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Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Get Your Protein from Vegetarian Foods - Here, we have put together a list of popular vegetarian food picks that are packed with the essential proteins you need. We have classified them into food groups, along with the recommended serving and the corresponding amount of protein they provide.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

If you’ve gone or are thinking of going vegetarian, the most common objection you’ve received could be regarding your protein source.

It’s popular belief that people who steer clear of meat and other animal products, such as eggs, milk, cheese, and other dairy items, don’t get enough of the required protein (to build muscle).

A few basic facts

Amino acids are considered the basic building blocks of protein, and there are 20 of them that can be found either in the human body or in the foods we eat.

Amino acids link together to form large protein molecules known as peptides, which further link up to form the actual proteins.

Different proteins are responsible for the different processes that take place in the human body. To keep healthy, we need to make sure we have all 20 amino acids on a regular basis.

It’s a good thing we need not worry about 11 of them, which are already manufactured by chemicals in our body. All we need to pay attention to are the nine essential amino acids that the body does not make. Instead, we get these from the foods we eat.

What comprises amino acids, and why they are vital to the human body?

Amino acids are a group of organic molecules consisting of a basic amine group (one nitrogen and two hydrogen atoms), an acidic carboxyl group (one carbon, two oxygen, and one hydrogen atoms), and an organic side chain that is unique to each amino acid.

A combination of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, and/or oxygen comprise these side chains. What makes one amino acid unique from the other is the configuration of these elements.

Isoleucine, leucine, and valine are branched-chain amino acids responsible for the structure of our muscles.

Aromatic amino acids such as tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan have a ring-shaped side chain and are essential for manufacturing serotonin and melatonin.

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for sending messages between nerve cells and is quite vital for healthy and restful slumber.

In addition to modulating appetite, metabolism, and sexuality, serotonin also helps elevate the mood and prevent mood swings.

On the other hand, melatonin is a pervasive neurotransmitter-like compound that is quite valuable in the biological and physiologic regulation of circadian rhythms or the interior body clock.

Melatonin is also known as a potent antioxidant that safeguards nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Lysine is one of nine essential amino acids required for growth and tissue repair. Specifically, it helps in the absorption and conservation of calcium, as well as the production of collagen.

A deficiency in lysine can manifest in a number of ways: nausea, dizziness, fatigue, agitation, poor appetite, anemia, and delayed growth. Additionally, kidney stones and reproductive disorders are often associated with a lack of lysine in the diet.

Athletes and fitness buffs who frequently engage in strenuous workouts, as well as vegetarians who adopt a macrobiotic diet, are highly susceptible to lysine deficiencies or disorders.

Is soy a healthy source of non-animal protein?

Just as many great things have been attributed to soy, there is also growing concern over whether a soy-rich diet can truly benefit one’s health.

It has long been said that soy is rich in isoflavones that help guard against a wide range of diseases and encourage optimum health. Isoflavones are plant-derived compounds capable of exerting estrogen-like effects.

For this reason, they are classified as a type of phytoestrogen, which can compete at estrogen receptor sites to block the stronger forms that the body produces naturally.

Advocates claim that this can greatly lower one’s risk of heart disease and breast or prostate cancer. Furthermore, this also helps alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and slow down or even reverse osteoporosis.

On the other hand, you will also come across other scientific reports claiming that excessive consumption of soy and soy-based products can actually be dangerous to one’s health. Here are the main points of this claim:

  • Genistein and daidzein, the two major phytoestrogens in soy, may actually stimulate existing breast cancer growth.
  • Soy contains phytates, which can inhibit the body’s ability to absorb minerals.
  • Enzyme inhibitors present in soy can slow down protein digestion.
  • Soy also contains hemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells (erythrocytes) to agglutinate or clump together. When blood cells are clustered, they cannot absorb and distribute oxygen efficiently to the tissues, a process which is vital to optimum heart health.

As you can see, there exists a great deal of conflicting claims regarding the benefits and downsides of consuming soy.

It is our assessment that you’ll be on the safer side when you don’t rely heavily on soy or soy-related products to fulfill the larger part of your protein requirements.

Top vegetarian protein sources you can add to your diet

Of course, we won’t leave you at a loss regarding the best alternative protein sources, especially when seeking vegetarian options.

Below, we have put together a list of popular vegetarian food picks that are packed with the essential proteins you need. We have classified them into food groups, along with the recommended serving and the corresponding amount of protein they provide.

Vegetables and Fruits

  • Apricots, dried (1/2 cup) — provides 190 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Asparagus (1/2 cup) — provides 20 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Brussel sprouts (1 cup) — provides 65 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Broccoli (1 cup) — provides 52 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Corn, yellow canned (2/3 cup) — provides 80 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Cow peas (2 oz.) — provides 74 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Lima beans (4 oz.) — provides 88 calories and 5 grams of protein
  • Navy beans (4 oz.) — provides 88 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Peas (4 oz.) — provides 108 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Peaches, dried (1/2 cup) — provides 185 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Potato, skin-on (1 medium) — provides 161 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Spinach, chopped (1 cup) — provides 65 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Soy beans (1 oz.) — provides 35 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Sun-dried tomatoes (1 oz.) — provides 72 calories and 4 grams of protein

Special note: Only a few vegetables contain all essential amino acids.

Dairy Products

  • Egg (1 whole) — provides 77 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Egg whites (from 1 whole egg) — provides 16 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Cheddar cheese (1 oz.) — provides 113 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Cottage cheese, 2% low-fat (1 cup) — provides 163 calories and 28 grams of protein
  • Feta cheese (1/2 cup) — provides 200 calories and 21 grams of protein
  • Gouda cheese (1 oz.) — provides 100 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Mozzarella cheese (1 oz.) — provides 71 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Parmesan cheese (1 oz.) — provides 116 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Provolone cheese (1 oz.) — provides 98 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Ricotta cheese, low—fat (1/2 cup) — provides 171 calories and 14 grams of protein
  • Romano cheese (1 oz.) — provides 108 calories and 9 grams of protein
  • Swiss cheese (1 oz.) — provides 100 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Milk (1 cup) — provides 137 calories and 10 grams of protein
  • Yogurt, low-fat (1 cup) — provides 137 calories and 14 grams of protein

Special note: Dairy products contain all essential amino acids and are mostly high in lysine.

Nuts and Seeds

  • Almonds, roasted (1 oz.) — provides 171 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Cashew nuts (1 oz.) — provides 164 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Black walnuts (1 oz.) — provides 173 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Flax seeds (1 tbsp.) — provides 100 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Hemp seeds (2 tbsp.) — provides 160 calories and 11 grams of protein
  • Peanuts, shelled (1 oz.) — provides 160 calories and 7 grams of protein
  • Pine nuts (1 oz.) — provides 190 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Pistachios (1 oz.) — provides 161 calories and 6 grams of protein
  • Pumpkin or squash seeds (1 oz.) — provides 126 calories and 5 grams of protein
  • Sunflower seeds (1 oz.) — provides 166 calories and 5 grams of protein

Special note: Nuts and seeds are usually low in lysine.

Breads, Cereal, Grains, and Pasta

  • Bread, oatmeal (1 slice) — provides 73 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Bread, pita white enriched (4” diameter) — provides 77 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Bread, pita whole wheat (4” diameter) — provides 74 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Bread, pumpernickel (1 slice) — provides 65 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Bread, rye (1 slice) — provides 83 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Bread, reduced-calorie white (1 slice) — provides 48 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Bread, white (1 slice) — provides 67 calories and 2 grams of protein
  • Bread, whole wheat (1 slice) — provides 69 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Buckwheat (1 oz.) — provides 96 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Bulgur, dry (1 oz.) — provides 96 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Couscous, dry (1 oz.) — provides 105 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Egg noodles, dry (1 oz.) — provides 219 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Millet, raw (1 oz.) — provides 106 calories and 3 grams of protein
  • Oats (1 oz.) — provides 109 calories and 5 grams of protein
  • Oat bran (1 oz.) — provides 59 calories and 5 grams of protein
  • Rice, white cooked (1 cup) — provides 194 calories and 4 grams of protein
  • Rice, brown, long-grain cooked (1 cup) — provides 216 calories and 5 grams of protein
  • Spaghetti, whole wheat (2 oz.) — provides 198 calories and 8 grams of protein
  • Wheat flour (1 oz.) — provides 95 calories and 4 grams of protein

Special note: Foods from the grains group are also mostly low in lysine.

For more ideas on how to get your protein from vegetarian foods, watch this video - Top 10 Vegetarian Protein Sources

Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Get Your Protein from Vegetarian Foods



Bikini Competition Prep Guide – Here are the top ten things you should look into when considering joining a bikini competition. Keep each of them in mind so you can set out on the right foot for your very first contest prep.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

So you’ve just hit the gym and taken part in a 12-week fitness challenge to cut the fat, build some muscle, and get that toned physique. Bodybuilding isn’t for the faint of heart.

We’re pretty sure you’re in for some incredible transformation, so why not take it a step further and take part in a bikini competition?

It can be a win-win situation for you — getting that toned look will take a great deal of hard work, and the competition will undoubtedly be a high motivational factor. Besides, why not flaunt it when you’ve got it?

Of course, just like any other new challenge, there will be growing pains in the beginning. Some can be painful enough to make you quit. But don’t get overwhelmed by the obstacles that come up along the way.

Instead, look at them as opportunities to learn and master the ropes. With dedication, hard work, and the right diet, no doubt you’ll be reaping the rewards that await you down the road.

At this point, we are sure there are many unanswered questions in your mind. We’ve rounded up the top ten things you should look into when considering joining a bikini competition.

Keep each of them in mind so you can set out on the right foot for your very first contest prep.

1. Find a purpose for joining the bikini competition.

A target or a goal sets anything straight and gives you the right direction. This is the first thing you should do when thinking of joining a bikini competition. You have to have a purpose besides just winning.

It’s really beyond your control how your competitors will perform or how the judges will mark their score cards. Focus on yourself instead and what you wish to accomplish other than emerging on top of the race.

This can be anything from simply losing weight and toning up, to establishing your name as a trainer or fitness pro. You could be doing it just for the fun, but that in itself is a clearly defined purpose.

You will eventually see that having a purpose will help you get through the low points, especially when contest preps turn out to be a rollercoaster ride.

Competition prep will take a lot out of you, both physically and emotionally, so make sure you’re in the right state of mind before taking the leap.

2. Choose a plant-based diet plan you can stick with.

What you eat and when you eat it matters more than ever when you’re training for competition. Nutrition knowledge is a key component of bodybuilding and vital to your success on stage.

Many bikini competitors have found success with vegetarian and vegan bodybuilding meal plans that are packed with plant-based protein. Meat-free diets don’t weigh competitors down, and improve aesthetics by not adding bulk in the wrong places.

But ultimately, you need to choose a diet plan that gives you a competitive edge and also works with your lifestyle.

Leading up to the days of competition prep, many healthy women still enjoy an occasional weekend indulgence, like a late-night slice of pizza or glass of wine.

But those indulgences will have to stop as you get closer to the big day, and these types of lifestyle changes will undoubtedly cut into your social life.

So many of our interactions with friends and family are built around food, but sacrifices will need to be made during prep time. Stick to five or six lean meals per day and prepare meals in advance for the upcoming week with weighed portions on a food scale.

According to Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition research, a competitor’s caloric intake should be at a level that results in bodyweight losses of about 0.5 to 1 percent per week to maximize muscle retention.

Research also shows that meals with 0.4-0.5 g/kg bodyweight of protein before and after resistance training maximizes the benefits of nutrient timing and frequency.

In terms of supplementation, creatine monohydrate, caffeine, and beta-alanine have shown beneficial effects for contest preparation.

Pre-competition carbohydrate loading toward the end of preparation has shown promising results to improve appearance in research studies as well.

But remember, strict diets, rapid weight loss, and quick muscle gain can put serious strains on the body. So listen to what yours is telling you and never cross the line over to unhealthy dieting practices or starving or dehydrating yourself for perceived gains.

3. Join the right group.

Being with the right people matters a great deal when you’re thinking competition level. Because you are an amateur, it can help to become a member of a respected organization.

Examples of these are the International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA), World Beauty Fitness and Fashion (WBFF), and the National Physique Committee (NPC), which is the largest among the three.

Do a bit of homework to learn about their rules and regulations. You’ll also come across vital information such as how frequently they run competitions near your area.

That can help you decide which of these organizations comes closest to matching your fitness goals. Also, keep in mind that competitive organizations come with membership fees even if you never compete, which tend to be between $50 and $150 per year.

4. Don’t obsess over imperfections.

Many women are hesitant to take the plunge into the competition world simply because they have a few scars or stretch marks.

It’s unheard of to meet a bikini competitor who doesn’t have at least a few imperfections that she’s embarrassed about and trying to hide. Although bikini competitor professionals may look perfect, just remember that they’re not.

There are multiple definitions of beauty and femininity that lead competitors to find success.

In the end, your spray tan will cover a lot, and your physique will still shine through, regardless of whatever imperfection you’re hiding. Not every judge is looking for a cookie-cutter image of last year’s winner.

If you’ve put the work into your physique and all the little details that make a bikini competitor stand out, no scar or stretch mark can get in the way of that.

5. Attend local competitions.

Be an observer first at a local show. Better yet, attend a series of local competitions held by different organizations to gauge the value and quality of each event. This will largely help you decide which competitions are worth taking part in.

Interact with both competitors and organizers to get objective feedback. You can’t lose anything by asking the right questions.

Be particularly observant of competition procedures — it pays to take heed of the poses you need to strike or even how lighting can affect the way you look from the viewpoint of the judges and audience.

That way, you won’t need to deal with unexpected surprises when it’s time for you to compete in your very first event.

6. Get a coach. Period.

A competition coach has all the experience and exposure that are vital to your contest preparations, so it can be a smart move to hire one. However, don’t make the mistake of hiring the first coach you meet at the gym.

Ask around for referrals: your association or competitors can be the best source of information regarding a good local coach.

When talking to a potential coach, look deeper into their training philosophies. They should be in consonance with yours. Get feedback from previous clients and prepare a list of questions to ask when you finally sit down to discuss training matters.

If it’s your first time to ever join a competition, we suggest you hire a veteran coach who does one-on-one training. As you gain more experience later on, you can make do with an online coach.

Many first-time competitors aren’t sure where to look for a coach, but in this digital modern age, it’s easier than ever to get connected with a coach whose mission aligns with yours.

A quick internet search will yield lots of results, but make sure to read reviews so you don’t fall victim to a scam.

Whether you find someone online or through word of mouth, make sure to talk with former clients and set up an interview with the coach before committing to ask questions and gauge the trainer’s personality and approach.

Cost is one of the biggest barriers to entering a bikini competition for the first time. If you’re on a tight budget, you may need to cut some corners, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t be competitive.

As you’ll see in our cost breakdown that follows, hiring a coach is often the single highest expense associated with entering a bikini competition.

As an alternative to going this traditional route, you can start with a long-distance coach that offers an affordable rate, as long as you already have a high level of motivation and discipline.

7. Compound workouts and vary exercises that target key muscles.

Whether you’re working with a personal trainer or hitting the gym solo, you’ll quickly learn that the workouts you do to train for a bikini competition are different from other workouts you may be used to.

For example, you can enhance the physique of your butt by targeting lower back muscles. That’s why back extensions should be on every bikini competitor’s workout list. There’s a saying in bikini competition prep that “it’s all about the glutes.”

This means lots of squats with good form, using heavy weights, frequent glute training, and keeping cardio limited.

Overall, the desired look for a bikini competition is lean and firm physique with excellent proportion, symmetry, balance, shape, and skin tone.

A personal trainer can set you on the right track for targeting your workouts, and so can simply talking with other current and former bikini competitors.

To accommodate change in your diet, such as phasing out heavy meat products in favor of healthier vegetarian foods, you may also need to adjust your workouts to cater to fluctuating energy levels.

8. Learn about competition hair, makeup, and jewelry.

Many women get so wrapped up in their workouts and diet that they forget about the little things (here’s a great resource). But in competition, it’s the little things that set you apart from the crowd.

Hair, makeup, and jewelry are more than just afterthoughts, and they really do matter when you’re on stage.

The prevailing hair trends are long and straight, but a spiky pixie cut can accentuate your features and draw more attention to your face. The important thing is to find a cut that flatters you and suits your facial structure, regardless of the length and color.

Try out multiple hair styles under stage lighting and take lots of photos. Frizzy hair tends to show up more under the bright lights, so consider getting a pre-competition Brazilian blowout or spray with smoothing gloss right before going on stage.

It’s a smart idea to hire a competition makeup artist for your first competition and then borrow their techniques. If you’re on a budget, there are plenty of YouTube videos on competition stage makeup application to check out too.

One essential tip is to make sure that your base makeup isn’t too light or it’ll look pale compared to your body tan.

Less is more when it comes to stage jewelry, but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in the glitz and glamor of being on stage with detailed touches that aren’t distracting.

But ultimately, these are all things that are best learned by women who have lived them, not by reading an article. This is where joining the right group and getting to know other local competitors really comes into play.

9. Adopt a bodybuilding competition attitude.

Strong and confident women defy outdated stereotypes that their gender is fragile, weak, and limited.

A study published last year in the Sociology of Sport Journal aimed to investigate how female fitness competitors perceive and negotiate the expectations of idealized femininity.

Rippling muscles and on-stage confidence have been traditionally deemed masculine traits, leading female competitors to compensate for “lost” femininity in their attitudes, gestures, poses, makeup, hairstyles, and jewelry.

The survey yielded contradictory results about the balance between female muscularity and femininity, but the important takeaway is to be true to yourself.

If you pretend to be someone you’re not under the bright lights on stage, the judges will see right through it and you’ll lose sight of your purpose that led you to compete in the first place.

But with that said, the competition world is filled with criticism and disapproval, and you’ll need to adopt a competition mindset to roll with the punches and take the good with the bad.

By nature, athletic competitions cause both anxiety and arousal because of their uncertain outcomes, creating a hormonal response that bikini competitors must be prepared for.

Competition is no place for women with who are hypersensitive or easily offended. However, a positive attitude will take you that extra mile once you’ve put the hard work into your body.

10. Bring your wallet.

Most first-time competitors think that just because physique competitions don’t involve expensive equipment like most other sports do, the costs to join one can be negligible. However, all the little expenses can add up and hit you with sticker shock.

Sitting down to draft a budget and make sure you include every little bit of expense that comes with both pre-contest preparations and the actual competition.

We talked to a significant number of seasoned bikini competitors, who have provided us with a rundown of typical expenses* you can incur when training for and participating in an amateur competition:

*These are simply approximations, costs may vary.

  • Hiring a competition coach: $500-900
  • Personal trainer: $50-100 per month
  • Competitive organization annual membership fee: $50-$150
  • Gym membership: $40-75 per month
  • NPC competitor’s card: $120
  • Contest registration: $100
  • Hotel (if you’re away from home): $100/night
  • Travel (rental car, plane ticket): $400
  • Competition prep food: $75 per week
  • Pre-competition supplements: $100-300
  • Suit: $350-1,000
  • Competition jewelry: $20-100
  • Heels: $40-90
  • Tan: $150
  • Makeup/hair: $200
  • Waxing, exfoliating, facial, mani/pedi, hair color: $300-500
  • Posing classes: $50 per hour
  • Suit glue: $5-10
  • Admission tickets for your supporters: $35-50/person
  • Stage photos: $100-250

The costs could go down as you join competition after competition because you won’t need to buy new items for every competition. Other savings can come in the form of discounts, room sharing, and even sponsorships.

You may also be able to cut costs by renting a suit, enlisting the help of friends who have personal training knowledge, doing your own hair and makeup, and doing multiple layers of tanning at the stand-up machines at affordable tanning salons.

For more topics related to bikini competition prep guide, watch this video - Bikini Competition Guide - EVERYTHING YOU MUST KNOW

Bonus Tip: Know Your Judges


“This is my greatest ‘insider’ tip. Know who will be judging at your event, and who the head judge will be; this can be an invaluable tool. Judging can be entirely subjective. While one judge may prefer a softer more feminine physique with a more flirtatious look and more movement, another judge may prefer a harder physique with slightly more visible musculature and a more professional routine. If you’re serious about competing, know your judges and their preferences. Ask via word-of-mouth, or view the galleries and videos of past winners to give you a hint.” —Dr. Brandy Segura is an NPC bikini competitor, NPC judge, former physician, personal trainer, fitness writer, and mother of two.


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Bikini Competition Prep Guide


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Plant Foods for Bodybuilding - 7 Plant Foods Athletes Should Be Eating


Plant Foods for Bodybuilding – Plant-based foods provide superior nutrition to enhance performance, energy, stamina, and recovery in natural and efficient ways. Here are 7 plant foods athletes should be eating

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Make no mistake, plant foods can give you an edge on the field, in the gym, or wherever your life takes you!

Performance and recovery are top concerns on any athlete’s mind.

Although your workouts drive your intensity to be competitive, the foods you eat help you get the most from these workouts every single day.

Eating the wrong foods at the wrong times can severely impact your performance, so it’s essential to get the right balance of energy, carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

It’s a common misconception that athletes’ bodies require meat to function at their highest level.

Plant-based foods provide superior nutrition to enhance performance, energy, stamina, and recovery in natural and efficient ways.

And by no means do you have to become vegetarian to get the benefits described here. Simply incorporate more plants (especially these plant foods) into your diet to gain a competitive edge. Here are seven plant foods worth considering:


The ultra-versatile soybean is an enduring champion of powerful plant foods. Whether you consume chickpeas, hummus, tofu, or soy milk, these little beans are essential for every athlete. A half cup of soybeans has 11 grams of protein to fuel your workouts with just 127 calories per serving.

The isoflavones in soy products have been also linked to increased cardiovascular health, which is important for all athletes. Soy does this by lowering LDL concentrations in the body and improving vessel elasticity. So not only can soybeans give you the energy you need to perform, but they can also keep your heart pumping the way it’s supposed to.

And don’t worry about the hype about soy and estrogen unless you plan to consume copious amounts of this stuff all day long. The bottom line is, clinical studies don’t support this fear.


Seitan has an incredibly high percentage of calories derived from protein: 70 percent! A half cup of seitan contains 31.5 grams of protein and just 180 calories, making it one of the best foods for athletes.

This plant-based food is essentially wheat gluten, the protein part of wheat that makes bread rise. You can actually make your own homemade seitan without spending a great deal of time or money. If you’re new to seitan, try this seitan stir-fry with black bean garlic sauce recipe below.


  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 1 ounce dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine or sake
  • 2 tablespoons black bean garlic sauce (such as Lee Kum Kee)
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil, divided
  • 2 cups thinly sliced drained seitan (about 8 ounces)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
  • 4 cups (2-inch) cut green beans (about 1 pound)
  • 2 cups hot cooked brown rice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Cilantro sprigs (optional)

How to Make It

Step 1

Combine 2 cups boiling water and mushrooms in a small bowl; cover and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain in a colander over a bowl, reserving 1/2 cup soaking liquid. Rinse mushrooms; drain well. Discard mushroom stems; thinly slice mushroom caps.

Step 2

Combine reserved liquid, rice wine, black bean sauce, and cornstarch in a small bowl; stir with a whisk, and set mixture aside.

Step 3

Heat 1 tablespoon canola oil in a large nonstick skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add seitan to pan, and stir-fry 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Place seitan in a medium bowl.

Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic and ginger to pan; stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add mushrooms and beans; cover and cook 3 minutes. Add black bean sauce mixture to pan; cook 1 minute or until sauce slightly thickens. Add seitan to pan; cook 1 minute, stirring occasionally. Combine rice and salt; serve seitan mixture over rice. Garnish with cilantro sprigs, if desired.


Similar to seitan in its nutrition advantages and culinary applications, a half cup of tempeh offers athletes 15.5 grams of protein for just 160 calories. Tempeh is nothing more than fermented and cooked soybeans, but it’s even more nutritional than tofu due to the process by which it’s made.

Another benefit of eating tempeh is that it encourages digestion and the absorption of nutrients in your body, especially calcium and magnesium, which are key nutrients for athletic performance.

According to one study, “Nutritional Implications of Vegetarian and Its Potential Impact on Athletic Performance,” published in the Journal of Biochemical Sciences, meat alternatives, like tempeh, can increase energy levels in athletes.

Tempeh is a high-quality protein that provides all the amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis. No animal products or questionable supplement powders necessary!


If you’re an athlete, you should be eating lentils – simple as that. Lentils are low on the glycemic index, which is great for athletes who do endurance exercises like marathon training and long-distance cycling.

Melinda M. Manore, PhD, RD, FACSM wrote in her article, “Using Glycemic Index to Improve Athletic Performance,” that “consuming moderate and low GI foods may also play a role in sport because these foods slowly allow glucose to enter the bloodstream. For example, it has been shown that moderate GI foods fed before endurance exercises actually help prevent the fall in blood glucose observed during 90 minutes of exercise compared to higher GI foods.”

Other plant-based low GI foods include pears, chickpeas, cashew, apricots, plums, and apples. Check out the Macalester College Glycemic Index for Athletes to learn more about how carbohydrates play a role in athletic performance.

Lima Beans

Lima beans are low in calories (108.5 in a ½ cup) and high in protein (7.5 grams), making them a perfect addition to any athlete’s diet. Not only are they high in protein, but also iron.

Athletes, female ones in particular, are at a heightened risk of iron deficiency due to excessive sweating and repetitive stress. According to the Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Volleyball, iron deficiencies can lead to poor performance and fatigue.

A half cup of cooked lima beans has two milligrams of iron, compared to only 1.2 milligrams in 100 grams of white meat chicken and 1.4 milligrams in dark meat chicken.

However, the book’s authors warn that iron absorption from plant-based foods can be inhibited by drinking high amounts of coffee, tea, milk, and soda. Make sure to limit your intake of these foods while training to get the most out of your lima beans.


Plant-based diets are inherently lower in sodium than meat-heavy diets, and low dietary sodium combined with sweating can result in muscle cramps and stiffness. The body’s sodium requirements increase with higher levels of physical activity. Every athlete experiences soreness from time to time, but vegetarians and vegan athletes are especially prone to this condition.

Athletes often experience low calcium levels during periods of hard training, as well. When the muscles contract during a workout, calcium is used up, especially in large muscles, like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus maximus.

Almonds are an ideal plant-based food to solve both sodium and calcium deficiencies in the body and fuel your workouts. Almonds are also high in protein and the types of healthy fats that sustain energy during a gym session or competition. A cup of almonds contains 20 grams of protein, 47 grams of total fat, a milligram of sodium, and 25 percent of your daily calcium.


Another great plant food to boost recovery is spinach. This leafy green is packed with iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins to soothe sore muscles and get them back to their normal level of functioning.

Vegetarians and vegans who have low iron levels can really benefit from the iron content in spinach because it’s challenging to refuel iron stores when you’re intensely training.

The more active you are, the more iron your body needs, especially if you engage in constant impact activities like running. It takes a while to build iron stores back up, so a diet with frequent servings of spinach can restore bodily iron to optimum levels … no matter how much you sweat.

Stamina-Enhancing Vegan Foods

Feeling low on energy? Also add these foods into your diet to boost stamina.

  • Black beans
  • Hemp seeds
  • Raisins
  • Dates
  • Quinoa
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Goji berries

Recovery-Boosting Vegan Foods

These are other great foods that reduce inflammation after workouts, boost recovery, and get you back at it in no time.

  • Bananas
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Legumes

Power Up with Plants

Whoever says that plants can’t foster and fuel maximum athletic performance is simply misinformed. These are just seven of the many powerful meatless foods that can take your game to the next level.

Don’t let food drag you down and hinder your potential. Power up with plants and see what difference it can make in the gym, in competition, and in life.

For more ideas about plant foods for bodybuilding, watch this video - The Best Vegan Diet For Bodybuilding

Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Plant Foods for Bodybuilding


How to Lose Fat as Fast as Possible by Eating Plants


How to Lose Fat as Fast as Possible by Eating Plants - There is a right way to do it, and a fast one at that. In this article, we’ll get down to the details of a how a reduced carb, high-protein diet can help you lose fat without the usual hunger pangs you experience with most low-carb regimens.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

With the advent of technology, we humans have gotten used to instant gratification in all aspects of our lives. While our parents and grandparents had to go to a local library or institution to search for answers to most of their questions, we’ve got Google at our fingertips.

To save time and effort, we pick instant meals and TV dinners or opt for the drive-thru lane and takeout counter at a fast-food joint.

And even when it comes to weight loss, we think we can get instant results by choosing anything that’s low-fat or sugar-free at the local supermarket and shopping for those pricey fitness gadgets advertised on TV.

Then reality strikes, and we awaken to the fact that losing weight isn’t as easy as it seems.

After a week or two of very little or no results, we’re already floored and ready to concede to the thought that some people are just luckier than others. That’s because we’ve taken the wrong approach to weight loss to begin with.

There is a right way to do it, and a fast one at that. In this article, we’ll get down to the details of a how a reduced carb, high-protein diet can help you lose fat without the usual hunger pangs you experience with most low-carb regimens.

What’s great about this approach is that your food choices will also help speed up results, preserve lean muscle, and develop a well-toned physique.

10 Things to Keep in Mind When Trying to Lose Weight Fast

1. Load up with low-carb veggies for a start.

Much of your excess weight is really water, so you need to eliminate that first. The best way to do this is to embark on a low-carb, high-veggie phase for a couple of weeks. Eliminate all simple carbs from your diet and turn to low-carb veggies like cucumber, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, and broccoli.

Doing so lessens the amount of glycogen stored in muscle tissues, so the body can eliminate excess water. You’ll be surprised at how much weight you can lose when you adopt this approach. This will also train your body to turn to fat stores for energy.

What is most important during this initial stage is that you don’t consume simple carbs like grains, bread, corn, or potatoes. Stay away from sugary foods as well, or else you’ll have to start from square one.

Once you’ve successfully worked through the two-week period, it’s only fair to give yourself a little reward. Day 15 is cheat day, so treat yourself to whatever you want to eat! Then get back to low-carb dieting the day after, and from thereon, reward yourself every five to seven days.

Cheat days are suggested but not required. They work for most people who feel they have deprived themselves of the foods they love. So it won’t hurt to have them occasionally, as long as you don’t get into the habit of bingeing during your cheat days.

On the other hand, some individuals feel they don’t benefit much from cheat days. If they have conquered their cravings and gotten used to low-carb eating, why mess up the routine and feel guilty afterward?

Skipping cheat days is definitely fine, especially for those who are easily addicted to high-carb foods and find it difficult to get back to low-carb options.

Key Point: Follow this 14-day low-carb, high-vegetable regimen to the letter. It is designed to curb your appetite, accustom your body to turn to fat stores for energy, and set up your system for fat loss.

2. Each meal should have a good balance of veggies, protein, and fat.

Much of your success at weight loss lies in curbing your appetite without really going hungry. That means building your meals around lots of low-carb vegetables (ideally two to three cups), plus a reasonable amount of protein and beneficial fats.

This combination can really speed up fat loss due to a reduced calorie intake. So skip the pancakes, cereal, sandwiches, or bagels — they may be convenient for breakfast but not when you’re trying to lose weight.

Key Point: It may be advisable to have smaller meals more frequently through the day. That way, you keep those hunger pangs at bay. Most people find that they feel less hungry when they eat five or six smaller meals every two to three hours.

This also helps regulate insulin or cortisol hormones, which can trigger dips in your blood sugar level and cause you to crave sugary, fatty foods.

3. Opt for high-quality protein sources.

Years of research have proven that one of the most effective ways to reduce body fat is to achieve a threshold dose of 10 essential amino acids with every meal.

When preparing your meals, make sure you build them around high-quality proteins, and be sure include enough sources of protein (most plant-based proteins aren’t complete) that cover all your bases.

With high levels of amino acids per calorie, these food choices provide you with the best nutrition without making you fat.

Key Point: The recommended daily protein level is 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. This ratio has proven to work best in developing and preserving lean muscle when on a strict calorie count. As an illustration, a 160-lb individual should be receiving approximately 116 grams of protein on a daily basis.

4. Be sure to include low-carb veggies in every meal.

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy, which is why you’ll see a lot of athletes load up on carbs prior to competitions and extreme activities. That’s why you cannot totally eliminate carbs from your diet, even when you’re trying to lose weight.

The trick is to choose your carbs and restrict your daily intake to less than 50 grams. That way, your body will not depend on converted glucose from carbs for energy and will turn to your fat stores instead.

Your best bet will be low-glycemic veggies such as leafy greens — they’re highly nutritious, low in calories, and contain a lot of fiber that can help cut down your food intake.

Take your pick from these low-carb veggies: broccoli, zucchini, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, green beans, asparagus, collards, avocado, bok choy, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, turnips, garlic, and leafy greens.

Key Point: It’s vital that you go low on carbs when losing weight. The only exception to this veggies-only restriction is when you engage in extreme workouts. You can have some fruit after intense exercise: apples and berries are great since they’re low in carbs but rich in nutrients.

Those with low-fasting glucose levels (90 mg/dL or lower) may also go slightly higher in carbs. However, this condition is quite unlikely, especially among overweight individuals.

5. You will also need beneficial fats.

It must be the term “fat” itself that makes us think we’ll put on weight whenever we have it. But the total absence of fat in our diets can make us feel terribly miserable. We just have to choose the ones that are good for the body.

Everyone needs to know that a low-fat diet won’t tell your body to turn to fat stores for energy. On the contrary, increasing your fat intake while going slower on the carbs is the best-known method to ramp up your metabolism so the body burns more fat for energy and weight loss.

Fats also make food flavorful and tasty and help improve their texture. Avocado, olives, and nuts are high in beneficial fats. Make sure you also take krill oil or flax seed oil supplements as they’re rich in essential omega-3 fats DHA and EPA.

Key Point: Use saturated fats like palm oil or coconut oil when cooking at high heat as they don’t get oxidized like olive oil does. Olive oil is only recommended for low-heat cooking and is best used fresh (unheated).

6. Refined and packaged foods are a BIG no-no.

Refined and packaged foods you pick from the supermarket shelves are loaded with lots of sugars and nutritionally empty calories. They also contain processed fats and carbs, which can cause glucose spikes and cravings for foods that are high in carbs.

All these can cause you to build and store body fat that can cause weight gain. It’s best that you totally eliminate them from your diet.

Key Point: Foods are best consumed in their natural state. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, go slow on processed foods and takeouts and opt for home-cooked meals instead.

7. Steer clear of sugar and other high-glycemic foods.

We’re not only talking about cane sugar you normally use to sweeten your food and drinks, we’re also referring to the carbs that break down into glucose in your blood.

The reason why we call these foods “high-glycemic” is that they have the tendency to significantly raise blood sugar levels and cause the release of the insulin hormone. High insulin levels will usually trigger an increase in your appetite.

Insulin is also known as the fat-building and fat-storage hormone. It directs our cells to pick up glucose from the bloodstream and store it as fat for future energy source. A high-carb diet will contain large amounts of sugar, which can be quite taxing for the body.

This can lead to a state of insulin insensitivity, which slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.

Key Point: To optimize the metabolic process, cut your sugar intake drastically. The best way to do this is to eliminate ALL carbs from your diet, except those non-starchy veggies that are low in carbohydrates.

8. Skip alcohol and other caloric drinks.

Alcohol shouldn’t be in your diet if you’re attempting to lose weight the fast and healthy way. Alcohol is essentially a poison that the body has to process — it can slow down the metabolism and even worse, cause inflammation.

The same goes for caloric beverages that are packed with lots of sugar. These include juice, soda, and sports drinks. Have coffee (black), tea, or water instead, and if you need to sweeten them up, pick a natural, zero-calorie sweetener like stevia.

Key point: Once they’ve gone through the initial two-week low-carb phase, wine lovers can continue enjoying a glass or two of red wine during their high-carb cheat days. In fact, studies have shown that a glass of good red wine with your meals can enhance insulin sensitivity and lessen inflammation.

9. Adequate calorie intake is equally important.

Some people on a low-carb diet complain about lacking energy or feeling ill, and this could be due to a number of reasons: low thyroid activity from a lack of glucose, difficulty adapting to the fat-burning process, or a simple lack of calories.

A calorie deficit is essential for weight loss, but it is also important that your body continues to receive the right nutrients. Getting a bit more calories from fat seems to help people feel better.

Key Point: You might get confused with this advice to consume a bit more calories when you’re trying to cut the fat in the fastest way possible. As we pointed out before, it really depends where your calories are coming from. Beneficial fats can supply the required energy while increasing your body temperature.

This can make you burn fat faster and prevent you from feeling miserable.

10. Perform the right type of workout and get enough rest.

Just as much as your food choices will matter, so will the kind of exercise you engage in. The recommended low-carb diet we’ve detailed out in this article will definitely make you lose weight, with or without exercise. However, a good workout can ramp up the results.

It will help to engage in anaerobic training (lifting weights, strength training, and interval exercise) as this type of activity encourages protein synthesis, which is essential for preserving muscle mass.

Fat-loss diets often lead to loss of muscle, and strength training can prevent this. Anaerobic exercise enhances your metabolism and helps the body adapt to burning fat for the needed energy. This is especially important for sedentary or obese individuals who may require a catalyst for optimum fat burning.

Compared to aerobic exercises, anaerobic workouts use up a larger amount of energy and also increase post-exercise calorie burn (the amount of calories you continue to burn after a workout). The trick is to keep your workouts short but intense. You’ll burn a lot more calories that way.

Also, it is important to let your body get all the rest it needs. So be sure you get enough sleep every night.

Key Point: The type of exercise you engage in matters a lot and consistency is key. Lift weights first, then follow through with sprint interval training. Aerobic routines should come in last. Give yourself rest days in between workouts, as your body needs to recover too.

For more ideas to lose fat as fast as possible by eating plants, watch this video - 3 Ways To Lose Fat Rapidly on a Plant Based Diet

Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Lose Fat as Fast as Possible by Eating Plants


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