep apnea. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, and its purpose is to keep your airways open while you sleep. The machine works by sending airway pressure to your throat.

In the meantime, if you’re struggling with chronic snoring or poor sleep habits, here are natural ways to help you sleep better.

Manage a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can increase your risk of both snoring and developing sleep apnea. Research shows that losing weight can help reduce sleep apnea symptoms, so making healthy dietary choices is an important piece to the puzzle.

Strive to eliminate sources of added sugar and as many processed foods from your diet as possible. Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense options like fresh fruitsvegetables, grass-fed meats, and healthy fats like coconut, olive oil, nutsseeds, and avocados.

A Paleo diet is a great approach to supporting a healthy weight, since you will naturally be consuming more naturally anti-inflammatory foods while also eliminating all sources of processed foods.

Exercise Regularly

Not only will regular exercise help you maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help improve sleep! Exercise can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, which are often things that keep people tossing and turning all night. Try adding daily exercise to your routine to see how much better you sleep each night.

Cut Back on Drinking

Alcohol consumption can cause snoring because it relaxes the muscles in the back of your throat. If you are a chronic snorer or have sleep apnea, consuming alcohol can make the condition worse.

Try a Neti Pot

If you snore often, try using a neti pot to clear nasal congestion before you go to bed. This can help loosen the mucus and make it easier to breathe out of your nose. Chronic nasal congestion can also lead to a risk of developing sleep apnea, so keeping your nasal passage open can only help more.

Monitor the Humidity in Your Room

Have you ever woken up with a stuffy nose during the winter months when you have the heat running? Dry air can make our nasal passages dry, which can lead to mouth breathing, and yes, snoring!

So, you may want to use a humidifier in the winter months to help prevent that very uncomfortable nasal congestion almost all of us experience during the winter. It is recommended that you keep your humidity level at 50% to help promote better sleep.

Watch this video – Exercises for Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Sinus Pressure. Addressing the nose, throat & tongue

The Bottom Line

Sleep apnea is a serious condition. It can impair your overall quality of life and can put you at a much greater risk of cardiovascular health issues. If you experience symptoms of sleep apnea, reach out to a health care practitioner and request a sleep study that can diagnose or rule out sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is treatable, and certain lifestyle and dietary changes can go a long way. The sooner you uncover sleep apnea, the sooner you can treat the symptoms and be well on your way to feeling healthier and much more rested!

Written by Rebecca Jacobs

Author Bio:

Rebecca Jacobs N.C is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, specializing in digestive and women’s health. She takes a holistic approach to wellness, doesn’t believe in “dieting,” and believes that healthy eating must be delicious. Rebecca is also a recipe developer and creates healthy alternatives to traditionally unhealthy foods.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

7 Natural DIY Drinks to Help You Sleep Better


Trouble falling asleep? While you know the importance of sleeping, it can be easier said than done. Here are 7 natural DIY drinks to help you sleep better and get you feel energized in the morning.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Trouble falling asleep? While you know the importance of sleeping, it can be easier said than done.

Here are natural DIY drinks to help you achieve quality sleep to help you feel energized in the morning.

A lack of restful sleep is the number one reason for feeling grumpy, irritated and unmotivated, but quality sleep is also needed for healthy digestiondetoxification and maintaining a healthy weight.

If you’re part of the ⅓ of the adult population that suffers from poor sleep, these natural DIY drinks will help you fall into a happy slumber to improve your overall health.

1. Valerian Root Tea

Valerian is known for being used in herbal medicine as a sleep aid and to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Valerian extract can be found in tinctures and capsules, and, of course, sleepy-time teas. While some people swear by the sedative effect of this little pink flower, studies remain inconclusive as to whether or not valerian truly improves sleep quality. Some studies suggest valerian is most powerful when taken for at least 28 days, while others experience better sleep right away.

What we do know, however, is that valerian is safe and gentle to use, has few side effects, and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

How to Drink It:

To make valerian root tea, all you need is 1 teaspoon of loose leaf dried valerian root, a kettle and boiling water. You can also use an infusion device, such as a tea ball, to put the loose herbs in.

Add valerian root to your mug and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes and remove the tea ball, or if you used loose leaf valerian in your cup, strain it and discard.

Valerian has a strong, bitter taste, so you may want to add a touch of Manuka honey or coconut sugar to sweeten it. Some recommend drinking valerian root in the evenings, approximately 30 minutes before bed if you’re using it to help you sleep.

2. Golden Milk

What was once only used as a healing remedy by Ayurvedic doctors, golden milk is now on the menus of most health food stores for its anti-inflammatory and digestive health benefits.

Since golden milk is said to improve digestion function (and therefore the absorption of essential nutrients that help promote restful sleep, such as calcium and magnesium), sipping on a warm, soothing mug of golden milk before bedtime may help you rest easier.

Few studies back up the specific health claims of turmeric and golden milk, but there is evidence of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, having anti-inflammatory properties. Since chronic inflammation can promote sleep loss, getting extra anti-inflammatory nutrients in your diet is never a bad idea.

How to Drink It:

You can make golden milk at home by boiling a non-dairy milk with coconut oil, ground ginger, black pepper, turmeric and cinnamon.

For simple step-by-step instructions, here’s our recipe to make a Golden Turmeric Latte (it includes all of the same ingredients as golden milk).

3. Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherry juice is said to be rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanin, which can help protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease, but it may also be effective for relieving insomnia.

One study showed that tart Montmorency Cherries contain high levels of melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep and wake cycle. The study measured sleep improvement in healthy adults after drinking tart cherry juice concentrate for 7 days, and found that total sleep time and sleep quality were enhanced compared to those in the placebo group.

How to Drink It:

If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, you may want to start sipping on some tart cherry juice before bed, or try blending it into a smoothie to make a natural night time drink.

To make tart cherry juice, simply add 20 pitted cherries, 2 tsp makuna honey, and 1/4 cup of water to a blender. Blend together and strain into a glass to remove cherry chunks. If you like pulp, however, feel free to leave the cherry skins in the drink for added benefits.

4. Coconut Water

Coconut water is more than a post-workout or summer’s day hydration drink: it may also help you fall asleep easier. This is because coconut water is high in magnesium, the mineral that helps relax your muscles and ease tension throughout your body.

How to Drink It:

Coconut water is low in sugar, so it’s safe to sip on before bed without experiencing a blood sugar spike and crash. To give it a boost, add dried hibiscus flower, chill overnight, and strain out the flower before drinking. Hibiscus has been shown to reduce anxiety and have natural sedative effects.

5. Banana Carob Powder Smoothie

If you haven’t tried carob before, carob powder is like raw cacao’s cousin. It has a mild caramel, chocolate-y taste and pairs well with Paleo-friendly desserts and smoothies.

 While it’s known for being rich in antioxidants, it also contains high levels of calcium, which is a mineral that acts as a natural sleep aid on its own.

How to Drink It:

When it comes to making a natural drink for falling asleep with carob powder, I recommend blending it with ½ frozen banana, almond milk, and cinnamon to make a creamy, satiating smoothie.

Bananas can also help promote better quality sleep because they contain the amino acid l-tryptophan, which gets converted to serotonin and melatonin.

6. Warm Glass of Coconut Milk

Granny was onto something when she gave you that warm glass of milk before bed. Traditionally, dairy milk was the night time beverage of choice because it contains the amino acid tryptophan to help promote sleep. But using a dairy-free milk such as coconut milk and almond milk can still be effective as a natural drink for falling asleep.

As mentioned above, coconut contains minerals such as magnesium, while almonds are rich in calcium, so both options can still promote a sense of calm and relaxation (especially when warmed up in a cozy mug).

Cardamom is a spice with a strong, ginger-like taste, and is said to have been used in Ayurveda to help cure insomnia for thousands of years.

How to Drink It:

Cardamom and warm milk is a traditional Ayurvedic beverage recommended to those who have trouble falling and staying asleep. A teaspoon of raw honey will add a touch of sweetness to your warm milk and cardamom – and some people even swear by having honey before bed to wake up feeling rested (however, there are no reputable studies at this time linking honey to insomnia).

7. Sleepy-Time Elixir

Many herbs, such as lavender and chamomile, have soothing effects and can act as mild sedatives. You can make your own sleepy-time tea by purchasing a variety of loose leaf herbs in bulk at your local health food store.

Here are a few suggestions for the most popular herbs recommended to support the nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality:

  • Lemon balm
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Ashwagandha
  • Passion flower
  • Holy basil

How to Drink It:

To make a sleepy-time tea, steep equal parts of each herb (approximately 1 teaspoon each) in boiling water (you may also want to use a tea infuser). Strain or remove herbs and add a touch of honey or cinnamon to sweeten. Enjoy!

Watch this video – The Ultimate Bedtime Drink

The Bottom Line

If you have trouble falling asleep, you may also want to consider adding other calming, sleep-inducing activities to your bedtime routine, such as free journaling, meditation, restorative yoga, or a brisk nature walk after dinner.

Creating a sleep sanctuary in your room (a cozy, comfortable environment that’s only used for sleeping) can also help improve your quality and length of sleep – and, therefore, your health and happiness.

Written by Brandi Black

Author Bio:

Brandi Black is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the creator of Feel Best Naked, a health blog for women who want to clear up their skin, lose the muffin top and make the bloat disappear. After years of experiencing (and then healing) her own unbalanced hormones, she’s now obsessed with helping other women feel spectacular in their own skin with natural remedies for hormone balance.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Monday, May 23, 2022

4 DIY Sleeping Aid Recipes for a Better Night’s Sleep


Are you looking for some natural ways to improve the quality of your sleep? Read on to learn about these 4 DIY sleeping aid recipes for a better night’s sleep.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

DIY Snore Relief Jelly for a Better Night’s Sleep

Keep this 4-ingredient Snore Relief Gel near your bedside to open up your sinuses and give you a better night’s sleep.

Snoring plagues millions of people and can disrupt sleep for those who share a bedroom with them. While it’s often considered a common annoyance, snoring can be indicative of an underlying sleeping disorder associated with a high body mass, depression, and negative sleeping patterns.

But before undergoing any extreme methods to correct it, try using this nightly gel remedy to gently curb your snoring without any adverse side effects.

Eucalyptus oil is an antibacterial ingredient that can be found in many over-the-counter nasal sprays, humidifiers, and seasonal allergy products. It’s been used for hundreds of years to treat respiratory issues in eastern medicine and is an anti-inflammatory that could help alleviate the underlying causes of snoring.

To make your bedside snore gel, heat water over medium heat until steaming hot.

Add in a green tea bag and steep for two minutes to allow for a stronger potency in aroma and color. Gradually whisk gelatin into the hot water and add in the eucalyptus essential oil.

Pour the mixture into an eight-ounce glass jar, cover, and refrigerate for one hour. When ready to use, remove the lid before bedtime and inhale the aroma from the jar. This will help open up your sinuses and improve your breathing.

Recipe by Jennafer Ashley

Keep this 4-ingredient Snore Relief Gel near your bedside to open up your sinuses and give you a better night’s sleep.


  • Small saucepan
  • Whisk
  • 8-oz jar


  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3 T grass-fed gelatin powder
  • 5-10 drops eucalyptus
  • 1 green tea bag (optional)

How to make:

  1. Heat the water over medium heat for about five minutes, or until steaming. Remove from the heat and add a green tea bag. Steep for two minutes and discard the tea bag.
  • Gradually whisk in the gelatin. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil and pour the mixture into an eight-ounce jar. Refrigerate for one hour to set. Cover and store near your bedside.

How to use:

Remove the cover before bedtime and inhale deeply to help open the sinuses.


Sleepy time Bath Bomb Recipe by Jennafer Ashley

Ease into a restful sleep with these DIY natural fizzy bath bombs made from calming chamomile and lavender.


  • 2 bath bomb molds
  • Medium mixing bowl
  • Spray bottle filled with water


  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/3 cup Epsom salts
  • 2 T cream of tartar
  • 1/4 t dried chamomile buds or tea
  • 1/8 t dried lavender buds
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • Coconut oil for greasing pods


  1. Combine dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Whisk to blend and stir in lavender oil.
  • Using a spray bottle, spritz water to moisten mixture as you stir. The mixture should be crumbly, but hold when squeezed.
  • Lightly grease molds with coconut oil. Use a spoon to scoop mixture into molds (ice cube trays will work too) and press down firmly. If using a bomb mold, overfill each side slightly before putting together.
  • Allow to set in a dry area for at least two hours.
  • Loosen bombs from molds and place in warm bath water to dissolve.

Dreamy Sleep Time Drink to Help You Sleep Like a Baby

Recipe by Jennafer Ashley

Drink up this dreamy elixir with soothing chamomile and lavender to help you fall into a peaceful sleep.


  • Saucepan
  • Strainer
  • Measuring cup with spout


  • 2 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 T chamomile buds
  • ½ t dried lavender buds
  • 1 T raw honey


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Warm until steaming, but not boiling, for 7 minutes.
  • Turn the heat off and allow the flavors to infuse for 5 minutes.
  • Pour into a measuring cup with a strainer over it, then pour the strained tea into a mug and enjoy!

How to Make Your Own Sleepy Time Chocolate with Melatonin

Recipe by Jennafer Ashley

Keep these relaxing melatonin chocolates by your bedside to whisk you away into dreamland.


  • Double boiler
  • Candy moulds or 2 ice cube trays


  • 12 oz unsweetened dark chocolate chips
  • About 6 t liquid melatonin
  • Optional: Small amount of sweetener (stevia, raw honey or coconut sugar)


  1. In a double boiler over medium heat, melt chocolate chips. Turn heat off and stir in desired amount of melatonin and sweetener.
  • Spoon chocolate evenly into 24 candy mold cavities and place in a dry, cool place to set or refrigerate until solid. Once set, pop out of molds and store in a cool spot in an airtight container.

Watch this video – [Try Listening for 3 Minutes] FALL ASLEEP FAST | DEEP SLEEP RELAXING MUSIC

Written by Jennafer Ashley

Author Bio:

Jenna is a Registered Dietetic Technician and recipe developer specializing in healthy eating. She styles and photographs recipes for her website, Fresh and Fit , as well as contributes to a variety of websites. In her free time, Jenna enjoys trying new restaurants and hiking with her German Shepherd.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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