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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

9 Science-Backed Reasons to Have More Sex


We all know to partake in regular physical activity to stay in better shape, lose weight, and reduce stress — but what about regular sex? The benefits of sex don’t just come from your floor-shaking orgasm — there is a long list of positive scientific benefits behind your favorite night time activity. Here are 9 science-backed reasons to have more sex.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

If you’re single and grouchy, there might be some science behind it. While sex has many different connotations, meanings and implications, the science behind it is the same.

We all know to partake in regular physical activity to stay in better shape, lose weight, and reduce stress — but what about regular sex?

The benefits of sex don’t just come from your floor-shaking orgasm — there is a long list of positive scientific benefits behind your favorite nighttime activity. When we are done with stress-filled days, we often feel we need some kind of release and comfort. Tend to reach for nutritionally empty, sugary foods after a long day at work?

Science has shown that this may give you close to the same neuronal effect as being intimate with another person. 

Besides staying lean, check out the following 9 benefits that regular sex can have — you may want to rethink your game plan!

1. More Restful Sleep

Since sleep loss is cumulative, and most of us do not get enough shut-eye, it is worth noting that regular sex helps us find more restful sleep.

Sex releases the hormone oxytocin, which decreases the production of stress-inducing cortisol. You’re left feeling more relaxed, making falling asleep easier. With only about 50 percent of us get enough sleep, it might be time to swap counting sheep for a more physical nightcap.

2. Improved Mood

One undeniable benefit of a sexual conquest: an improved mood. Researchers have found that sex activates a part of the brain that is also activated when doing other pleasurable activities, like eating dark chocolate or playing with a cute puppy.

Science (more specifically) says that there is increased dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens (the pleasure center of the brain) when we partake in sexual activity. As good a reason as any!

3. Pain Relief

Our hormones run our lives (especially when we’re younger). With that in mind, it’s important to note that regular sexual activity can release a slew of beneficial, pain-relieving hormones, leaving us feeling better than before we started.

The next time you reach for the Tylenol, head in between the sheets instead. Intercourse was shown to relieve the pain from migraines and cluster headaches, according to a study published in the journal Cephalalgia.

“There’s a [portion] of patients with migraines, about one-third, who experience relief from a migraine attack by sexual activity,” explained researcher Stefan Evers, a neurologist and headache specialist from the University of Münster.

4. Helps Reduce Risk of Cancer

While I do not want to overstate the reduction here, it is still worth noting that some studies back this point up. One of the most convincing studies showed that more frequent ejaculation correlated with a decrease in prostate cancer risk. In this study, ejaculating 21 or more times per month was associated with a lower risk of developing cancer.

For women, some sources even report that sex may be able to help lower the risk of breast cancer. These studies both use correlative means, not causative mechanisms, so the exact scientific reasons behind these lowered risks remain murky.

My guess would be that sex helps to lower anxiety and stress, which should definitely help to lower your risk of developing cancer. While there are plenty of other measures you should take to lower your risk of developing cancer, like improving your diet and getting regular exercise, it also makes sense to incorporate more frequent sexual activity.

5. Reduces Your Chances of Getting Sick

Surprisingly, some studies have found that we are much less likely to get a cold or the flu if we are having sex regularly. Pretty amazing, right?

Even having sex one to two times per week has been linked directly to higher levels of immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which is a substance found in saliva and the nasal lining. Why is this important? IgA has been shown to help our immune systems fight off common illnesses like colds and flu.

6. Improves Your Brain Power

This may be a good benefit to mention to your significant other. Scientists have found that more neurons are present in the hippocampus when you partake in more regular sexual activity. That means more sex and more brain power. Not a bad combination.

Some studies even go so far as to suggest that certain brain activities (like analytical thinking) may be improved with more frequent sex. Being a big nerd myself, this point might be my favorite reason to lead a more active sex life.

7. Improves Overall Fitness Level

While it’s not exactly the same as hitting the treadmill or lifting heavy weights, sex does lead to an improved fitness level. While sex does not burn as many calories as we might have been led to believe, 30 minutes of sexual activity can burn more than 100 calories.

This doesn’t mean you can completely skip the gym, but it does give you some extra incentive to spend more time in the bedroom. Remember — every little bit helps!

8. Reduces Your Risk of Heart Disease

Similar to my earlier point about cancer reduction, this benefit should not be overstated, but studies do show a lower risk of heart disease in those who enjoy sex more regularly. Specifically, researchers found that having sex just twice per week can cut the risk of heart disease by a whopping 50 percent!

While certainly not the only lifestyle intervention that should be considered when looking to lower one’s risk of heart disease, having frequent sex certainly isn’t the worst thing for your heart health. Some studies also seem to support the idea that more frequent sex can also help lower one’s risk of heart attack, as well.

9. Lowers Blood Pressure

Since many in our country are afflicted with high blood pressure, this is a particularly important point to note. One of the hormones released during orgasm, oxytocin, directly helps in lowering blood pressure.

High blood pressure, however, affects blood flow to the pelvis and can have an impact on the sex lives of both women and men. Women who already have high blood pressure may have a lowered libido, while men are twice as likely to lose their erection compared with those who have normal blood pressure.  Just another reason to maintain an active sex life!


There you have it, nine reasons to incorporate more sex into your daily life. Most couples report that, on average, they have sex once a week. Experts agree that this is a good amount to keep most happy, with no additional benefits being observed at higher frequencies.

So if you’re in a bit of a slump, send this article to your partner and see how they respond! You might just improve your health in a really fun way! And if you’re single, don’t worry — some studies show that masturabation may help lower the risk of certain forms of cancer.

Sex (whether alone or with a partner) helps us feel more relaxed, less stressed, and happier. And that can go a long, long way!

Watch this video – 15 Surprising Science-based HEALTH BENEFITS OF SEX for Males and Females!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

Kelsey Alea, is a certified nutritional therapist at PaleoHacks. She is the author of the Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook. The cookbook features 80 mouth-watering Keto slow cooker recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. It is a perfect cookbook for those who want to indulge, save time in the kitchen, and stay in ketosis.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

7 Sex Tips Every Man Needs to Know


Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

True sexual fulfillment comes from playful and sincere experiences of emotional and physical intimacy. Before we dive into these tips, keep a playful spirit in mind.

Bringing inner conflicts, needs, and suppressions into a sexual experience will ruin it.

Remember, sex can be and is supposed to be pleasurable. Even as you explore the tips suggested here, keep this core idea in mind. From that point, sexual performance and stamina can be improved with much less effort.

Here are some simple tips that can help transform your sex life into bliss:

Study the Kama Sutra

Kama Sutra is one of the original required sutras for Brahmans. Kama literally means lust, love, or desire, and Sutra basically means instruction or manual. So the Kama Sutra is literally the handbook or manual for handling lust, love, and desire.

Within the Sutra is a technique for delaying ejaculation and increasing stamina. The exercise suggests that men start slow – keeping each penetration slow, roughly every three seconds – slowly increasing the number of strokes over time.

If the sensation for orgasm comes too soon, then it is suggested to stay inside his partner until he regains control and continue slowly. I suggest getting a copy of the Kama Sutra Vatsyayana for further details and timeless wisdom on the topic.

Watch this video – Kama Sutra: Key Secrets and Positions

Lose Your Mind

Performance anxiety is the number one assassin of sexual performance. Instead of constantly thinking and worrying about your sexual performance, just watch your worried thoughts as they appear or maybe even share them with your partner.

By keeping our thoughts to ourselves, they only grow. By sharing them, we take away their power.

You can also shift your focus away from the mind and to the body. The Kama Sutra suggests paying a lot of attention to breathing during sex. This gets us out of our heads and back into our bodies – making it easier to focus on the senses and feelings the body is experiencing during sex.

This is a major turn on for your partner as well; nobody likes a wandering anxious mind. A great tantric breathing practice is to simply synchronize your breath with your partner’s — observe your partner’s breath and match theirs to your own.

You can even communicate together on length of breath, inhaling for three seconds and exhaling for six and then together, observe the space between inhale and exhale.

You do not need to maintain this throughout the entire sex act, but as a starting place, you will begin the process of aligning your entire bodies together.

Practicing controlled breathing during sex will not only help you last longer, but also make sex more pleasurable by releasing feel-good endorphins.

Switch it Up

One of the best things you can do if you feel you are getting to the end too soon is to switch things up – alter your speed, change positions, go for a kiss or try a bit of teasing.

A little foreplay can go a long way. Instead of jumping right to penetration, explore each other’s bodies a bit more.

Don’t be afraid to change things up and get creative. However, don’t get too creative – ask your partner first what she likes.

Keep the changes subtle, such as turning over positions, wandering touches, or holding place and focusing on a kiss.

Slow it Down

When it comes to sex, and most areas of life, good control boils down to lightness of touch.

Keep in mind, the focus doesn’t have to be solely on the sex organs. There’s plenty of pleasure to be found over the body as a whole, so explore!

Slow down and give attention to her body as a whole, paying fine detail to every crevice, curve, and soft place there is.

And when it comes to the vagina, explore outside the clitoris and G-spot. The vagina is a cluster of 8,000 nerve endings just waiting to be stimulated – a proper yoni massage can be a great way to set the mood and keep things lasting.

Start by creating a cozy space. Make sure your partner is relaxed and in a comfortable position. Set the scene to be sweet and peaceful.

Next, start warming things up. Temperature is key and this is where foreplay can help. From here get things wet — lubrication is key. If your partner is turned on enough, this may be unnecessary; however, if needed, wet your fingers or lips before exploring your woman’s yoni.

Now before you start, you’ll want to know where to look and what to touch. If you’re facing the vagina you’ll find the hood of the clitoris and labia. Start by getting blood flow to the vagina by slowly caressing the labia and outer lips of the vagina.

Slowly work your way up to the most sensitive part of the female body, the clitoris. Most people confuse the clitoris with the hood (clitoral glans) at the opening of the vagina. The clitoral glans is visible from the outside; however, the other three quarters of clitoris is inside the body.

Once your lady has warmed up and is feeling relaxed (pay attention to her breath for cues) you can make your way to stimulating the clitoris.

This part of the vagina is the most sensitive. When touching it, be very, very gentle, you do not need to place much pressure. Rest your fingers and palm underneath her butt and very gently use your thumb to move the clitoris in a circular motion.

Most importantly, while you are pleasing your woman, completely forget any sort of destination for orgasm and enjoy the journey.

Try Kegels

There are exercises that can be done to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle called kegels. This muscle is also referred to as the PC muscle or pubococcygeus muscle.

Studies have shown that women who practice kegels daily, 10 sets for 10 reps, have reduced stress levels.  This can be helpful on its own, considering that theoretically, physiological stress decreases sex drive. Also, stress related to sexual arousal or performance anxiety can decrease sexual arousal.

Kegels can help by triggering good blood flow to the penis. To learn the best way to practice kegels, you can practice next time you’re at the urinal.

While you are urinating, try stopping the flow of urine – that is the PC muscle. Once located, simply do this exercise for a few minutes daily. Start with just 10 breathing repetitions by flexing the PC muscle on an inhale and release it on an exhale — it’s that simple!

Get Herbal Support

Ashwagandha, also known as withania somnifera, has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac and remedy for male sexual dysfunction and infertility.

Because the kidneys are responsible for producing sex and stress hormones, it’s important to keep stress levels low, so the kidneys can instead focus on producing more anabolic hormones like testosterone.

This is what makes Ashwagandha great – it is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body, specifically the kidneys, better adapt to stress.

There are plenty of other adaptogenic herbs that help boost fertility and stronger sex drive, such as cistanche and rehmannia.

Eat Paleo

The food we eat has a major impact on our sex drive. Low libido is often a result of hormonal imbalance, specifically low bioavailable testosterone.

It would be a good idea to avoid foods that elevate estrogen levels, such as unfermented soy, which has been associated with erectile dysfunction.  Moderate consumption of fermented soy may be fine.

Also, a strict vegetarian diet that focuses on consumption of plenty of nuts and beans has been linked to hormonal changes in testosterone.

However, sticking to a whole foods diet that is rich in organic fresh vegetables, low in sugar, and contains moderate amounts of healthy fats is optimal for hormone health and thus a strong sex drive. A few specific foods to consume for healthy testosterone levels are pastured eggs, beef, and oysters.

Still want some more sex tips every man needs to know? Watch these 2 videos below:

What Every Man Needs to Know About Women

7 Secrets Women Don’t Want Men to Know

Written by Nick Kowalski

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

Kelsey Alea, is a certified nutritional therapist at PaleoHacks. She is the author of the Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook. The cookbook features 80 mouth-watering Keto slow cooker recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. It is a perfect cookbook for those who want to indulge, save time in the kitchen, and stay in ketosis.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

The Best and Worst Foods for Sex Revealed Here


If you’re looking to create romance, there are some absolute nutrition “no-no’s” that can leave you gassy, bloated, or struggling to stay awake. On the other hand, choosing some of the following 11 foods will get your brain and body into the right mood, setting you up for a great night of amazing sex. Here is a quick sneak peak of the best and worst foods for sex.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Planning a romantic dinner for your date night? If you’re hoping to create some heat under the sheets don’t eat these mojo-killers and dish up these libido-boosting foods instead. Here are the best — and worst — foods for sex.

Experts will all tell you that setting the right atmosphere for romance is key. It sets the mood for your entire night.

In fact, your brain is your most powerful sexual organ, and the food choices you make can literally make or break your night.

If you’re looking to create romance, there are some absolute nutrition “no-no’s” that can leave you gassy, bloated, or struggling to stay awake.

On the other hand, choosing some of the following 11 foods will get your brain and body into the right mood, setting you up for a great night of amazing sex.

Here is a quick sneak peak of the best and worst foods for sex.

11 Best Foods for Sex

1. Oysters

Oysters have long been considered one of nature’s most potent aphrodisiacs.

Legendary 18th century lover boy Casanova is said to have eaten three dozen every morning to maintain his stamina, while traditional medicine men centuries ago wrote that it “stirs up desire in both men and women.”

Libido-boosting oysters are loaded with zinc that acts directly on the testes and ovaries to stimulate testosterone production.

A half-dozen oysters provides a whopping three times the recommended daily allowance, supporting optimal sex hormone production. They’re also naturally rich in electrolytes, iron, selenium and vitamins B3 and B12.

2. Mussels

Yep, more shellfish. Another nutritional powerhouse, mussels are one of the most amazing foods for sex: chock-full of vitamin C to promote better blood flow for endurance, selenium to keep your swimmers strong, and trace mineral manganese, which is important for sex hormone production.

Twenty mussels will also provide a whopping 40 g of protein and your daily serving of vitamin B12. It’s also always great to pick “shared dishes” when trying to set the mood for romance.

3. Dark Chocolate

A staple of ancient Aztec kings’ diets, chocolate is said to have potent libido-enhancing properties. Dark chocolate is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, the building block for “happy” neurotransmitter serotonin, which also acts on the brain to support sexual arousal.

Chocolate is also a great source of magnesium, which upgrades vascular flow, libido-boosting zinc, powerful antioxidants, and cocoa flavanols that boost cognitive performance.

Finishing your romantic dinner with a dark chocolate dessert is a no-brainer.

4. Unpasteurized Honey

The godfather of medicine, Hippocrates, is believed to have used honey as a sexual tonic to increase arousal and sexual vigor. Unpasteurized honey supports “good” gut bacteria, has plenty of B-vitamins for energy, and is a slow-burning sugar, which means you won’t hit a blood sugar low at the wrong time.

5. Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens contain a high concentration of dietary nitrates, nutrients which significantly improve athletic endurance and performance.

You don’t have to be an athlete to reap the benefits of dietary nitrates, as they help stimulate the release of nitric oxide (NO), not to be confused with nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas).

Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator that dramatically improves blood flow, something that typically comes in handy in the bedroom.

Drugs like Sildenafil Citrate (i.e. Viagra) work on the same principle, increasing nitric oxide production and thus relaxing smooth muscle. Get your nitric oxide dose with dinner, rather than a bottle!

6. Beets

Beets are another one of the top foods for sex, as they have a phenomenal source of dietary nitrates. Go for the beet salad for your appetizer!

7. Goji Berries

Vitamin C is essential for the health of the smooth muscle in the body.  It also helps stimulate the release of nitric oxide (to a lesser degree than beets and dark leafy greens), which improves blood flow to all areas of the body, including the testes and ovaries.

8. Turkey Breast

The amino acid arginine is also a precursor to the production of NO, and turkey is a fantastic source of dietary arginine. It is a common supplement used by weightlifters to increase the “pump” from working out, however, your diet is the best place to get your daily dose of arginine. A 6-oz serving of turkey provides about 3,000 mg of arginine that boosts blood flow throughout the body.

9. Halibut

Omega-3 fatty acids promote sexual arousal by increasing dopamine levels, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter in the brain, making fish among the top foods for sex. Anecdotal evidence also suggests women may experience stronger and more plentiful orgasms with omega-3 rich foods.

While salmon is the most common go-to fish for omega-3 fats, halibut is also loaded with omega-3s, electrolytes, and selenium.

10. Avocado

Smooth, silky, and just darn tasty, avocados aren’t just great for your health, they can also help support optimal libido.

A terrific source of magnesium, a key mineral involved in over 300 different reactions in the body, avocados give you your daily dose to keep blood flow moving to all the right places.

11. Brazil Nuts

Studies show that low levels of selenium dramatically impact sperm quality and number in men. The best dietary source of selenium is Brazil nuts. Aim for 2-3 per day to get your daily dose.

5 Worst Foods for Sex

Nothing stops the romance quicker than digestive distress; gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort are all surefire libido killers and should be avoided at all costs.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common offenders.

1. Ice Cream

While some may consider ice cream an aphrodisiac, an overwhelming majority of the population suffers from lactose or casein intolerance, or incomplete digestion, which means the “bad” bacteria in the gut react to the partially-digested proteins and sugars.

This leads to malodorous gas that will definitely leave your libido stuck in neutral.

2. Beans

Beans contain a carbohydrate called raffinose that is poorly broken down by the most people, and the main reason why beans regularly cause gas, bloating, and discomfort.

This can be a problem for vegetarians and vegans who rely on beans and legumes to make up their protein intake. Steer clear of the bean salad on your next date night.

3. Sugary Drinks

Bad bacteria in the gut thrive on simple sugars. While it may seem like a nice way to start your meal with sugary cocktail or rum and coke, sugary drinks are a disaster for anyone with a sensitive stomach.

Not only that, you don’t want to come down from your sugar high in a blood sugar “coma” or worse yet, “hangry” for food when the mood is about to strike.

4. Pasta & Cheese

The combination of gluten and dairy can be a real “gut buster” for a lot of people. While going out for a nice, romantic meal at an Italian restaurant can be fantastic, just make sure your significant other doesn’t suffer from any dairy or gluten issues, otherwise it’s going to be a long ride home.

5. Beer

The hops in beer are classified as a nervine in herbal medical textbooks, which means they help you unwind and relax your nervous system. This can be a great thing if you’re hoping to get lucky.

Unfortunately, the yeasts in beer can feed the bad bacteria in your gut, leading to significant gas and bloating. If you know you react to beer or gluten-containing foods, steer clear when you’re trying to set the right mood.

If you want to create the right mood for romance, don’t forget that the foods you choose will have a big impact on how you think and feel. Your brain is the ultimate arousal organ, so support the right mood and boost your libido by finding the right mix of foods to make up your perfect plate.

Watch this video – Best Foods to Get Harder Erections That Last Longer (Top 10 ) | Jose Barber

Written by Dr. Marc Bubbs

Author Bio:

Dr. Marc Bubbs, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Strength Coach, Author, Speaker, and Blogger practicing in Toronto, Canada. He believes that diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors have the most profound impact on your overall health and performance. Marc is the author of The Paleo Project – A 21st Guide to Looking Leaner, Getting Stronger, & Living Longer and currently serves as the Sports Nutrition Lead for Canadian Men’s Olympic Basketball Team.

Kelsey Alea, is a certified nutritional therapist at PaleoHacks. She is the author of the Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook. The cookbook features 80 mouth-watering Keto slow cooker recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. It is a perfect cookbook for those who want to indulge, save time in the kitchen, and stay in ketosis.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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