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Friday, November 27, 2020



Myths of Vegetarian Bodybuilding - Whether you’re a lifelong vegetarian or just recently started phasing meat out of your meals, you’ve probably been confronted with some misconceptions about your dietary choices. Society has led us to believe that we need to eat meat in order to grow big and strong, but that’s not necessarily true. It’s time to pull back the curtain and debunk the vegetarian myths that makes bodybuilders reluctant to consider adopting a plant-based diet.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Whether you’re a lifelong vegetarian or just recently started phasing meat out of your meals, you’ve probably been confronted with some misconceptions about your dietary choices. Society has led us to believe that we need to eat meat in order to grow big and strong, but that’s not necessarily true.


The good news is that there’s a much healthier way to build a strong, beautiful body: vegetarian bodybuilding.


It’s easier than you think to eat more plants and little to no meat. You just need to rethink your protein sources and follow a well-informed meal plan to accommodate your fitness goals.


You can even be a part-time vegetarian and still benefit greatly.


It’s time to pull back the curtain and debunk the vegetarian myths that makes bodybuilders reluctant to consider adopting a plant-based diet.


Myth #1: Vegetarians Don’t Get Enough Protein


This is the most common myth about vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes. While a meat-based protein diet looks more convenient on the surface, a little education and reconditioning go a long way. As a vegan, I get all the protein I need these days, and without much effort.

Although I derive protein from multiple food sources, my primary whole-food protein sources are:


·         Quinoa

·         Tofu

·         Black beans

·         Almonds


Of these, only quinoa and tofu are complete* proteins.


However, I also utilize combinations of incomplete proteins to make up a complete protein meal. For instance:


·         Peanut butter and sprouted bread

·         Beans and rice


Incomplete proteins don’t need to be eaten at the same time in order to be used by the body effectively, as once was thought. You just need to eat these complementary proteins within 24 hours.


Last but not least, I consume plant-based protein shakes throughout the day that make up to 40-50% of my daily protein needs. As a vegetarian bodybuilder it’s almost impossible to dial in my macronutrient ratios otherwise. This practice is consistent with almost every vegetarian bodybuilder I’ve interviewed as well.


Here’s a dairy-free recipe I use: Peanut Butter-Mocha Protein Shake.




·         2 shots espresso, or 1 cup organic iced coffee

·         1 tsp all-natural, no sugar added peanut butter

·         ½ ripe banana

·         4 tbsp. rolled oats (use 2 tbsp for lower carb)

·         1 cup coconut milk

·         1 serving chocolate protein powder

·         1 tbsp. chia seeds

·         6 ice cubes


Serves 1


*Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids your body requires daily, and they are often referred to as high-quality proteins and necessary for optimal muscle growth. Your body breaks down the protein into amino acids, which repair and build tissues in your body, provide energy, and perform numerous other body functions. 


Myth #2: Vegetarian Diets Are Deficient in Essential Nutrients


Many people believe that vegetarian diets lack the nutrients that bodybuilders need to sustain energy for physical exertion. Although there’s some truth behind this myth, it can be easily overcome with vitamin-rich foods and natural supplements.


On a vegetarian diet, you need to closely monitor your intake of vitamin B12, iron, and zinc, because plant-sourced nutrients are absorbed differently in the body than meat-sourced nutrients.


In fact, research published in the “Journal of Clinical Chemistry” found that over 60% of vegetarian test subjects were deficient in vitamin B12, supplements of which are regularly prescribed by doctors.


While you could easily just pop a pill, the best source of nutrients always comes from whole foods. Try incorporating more of these foods into your vegetarian diet to compensate for the absence of meat-sourced nutrients:


Foods rich in vitamin B12:


·         Nutritional yeast

·         Organic spinach

·         Soy milk

·         Yogurt

·         Foods rich in iron:

·         Breakfast cereals

·         Beans

·         Eggs

·         Raisins and prunes

·         Dark green leafy vegetables


Foods rich in zinc:


·         Legumes

·         Nuts

·         Seeds

·         Tofu


Myth #3: Vegetarians Can’t Build Sizable Muscle or Strength


No credible scientific or medical evidence exists to support the idea that vegetarian bodybuilders can’t achieve the same or superior muscularity, proportion, symmetry, and definition as their meat-eating counterparts. Those who say different can only point to biased antidotes, not real science.


Just ask Germany’s strongest man and first ever “Vegan Athlete of the Year,” Patrik Baboumian what he thinks about this myth. His personal bests: Bench 210kg (462lbs), squat 360kg (793lbs), and deadlift 360kg (793lbs).

This man is a beast, plain and simple.


Patrik became a vegetarian in 2005, and he was unsure about how it would affect his performance and strength. Naturally, he expected at least a small inverse effect on both.

Patrik was shocked to find that he was actually making solid gains in muscle mass and strength with a vegetarian diet.


So, what fuels this strongman? Patrik’s main protein sources are tofu, nuts, beans, and soy milk. His sources of carbohydrates are oats, rice, potatoes, and tons of fruits and veggies. As for the remaining calories and macros needed to gain muscle and strength, he uses soy-based protein shakes to fill in the gaps.


I have a similar nutritional profile and outlook. My diet includes complete proteins in combination with complex carbs and healthy fats, and I have no problem making consistent gains.


There are many more examples of vegetarians who dominate, and they’re likely to grow in the months and years to come.


Vegetarian bodybuilders also tend to have more energy than their meat-eating competitors, meaning they can train harder, last longer, and compete better. One thing seems definitely clear: they are happier and less stressed.


Think back to how you feel after eating a huge dinner of meat and potatoes. Heavy foods require a great deal of energy to digest, resulting in lethargy and less energy for your workouts. A plant-based diet is an advantage in bodybuilding—you will recover faster and have more energy.


Myth #4: All Vegetarians Are Healthy


Just because someone considers themselves vegan or vegetarian doesn’t necessarily mean their diet is healthy. Poor food choices are poor food choices, regardless of dietary orientation. Ice cream sundaes, chips, and french fries can be considered “vegetarian foods,” but they certainly aren’t healthy options.


Numerous studies, however, show that those who follow well-balanced vegetarian diets have a lower incidence of obesity and fewer chronic health problems, including some cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.


Myth #5: Vegetarian Diets Are Boring


It’s a common misconception that vegetarian diets seem repetitive and mundane when you compare them to meal plans that are packed with animal products. In actuality, eliminating meat from the equation actually forces you to vary your diet more than ever.


Let’s be honest here for second, bodybuilders and fitness competitors are subjected to a limited menu anyway, so I’m not sure what all the fuss is about.


After interviewing several vegetarians, it became clear to me that they were enjoying a wide range of foods and didn’t feel limited.


Experiment with vegetarian dishes from ethnic cuisines with unique ingredients and exotic spices that you’ve never tried before. Pick up a couple vegetarian cookbooks at your local bookstore, or do a quick online search for protein-rich vegetarian food to fuel your inspiration.


The Future of Fitness


Fear of the unknown accounts for almost every myth about vegetarian bodybuilding. It’s time to wake up to the power of plants.


Let’s face it, the meat industry is a powerful juggernaut that has encouraged our eating habits for decades now. I’m not saying meat itself is the problem. It’s the way meat is being produced that’s the problem.


I used to think that eating more plants and less meat was unappealing and too much of a challenge. Then I realized that being a vegetarian isn’t a chore—it’s a choice. And a good one. Eating more plants and less meat is better for our bodies and our planet.


In a pleasure-seeking society, we also forget that the purpose of nutrition isn’t pleasure. It’s health. A vegetarian diet doesn’t have to be boring by any means. Instead of following the outdated paradigms of the past, pave your own way to nutritional success.


We can retrain ourselves to eat what’s healthy instead of what’s easy. If you’re worried about the social pressures or being insulted, please check out “How to Tell People That You’re Vegetarian” for some guidance.


Instead of succumbing to the long-standing myths perpetuated by cut-and-paste articles spread throughout the Internet, it’s important to learn the truth about building muscle without meat.


The good news is, we are witnessing more health-conscious athletes move toward plant-based nutrition. The market reflects what’s in demand, and we are starting to see this movement go mainstream.


For more information about gaining lean muscle mass by eating a whole food, plant-based diet check out


For topics related to the myths of vegetarian bodybuilding, watch this video - VEGAN DIET: Dispelling The Biggest Myths


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Myths of Vegetarian Bodybuilding


Thursday, November 26, 2020



Are steroids vegan? I wrote this article because it appears that “are steroids vegan” is a popular search on Google these days. To the best of my knowledge, steroids are not vegan*.*But steroids are technically vegetarian. Steroids are found in animals, plants, and even fungi. All steroids are manufactured in cells from the sterols lanosterol (animals and fungi) or cycloartenol (plants).

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

I wrote this article because it appears that “are steroids vegan” is a popular search on Google these days.


To the best of my knowledge, steroids are not vegan*.


*But steroids are technically vegetarian.


Steroids are found in animals, plants, and even fungi. All steroids are manufactured in cells from the sterols lanosterol (animals and fungi) or cycloartenol (plants).


From a nutritional standpoint, vegetarians and vegans don’t need anabolic steroids to bulk up any more than meat-eaters. Vegetarian and vegan bodybuilders tend to be health-conscious people, so they are more likely to shun performance-enhancing drugs.


As vegan bodybuilder, Billy Simmonds commented, “I laugh at the drug tests. I don’t even eat meat!”


ATTENTION: This is not an endorsement of steroids. In no way, am I suggesting that you should use them!


As you know, some bodybuilders decide to take steroids to boost their performance and aesthetics. In moderation, my research shows that not all steroid use is inherently bad.


However, there’s a tendency for their abuse because they work so well.


Let’s take a look at how steroids affect the body, and how a vegan or vegetarian bodybuilding diet can help.


Steroids Used by Bodybuilders


According to the editors at, an unbiased resource that does not promote, discourage, or sell steroids, there are 32 common types of anabolic androgenic steroids used for performance and therapeutic purposes. These are a few of the most common ones used:


·         Anavar (oxandrolone) to promote mass and strength

·         Winstrol (stanozolol) for cutting

·         Anadrol (oxymetholone) to promote conditioning in cutting cycles

·         Dianabol (nandrolone-sypionate) to promote mass, strength, and muscular endurance

·         Tren (trenbolone-enanthate) for extreme metabolic enhancement, cutting, mass and strength

·         Testosterone to promote mass, strength, and muscular endurance


How Steroids Work


Steroid hormones stimulate certain parts of muscles, and this stimulation causes an increase in the production of proteins – one of the many chemicals associated with building muscle mass.


According to Thomas D. Fahey from the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at California State University, steroids work by stimulating receptor molecules in muscle cells, which activate specific genes to produce proteins.


“The effectiveness of anabolic steroids is dependent upon unbound receptor sites in muscle,” he wrote. “Intense strength training may increase the number of unbound receptor sites. This would increase the effectiveness of anabolic steroids.”


Short-Term Side Effects


A medical study published in Sports Medicine found that short-term administration of steroids can increase strength by about 5-20% and increase body weight in increments of 2-5 kilograms. However, the study found that steroids had little to no effect on fat mass or athletic endurance.


Regardless of diet choices, bodybuilding steroids may result in the following short-term side effects:


·         Hormone imbalances

·         High blood pressure

·         Mood changes and depression

·         Difficulty sleeping

·         Increase in sex drive and aggression

·         Increased body hair growth


The Center for Substance Abuse Research cites the following as short-term physical side effects of anabolic steroids on both men and women:


·         Acne

·         Fluid retention

·         Rapid weight gain

·         Improved healing

·         Improved appetite

·         Headaches


Long-Term Side Effects


There are absolutely no long-term scientific studies done on steroids as of today despite the bombardment of how media portrays the topic. Only speculation and antidotes exist. That being said, here are three “strong possibilities” for long-term physical side effects of anabolic steroids:


·         Reduced sexual functioning

·         Liver damage (oral steroids)

·         Reproductive organ impairment


How Eating Plants Can Benefit Steroid Users


Without exception, proper nutrition is the best supplement for any bodybuilding training routine. According to fitness expert and author, Gary Matthews, “Most steroids allow faster muscle growth through greater recovery, while others help increase strength which allows for greater stress to be put onto a muscle.


“Without food to build the muscle or training to stimulate it nothing will happen. Most of the weight gain seen with the use of some steroids is due to water retention and is not actual muscle.”


Whether taken intravenously, intramuscularly, orally, or topically, the way steroids work in the body is very complex. If you’re going to take steroids, you’re best off keeping your diet as simple as possible.


Since vegetarian diets tend to be rich in high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates, plant-based meals are well suited to process steroids in the body.


Your body can only utilize steroids if enough protein is present, so you must get enough plant-based protein in your diet. Since steroids have a cholesterol nucleus in their structure, you need to have enough cholesterol in your diet to synthesize the steroids.


As strength coach, Mark Rippetoe, and Lon Kilgore, Ph.D. point out in their book, Practical Programming for Strength Training, cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone production in the body.


Since steroids can cause blood potassium levels to decrease, you’ll need to get enough potassium in your diet. And if you’re taking oral steroids, which irritate the gastric mucosa and increase HCL secretions, you’ll need to eat foods that neutralize HCL levels.

Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D., author of The Metabolism Advantage points out that dietary fats also come into play because they assist the body’s natural functioning and are critical to tissue regeneration.


While taking steroids, it’s also important to eat five or six meals per day, at the same time each day. Research has shown that regular meals in short intervals induce the body to continuously release insulin.


This is key since insulin transports amino acids to the muscle cell and the body is in an anabolic state. An irregular eating schedule is counterproductive to your fitness routine.


Vegetarian Foods to Eat While Taking Steroids


·         Protein-rich foods like quinoa, soy milk, seitan, and peanut butter

·         Complex carbohydrate-rich foods like zucchini, potatoes, beans, and asparagus

·         Cholesterol-rich foods like eggs with yolk, dried fruits, cashews, and almonds

·         Potassium rich foods like bananas, apricots, and dates

·         Foods that neutralize HCL like bananas, yogurt, and ginger


Foods to Avoid While Taking Steroids


·         Spicy foods

·         Alcohol and carbonated drinks

·         Lemons, oranges, and other citric fruits

·         Coffee and tea with caffeine

·         Salty foods


Veganism Is Typically Not Anabolic


Eating a vegan diet does not cause extraordinary muscle growth. Generally speaking, a vegan diet consists of a lot of carbohydrates, low fat, and low protein. These are virtually the worst conditions to build muscle and for natural testosterone production (testosterone is derived from cholesterol).


Vegan bodybuilders have to work hard to engineer their meal plans towards a low-carb, high-fat, high-protein diet. Adding coconut oil, MCT oil, avocado, veggie burgers, vegan protein powders and you can get back in the game easily.


What this means:


Yes, it is harder to build muscle from a standard vegan diet, but not impossible, and you can make the suggested modifications to get into an anabolic state.




While some vegetarian and vegan bodybuilders view their dietary choices as a form of rebellion against steroid culture, others depend upon steroids to supplement their fitness routine.


Most medical professionals advise against steroid use for performance purposes, but there are ways to lessen the side effects if you choose to use them.


Whether or not you choose to use steroids is a personal choice.


Our goal here at is not to pass judgment, but to reveal the facts.


A plant-based diet won’t eliminate the negative side effects caused by steroid use, but it can help provide your body with the natural nutrients it needs to restore balance.


For topics related to steroids vegan, watch this video - What Happens When You Take Steroids?


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Facts about Steroids Vegan


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