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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Here’s 11 Gluten-Free Tips That Will Make You Healthier


One huge part of the Paleo lifestyle is to go gluten-free. There are several reasons you might want to go gluten-free, especially if you have Celiac disease or are gluten intolerant. Here’s 11 gluten-free tips that will make you healthier.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

One huge part of the Paleo lifestyle is to go gluten-free. There are several reasons you might want to go gluten-free, especially if you have Celiac disease or are gluten intolerant.

Wheat (and other gluten grains) can cause leaky gut syndrome, is inflammatory, is hard to digest, and when refined, offers very little nutrition. Many people might be allergic or intolerant to gluten and don’t even know it.

One of the best ways to find out if you have a problem with gluten is to cut it from your diet for at least 30 days and re-introduce it to watch for symptoms.

About Gluten

Gluten is the protein in grains that make it chewy and stretchy. It’s also added to processed foods as a thickening agent and is commonly used in meat substitutes.

How to Go Gluten-Free

Don’t be scared or overwhelmed; while gluten does appear in a lot of different foods, it’s not impossible to avoid. If you go Paleo, it’s even easier, because gluten is found in processed foods. As we know, one of the main “no” foods with Paleo is anything in the processed food category.

Gluten-Free Tips to Make It Easier

There are some ways to make it easier on yourself to go gluten-free. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming! There are a lot of foods you can eat and you’re not going to live a life of deprivation if you give up gluten. Here are some ways to make your lifestyle change a positive one.

Learn What You Have To Avoid

First off, you won’t be successful if you don’t know what you’re supposed to avoid. Things you can’t eat include anything with wheat, barley, rye, and anything made from those grains. Obviously, “gluten” is not allowable.

If you’re Celiac, you’ll also have to avoid using utensils or other kitchen equipment that comes in contact with gluten-containing foods. There are also grains that have a high risk of cross-contamination.

Here’s a list of things to avoid:

  • Bran
  • Wheat bran/starch/germ
  • Orzo
  • Panko
  • Seltan
  • Udon
  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Barley extract or malt
  • Couscous
  • Faro
  • Kamut
  • Spelt
  • Triticale
  • Semolina
  • Durum
  • Malt (and malt vinegar)
  • Matzo meal or flour
  • Seitan
  • Farina
  • Rye
  • Beer, lager, or ale
  • Anything cooked in beer
  • Ramen noodles
  • Most sauces (check the label)
  • Most soy sauce (again, check the label)
  • Instant soups or gravies
  • Chocolate and chocolate chips
  • Puddings
  • Ice cream
  • Instant coffees

Enjoy the Foods You Can Eat

Don’t be sad about the foods you can’t eat; celebrate the ones you can! Besides all the whole, real foods out there to enjoy, there are also a lot of gluten-free options available these days. Sure, you’ll pay more for them, but if you really want a sandwich or a cookie, you do have options that don’t include gluten.

Read Labels!

This is probably one of the most important tips for going gluten-free. The sneaky protein hides in a lot of places you might not expect, so be sure to read all labels. Know which items contain gluten (see the list above for help) and avoid those foods that contain any of those ingredients.

Learn Which Takeout Is Gluten-Free

If you eat a lot of takeout, you’ll likely have to change your habits. Anything fried (Japanese, Chinese, or Southern fried chicken) is out but there are options that don’t include wheat.

A lot of the options on Indian menus are gluten-free since they don’t use pasta, and yogurt is commonly used as a thickener. Ask the restaurant to be sure, though. Some of the breads are even made from chickpea flour rather than wheat.

This “6 Tips for Staying Paleo When at Restaurants” guide is really helpful for when you’re just beginning your Paleo journey.

Eat More Produce

You’ll never have to worry about gluten when you eat fruits and vegetables! Just remember: corn is a grain, is often GMO, and might be cross-contaminated. You’re better off to avoid it altogether. You’ll also enjoy a host of other benefits when you increase your fruit and vegetable intake; they’re chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Make Your Own Sauces and Dressings

Most bottled salad dressings and pre-packaged gravies, dips, and sauces contain gluten since it’s a commonly-used thickener. Besides allowing you to avoid gluten, if you make your own, they’ll taste better and be healthier. Most of these items contain soybean oil, unnecessary sugar, and preservatives.

Don’t worry, most sauces and dressings, like this Paleo Caesar Salad Dressing, are really easy to make.

Try Out Quinoa

You can use quinoa a lot like oats or couscous. It’s not a grain; it’s actually a seed. It has tons of protein and fiber and absorbs flavors from other ingredients.

Enjoy Rice

You can get rice in many different varieties: jasmine, brown, basmati, white, and more. It’s fairly inexpensive, cooks up easily, and can also be used in gluten-free pasta options.

Use Tamari Instead Of Soy Sauce

If you can’t find gluten-free soy sauce, and still want to eat your sushi (who wouldn’t?), then you can try out tamari. It’s actually a type of soy sauce and it’s usually wheat free. Look for it at bigger grocery stores or Asian supermarkets.

Get Yourself a Bread Machine

If you can’t give up bread, and don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on store-bought gluten-free loaves, now’s the time to learn to make your own. Get a bread machine and try out some recipes.

If you’d rather, you can even make bread in your oven with bread pans. There are some fantastic recipes out there like this bread made from coconut flour.

Be Kind to Yourself

Unless you’re Celiac, it’s not a matter of life or death for you to be 100 percent successful in cutting out gluten all at once. If you need to, cut it out a bit at a time until you’re entirely gluten-free.

Don’t feel bad about transitioning to gluten-free options if you don’t want to cut out bread and baked goods entirely. Just be proud of yourself for taking this step.

Watch this video – How To Enjoy A Healthy Gluten-Free Diet

Written by The PaleoHacks Team

Author Bio:

PaleoHacks is an online paleo diet community that promotes a healthy lifestyles through primal methods. PaleoHacks started as a way for people share recipes, ideas and general opinions about the Paleolithic lifestyle. Now, whether it be the paleo diet, physical fitness or overall wellness, PaleoHacks has evolved into an online resource for healthy living. check us out on Facebook.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

What Is Gluten and Is It Bad For You?


What Is Gluten and Is It Bad For You? Gluten is everywhere you go and everywhere you look. But if you think you’re safe from gluten affecting your health, you may want to read this first.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

What is gluten? Gluten is everywhere you go and everywhere you look. But if you think you’re safe from gluten affecting your health, you may want to read this first.

Your family, friends, and coworkers are talking about it. You’ve seen it on restaurant menus and grocery store shelves. Flip open a page of your favorite magazine, and you’ll find a story about a celebrity going gluten-free.

What’s going on here? Are all the people ditching gluten just following the latest health trend? Not exactly. They’re on to something deeper.

Let’s talk about why. Keep reading to get the scoop on gluten… and why eliminating it from your diet is one of the best moves you can make for your health.

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein composite found in grains. Wheat is the most well-known gluten source, but you can also find it in rye, barley, spelt, and all kinds of other grains. More on those in just a bit.

Gluten is made up of two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is the one that gives people problems after they eat it.

When you mix flour made from gluten-containing grains with water, gluten is what makes the mixture sticky. It’s what helps bread dough stretch and allows it to rise when you bake it.

That doesn’t sound so terrible, so why is gluten getting so much attention?

Why Should You Care?

Did you know that a scientific review published in the New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 diseases that can be caused by eating gluten?

It’s true. There’s an incredible range of conditions – everything from fatigue and canker sores, to osteoporosis and inflammatory bowel disease – associated with eating this seemingly innocent protein.

Gluten causes trouble by making the body inflamed, resulting in effects all throughout the body. This means gluten can affect your brain just as well as it can affect your joints or digestive tract. The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 diseases that can be caused by eating gluten.

Most people struggling with inflammation-related conditions focus on treating them at the surface level. They take medications to minimize the symptoms of the condition, but they have to keep taking these medications because they never get to the root of the problem.

If you’re struggling with a chronic health issue – or even if you feel okay – eliminating gluten can have an incredible impact on your health. The Greek physician Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine”. And more and more scientific research is proving he was right. It might be time to change your “prescription”.

Here are just a few ways eating gluten can jeopardize your health:

Gluten Promotes Inflammation and Digestive Issues

Millions of us struggle with digestive issues or “leaky gut” syndrome. The typical modern diet and lifestyle kills off beneficial gut bacteria and causes harmful gut bacteria to thrive. Once things get out of balance, we set ourselves up for all kinds of problems like autoimmune diseasesinflammatory bowel diseasechronic fatigue and depression.

More and more research is coming out naming gluten as one of the major culprits here. It disrupts the barrier of the intestine, which allows harmful substances to leak through into the bloodstream.

About 14 percent of Americans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (“IBS”), which causes all kinds of digestive problems. Gluten makes IBS symptoms worse and, in some cases, might cause IBS in the first place.

As you’ll see more fully below, you don’t have to have an official celiac disease or gluten intolerance diagnosis to be negatively affected. The gluten in the foods you’ve been eating all your life could be behind that mysterious inflammation or digestive problem your doctor can’t figure out.

But it doesn’t stop there…

Gluten Disrupts Healthy Brain Function

Because gluten causes your system to become inflamed, the negative effects aren’t limited to specific places in the body. Your brain can suffer just like your body can.

Did you know that gluten-free diets are one of the most popular ways parents help their children address Autism symptoms?

One study found that the stricter autistic children stuck to a gluten-free diet, the more their physiological symptoms and social behaviors improved. Another study discovered a subset of children with autism had an enhanced reaction to gluten.

Scientists have explored the link between mental health and wheat consumption for over 50 years now. Some research found that some schizophrenia patients experienced huge improvements when they stopped eating gluten.

A gluten-free diet could be key in resolving long-term symptoms. It could also explain why schizophrenia is so rare in places like the Pacific Islands (where a study found only two in 65,000 people had psychotic schizophrenia symptoms).

Eliminating gluten can also reduce symptoms of depression. In one case study, switching to a gluten-free diet improved a young girl’s mood and got her to stop verbalizing suicidal thoughts. Another trial reported that eating gluten increased depression symptoms in groups of patients – even though they self-reported as not being sensitive to gluten.

Isn’t Gluten Only an Issue If You Have Celiac Disease?

“I don’t have celiac disease. That means I don’t have to worry about gluten, right?”

A lot of people are under that impression. Without an official diagnosis, they think the dangers of gluten just don’t apply to them.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder whereby your immune system attacks the small intestine whenever you consume gluten. Over time, this can lead to all kinds of health issues like fatigue, malnutrition, joint pain and depression.

Skeptics point out that only about one percent of the population have been officially diagnosed with celiac disease, so most people don’t have to worry about gluten.

However, it’s estimated that 83 percent of celiac disease sufferers either haven’t been diagnosed or have been misdiagnosed with other conditions.

And focusing on celiac disease alone misses the bigger picture. There’s a spectrum of gluten tolerance. Just because you don’t have celiac disease doesn’t mean you’re immune to gluten’s harmful effects.

A Much More Widespread Problem Than We Thought

Gluten intolerance (or gluten sensitivity), another disorder where you react badly to gluten, is much more common than celiac disease. Research from Australia found it’s much more widespread than experts thought: about 50 percent of the population has genetic markers linked to gluten sensitivity.

Even if you don’t have gluten intolerance, gluten can still cause negative effects.

One study found that people with irritable bowel syndrome (who weren’t gluten intolerant) who ate gluten had more bloating, pain and fatigue than those who didn’t.

Most of us have been eating gluten regularly for as long as we can remember. We might not even realize the damage it’s doing because we just think of the way we feel as “normal”.

Wheat itself has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Today’s wheat contains more gluten and fewer vitamins and minerals than the grains our ancestors ate, which explains why the percentage of people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance is increasing so quickly.

Bottom line: you don’t have to have a celiac diagnosis – or even gluten intolerance – to be affected. A lot more people are intolerant to it than previously thought, and compelling new research is supporting this. The number of people with gluten intolerance will probably keep increasing as wheat’s nutritional profile is changed.

Which Foods Have Gluten in Them?

Most people don’t know just how widespread the gluten problem is. This stuff is everywhere. Gluten is in plenty of foods, of course, but you can also find it in everything from toothpaste and beverages to medications and cosmetic products.

The only way to know for sure is to check your labels religiously. Better yet: avoid foods that come in packages and boxes the best you can.

Here’s a list of foods and drinks in which gluten is usually found:

  • Baked goods (cakes, cookies, donuts, muffins, pretzels)
  • Beer
  • Bread
  • Cereal
  • Crackers
  • Food additives
  • Pasta
  • Pizza
  • Salad dressings
  • Sauces
  • Soup mixes

What About Gluten-Free Snacks and Treats?

A 2013 survey found that about one in three Americans are trying to avoid gluten in their diets.  Going gluten-free is one of the most popular trends in health…

And it didn’t take long for food companies to notice. Many have changed their strategies to meet the demand. They’re creating new gluten-free versions of processed foods and emphasizing existing products which happen to be gluten-free.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are getting fooled at the grocery store. Buying something just because it’s gluten-free (or because there’s a fancy new gluten-free version), doesn’t magically make an unhealthy food healthy.

This kind of thinking leads people to buy potato chips and expensive cookies (which are still loaded with sugar) just because they don’t contain gluten. A lot of gluten-free versions are heavily processed and still junk foods. Looking at all the ingredients is the only way to be sure.

You’re better off making your own Paleo treats at home so you know exactly what’s going into your food. You’ll save money this way, too!

Try An Elimination Diet

Is gluten a bad fit for you? The only way to know for sure is to eliminate it from your diet for at least a month, reintroduce it gradually, and pay attention to the effects.

A better idea: don’t bother!

Even if your body can tolerate gluten, the foods that contain it have other issues which can destroy your health. That means the upside of eating gluten is nonexistent.

What should you do instead?

Focus on the basics. Quality animal protein and fruits and vegetables were enough for our ancestors to thrive on. And they’re enough for you to thrive on too!

Watch this video – What is Gluten and Is It Bad for You? | The Science

Written by Corey Pemberton

Author Bio:

Corey Pemberton is a freelance writer, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and Paleo health enthusiast. Ever since he discovered the ancestral health movement five years ago, he has explored different ways to incorporate ancestral wisdom into his nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle at large. One of his favorite topics is challenging long-held nutrition myths. Feel free to stop by his website or say hello on Twitter.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables and How to Cook Them


Everyone’s dietary needs are different. Some people thrive on moderate carb diets, while others choose to follow low-carb diets. Whatever your dietary practices are, you can always benefit from adding more veggies to your plate. Here are the 10 best low-carb vegetables and how to cook them.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Cut carbs and add healthy greens to your diet, with these 10 low-carb veggie swaps!

Everyone’s dietary needs are different. Some people thrive on moderate carb diets, while others choose to follow low-carb diets. Whatever your dietary practices are, you can always benefit from adding more veggies to your plate.

High-carb foods are popular fixtures on the American household. Bread, sodas, and potato chips are all things Americans have grown accustomed to. However, they can easily be upgraded to healthier options.

Many low-carb vegetable swaps can satisfy your carb-laden food cravings, without killing your diet. Cauliflower is a magically versatile vegetable you can swap in for rice, mashed potatoes, and even pizza crust.

Eggplants make a surprising, but delicious, tortilla substitute. And the ever-popular zucchini noodles are an easy way to swap out pasta.

With that said, get ready to satiate your carb cravings and pile on the low-carb veggies with this handy list of Paleo-approved upgrades!

Swap Rice for Cauliflower Rice

You’re probably familiar with cauliflower rice. It’s an easy substitute for traditional rice and can be found in your local grocery store. Cauliflower is a low-carb, grain-free alternative that mimics the same texture and flavor of conventional rice. Think of it as a blank canvas, ready to soak up all the flavors you season it with!

Easily recreate Asian dishes, like this copycat Cauliflower Shrimp Fried Rice, or use it in Spanish dishes, like in this How To Make Seafood Paella Using Cauliflower Rice.

Swap Tortillas for Swiss Chard

Who doesn’t love a tortilla for wrapping tacos, enchiladas and burritos? Unfortunately, most tortillas are made with wheat, flour, or corn – making them unsuitable for the Paleo lifestyle. Even Paleo-friendly tortillas are made with high-carb starches like tapioca flour.

Swiss chard, on the other hand, is a great vegetable to incorporate into your diet. This green veggie is low-carb and high in vitamins K, AC. Plus, it’s sturdy enough to hold and wrap your favorite meat and veggie fillings!

Swap Pasta for Zucchini Noodles

Compared to traditional pastas and other veggie noodles (like sweet potato noodles), zucchini noodles are a better option for staying low-carb. They’re also a great source of folate, potassium, and beta carotenes (for optimal eye health).

Create twisty strands of zucchini noodles using a spiralizer or use a vegetable peeler to create thick ribbon-style noodles. Try using them in a fresh Greek pasta salad or as “pasta” drizzled in tahini bacon sauce.

Swap Bread for Portobello Mushrooms

If you’re looking for a low-carb food, look no further than Portobello mushrooms. Mushrooms contain natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to help keep you brain and digestive health on track.

When grilled, baked, or sautéed, they make perfectly pliable burger buns or sandwich slices you can stuff with your favorite proteins and toppings. Give these Paleo Turkey Burgers a try or check out this Portobello mushroom topped with crispy bacon and eggs.

Swap French Fries for Carrot Fries

Looking for something that offers a crisp, starchy, texture with fewer carbs? Carrot fries are the way to go! You can bake them with coconut oil or avocado olive oil and season them generously with fresh herbs and spices of your choice.

Best of all, they go great with Paleo dipping sauces and are way better for you than traditional French fries – especially since white potatoes clock in at about 37 grams of carbohydrates.

Swap Sweet Potatoes for Pumpkin

Sweet potatoes are a Paleo food classic, but they are relatively high in carbs. If you’re looking for something a bit lower in carbs, try opting for pumpkin instead.

Similar to sweet potatoes, pumpkin has a light sweet taste that packs in plenty of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients in just one serving. One cup of pumpkin offers eight grams of carbs as opposed to the 27 grams found in sweet potatoes.

Pumpkin works as a one-for-one substitute, meaning one cup of cubed pumpkin will work just as well as one cup of cubed sweet potato. The same goes for puréed measurements, often used in desserts. Try this low-carb Apple Pumpkin Soup with Garlic & Onion for a nutrient-dense meal.

Swap Potato Chips for Kale Chips

Crispy, salty-fried potato chips are a go-to snack for many Americans. They’re addictively tasty and convenient, but have a high-carb count that averages about 15 grams per ounce. Besides, who eats just one ounce of potato chips? Fortunately, kale chips are a healthier alternative and way lower in carbs.

Instead of frying them in grease, kale chips are oven-baked for a satisfying crunch that can be flavored in many ways. Mimic all your classic chip flavors by adding similar herbs and spices to kick up the taste.

And since kale is a superfood, you can bet it’s high in iron and antioxidants. It’s the perfect detox food that can boost your overall health. Try these Nacho “Cheese” Kale Chips or opt for these paprika-sprinkled Kale Chips to see for yourself!

Swap Soda for Infused Sparkling Water

You know about high-carb foods like potatoes and bread, but have you considered that you may be drinking a fair share of carbs, too? Sugary soft drinks and juices are high in carbs and can pack in a hefty amount of sugar – averaging up to 39 grams of carbs in just one 12-ounce soda.

Water is an easy alternative you can easily infuse with fruits, herbs, veggies, and even flowers. You can even switch up to sparkling water and add a bit of lemon with herbs to satiate your cravings for something fizzy – no carbs included. Mix up natural ingredients to keep things interesting and check out these 5 Infused Water Recipes to Help You Hydrate for ideas.

Swap Mashed Potatoes for Mashed Cauliflower

Creamy mashed potatoes are a mainstay of American holiday dinners. They’re typically served alongside giant hunks of meat and can pack a pretty high-carb count when loaded with butter and cream.

To maintain that decadent creaminess, simply sub in mashed cauliflower instead! It’ll mimic the texture of traditional mashed potatoes while preserving a neutral base to season with fresh herbs and spices. Try serving it with meatballs and gravy using this Mashed Garlic Cauliflower recipe.

Swap Pizza Crust for Cauliflower Crust

Pizza has a bad reputation for being greasy, cheese-laden, and full of gluten. Luckily, it can be made into a Paleo-friendly entree by swapping in cauliflower. Cauliflower offers high levels of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and vitamin K. Plus, cauliflower crust only requires a handful of ingredients to make – give this easy sheet pan cauliflower pizza a try!

Watch this video – 7 Low-Carb Veggie Dinners

Written by Courtney Hamilton

Author Bio:

Courtney Hamilton is a writer and editor who has covered everything from food to politics. When she’s not dreaming up Paleo-friendly eats and conversations, you can find her trying to get her preschooler to eat his veggies.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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